#Taupe Primary
bonusdragons · 2 years
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February 25, 2023:
Taupe Primary, Tundra, Rosette.
Stranger of rovak’s clan!
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scryingworkshop · 7 months
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Tundra Male
Taupe / Raspberry / Fuchsia , Tiger / Foam / Smoke
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Hi all, just posting this here to let you know about a dragon combo I've been looking out for a while. If you happen to hatch one, or find one that fits I'd love to be notified c: image description below read more
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An image of a screenshot from the website Flight Rising, showing a dragon in a dressing room widget with the caption "Labradorite". The dragon is the Snapper breed and has the on-site colours of Tarnish Primary, Abyss Secondary, and Tarnish Tertiary with the following genes: Lionfish Primary, Facet Secondary, and Gembond Tertiary. The following information is typed beside the image:
Any breed / Any Flight / G1 or G2+
Male or Female
Tarnish Primary
Abyss Secondary (Overcast or Denim may be considered)
Stone - Tarnish range Tertiary (Tarnish preferred but not necessary)
In a smaller font the following is written:
The range of colours between Stone and Tarnish include Stone, Taupe, Slate, Driftwood, Latte, Dirt, Clay, Sable, Umber, Soil, Hickory, and Tarnish.
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the-phoenix-heart · 8 months
Sorting Hat Chats - A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Heeeey I'm back again. Hunger Games is one of my recent hyperfixations, so I'm doing a sorting of the latest book/film. I'll only be sorting Coriolanus Snow and Lucy-Gray Baird in this post. And Dr. Gaul oops.
An explanation of the system I am using can be found here. (Credit: @wisteria-lodge )
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LUCY-GRAY BAIRD is a thriving, healthy Snake secondary through and through. She loves performing, she loves playing coy, and she clearly relishes in getting one up on her enemies. This is a woman who turn her death sentence into a concert. Her plan to defeat Reaper, someone larger and deadlier than her, is to piss him off and give him the run around until he dies of exhaustion (or drinks from a poisoned puddle). To get one up on Mayfair when her name is called Lucy-Gray puts a snake in her dress to freak her out and subsequently humiliate her on live TV. No punches held back.
She's described by her actress as "a performer in a hunt," and she is. She always gives off the impression that she is always acting and always authentic in every moment. Snow certainly can never tell if she's lying or not and for all his faults he is smart.
CORIOLANUS SNOW meanwhile is a Bird secondary (I know, oh the irony) and the two secondaries slot in well together. In ABOSAS we see how he is always calculating in every interaction how he can leverage this for the most gain. He wears a carefully manufactured mask playing up whatever trait he has to to get what he wants from the person he is talking to. That's the Actor Bird in him, he can't just become someone like Lucy-Gray can. Which is why Snow works so well as a mentor for her. He can make all the plans he wants and give her every advantage to win, and she can immediately go along with it without skipping a beat.
We also see his Bird secondary on full display when he starts to come into power. He immediately starts making plans for the 11th Hunger Games when he comes back to the Capitol. His signature method for killing people is poison, and in sixty years that never changes. It's a risky plan that always works so why would he change it? And of course we know after he becomes president just how much effort he puts into controlling Katniss with more and more plans.
As for their primaries, well, that's why they constantly misunderstand each other. Coriolanus and Lucy-Gray look at each other and they both see a Snake primary, but those aren't their true sortings. Lucy-Gray is wearing a Snake primary model, and Coriolanus is wearing a Snake primary performance, not even a model.
Lucy-Gray loves the Covey, but at the end of the day when Mayor Lipp wants her dead Lucy-Gray doesn't need to think twice about running away. She knows they can take care of themselves, and she values her own freedom above anything else. It's apparent also in how she treats Billy-Taupe. She loved him once, but the moment he cheated on her she immediately cut him out of her life and doesn't seem to regret that decision. "Without trust you might as well be dead to me."
Lucy-Gray is a Lion primary, and like her secondary it's healthy. Her mantra is "Nothing you can take from me was ever worth keeping." She's another example of the Jack Sparrow style of Lion primary, the Fae lion. Freedom is good and control is bad. It's also why when she leaves Snow she makes it a whole production where she sings him "The Hanging Tree" and runs around him as a way to fuck with him. She knows that Corio isn't the man she thought he was and she wants to show him she knows.
Lucy-Gray is the Yin to Katniss's Yang. Katniss is a famous Snake Lion, and Lucy-Gray is the inverse of that, a Lion Snake. That quote about Lucy-Gray being a performer in a hunt is followed by Katniss being "a hunter in a performance." The revolution in a small way begins with Lucy-Gray and is ended by Katniss. Lucy-Gray loves freedom before all else, and that means she is never going to fight the Capitol like Katniss would, "it's too early for [K]atniss," she says. But Katniss is that Snake primary who loves so deeply and devastatingly that of COURSE she would end up fighting the Capitol.
But I think Lucy-Gray likes Snake primaries. I think she likes how much the value freedom, but also the way they value their people. That's what she sees when she sees Snow, a man who will do anything to protect the people he loves over himself. But that's just a performance Snow puts on, because he knows that looks much more nobler than what he actually is.
Snow actually primary matches Lucy-Gray. When we see him he's a young lion. The impression I get from Snow is entitlement. He thinks because of the way he was born that he just inherently deserves to have what is owed to him. But after it's found out that he cheated to help Lucy-Gray win, he is stripped of what little he had and sent to be a peacekeeper. He doesn't know what he wants anymore, because he can't have what he truly wants, so he convinces himself what he wants is Lucy-Gray. Except, the moment he realizes he can absolutely still get that power he turns on her immediately.
His goals never change, in the end Snow does indeed land on top, as he achieves those goals. He becomes president, and then it becomes all about maintaining power and control. And that's the real crux of his Lion primary. Like Lucy-Gray he is a Fae Lion, but on the opposite end of the spectrum. Power and control are good, and he should have that over everyone else in the world. I also see his primary in his method of choice for killing people. He willingly poisons himself so no one catches on, that is some lion devotion to his cause of control.
But, despite him trying to appear completely composed at all times, you can see that very emotional Lion primary underneath it all. I mean, he's clearly obsessed with screwing over Katniss's life in particular because he sees both Lucy-Gray and Sejanus in her. Meanwhile everything he does that fucks with Peeta is to fuck with her, despite the fact that he was also part of that suicide threat. He doesn't like that emotional Lion I think. What he wants is to maintain control over everything, and the appear as though he has this carefully constructed worldview/ideology. He has these intelligent/convincing arguments on the power of hope and the purpose of the games. It can look very Bird to people, and I think it is. DR. GAUL is absolutely a Double Bird Mad Scientist, and I think Snow adopted a Bird primary model based off of hers.
Lucy-Gray Baird - Lion primary, Snake model/Snake secondary
Coriolanus Snow - Lion primary, Bird model and Snake performance/Bird secondary
Dr. Gaul - Bird primary/Bird secondary
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sergle · 1 year
spill girl why they whining
Omg so. A lot of the recent HT launches have had pretty much the same colors repeated over and over, but Specifically the one that was released on saturday! Really just, as a majority, shades that are near exact dupes for polishes that have already been dropped very recently. And so fans of the brand are kind of taking a minute to complain abt the way that a collection will be hyped up, only to be completely identical to stuff already in the catalog. Me, complaining and talking about Colors are two of my favorite things, so I was gonna read all of it anyway, but I also totally agree. Also the last color story is kind of not a complimentary color palette, imo. Brown, aqua, neon pink/coral, yellowish taupe, and primary purple?
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In particular, these two "new" shades are the ones making everyone lay on the ground dead, bc they are just. There's an ultra bright coral and an ultra bright aqua shade in like every release.
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Brands obviously will make multiple polishes in a similar color family- especially once they have a large catalog. But HT has a ton of color families they haven't even touched yet, in favor of making mostly Purples, Blues, Aquas, and Corals. Ppl aren't loving these two either tbh:
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The sorta Sandy color, I do think is different Enough, but the purple is very... tsk tsk... Because the brand also just dropped a purples-only release very recently. I think it's interesting to see! Because HT is a newer brand, only around for a few years- and, ultimately, an Influencer Brand. Since it's owned by one person, and the creator of this brand is designing the polishes herself, there's an element of just. Making a lot of polish in her personal fav colors! Which normally end up being very saturated, very cool toned, with a strong preference for purple.
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frgreenmoon · 3 months
Hello my Fathoms are basically a ready made breeding pair???
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Ruby/Taupe/Stonewash and Tomato/Sable/Platinum
The tertiaries are far apart but the primary range is three colors and the secondary range is seven colors
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alexius-fr · 9 months
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I really can't decide so please help! I legit think all of these look good so opinions are welcome!
(He's copper/taupe/tarnish if you want to scry him)
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naphiatra · 6 months
More G1 Dragons for sale. Feel free to make an offer. You can find them here.
Gened Pair (Unbred)
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57832920 | White Piebald/Orchid Breakup/Hunter Veined
68428504 | Mauve Piebald/White Breakup/Abyss Veined
G1 Twins
Both have the same colour pattern: Moon / Cottoncandy / Cyan
76002476 | 53132276
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Same Primary/Secondary Colours
Cornflower/Amethyst/Cerulean | Cornflower/Amethyst/Lead
65975138 | 66114162
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Bred Pair
55200314 | Yellow Slime / Blush Striation / Beige Basic
55200322 | Garnet Laced / Coral Edged / Taupe Keel
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Gold Piebald/Rose Eel/Teal Basic
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betabites · 7 months
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++ AMPHISBAENA ++ Founding: Ultima (presumed Ultramarine successor). Codex compliant. Standard: A snake with two heads, facing each other over a rising sun. Regalia: Blue with green and silver trim. Solar and reptilian motifs. Local assets: Demi-company (4th/2, Phobos & Intercessor armor), reinforced by a 1st Company squad (DN, TDN armour). Gladius Escort Frigate Cetus. Brief: Initial reports mistook them for Ultramarines during the 639th Purge of Medesicaste, but the Amphisbaena liaison dispatched to the local Guard command (Troian 19th Foot, 35th Recon, & 76th Dragoons) soon corrected that misapprehension. De facto attached itself to prior regiments for the duration of the campaign, serving as a elite scout and assault unit. Unfortunate tensions with the Battle Sisters of the Order of the Bloody Sabaton (1st Alius Mater Preceptory), including accusations of "suborning existing hierarchies." Accusations were dismissed by the local Commissar after the Amphisbaena Lieutenant on site made a passionate appeal to "Purge the Enemies, and then do the necessary paperwork." Their sterling conduct in battle, commitment to inter-service operations, and willingness to compromise battleplans in order to protect civilians have won them many allies throughout the cluster. Inquisitor Andominia of the Ordo Hereticus REDACTED was heard to remark, "They're the very model of a Space Marine. Those karkers are up to something. REDACTED"
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++ FORLORN HOPE SALAMANDERS ++ Founding: 1st/Ultima (unknown if Salamander proper or a successor chapter). Not Codex compliant. Standard: n/a. Most wear a Gothic "F" in place of Chapter insignia, and "Forlorn Hope Company" is written on vehicles. Regalia: Green with black and gold trim. Fire motifs. Local assets: Short company, with Gravis, Intercessor, & Phobos armour, TDN armour, DNs, and Land Raiders (engines Azula and Nostos). Vanguard Strike Cruiser Riddle of Adamant. Has suborned elements of the Troian 65th Recon, 95th Armour, 104th Armour, and the Dictator Carrier Cruiser Pride of Tomania. Brief: Arrived in sector immediately prior to the Night of a Thousand Rebellions, claiming to be hunting Ymgarl Genestealers. Attacked Gubernatorial Palace on Ilona, killing both the Governor and the ringleaders of the rebellion. Suborned local Guard presence and brainwashed local populace. Active throughout cluster, primarily against local governance. Voxes broadcast by them indicate that Ymgarl Genestealers have infiltrated local Arbites, PDF, and Guard. Statements have been proven false by government-administered Genetic Purity tests. Requests to allow the company's Apothecary access to testing process, sites, and data have been dismissed as baseless. Despite obvious signs of madness in their poorly-kept geneseed, they receive sympathy from the populace, repeated statements of good character from the Battle Sisters of the Order of the Bloody Sabaton, and grudging respect from Guard units they have not purged. Politically unwise to declare renegade at this time.
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++ NOBLE SONS OF PYRRUS ++ Founding: 2nd (Blood Angels). Not Codex compliant. Standard: A bell, or a three-armed cross, sometimes one formed from the via negativa of three clustered circles. Regalia: Red with copious gold and white and blue trim. Stripes and stars. Local assets: Multiple companies; precise number varies with nearby crisises, but typically 3-5. Conflicts with the Mechanicus has led to the Sons using older and refurbished armour and vehicles. Battle Barge Second Moon, various strike cruisers (mostly Agentha & Maegaron classes). Recruiting worlds: Briseis & Cressida. Brief: A minor but growing presence throughout most of the cluster's history, the Cicatrix Maledictum has sundered the Sons from their primary recruiting worlds, and they have greatly increased their local presence. As Briseis & Cressida is also the cluster's capital, their stock in cluster politics has correspondingly increased. The Sons treat the Sanguinarian defect in their geneseed by complex archaeo-biological means involving the transmutation of iron into gold. Their internal fluids have been replaced by this golden ichor, which causes much distress in the local menials until they realize it solidifies into pure gold. As a result, their expeditions are typically assisted by a large contingent of irregular militia. Known throughout the cluster as doughty warriors, their expulsion of precious metals causes no end of suspicion and distrust from those afraid of the shifting economic tides, such as from the smiths of the Forlorn Company and the ascetics of the Order of the Bloody Sabaton. But, as a rising tide lifts all boats, they will come to see the benefits of association with the Sons in time.
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++ PERYTONS ++ Founding: Unknown, Ultima? (White Scars). Not Codex Compliant. Standard: Many-pronged set of antlers, sometimes framing a heart. Regalia: Teal with green and bronze accents. Hearts, horns, and wings. Local assets: Bike demi-company (6th/2, Phobos, Gravis, & Intercessor armour), with air assets. Nova Frigate Jinate. Brief: Apparently inherited White Scar interests in the nearby Sabbat worlds, including the use of Kreusa as a recruiting world. Their recruiting is in conflict with the local Guard regiments, the 51st Cavalry (Parth's Slammers) and 119th Dragoons (X Ork Hewers X). Their presence also seems to be causing escalating clashes with the persistent Ork infestation. Tensions are also high with the Kreusa deployment of the Order of the Bloody Sabaton, but thus far, conflicts seem to be largely about kill counts and the local practice of 'joyeux-du-cheval', stealing the vehicles of rivals and taking them on 'performance tests.' There are unsubstantiated rumors of Perytons ripping out the hearts of enemies and civilians alike, and messily devouring them. Said rumors then culminate in lascivious descriptions of frenzied orgies, so it has hitherto been the position of the Ministorum that such rumours are baseless slander.
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bonusdragons · 1 year
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August 10, 2023:
Taupe Primary, Wildclaw, Jupiter.
Mossheart of Unfathomed's clan!
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scryingworkshop · 2 years
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msb-lair · 2 years
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Dragon: Morel - Fae Aether XYX Male
(Aether scroll applied on 2023-03-23) (Laced scroll applied on 2023-03-23) (Edged scroll applied on 2023-03-23) (Scales scroll applied on 2023-03-23)
Purchased For: 17,000 treasure Hatched On: 2022-11-13 ID: 82041760
Parentage: Oka/Kusa Flight: Light
Primary: Taupe Laced Basic Laced Secondary: Moss Edged Basic Edged Tertiary: Taupe Ringlets Basic Scales Eyes: Common
Comments: Wanted a brown-green-brown pair of aether tree dragons as well, and liked this guy’s muted colours.
Named him after a kind mushroom, since his bio is tagged “Mossy Decay” after his parental pairing, and I felt like keeping a relation to that idea.
Familiar: Catercroak
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Progeny Testing: 
[Test] Russula
Joined with Russula on 2023-03-24, 3 eggs [Clutch]
Nested with Russula on 2023-04-13, 4 eggs [Clutch]
Mated with Russula on 2023-05-06, 2 eggs [Clutch]
Crossed with Russula on 2023-05-31, 2 eggs [Clutch]
Clutched with Russula on 2023-07-05, 2 egg [Clutch]
Matched with Russula on 2023-09-01, 1 egg [Clutch]
Bred with Russula on 2023-12-14, 3 eggs [Clutch]
Paired with Russula on 2024-03-28, 2 eggs [Clutch]
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dunhoof · 2 years
pet death, disease
about two years ago we lost a foster kitten. it was a very harrowing experience, when tested we received a faint positive for a dangerous, infectious disease. at the time we had not only her four siblings and young mother in the house but six of our own inside and two we took care of outside. we sanitized every possibly infectious surface, completely got rid of multiple cat trees, steamed our carpets, took every piece of clothing and bedding we had used for months to a laundromat when our own washing machine couldn't keep up. we were almost certain her mother and siblings wouldn't survive long and all we could do was hope ours could. and then nothing happened. her siblings and mother were clear to go to their new homes, none of our cats showed any signs of being unwell, and we concluded that she had died of something else. after she died, while we were still so unsure of the safety of her family and ours, i sat at my computer like i always do when i don't have anything else. i don't know why i thought to, but i searched for a dragon that was born the same day she was. i found one, a tundra that was even black and white like her, and named it after her.
before then, i had not lost a pet since i was around 15-16. im 22 now and in the last five months, ive lost three. all three of them lived long, full, loved lives, and im happy theyre together and no longer in pain. for sydney back in august, i hatched an egg on on the day of his passing, following what i did for gracie in a way.
the last two were the pair we took care of outside, named mommy and baby tabby from when my step mother first found the former taking care of the latter as a kitten and assumed he was her mother. for several reasons - including the fact that even after living around and being fed by humans since she was very young, baby never once let anyone around her if she could help it - my step-mother and father elected to keep them outside while we had to. they were extremely bonded, baby tabby loved mommy more than anything and followed him around constantly. she’d let him eat her food if we didn’t stop him to make sure she ate too, she’d stay nearby while we were petting him even though she never got close, and when he passed back in october we took him an hour from the vet he was put to sleep at all the way home and back just to make sure she could see him one final time and hopefully understand he was gone.
she’s been doing poorly for awhile now and, without going into too much detail, the decision was made to put her to sleep this monday. today i came home from work to my father answering the door to tell me that she had passed. she’s wrapped in a blanket in the garage, curled up in the same bed we carried both sydney and mommy in after they passed. i pet her for the first time today.
the dragons i hatched for mommy three months ago and baby today both have taupe as their primary color. that’s the main thing i wanted to share, just about everything else has spilled out as i sat with her. it’s a nice, fitting color for both their tabby coats, and the fact that they somehow match feels incredible to me.
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interior-elegance · 3 months
The Power of Color: Transforming Spaces with Interior Design
Color plays a fundamental role in interior design, profoundly affecting the mood, perception, and functionality of a space. Whether you're looking to create a tranquil sanctuary, a vibrant workspace, or a cozy living area, understanding the power of color can help you achieve your design goals. Here’s how you can use color to transform your spaces effectively.
Understanding Color Theory
1. The Color Wheel: The color wheel is a fundamental tool in color theory, illustrating the relationships between primary colors (red, blue, yellow), secondary colors (green, orange, purple), and tertiary colors (mixes of primary and secondary colors). Understanding the color wheel helps in creating harmonious color schemes.
2. Color Harmony: Harmonious color combinations are pleasing to the eye and create a balanced look. Some popular color harmonies include:
Complementary Colors: Colors opposite each other on the color wheel (e.g., blue and orange) create high contrast and vibrant spaces.
Analogous Colors: Colors next to each other on the color wheel (e.g., blue, blue-green, and green) offer a serene and comfortable design.
Triadic Colors: Three evenly spaced colors on the color wheel (e.g., red, yellow, blue) provide a balanced yet dynamic look.
3. Color Temperature: Colors are often described as warm (reds, oranges, yellows) or cool (blues, greens, purples). Warm colors tend to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere, while cool colors evoke calmness and serenity.
Psychological Effects of Color
1. Red: Red is a stimulating and energetic color, often associated with passion and excitement. It can make a bold statement in living rooms or dining areas but might be too intense for bedrooms or spaces meant for relaxation.
2. Blue: Blue has a calming and soothing effect, making it ideal for bedrooms and bathrooms. Lighter shades of blue can make a room feel more spacious, while darker blues add depth and sophistication.
3. Yellow: Yellow is a cheerful and uplifting color that can brighten up kitchens and dining areas. However, too much yellow can be overwhelming, so it's best used as an accent color.
4. Green: Green represents nature and tranquility. It's a versatile color suitable for almost any room, promoting relaxation and balance. Green works well in living rooms, bedrooms, and home offices.
5. Purple: Purple is often associated with luxury and creativity. Light shades like lavender can create a restful atmosphere in bedrooms, while deeper purples add drama and elegance to living spaces.
6. Neutral Colors: Neutral colors like white, gray, beige, and taupe provide a timeless and versatile backdrop. They can make a space feel more open and are perfect for creating a minimalist aesthetic or highlighting other design elements.
Using Color to Transform Spaces
1. Create Focal Points: Use bold colors on accent walls, furniture, or decor pieces to draw attention and create focal points. This technique can add interest and dynamism to a room without overwhelming it.
2. Enhance Space Perception: Lighter colors can make small spaces appear larger and more open, while darker colors can create a sense of intimacy and coziness. Use color strategically to manipulate the perception of space.
3. Reflect Your Personality: Choose colors that reflect your personality and the mood you want to create in each room. For example, a creative person might prefer vibrant and bold colors, while someone seeking tranquility might lean towards softer, pastel hues.
4. Coordinate with Existing Elements: Consider the colors of existing furniture, flooring, and fixtures when selecting paint colors. Coordinating colors can create a cohesive look, while contrasting colors can highlight specific features.
5. Seasonal Changes: Switch up your color scheme seasonally to keep your space feeling fresh and updated. Use lighter, cooler colors in the summer and warmer, richer colors in the winter.
Practical Tips for Implementing Color
1. Start with a Color Palette: Create a color palette for each room, including a primary color and one or two accent colors. This will help guide your design choices and ensure consistency.
2. Use Color Samples: Test paint samples on your walls before committing to a color. Observe how the color looks at different times of the day and in various lighting conditions.
3. Balance Bold and Neutral Colors: Balance bold colors with neutral tones to prevent a space from feeling too overwhelming. For example, pair a bright red accent wall with neutral furniture and decor.
4. Accessorize with Color: Incorporate color through accessories like throw pillows, rugs, artwork, and curtains. This allows you to experiment with color without making permanent changes.
5. Consider the Room’s Purpose: Think about the function of each room when choosing colors. Energetic colors work well in social spaces like living rooms and kitchens, while calming colors are better suited for bedrooms and bathrooms.
Color is a powerful tool in interior design that can transform spaces by influencing mood, perception, and functionality. By understanding color theory and the psychological effects of color, you can create harmonious, balanced, and visually appealing interiors. Whether you’re looking to energize a room, create a relaxing retreat, or reflect your personal style, the strategic use of color can help you achieve your design goals and enhance your living spaces.
Credits : https://tinttoneandshade.com/
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centralcoastkitchens · 3 months
8 Modern Hues for Your Kitchen Renovation
A kitchen renovation is an exciting opportunity to infuse new life into one of the most important spaces in your home. The colour palette you choose can dramatically transform the ambiance, making your kitchen not only a functional workspace but also a stylish and inviting area. Here are eight modern hues that can elevate your kitchens Central Coast to new heights, with detailed insights on how to incorporate them into your design. 
Sage Green
Sage green is a versatile and calming colour that brings a touch of nature indoors. This muted green works well with both contemporary and traditional kitchen designs. Its subtlety makes it an excellent choice for cabinetry, walls, or even tile backsplashes. Pair it with natural wood tones and matte black fixtures for a sophisticated look. Sage green cabinets can create a serene and welcoming environment, perfect for fostering a relaxing atmosphere in your kitchen. Consider adding plants and organic materials to complement this earthy hue, enhancing the overall tranquillity of the space.
Navy Blue
Navy blue is a classic colour that has made a strong comeback in modern kitchen design. It's bold yet timeless, offering a dramatic contrast when paired with white or light-coloured countertops and backsplashes. Navy blue cabinetry can add depth and elegance, making it a perfect choice for those looking to make a statement. To balance the intensity of navy blue, incorporate lighter elements such as marble countertops or white subway tiles. Brass or gold hardware can further elevate the look, adding a touch of luxury and refinement. Navy blue also pairs beautifully with wooden elements, creating a nautical or coastal vibe if desired.
Matte Black
Matte black is the epitome of chic sophistication. It's a daring choice that can create a stunning visual impact when used for cabinetry or countertops. Pairing matte black with brass or gold hardware can add a touch of luxury and modernity. This hue is ideal for creating a sleek, minimalist kitchen that exudes confidence and style. To prevent the space from feeling too dark or enclosed, combine matte black with ample lighting, reflective surfaces, and open shelving. This contrast will help maintain a balanced and inviting atmosphere while showcasing the dramatic appeal of matte black.
Warm Taupe
Warm taupe is a neutral colour that brings warmth and cosiness to the kitchen. It's a great alternative to the traditional beige, offering more depth and richness. This hue works well with both light and dark accents, making it a flexible choice for various design styles. Warm taupe walls or cabinets can create a comforting and inviting atmosphere, perfect for gathering with family and friends. To enhance this effect, consider using natural materials such as stone countertops or wooden flooring. Adding textiles like rugs or curtains in complementary shades can also contribute to a cohesive and homely feel.
Soft Blush
Soft blush is a delicate and trendy colour that can add a subtle touch of femininity and charm to your kitchen. It's perfect for those who want a hint of colour without overwhelming the space. Soft blush can be used for walls, cabinetry, or even as an accent colour in backsplashes and decor. It pairs beautifully with metallics and natural wood, creating a balanced and sophisticated look. To fully embrace this hue, consider incorporating blush-coloured accessories such as bar stools, pendant lights, or even small appliances. This cohesive approach will ensure the soft blush theme is consistently represented throughout the space.
Charcoal Gray
Charcoal grey is a sophisticated and modern colour that exudes elegance and understated luxury. It's a versatile hue that can be used as a primary colour for cabinets or as an accent on walls and islands. Charcoal grey pairs well with stainless steel appliances and white countertops, creating a sleek and polished look. For a more dramatic effect, combine charcoal grey with bold colours like deep red or vibrant yellow in smaller doses. This contrast can add personality and interest to the kitchen, making it a unique and memorable space.
Mustard Yellow
Mustard yellow is a bold and vibrant colour that can add a cheerful and energetic vibe to your kitchen. It's perfect for those who want to make a bold statement. Mustard yellow works well with neutral tones and can be used for cabinetry, walls, or even small appliances. This hue can instantly brighten up the space and add a unique touch. To avoid overwhelming the room, use mustard yellow as an accent colour, perhaps in the form of a feature wall, backsplash, or decorative accessories. Complement this bold hue with softer tones like grey or white to maintain a balanced and harmonious design.
Crisp White
Crisp white is a timeless and classic choice for any kitchen renovation. It's a versatile colour that creates a clean, bright, and airy feel. White cabinets, walls, and countertops can make a small kitchen appear larger and more open. Pairing white with natural wood elements and colourful accents can add warmth and personality to the space. To prevent a white kitchen from feeling too sterile, incorporate textures and layers through fabrics, tiles, and various finishes. This approach will add depth and interest, ensuring your crisp white kitchen remains inviting and engaging.
Choosing the right colour palette for your kitchen renovation can set the tone for the entire space. Whether you prefer the calming effect of sage green, the boldness of navy blue, or the timeless appeal of crisp white, these modern hues can help you create a kitchen that's both stylish and functional. Experiment with these colours to find the perfect combination that reflects your personal style and enhances your home's overall aesthetic. By thoughtfully selecting and combining these hues, you can transform your kitchen into a stunning and inviting centrepiece of your home.
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