tarar16 · 4 years
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3,000 posts!
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godmerlin · 9 years
tarar16 replied to your post “Man. I am having one of my beyond depressed days for little to no...”
Remember that it WILL pass eventually, my friend. Just do your best to ride out the current storm intact. You are not alone! *Hugs* ~Tara ;)
yeah it’ll pass when i hit my next wave of mania lmao bi polar doesn’t go away. But it’s OK. I’m cool with it, don’t worry. I just sometimes have really deep depression days and today was one of them.
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tarar16 · 5 years
Secrets Don’t Make Friends . . .
Thinly-veiled barbs, barely hidden in language indiscreet, Both sweeping enigmatic and dripping egalitarian, Pointed secrets filled with poison so sweet, Meanings unmistakable when thrown back at me, But yet I'm painted as the vile contrarian, I'm the villain always offending your particular sensibilities, Whom you so eagerly cast saintly judgement on, Not caring that your own heavy hands aren't fully clean, It doesn't matter if you cheat, as long as you're the only one whose won, And I get forever labeled as 'hateful and mean' . . .
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misguidedxangel · 11 years
Cant reply on mobile, but thankyou! I hope it doesnt take forever. Dx
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godmerlin · 9 years
tarar16 replied to your post “My really stupid neighbor called the police and firemen to my house...”
It's not for nothing if they were at least hot. ;)
they weren’t..but now my parents have to pay more money to have the guy come again when they really don’t have the money
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slayers · 11 years
le disko - shiny toy guns
"It's a chance, gonna movegonna fuck up your egosilly boy, gonna make you cry"
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geekorunique · 11 years
tarar16 said: That’s why I’m really hoping that April gets killed next season. I felt bad for her at first, but by the end of it she just got on my every last nerve. At least Hayley has the potential to not be totally annoying. There is no hope for April, IMHO.
April, Shane and Vaughn are the reasons I don't hate Hayley as much as everyone else, they were all so horrible for me that Hayley didn't even made the top 3 of worst characters of the season, but at least Shane and Vaughn had purpose, April was useless.
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tarar16 · 5 years
I See You . . .
I see you there, cruelly watching when you think that I don't see, Leaving behind your vulgar breadcrumbs for me to swallow, Not caring how much they clog my throat and choke me, Each burning aspiration stinging with familiar betrayal, Traitorous tears blinding me to the truth of your cold realities . . .
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goodbiclarke · 11 years
The rules:
 Rule 1: Always post the rules. 
Rule 2: Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones.
 Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to the post
 Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
What would you do during The Purge? Stab Westboro baptist church, stab some idiots in congress, break into disney world
What fictional character do you feel is most like you? Xander Harris
What fictional character would you marry? Spike
Who is your favorite celebrity? ugh umm Jennifer Aniston, Emma Watson, James Marsters, SMG, Eliza Dushku, Joss Whedon.
What book(s) made a huge difference in your life? Harry Potter
What movie(s)/show(s) made a huge difference in your life? Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Friends, and The Lion King
Who is your idol? Joss Whedon
What is your favorite website (excluding tumblr, of course)? Whedonesque
Do you have any pets? If so, tell us about them. I have an australian shepard named Gretzky (after Wayne Gretzky) and a yorkie poo named Ovi (after Alexander Ovetchkin because hes really ugly)
What is your favorite school subject? (No, lunch is not a subject) History and Math and English
What is your favorite fairy-tale creature? oooo I like Dragons and Hippogriffs
My Questions
If you had one wish what would you wish for?
If you could live in any 'verse (harry potter, buffyverse, firefly, ect) which would it be (assuming you are the norm in the verse ie wizard, slayer, etc)
What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is your favorite color
What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
What's your favorite band?
What's your favorite song?
If you could meet one fictional character who would it be?
Where do you want to live when you grow old
What is your dream career?
I tag:
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tarar16 · 6 years
Broken Stair-steps . . .
I become overly attached to the very strangest of things, asking too much of such simplistic puppets with our broken strings, taking a perverse sort of amusement in my own current disillusioned musings, absorbing all of my environments like a sponge, filled with everything and  yet nothing, spinning so wastefully through my own flash-fired revelries, lost in the permanence of waiting . . .
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tarar16 · 6 years
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The Wolf-Shaped Bullet turned 6 today!
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tarar16 · 7 years
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The Wolf-Shaped Bullet turned 5 today!
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tarar16 · 5 years
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The Wolf-Shaped Bullet turned 7 today!
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tarar16 · 7 years
The Song That Never Ends . . .
Half-remembered musical quotes, heard in little chorus-laden phrases, orchestral clips filling up all moving space and time, with cinematic-styled lyrical close-ups, inter-splicing all my lost tangential thoughts, together in glitzy self-deprecating glitter-bombs, speaking of emotional punk-rock pixie queens, with blood-stained fairy wings framing their flower-crowns, and dancing through rainbow-colored murder scenes, where all dark fantasies of sound are unbound from your empty traitor's heart with vibrant guitar strings, with riffs of mythic proportions and siren songs, crackling my vibrating eardrums through stereotypical designs, spilling out chaotic patterns of notes in endless madness like  foul-mouthed yet tuneful waterfalls of tenacious toxicity, pretending to engage in verbal acrobatics via elastic perpetuity, but falling drastically short of permanence-marked vocal violence.
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tarar16 · 7 years
Letters to Old Friends . . .
Thumbing through these old messages, once sent with such care, now moldering in their dank secrecy.
Words that meant the world way back when, now only serve to bring with them the vulgar stench of regret. How I wish that I could still reach across the mental void to you.
Continually tormenting myself with such painful written reminisces, I just can't seem to let go of these archived folders filled with memories, like forgotten children stuck in residual games of file-tag, slamming into me and imprinting their dead letters on my skin.
I can't even recall when it was that we stopped talking and hanging out every day, greedily hanging onto each other's' words like candied delights to be savored, what makes us fade away from constant communication with the ghostly-yellow permanence of faded-paper finality?
I used to spend so much time just waiting for your singular presence, preserved in loose-leaf elegance and folded away, with all of the anticipation of an over-eager child, pacing and twitching, now our every interaction is filled with the alacrity of deliberate erasure.
Yet I can't fully banish the resounding echo of your thoughts from my aching heart or twisted mind, and would joyfully welcome back the familiar warmth of your inked-up pages with open arms, if only you could see me through the shredded remains of our past remorse and my current chagrin.
There's nothing worse than unfinished things that are never properly laid to rest, like paper cuts on flesh seething within the salt-water flood of my brain, So I'm casting out my language of light, like bobbing lures of bottles in an ocean of white noise, Just to give me one more fight to hang on to, to spur you into some kind of inertia-laden prosaic motion.
I'm starting to think that I'll forever search the dark trees and city lights for literary signs of you, blindly groping the rough brick of decrepit buildings for the hand-made calligraphy of your ugliest verbal graffiti, sweating through my poetic desires as an excited pyromaniac burns through all of their matches, just to illuminate all of the sights and try to place the oral history of your most recent passage.
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tarar16 · 8 years
Daydream Believer . . .
I often take naps when I'm wide awake,
kept alive solely by this thrumming ache.
Dazed and empty, I roam the street,
just to shuffle away the numbness that plagues my feet.
Lost and adrift in a lonely sea of resplendent memory,
feeling sickly bereft with the shimmering sheen of loss.
Forever injured by weeping wounds that refuse to provide any refuge for me,
wanting to further postpone my own healing, to prolong the sweet misery, even drown in it, no matter what the cost.
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