#Tdim Shelby
108garys · 6 months
Brain's been fried but I'd like to hear some suggestions to jog the creative juices or something
So at anyrate I feel like Shelby was pretty trendy back in 2012 so I'm gonna sleep for a bit and I'd like to hear what current trends(2020 on some not too specific) you'd envision for a 30 something Shelby
Hopefully I'll get something I can work with in terms of hair/make up/glasses and so on
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taylorshope · 11 months
I was working on my Markate wedding fic and I just had the thought that Kate would have wanted Shelby to be maid of honor 🙃
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unhingedlesbear · 11 months
Imagining the TDIM characters in MoM rn. Idk why. I feel like it would be fun. Since in MoM their hallucinations seem to be somehow tied to their own fears, I'm now wondering what the TDIM characters would hallucinate.
Obviously Kate would probably see things related to Shelby, maybe some of the corpses would look like her, or she'd have other hallucinations related to that event.
Mark's would obviously be height related. He'd probably see things as way higher up than they actually are or something like that.
As for the others I'm not so sure yet but this idea has been rotating.
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108garys · 1 year
So, Kate and Shelby?
Do we have a name for that?
Skate 🔥
She'ate(bro I don't know what I'm doing)
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unhingedlesbear · 1 year
Part 2 of the werewolf AU lore dump because I am cringe but I am free!! This time with a bit more of a focus on lore events and backstory.
TDIM AU werewolf lore part 2
-Once had to film on a solar eclipse (In this lore they cause werewolves to turn during the day as if it were a full moon night.) This was back when Charlie and Kate were unaware of Mark being a werewolf or Jamie being a vampire. (This was before Erin.) Fighting against the eclipse only made things worse, and it led to an extremely stressful and painful transformation at a horrible time. In the chaos, Kate was bitten quite badly, and Jamie was forced to reveal herself as she would end up using her strength as well as bat form to deal with Mark. Charlie and Kate were in shock the entire time. Jamie wasn’t great at explaining, Mark even worse, but they got there.
-When Mark first met Kate, he dismissed his feelings towards her, worried that it was just a werewolf/prey thing he was mistaking for love. She was initially the one making advances for this reason, and eventually they did start a relationship.
-Mark hid the fact that he was a werewolf from Kate for a long time, even more so after finding out what happened to Shelby. She would eventually grow suspicious but wouldn’t find out until the solar eclipse. He was also afraid that he would be a danger to her, something that would only worsen after the solar eclipse. He broke up with her partly because of this shame and guilt.
-Before Erin joined and before Kate was turned, for quite a while Mark and Jamie were the only non humans in the crew. They would often help each other conceal their identities around the others. Them usually working together on shots was convenient for this. Of course there was also some mutual banter relating to their differences in traits.
-Charlie took Mark’s reveal as a werewolf surprisingly well. He was shocked for a while and a bit wary of Mark, but eventually adjusted to it, to everyone’s surprise. He was more afraid of Jamie and Kate by that point anyway.
-Small but important: The fact that he was born a werewolf means that at some point puppy werewolf Mark was a thing.
-Kate was a complete mess during her first transformation. Things were broken, everyone was panicking. Mark was able to help make things easier on her eventually.
-Her anxiety would often cause her to involuntarily turn. This is one of the reasons she turned to crystals, as they would help calm her down and therefore prevent this.
-Jamie’s usual werewolf/vampire banter she would have had with Mark before was turned up to 100 when it came to Kate. 
-Kate, for the longest time, hated the fact that she was a werewolf, due to her dislike of them. This is one of the reasons Jamie can’t stand her. She hates the fact that Kate often seemed to view being non human as a negative thing, while Kate on the other hand couldn’t stand how willing Jamie often was to embrace it. Mark fell somewhere in the middle of these two viewpoints.
-Her rivalry with Jamie also led to Kate having a dislike of vampires. This changed when Erin joined, as Kate quickly warmed up to her. 
-Her “curse” ended up saving her from Du’met in the end, and this is what led to her no longer hating it.  
That’s it for part 2 ermmm just wanted to post a bit more lore bc I’m a little obsessed with this silly ah au
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unhingedlesbear · 1 year
Posting some lore for the werewolf/vampire AU because clearly it’s rotting my brain tonight. I’m only covering the werewolves here because Blue is mostly in charge of the Vampire side of the AU. 
TDIM AU werewolf lore
-They will involuntarily turn when significantly angry or frightened. Involuntary transformation is very quick and relatively painless. Also occurs on full moons by default.
-Voluntary transformation is slower and a lot more painful, and therefore is only used when necessary.
-Extremely sensitive nose. Can smell and track things easily. Good at finding stuff.
-They are very large in wolf form, especially Mark.
-Werewolves can occasionally succumb to their instincts and become aggressive. It happened once before. For this reason, Charlie carries a silver bracelet on him at all times just in case.
-Obviously they are weak to silver. They can’t break through it. It burns them and generally weakens them. 
-Werewolves usually have human like intelligence, but can lose control and become more animalistic. They’re still very dangerous for this reason.
-Even when moderately agitated their eyes will begin to turn yellow. This is one of the reasons why Kate wears sunglasses in the beginning of the game.
-Being a werewolf gives one a very positive opinion of dogs.
-They shed quite a bit in wolf form. This pisses off Charlie ://
-Constantly hungry all the time ://
-They probably have fleas ://
-Born a werewolf. From a family of werewolves.
-Because of his experience, he’s able to remain pretty docile when turned, and is usually able to minimize aggression. Due to this he is somewhat of a peacekeeper within the group.
-Very large even for werewolf standards. 
-Usually involuntarily turns when facing heights. This always ends up making his acrophobia even worse. Kate will usually help calm him down and return to human form.
-Sometimes he’s afraid of his own strength and size, and is extremely cautious around others, especially Charlie as he’s human.
-Bitten. She wasn’t born a werewolf and is relatively recently turned.
-She was bitten by Mark during a particularly bad full moon which also revealed his and Jamie’s secrets to Charlie. It wasn’t a good day. Mark still feels terrible about it.
-She is significantly more aggressive and irritable than Mark because she’s recently turned. She usually takes it out on Jamie.
-Her friend Shelby was killed by a werewolf. Kate has since had an aversion to werewolves which also led to her strained relationship with Mark once it was revealed he was one, especially with the knowledge he turned her. She eventually came to accept this part of herself during the night with Du’met.
Gonna add more lore to this AU with time but this is all for the werewolves for now.
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taylorshope · 2 years
Someone asked me to share my thoughts on The Devil In Me so here we go!
I really loved it. Little Hope has a special place in my heart so it's still my favorite dpa game but tdim is a close second. I think it's the first Supermassive game where I actually loved all the protagonists the first time around. It's the scariest dpa game in my opinion. Sometimes humans are so much more terrifying than supernatural monsters.
Thoughts on the characters:
Erin- She is literally the best. I already knew she was going to be my favorite from the moment I saw her. She's such a cutie and I relate to her a lot. I was genuinely sobbing when she said that she had Selective Mutism because I've never seen that represented before
Charlie- I was not expecting to like him that much but he ended up being my favorite character alongside Erin. He's such an asshole but such a likeable asshole at the same time. He went through so much and he weirdly reminds me of myself. He's just a stupid little man <3 His friendship with Mark was really sweet too
Kate- I love her so much. She's so iconic and Jessie did such a great job playing her, especially during the glass wall scene. I really loved her relationship with Jamie and I liked her and Mark a lot more than I thought I would. I do kind of wish they'd talked about her whole thing with her friend Shelby more though
Jamie- She's so fucking cool. I love her sweet moments with Kate and Erin and her sense of humor, even though sometimes I don't understand her sarcasm lol. I just love her a lot. Supermassive redheads >>>
Mark- I love him so much. He gets way too much hate for being "boring". He's so sweet and his relationships with everyone are adorable. Again, I wasn't expecting to like him so much but here we are
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