sapphicprentiss · 4 months
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Emily Prentiss in Criminal Minds: Evolution 'Gold Star'
@ilyprentiss @littlecarmine @catgirlspence @buckleyhans @lovelyy-moonlight @moonlight-breeze-44 @ry-kills-jemily @kalexdanversfan @anlin2058 @eveljerome @blownawcy @falling-forever-in-a-hole @mmmmmkay77 @paulitalblond @charleyspiderman @captkatecastle @demonicbaby666 @lol-lynn @lesbiansguidetoanangryinch @jackiebuckley @inlovewithjemily
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rat-pagi · 1 year
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Kaleesh Week Day 5 - Wives
Downtime between battles leaves Vekka jai Kandakis (that is, Qy's adoptive grandmother) and her lovers with some time to spend together.
Well, without people shooting at them, anyways. (Vekks is the one in the middle, the one at her left is...maybe Rallia? And idk the name of the one sitting below her, but I'll call her Mechanist for now)
Vekka jai Kandakis! I think I've spoken on Qy's grandmother once before, but she's a a bit different in the weird little AU I've got going on for Kalee. For one, she's fighting the Yam'rii, not the Bitthævrians (though the Bitthævrians are on the Yam'rii's side, and inter-planetary politics, etc. etc.), and she's more or less, the victor, driving them off of Kalee for...well, at least a little while (eventually, they get trickier, then come back at about the time Qy is born). So how does that happen? And who the heck is Kandakis anyways? She was born the heir to the jai clan, back before the jai clan was a big deal (that actually could probably be attributed to her more than anyone else), and most of the Kaleesh alliances were formed. Kalee was under attack and the Yam'rii were, by all accounts, winning. When she's in her late teens, her father is killed in a largely unwinnable battle and she takes on leadership of the clan. Haunted by his death, which she had been there to see, the already intense young khan starts a relentless, terrifyingly well-planned campaign against the Yam'rii and does what no one one had managed yet-- to win. And then win again. With each success, narrow as they often were, other clans started to turn to the jai for leadership in the chaos and atrocity of this invasion, forming the first kolkpravis. With the diplomatic bonds, however, came the need for generals, and with generals came, for the first time in Kandakis' life, comrades. Some of whom, like the two women in the image above, she loved.
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As more and more of Kalee came together (excepting some isolationists, such as Aschal-Kalee, home of the San clan), the khan--now khagan--'s victories continued, and they managed to push the insectoid colonists from their base on the equator of the planet, and into their last and largest stronghold Ti'rrinoa in one of the small islands between the southern Tarili islands and Grendaju to the south. This, at last, earned the khagan the name she is best known by-- Kandakis, or, "favored one", as the intervention of the dead was said to have played no small role in her ability to re-take almost all of Kalee, and moreover with no losses among her spouses and closest generals. Yet this was soon to change. The kolkpravis mounts its first assault on Ti'rrinoa, yet this time, the Yam'rii had prepared, and, sending a desperate message to their homeworld, secured a small star destroyer from the Republic which fires upon the Kaleesh forces. The loss of life is immense, and includes, not just one but all of Kandakis' spouses. She has known grief-- known it many times before, but not in this magnitude. When she looks up at the sky and sees not the stars, but the ship that stole her lovers' lives, she vows, quietly, below her breath. to burn the entire stronghold to the ground. The plan, in some ways, is simple. She surrenders herself to the Yam'rii, knowing well that they will bring her before their leaders on their homeworld for execution-- from a shuttle that departs from the destroyer above. If she looses her bonds-- and she does-- she can fight her way to the bridge and, should the gods grant her this one last favor, send the entire ship crashing into the stronghold below. It's an act of sacrifice, yet in some ways also a rejection of her own life-- for Kandakis does not know how to start again, after the loss of those who she had loved for so many years. And yet-- the gods grant her one more favor than she wanted, asked for-- she survives. Rising from the wreckage, she rejects the role of khagan, the aftermath of the war, even her name, for Kandakis seems but a cruel joke after all she has endured. Instead, she takes the name Kull-- the Kaleesh term for the dead that wander, unable to reach their kin in the stars--and returns to the steppes she had once grown up on, hoping to find some solace in their stark beauty. Instead, she meets a young Kaleesh, angry at the world, and far, far too eager to be a part of the ashes of her life.
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(Also, tagging @zyanova-- I know you mentioned you'd be interested in hearing more about Kandakis and I am late but it is here at last Hope you enjoy it!)
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damnhotmsimmons · 2 years
i had a sad thought that Tara is most likely celebrating Valentine’s day alone cause Rebecca is a bitch
Only consolidation is that maybe she hooks up with another pretty woman and they have a one night stand
or if you want to go with the Tarily route, she and Emily spend Valentine’s day together
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penelopeminded · 2 years
my thoughts on cme 16.6, true conviction
let me just say i'm DREADING this episode actually
wow they actually gave us the whole first scene i was sure this was more spread out
it's so empty 😕
no way they just drove right past the guy
where's mister mommy issues is he dead already
oh poor kid but i'm really interested in the backstory
NO INJURIES SERIOUSLY?? so boring i wanted a hospital love confession 😐
emily with a ponytail yes please
luke actually looks really good rn i love his messy hair
true he is in fact already dead
they probably should be going to the hospital are you kidding me
dude was raised to be a murderer fr
i am loving doug's character arc
aw that's sad but at least he's finally got closure
HES SO FUNNY (it wasn't that funny but i laughed)
aw this is so nostalgic 🥺
NO BODY NO CRIME emily's a swiftie
i hate that they're on a first name basis
AW this isn't nearly the reunion i wanted at all but it's cute "even luke" and his smile 🙄
some of you are gonna say that's hot 🧐
mommy 😩
they're cute i'm glad this didn't lead to a fight and i'm guessing in aj's episode we see this time off
one thing about jj is she will absolutely never sit in a chair normally
she's so sweet 😭
ugh i've seen this hairdo before and I'm still gonna throw up looking at it
i love boobs
UH OH GF IS MAD (partly rightfully so)
"don't say that" IM CRYING NO
garcia is me i LOVE gossip
jj is so cute bye
tarvez besties 🤩
let's talk about BOTH your love lives over a beer, please
i adore tara and i need tarbecca to last
HAHAHA i love everything about this except for the implications behind "go feed that cat"
aw 😕 poor penny
over your dead body dude
aw i feel so bad for her
and BACK to the comedy
😐😐 that's not funny. i feel nauseous. i'm crying. please take it back PLEASE
what the hell. what. what. r u joking. this is cruel.
yes PLEASE give me some good news
i better fucking not see luke happy about this
penelope garcia you continue to be a genius but i'm mad at you.
mkay anyways if we don't at least get jealous luke out of this IM gonna be the next sicarius
i'm done bye that went about as bad as i thought it would
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vivaciousoceans · 5 months
I’m soooo not excited for jemily 🙃 like you guys they already confirmed sapphic Tara and had her break up with her girlfriend, tarily is right there.
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montenegrxs · 3 years
why emily prentiss is one with the gays 1/?
look at her, does any purely straight person sit like this? I’m serious. straight people don’t sit like this.
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marvelfanlife · 4 years
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Criminal Minds Female Character Apprecitaion Week:
Favourite Female Relationship: 
Tara Lewis and Emily Prentiss
“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams” - Dr. Seauss
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trash-for-choni · 3 years
There’s not nearly enough temily content on this goddamn earth
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temilyrights · 3 years
wait is the emily x tara ship name temily or tarily because i’ve seen both floating around-
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sapphicprentiss · 1 year
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Emily Prentiss in Criminal Minds: Evolution 'Sicarius'
taglist: @ilyprentiss @ry-kills-jemily @buckleyhans @lovelyy-moonlight @proselys @midnightsjareau @eveljerome @blownawcy @hotch-girl @mmmmmkay77 @paulitalblond @catgirlspence @falling-forever-in-a-hole @kalexdanversfan @anlin2058 @charleyspiderman @captkatecastle @demonicbaby666 @lesbiansguidetoanangryinch @moonlight-breeze-44
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dreatine · 4 years
Fic: The Ritz ( Tarily)
Title: The Ritz
Author: dreatine
Characters: Tarily( Tara Lewis and Emily Prentiss) (Platonic or romantic, which ever you want!)
Rating: G/PG
CMBingo2020Square: Bed sharing
Disclaimer: CBS owns all...I own nothing
Notes: Thanks to Sharon and Edgar for looking this over...
Notes 2: There's a line in here taken from a comedy show...see if you can spot it!
  "I can't believe this hotel lost our reservations." Emily grumbled, as she and Tara waited at the front desk. As part of the Bureau's new outreach program, they were sending agents from different departments to different law enforcement across the country to encourage people to apply to the Bureau. And after drawing the short straws, literally, Emily and Tara were the ones chosen to represent the BAU. And so on a cold wintry weekend, they were stuck in the outskirts of the city, at a hotel that looked like the Bates Motel without reservations.
"Tell me who made them again?" Tara asked, leaning on the counter.
"HR." Emily grumbled."They're in charge of all thee reservations for this program. If it had been Garcia, we'd be at the Ritz."
Tara chuckled." This isn't it, that's for sure."
A tired looking older man came out from behind the door, shuffling to the desk. "Ladies, I checked again and you're reservations appear to be lost. We have no record at all of anyone under the FBI listed here."
Tara groaned while Emily asked, "Do you have ANY rooms available?"
"Let me see." he replied, peering at he reservation book. Emily and Tara exchanged glances. 'How dated is this motel that they still have a reservation book?", Emily thought, as she looked around and saw a cigarette machine in the corner. This motel seemed to be stuck in the seventies.
"Anything?" Tara inquired, tiredly.
"You're in luck, ladies." the gentleman said. "I have one room available."
"We'll take it!" they both exclaimed.
"There's only one bed." he offered.
"We'll be fine." Emily assured, handing over her credit card.
"Oh my. The credit card reader is down." the manager explained. "My grandson is coming by tomorrow to fix it, so you can pay then."
Emily nodded, eyebrows raised ."All right."
He handed over the sign in book . "Just sign your name here near the room number."
Nodding, Emily signed while Tara picked up the bags. "Here is the key." he handed them a old fashioned hotel key with a plastic chain. 'I didn't know they made those anymore.'  Tara thought.
"Room 224."
Tara replied. "Thanks." She led Emily to the elevator and when the doors opened, they squeezed into the small space. "It's the size of a matchbox." Tara mused.
The elevator slowly and creakily made its ascent to the second floor, stopping with a thud, causing both women to be jostled. Screeching open, they walked out and looked around. Emily saw the room designations and pointed to the right, Trudging along, they got to Room 224 and Tara inserted the key.
Jerking it open, the women were in shock. The room was indescribable. Shag carpet, patchwork bedspread, all in a lime green color. The furniture was wood stained, while the lamps had fake crystals dangling from the shade.
"What the hell is this?" Emily asked, incredulously.
"This is where the Ritz hit the fan." Tara replied, entering the room cautiously. "Let's just get this over with it." she dropped her bags on the bed and began to rummage for her pajamas.
"I can't believe HR thought this was acceptable." Emily groused, depositing her bag on the dresser.
"You know the Bureau." Tara answered, as she went to the bathroom. "Always cutting costs."
Emily replied. "I know but this is ridiculous."
************* 20 minutes later:
 "I can't believe we have to stay here another night." Tara complained, as she and Emily pulled back the patchwork bedspread, the stiff fabric uncomfortable to the touch.
"I wonder if we called Garcia she could work some magic and get us a better hotel room." Emily offered.
"Against the Bureau's wishes? Very sneaky, Emily Prentiss." Tara said, causing Emily to grin.
"Hey, I' m not the boss for nothing." Emily grinned. "Eh...this sheet is stiff. Someone went overboard on the starch."
Tara shook her head. " Let's just go to sleep." she got into the bed, pulling the sheet towards her. "Damn!", she moved about, trying to get comfortable.
Emily followed and a string of expletives left her mouth. The bed was so uncomfortable that she wasn't sure it could be classified as a bed. There managed to be both lumps and sags in the mattress that made her roll to the middle.
"This motel should be sued for false advertising for calling itself a motel." Emily grumbled, wiggling to get comfortable.
"What would we win? A cigarette machine, a shag rug?" Tara shifted, trying to find a soft space. "Probably better to torch this place."
Emily laughed heartily, causing Tara to join in. They both ended up in a fit of raucous laughter, shaking the bed. This whole situation was a story for the ages. Suddenly, a loud crack emitted from the bed. They both looked at each other briefly , before...
The bed frame broke, causing them and the mattress to fall through to the floor.
"THAT"S IT!" Emily roared.  "I'm calling Garcia!"
the End
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catvampire · 5 years
aisha tyler is 6′0.
this means that tara lewis in 3-inch heels is taller than anyone in the bau, reid and simmons very much included.
tara lewis in five or six-inch heels would tower over the rest of the team
on a scale of 0 to prentiss how gay are you feeling given this information
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stunudo · 5 years
They really just had Dr. Tara Lewis say that she is the woman behind the woman.
Tarily 2020 y’all
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
You Put Your Arms Around Me and I’m Home
Summary: After getting married in a small and intimate ceremony with help from Rossi, Emily and Tara head on their honeymoon to the beautiful town of Matera, Italy.
Words: 1,134
Warnings: Nudity and the slightest hint of smut.
A/N: My first entry for @cmbingo! This fulfills my Lewis x Prentiss square! Enjoy :D
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Not even a cramped 12-hour flight could dampen their mood as they walked into what was quite possibly the most beautiful “hotel” room they’d ever seen. Neither woman expected to be where they were now, hand-in-hand strolling through the spacious rooms after having celebrated their whirlwind love with family and friends in a small and intimate ceremony - in Rossi’s backyard of course.
Matera, Italy sat on a rocky outcrop of the region of Basilicata in the southern part of the country. Tara had seen a picture of the area and insisted going there for their honeymoon, but pictures didn’t do it justice - not by a long shot. What in the daytime were soft gold limestone stone and caves became colored by the setting sun, a rosy champagne that returned night after night.
“I think we’re going to have to call Rossi and tell him we’re never coming back,” Tara laughed softly, giving Emily’s hand a light squeeze. 
Their hotel was carved in the mountainside, made of stone and lit with candles. After learning of their marriage, the staff ensured that every inch of the suite was covered in soft light. A king-size bed, perfect for the nights to come, a living area that sported a window toward the sea and a bathroom that held a two-person tub. “Yea, we’re never going back,” Emily replied, turning to Tara and brushing her lips over the soft skin of her wife’s shoulder. Wife...she could call her wife now. All the hell they’d both been through had been worth it for this moment. 
Stepping back, Emily quickly pulled her iPhone dock out of her bag and put her phone on it. With her hand outstretched, Emily pressed play with the other. It was their wedding song - Have You Ever Been in Love by Celine Dion. They’d both been in relationships before, hell, Tara had been married, but never had they felt this way about someone before. “Dance with me,” Emily whispered.
Tara slipped her fingers between Emily’s as the two began to sway among the dancing candlelight. Before each other, they would’ve made fun of such sappy songs - touching moonlight, reaching stars - that was the stuff of fantasies, not reality. But here they both were, leaning into each other’s arms, feeling like they were floating on a cloud. In the arms of the other, they were home. “We’re gross,” Tara laughed quietly.
“We really are. Don’t care though.”
“Me either.”
Before long, the song was over and the two were still swaying in the silence of their home for the week. Tara leaned in and stole a kiss as she eyed the tub. “How about we get naked and soapy? Sip champagne and cuddle for a few hours until we get prune-y and want to fall asleep?”
“Sounds like heaven.”
With a sleepy smile, Emily turned the faucet on and filled the tub with warm water and some rose-scented bubble bath mix before slipping out of her clothes. She turned to see Tara slip out of the dark purple lace panties that drove Emily wild. “Guess what.”
“My wife has a hot bod.”
“My wife does too,” she giggled, caressing the side of Emily’s face and pulling her in for a kiss.”Don’t tell her I said so though.”
By the time they were done swooning over each other, at least out loud, the water was at a good level for them to get in. All around them the room smelled of roses. Tara slipped in first, hissing at the heat of the water, just on the hotter side of warm - it was perfect. With a naked lady next to her, it would be even better. 
“Room for one more?” Emily asked.
Tara stretched out her hand. “Absolutely.”
As Emily stepped into the water, Tara playfully smacked her butt and pulled her down into the water. They leaned against each other in the water as Tara played with her hair, fingertips massaging her scalp until Emily was practically falling asleep in her wife’s arms. “So what do you want to do tomorrow?” She asked sleepily.
Tara felt like she had lead in her mouth. Her words felt so heavy, but in the best way possible. The most relaxed she’d ever been. “Well, we have a couples massage scheduled at 2 in the afternoon.”
“I forgot about that,” Emily sighed, cuddling in closer against Tara’s chest, lulled further into sleep by the steady beat of her heart. “If we get any more relaxed, we might go into comas.”
“This is true, but honestly...it’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
Emily felt Tara smile against the nape of her neck. “I think we should get up whenever we want, no alarms to speak of, then we can grab breakfast from the hotel. We can bring it back here and eat in our robes and watch the waves roll in.”
“That sounds heavenly,” Tara sighed. “We can go in the pool after the massage, have dinner at that little place we passed just before we got here, with what looked like the most orgasmic pasta I’ve ever seen and then we can come back here and not get out of bed all night.”
“Perfect.” When she moved her head to face Tara, the slipped and some water sloshed out of the sides of the tub and onto the floor. “But I say we get two different meals at dinner and split because I want to eat all of the food for the next two weeks.”
“Oh, me too,” Tara laughed. “I plan on going back home about 10 pounds heavier.”
“Worth it.”
Slipping her hand under the nape of her neck, Tara pulled Emily close and rested against her, nose to nose. In her eyes she saw home. In her embrace, nothing could touch them. “Wanna get out and head to bed?”
“Yes, but the water is warm,” Emily groaned with a laugh. 
Reluctantly, she stood up and grabbed a warm towel for both herself and Tara, drying off before slipping under the covers and crooking her finger in Tara’s direction. “Come here, beautiful.”
“One second,” she said with a smile as a rosy tinge stained her cheeks. “Just going to ring out my hair.”
Emily nodded and watched as Tara slipped behind the wall. After such a long flight and a relaxing evening, she found her eyelids getting heavier and heavier, her fingers skating over her brand new wedding ring.
A few minutes later, Tara headed to bed to find Emily fast asleep. She smiled and slipped under the blankets herself, reveling in the warmth of the impossibly soft material before leaning over to kiss Emily goodnight. There was plenty of time for what was to come. They had the rest of their lives.
@prettyboyeffect @jamiemelyn @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @kalie-bee @veroinnumera @lookwhatyoumademequeue @cynbx @tippy06 @smolldork @marvelouslyme96 @literallyprentissstwin @adropintheocean1234567 @skrrrrrrrrrrt @mysticpansy @dionnaea @boywonderspencer @multifandomizer @mantlereid @emilyshurley @marvelfanlife @amarislestrange @obsessed5sosfreak @hellomyeuphoria @entelechysymphony @pugs-cats-bb-8 
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okimargarvez · 6 years
Original title: Il magnifico, strabiliante potere della suggestione.
Prompt: just right after 14x1, the team go to Rossi’ house and talking about Luke and Penelope situation.
Warning: comic, border of the absurd, parody.
Genre: humor, family, parody, comedy, romantic, friendship.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, Emily Prentiss, Tara Lewis, David Rossi, Matt Simmons, Spencer Reid, Jennifer Jareau.
Pairing: Garvez, Tarily.
Note: oneshot 39 in Garvez collection.
Legend: 🔦🎈.
Song mentioned: Solo è solo una parola, Tiziano Ferro.
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This story it’s my first Tarily.
As the last time, Rossi had that idea. After what they had passed, after what they had risked losing, it was necessary to spend a moment of suspension, in which they didn't have to think about the duties and responsibilities that weighed on their shoulders, every time they got on that jet, and even on those of those who remained on the ground. But above all, the father of the BAU wanted to prevent someone from mulling too much and arriving at the wrong conclusion. Finally, they have to stay together for what distinguished them from all the other teams, including the VICAP where the traitor, Mary Meadows, had been working for a very long time. Because they were, because they are, a family.
Dave is in the kitchen, intent on taking care of his very famous pasta, which, he himself is aware of, would make his grandmother pale, because it is too different from the original recipe. But here they are in America, not in Italy, and dishes, like people, change, transform, absorb something new and combine it with tradition. Despite not being in the living room, he still has a good view of a good part of his colleagues. And his hearing works great. -No, I say, have you seen?- Tara blurts out, jumping on the couch and beating with her arm that of her colleague, as well as boss. -Or am I the only fool to have noticed?- she turns to the blonde, while trying to lower the volume of the voice. But there wouldn’t even be to worry. The reason that justifies her sudden jump in the air hasn’t noticed anything in the least, is too busy to do something else. Rossi giggles, continuing to mix the sauce; he adds the cream.
I think of you thinking of me and a life goes away, I look at you, watching that another era ends and while inexorable the time doesn’t console me, I'm alone but I smile, and I think that alone it's just a word...
-Are you talking about a certain someone who hasn’t stopped staring at someone else since we left the elevator and even now seems not to want to commit too much to make everything less obvious and clear?- says the expert's answer in communication with the press. They all burst out laughing, yet the man doesn’t even turn around.
Emily even applauds. -I couldn’t have said it better, JJ.- the two friends look at each other and approach their heads, blonde and brunette, so perfect to see together.
Perhaps even to avoid being pushed aside, Dr. Lewis says: -But why, don’t tell me it's the first time you realize it. -And so Prentiss returns to focus on her.
JJ shakes her head vigorously, clapping a hand on her leg, to emphasize the following concept. -Not really! Say rather the millionth time.- she casts more circumspect glances at the subject of their conversation, but there is no danger at all. -He doesn’t miss an opportunity to stare her, whenever he knows she can’t noticed it.- a slight, that is not slight, trace of frustration.
-I don’t think he does it consciously.- Matt decides to take the defense of his friend, at least a little. -Sure, his brain has a security system that prevents him from looking at her and being caught, but there is nothing conscious, in what he does.- for the first time he turns to check the situation with his own eyes. Luke is still there, dazed at the entrance to the patio, and is staring at their beloved colleague, in the garden, intent in a lively telephone conversation with her chocolate thunder.
-In any case this situation has lasted for too long. This story has been going on for two years.- it is clear that JJ can’t stand it any longer, she hoped for them from the first moment, she also thought more than once to talk with him or her, but she didn’t want to intrude on things that didn’t concern her. And here is the result.
Tara helps her. -Yes, well, if you expect that he makes the first step, you are a dreamer.- she launches an overall look at the whole group, thus obtaining a strategic pause. -We have noticed the way he looked at her a moment ago, no?- another break, before expressing at best what she has learned in years of university and several specific courses in psychology. -With regret. Disillusionment.- she scans every term well, almost as if it were arcane and she wasn’t talking to equally competent people. -It doesn’t even dare to put a hand on her shoulder, while inside him, who knows what he thought.- she shakes her head, looks at her friend again. -It's hopeless.- she decrees, finally, virtually by leaving her own signature to the recipe that she would recommend to him.
-And then, do you think it would be easier if she makes the first move?- Simmons loves both, loves Penelope, but in this discussion he must at least try to take the parts of his adoptive brother.
-When she came back from that audience in San Francisco... Pen told me that, if anything could have happened before, now it was too late.- JJ reveals, with a slightly sad tone. Emily strokes her arm.
-For Lisa?- Tara asks.
-I think so, what else?- the blonde answers rolling her eyes.
So, Matt decides it's time to seriously expose himself. -I'm sorry to be so abrupt, I'm really sorry for Lisa, but... theirs is not a big love story. At first maybe he was taken by the new... but it lasted less than a week.- he remembers his look while he told him about this girl fabulous, smart, nice... and remembers even better what he had thought himself, i.e. that he was actually speaking of Garcia.
-Are you sure they're still together?- more than a pair of eyes look strangely towards the chief. She spreads her arms as if to say "I only asked". Then, after a moment's hesitation, she adds: -After all, you all didn’t realize that Mark and I broke up.- JJ opens her eyes wide and also her mouth, then takes a deep breath.
-WHAAAAAAAAAAT?- a look of reproach that is equivalent to a "how could you not tell me". From the kitchen, Rossi refrains from laughing so as not to distract himself. He can’t forget to add onions. What a David Rossi’ pasta Carbonara would be, otherwise?
Dr. Lewis strokes her shoulder. -I'm very sorry, Emily.- she understands that her friend is sincere, but she still catches something strange; but decides not to commit too much in the search for an answer that is not ready to know.
I wrote the answers even without the questions because I have riddles and doubts sent back to the sender...
JJ takes the situation in her hands. For her it is not just one of the many chats in the family, but a real mission. -We must trying to stay serious. Does anyone have a real plan to put them both in front of the reality of what they feel?- the million dollar question. Nobody dared to risk proposing something, until the boy, the youngest of the group, finally takes the floor. Tonight, he was strangely silent.
-Why don’t we lock them in a closet and don’t leave them there until one of them fails?- his best friend seriously evaluates the idea for a moment, then forces herself to discard it, although she sees the scene in front of her eyes as if it were real.
-Spence! Do you want to be arrested for kidnapping?- the little genius doesn’t understand the reaction of his boss. -No, it seems too bad.- the others nod.
-Where did you take this idea, from a book by Stephen King?- Tara asks him. He nods vigorously. -I guessed.- and a chorus of laughter breaks out. For the first time since being at Rossi's home, Luke turns to look in their direction. But only for a moment. He can’t risk that the work of art he is contemplating vanishes because he has let himself be distracted for a while.
-Hey, conspirators, the dinner is ready!- Dave's voice resounds also to Luke, who has a sweet and dreamy smile on his lips.
-Penelope!- he calls, enjoying seeing her turn around and forcing her to look him in the eye. -It's time for dinner.- the blonde looks up at the sky, clearly annoyed and interrupts her conversation. She is too far to read the labial, even if he would be able to.
 Later, while the two lovebirds (still unaware of it, but these are just details) clean up the room (they have certainly not decided to do it, it was the landlord who entrusted to both of this task), all others take care of the rest of the house. And it is precisely during the passage of a plate between JJ and Matt, that Reid elaborates the perfect plan. That is not at all so, but the general enthusiasm is too great for anyone to realize it. And luckily for them, those two are overly naive to smell the smell what’s in store.
-What if we let them believe that we all involuntarily ingested a "truth serum"?- for a while the dish doesn’t fall to the ground, where it would surely be shattered, ruining Grandma Rossi's favorite set.
-Spence, but it's a great idea!- the ceramic object reaches the dishwasher unharmed, and the blonde holds back from throwing her arms around his neck, even though he no longer hates hugs or physical contact in general.
-Pentothal.- Tara can’t help but say, correcting his colleague. This too, it's quite strange. Spencer that doesn’t use the correct term of a drug.
-Yes, all great, but there is still a problem. How did we eat such a thing without realizing it? As a joke it seems a bit too...- Simmons is forced to be the pain in the ass.
-Right, we need to study the details better.- Emily nods to herself meditatively.
-But we don’t have much time left. Those two have practically finished and aren’t stupid to this point.- JJ looks terrified at the living room, not even she was the protagonist of a scars horror film or a slashers movie.
-I'll take care of that.- Rossi walks outside the kitchen, still wearing an apron with "Bella Napoli, da Tony, cheap prices" written on it, a gift from one of his best poker’ companions from the good old days, apron that, between brackets, it suits on him so good. -Hey, guys, I realized I had made an unforgivable mistake. I forgot to buy wine. And what Rossi’ party would be, without a nice glass in the hand?- he mentally asks forgiveness to the various bottles down in the cellar. Perhaps, in another situation, perhaps, if it were vital information to capture an unsub... perhaps in that case they would have understand, which was just a lie. Instead, in the special circumstance, they fall for it, both. -Would you go there to buy one, while we end up settling down there?- he paints the most sincere and innocent expression he know on his face. Yes, he always got along well with poker.
-Sure, no problem.- Luke smiles and certainly is not because he wants to take a ride with the car. The smile widens more and more, and the eyes are filled with little hearts. Damn it, it's just so hopeless.
-But why do I have to go too? Can’t do him alone?- instead, his kitten protests, behaving like a naughty child, but not at all affect the blissful expression of her colleague.
-C’mon, getting some air will do you good, and beyond there, a couple of hands, here, might be a bit too much. And this evening it's better that none of us stay alone.- he is good also with improvisation. Maybe he should have worked in the cinema; after all, he is half Italian. Di Caprio, De Niro, Tarantino...
-Let��s not split up, exactly the opposite of Fred's suggestion in every episode of Scooby Doo!- agent Alvez adds, hoping to gain points in the eyes of Garcia, having noticed (and noted, in his mind) a poster and a statuette of the famous Great Dane in her house.
-Exactly!- the man gives him a fatherly pat on the shoulder. Penelope looks first at one and then the other, as undecided about who unleash her own wrath, who fulminates first, then emits a loud puff, that surely others in the kitchen will have heard because they hear shortly after laughter in the distance. However, Dave is surprised not to see her stomping her feet on the floor.
-Italian Stallion, you shouldn’t do that!- in the end, she shows quite generous, before walking behind the Latin, which launches at the older one a gaze that seems a silent thanks.
While the roar of the car of Luke resounded, Rossi returns to the kitchen, where the housework has been completed quite a while ago. Three women and two men, one of them married and one self-sufficient for unhappy circumstances; he couldn’t expect otherwise. -Ok, it's done.- he exclaims in a strange tone, as if he were talking through a walkie-talkie. He can resist to not adding a Roger.
JJ is responsible for taking the floor for everyone. -Great. So, we thought we could say that you found a letter from your old enemy, maybe a rival of love, I think there will be an infinite list of them- this mania to reiterate the stereotype of warm hearted Italian -that instead of killing you has decided to punish you by forcing you to tell the truth and so ruin your romantic evening with Krystall!- many heads nod in sync.
-Wait... how do you know that I restarted to dating the third wife?- Tara, Emily and JJ exchange a look too explicit.
-Well, before you said it, we had only suspects.- and the blonde blinks innocently, tapering her lips and passing her tongue over it, as she always does in these circumstances. Shit. Now the damage is done.
-Whatever.- he talks hoping that the information vanishes from their minds, submerged by other data much more important for their mission -We don’t have much time, Luke and Penelope will return in at most ten minutes. There is a supermarket nearby, and there is no queue at this hour.- and magically, it works.
-I'm in charge of manufacturing the threatening message.- Reid offers, genuinely enthusiastic.
-I'll give him a hand.- Tara says.
-Ok, but there is another problem.- all look bad at Simmons, who spreads his arms, as if to say that he certainly doesn’t want to be on purpose the Voice of Doom. -I don’t think Garcia will fall for it. I have no doubts about Luke, because... forget it. But she, is naïve, ok, buts... no, in my opinion her protection system will prevent her from saying what she feels. In short, she already normally come out with things that maybe she would rather not say out loud, right? I don’t think it would make the difference for her.- they dreadfully admit it, but Matt hit the mark.
-Damn it!- JJ is displeased, already thinking of abandoning everything.
-Hey, hold on, I have the solution.- all eyes are now on the psychologist. -Pen is the only vegetarian, among us, right? So, she ate a different sauce from ours, without meat.- she says simply.
-Of course! Tara, you're a genius!- Emily gives her a warm smile and something melts inside her colleague.
-Well, now, everyone at work!-
 About ten minutes later, Alvez's car was parked in the huge Rossi garage. -Ok, are you all ready? Battle stations.- JJ is still the one to take the situation in her hands. -I recommend, try to look natural. Chatter, bar talk.- steps approaching. -...so, Michael looked at Harry and said "But what you say, Santa doesn’t exist?"- the door knob lowers.
-Yes, I understand you perfectly. The same thing happened to me last year. Fortunately, the twins have taken it quite well...- and finally a burst of color makes its entrance, followed by a man much grayer but no less lively, which, while he is busy carrying two heavy bottles, takes advantage to glance not too veiled at the backside of the woman who precedes him.
-Hey, Rossi, I hope you don’t mind, but we took a bottle of white and red wine.- the buzz stops abruptly.
-But sure, kitten, so everyone will have what prefer.- and the elderly landlord is winking at the rest of the gang.
-We have lost something? You will not have started playing without us!- and only when he hears that pronoun, that also including him, the heart of man makes the leaps of joy, jackknife twist, triple flip and also hurdler one.
JJ almost chokes with his own saliva. -But what, are you joking? We had just a little conversation...- tomorrow, all together, group trip to the statue of the patron Saint of Ingenuity. Dave emerges from the kitchen, along with Simmons, with eight glasses counted. They have thought of everything, every single detail, so the two find themselves sitting together, close (too much for her, too little for him), in the only sofa left empty, the smallest, strange coincidence. Spencer passes to the colleague the bottle of red (everyone in the team knows that Garcia prefers red wine and in fact seems quite right so, suitable for her character), followed by the watchful eye of his best friend.
Luke grasps it gently, then turns to the blonde. -Want some?- and everyone, including him, less her, understand that he is not just talking about alcoholic beverages.
Penelope stretches her own glass with a gesture too theatrically bored and disinterested, then she gives him the honor of a thank you that illuminates him like a Christmas tree. And it is while watching the scene, that Emily realizes that only the computer technician didn’t drink white wine. And she decides to change the plan, in full swing. She whispers something to JJ, who does the same with Reid, then to Tara, who jumps slightly, finally the latter sends a telephone message to Matt who is careful to also inform the landlord. The lovebirds don’t even notice it, too intent on staring each other. In fact, the idea that the serum has been poured into a liquid is much more sensible... but then... the drama.
-It can’t be there, they just bought them, those damn bottles!- and who understands first this? Simmons, of course. Spencer is too tired tonight. And so, as soon as the pass word makes another turn, they go back to Plan A.
JJ and Tara exchange a look and a few seconds later the brunette stands up suddenly. -Oh, how hot it's here, but you are not hot?- she doesn’t let anyone time to reply. -I feel... I feel my head spinning...- and she looks directly at Prentiss.
-What are you, Tara, are you okay?- the latter perfectly plays the role of the worried friend. Or maybe she doesn’t play at all. She pulls herself up on her feet and puts her hand on her shoulder.
-Yes, Em, I'm fine, I'm always fine when I'm close to you.- a brief pause, almost imperceptible. -You're so beautiful, I think it's you that makes my head spin like this. And to make me feel all this hot.- it seems that she really thinks so and for a moment even the others fall for it.
-Oh, Tara. You're right, I'm hot too. I don’t know what happens to me, but... I have to tell you. I love your hair, they are beautiful. And your legs... damn it, I struggle to concentrate on work when I see you walking, I would like to spend all the time looking at them and not constantly having to worry about psychopaths...- the psychologist draws her close, placing both hands on her shoulders, but in the direction of the neck. A detail that is not insignificant at all.
-I think the same, your legs, Emily, are long from here to hell, the place where you will send me.- the other opens the eyes wide and the pupils are dilate. This is something that nobody can’t absolutely pretend, and Dr. Lewis should know it perfectly, but right now her brain is too clouded.
A moment of absolute silence, all with bated breath. And then Emily approaches her lips to those of her colleague and kisses her. First slightly and then more and more intensely. Everything lasts a moment, but it's an eternity for the two who live it from within. Penelope stares at her friends in shock, but at the height of joy.
-Wow!- she is so happy that for a moment she risks to hug Newbie.
-I... sorry, I don’t know what got into me, but... but I can’t say I'm really sorry. I liked it, damn it.- lie and truth are just two words that don’t always oppose.
-Yes, well, me too. I would do it again now, maybe without all this crowd.- Tara chuckles and realizes that some of her lipstick, of a color so similar to the natural one of her lips that she is almost never noticed, is partly in the corner of her mouth. Prentiss' mouth. Her boss.
-Yes.- Emily also laughs, but with less naturalness.
-All right, at this point I can’t really be silent anymore. Also because I feel that something forces me to say it, and I don’t know how I have managed to resist until now.- everyone stares at him, and hell, there is the embarrassment of the choice here to put on the next blockbuster and get all Oscars. -I found a message from a Krystal’ ex- they hear JJ clap and say "I knew it!" -that he had drugged something in my kitchen with the truth serum, so finally she would have discovered with what kind of man she wanted to stay.- he recites in a solemn tone, like a composed actor.
-What do you mean, Rossi?- Matt asks, pretending to be upset and confused.
-It's pretty simple, we've probably all swallowed that serum, even if that's an incorrect name and derived more from the use that has been done in several VHS movies, because the real name is...- Spencer, the real Dr. Reid, is back, talking in his usual way.
-You didn’t need to drink it, to say everything you think.- JJ makes lovingly fun of him. He blushes.
-Anyway, more bluntly, this means that we are forced to say only the truth, just like in the film with Jim Carrie. Liar Liar.- Dave explains. And here the anxieties and reproaches of the Asian former IRT member are well founded.
-But... but I... I don’t feel anything weird. Neither hot nor...- Penelope seems lost and almost sorry about it. Luke, for his part, is silent, because if this were true, he would be in the most total shit. Deeply.
-Garcie, honey, Spence and you are the sincerest people I know. On you a truth serum has the same effect as a mosquito bite on the armor of a rhinoceros.- the chief glances at her as oddly as to say, "And where did you get it out? It wasn’t in the script"; but she clearly appreciated. The blonde seems to think seriously about the words of her friend.
-Or it was something you didn’t eat. Like meat.- Tara takes care of the main line, the one that holds on the whole castle of cards. And it works. It works fucking good.
-Oh, shit.- Luke lets escape it from his mouth, signing his own death sentence. Mentally the women of the BAU are already rubbing their hands and are ready to start the choir of Alleluia and celebrations beyond any legal measure, and even beyond every decency. Luke's eyes falls on Garcia's neckline. On her breasts, as huge as perfect.
-What are you looking at, Alvez?- and she doesn’t ask him with malice, she doesn’t think at all that, under such circumstances, he should be forced to tell the truth, naked. It's another one, the lie she follows, ever since she saw him as a new member of BAU. -You see anything you like?- and with a short sentence, it's over. Goodbye to dignity and pride, forever.
-Oh, yes, in fact there are a lot of things that I like, of what I'm looking at. Your tits...- he rolls his eyes backwards, once he has left he can’t stop. -They are so big and firm... I'm dying to test with my hand how much. And I'm... I'm sure your face when you're coming is the sweetest thing in the universe, I would take a picture and hang it in the room, even if it happened only once.- between the sentences Penelope passes from shock and indignation to... other. Same symptom of Emily: dilated pupils. Diagnosis: excitement. And it's not just the eyes, that rat out, but also the lips that bent like that, mischievous and inviting. And in fact, they manage to steal the attention to the breast. -And your mouth, fuck, it's so red, soft, juicy, I spent the nights wondering what it tastes like, and imagining your lips around my...- before he can finish a scream covers the last word, already also evident in the silence. Indeed, even heavier because it is not pronounced.
-LUKE!- Matt doesn’t take it anymore. At that moment the Latin re-emerges and realizes what he has just said. All he has just said. Shit, shit, shit. He can’t look her in the eye, but he can’t help it, and the fight is soon won by the man madly in love. And when he sees that expression on her face, he even forgets the shame he was starting to feel.
She seems to invite him to continue, only with a movement of eyelashes. She is not at all sorry about his performance. Indeed, she plays along.
Rossi decides that the game has lasted too long. -Guys, what would you say to take a room? Normally I would tell you to go to on of your houses, but... Luke, my boy, I think there is nobody besides Roxy waiting for you, I’m right?- he waits for him to nod. -Well. But I'm afraid that if you get behind the wheel now, I'm sure you would crash somewhere. And I prefer some stained sheet, to have to wear again the black dress and the tie that tightens my neck like crazy. So...- he winks towards the stairs. And Penelope doesn’t wait for him to decide, takes Luke by the hand and, knowing quite well this house (even if she never managed to find secret passages like those in the castles that are seen in the films set in the Middle Ages), knows that Rossi has several rooms for guests and one is right for them. Not even their cheeks are too red, while they fade quickly into the night. -Tara, Emily, do you want to favor too? Each room is soundproofed.- they take a second too long to burst out laughing.
-No, thank you, Rossi. But the proposal is tempting.- Emily admits, only partially joking. Tara instead, is silent, thoughtful. She is lost in a memory not too far in time. Just at most half an hour ago.
JJ looks at her friends and sighs, turns to Spencer, but doesn’t grasp the extent of his look, then opts on Matt that proves more receptive. Luke and Penelope are settled. Now they have to think about these other two here.
TAGS: @theshamelessmanatee  @arses21434 @kathy5654 @martinab26 @reidskitty13 @jenf42 @gracieeelizabeth27 @silviajajaja @smalliemichelle99 @charchampagne14 @thinitta   @myhollyhanna23 @garvezz @mercedes-maldonado  @shyladystudentfan @cosmicmelaninflower
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vivaciousoceans · 4 years
Everyday it hits me that I don't ship Jemily and I'm just like ???? Because it's a ship that has everything I want no men, two beautiful women, a great friendship but I just don't ship it.
And then I look at Tara and Emily and I'm just like: "Yes, 100%. They've only nodded at each twice but they're married with three cats and a gerbil named Marty."
Maybe I just like the punishment of rare pairs. The struggle to scrape up some content for a ship before you roll over to the dark side and start making your own content.
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