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allthatchernobyl · 7 years ago
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Talibam!- Endgame Of The Anthropocene (2017)
Buen día, humanos. Os presento la música del futuro: El cuarto y último disco editado en 2017 de Talibam! Ya empezamos a acostumbrarnos a los artistas prolíficos. La facilidad para producir, los medios al alcance y muchas ganas de laburar son un caldo de cultivo perfecto para la abundancia de lanzamientos que solemos encontrar hoy día. Por supuesto, no todo es blanco y negro. Hay matices. Hay cuestiones que hacen al asunto que dan para debatir largo y tendido. Pero acá no estoy para eso. No, al menos hoy. Hoy estoy para presentarles uno de los más destacados lanzamientos del año según el criterio de quien suscribe. La música del futuro, como he prometido. Y no se trata solo de sonidos futuristas o de "ciencia ficción". Lo de Talibam! va más allá: Viene a contarnos como será el mundo en el futuro. Viene a encarnar la ciencia ficción desde la raíz y sin pronunciar una palabra. En el primer tema del Lado A del álbum tenemos el primer y más contundente disparador: "Antartica shall be used for peacful purpose only (Article 1)". Lo que Talibam! hace aquí es algo así como una predicción geo psíquica: Después de la expiración en 2048 del Tratado Antártico y con un mundo en ruinas a raíz de guerras de dimensiones apocalípticas, el calentamiento global y la explotación implacable de los recursos menguantes, la humanidad se enredara en una guerra internacional por la soberanía y el control de la Antártida y sus vastos recursos. Endgame of the Anthropocence, editado por el sello ESP, es el primer álbum cinemático de Talibam!. Es decir, se trata de la banda sonora de un futuro nacionalismo despótico y de la desmoronada infraestructura internacional que pone en foco una tragedia eco-comercialista y el saqueo desesperado del último paisaje prístino de la Tierra. Es una declaración de intenciones instrumental basada en el ritmo. El swing cibernético y su impronta electrónica-experimental que lo devora todo. Un viaje alucinatorio por lo que parece ser un futuro irremediable en medio de un paisaje -sonoro- despojado de sus más elementales motivos. Como todos los trabajos de esta banda nacida en 2009, Endgame of the Antrhopocence revela una originalidad única y un talento descabellado para sumergirse en modos aun inexplorados en el territorio musical. Pasen y disfruten de este discazo que se ubica derechito en el Top 10 del año. Una joya.
Genero: Jazz Molecular, Avant-Garde, Electronica Experimental
Año: 2017
País: EEUU
Duración: 38:17
Compresión: 128kbps
Tamaño: 35,6mb
1- Antartica shall be used for peaceful purpose only 2- Human interference and the failure of ratify 3- Reign of Primordial tenure on the Ice Shelf 4- The Telegenic Annexation of Territorial Expande in the West 5- Obsequious Resources Duly Exploited de Novo 6- Breach of Ecology on the Seabed (Biodiversity in Shambles) 7- Cost-Effective drilling enabled by pioneering technologies and warmer climates in the Southern Ocean 8- Rise of the Defendrs of Antartica
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burlveneer-music · 4 years ago
Potsa Lotsa XL - Silk Songs for Space Dogs - saxophonist Silke Eberhard’s 10-piece band for performing her own compositions
Silke Eberhard (altosax, composition) Jürgen Kupke (clarinet) Patrick Braun (tenorsax, clarinet) Nikolaus Neuser (trumpet) Gerhard Gschlößl (trombone) Johannes Fink (cello) Taiko Saito (vibraphon) Antonis Anissegos (piano) Igor Spallati (bass) Kay Lübke (drums)
Silke Eberhard is a saxophonist, clarinetist and composer based in Berlin.
Since the mid-90s she has dedicated herself to the freer variations of jazz and improvised music. Her collaboration with Jan Roder and Kay Lübke, which began then and eventually resulted in the Silke Eberhard Trio, moves in this tradition in search of new challenges, that recently led to “The Being Inn” (the 3rd trio album, awarded the German Record Critics’ Prize, a concept album) – a cozy inn.
Her intensive occupation with the music of Eric Dolphy led to the project Potsa Lotsa, initially a wind quartet, interpreting the complete works of Dolphy. The project expanded to the Septet Potsa Lotsa Plus (plays Love Suite by Eric Dolphy) and ultimately to the tentet Potsa Lotsa XL, which so far performs solely Eberhard’s compositions.
She composes for small and large ensembles, contemporary music and jazz. In her wide-ranging work as a performer she also focuses on improvised encounters in dance, theatre and visual arts.
She works with many collective ensembles, including the duo with Ulrich Gumpert, the duo with Uwe Oberg ( + trio with Gerry Hemingway), Matsch & Schnee, I am Three …. she performs / recorded with numerous musicians of the international jazz scene such as Aki Takase, Nikolaus Neuser, David Liebman, Sandy Evans, Hannes Zerbe, Wayne Horvitz, Dave Burrell, Michael Zerang, Maggie Nicols, Joe Morris, Michael Formanek, Talibam! amo… and travelled with her music all continents except Antarctica.
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chihiroitoperformanceart · 4 years ago
Matt + ITO + Steve / 1st gig(New York City) informations: 2018/12/28(Fri) 19:00〜19:40 Muchmore's 2 Havemeyer St, Brooklyn, NY USA 11211 
Mail: [email protected] Steve Dalachinsky(voice), Matt Mottel(synthesizer), Chihiro ITO(Guitar). Steve Dalachinsky: Born in New York, 1946. I have friendship with artists of beat generation. Began performance as a poet since 1980. Matt Mottel: Born in 1981. Artist grow up in New York. He have plan to visit Japan in April as His band, Talibam!. and he do to band Ernie Brooks and Steve Shelley(sonic youth). Chihiro Ito: Born in 1980. Contemporary artist and painter grow up in Tokyo. Stay in New York. Writer. Fluxus researcher. He has a strong interest in revel music. He also get to fellowship from Japanese Government to stay NYC. Although we are races and races of all ages, such diversity can be said to be New York. This will embody the present progressive New York in the present age. 
Matt + ITO + Steve: Steve Dalachinsky (voice), Matt Mottel(synthesizer), Chihiro ITO(Guitar)によるパフォーマンスを行います。 Steve Dalachinsky: 1946年ニューヨーク生まれ。ビートジェネレーションのアーティストたちと親交��持つ。1980年から詩人としてパフォーマンスを始める。Brooklyn Railでも執筆活動を行っている。 Matt Mottel: 1981年生まれ。ニューヨーク育ちのミュージシャン/アーティスト。自身のバンド、Talibam!で4月に日本に来日予定。(Folestlimitなど)フリージャスのミュージシャン、ジョン・ジョーンを敬愛している Chihiro ITO: 1980年生まれ。東京育ちの現代美術家、画家。文筆家。フルクサス研究者。Revel musicに強い関心がある。朝日新聞などでも執筆活動も行っている。日本政府の助成を受けてニューヨークに滞在中。 過去に現代美術家や画家がバンドを行ったケースは珍しくない。 あのバスキアはGrayというパンクバンドをおこなっていた(No New Waveというアルバムで数名のアーティストと共に発表されている。)オノ・ヨーコ、CRASSのペニー・リンボー、大竹伸朗らは何枚もアルバムを発表する程だ。 ニューヨークでは芸術に詩がとても強く関連している。ジャック・ケアルックやパティ・スミス、ジョナス・メカスなど数え切れないが、彼らの表現は詩に強く結びついている。 今回はそんなニューヨークのダウンタウンを中心に活動するベテランの詩人Steve Dalachinskyとニューヨークのアンダーグラウンドシーンのホープの1人Matt Mottelとバンドを行います。今行っているフルクサスなどの実証実験として伊藤はギターで参加。 僕たちは人種も年齢も超えたバンドだが、そんな多様性がニューヨーク的とも言えるだろう。 これらは現代における現在進行形のニューヨークを体現するだろう。
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ongoing-pesterfest · 8 years ago
Tagged by @progamuffin​ to list six albums that I have been listening to lately:
Clinic - Internal Wrangler (no full album, sorry) 
Ścianka - Dni wiatru
Fantômas - The Director's Cut
Talibam! - Ordination of the Globetrotting Conscripts
The Chemical Brothers - Dig Your Own Hole
UNKLE - Psyence Fiction
Tagging... idk, whoever of you are into music, I wouldn’t want to bring you into this and be like “wtf did this guy summon me for?” :P
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fuckyeahmotorik · 6 years ago
Talibam! & Alan Wilkinson - Double Indemnity
“Malice Afterthought”, 2019
embrace the c h a o s
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brainpussyfication · 7 years ago
another collection of highly unstable music taste
Speed!! Noise!! Hell!! split with MIR (Cz) by Speed!! Noise!! Hell!
2-song preview by monkey
Crevasse by Crevasse
Infection And Decline by The Flying Luttenbachers
Torture Chamber Fantasies (Promo 2016) by Kindstod
Billy Joel Cover Band (2017) by Colin L. & TALIBAM!
S/T by scum
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voguingtodanzig · 4 years ago
1. Stephen Malkmus and The Jicks, Sparkle Hard
2. Vanessa Rossetto, Fashion Tape
3. Sarah Davachi, Let Night Come On Bells End the Day
4. Mike Shiflet, Tetracosa
5. Travis Johnson and Friends, Dubious Reservoir
6. Mark Morgan, Department of Heraldry
7. Autechre, NTS Sessions
8. The Voidz, Virtue
 9. Earl Sweatshirt, Some Rap Songs 
10. Body/Head, The Switch
11. Gerritt Wittmer, I Believe
12. Elizabeth Veldon, I'm Not Afraid Anymore  
13. Universal Eyes, Four Variations on "Artificial Society"
14. Nedelle Torrisi, Only For You     
15. Black Thought, Streams of Thought Vol. 1 
16. Makaya McCraven, Where We Come From
17. Talibam!, Marimba Files Launch Pad Extraction 2 
18. Nine Inch Nails, Bad Witch
19. Superchunk, What a Time To Be Alive
21. Gang Gang Dance, Kazuashita
22. Mariah Carey, Caution
23. YNICORNS, Intervals
24. Thom Yorke, Suspiria
25. Christina Kubisch/Annea Lockwood, The Secret Life of the Inaudible
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tinymixtapes · 7 years ago
Matt Mottel of Talibam! releases new solo album, out now on Chant Records
Aaaaaaaarg! Sort of a bummer to report that an artist you admire has already released a new album on cassette and that the flippin’ tape is already sold-out… Oh, who are we kidding? We can’t stay mad at Talibam!’s Matt Mottel! After all, it’s not his fault! And besides; we would be seriously remiss not to mention that his new solo album, entitled Slid City, is OUT NOW DIGITALLY on Chant Records! Like Talibam!, Mottel’s solo stuff is a funky truck with the tire chocks thrown well clear. Full of psychotic episodes and addictive instrumentals, Slid City is a rare mutant breed of idiosyncrasy and invention. Listen below to the joyous opener “Clunk Rok” and tell me you really miss tha hiss. Besides, let’s face it: when an album is as good as Mottel’s is, you’d buy the thing on wax cylinder if that was the only option. So, don’t fret because the Slid City cassette is sold out, get the digital version and enjoy it over and over…and over and over…and over…with no fear of that pesky analog degradation! Slid City by Matt Mottel Slid City tracklisting: 01. Clunk Rok 02. Uniq RoK 03. Untal Cloc 04. Slide Ways 05. Hiegh Weis 06. Schizno Res 07. Resona Moan 08. Bo Dome http://j.mp/2K8st35
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burlveneer-music · 7 years ago
My WVUD playlist, 2/24/2018
Nona Hendryx & Gary Lucas "Sure 'Nuff 'N Yes I Do" Nona Hendryx & Soul Clap "Scream (Like You Want It)" Golden Bug "Amazonia" Mamuthones "Show Me" Franz Ferdinand "Always Ascending" New War "Revealer" White "Blush" Sextile "Current Affair (feat. Sienna)" Bush Tetras "Red Heavy" Fire! "The Hands" Morphine "Thursday" Mopo "Riisto" Talibam! "Reign of Primordial Tenure on the Ice Shelf" Thick Syrup "Jennifer" Killing Joke "Eighties" De Lux "Stratosphere Girl (feat. Mark Stewart)" Sons Of Kemet "My Queen Is Harriet Tubman" Black Mantra "Tocaia" T. Rex "20th Century Boy" Muse "Supermassive Black Hole" Power Station "Get It On (Bang A Gong)" The Blow Monkeys "OK! Have It Your Way" Liam Lynch "Try Me" Paul Woznicki "Straight Ahead" Ko Shin Moon "Uber Ciftetelli" Carpenter Brut "Hairspray Hurricane" Goat Girl "The Man"
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showspace · 7 years ago
October 23-29
Noise: Stroker, Psychward, Stress Orphan, Legless, and Guitar Problem. 8 pm @ Myspace
Sweaty Eyeballs presents The Girl Without Hands. 7 pm @ The Parkway
Vein Rays, Modern Nomad, and Talya Tavor. 8 pm, $8 @ Mondo
Everyman at the Parkway: screening of Middle of Nowhere with discussion with resident company member Dawn Ursula. 7 pm @ The Parkway
Karaoke Forever @ The Crown
Maya Martinez, Russian Tsarlag, Noise Nomads, Amanda Horowitz, Noel Freibert, and Keenon Brice- tarot. 8 pm, $5-10 sliding scale. @ secret location (dm Noel or ask a freak for details)
Everything Will Be Spoooky with Bryan Preston, Nicki Fuchs, Mike Moran, and Jim Meyer. 8 pm, $5 @ The Crown
Trumpets And Basses (cd release) and Ballou/Rigby/Pirog/Dierker. 8 pm @ The Windup Space
Michaela Gran, Conor Brendan and The Wild Hunt, and Matt Pless and his Band of Ghouls. 7 pm, $5-7. @ Baltimore HI Hostel
Thee Lexington Arrows, The Lushpockets, Eze Jackson, Vanishing Hitchhikers, live radio dramas, a séance by David London and more. 8 pm @ WTMD
Talibam!, Microkingdom, and Audrey Chen. 9 pm @ Normal’s
Rod Hamilton and Tiff Seal, J$Fur, Furniture Daniel (VA), The Whrd. 8 pm, $5-15 @ The Crown
Opening weekend celebration for Sylvio with Q and A with directors Kentucker Audley and Albert Birney. 7:30 pm @ The Parkway
Closing reception for Miami is Nice and queer performance night. 8 pm, free @ Space Camp (16 W.North Avenue)
Artist Talk with Amy Davies about her exhibition Home Movies. 2 pm @ Gallery CA
Guise, featuring 17 artists @ Maryland Art Place
DJ Dan Deacon, DJ Hellafreckles, DJ Ellen Paul, and DJ Ned Ryerson. 9 pm, $5 @ EMP Collective
Wing Dam, Den-Mate (DC), Leggy (OH), and Sweepstakes. 8 pm, $7 @ The Crown
Noelle Tolbert & Hanna Olivegren and Tashi Dorji with Andrew Bernstein, Owen Gaertner and Hanna Olivegren. 8 pm @ Normal’s
Daniel Levin, Tony Malaby, Randy Peterson and Beephonk. 3 pm @ The Windup Space
Tender FM Cyber Edition: The Remix. 8 pm @ The Crown
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news-digest-zone · 5 years ago
В мире. Трамп: если сообщения о российских вознаграждениях талибам окажутся правдой, ответ будет соответ��твующим
Президент США Дональд Трамп сказал в среду, что если сообщения американской разведки о предполагаемых российских вознаграждениях талибам за убийство американских военных в Афганистане окажутся правдой, он ответит соответствующим образом. source http://news.digest.zone/v-mire/tramp-esli-soobscheniya-o-rossiiskih-voznagrajdeniyah-talibam-okajutsya-pravdoi-otvet-budet-sootvetstvuyuschim.html
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politryk1971 · 5 years ago
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domicil-dortmund · 6 years ago
Neues Video online: The Dorf & Talibam im #domicil // Zur Einstimmung für den Ummagumma-Abend am Do 17.1. ! #thedorf #domicil #dortmund #jazznrw // https://t.co/CTQjJ3IT8t https://t.co/d5wxenNLhZ https://t.co/Z0YV2lEEMR
Neues Video online: The Dorf & Talibam im #domicil // Zur Einstimmung für den Ummagumma-Abend am Do 17.1. !#thedorf #domicil #dortmund #jazznrw // https://t.co/CTQjJ3IT8t https://t.co/d5wxenNLhZ pic.twitter.com/Z0YV2lEEMR
— domicil Dortmund (@domicildortmund) January 16, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/domicildortmund
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thoregil · 6 years ago
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Talibam! - Matt Mottel / Kevin Shea Fri Resonans #friresonans (at Kunsthall Trondheim) https://www.instagram.com/p/BokLWO4gKar/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1obcr2o5x29qc
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resonantform · 7 years ago
in just one week at Celeste (Tschlest), Vienna :  exciting visitors from NYC with a special guest on the theremin,  plus the live debut of the full new Primordial Undermind lineup. And Thursday is a holiday, so no excuses. see you there
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tinymixtapes · 7 years ago
Matt Mottel co-organizes Freak Flag Fest in Brooklyn this June, ft. Excepter, Hard Nips, Prince Harvey, Jessica Pavone, Cooper Moore, Matt Mottel, Mike Watt, Danny Frankel, more
Man, it’s tough to be a flag-waver these days. Cheer too politely or meekly and your heart and allegiance to the cause will be questioned. Being too boisterous brings the bad sorts of jingoism and chauvinism to the concern. Why can’t a group just get together and fly its colors for the right causes like music, art, food and booze, camaraderie and friendship, and celebrating a city’s freaky scene? Well, they can! Organized by fraternal freaks Matt Mottel (Talibam!), Erkkiblum (Brooklyn Kitchen) and the not-for-profit label Ignivomous, the first-ever Freak Flag Fest will take place June 15-17 at Brooklyn Kitchen. The three day extravaganza will feature sets by a slew of disparate acts, including Excepter, Hard Nips, Prince Harvey, Jessica Pavone, Cooper Moore, the Afternoon Freak supergroup (Mottel, Mike Watt, and Danny Frankel), and many others. Add in film screenings by the likes of Troma and Horror Boobs, visual artists like Jonathan Sims and Matt Ortega, and food and drink, and you have a festival celebrating the Brooklyn artistic community that will have you white-flag surrendering. The full bill of artists performing is listed below, and festival info and ticket ordering can be found here. Additional dirt on the acts, nibbles, bevvies, and assorted fest hoopla is also available on the Facebook event page here. 06.15.18 - Brooklyn, NY - Brooklyn Kitchen # 06.16.18 - Brooklyn, NY - Brooklyn Kitchen % 06.17.18 - Brooklyn, NY - Brooklyn Kitchen ^ # Scott Kiernan and Victoria Keddie, Hard Nips, Jessica Pavone, Mia Theodoratus with lary7 and Michael Evans, Cooper Moore, Spires That in The Sunset Rise, Hippy with a Hammer (Steve DiBenedetto of Ted Carol Alice, Ernie Brooks of Modern Lovers, Bill Komoski of Dirty Mirrors, Jon Kessler of Patsys), Upper Wilds (with Dan Friel) % Afternoon Freak (feat. Mike Watt, Danny Frankel and Matt Mottel), Colin Langenus (Usaisamonster) and Jim Mchugh (Sunwatchers), Laura Ortman, C. Tara and David Gladden, Excepter, Electroputas ^ Interactive inflatable installation by Tamar Ettun, Bob Bellerue, Sandy Ewen, Mrs. William Horsley, Causings, Prince Harvey, TROOSTITE http://j.mp/2JgEJkn
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