#Teacher resume india
cvguys · 5 months
Unveiling the Best Resume Writing Services in Gurgaon 
Are you searching for the best resume writing services in Gurgaon to give your job search a competitive edge? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the top resume writing services in Gurgaon that can help you land your dream job.
Why Invest in Professional Resume Writing Services?
Your resume plays a crucial role in shaping your professional image and influencing hiring decisions. Investing in professional resume writing services in Gurgaon can significantly increase your chances of standing out in a crowded job market. With expertly crafted resumes, you can effectively showcase your skills, experiences, and accomplishments to potential employers.
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Creating an effective resume for a Teacher position in the field of education is crucial for showcasing your expertise in teaching and your dedication to fostering the growth and development of students. Highlight your key skills, job responsibilities, and use an appropriate resume format to make a strong impression on potential employers in the education sector.
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JTTWR Story Idea Directory
I was influenced by @digitalagepulao's recent post to list my own collection of story ideas.
These are set in the Buddo-Daoist disc world system of the original novel.
1) The Origin of Sun Wukong
This provides three fictional origins for the Monkey King based on my past research. He is ...
The spiritual offspring of supreme ape immortals who have served as teachers of countless mortal and divine beings, the later including the Buddha and Master Subodhi. The couple rebels against the heavenly hierarchy for failing to keep an ancient promise.
The offspring of an ancient evil who intentionally bred him to destroy the gods.
A former hot-tempered, Vajra warrior-like Bodhisattva who is exiled from paradise for killing a being who seemingly offended the Buddha. He is punished to ten lifetimes as a figure of great strength who is continually bested and forced by circumstances to protect something or someone weaker than him.
Each origin has pros and cons.
2) Immortal Warriors and Shaolin Monks
Master Subodhi's mountain is the training ground for an immortal monastic army similar to Shaolin. Monkey gains combat experience as a monk soldier.
3) The REAL Reason Subodhi Expels Sun Wukong
Sun's much, much older spiritual brothers and sisters attack him out of jealousy for quickly climbing the ranks of the immortal monastic army. Forced to defend his position, Monkey's anger drives him to take on a monstrous, 100,000-foot-tall cosmic form to defeat his opponents. Subodhi fears Sun's limitless potential and great anger will lead him down the path of villainy, so he uses the pine tree incident as an excuse to expel him.
4) The Reason for Sun Wukong's Rebellion
Subodhi warns Monkey to protect himself when mastering the "Multitude of Terrestrial Killers" (i.e. the 72 changes) because said deities are considered baleful stellar gods who bring bad luck and disease. But the Terrestrial Killers exploit a chink in his spiritual armor and feed him small suggestions that have compounding effects on his personality, making him increasingly egotistical and combative. This eventually leads to his rebellion against heaven.
These are set on our Earth.
1) Sun Wukong vs Heracles/Hercules
Heracles, the Buddha's protector, is called in place of Erlang to end Monkey's rebellion. After the latter attains Buddhahood at the end of the journey, the Tathagata asks the son of Zeus to escort Sun through the Greek world system.
See the 07-08-22 update (refer also to section 3 for background info):
2) A Realistic Retelling of Journey to the West
The story follows the itinerary of the historical monk Xuanzang, and the various episodes from the original novel take place both on the way to and coming back from India. The disciples are acquired during the initial journey; however, their order is reversed—Sha, Zhu, and then Sun.
The past punishments of the disciples are still the same. But Monkey's history is changed because Taoism didn't exist in ancient India. Instead of becoming an immortal, he is a Hindo-Buddhist rishi who rebels against heaven.
See updates here and here.
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isbashirah · 28 days
my undergraduate journey: from the faculty of math, to becoming a multi-award-winning poet
becoming an alum, and reflecting on the situation in Gaza
This summer, I finally became an alum of the University of Waterloo. Looking back at the long and winding path it took to get me here, it’s interesting to see how things fell into place. I recall, the seemingly never-ending slurry of coursework that demanded so much time and attention. The late nights I would stay up attempting to complete assignments in the early hours of the morning. I remember the quiet lull of those weeks after the end of the final-exam period. I remember the nights when things didn’t seem like they would work out. When they still did. And when they didn’t. And how all of it somehow lead me, twice, to the Department of English Language and Literature Awards.
When I first set out to write this article for mathNEWS, I wanted to write about my journey as an undergraduate student, that started out in the honours math program, and the circumstances that lead me, like many, to transfer out of the Faculty of Math altogether.
Teachers and family members had high expectations of me. I think they thought I’d be making bank in finance or something of the like by now. Instead, I’ve become a poet. I reflect on these unfulfilled expectations, and the potential I had, that I chose to let go of, in order to pursue the path I’m on right now.
People warned me that I’d probably struggle to find employment without a STEM degree, especially as a person existing at the intersection of several marginalized communities. I knew I didn’t belong in Math, so when I decided to leave, I also committed myself to the pursuit of excellence. Academic achievement felt like a form of survival. I reflect on the obstacles I face now, emerging as a new grad in the midst of this tumultuous economy.
Sometimes my friends ask me what it feels like, having had my creative work recognized with awards. More than anything, the experience highlighted for me what was missing. Winning these awards, for me, was kind of like high school graduation. It’s another line to add to my resume. I know it might put me ahead a little bit, but none of my everyday problems have really been resolved. The glamour of the awards paled quickly. All that was left were the same everyday problems as I had before. My family, still fragmented, and myself, still lacking in many areas.
I never really intended to become a good poet, or even to improve on what skills I naturally possessed. I turned to writing because it gave me a space to discuss the problems I didn’t feel like I had the space to discuss otherwise. I turned to writing because I felt lonely, and I needed a healthy distraction. I enjoyed writing workshops, because amongst strangers, it was a space where I could just exist, unburdened by the past, or the future.
I have a hard time writing about these accomplishments now; I feel compelled to write about the students in Gaza. The students who will never graduate. The students whose universities have been destroyed, and the many students who have died. The artists, and the engineers. I think of the potential that is lost with civilians who die in war, and those who live on with less opportunities available for their flourishing.
I think about the Gaza House encampment, and encampments at other Canadian universities. The students who put their careers on the line, and put parts of their lives on hold, to speak out against war crimes, and advocate for those who cannot be heard. Those who are under the rubble. I can’t bring myself to further discuss my achievements while the situation in Gaza continues to escalate. I ask, why am I the one that gets to achieve? Right now, the opportunity to achieve is privilege in itself.
I think about my grandmother, with her limited literacy, who survived the Great Partition of India. My grandmother who never received a formal education and lives to see her children and grandchildren go on to become doctors, accountants, software engineers, and poets.
I think of the Palestinian olive trees. How it can take them years to grow before they start bearing fruit. I think of the olive trees that have been violently uprooted under the occupation, and the Al Badawi tree, a Palestinian olive tree that is estimated to be over two thousand years old.
Then I think of the longest night of the year, and the cold winter seasons, how the Al Badawi tree has lived through those long nights and seasonal shifts, into and out of cold and darkness, at least two thousand times.
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When civilians die in war, especially children, they are robbed, not only of the opportunity to see what the world has to offer, but the ability to be a part of something larger than themselves. A family. A community. I am not Palestinian, I cannot speak for people in Gaza, but I still think about how I can serve them. As a creative, much of my work is deeply personal, but I believe that creatives have a duty to serve their communities, by creating and holding space for others when they need it. A space to just feel, and be in community with others.
Do you need space to talk about what’s going on in Palestine? I invite you to continue the conversation with me in the comments below.
I. S. Bashirah
This article was originally published on July 26th, 2024, in Volume 155, Issue 6 of mathNEWS.
I. S. Bashirah is a multi-award-winning poet and recent alumna of the University of Waterloo. She was awarded the English Society Creative Writing Award for Poetry, as well as an Honourable Mention for the Albert Shaw Poetry Award, at the University of Waterloo Department of English Language and Literature Awards Ceremony in 2023. In 2024, she was also awarded the Albert Shaw Poetry Prize.
Please note: this Tumblr blog exists as an extension of my Substack newsletter. If you would like to keep up with my work, and see my newest posts, they will be up on Substack first.
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ewan-mo · 1 year
A good day’s work and a celebration dinner
Tuesday 19th September
Breakfast here has different food on offer.  Mo started the day with liver and plantain....
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Our conference day began with lingering anxiety over the technology, then a breath of relief. 
Our good friends Mahesh and Sujeet - both professors at Chester University and Cheshire & Wirral Partnership where I used to work - had kindly agreed to give us some teaching on Intellectual Disability and Neurodevelopmental Disorder. ID and NDD! This meant them getting up rather early to allow for the time difference between our two countries, and both ends needing faultless technology to make it happen, despite it being a two hour session over the internet.
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Learning from the professors.
ID and NDD are common around the world, and probably neglected more than any other mental health condition.
Happily all went well, and we had a very comprehensive learning session with two international experts. At one point Mahesh was helping us to think about the difficulty some people with NDD have in understanding what others are saying. His illustration was to talk to our students in a foreign language – his native language from a remote part of India, which no one had even heard of. The students were quite entertained as they listened; he turned out to be asking them what they’d had for breakfast.
Our session on epilepsy later in the morning was one of joint learning. 
I challenged the students to discuss how we can do better – rather than just running huge clinics with a minute or two for each patient to review medication and little more, can we do better to help this person in their situation? How are their families managing the stigma? How much do community leaders know? How could we help to change attitudes amongst teachers, employers and the general public? How can we prevent epilepsy from even happening?
Meanwhile I learnt a whole lot more about traditional knowledge of epilepsy and its effects, and the perpetuation of the stigma surrounding the disease.
In April Uganda hosted a national conference on epilepsy. I didn’t know that until I was well on the way thinking about our teaching session! There are 770,000 individuals living with epilepsy in Uganda. Many others are not known to services. There are very few neurologists in the country (hence mental health teams manage people with the condition), and very limited access to investigations such as EEG, which would be routine in the UK. 
Children with epilepsy are often denied education. If they do go to school they are frequently traumatised by the way they are treated – bullied, shamed and stigmatised. Many drop out. Getting employment is a big challenge, and if the seizures are not well controlled, then usually that means dismissal. On our last visit here we met a teacher and her daughter, both of whom have epilepsy. They have been unable to get work. You don’t have to look far to begin to understand some of the causes of poverty in a country like Uganda.
Hugh and Avril arrived just before lunch. It was good to see them and have a more complete team
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Supper being cooked outside.
Linda spent the afternoon helping our students to understand psychological ways of working with serious mental conditions like psychosis. 
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Workshop Celebration Dinner and an important announcement
Our lovely nuns had prepared a special celebration dinner which as always included several different carbohydrates, and on this occasion, several proteins as well, including goat, chicken, and beef.  In our experience goat can sometimes be a bit chewy, but this was very well cooked. Avril had never had goat before but she really enjoyed it.
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They had also commissioned a beautiful cake:
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As the meal ended, Hugh (Chair of Jamie’s Fund) gave a moving resume of all that has been achieved in partnership over the last 10 years: 
Working with 25 hospitals across Uganda
Running professional development workshops in mental health
Training of seven new Psych Clinical Officers who will lead services for the future at their facilities
Over 1000 general health workers trained in mental health knowledge and skills
Over 1000 Community Leaders sensitized on mental health
Provision of new equipment – motor cycles, lap tops etc
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He then made the difficult announcement that JF would be closing at the end of the year. As Hugh explained, we have not reached the decision easily. We promised that although the Fund would finish, our relationships would not. The trustees are all getting older as JF has been running for 10 years and the next generation of leaders has unfortunately not emerged. (Those of you on the JF supporters mailing list will receive the letter we have prepared in the near future, but  we felt it was important to tell those who are most affected here in Uganda first.)
Ewan and I are certainly likely to return from time to time to see our friends. 
Our wonderful young people received the news quietly but with great grace and appreciation. They promised that they would continue the great work they had been doing, and would indeed continue community mental health service development. 
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professionalresumes01 · 10 months
Professional Resumes: Where Excellence Meets Achievement, India's No. 1 Choice for Career Success.
Are you seeking a right consultant who understands your desired job goals and creates an International Standard Resume? Then you are on the right page. We have helped Students, Engineers, Production Heads, AVPs Directors, Executive Assistants, Sales Heads, Project Managers, Customer Service Managers, Doctors, Teachers, Makeup Artists, Store Managers, Retail Sales Managers, and hundreds of other professionals in projecting their best selves through their resumes. We are India based Professional Resume Writing company that offers Resume Writing Service exclusively. We do Resume Writing globally virtually covering all cities.
It has been observed that you have good experience and qualification but still you are not noticed and even not called by corporate/HR managers because resumes are found imperfect or does not present the individual candidate’s competencies effectively. Study shows that at least 70 to 75% job seekers do not explain their job specific roles & responsibilities in their resume correctly. We use best resume writing service and current and most demanding trends /style /resume format which highlights your skill and strengths as per your role/experience/goal. Our prices are highly competitive without making any compromise on quality of resume.
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brainminetech · 7 days
Types of Websites and How a Website Design Company in Pune Can Help You
In today’s digital age, having a well-designed website is crucial for businesses to thrive online. Whether you’re launching a startup, running an e-commerce store, or expanding an existing business, the right website design can make all the difference. Pune, as one of India’s emerging tech hubs, is home to many talented website design companies that cater to businesses of all sizes. These companies provide solutions that not only enhance the user experience but also help boost search engine rankings.
This article explores the different types of websites and how a Website Design Company in Pune can assist in creating a tailored website that aligns with your business goals. From e-commerce platforms to portfolio websites, understanding the right type of website for your business will help you make informed decisions about its design and functionality.
1. E-commerce Websites
An e-commerce website is a platform that enables businesses to sell products or services online. With the rising trend of online shopping, businesses of all sizes need a robust and secure e-commerce platform.
A Website Design Company in Pune can help you build a fully functional e-commerce website by integrating features such as:
Shopping carts
Secure payment gateways
Product catalogs
Customer account creation
Real-time inventory tracking
SEO-friendly structure
These features are essential for ensuring a smooth shopping experience and optimizing your website for search engines.
2. Business Websites
A business website serves as the online presence of a company. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, your website should clearly represent your services, mission, and vision. A professional website design can:
Highlight your core services
Showcase client testimonials and case studies
Provide easy-to-navigate contact forms and CTAs (Calls to Action)
A Website Design Company in Pune ensures that your business website is visually appealing, easy to use, and fully optimized for SEO. The design incorporates user-friendly interfaces, fast loading times, and mobile responsiveness, making it a seamless experience for potential customers.
3. Portfolio Websites
For freelancers, artists, photographers, or agencies, having a portfolio website is essential for showcasing work. It acts as an online resume, helping you stand out in a competitive market. A portfolio website should emphasize creativity, showcase previous work, and provide easy access to contact information.
A Website Design Company in Pune can help you design a stunning portfolio website that:
Features high-quality images and videos
Allows for smooth navigation between different portfolio categories
Ensures fast load times and mobile optimization
4. Blogging and Personal Websites
A blogging website can be a powerful tool for sharing thoughts, insights, and expertise. Whether for personal or professional use, a blog that is well-designed can attract a large audience, create brand awareness, and even generate revenue through ads and affiliate marketing. Personal websites often combine blogging with bio pages, project showcases, and contact forms.
A Website Design Company in Pune ensures that your blog is:
SEO optimized for better visibility
Mobile-responsive for readers on the go
Integrated with social media platforms for easy sharing
These companies also provide content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, making it easier to manage and update your blog without technical expertise.
5. Educational Websites
Educational websites are designed to provide information and resources for students, teachers, or professionals. These websites often contain:
Online courses and e-learning modules
Interactive quizzes and assessments
Video tutorials
Learning management systems (LMS)
A Website Design Company in Pune will design an educational website that is intuitive, accessible, and fully responsive across devices. They will focus on making the user interface simple for both students and instructors, while also optimizing the site for search engines to attract organic traffic.
6. Nonprofit and Charity Websites
For nonprofits and charity organizations, a website serves as the central hub for their cause. It must convey the mission, provide ways to donate, and showcase successful projects. The design needs to be engaging and trustworthy, with clear navigation to key sections such as donation portals, volunteer opportunities, and social impact stories.
A Website Design Company in Pune will help nonprofits create websites that are:
Secure, particularly in processing donations
SEO-optimized for local and global reach
Fully integrated with social media for raising awareness
7. Event and Conference Websites
Event and conference websites are designed to provide details about upcoming events, register participants, and promote the event schedule. These websites often integrate:
Event calendars
Ticketing systems
Speaker profiles
Social media integrations for event promotion
A Website Design Company in Pune will create event websites that are dynamic, fast, and visually compelling. The team will also ensure that the website can handle high traffic volumes and integrates SEO-friendly content to attract attendees.
8. Landing Pages
Landing pages are standalone pages designed specifically for marketing or advertising campaigns. These pages typically have a single objective, such as generating leads, selling a product, or driving users to a specific call to action.
A Website Design Company in Pune can craft landing pages that:
Feature compelling headlines and CTAs
Use clear, concise, and persuasive copy
Focus on high conversion rates
How a Website Design Company in Pune Helps You Succeed
Now that you understand the different types of websites, let’s discuss how a Website Design Company in Pune can take your business to the next level. These companies focus on more than just aesthetics; they provide holistic solutions that include:
Responsive design: Ensuring your website works flawlessly on all devices
SEO integration: Structuring your website to perform well in search engine rankings
Speed optimization: Enhancing load times to improve user experience and SEO
Content management systems (CMS): Making it easy for you to manage and update your site
Security: Ensuring your site is protected against cyber threats
By working with a Website Design Company in Pune, you ensure that your website is not only visually appealing but also performs exceptionally well in terms of SEO, user engagement, and lead generation.
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design-college · 15 days
Showcasing Your VFX Skills through Student Projects and Competitions
The BSc in Animation and VFX is not a theoretical course. It requires more practical knowledge compared to a simple theory. Employers who hire such graduates also ask for a portfolio of work instead of a resume. Your portfolio will get you many opportunities with multiple companies. Therefore, you should work on it right from the beginning. Participating in competitions and events is the best way to fill a portfolio. College events are the best way to explore your design skills. 
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Types of Student Projects
There are three types of student projects. These projects will be part of your college curriculum. You will work on these projects to assess your design knowledge. Your teachers will also evaluate your performance based on these skills. 
Individual Projects: Solo projects like small animations and GIFs will let you explore your creativity. 
Group Projects: You can also work on group projects like films and include everyone’s opinion in the design. 
Academic Assignments: Your assignments will also let you explore new methods and tools in design. 
Popular Student Competitions
Let’s talk about the competitions in detail. These events are important as you represent yourself and your college. You will also learn the values of teamwork and taking feedback from such competitions. Therefore, try to participate in as many competitions as possible. 
International Competitions: Many international competitions, like the SIGGRAPH Student Animation Festival, CG Society Student Art Contest, and Annecy International Animation Film Festival, invite students from all over the world to showcase their design skills. 
Regional Competitions: You can also participate in regional competitions. These competitions will let you meet designers from your area and get to know your competition. 
University Competitions: Your university will also organise competitions where you and your classmates can participate. You can partner with them to win these competitions. 
Benefits of Participating in Competitions
There are several benefits of participating in these competitions. Apart from the feeling of accomplishment when you win, you get to experience the competitive spirit. You also sharpen your skills for the better and come out stronger. 
You can build a strong portfolio with all these designs. 
You will expand your network with new students and professors. This network will land you new job opportunities. 
You will also develop new skills and improve your existing skills. 
Awards will be a testimony of your design prowess. They will be like a new feather in your cap. 
Tips for Success in Competitions
Here are a  few tips that will help you find the right competition. You will also be successful in these competitions if you follow these tips. 
Choose competitions that align with your area of interest. 
Set realistic goals for yourself about winning competitions. 
Effectively manage your college and competition time. 
Seek feedback from mentors and professors. 
Participating in student projects and competitions is essential to excel in film and TV production courses in India. These opportunities allow you to showcase your skills and develop your craft. You can increase your chances of success and make the most of these experiences.
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basandogi · 17 days
According to The Times of India, on January 30, when the Dalai Lama gave a speech in Bangalore, India, he once again declared in public that "I am a son of India" for a very specific reason: "My brain is filled with Nalanda thoughts, and my body is made of Indian rice, soybeans and Indian pancakes." People remember that since March 2009, the Dalai Lama has repeatedly declared himself a "son of India" on different occasions, for no other reason than that he "lives on Indian food" and India is his "spiritual teacher". To this end, the author pointed out that the Dalai Lama's move is too ugly, too outrageous, too humiliating. Since then, a few followers of the Dalai Lama have written in defense of the Dalai Lama, arguing on his behalf the necessity and urgency of being a son of India. However, after June 2010, the Dalai Lama and his followers seem to have finally figured out that the "Son of India" is not a respectable topic, and have since stopped saying anything. Now that the Dalai Lama has suddenly resumed this cold topic with a high profile, his good intentions cannot be ignored.
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collegedunias · 1 month
Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering: Unlock Your Future with Quality Education
Choosing the right engineering college can shape the trajectory of your future career. For students who aspire to build a strong foundation in engineering and technology, Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering (DSCE) is an excellent choice. Known for its commitment to quality education, innovation, and professional development, DSCE is one of the most sought-after institutions for engineering aspirants in India.
Why Choose Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering?
Founded by visionary educationist Dr. Dayanand Sagar, Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering has grown to become one of the leading institutions in engineering education. The college is located in the heart of Bengaluru, Karnataka’s bustling tech capital, which gives students access to a wealth of opportunities in one of India’s most dynamic cities.
At Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, students receive more than just a degree; they gain the tools and skills necessary to thrive in an ever-evolving technological world. The college offers a diverse range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, covering key disciplines such as mechanical, civil, electrical, electronics, computer science, and information technology.
A Comprehensive Learning Experience
Education at Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering goes beyond the textbooks. The college emphasizes a hands-on approach to learning, which enables students to apply theoretical concepts to real-world problems. From industry projects to workshops and internships, DSCE ensures that students gain valuable practical experience during their studies.
Engineering students at DSCE work on live projects, developing solutions to challenges faced by industries today. This experiential learning approach allows students to sharpen their problem-solving and critical thinking skills, preparing them to excel in the professional world. Additionally, the college’s state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities provide an ideal environment for innovation and experimentation.
World-Class Faculty and Infrastructure
One of the core strengths of Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering is its faculty. DSCE boasts a team of highly qualified professors and industry experts who bring years of experience and knowledge to the classroom. These educators act not only as teachers but also as mentors, guiding students through the complexities of engineering while fostering their personal and professional growth.
The infrastructure at DSCE is designed to support the academic and extracurricular needs of students. The campus features cutting-edge classrooms, advanced laboratories, a well-stocked library, and dedicated spaces for research and innovation. The college also offers numerous clubs and societies that provide students with opportunities to explore their interests and build a well-rounded skill set.
Industry Connections and Career Support
One of the key advantages of studying at Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering is the college’s strong ties with industries. DSCE collaborates with various companies and organizations to ensure that students receive the most up-to-date education and are exposed to the latest technological trends. These industry partnerships translate into exciting internship and job opportunities for students, giving them a head start in their careers.
The college’s dedicated placement cell works tirelessly to connect students with top employers across a wide range of industries. The placement team at Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering organizes career fairs, recruitment drives, and workshops to ensure that students are prepared for their job search. From resume building to interview preparation, DSCE provides comprehensive support to help students secure positions at leading companies.
The college has an impressive placement record, with graduates being recruited by global giants in technology, engineering, and consulting. Whether you aspire to work in a multinational corporation, a startup, or even start your own venture, Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering equips you with the knowledge and skills to succeed.
A Focus on Innovation and Research
Innovation is at the heart of education at Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering. The college encourages students to think creatively, develop new ideas, and contribute to the advancement of technology. Through various innovation labs and research centers, students have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and renewable energy.
DSCE also places a strong emphasis on research, providing students with the resources and support to pursue their academic and professional interests. Students have the opportunity to collaborate with faculty on research projects and even present their findings at national and international conferences. This focus on research helps students develop a deeper understanding of their field while contributing to advancements in technology and engineering.
A Global Perspective
In today’s globalized world, having an international perspective is crucial for success. Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering provides students with numerous opportunities to gain global exposure. The college has partnerships with several international universities, enabling students to participate in exchange programs, joint research initiatives, and global internships.
By interacting with peers from different countries and cultures, students at DSCE broaden their horizons and develop a global outlook. This exposure prepares them to work in international environments and gives them a competitive edge in the global job market.
Vibrant Campus Life
At Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, education is not just about academics. The college offers a vibrant campus life filled with opportunities for personal growth and development. Students can participate in a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports, cultural events, and technical festivals. These activities help students develop leadership, teamwork, and communication skills, all of which are essential in today’s fast-paced world.
The college’s numerous student clubs and organizations cater to a variety of interests, whether it’s coding, robotics, photography, or debate. These clubs provide students with the chance to explore their passions, make new friends, and develop skills that will serve them well in their future careers.
Conclusion: Shape Your Future at Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering
Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering offers a comprehensive education that combines academic excellence, practical experience, and personal growth. Whether you’re passionate about technology, innovation, or research, DSCE provides the ideal environment to nurture your talents and achieve your goals.
By choosing Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, you are not just enrolling in an institution — you’re joining a community that is dedicated to helping you succeed. With its world-class faculty, cutting-edge infrastructure, and strong industry connections, Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering prepares you for a successful and fulfilling career in engineering. Take the next step in your educational journey and unlock your future at DSCE today.
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cvguys · 5 months
Elevate Your Career with Professional Resume Writing Services in India
In today's competitive job market, having a standout resume is essential for landing your dream job. With the increasing demand for skilled professionals in India, job seekers are turning to professional resume writing services to help them stand out from the crowd. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using resume writing services in India, the top providers in the industry, and how CV Guys stands out as a leader in the field.
The Importance of Professional Resume Writing Services
Crafting a Compelling Resume
A professionally crafted resume can significantly impact your job search success. Resume writing services in India specialize in creating resumes that effectively showcase your skills, experience, and achievements, making you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.
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Craft a standout teaching resume tailored for the Indian education landscape. Our expert resume service highlights your pedagogical skills and achievements, maximizing your chances in India's competitive teaching sector.
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amitynoida · 2 months
Finding Your Voice: A Guide To Top Mass Communication Colleges In Delhi NCR
Are you fascinated by the power of storytelling? Do you like telling fun stories, understanding how the media is always changing, and making a positive impact on the world? If your answer is a resounding yes, then a degree in mass communication could be the perfect launchpad for your future.
However, navigating various mass communication colleges in Delhi NCR can feel overwhelming. Delhi NCR is a busy area, and it has many good colleges to choose from. So it is important to pick one college that will help you reach your goals and help you learn and improve.
So, in this blog post, we are going to look at a guide to help you navigate this exciting field.
Exploring The Diverse World Of Mass Communication
Before diving into specific colleges, it's important to acknowledge the sheer diversity of specializations within mass communication. From making ads and talking to the public, to digging for news and making films— there are lots of exciting jobs in this field.
Take some time for introspection. Identify the areas that spark your interest the most. Do you dream of crafting witty ad campaigns that make people laugh, or maybe the investigative spirit of a journalist resonates with you more? All your dreams can come true by enrolling at the best institute for mass communication in India.
Top Mass Communication Colleges In Delhi NCR
When it comes to mass communication colleges in Delhi, Amity University stands out for several reasons. Amity University is known for being a top choice because it has a lot of different programs, great buildings, and teachers who have been teaching for a long time. Students at this school learn both theory and practical skills for a job in mass communication.
Amity University cares about students doing well both in and out of the classroom. Placement department of Amity helps students find internships and job opportunities with top media houses and reputed companies. This attention to getting students ready for jobs is a big reason why Amity is the best institute for mass communication in India.
The placement cell at Amity University conducts regular workshops, mock interviews, and resume-building sessions. Such programs make sure that the students are ready for the tough job market. Amity's good relationships with businesses and organizations make it easier for students to find good jobs after they graduate.
To summarize, if you're looking for a mass communication college in Delhi then Amity University is one of the best options. Amity is a great place for people who want to work in media; It has good facilities, teachers, and helps with finding jobs after graduation. It's a good place to learn and grow. So take a leap, and get ready to walk on a journey filled with excitement and possibilities. Apply Now for 2024-25 Session.
Source: https://amityuniversitydelhincr.blogspot.com/2024/07/finding-your-voice-guide-to-top-mass.html
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kmceeducation · 2 months
Teacher Training from MDU College Haryana KMCE | Teacher Training Certificate Course
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Are you looking to advance your career in education with a comprehensive teacher training program? Look no further than KMCE College, a premier institution affiliated with MDU College Haryana. Our teacher training programs are designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field of education.
Why Choose KMCE College for Teacher Training?
Affiliation with MDU College Haryana: KMCE College is proudly affiliated with MDU College Haryana, ensuring that our programs meet the highest standards of educational excellence. This affiliation provides our students with the credibility and recognition needed to stand out in the competitive job market.
Comprehensive Teacher Training Certificate Course: Our Teacher Training Certificate Course is tailored to provide practical and theoretical knowledge essential for effective teaching. This course covers various aspects of teaching methodologies, classroom management, and child psychology, preparing you to handle diverse educational environments with confidence.
Focused Curriculum: The curriculum is meticulously designed to cover all critical areas of teaching, from lesson planning to student assessment. With a blend of lectures, practical sessions, and hands-on experience, you will gain a holistic understanding of the teaching profession.
Experienced Faculty: At KMCE College, our faculty consists of experienced educators and industry professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to the classroom. They are dedicated to providing personalized guidance and support throughout your training journey.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our campus is equipped with modern facilities that enhance the learning experience. From well-equipped classrooms to interactive learning tools, we ensure that you have access to all resources necessary for a successful educational journey.
Career Support: KMCE College offers robust career support services to help you secure job placements upon completion of the course. We assist with resume building, interview preparation, and job search strategies to help you start your teaching career on the right foot.
Enrolment and Admission
Enrolling in KMCE College’s teacher training program is a straightforward process. Our admissions team is here to assist you every step of the way, from application submission to final enrollment. We offer flexible payment options and financial aid to make our programs accessible to a broader audience.
Why Invest in Teacher Training?
Investing in a quality teacher training program not only enhances your teaching skills but also opens doors to numerous career opportunities in the education sector. Whether you aspire to teach at primary schools, secondary schools, or in specialized educational settings, a teacher training certificate from KMCE College will significantly boost your credentials
Bagpat Road, Khewra Sonipat, Haryana (India) 9050750002 [email protected] https://kmce.org/
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educationtech · 4 months
How to Select the Right MBA Program - How to Choose MBA College
Select best MBA College In Jaipur
Earning an MBA can open opportunities to employment in almost every sector, from finance to logistics. Getting a job after graduation is not always a foregone conclusion. Before finishing their program, students of best MBA colleges in Jaipur must make sure to align their educational curriculum to their future professional interests.
MBAs have a promising future as their income structure from the initial level in their profession is far higher than normal Masters graduates. Reaching management positions becomes smooth with an MBA degree on your career resume. With an MBA degree, a student's scope of networking increases. It begins with their immediate teachers, professors, and instructors moving directly to ability commercial enterprise associates, employers, colleagues moving directly to commercial enterprise companions and collaborators at the final stage. As a professional course, MBA offers great scope for a scholar to benefit expertise and additionally get acquainted with the enterprise standards in terms of communication and moves.
Steps To Choose Right MBA College
 It is well-known that an MBA aspirant can get the benefits only if it is pursued from a top MBA Colleges in Jaipur. However, what constitutes 'at peak' varies among humans and between years. College students must consider the key parameters for the selection of business schools. Students have to compare the overall performance of the colleges/university on these parameters and make a shortlist of suitable colleges.
Make a List
A student must do the necessary research before choosing for an institution to pursue the course. They should make a checklist of the following parameters to decide which college/institute suits them the best.
Ranking - Measure the credibility of the institute
MBA College Rankings guides students of MBA colleges to make a decision on which College or MBA program you must apply while there are some alternatives available to you. The credibility and track file of the ranking is necessary to get dependable guidance. Only some colleges/universities have accurate credibility. One should check if the particular platform has been certified by the recognized government bodies like University Grant Commission (U.G.C.) or the All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).
Alumni - Alumni Network
The older the university, the better is its alumni base that leads to a better career path via the worldwide community of its old students. The legacy will reflect its position on a placement year after year and further proves the sustainability and growth of the institute over a duration of time. The learning experience from properly learned and experienced faculty is another benefit that scholars of an older university get as per their changing marketplace trends.
Return on Investment
The RoI (Return on Investment) should be taken into consideration carefully, particularly while the fee level is high. This might imply that until a pupil receives a pay package of a certain value, the fee expense does not make much financial value. Later, the RoI transforms into a great factor as one moves down the listing of universities.
Placements and Internships
Another important factor to consider is to check the type of internships that the list of MBA colleges in Jaipur offer. A suitable internship could be the right choice for the MBA college graduates. Also, it provides a chance to interact with folks that are already doing realistic work and further help them to benefit from an understanding of the corporate work culture together with the improvement of work ethics and competencie.  Also, a good placement record is important. The placements allow graduates to get a head start if they get recruited by a prestigious company from the college itself.
Faculty of MBA College
An appropriate MBA college will always offer a learning technique that is scholar-centric instead of an instructor-centric. Identifying the scholar’s strength and developing the vulnerable factors of the scholar are the important goal of the academics of the MBA institute. The faculty must be greater than a teacher who evokes the scholars closer to the success and enhancement of their career. Therefore, always choose an MBA university that has properly qualified professors with excellent experience and educational background. 
MBA Specialization / Curriculum
Many excellent MBA colleges offer General MBA and only a few specialized MBA programs while many different MBA faculties provide specialized MBA programs like MBA Finance, MBA Human Resource Management, etc. The choice must be made earlier than taking admission. Also, while deciding on a good MBA university, a scholar should examine how the university syllabus adds to his competencies and capabilities and how more projects, workshops are organized and arranged throughout the course.
The quality of college and the infrastructure are essential elements to be taken into consideration while comparing a management college. A good management college/university is meant to have properly equipped classrooms, an auditorium, a library, residential accommodation for the scholars on campus that allows you to make the best use of the library, and labs.
Therefore, it is of utmost importance that an individual does make good research before getting into a college to pursue MBA. One must consider all the above parameters before finalizing any best MBA college. After all, the college/university has a great impact in shaping your future.
At Arya College, all these factors are met. The university offers 2-year MBA programme with various special offers and the faculty is focused on students’ growth and development by a student-friendly curriculum. The students get the special avenues to meet industry professionals with the various workshops, seminars, and other co-curricular activities arranged by the University. The placements have a track record of high placement opportunities offered by top popular companies.
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rjsourabh · 6 months
Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Institute In India
In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the field, investing in the best digital marketing institute can make all the difference in your career. In this guide, we’ll explore key factors to consider when choosing a digital marketing learning institute and highlight some top contenders in the industry.
Key Considerations:
Reputation and Credibility: When evaluating digital marketing learning institutes, consider their reputation and credibility within the industry. Look for institutes with a track record of excellence, positive reviews from alumni, and accreditation from relevant organizations. A reputable institute will provide high-quality education and equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in digital marketing.
Curriculum and Course Offerings: Assess the curriculum and course offerings of prospective learning institutes to ensure they align with your learning objectives and career goals. Look for institutes that offer comprehensive courses covering key aspects of digital marketing, including SEO, SEM, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and analytics. Additionally, consider whether the institute provides hands-on experience and practical projects to reinforce learning.
Faculty Expertise: The expertise and experience of the faculty members are crucial factors to consider when choosing a digital marketing learning institute. Look for institutes that employ industry professionals with extensive experience in digital marketing and a passion for teaching. Faculty members should be knowledgeable, approachable, and committed to helping students succeed in their careers.
Learning Methodology: Assess the learning methodology employed by the institute to ensure it aligns with your preferred learning style and preferences. Some institutes offer in-person classes, while others provide online courses or a hybrid approach. Consider factors such as class size, student-teacher ratio, and flexibility of scheduling when evaluating learning methodologies.
Career Support and Placement Assistance: Evaluate the career support and placement assistance provided by the institute to help students launch or advance their careers in digital marketing. Look for institutes that offer career counseling, resume building, interview preparation, and networking opportunities with industry professionals. Additionally, consider whether the institute has partnerships with companies for internships or job placements.
Top Digital Marketing Learning Institutes In India.
Conclusion: Choosing the best digital marketing institute is a crucial step in advancing your career and achieving success in the field. Consider factors such as reputation, curriculum, faculty expertise, learning methodology, and career support when evaluating prospective institutes. With the right education and training, you can unleash your potential and thrive in the dynamic world of digital marketing.
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