#Tamarillo and Passionfruit Yoghurt recipe
askwhatsforlunch ยท 2 years
Tamarillo and Passionfruit Yoghurt
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Another delicious and simple yoghurt bowl made with fresh New Zealand fruit, this Tamarillo and Passionfruit Yoghurt is an excellent brekkie before sailing!
Ingredients (serves 2):
2/3 cup thick Greek Yoghurt
2 heaped teaspoons Manuka Honey
1 ripe tamarillo, rinsed
1 large, ripe passionfruit
Divide Greek Yoghurt between two bowls. Drizzle generously with Manuka Honey.
Halve tamarillo, then cut into quarters and slices.
Arrange tamarillo slices onto each yoghurt bowl.
Halve passionfruit. Scoop out passionfruit pulp and drizzle generously onto the yoghurt and tamarillo, in each bowl.
Enjoy Tamarillo and Passionfruit Yoghurt immediately!
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