#Taxi Maintenance Leicestershire
lifestyleblogeruk · 9 months
The Importance of Regular Taxi Servicing in Leicestershire
As a taxi owner or driver in Leicestershire, you understand that your vehicle is not just a means of transportation but also a vital part of your livelihood. Keeping your taxi in excellent condition is essential for safety, reliability, and customer satisfaction. This is where regular taxi servicing in Leicestershire comes into play, and its importance cannot be overstated.
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Safety First
One of the primary reasons for regular taxi servicing is safety. Taxis are on the road for extended hours, often carrying passengers who rely on you for their journey. A well-maintained taxi is less likely to encounter unexpected breakdowns or safety issues that could put both you and your passengers at risk.
During taxi servicing in Leicestershire, skilled technicians thoroughly inspect various components of your vehicle, including brakes, tires, lights, and more. They ensure that all safety features are functioning correctly and that any potential issues are addressed promptly. This proactive approach to safety can prevent accidents and keep your taxi compliant with safety regulations.
Reliability Matters
Imagine the inconvenience and potential loss of income if your taxi breaks down in the middle of a busy shift. Regular servicing helps prevent unexpected breakdowns by identifying and addressing problems before they escalate. It keeps your taxi running smoothly, reducing the likelihood of sudden and costly repairs.
Reliable transportation is crucial for building trust with your passengers. Customers expect their taxis to arrive on time and get them to their destinations without hiccups. Regular servicing helps you maintain a reputation for reliability, leading to repeat business and positive reviews.
Extend Vehicle Lifespan
Taxis are subject to rigorous daily use, which can lead to wear and tear over time. However, with proper servicing and maintenance, you can significantly extend the lifespan of your taxi. This translates to long-term cost savings by avoiding the need to replace your vehicle prematurely.
A well-serviced taxi also tends to have better fuel efficiency, reducing your operational costs. This is not only good for your wallet but also for the environment, as it contributes to reduced emissions.
Compliance with Regulations
Leicestershire, like other regions, has specific regulations and requirements for taxis. Regular servicing helps ensure that your taxi remains compliant with these regulations. It covers everything from emissions standards to safety features and accessibility for passengers with disabilities.
Failing to comply with regulations can result in fines, penalties, or even the suspension of your taxi license. By staying up-to-date with taxi servicing in Leicestershire, you can avoid these issues and continue operating legally and smoothly.
In conclusion, regular taxi servicing in Leicestershire is not just an option; it's a necessity for taxi owners and drivers. It ensures safety, reliability, and compliance with regulations, ultimately contributing to the success of your taxi business. Don't wait until a problem arises – schedule your next taxi servicing appointment to keep your vehicle in top shape and your passengers satisfied. contact us!
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novacabtaxi · 4 years
Sports, labouring and social work jobs that you can apply for now if you’re looking for a new career – Leicestershire Live
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Hundreds of thousands of Brits have lost their jobs since March when the lockdown was introduced across the country.
And it is anticipated that even more people will lose their jobs as we reach the end of the year.
It almost seems a rare occasion when companies advertise for new jobs, so we’ve rounded up some of roles that you could apply for in the city.
Here’s just a snippet of some roles you can apply for as soon as possible:
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Assistant Neighbourhood Housing Officer
Job type: Fixed Term Contract
Salary: £19554 – £21166
Hours: Full Time
In this role you will assist in the delivery of local tenancy and estate management service to tenants, leaseholders, and residents and to assist in the duties of the Building Responsible Officer.
You will need to demonstrate previous experience of writing reports, making of accurate written notes and accurate observations. You will have good customer care skills and be able to interview customers and experience of working in customer facing service.
School Crossing Patrol
Job type: Permanent
Hours: Part time
This role involves maintaining control over children and members of the public who are awaiting instruction to cross roads and instructing children when to cross.
You’ll need a friendly attitude with good verbal communication skills to communicate with people at all levels. You’ll be punctual, reliable and assertive with good road sense and significant knowledge of the Highway Code.
Salary: £21589 – £23836
Hours: Full time
In this role, you’ll use your experience and knowledge of plastering you will undertake range of repairs & maintenance tasks to the agreed quality and performance standards, including enabling and finishing works.
You’ll need experience and knowledge of plastering, you will arrange appropriate and value for money resources that are required to complete repairs & maintenance whilst keeping cleaning and removing any waste.
Sport on Park Programme Officer
Job type: Fixed Term Contract
Salary: £7365 – £7512
Hours: Part Time
You’ll assist with the day-to-day running, promotion and development of sport on parks and organise sporting opportunities within our parks and open spaces across the city.
You’ll need experience of promotional/development work gained within a leisure or service industry, you will also have experience of organising sports activities.
Salary: £38813 – £41675
Hours: Full Time
In this role, you will be providing management and leadership to a team of care management staff who assess and manage a case load of complex cases which will include people with mental health issues, substance misuse issues, physical, sensory, age-related issues and their carers.
You will need excellent assessment, risk management, organisational and communication skills you will manage the caseload of the team, appropriately prioritising work, whilst provide guidance and support to your team, to ensuring that cases are dealt with effectively.
You must be qualified in Social Work and have at significant post qualifying experience and Social Work England registered.
Reablement Co-ordinator
Job type: Permanent
Salary: £19554 – £21166
Hours: Full Time
You will keep track of requests and actions that come through via email, taking phone calls from internal and external sources, update data base systems, rostering systems and amend where necessary the data and/or care visits for staff.
You will need excellent organisation skills, interpersonal skills, with the ability to prioritise work, and work under pressure.
You will be able to communicate to a wide range of people from a varied and diverse background, ethnicity, education  and able to match their approach to the needs of each individual as they are encountered with a flexible and no-nonsense approach. you
Lighting Attendant
Job type: Permanent
Salary: £17364 – £17711
Hours: Part Time
The key part of role will be to identify, record and report faults or hazards related to illuminated/ non-illuminated street lighting furniture.
You will need a basic knowledge of electrical, street lighting and traffic light legislation and guidelines, you will have experience of working in public lighting and traffic signage. Using your IT skills, you will be able to use the asset management system in order to update records and report faults to the Lighting team.
There are plenty more roles to apply for and you can find more information about the roles here.
from TAXI NEAR ME https://taxi.nearme.host/sports-labouring-and-social-work-jobs-that-you-can-apply-for-now-if-youre-looking-for-a-new-career-leicestershire-live/
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kevingbakeruk · 6 years
When roads in Leicestershire will be resurfaced this year to tackle pothole problems
Roadways around the county are to be treated with a protective layer in an effort to reduce the variety of potholes forming and to make driving safer.
Leicestershire County Council’s highways group have a list of roads they plan to cover with an additional layer of bitumen to safeguard the surface area underneath from water and air, which can cause potholes in cold weather.Potholes can be a costly problem for councils and after the winter simply gone, the county council had about two million pits to fill in and received an additional ₤ 1.56 million from the Federal government to assist with the work.The “surface dressing"treatment will likewise include adding a layer of stone chippings to increase grip on the roadways to prevent cars and trucks skidding.In overall, more than 700,000 square metres of road surface area will be dealt with
in between now and the end of the summer.The plan, now underway, saw the group begin the works in roadways around North West Leicestershire and Charnwood.With more
than 2,575 miles of road to preserve, the county council said it was very important to take on issues early so the requirement
for repair work was reduced and more cash is conserved.
Speed limitations are decreased when surface area dressing is carried out
Blake Pain, county council cabinet member for environment and transportation, said: "Our roadways are a few of the very best preserved in the country and the success of this is partly down to our proactive technique to roadway maintenance.
"Surface area dressing provides a basic however economical type of maintenance and can be used successfully on all types of roadways, from the nation lane that brings an occasional vehicle to our hectic primary roadways carrying thousands of automobiles a day.”
He stated performing surface area dressing was up to 10 times more cost effective than traditional resurfacing.When will appear dressing take location on county roads?May: Melton, Harborough, Oadby and Wigston, Hinckley
and Bosworth, North West Leicestershire, Blaby June: North West Leicestershire, Charnwood, Melton, Harborugh All work is weather condition dependant The work, which is performed
every year, will be carried out in stages to reduce the
effect on drivers. It needs to happen throughout the warmer months because greater temperatures help the stone chippings adhere to the road.The aim is to get the entire task finished by the end of August but winter will put
the deal with hold.The council stated that any areas that can not be finished since of the weather condition will be included to next summer season’s
programme.Residents and organisations are being notified to offer them advance caution of roadworks taking place in their areas.Road tasks in Leicester We have actually introduced our personal app for
Android and Apple gadgets which can be customized to deliver the news and sport that you’re interested in.To download the IOS app click here. To download the Android app click
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from TAXI NEAR ME http://taxi.nearme.host/when-roads-in-leicestershire-will-be-resurfaced-this-year-to-tackle-pothole-problems/
from NOVACAB https://novacabtaxi.tumblr.com/post/175161386731
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lifestyleblogeruk · 10 months
The Importance of Regular Taxi MOTs: Ensuring Passenger Safety
When you operate a taxi business in Leicestershire, passenger safety is paramount. Your passengers trust you to get them to their destinations safely and securely, and one crucial aspect of fulfilling this trust is ensuring that your taxis undergo regular Taxi MOTs in Leicestershire. These inspections are not just a legal requirement; they play a pivotal role in safeguarding both passengers and drivers.
Understanding Taxi MOTs in Leicestershire
An MOT, or Ministry of Transport test, is a mandatory annual inspection that assesses the roadworthiness and safety of your taxi. It covers a range of essential components, including brakes, lights, steering, suspension, tires, and emissions. The primary goal of these tests is to identify any issues that could compromise passenger safety or contribute to environmental pollution.
Ensuring Passenger Safety
Brake Systems: Regular MOTs in Leicestershire ensure that your taxi's brakes are in good working order. This is crucial for sudden stops and emergencies, guaranteeing the safety of your passengers and other road users.
Lights and Signals: Properly functioning lights and signals are essential for visibility and communication on the road, especially in low-light conditions or adverse weather. Passenger safety relies on these systems being in top condition.
Tire Condition: Adequate tire tread depth and tire condition are critical for maintaining control and stability. Worn or damaged tires can increase the risk of accidents, putting your passengers at risk.
Emissions Control: Monitoring emissions helps reduce your taxi's impact on the environment. A well-maintained taxi not only ensures passenger health but also contributes to cleaner air in Leicestershire.
Legal Compliance and Penalties
Operating a taxi without a valid MOT in Leicestershire is not only dangerous but also illegal. Failing to comply with MOT requirements can result in fines, penalty points on your license, and even the revocation of your taxi license. This can have severe consequences for your business and reputation.
Regular Servicing for Added Safety
In addition to MOTs, regular servicing in Leicestershire is vital. Scheduled maintenance can catch potential issues before they become major problems. It includes oil changes, filter replacements, and checks on vital components. A well-serviced taxi is more reliable, which is critical for passenger safety and satisfaction.
Regular Taxi MOTs in Leicestershire are not just a legal obligation; they are a fundamental aspect of ensuring passenger safety. By adhering to these inspections, you demonstrate your commitment to maintaining safe and roadworthy taxis. Additionally, don't underestimate the importance of routine servicing to prevent problems and ensure that your taxis operate smoothly. Prioritizing safety not only protects your passengers but also safeguards your taxi business's reputation and success.
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novacabtaxi · 4 years
10 things you are allowed to do during coronavirus lockdown – Leicestershire Live
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While the lockdown shows no signs of letting up, spending some time outdoors could help with your physical and mental wellbeing.
As long as Government guidelines on social-distancing are being followed, people are allowed to leave their homes in certain circumstances.
Previously, the public was told it could only go outdoors to exercise once per day, to buy essential goods and to travel to work if it was not possible to work from home.
New police guidelines have expanded that list, with officers being told to consider a string of scenarios that could be deemed reasonable under coronavirus lockdown rules.
The Government has also asked councils to keep parks open, stating access was necessary for “the health of the nation”, while grieving families have been told they can now attend funerals and visit graveyards.
Here are 10 things you are allowed to do outdoors:
Drive to the countryside for a walk
People can drive to the countryside to go for a walk (Chris Ison/PA)
Derbyshire Police came under fire when officers used drones to film people parking their cars for walks in the Peak District.
Now guidelines to police say the public can drive to the countryside to go for a walk, as long as they spend more time walking than driving.
Exercise more than once per day
The public can go outdoors, either in the city or in the countryside, to exercise, which includes running, cycling, walking, practising yoga and attending an allotment.
People are allowed to go outside to exercise (Kirsty O’Connor/PA)
While police guidelines say exercising more than once a day is likely to be reasonable, it gives officers discretion in deciding whether repeated exercise on the same day “can be considered a ‘reasonable excuse’ for leaving home”.
Stop to rest or have lunch while on a long walk
People who go out to exercise are allowed to stop to take a short break.
This includes stopping to have lunch while on a long walk.
However, police can question those who take a short walk to a park bench if they remain seated longer than they have been walking.
To buy tools and supplies for maintenance and upkeep
Buying tools for the maintenance and upkeep of a home is considered a reasonable excuse to leave the house (Steve Parsons/PA)
The public is allowed to head out to buy tools and supplies, for example, to repair a fence panel damaged in recent bad weather.
But shopping for renovations and improvements in the home, such as buying paint and brushes to redecorate a kitchen, is not allowed.
To move in with a friend to “cool off” after an argument
For some people, staying indoors can be suffocating, especially after an argument with family, friends or the people you live with.
People are allowed to move in with their friends to cool off after an argument at home (Dominic Lipinski/PA)
To get some respite, new guidelines say people can move in with a friend for several days to cool off after an argument at home.
However, a move between households will only be acceptable if it is a genuine move for several days and not hours.
People are not allowed to visit friends at their address or in a public place to socialise.
To provide support to a vulnerable person
Volunteers can drop off food and other essential supplies to vulnerable people (Aaron Chown/PA)
You can deliver food packages and offer care and support to vulnerable people in your area.
This rule applies to all volunteers and not just those who work for an organisation or charity.
While socialising is not allowed, there may be exceptional circumstances for someone to visit a vulnerable person, for example, if a hospital has authorised a visit.
To attend a funeral or visit a cemetery or graveyard
The Government has asked councils to keep cemeteries open to the public (Barry Batchelor/PA)
On Saturday, families were told they will be able to attend a funeral to mourn for their loves ones.
Speaking at the daily Downing Street press briefing, Communities secretary Robert Jenrick said: “For clarity, funerals can go ahead with close family present.
“Social distancing measures must be respected, but families must have the opportunity to say a respectful goodbye to those that they love.”
To take pets to the vets
Vet surgeries remain open during the lockdown (Nick Ansell/PA)
Vet surgeries remain open to the public, allowing pet owners to take their animals for emergency treatment.
People are encouraged to sort medical needs for their pets over the phone where possible, such as renewing prescriptions.
To buy non-essential goods such as luxury items and alcohol
There is no need for your shopping trip to be only for essential goods such as food – you are allowed to nip to the shops to buy items such as alcohol and luxury items.
And you can make a quick trip to the shop to buy small amounts of a ‘staple item’, such as a newspaper, pet food, a loaf of bread or a pint of milk.
Social distancing markers on the floor of a supermarket (Victoria Jones/PA)
People can also go out to pick up surplus food from a friend or to collect food from a takeaway.
To travel to work if you cannot work from home
A person who is considered a key worker by the Government, including NHS staff, teachers and public transport workers, are allowed to travel to and from work.
But non-key workers are also allowed to travel to work if it is not reasonably possible to work from home.
There is no requirement for people to have written proof of a need to go to work, and police guidelines say officers should not ask for ID or any other kind of document.
from TAXI NEAR ME https://taxi.nearme.host/10-things-you-are-allowed-to-do-during-coronavirus-lockdown-leicestershire-live/
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