#Tbh that game has a looot of great designs
bunnygirllover45 · 8 months
Do you play honkai star rail? It's from hoyoverse as well, THOUGh apparently it's not for everyone because a lot of people dislike the turn combat system and that it isn't as open world as Genshin nor does it have the same co op mechanic, but the characters are nice.
If you do play HSR I wanted to know who's your favorite character from the game. Mines Sunday.. and Boothill
I'll be honest... I don't really like HSR. I get why some people get tired of it, the gameplay loop it's just too boring for me, I like turn-based combat gameplay tho (In some games, not this one) I just find that the game becomes really repetitive when you reach late game, especially with farming and things as such. But I do love some characters from that game (they're mainly the reason I keep coming back to play it) My favs are Blade (ofc), Jing Yuan, March, and Danheng. SUSHANG. SUSHANG MY FUCKING BELOVED. I main her, she's the best, the prettiest girl in the game frfr, I just wish she was a character from another game so I could play with her more lol (I mean she's in Honkai Impact 3rd technically but that game gives me PTSD)
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acecroft · 4 years
hej! i was thinking about purchasing a tomb raider game. the only tomb raider game i know is very old (i used to watch my brother play it on my dad's pc, no idea which one it was tbh, but i'm talking 15-20 years ago) and there's a loootttt tomb raider on steam and idk where to start really. and i figured maybe you could help ♥ if you want to, no pressure
i truly LOVE all of them!! so i’ll try to describe them from a gamer point of view (and more like technical), so given this info you’ll be able to deiced for yourself :)
Tomb Raider I, Tomb Raider II, Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft, Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation, Tomb Raider: Chronicles - classic tomb raider, old school, great puzzles, lots of backtracking and shooting. if you are not prejudice against old graphics and ok with tank controls, those games are iconic. note: there might be problems with launching those games, for me it works (in steam), although the music is bugged
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness - the darkest chapter of lara’s adventures. also exists in a classic timeline, but first next-gen TR game. not only that changed, on one of levels we’re given second playable character. also lara talks with NPCs (scripted but still), kinda tank controls but not really. bugs and glitches all over the place, this all might be very frustrating. interesting story and good puzzles, lara has some new moves like simple hand-to-hand combat and stealth attack. you either hate this game or love it with all your heart (at least that’s how it’s in the fandom). i love it
Tomb Raider Legend, Tomb Raider Anniversary, Tomb Raider Underworld - legend timeline, first reboot of the franchise, next-gen games, no more tank controls, good puzzles, lots of shooting, beautiful music. and although Anniversary is a remake of Tomb Raider I, it is remade considering this timeline story, and in this story Anniversary is a prequel to Legend and Underworld. lara has some new moves like adrenaline dodge and also QTE
Tomb Raider 2013, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Shadow of the Tomb Raider - survivor timeline, second reboot of the franchise, origin story of young lara and how she became the tomb raider. lots of surviving (collecting stuff for upgrades of lara and her arsenal), shooting and action, some areas you can go stealth, others game forcing you to blast through (perfect balance of action/stealth in SOTTR imo). in TR2013 tombs are extremely simple, in ROTTR they are a lot better and a little more elaborate (in physics, scale and visually). and in SOTTR there’re the best imo, bigger, more difficult and there’s such a variety of them. unlike in all of previous games, in reboot games tombs are not necessary for the progress of story. in SOTTR in some areas lara’s best friend jonah accompanies her. note: if you don’t have a strong PC, SOTTR might not run on it, this game technically requires quite a lot
Lara Croft GO - legend timeline, turn-based platform/puzzle game, really fun and simple, great puzzles with a good soundtrack on a background
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris - legend timeline, action platformers with puzzles and looots of running and shooting. those games were designed as cooperative games, but there’s also a single player mode
hope it helps!
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nicecreamdeer · 7 years
Hey chip? Fuck You: 1-7, 9-11, 24-31, 32-57, 58!, 59!, 60!, 61-78, 79-86, 98
1: Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle?Eva since I was a youngin’.
2: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile?But also low. key. ALL OF THEM.
3: Treecko, Torchic, or Mudkip?Leaf Blade is the cooooooolest shit.
4: Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup?Turtles are my faves lol. Also would die for Torterra
5: Snivy, Tepig, or Oshawott?It’s Servine. It’s gotta be.
6: Chespin, Fennekin, or Froakie?#furrybait2k13
7: Grass starters, Fire starters, or Water starters?Also grass types in general are best sooooooo
Eeveelutions:9: Flareon, Jolteon, or Vaporeon?Have you ever tried to beat Erika with a Wartortle?
10: Umbreon or Espeon?2 tails 0 fails
11: Leafeon or Glaceon?I mean???? ????
Similar Looks:24: Whiscash or Wailord?More fun more friend. Also unlocks the Regis
25: Psyduck or Ducklett?Psyduck’s not a Psychic type and this has bothered me since 1996
26: Buneary of Bunnelby?Both are cute as shit and Lopunny’s weird, but not Diggersby-weird.
27: Pansage, Panpour, or Pansear?Kind of apathetic about all of em, but when in doubt, go with grass.
29: Butterfree, Venomoth, Beautifly, or Vivillion?Weirdly enough, I think it’s the prettiest. (Honorable mention Arizona Vivillon)
30: Zubat, Woobat, or Noibat?Crobat is the only good thing out of all seven of the related pokemon lolololol
31: Arbok or Seviper?#ZANGOOSESQUAD
Similar Pokemon/Types:32: Pumpkaboo or Phantump?Shiny Trevenant makes me happy.
33: Feebas or Magikarp?Like what???
34: Gyarados or Milotic??????????????????????
35: Pikachu, Emolga, or Dedenne?Smores colored flying squirrel
36: Pidgey, Spearow, Tailow, Starly, Pidove, or Fletchling?BIRDS SUCK37: Sawk or Throh?Sawk my dick38: Arbok or Weezing?Arbok’s a nice lady.39: Jigglypuff or Clefairy?Clefable is gay culture40: Plusle or Minun?I played Ruby, so I always seeing those Minun~41: Skrelp or Clauncher?My heart is Poison/Dragon-shaped42: Aggron or Tyrannitar?Aggron moves mountains and plants trees, like when will your bara fave?43: Combee or Cherubi?Combee’s cute but so useless it hurts my sensibilities.44: Ditto, Mew, or Zoroark?Game Freak “Lucario, for men, now in a darker color.”45: Inkay or Pumpkaboo?CHACHACHA46: Tyrannitar, Flygon, or Salamence?#letgroundtypesusefly2k0247: Pinsir or Heracross?I had a MegaHeracross on my competitive team and he was broken and I loved him.48: Camerupt or Sharpedo?Ground types are my other faves but Sharpedo is Very Good.
49: Magnezone or Probopass?Eat my ass50: Butterfree or Beedril?Bugs that learn bug-type moves are neat.51: Ampharos or Luxray?I didn’t swim across an ocean twice to save a Luxray, just sayin52: Ratatta, Dunsparce or Bidoof?What kind of monster….wouldn’t pick dunsparce???53: Growlithe or Vulpix?A pupper54: Druddigon, Haxorus, or Hydreigon?They have big, friend arms.55: Gardevoir or Gothitelle?actually a fantastic pokemon concept. Unfortunately, anime.56: Poochyena or Purrloin?Why did it take Game Freak 7 gens to figure out cats don’t have to have shit-eating grins?57: Geodude or Roggenrola?
It’s soooo cute~Form Changes:58: Normal Castform, Water castform, Fire Castform, or Ice Castform?I have a cute card of Fire Castform~59: Normal Rotom, Fan Rotom, Oven Rotom, Washing machine rotom, fridge rotom, or mower rotom?When in doubt, grass types.60: Shaymin land form of Shaymin sky form?lol *still hasn’t played PlatinumLegendaries:61: Moltres, Zapdos, or Articuno?Her fire wings are preeeeetty62: Mew or Mewtwo?OG OG OG OG OG OG63: Mega Mewtwo X or Mega Mewtwo Y?Because Lady Mewtwo64: Raikou, Suicune, or Entei?#GiveRaikouAMovie2k1765: Lugia or Ho-Oh?Ho-oh’s one of the prettiest pokemon I’ve ever seen. No exaggeration. Rainbow phoenix is best.66: Celebi or Jirachi?Jirachi’s design is on another fucking level tbh. Make a Wish meant a looot to me as a kid.67: Latios or Latias?Best Boy.68: Regirock, Regice, or Registeel?Registeel’s sound and area is the coolest imo69: Kyogre, Groudon, or Rayquaza?Ground type lava god~~~70: Uxie, Mesprit, or Azelf?Uxie’s lake is also the prettiest and has the most mysticism around them. ALso Uxie’s low key uber more powerful than the other two.71: Palkia, Dialga, or Giratina?Pink Pearl Space Boy~72: Darkrai or Cresselia?No edge 4 me thx73: Manaphy or Phione?I guess??? 74: Coballion, Terrakion, or Virizion?I don’t care but his design is defs the least stupid, even if Virizion is prettier.75: Tornadus, Thunderus, or Landorus?Ground-type Genie Cat~76: Reshiram, Zekrom, or Kyurem?I love my Electric Rave Lizard77: Keldeo, Genesect, or Meloetta?Genesect has some really cool ambiguous origins that I really like.78: Xerneas, Yveltal, or Zygarde?XY-era Zygarde deserved better 3Moves, Types, Abilities, and Items:79: Physical attacks or special attacks?Because there’s more frustrating Special walls #Blissey #Goodra #FUCKINGTANGROWTH80: Fly or Surf?Only the weak take shortcuts *PS Birds still suck81: Tackle, Pound, or Scratch?^shrugs82: Fighting, Psychic, or Dark?1 immunity and Sucker Punch soooooo83: Fairy or Dragon?Fairy type saved my goddamn life.84: Drought, Drizzle, Sand Stream, or Snow Warning?Defs the most useful and interesting. Benefits grass types too which is an interesting early strategy.85: Quick ball or Timer Ball?Turn 35 timer balls save lives.86: Full Heal, Lum Berry, Lava Cookie, Old Gateau, Castellicone, or Lumiose Galette?Nice grandmas make them :3
98: Pokemon trainer games, pokemon ranger games, or pokemon mystery dungeon games?Red Rescue Team changed my goddamn life.
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