#Take me home [Vacuo]
sirazaroff · 11 months
How do you think velvet is handleing everything in vacco right now
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She’s having a great time 🥰
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pilot-boi · 5 months
Pilot, I know you primarily bully Jaune. But would you mind having a go at Papa Arc talking to the Vacuo mural?
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Orion Arc is not a hero, even though his son always thought he was. He’s just a man who loves his family and tries his best to do right by them.
So it’s more than a little strange standing there, in front of a mural of his own son’s face. His boy immortalized and honored in ways Orion could never dream of.
His son looks like a stranger.
“Mr. Branwen thought it might help to talk to ya.” Orion’s hand brushes over the palm prints of countless children, all paying their respect to his boy. “Don’t see much point, ain’t gonna bring you back.”
His son watches him, all quiet confidence and bravery. A true warrior, a hero. Where is his brash anxious son who begged to join the Huntsman Academies? How much of his son did he lose when Jaune finally left home? Somewhere along the way his boy grew into a man and he wasn’t there to help him.
“Your uh…” He clears his throat. “Your mother misses you.” And it sounds pathetic even as he says it. Even in front of a facsimile of his son he can’t say what he needs to.
“She was beside herself when you didn’t come back from Haven.” So was he, even more so than his wife. Orion paced the house for days, worry driving him to throw himself into work, into anything that would take his mind off the attack and the fate of his boy. “We were so relieved to hear from Saph about you and your friends.”
His friends. A group of seven that from all accounts Jaune grew closer to than even his sisters. Orion glances up at the others in the mural. Four of which fell alongside his boy, and the other three were left grieving.
Ren, Nora, and Oscar, he remembers them being called. He never thought he’d see his grief echoed in faces so young.
“As soon as we saw the broadcast, your mother was packin’ our bags.” Orion chuckles. “You shoulda seen her, she was fixin’ to march up to the General herself and teach him a lesson. If I ever wondered where you got your fire, I got my answer.”
His face falls, crumpling like paper. “And I triedta douse that fire.” How many times did he tell Jaune it was okay if he failed? How many times did he refuse to train him? How many times did he let his fear guide him to crush his son’s dreams?
“When you walked into the livin’ room with your transcripts in hand sayin’ you were gonna be a Huntsman whether I wanted it or not, why…” His eyes are stinging. If there’s anything his son inherited from him, it’s his tendency for emotions to live near the surface. “Why that was the proudest day of my life.”
He’d never been more proud. Never. His boy standing there with those papers clutched in his fist, and a defiant look on his face. “I won’t let you down.” Jaune had said.
You could never let me down. It’s what he should’ve said. Why didn’t he just say it?
Orion scrubs the heel of his hand into his eyes. It does nothing to stop the flow of tears. “Did I ever once tell ya how proud I am of you?” His voice is cracking and hitching, but if he stops talking now Orion knows he’ll never start again.
“You’re so brave and you don’t quit when things get tough. I saw how hurt you were after the Fall of Beacon, but you just got right back on that horse.” His baby boy, the most caring and most stubborn of all his children. Strapping the family sword back onto his hip because “Somebody has to, dad.”
Letters where it’s clear his boy isn’t saying half the trouble, but he’s saying enough that they know what trouble is. Hearing about the attack on Haven, a week and a half of terror. Saphron sending word that Jaune made it to Argus.
And then nothing. Nothing until the broadcast from Miss Rose.
Packing in a whirlwind, sending the girls to stay with Saphron. Renting the first available airship to Vacuo and contending with his wife’s motion sickness. By the time they got there, they were met halfway by a near armada.
But no Jaune.
Orion’s hand rests on Jaune’s painted cheek. A child’s hand against the larger-than-life hero his boy grew into when he wasn’t there.
Did he ever tell his son how much he loves him?
“Come back to us,” Orion begs, no longer trying to stem the flow of tears. Why bother? His son isn’t here to see them.
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rachetmath · 2 months
Jaune's Final Act
Jaune: Okay, so from all the information you all have shown me, again thank you all, I think we should discuss some things.
Winter: Indeed. 
Ruby: We need to do something.
Jaune: Okay, first let's discuss the Crown. As Coco told me they were a horrible organization. They target people, especially with valuable semblances. Not to mention they are now partner with Tyrian. A wild card that we may not be able to predict.
Qrow: Yeah he is a slipper guy.
Jaune: We have no idea what their next move will be so we need to be prepared. So I think we send Emerald Sustrai in to infiltrate and spy on them. 
Ruby: What- No!
Jaune: I’m sorry why not?
Nora: Jaune we can't trust her.
Jaune: why not?
Yang: Well she-
Jaune: Penny is dead. You got a new arm. Your name is clear. Get over it. First off, we don't know what Tyrian knows. Tyrian might not know what's happened in Atlas. Even so, we’re not letting go as she but in disguise. 
Nora: But Jaune-Jaune-
Jaune: The woman helped us in evacuation. And has not she not protected this city from Grimm?
Winter: Well-
Ren: She probably informed Cinder and that's-
Jaune: Has anyone interrogated her? Robyn.
Robyn: Well um-
Jaune: So we jump to conclusions. Plus this is perfect for her to prove herself so why not let her walk?
Blake: Jaune she was a-
Jaune: Blake we have files and you told me about your old life so don't try to play. 
Blake: … …
Jaune: Yang didn't you destroy someone's property and drive past the speed limit? Shouldn't you be in debt?
Yang: … … …
Jaune: Ruby you interfered in the hunting business more than one time. You know you could've been charged a fine right? In fact, you be arrested.
Ruby: Um…
Jaune: And Weiss. You. Your sister. Your mom. Or your brother. Someone's could do some time considering the Schnees' shady deals. In fact, Klian can take the fall.
Weiss and Winter: *scared*
Jaune: Like I said let her walk. We need her. Next is the Grimm attacks. They are skyrocketing. This may be due to our mistake of bringing too many people to Vacuo. Not to mention Vale citizens. So… I am afraid we need to escort some of them out.
Robyn: What?! Objection!
Obleck: I agree, Mr.Arc. That is cruel.
Jaune: Oh really how so?
Robyn: We can't force these people out. They will have nowhere to go.
Jaune: We forcefully brought these people here. They don't like being here let alone with each other. 
Robyn: Well our people-
Jaune: Stop. You talk a big game yet you haven't done jack for your people. Where were you when they needed you? What were you doing besides making their situation worse?
Robyn: EXCUSE ME!? I’ll have you-
Jaune: When you kept stealing from the military did you ever occur to you that could have caused Martial law to be In place? In fact, even without Martial law, you caused more problems like with more security. More guns. Largerer curfew hours. Was what you were trying to accomplish worth that than for your people?
Robyn: … 
Jaune: Not to mention Tyrian wouldn't be here or alive if it wasn't for a certain someone or two people for letting him escape. Was that worth it to you? Considering he hurt your team too.
Robyn: …
Winter: Say that we do consider your suggestion. How would we go about it and where would they go?
Jaune: I already spoke with Mr. Belladonna. 
Blake: My father. 
Jaune: Yep and he agrees to help. In fact, he said he could use some more hands considering the state Mantle was left in.
Ren: That isn't enough. 
Jaune: Well he also wanted to talk with you on this Ren.
Ren: He wants to use my old village.
Jaune: Yep to expand Faunus territory, gain more human relationships, and restore it. He even believes since it's your home you should one day lead it.
Ren: But- 
Jaune: Regardless that village is unclaimed territory right now. If he doesn't get it someone else will. I just want you to have your home back. You can discuss the terms with him. Your choice.
Ren: Okay.
Nora: Wait. Jaune… this could lead to our team- 
Jaune: I know.  
Winter: Okay besides that just Mistral- 
Ruby: Well we have Argus but we also have that one village we went to. And with Apathy gone, we could use that.
Jaune: But if that's the case we still need to send hunters to help.
Raven: Woo-woo kid. We can't send hunters on escort missions. 
Theodore: Yes we need as many hunters as possible. 
Jaune: Yes but we need to escort these people safely out of the city. 
Theodore: Are you suggesting what I think you are?
Jaune: …
Theodore: No.
Jaune: Sir please -
Theodore: They're just kids. First year. 
Jaune: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. And nine for Pyrrha. Ten of you count Penny.
Theodore: Your point?
Jaune: Pyrrha a first year chosen to be a maiden. She died. Penny, another first year, was placed in charge of an entire city. Became soon after. Died.
Theodore: Mr. Arc I will have you know I am nothing like Ironwood and Ozpin. 
Jaune: I know. But my point still stands. These people, students, wanted to be hunters. But they lack experience. So why not give it to them? Let them show what they got. I mean they will be monitored but still.
Theodore: Very well.
Raven: Now for the tribes.
Jaune: We already set up a meeting with them after this one.
Raven: What?
Theodore: It's true. We need to know what tribes will be against us and who we can trust. You Miss Branwen will be my ascort. 
Raven: ….
Jaune: You have more tribal knowledge than any of us. You're our best shot.
Raven: …
Jaune: So. Does anyone have any suggestions or questions about this? 
Everyone is silent. 
Jaune: Look I understand I sound cruel. But I rather for once be ahead of the game this time.
Yang: You can’t control everything Jaune.
Jaune: I know. But at least I’m doing whatever I can instead of being an ass. 
Raven: We’re screwed.
After a long battle.
Raven: Holy crap.
Emerald: That’s right. That’s right. I did this. I came through. Mercury.
Mercury: I’m officially on the hero’s side. I’m nothing like my father.
Emerald: That’s right. 
Ren: My village will restored. And one day I must lead it. Blake, I hope you will help me.
Blake: Of course my friend.
Oobleck: Our numbers have increased. New homes have been established. 
Theodore: We still have the relic despite losing our maiden. But that was the casualty of war.
Ruby: I got maiden powers now.
Jaune: You're the main character.
Ruby: F*** you.
Raven: We really increased our chances. Get work kid.
Jaune: Yeah… *died*
Ruby: No! 
Cinder: *laugh* F*** you b****!
In heaven
Jaune: Damn. Well, at least I turned up one last time.
Pyrrha: Jau-Jaune!
Jaune: Pyrrha. Penny! Alyx! Lewis!
Jaune hugs all of them. 
Pyrrha: I’m so- I’m so- sorry.
Penny: I am too. 
Jaune: Don’t be. I wish I’m sorry I-
Pyrrha: It’s okay. You did great out there. 
James: I think-
Penny: Shut up.
Summer: I mean-
Pyrrha: You died for nothing.
Jaune: I mean, come on, I died but at least I gave the world a better chance to survive. I focused on what mattered in the present instead of the future which changes constantly. I tried to bring humans and faunas together for a common goal and maintain relationships even after Salem was finished. 
In hell
Adam: Damn
In heaven
Jaune: I may have lost my life I didn’t go out like a b****. A coward. And a control freak. I went out like a G. Like Roman. 
In hell 
Roman: Damn right.
In heaven.
Jaune: Now you excuse. 
Pyrhha: *lifted bridal style*
Jaune: I think you owe me something for all my troubles.
Pyrrha: *blushes*Um.
Jaune takes Pyrrha away.
Penny: Have fun you two!
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bridgyrose · 4 months
Ruby smiled weakly as she watched Penny’s eyes light up again, her fingers shook as she waited for Penny to reboot. Months of working with Peitro and Winter in secret had finally brought the results she’d been hoping for. Penny was finally back. 
“Where… where am I?” Penny asked as she slowly sat up. “I do not recognize this place.” 
“We’re in Vacuo,” Ruby answered as she walked over to Penny and pulled her into a hug. “Its a long story, but… that can wait. You’re back. You’re… you’re really back.” 
Penny slowly hugged Ruby and rubbed her back. “I… I died, didnt I?” 
Ruby slowly pulled away from Penny and sat down next to her, not sure when her legs had started to feel tired from standing. “You did. Weiss and Jaune did everything they could to save you, but they couldnt. But that doesnt matter. What matters is that you’re back and we can start catching up on missed time.” 
“Are you sure you do not need to rest first? You look tired.” 
“I’m fine,” Ruby said as she stood up again and offered a hand to Penny. “Will you at least come home with me?” 
Penny nodded and took Ruby’s hand. “Of course.” 
Ruby relaxed a bit and helped Penny up. Her heart fluttered as she helped prop her up and walked out of the workshop and out to the streets. She squinted her eyes as the light stung for a moment while her eyes adjusted to the light. Not that she was worried, it was normal after her long nights while trying to rebuild Penny with Pietro’s schematics. 
Still, she walked down the streets of Vacuo with her arm around Penny’s, glad that she was still the same from the last time she saw her four years ago. The way she talked, the way she moved, how her skin felt and the smile that crossed her face… all of it exactly as it had been before.
“Where is Weiss?” Penny asked. “And Blake and Yang? Why are they not with you?” 
“They’re around, somewhere,” Ruby said quietly. “But that doesnt matter right now. All that matters is that we catch up and-” 
“Ruby, are you sure you are okay?” 
Ruby paused in her step and finally caught a glimpse of her reflection. Her eyes werent the vibrant silver they used to be, a few streaks of grey stained her hair, even her skin was more pale than usual. With a soft sigh, she looked away from her reflection and continued to walk with Penny. “I-I’m fine, really. Sure, I probably could be taking better care of myself, but I’m fine.” 
“Is that why you dont know where your team is?” 
“You do not seem to be like yourself. I remember you always having a genuine smile but now, its like you are hiding who you are from yourself.” 
Ruby went quiet for a moment as she tried to find a lie to tell Penny. It was hard enough to remember that her team went their separate ways after Salem was stopped, and even harder to accept that it’d been a couple years since she even tried to talk to them. Especially since she hid away to get Penny back. “Home isnt much farther. Once we get there we can relax-” 
“Not until you’re more yourself,” Penny said. 
Ruby hesitated as Penny pulled away, no longer looking at her. “I am me.” 
“You are different. What did you give up in order to bring me back?” 
“I… I did what I had to.” Ruby let her aura down as it shimmered with a few small holes. “Part of my aura, part of my life… I couldnt live without you. My team… they didnt understand and left. But none of that matters if that means I can have you in my life again.” 
Penny looked at Ruby once more, where a soft smile had normally crossed her lips now sat a look of pity. “That is not the Ruby I want in my life.” 
Ruby could only watch as Penny walked away, frozen in place as her body refused to move. All that effort to bring her back, and now she was leaving her. Again. But deep down, she knew Penny was right. She had given up too much for the person she had loved.
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superiorsturgeon · 11 months
In Vacuo, after the fall of Atlas…
Whitley: *Depressed and uncomfortable in new surroundings* 😞
Neon: Hmm…the little boyfriend needs something to cheer him up and help him fit in around here…
Flynt: Didn’t you say he likes music? Maybe you can take him out dancing or something?
Neon: I don’t know…Whitley doesn’t seem super comfortable dancing, but…🤔
Neon: ☝️😯💡
Whitley: Neon, are you sure about this place…? It looks a bit…rough…
Neon: *pulling Whitley into Vacuan Faunus bar* Don’t worry, little snowflake! You’re with me!
Whitley: *blinking in the dim light, awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact with tough, muscular Faunus bar patrons* 😰
Faunus: 😒
Neon: *whispers something to the bartender*
Bartender: *flips a light switch and points to a piano on a stage in the corner*
Neon: *grabs Whitley’s hand and pulls him to the stage*
Whitley: *shrinking a bit in the spotlight* Neon, what are-?!
Neon: *gently pushes Whitley down on the bench and hushes him with a forehead kiss*
Neon: I know you’ve been having a tough time since Atlas, so I wanted to find something to help you feel more at home around here.
Neon: *putting some sheets of music on the piano* Remember that time you played me that sweet tune for my birthday?
Whitley: *trying to focus on Neon as bar patrons stare at him* I suppose, but I don’t think a piano concerto is appropriate for this place…
Neon: *taps the sheet music* Don’t worry, I picked out the perfect song! It’s just like that thing you told me about from music class! What was it…?
Whitley: Sight-reading?
Neon: That’s the thing! Trust me, you’re going to do great!
Whitley: *looks over her shoulder at the crowd of tough faunus* I’m not sure…😨
Neon: *pulls up a chair and sits immediately in front of the stage* Just pretend you’re playing for me, and nobody else is here! Knock ‘em dead, snowflake!
Entire bar: *dead quiet and staring at Whitley*
Whitley: 😥
Faunus: 🤨
Whitley: *looks at Neon*
Neon: 😉👍
Whitley: 😮‍💨
Whitley: *places his hands on the keyboard and looks over the music* Hmm…looks easy enough…I hope nobody minds that I don’t have a harmonica?
Yang: *walking past the bar on the sidewalk, sipping a smoothie*
Bar Patrons: *loudly singing from inside* 🎶 SING US A SONG, YOU’RE THE PIANO MAAAAN…! SING US A SONG TONIIIIIGHT….!!! 🎶
Yang: What the hell was that? *peeks through the door*
Whitley: *playing his third encore and wearing a borrowed fedora* 😎 🎶 🎹 🎶
Neon: *at the microphone, leading the audience in singing along*
Yang: *filming with her Scroll* Ice queen is never going to believe this!
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novankenn · 3 months
Son of the Serpent (9)
/==/ Table of Contents /==/
Jaune sat on his bed, still in his nightclothes, actually laughing as he played with the Vacuo Death Viper without a care in the world. Which of course made his team very apprehensive. Each one waiting for the moment when the vile creature would attack their team leader.
"Guts, there is nothing to worry about."
"Says you." Nora responded, a desk chair clasped in her hands, ready to be used as a makeshift hammer.
"Jaune could you please?" Pyrrha whimpered. The invincible girl not being a fan of snakes, or for that matter spiders, rats or mice.
"You want to hold her?" Jaune asked, a warm smile on his lips as he held the deadly creature out towards his friends.
"I'll pass." Ren replied, "You said your mother is here? I take it because of the... snake?"
"Yes. This one is usually perched about her neck. It was her first tattoo, much like how the Valean Pit-Viper tattoo about my neck and shoulders was mine."
To accentuate the point, Jaune smiled and suddenly from around the collar of his t-shirt the scaled head of another serpent appeared. It slithered out from under his shirt and coiled about his shoulders, even going so far as to affectionately nuzzle Jaune's cheek.
The Death Viper, not to be out done, scaled Jaune's extended arms, and faced off against the Pit-Viper. The pair of serpents rose, their eyes starting at each other. Their forked tongues flicking in and out of their mouths, tasting the air.
Ren, Nora, and Pyrrha gasped and froze as the pair of venomous snakes both opened their mouths, exposing gleaming fangs.
"Are you guys tired?" Jaune asked as the pair of snakes, "That was a couple of big yawns there."
"Yawns?" his trio of teammates asked, utterly stunned, as Jaune lifted both serpents casually from around his neck and laid them on the bed.
The Pit-Viper coiled tightly upon itself, with the slightly larger Death Viper coiling around it, ending by laying its head over the neck of the smaller... if his friends didn't know better... it looked almost as if the pair of vile beasts were cuddling.
But before anyone could make a comment, there was a series of knocks upon the door. The slightly unnerved trio of Jaune's teammates stepped away from the door, just enough for Pyrrha to answer it.
“Oh, Professor Goodwitch, and?” Pyrrha eyed the woman standing next to the Deputy Headmistress. She had an air of authority much like Goodwitch had, but unlike the Professor’s aura... this woman’s was more sinister.
“Mom.” Jaune greeted the woman, who eyed up Pyrrha for a moment before stepping past and into the room… uninvited.
“Mom?” Nora asked, looking at Ren, “I thought she’d be blond?”
“So did I.” Pyrrha added.
“Well, Mrs Arc I have escorted you to your son, I shall take my…”
“I require access to a room with a sparing circle.” Benisato commented out loud. “Is there such a place available?”
“Jaune, you ran from home. Your sisters were in tears. Your father was a nervous wreck…”
“You don’t und…”
“Do NOT tell me I don’t understand! Your father and I did not suffer all that horror in the frontier so you could be a stupid little shit and go and get yourself killed because you wanted to be a HERO!” Benisato screamed at the top of her lungs, tears forming in her eyes. “We thought we lost you! No calls, no messages! We thought you died!”
“There is no BUT Jaune!” she continued to scream at her son, all the frustration, fear, and anger of the last several months bursting forth. “Your stupidity nearly tore your family apart!”
“I’m sorry…” Jaune responded, still holding the cheek his mother had struck with the palm of her hand. 
“Don’t…” Benisato grabbed out and hauled her taller son into a tight, almost crushing embrace. “Don't ever scare me like that again… you’re too precious to me.”
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strqyr · 3 months
oh. team strq has a Theme and they're so very much a Family it hurts me to just—
summer left on a secret mission to take on salem; tai is very likely guarding the crown, a reason why he isn't in vacuo; raven learned something about salem that caused her to leave; and qrow went on missions for ozpin that kept him away from home for long periods of time.
they all have a reason related to the shadow war that has kept—or still does keep—them away from their family; and i bet all of them believe it must be this way, because the alternative could be much, much worse for their family.
for the branwens, it's their presence that they believe is causing problems: raven has implied there's something salem has on her—and based on what salem has said, it relates to her family—that keeps her away (it hasn't kept her from checking up on yang in bird form, tho), while qrow has his semblance that he believed made it difficult to be near his family.
meanwhile, for summer and tai it seems like their reasons lie in the realm of "if i don't do this, things might get worse": summer's reasoning for taking on salem alone likely relates to silver eyes, an attempt to ensure ruby can have a life without living it looking over her shoulder at all times—not to mention what could happen to the world as a whole if salem won—, and tai guards the crown bc if he doesn't, leaving it unguarded, salem might find it, and that doesn't spell good for anyone.
they all want to be there with their family, i bet there's nothing more that they desire, but for one reason or another, they can't. and it pains them so.
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Dancing: Domestic Bees?
Blake, Yang, Kali, and Ghira are all out on a double date in Vacuo, enjoying a celebratory dinner for team RWBY's return and the much anticipated Bumbleby relationship.
Kali: Oh, I'm so excited for you two!
Ghira: As am I. Blake, I like this one much better than the other boys you've brought home.
Yang: (to Blake) Other boys???
Blake: Adam and he also thought Sun was trying to get with me when he followed me home.
Yang: I mean. He probably was.
Blake: And ending the conversation.
Ghira: So, Yang, Blake mentioned that you're quite the dancer.
Blake: (spits her tea)
Yang: I wouldn't say I'm great, but I can hold my own. (smiles) Blake's got some good footwork of her own when she feels like it.
Blake: Yang, I literally tripped off the dance floor back in Atlas. I have terrible footwork.
Ghira: You get that from me, I'm afraid. Two left feet. Kali is actually quite the dancer. She was considered one of the best in Menagerie back before we were married.
Blake: Really? You never told me that.
Kali: Oh, it was a lifetime ago. I haven't danced in so long. I don't think I could keep a beat if my life depended on it. (sighs) It would be nice to shake off some of the rust though.
Blake: (glances at Yang) I noticed there's a little dancefloor in here. Do you think you could ask my mom for a dance?
Yang: You sure, Babe? Not going to be too jealous?
Blake: I'm positive. I'm sure she'd appreciate it. (walks her fingers up Yang's thigh under the table) Who knows? It might get you some brownie points.
Yang: (accidentally kicks the leg of the table and gets the attention of everyone at the table) Ahem! U-Uh, Mrs. B! Uh, Kali... Would you like to dance on the next song?
Kali: (stars in her eyes) Oh, I would love to! Ghira, are you alright with that?
Ghira: Of course, dear. It's not like you're dancing with some stranger who's going to feel you up or anything like that.
-Price Royce - Lao' a Lao' starts to play over the speakers-
Yang & Kali: (gasp) I love this song! (glance at each other) You know how to dance to this? Yes! LET'S GO!!!
Yang: (offers Kali her hand and the two rush down to the dancefloor excitedly)
Blake & Ghira: (watch as their partners take the dancefloor)
Blake: Wow. It's been a while since I've seen Mom get so excited.
Ghira: Should we be concerned about what kind of song this is based on that tremolo?
Yang & Kali: (I'm to damn lazy to write up the dance number and this is already long, so watch this to see what they do)
Blake & Ghira:
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Yang & Kali: (return to the table when the song ends)
Yang: That was a blast!
Kali: I haven't danced like that in years!
Ghira: (throws lien on the table, picks up Kali and throws her over his shoulder, and makes a bee line for the exit) Yoink!
Kali: Oh, my!
Blake: (grabs Yang's tie and follows Ghira) Yoink!
Yang: Whoa!
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citadelofmythoughts · 24 days
Watching the V8 finale again made me wonder.
How do you think RWB would’ve coped in Vacuo if none of them had fallen after Yang?
Add-on: How do you think a married Blake or Yang would deal if their partner passed prematurely? Would they live the rest of their lives fulfilled with the happy memories or Try to move on after a period of time (date, re-marry, etc)?
Biggest add-on: How would your SREN family deal with losing Blake or Yang?
(I think this might be the most EVIL RWBY ask I've ever gotten)
Not well. I know I've said it before but Yang is the heart of Team RWBY. She's Ruby's big sister/surrogate mother figure, Weiss' best friend and Blake's true love.
Losing her would be devastating. I mean, RWB being who they are, they would rally and do what they need to do to protect Remnant and fight Salem but the light would be gone, the joy.
Blake of course, would likely never recover, not fully and if Neo dared show her face, it'd be over for her.
For the second part: I am convinced that Blake and Yang are each other's "the one" - after everything they went through, finding each other, losing each other, multiple times. I can't see anyone else filling that void.
And for the third:
Sandy and Rose would not take losing either of their parents well. Unlike many characters in RWBY, they've had a happy and secure home life with their mothers. It's been a home full of love, laughter and happiness. So to lose that would wreck the girls. They've got so many friends and family, their aunts (Ruby, Laffy, Weiss, Penny) would do their best to help and so would their grandparents (Ghira, Kali, Raven and even Tai) and their girlfriends would help too but it would hurt for a long time.
Sandy in particular doesn't deal with grief well. The rest of Team SREN would have a big job ahead of them trying to support their leader.
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bestworstcase · 7 months
It’d be funny if in the anthology, they end up leaving a hint about Salem and Cinder that ends up pointing towards your theories being true (or closer to true), and then just tantalize people for years with those tidbits.
The rage (from them) and vindication (from you) would be glorious.
i am so sure there will be zero major narrative reveals in the anthology but “salem and cinder go to beacon” barely qualifies as a spoiler at this point—salem is clearly Not There in vacuo at the end of v9 or in the epilogue or in rwby x jl pt 2 and obviously she’s not going to just slink home and do nothing—so i’m not ruling out the possibility of crumbs with them like, en route to beacon. although it would be fucking hysterical if they just. put summer rose in there. brvzbsgjcbk
expect it to be mainly set in and around vacuo because that’s where the narrative momentum is—there’s the aftershocks of the crown’s insurgency, the refugee crisis, retrofitting amity into a battleship(!), help arriving from around the world, NORSE grieving, pietro grieving, memorials being built in vacuo, a lot to cover. but i also hope to get some glimpses of what’s been going on in menagerie and mistral, and how things are going for glinda in vale.
…and i mean. i do keep winning. they wrote v9 for ME. so. lmao.
out of all of my sundry theories to end up fully properly confirmed, i’d bet on gill being the summer maiden. because if she’s to be a major player in v10, they’ll need to introduce her to people who haven’t read the CFVY novels, and an anthology like this is an ideal way to do that. and all it takes is one glimpse of her with flaming eyes.
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howlingday · 3 months
Sml x rwby Brooklyn guy/Neptune and Simmons/Sun on the stake out.
Ironwood: Wukong! Vasilias! Get in here!
Neptune: Nuh-uh!
Sun: Yuh-huh!
Neptune: Nuh-uh!
Sun: Yuh-huh!
Neptune: Fine, we'll ask the chief! Hey, chief, if you pull over a guy and he pops on a DUI, but he's almost home, is it wrong to arrest him?
Sun: He's almost home! That means he's won!
Ironwood: No, you still have to arrest him.
Neptune: See, I told you?
Sun: Aw, darn... Guess I done goofed.
Ironwood: Well, I need you two to focus because I have a very important mission for you!
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Ironwood: This is Remnant's Most Wanted man and he's on the loose, BUT we got an anonymous tip that says he's going to be at a house later tonight, so I need you two to stake out the house and arrest him before he gets on a place to Vacuo!
Neptune: Wait, sir, if we know he's going to Vacuo then why not arrest him at the airport?
Ironwood: Because it's SFO.
Neptune: OH, GOD! Oh, yeah, I fucking hate San Fran. We gotta catch this guy now. C'mon, Sun!
Sun: Ooh! Can we stop at Dairy Schnee on the way?
Neptune: Dairy Schnee? Why?
Sun: Because they got the ice cream that they flip over and it won't spill out!
Neptune: Nuh-uh!
Sun: Yuh-huh!
Neptune: Nuh-uh!
Sun: Yuh-huh!
Neptune: Alright, Sun, that's the house.
Sun: Check it out, dude! It's not spilling!
Neptune: I swear to God, Sun, if you spill that ice cream in my car, the next crime I'm investigating is going to be your murder!
Sun: It's not gonna spill, dude! It's a Schneezard!
Neptune: Just focus! Hang on, let me see if I can get a better look with my binoculars...
Neptune: Okay, Sun, I don't see anything yet...
Sun: Uh, I don't think this is the right house.
Neptune: It's not. This is my ex-girlfriend's house. I just want to see if she's moved on.
Sun: Aren't you married?
Neptune: Yeah, but she's the one that got away! She was so hot, and she broke my heart. Let's see... Oh, there's two cars... (Gasps) AND ONE OF THEM IS A PICKUP TRUCK! Oh, god, I bet he's bigger than me. And he's uncircumcised... Oh, look at that license plate! It says "UNCUT"! He's definitely uncircumcised!
Neptune: (Gasps) She opened the blinds! Oh, god, I think she sees me! Wait, she's pointing at me... Oh, god, he just walked up- And he IS uncircumcised! Wait, now she's pointing at it... Oh my god, that is THE MOST uncircumcised penis I have ever seen! And now she's holding up a sign that says, "I bet you wish you were this uncircumcised!" I DO! I'M SORRY! IT'S NOT MY FAULT! MY PARENTS HAD ME CIRCUMCISED! Oh- Sun, I can't watch this anymore! We have to go to the house we're supposed to be!
Neptune: Okay, Sun, NOW we're at the right house.
Sun: What do we do now?
Neptune: Now we wait here for that criminal to show up. (Gasps) Wait, somebody's walking up to the house right now!
Flynt: (Knocks on house door)
Willow: (Answers) Well, hello there~.
Flynt: I'm here to get down to business!
Willow: Alright, come on in~!
Neptune: Look, Sun, that man with the fedora just went into the house!
Sun: Is he the criminal?
Neptune: I don't think so.
Sun: So what now?
Neptune: Now we wait for the real criminal. Let me get some of that ice cream.
Neptune: Okay, they just let in that mean guy, a clown, and that hippie dude with the dog, so I think they're just letting anybody in.
Sun: Must not be anything dangerous, right?
Neptune: Maybe. It would be weird if there was illegal activity if they let just about anybody inside.
Sun: I can't go in there; I'm dressed like a cop!
Neptune: Then take your uniform off.
Sun: But I'm naked under here!
Neptune: Then go in naked! That trumpet guy is already naked.
Sun: But then they'll see my banana, and it's more of a plantain than a real banana!
Neptune: Sun, nobody is going to judge your shrimp. Besides, the criminal might already be inside, so just get in there!
Sun: (Sighs) Fine, I'll do it.
Sun: (Knocks on door, It opens) Don't look at my banana!
Flynt: Who the hell are you?! We don't have room for one more!
Sun: Aw, c'mon! I just wanna come inside and check it out!
Flynt: Eh... You are already naked, so... Come on in!
Neptune: Hm... They let Sun inside. Well, guess I'll just sit here and wait and see if he calls for backup.
Kali: Ghira, there are strange cars parked outside of the Schnee Manor. I haven't seen them before, and a bunch of people went inside.
Ghira: Hm, I'll give Jacques a call.
Jacques: (Via scroll) Ghira.
Ghira: Jacques. Are you at home?
Jacques: No, I'm on a business trip. Whitley and Klein are visiting Atlas Academy with Winter and Weiss is studying abroad while Willow is at home alone.
Ghira: My wife says she's seen a bunch of cars parking outside your home, and a lot of people went inside.
Jacques: Oh, she's probably ordering a bunch of gruber eats, or dorm dash, or whatever third food delivery service we're parodying.
Ghira: Okay, just checking. Good-bye then. (Hangs up) He says it's fine.
Kali: Okay.
Sun: (Climbs in) Ugh... God dammit...
Neptune: Sun, what happened?!
Sun: She made my plantain feel like the king banana from Donkey Kong.
Neptune: What?
Sun: I slid into her Monkey Mines while I got a chocolate donut in my face!
Neptune: Was there any illegal activity in there?
Sun: Nah, dude, but it should have been! She took six bananas at once should've been illegal. She was about four away from having a bunch in her banana cave!
Neptune: What are you talking about?
Sun: (Whispers)
Neptune: ...Gross. Was the criminal in there?
Sun: I couldn't see it because my face was betwunxt two butt cheeks.
Neptune: Ugh, how much longer are we going to have to wait? My ass is starting to go numb.
Sun: Yeah, hers should be, too.
Neptune: Wait, is that him?!
Flynt: Hey, you made it! Too bad you're late. It's just about dry.
Roman: Ah, I don't care! I'll just lick it up!
Flynt: That's the spirit! Get in here!
Neptune: THAT'S HIM, THAT'S HIM! Sun, let's go get him!
Sun: I'm not going back in there! I'll want seconds!
Neptune: Ew, Sun! Ew! I'll go in alone then!
Sun: Don't get tempted.
Neptune: I won't!
Neptune: (Kicks in the door) POLICE! GET ON THE FLO- Oh, you're already on the floor.
Flynt: Wait, who invited the cop?!
Willow: Well, I didn't!
Neptune: Uh, everybody just, like, disconnect, I guess.
Clown: (Honks)
Neptune: ...I'll get back to that in a second. For now, you are under arrest!
Roman: Ah, man!
Neptune: I'll let you finish first.
Roman: Ah, my man~!
Neptune: Alright, sir, we got him!
Ironwood: What took you two so long?
Neptune: I... had to let him finish.
Roman: I last a looong time~.
Neptune: Yeah, he does. Lucky.
Ironwood: Excellent work, regardless, though I'm curious why Junior Detective Wukong's bodycam footage showed you took your uniform off. Why?
Sun: I had to get into some mine cart carnage in the chocolate mines.
Ironwood: ...Excuse me?
Neptune: Let me explain, sir. (Whispering)
Sun: (Nods)
Ironwood: That does it! You are going on two weeks of unpaid suspension!
Sun: I'd spend two weeks of pay on that experience. And since I'm already suspended, I might as well go back over there.
Ironwood: ...You know what? I think I'll go check it out.
Roman: ...Y'know what? I think I'll go check it out, too~.
Neptune: Okay, you guys have fu- WAIT A MINUTE! Get back here! You can't do that.
Roman: Aw, rats! I almost had ya!
Neptune: Yeah, yeah, you're under arrest. But I'm gonna go check it out.
Roman: ...Wait. No one's here to watch me. I might as well go check it out, too~!
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lipeg · 9 months
Wrong place? Oh no PERFECT PLACE!!!
Jaune and Juniper were the first to leave this hell.
Jaune and Juniper didn't go in Vacuo.
The two left at the beacon tower.
Juniper changed of from, she became a child again.
Jaune had returned to the age when he was 25 years old.
Before them stood one of the most powerful Grimms, Wyvern.
The same one that turned Ruby to stone.
Here he was.
A stone figure in a crumbling tower.
Jaune: This is the first time we have met in person
Jaune started walking towards the stone statue.
Jaune: You were responsible for the death of the woman who loved me
His expression was pure anger.
Jaune: You are a creature of pure evil, without any emotions, without any thoughts of your own, without a soul! A mere puppet to be used by this woman
Jaune now stood before the mighty Wyvern.
Jaune cracked a smile.
Jaune: Now you only serve me
Jaune's aura only manifested in his right hand.
Jaune raised his arm, reaching for the wyvern's nose, placing his hand on the beast's nose.
Jaune: Came back to life as my Wyvern Hollow
Jaune's aura began to spread throughout the dead Wyvern's body, the statue began to crack, and a strong white light began to emanate from the cracks.
The statue began to shake. Cracks began to appear and pieces of stone began to fall.
Until the Wyvern statue exploded.
The Wyvern came back to life.
Black gave way to white.
White gives way to blue.
Red gave way to gold.
This Wyvern was completely different, now this beast was more beautiful, more elegant .
The Wyvern lowered its head and closed its eyes.
The Wyvern knelt before Jaune.
Jaune's petting the Wyvern.
The beast was happy.
Jaune placed his hands on either side of the Wyvern's nose.
The beast opened its eyes.
Jaune: Go to Vacuo and recover my family relic
Jaune turned away from the Wyvern.
The Wyvern spread its wings and let out a mighty roar.
The Wyvern took flight and headed for Vacuo.
Jaune soon saw his first child fly away.
Jaune looked down at Juniper, who was standing near the edge.
Jaune: Juniper
The Jackalope turned and looked at his master.
Jaune: Go have some fun girl, I'm looking for a deal
Juniper jumped down from the tower.
Beacon's old academy was a new home for Grimms.
This fiery hurricane came out of nowhere.
A fiery beast emerged from the hurricane of fire.
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Juniper in its true form.
The Grimms began to back away from what was in front of him.
It was his natural predator.
Jaune opened the elevator door with pure brute force.
Looking down, he saw only a seemingly endless fall.
He pulled out his broken sword and uttered words in a strange and probably dead language.
The sword and scabbard are back to normal.
Blade repaired and scabbard cleaned.
He drove the blade into the wall and held on to the hilt, the weight of his body doing the rest.
The descent was very fast, but faster than taking the elevator.
Until he suddenly stopped, without understanding anything.
He looked at the wall and saw nothing different.
But we are talking about Ozpin.
Concentrating the aura in his eyes, he managed to make the wall magical.
Jaune: Well done, Ozpin, for sealing the relic room with magic
With his other free hand, he placed it on the wall and felt the magic.
He gathered his aura in his fist.
He broke the seal Ozpin had put on the wall with all his strength.
The hole in the wall opened, and with the aura concentrated in his hand, he held it against the wall.
He drew his sword and stepped into the hole he had made for himself.
Sheathed your sword. His aura was concentrated in his leg.
He took off running like a bullet, running in a hall that was a line without any light.
In just a few seconds, he had reached his destination.
A large golden door with the symbol of the Kingdom of Vale.
Jaune: Behind this door is the main relic
Jaune stood up straight and walked calmly to the door.
Jaune: The relic of knowledge, allows you to ask 3 questions, but you have to wait 100 years before you can ask the next question. After the 3 questions have been asked, the relic becomes useless.
Jaune: The Relic of Creation, who can create anything the user desires. However, the user must be thoroughly detailed, but she forbidden from resurrecting the dead and cannot destroy. Also, she can only be used for one task at a time, as the previous creation will be destroyed the moment a new one is created.
Jaune: The relic of destruction, a sword that destroys everything, even a person's soul, preventing them from entering the realm of the dead, and the only one who can destroy destiny.
Jaune faced the door.
His two fists were clenched, his aura manifested in his arms, his aura turned into something resembling metal.
Jaune destroyed this door with his fists, which were covered by his aura.
The big door was now in pieces.
Jaune: Relic of Choice, which allows you to see several different futures depending on the user's choices
On a stone pedestal, a golden crown floated in the air.
Jaune: It's really a shame that he can't be here
Jaune took the crown.
Jaune: To see everything he did was useless
Jaune put the crown on his head.
Jaune: I won, Ozma
Ruby was not happy at all.
She and her team chose the worst possible time to return.
Vacuo was being attacked by an army of Grimms.
To make matters worse for Team RWBY, they had no ammunition.
Ruby It didn't have its special cartridges.
Weiss there was no fragment of dust.
Blake and Yang were out of ammo for his weapons! Yang needed ammunition for her gloves.
Even with the help of the soldiers left over from Atlas and the hunters from Vacuo, the battle was complicated.
Still, it wasn't enough.
Ruby stopped to rest, it was Grimms that never stopped
Everyone looked up and saw Wyvern Hollow coming.
The Wyvern Hollow began spitting blue fire at everyone on the battlefield.
The Wyvern Hollow passed through the city walls, heading for the Academy of Vacuo, which was located in the center of the city.
Ruby looked at everything with fear, that Wyvern was at the top of the academy, it was a pyramid, Wyvern raised his head, you could see he had gathered a huge amount of heat.
In a moment of despair.
The silver eyes have been activated.
A gigantic light covered the battlefield, blinding everyone on the battlefield.
All the Grimms turned to stone, surprising everyone.
Sun: She could do this all the time!
Ruby fell to the ground, tired from the overuse of her silver eyes.
Weiss: Ruby didn't work!
Ruby was confused, she looked at Weiss and then turned her attention to where Weiss was pointing.
The Wyvern Hollow did not turn to stone.
And he had a blue fireball in his mouth.
The Wyvern Hollow lowered its head and fire came out of its mouth, the blue flames destroyed everything in its path.
Ruby couldn't believe what was in front of her.
The Wyvern Hollow entered Vacuo's academy. It spat out its blue fire, melting everything in its path.
Ruby felt useless now, tired, weak, his magic eyes didn't help in the end, because one survived and now Vacuo's academy was destroyed.
Ruby fainted from exhaustion, but she could only see one thing before she passed out.
She saw that the Wyvern was catching something with its mouth, for it was holding something that glowed very brightly and was black in color.
One thing came into his mind.
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
Do you ever look at a rwby character that's training to be or already is a badge carrying law enforcement officer in canon and think to yourself "damn, I wouldn't trust this person to be a waterpark attendant, I wouldn't trust this person to hold my place in a line so I could use the bathroom, if this person offered me a car ride home so I didn't have to walk I would turn them down because I don't trust them to do that."
Because I do. And somehow the fact that they might not make the best hunters is something that's not ever even really talked about in the show, at all.
Yang? Joined the Hunter academies for the thrills, had a wildly out of control temper and tbh still does, showed some anti-faunus discrimination leading Blake around with a laser pointer, and these days responds to conflicts by launching into fight mode and wanting to solve things through violence, plus doesn't seem interested in working if it's boring if her reaction to Jaune's to-do list and her exasperation through V9 is anything to go by. And she's completely rejecting any and all opportunity to recognize flaws and grow as a person atm, and seems to think admitting flaws or rethinking your past choices is villainous behavior based on her 'that's what Ironwood thought' shut down when Ruby started questioning herself and her treatment of Ren.
Weiss? Starts out as a raging anti-faunus bigot suggesting they call the police on Blake and comparing Faunus to trash cans, idolizes her 'hero' grandfather despite the fact that he was a capitalistic billionare who (iirc) tried to strip Vacuo of its resources and built the SDC into the fabric of society. Recently, she pointed what was essentially a loaded gun in the face of an underage auraless civilian because he didn't immediately spring out of the way and let her enter his house - and no, him being her brother doesn't mean that was okay. She also doesn't actually seem concerned with doing actual work if it isn't super big and important and flashy.
Jaune? He wasn't even sort of ready to enter Beacon when he did. He cheated his way in when he didn't even know what aura was, and the only reason he didn't die was because of Pyrrha saving his ass and trying to train him, and even then, he was leagues behind the others and the only reason Cinder didn't murder him at Haven was author-plot armor. But now that he's got twenty some years of work under his belt (which I still really resent) he's also doing things like calling clearly sentient people stupid and treating them like five year olds, and yelling in the face of a seventeen year old that she's responsible for plans he had just as much of a hand in as she did and victim blaming her for being attacked by an evil villain who was trying to murder her.
(To be clear, for the above three characters, I'm not saying 'they point blank should not ever have been hunters because of their traits and/or flaws and/or flawed motivations, I'm just saying that I would've wanted there to be more of themselves and others questioning it and them working on their flaws specifically and squaring away some of their more selfish motivations before becoming law enforcement officers with badges.)
COCO? She likes being feared, her friends lovingly describe her as sadistic, she thinks letting teammates have a say is a sign of a weak leader, she's judgmental towards people from Vacuo, she gives strong anti-Faunus vibes and it's treated like it's okay because she's friends with Velvet, she tells Velvet NOT to fight when Grimm are bursting into Vale in V2 and then leisurely takes her time fighting one Grimm because she apparently can't be bothered to care when civilian's lives are on the line, she makes snap judgements about people for no reason, and also she's a big old hypocrite, and defies authority carelessly.
CARDIN?!?! You would think they would've at least addressed CARDIN properly, as a real actual significant problem, since he was a future badge carrying law enforcement officer who also targeted minorities, and tried to blackmail people, and gave off strong misogynist vibes, and liked knocking around his own teammates when they got in his way. Like???? The only thing we know changed in Cardin's behavior was that he was leaving Jaune and Jaune's friends alone because Jaune had 'stood up to him.' The writers didn't think that it was important that we as an audience got to see him either get hardcore checked and start being not that way, or get expelled and restricted from continuing on as a Hunter due to his behavior? We're just supposed to be like 'oh well, there's Cardin the anti-faunus power play loving blackmailer training to be a hunter, but that doesn't matter because the writers only cared about him to bully Jaune so who cares about him now?'
I'd like to actually engage with this story! I'd like to actually have the story of rwby discuss what being a hunter means and how some of these characters aren't well suited currently to be hunters. The writers have no interest in actually making their characters good Hunters or figuring out what being a 'good hunter' even means (case in point, V9,) and instead just expect everyone to be on board with absolutely no reflection. Why should I think Weiss deserves her hunter badge again? Why should I think Jaune deserves his hunter badge? I don't currently think they should be hunters because I feel like they haven't even thought about if they really want it or would be good at it. Because ever since V2, it's just been a foregone conclusion to the writers that the mains (all dropouts in their first year) are Hunters and deserve it and will be great at it, but they've never actually bothered to convince me of it with some of these characters. They expected their audience to just think it too, and shrug and accept it, and they now refuse to engage with the flaws their characters have either or whether or not their traits are well suited to the task of being a badge carrying law enforcement officer, so... Yeah. I wish that the show challenged the 'of course they're all destined to be hunters' thing.
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The last two episodes of RWBY Beyond are out, and they were both Somewhat emotional lol
As always spoilers under the cut
Somewhat they could never make me hate you. Literally so cute.
There's really not a whole lot to say about this episode, if I'm being honest. It was super cool to see the Afterans rebuilding!
Who was Somewhat talking about when they said "You're back?". I don't think it was Neo, she was still at the tree and that's not really how people come back from there. It looked like the portal RWBYJ went through so????
Maybe they found a way there again? Makes sense since Alyx and Lewis were from Vacuo before hunters/huntresses, so maybe they used that? Either way it's likely someone from RWBYJ, so we might see them in V10!
Onto Boba. This one? Ouch!
I've missed the sister dynamic between them, they've been going through so much lately.
The people stopping Ruby because they recognize her and she was their symbol of hope for however long they were gone was such a sweet touch. She's a hero, just like she always wanted to be.
They asked where Taiyang was and I went "Actually, yeah where is he?". I guess he's doing something else? Probably off with Glynda, since she's also not there.
If we get a moment in V10 where Ruby asks Yang "Can we get boba?" I'll simply cry ig
Overall they were both really good, but Jaune's might be my favorite (I'm so biased, Jaune and Oscar are my favorite characters after Renora). With the news that talks for a new home for RWBY are going well, I'm feeling optimistic about the future. This story deserves to be finished, and I think CRWBY is the only people that really can, so I'm glad that the writers would be staying, as much of an apparently hot take that is. It wouldn't feel the same.
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watcher-servant · 1 year
Yeah I know. I just thought about that. Jaune was forced to be in a hospital to heal other people. Surrounded by more death than usual. His friends try to help him but they don't give him what he needs. Jaune trains in secret but the issues he's facing were his age and regrets.
Jaune then finds a teacher and after begging and persuasion she decides to help him out along with her husband of course. They actually talked to Jaune, gave him good advice, and even supported some of his decisions. Basically, they take his issues seriously.
After five months he becomes stronger than before. Though it was through his teachers, his strength is mainly due to being in ever after for so long. However, through those five months, even before, Jaune wanted nothing to do with Salem or Ozpin. And was secretly gathering material and money to go home.
But no action is without consquence. Jaune did make a few enemies along the way. And as much as he wanted out of Salem and Ozpin's war, their forces won't let him leave so easily
Yeah, that's the thing. There's a chance for Jaune to be out of the spotlight again. Find a teacher that will help train him, maybe even give advice on certain things. Course it isn't a vacation, he would be going with said teacher on missions. The main thought i had is that Jaune is gonna feel like a stranger back, even if they want. I don't think the others would be able to fully help.
Plus, during his time away, he could meet with Saph or, at the very least, call about his situation. Plus, he would probably tell Pietro what happened with Penny if Winter only gave a side of what she knew, and finally, there's the whole Cinder situation or hell, even Tyrain. However, with being in Vacuo, a part of me is curious if he's gonna change his armor. If he is, why not a Goblin Slayer like armor set up, no helmet course....unless it's collapseable
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novankenn · 1 year
"Jaune Gets A Gun - Day 2" Predator - Various Weapons
Inspired by @howlingday's weapon posts
Jaune was ecstatic, not only was he excited about going to the convention centre again to check out the massive Gun Show, but he was doing it with his two best friends from Beacon. Ruby and Pyrrha. So distracted with those thoughts and feelings, his motion sickness never materialized.
Jaune: So where should we go first?
Pyrrha: Well, you still need a ranged option, so maybe...
Ruby: I think a shotgun would be for the best.
Jaune: Really? I would have thought the Adorable Rocket Launcher would have been my best option.
Pyrrha/Ruby: You are NOT eating that much of that trash to get a rocket launcher!
Jaune raised his hands in surrender while also laughing, his trademark goofy smile doing things to Ruby and Pyrrha's hearts. Then he noticed Pyrrha and Ruby slowly backing away from him...
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Jaune: Is there something wrong?
Jaune feels someone tap him on his shoulder, so he turns, even though Ruby and Pyrrha are desperately motioning for him to come to them.
Jaune: Mr. Smith! I haven't seen you since forever! How's the hunting around Ansel been for you?
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Mr Smith: *Alien Language*
Jaune: Yeah, grimm tend to do that. But keep trying, I'm sure you'll find one that lets you claim a trophy. Other than that?
Mr Smith: *Alien Language*
Jaune: Really? Your daughter is coming home for a visit from Vacuo? You and Mrs Smith must be excited about that.
Mr Smith: *Alien Language*
Ruby and Pyrrha stood a little distance away, confused, scared and curious. Scared of the massive seven-foot tall... thing talking with Jaune. Curious as to HOW Jaune was able to understand what sounded just like gibberish, and confused by Jaune acting so casually around it.
Mr Smith: *Alien Language*
Jaune: I'm attending Beacon, and I'm here with some friends looking for a ranged option to round out my kit. What about you?
Mr Smith: *Alien Language*
Jaune: Really? You have some impressive weapons already.
Mr Smith: *Alien Language*
Jaune: True, it's always good to have a back-up, sort of why I'm here as well.
Mr Smith: *Alien Language*
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Jaune: I know you offered to train me with the Plasma Caster, and I agree it's a phenomenal weapon... it's the mask thing. I'm not really comfortable with it.
Mr Smith: *Alien Language*
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Jaune: I have Crocea Mors... so having another kinda of melee weapon, even if I could throw it, really doesn't fit why I'm here.
Mr Smith: *Alien Language*
Jaune: (Rubbing the back of his neck) Yeah, um, I kind of took it without asking...
Mr Smith: (Sounding Angry) *Alien Language*
Pyrrha and Ruby just kept standing off to the side, watching the interaction between Jaune and Mr Smith. The incoming crowds of convention goers flowing around them like water, and totally ignoring Jaune and Mr Smith.
Jaune: I apologized and Dad agreed to let me continue to use Mors. But I agree it was stupid and insulting of me to just take it.
Mr Smith: (Patting Jaune on the shoulder) *Alien Language*
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Jaune: I know you're trying to help out, but those are your weapons. I mean, shouldn't Rebecca be the one getting them when you retire?
Mr Smith: *Alien Language*
Jaune: I really appreciate the thought, and when the time comes, I'll definitely talk with Rebecca about it.
Mr Smith: *Alien Language*
Jaune: You enjoy the show as well. Hope you find something.
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Pyrrha: (Shaking Voice) Jaune, who was that?
Jaune: Oh, that was Mr Smith. I know he looks dangerous, but he's a total teddy bear inside.
Ruby: How, do you, know him?
Jaune: He and his family move to Ansel about ten years ago. He's totally awesome. I mean, ever since he and Mrs Smith arrived the grimm have been nonexistent around Ansel, and the violent crme rate has basically become zero. You should see his trophy room, it's amazing, but a bit morbid.
Pyrrha: Morbid?
Jaune: Yeah, he has a habit of keeping skulls.
Ruby/Pyrrha: (Feeling sick) Skulls?
Jaune: (Totally ignoring Ruby and Pyrrha's reactions) You should see some of them, though. I mean, he has ones from things I've never seen. He's passionate about hunting and obviously has travelled a lot to have such a collection!
Ruby: Is Rebecca like Mr Smith?
Jaune: No, she's an orphan the Smiths adopted. She's actually a lion faunus. Really into hunting too.
Pyrrha: Maybe we should start looking around? I mean, that's why we're here... right?
Jaune: (With a goofy grin) Lead the way, oh partner of mine!
Unseen by anyone, a certain green-haired young woman was watching the trio from the doorway. She was biting her lip as she planned out how to make the blond goof turn into and stay as the blond angel.
Emerald: You will be mine, you blond succubus. You will be mine.
(I might stop using the colouring on the names. It takes a lot to go back through and do it, and I seem to always miss some. Anyway, hope you enjoyed.)
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