#Te Urewera
inkymink · 1 year
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A friend on the trail? Near Āniwaniwa Falls, Te Urewera, Aotearoa. 11 Oct 2022.
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sojourneronearth · 1 year
After the Tiriti training I've had more appreciation to the hurts&wrongs that need to be restored&reconciled. Many lives were taken, many many injustices conducted, many trusts betrayed.
Maori language is really quite precious. It nearly became extinct..
The spirituality of the Maori can be respected, but to enforce the same on others to embrace. It is a different matter
The legal personhood of Whanganui river..in 2017. Te Urewera park in 2014. Mt Taranaki in 2018. Essentially it's still another human speaking entity behind the rivers..It is odd. How do they know what the river/thing wants?
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hajti-fghajnejk · 1 year
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Aniwaniwa Falls,  Te Urewera National Park,  Aotearoa 2023
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mindfulcuppa · 7 months
Lake Waikaremoana Great Walk, 2024
4 days in the forest of green trunks, whispers from Te Urewera, 44 kilometres of footsteps, huts, possums, and and every one with a loving renewal.
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Where Does The Sun Rise?
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Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. We have heard and read this numerous times, but you would be surprised to learn that this is only half the truth. In actuality, the Sun doesn’t rise or set. It’s the Earth that rotates and the spinning is towards the east, causing the illusion of the sun rising from the horizon. Since earth observers are in a constant rotating reference frame, we feel that the sun is rising/setting. Sun at equinoxes As per scientific reports, sunrise in due east and sunset in due west happens only twice a year: Fall and spring equinoxes. While the spring equinox happens anywhere between March 19, 20, and 21, the fall one takes place in September, between 21 and 24. At the equinoxes, the sun is directly above the earth’s equator, and people experience 12-hour (roughly) long days and nights each. Except for these two days, the sun rises south or north of due east and sets south or north due west on the rest of the days of the year. Sun at the solstices It’s said that the Sun’s setting and rising points change marginally each day. Like, during the summer solstice (which falls on June 21), sunrise happens at the farthest northeast and sunset occurs at the farthest northwest. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the longest day. After that, the sunrise takes place further south bit by bit. When the winter solstice (on December 21/22 in the Northern Hemisphere and June 20/21 in the Southern part) sets in, the sunrises and sunsets get longer. This is because the Sun is nearer the Earth during December compared to its position in June. Sunrise/set and its color When the Sun rises or sets, you must have noticed an orange-reddish hue across the sky. This happens because of scattering. In our atmosphere, light can change directions due to small particles, molecules, or droplets. During sunrise and sunset, the Sun is close to the horizon. And more sunlight traverses through the atmosphere than when the Sun is up in the sky. So, colors such as violets and blues having shorter wavelengths scatter out. And, the longer wavelength colors like red, yellow, and orange remain. As a result, sunsets and sunrises have that beautiful orange-reddish shade. Arctic circle and midnight sun During summer, the northern region of the Arctic circle and the southern portion of the Antarctic circle witness a natural occurrence called the midnight sun. This happens during the summer solstice when, in 24 hours, the sun doesn’t go below the horizon. The midnight sun takes place when the axis of the earth inclines towards the sun during summer and is away from it in the winter months. This means the North and South poles get the Sun’s rays for half a year each. Specifically, the midnight sun happens in the North Pole from March to September. Countries/territories that experience midnight Sun includes Iceland, Norway, Finland, Denmark (Greenland), Sweden, Russia, and Alaska. The Russian city of Murmansk, which is the largest in the north Arctic, gets midnight Sun for 62 days starting May 22. From April 19 till August 23, there’s no sunset in the Norwegian archipelago Svalbard, Europe’s northernmost inhabited region. Arctic circle and Polar Night Polar Night is the opposite phenomenon of the midnight Sun. In this, nighttime lasts for over 24 hours in the southern- and northernmost places of the earth. During Polar night, it’s night in the Antarctic circle while the Arctic region gets the day.    Sunrise in different regions Though Japan is reportedly the “land of the rising sun,” it is not where the sun shows up first. That honor has to be bestowed upon the North of Gisborne, New Zealand. The Kiwi city witnesses the first sunrise in the world each day. If you travel to Opotiki and Te Urewera National Park, which are around 2 hours away from Gisborne, you will be able to see the world’s first sunrise. https://youtu.be/DvleOFvo85o To note, residents of Kiribati Islands, South Pacific, welcome a new day before anyone else. They are the first ones to ring in the new year across the globe, but unfortunately, are not able to see the first sunrise. Meanwhile, the territory of American Samoa receives the last sunrise in the world. Fun facts about the sun Blue hour: When the sun is about to come up or has just set, it dons a deep blue color. This is known as the blue hour. Photographers love training their cameras on the moon on a landscape during this time because the images have a natural blue tint in them. Double sunset: As the name suggests, in this astro-geographical phenomenon, the sun appears to set two times in the same evening when viewed from a specific point. You can see this and also two sunrises in Orasso, located near the border of Italy-Switzerland. Solstices: Sunsets are the longest at the time of solstices. https://youtu.be/rZd46xbrAoM Read the full article
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olowan-waphiya · 3 years
In a world-first law, one of the world's most remote rainforests has been passed back to its Indigenous owners and granted the same legal status as people.
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lilymaidofgallifrey · 3 years
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Some photos from my recent hike at Lake Waikaremoana. It was an awesome trip, even though it rained for an entire day and I complained a lot :) 
It’s important to acknowledge that Te Urewera is the homeland of Tūhoe, who are its  tanata whenua (host) and kaitiaki (guardians). 
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pappito · 6 years
Háccóval az van, hogy sok helyen, hogy nem lehet sehol máshol menni, csak a patakmederben, úgyhogy a track követi a folyót/folyókat, viszont azok meg folyton változnak, attól függ, hogy mennyi eső esik meg eltorlaszolja-e őket földcsuszamlás, kidőlt fa, ilyesmi.
Ezért az ösvény csak megyen, aztán amikor találkozik a patakmederrel, akkor átmegy rajta, vagy benne és ezt elég sokszor csinálja. (a kis térképrészleten, a gps track alapján van vagy 11) Az öt nap alatt kb. kétszáz river crossing jött szembe, a piciktől, ahol simán átléped az egész patakot, a combközépig érőig, ahol már nem annyira akarsz felborulni, hátadon a zsákoddal. A többsége azért boka és térd közötti mélységű volt, szerencsére elég száraz volt az idő. A derékig érő víz kábé az elméleti maximum, amit vészhelyzetben még meg lehet kockáztatni, minden ennél mélyebb víz már big no-no. Hideg, erős a sodrása, pikpakk meg tud halni így az ember.
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Ilyenkor természetesen mindig jót kuncog az ember a mindenféle vibram meg goretex meg ígyvízálló-úgyvízálló csodabakancsokon, ezek remek dolgok, viszont sokkal lassabban száradnak meg, mint bármi más, a víz meg azokba is pont úgy bemegy. 
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Az első crossing a nehéz, amikor a száraz zokniba és bakancsba jön be a friss patakvíz, utána az összes többi már inkább arról szól, hogy ne lépjél billegő kőre, a tizedik után elkezd jól is esni a friss víz a lábbeliben, ami kicsit lehűti az addigra nagyjából testhőmérsékletűre langyosodó előző adag vizet, hűsíti a szúnyogcsípéseket és a rengeteg felhámsérülést, amit a bush lawyer meg a kibaszott ongaonga okoz a baki meg a comb közötti részen.
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A kaland másik kényelmetlen aspektusa, hogy a bakancsok és a zoknik nyilván nem száradnak meg éjszaka, úgyhogy reggel, amikor kimászol a kényelmes meleg hálózsákból, akkor fel kell húzni a lábra a kb. 10 fokos, vizes zoknit és aztán arra a csicsogó bakancsot. Ezután van az a 3-5 perc amikor megkárdőjelezed az élet minden fontos kérdését, különösen azokat amik oda vezettek, hogy a semmi közepén egy hideg, lucskos zoknit próbálsz akaraterővel felmelegíteni.
A kis hegyi folyók viszont nem csak hidegek, hanem általában tiszták, ihatóak, és gyönyörű szépek, a mélyebbekben akkora pisztrángok úszkálnak, mint egy Jack Russell, és éjszaka nagyon kellemes a zúgásuk mellett aludni.
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Going LOCAL: Lake Waikaremoana
Kia ora koutou e hoa mā, (Hello my friends!) I’m currently trying to plan a hike around Lake Waikaremoana, which is one of the Great Walks of Aotearoa, with my sister. It’s a four-day long tramp around the lake, which is on the East Coast of NZ’s North Island, slap bang in the middle of the mystical Te Urewera National Park. It’s a walk I’ve always been meaning to do, ever since my family and a…
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inkymink · 1 year
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Āniwaniwa Falls. Te Urewera, Aoteroa. 11 Oct 2022.
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henrychristianslane · 2 years
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Another quick oil painting on paper with gold leaf.
Painted from photo I took on a 6 day hike into Te Urewera forest
more of my work here 
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hajti-fghajnejk · 1 year
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Aniwaniwa Falls,  Te Urewera National Park,  Aotearoa 2023
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lacrimosapluvia · 3 years
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Te Urewera, Aotearoa (New Zealand)
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samjstephens · 7 years
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😎❤ Posted @withregram • @jayryanofficial MURU - starring Cliff Curtis & Tame Iti coming in 2022 to a cinema near you! On 15 October in 2007, with new anti-terrorism powers, the New Zealand Police swooped on the people of Tūhoe, raiding homes in the small town of Rūātoki in the Bay of Plenty, Aotearoa. Among the many arrested under suspicion of domestic terrorism was activist Tame Iti. Fourteen years on, award-winning filmmaker Tearepa Kahi, world renowned actor Cliff Curtis and artist Tame Iti announce their response to the event, with feature film Muru. The gripping action-drama is set for nationwide general release on 3 February, 2022, in time for Waitangi Day. Muru is a Māori concept for reconciliation and forgiveness. Written and directed by Tearepa Kahi (Poi E: The Story of our Song, Mt. Zion) and filmed in the Te Urewera and Rūātoki, Muru stars Cliff Curtis (The Dark Horse, Avatar 2), Jay Ryan (IT Chapter Two, The Furnace), Manu Bennett (The Hobbit trilogy) and Simone Kessell (Reckoning). Support cast includes Ria Te Uira Paki (The Dead Lands), Roimata Fox (Waru), Poroaki Merritt-McDonald (Savage) and Tame Iti as himself. #nzcinema #tūhoe #māori @nzfilm @nzrialtomovies @murufilmnz https://www.instagram.com/p/CVBqPUUo1Wy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Framed by green and blue, drive for the hills! Leave nothing behind! Well, this is actually me looking back...I had just gotten out of those hills, heading for Hastings for the night. I had started the day in Rotorua, planning a lazy drive down to Taupo. It got too lazy, I got bored and decided a trip into a rainforrest would cheer me up. Te Urewera and Whirinaki are nice places, but me trailing of into roads similar to the dirt roads of younger days in West Norway meant that I at some points where lost in the forrest. Amazing what you can make a car do, if desperate and running on fumes. I finally made it to the lake. OK, salt water. Ocean. The Pacific. And Hawke's bay. This area of North Island try to be the art deco center of New Zealand, with a weird greenwich village in the 1990s-vibe. They produce some wine, drinkable, but yet without the sophistication of the Marlborough region. Nature is the best part, hills and forrest and the beaches along the coast, combined with interesting stone formations make some time spend here worth it. Of course, as this day was in a travellers life, I ended in Napier, not Hastings, for the night. https://www.newzealand.com/int/hawkes-bay/ #roadtrip #2012 #green #bluesky #spruce #frame #landscapephotography #napier #road #bayarea #hills #sunset #hastings #pacific #ocean (ved Hawke's Bay, New Zealand) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMyUV-_JENG/?igshid=1ihdi5j5zzjlz
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