#Tam Ryvora
blxem1lk · 2 months
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neeku just hit someone with the fireball
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locitapurplepink · 21 days
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A Special Tam Moodboard for @fulltimecatwitch !!!
I just saw your post that this is your birthday. I remember Tam is one of your favorite sw resistance characters. I made this moodboard with vintage style. I hope you like this gift.
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deafblindshorty · 1 year
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jewishcissiekj · 2 months
star wars resistance more like gaysistance (just watched Synara's score)
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dio-icarticaae · 1 year
Recently rewatched Star Wars Resistance Season 2 Episode 3, "Live Fire", and it's such a good demonstration of all the various kinds of pilots in Resistance and how good the show is at illustrating the difference between them. There's subtle difference between all of the pilots of course, but there's two main really glaring distinctions: First Order vs Resistance/non First Order pilots, and Yeager & Kaz vs the Aces.
The difference between Yeager & Kaz and the Aces is really fascinating and also officially spells out one of the best subtle details in Resistance - Kaz is not as good at racing because of his combat pilot background that he still uses. Kaz struggles with racing flying throughout the show because he isn't a racer or thinking like a racing pilot - he's a combat pilot and he flies like one and thinks like one. And in reverse, the Aces aren't good in combat because In a race, every ace is capable of beating him handily. In a combat scenario? Kaz and Yeager pick them off effortlessly because that the kind of piloting they are best at and have been taught. Kaz loses races all the time, but in situations like in the first season fighting the sea monster? Kaz is clearly far more at ease with flying in that situation than the Aces. And the race later in the season 2? Kaz wins that not only because of the knowledge gained about the course through watching the Aces fail to go through it, but also because what with the mines, being shot at, etc., it's more of a combat situation and that's what Kaz is good at.
Sidenote - I always find it fun that Griff is the one who is most apprehensive about their chances in the training exercise. It makes sense; having been in the Empire he's well aware of what Rebellion pilots were capable of working together and he knows this will not end well for the Aces.
A minor addition to that is the difference between Yeager and Kaz as pilots is one of experience and leadership skills. Yeager's a Rebellion veteran, and you can tell - he's comfortable with being in command and giving orders to his fellow pilots in a way that Kaz isn't. He's also a little more adaptable to strange circumstances such as a giant creature trying to eat them - he saw a lot of wild things during the Rebellion so he's (less) phased than Kaz. Yeager as a pilot is who Kaz could be in the future.
The other main difference in pilots is, of course, the difference in how the First Order treats its pilots in training and how the Resistance/literally everyone else does and "Live Fire" does a great job of showing those. Yeager is so matter of fact when says of course they're not going to use live fire on each other. For the Aces, it's a given that they wouldn't be practicing with live fire because why would they? One of them could get hurt/their ship could get destroyed and that would not be good. And what's really to be gained from it?
In contrast, the First Order doesn't care if they lose a trainee in an exercise because of "friendly" fire - in fact that's preferable through some kind of "survival of the fittest" mindset. Tam preventing Rucklin's TIE from crashing into the Star Destroyer bridge also prevents a possible catastrophe and shows that she's a good pilot with good leadership skills - but because she shows compassion she loses squad leader.
Tam doesn't fit in the First Order survival of the fittest mold and it's a very early indication that Tam will leave the First Order - she's not like them and she could never be because her first instinct is to help her fellow pilots instead of leave them for dead, and that makes her a better person and pilot than any of them could ever be.
"Live Fire" does a great job of showing all of this and that's definitely a part of why it's one of my favorite Resistance episodes!
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fulltimecatwitch · 10 months
seen at the bookstore today in "The Star Wars Book"
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nice to see Resistance is acknowledged at least in a book 🧡🧡😭
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locitawritingsblog · 6 months
This is my 2020 old drawings for my Star Wars Resistance Modern AU fanfic on wattpad, Hope Inside.
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I started this fic since the pandemic. I was enjoying write this one. Can't believe it's almost four years for this.
Taglist : @aintinacage , @trapezequeen , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @fulltimecatwitch , @kanerallels , @commander-tech , @thebadbatch2022 , @catcucumber-salad
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dockingbayppattu · 2 years
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balu8 · 1 year
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Ingo Römling: Tam Ryvora
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elendiliel · 2 years
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Women of Star Wars (34 ABY edition)
This is the third and probably last in this series (apart from some follow-ups and smaller groups that may appear in due course), marking the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Our Blessed Lady with another lot of amazing female/feminine-programmed characters from a galaxy far, far away.
[Design notes: all traced either from Googled pictures (Rey, Rose, Kaydel, Maz, Zorii, Jannah, Torra, Freya and CB-23) or screenshots with Googled pictures or close-up screenshots used to get the faces vaguely right (everyone else, apart from Paige, for whom I had to splice two different shots together, hence the weird proportions). Colour strangeness can be blamed on the lighting of the original shots; I don't know how to compensate for that yet.]
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ellieheim · 1 year
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I read the haha ​​very funny with Synara's accent and I'm dying of laughter.
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fangerine · 10 months
currently watching star wars: resistance and can tam shut the fuck up???
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locitapurplepink · 5 months
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Here comes my another old 2019 drawing of Star Wars Resistance characters !!!
Taglist : @aintinacage , @trapezequeen , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @fulltimecatwitch , @kanerallels , @commander-tech , @thebadbatch2022 , @catcucumber-salad
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swreactions · 11 months
Welcome to Star Wars Reactions!
For our 146th episode, hosts Aaron Harris and David Modders take a trip down memory lane as they celebrate the 5th anniversary of the premiere of Star Wars Resistance! 
Join the discussion as they discuss what made this show special, why they believe its underappreciated, and their favorite moments, episodes and so much more!
Plus Aaron shares an all new Star Wars Dad Joke of the Week!
Episode 146 Talking Points:
About The Series
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Final Reactions
Star Wars Dad Joke of the Week
Star Wars Reactions: Elegant discussions for a more civilized age!
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Star Wars Resistance is one of the more underrated series in Star Wars. Over on Wealth of Geeks, I break down the reasons why this show is great, from it being Andor for kids to the cast and more! Check it out!
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Star Wars Lesbian Bracket Round 1
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