#Tbh I think I don't know enough of English nor of science to fully grasp the meaning of this song but I did my best ahah
not to connect The Oh Hellos and TPN again but Soap (one of their newer songs) reminds me of Emma, particularly her relationship with Norman and the demons
Wow can we like... Collectively agree to invest The Oh Hellos of the title of official tpn soundtrack 😂😂
I loved the song!!!!!! It talks about how to make soap!!! Fun story, when I was attending high school we once made soap at our science lab. For it to be completed, we needed to have it sitting till the next day. But boom! Quarantine started right the day after, and I never got to know what the finished product would have looked like. It's been more than a year since then, and sometimes I still will wonder if our class soap is still sitting under our school science lab window, waiting for us to come back.
But I digressed, back to the beautiful song!!! Since the very first lines...
I’ve heard
Since I was younger
They're polar opposites
With a molecular rift you can’t fix
I really love how The Oh Hellos often have those lyrics that are reminiscent of childhood, it fits tpn's vibes so much. And I think it's very nice how it addresses to a chemical process you might study at school, something the GF children have definitely studied as well!! It's just very fitting.
And when it says!!!!!!:
But I swear with all your burnt bridges
You can leech what’s caustic and find
A rudimentary lye
Some kinda miraculous bind
So nice!!!! Makes me think of Emma finding (and founding) a point of contact between humans and demons, something that can indeed be considered a miracle, coming after centuries of humans and demons considering themselves different and irreconcilable species. Also how such reconciliation happens after having burnt bridges... You know, just like how, in a way, the whole story starts from the children "burning their bridge" by escaping from GF with no chance to come back to their old life.
Oh no, I think I’m not quite ready
To let you circle the drain
All the things we’ve broken
Can be puzzled together again
All your sums and your pieces
Are enough to clean up
All the messes you’ve made
MMMH this part reminds me a lot of no memories!Emma and it's making me have feelings. I guess she is indeed trying to put the pieces together... Besides, am I bad for considering what she's made a mess? I'm still angry at her for accepting the deal lol.
I got a tender side
I’ll need a harder shell to survive
Would you look at that!!! This is 100% pure, fresh-sqieezed, organic Emma at her core! Probably Norman and Ray as well. I think everything Emma has experienced after escaping from GF... That definitely made her grow a thick skin 😔😔
I know maybe you’re not quite ready
To loosen your hold
On a safety blanket
You’ve been keeping around your shoulders
But your sums and your pieces
Are enough to make you whole
You gotta let go
Awww this reminds me of the children needing the courage to leave GF. So cute.
It’s gonna hurt like hell
But we’re going to be well
I’ll give you my best shot
Yeah just. The tpn motto.
A beautiful song, thank you for recommending!!!
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