#Takagi Akito
everynendo · 7 months
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152 Nendoroid Akito Takagi
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bluefilms14 · 1 year
: bakuman
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kis-e · 2 years
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schadentekkers · 4 months
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scarskelly · 26 days
Super DDT 2024
This is for all the fans who did not get their hands on a copy of the Super DDT photobook. The picture quality is not perfect and colours are not as vibrant for a myriad of reasons. Hopefully it will be sufficient for people who just want to see all photos provided in the book for themselves. The link is below:
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izhuz · 1 month
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Bakuman Icons (Akito Takagi)
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figurecollection · 1 year
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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Figures that Mister "Smile! Smile!" is the only one not smiling.
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Hello there Akito Takagi fans.
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schmedterlingfreud · 2 months
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Welp, I really think I'm in the middle of another good ol' burnout. It's been a long time since we saw each other, you and me, old champ.
This time, in addition to being painful, exhausting, it was also almost embarrassing, because I was about to have a crisis in the middle of my work shift. The worst and most difficult part of it went on for about an hour and a half -- two hours, maybe -- but that didn't stopped me and I continued to work. The scene is as pathetic to imagine as it was to play it in my shoes. My swollen and red eyes; tears held back between quivering eyelashes; patches of redness that gradually spread on the cheeks and the tip of my nose; the trembling of my lower lip; and the repeated sucking noise from my dripping nose.
But I didn't cry. Not even a tear runned down my cheek. I continued to work in the bubble of scorching heat being hold by the factory walls. Putting packages in the cartons, stacking the cartons, taking the pallet away -- all of this with the miserable face of someone who has just been scolded by the shift boss in the locker room bathrooms. Maybe it would have been better. I would have inspired more compassion.
I carried on. I carried on as always, despite the desire to grab my hair, to fall on my knees on the cracker-strewn floor, and to scream, even louder and louder than the commotion of the wrapping machines. “It's okay,” I kept telling myself, blowing slow and deep breaths through my mouth. "It's okay. Keep working, finish your eight hours, and then you can go home and vent as much as you want, even streaming a tears flood in your car during the road trip." And the idea was tempting, indeed. Just figuring it made me feel better. Getting into the car, leaning against the steering wheel squeezed in my hands, and screaming until feeling my head deflated, until all the horrible voices that gave me no peace were broken. "Pathetic, pathetic, lame, weak, failure, useless, you're just a failure…"
I held back tears out of pride and professionality -- we were still working, after all. But there was a moment in which I sincerely considered the idea of ​​grabbing one of my closest coworkers, one of those who I don't even like too much, and then falling into her arms, simply letting her hold me for a few minutes. Crying on her chest, sobbing until my throat hurts and my eyes melt. I was looking at her from afar, thinking, "Please, E., please, come here and hug me. Just for a little while, just for a minute, but come here and hold me, let me feel just a little bit of love." Obviously that didn't happen.
Then things got better. During the midnight break I was already began to feel better. Bad voices faded, my mind was calm but still fogged. A very typical situation: "You're not youself when you're hungry, here, have a Snickers." But the pain remained. And I know it will return, sparked by the smallest thing, the smallest thought, the simplest and harmless image.
Maybe I should take a break from writing, if I'm so distressed about it, but I don't want to. The thought of not writing makes me a thousand times more anxious than the thought of writing and getting a burnout from it.
I'm scared because I've already lived through a period like this, and I came out of it badly, broken and exhausted. I'm still broken and exhausted, despite everything I did to heal from it.
That time it was way worse, yes. That time I understood what it meant to burn myself out to the point of being consumed. Making writing an obsession, depriving myself of sleep or food in order to remain with my hands on the laptop keys and continue tapping and working, to the point of exhaustion, trembling and crying with fear at the idea that something could stop me from continuing. Being victim of that little voice that tells you: "If you stop now, no one will read you anymore. If you stop writing, if you don't spend every single minute of your free time writing, your failure will be your own fault. You don't want to have regrets, right? Do you know what will happen if you give the impression that you are slowing down? All your readers will disappear, no one will ever read what you write again, and all the efforts you have made so far will have been in vain."
Scary as Hell, right?
Needless to say, it didn't end well. I burned like a fucking match, and I'm still paying the consequences -- my permanent self-harm scars are there and will be with me for the rest of my life.
I'm scared because I feel like I did then, and the images that flash in my head are the ones that pushed me to those horrible actions years ago.
I even started taking Xanax again after years of abstinence, without telling anyone. I dip it from old supplies, in fact. I hope it hasn't expired. If it is, it's working anyway, so let's rejoice! It's not a good thing to have to rely on meds, tho. It's not a good thing to be unable to control your anxiety and obsessive thoughts after all this time.
I feel like it's the same, I still feel broken like I was that time, and yet I also feel different. I'm not in a depressive state, absolutely not. In fact, since I moved away from my old home, I feel much more lively and productive than before, both in terms of housework, leaving the house to go to work, and in terms of writing. I write a lot more, and I do it with more energy. Maybe this is exactly why I feel the burnout approaching. I'm giving it my all, I'm burning more than ever, with no one to feed me with more wood.
It's a recurring image that I also had in my past years, when I happened to stop and think about my most intense writing periods, when I used to sacrifice my body and soul for my stories, but without ever managing to achieve what I aspired to. I felt like an exploited and withered old cow. The agonized cries, the old and sore skin, the peeled hooves, the dried up udders yet red from the constant chafing marks. She is milked every day, without mercy, deprived of the last drop of milk, and forced to nibble only on a few tufts of dry grass, without being offered anything else.
What recognition did I hope -- and still hope -- to receive? I'm still wondering that.
It's no readers's fault if I don't feel fulfilled, at all. The real problem is that writing is my whole life. I have a "real" job, of course. I need a roof and a meal, and I don't lack these things. I chose a job that doesn't require passion or emotional involvement -- I work in a fucking factory, for fuck sake! -- because it allows me to concentrate all my mental energy on the only thing that gives me true happiness: writing.
I have no friends. My family is broken. I don't have a social life. I don't go out to have fun and I have nobody to go out and have fun. When I'm at work I think about what I'll write when I'm at home, and when I'm at home I use all the time I have to write and work on what I'll publish online. "You have to do it" the little voices tell me. "If you don't write until your soul is dry, then you can at least say you tried with all of your strenght."
I tried. I'm trying. Why then can't I be happy?
From this point of view I feel a bit like Joe, the main character of "Soul", the Pixar movie. He has dedicated his whole life to music. Music is the first thing he thinks about when he wakes up and the last thing he thinks about when he goes to sleep. Having reached middle age, despite having sacrificed his entire life in the name of his passion, he still cannot feel satisfied. He suddenly realizes that he has never really lived. Then, finally taking the opportunity he has been chasing for all his life, he realizes: "Is that all? Now what?"
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I'm starting to understand him more and more.
The satisfaction I got from my writing and my stories was never enough. There was never a moment when I found myself thinking, "This is what I wanted. This is the recognition I expected to receive. This is the satisfaction I hoped to feel all along." I don't want to feel this way. I feel so so so ungrateful, but still…
It happens to me many times, reading stories online, seeing authors write sentences like: "Wow! I didn't expect all this warmth from you readers! The success of the previous chapter was truly unexpected! When I started this story and this adventure, I never expected to receive all this support and all this enthusiasm." In the comments section, to testify to this, hundreds and hundreds of different users who are enthusiastic, showering them with kudos. So many readers the author doesn't have time to answer to all of them.
I used to be happy to read famous stories. They inspired me, involve me, gave me the desire to improve and to write like that. Now I only feel a rotten and terrible envy that makes my stomach burn and crawl.
The character I most associate with this feeling is Antonio Salieri. The character from the movie "Amadeus", not the real musician Antonio Salieri. For him too, like Joe from "Soul", music is everything. Salieri sacrifices everything to achieve the success he feels he deserves in the musical field. He even takes a vow of chastity. My everything for my success! There is nothing else in his life, nothing worth living, other than the pursuing of that dream. Then here comes Mozart, who takes music as a game, so naturally, without forgetting everything else in his life, and who still achieves more success than him. And poor Salieri ends his life in madness, forgotten, crushed under the weight of his mediocrity.
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The point is, I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I love writing so much. I love sharing my work and I hope readers will partecipate to my enthusiasm with me. When I see that this enthusiasm falls on deaf ears, like a stone in a well, I feel a part of me crumbling and collapsing with it.
Maybe I should just… stop setting expectations? I've been writing for as long as I can remember. I've been posting and sharing my work online for more than 13 years, and I feel like I've accomplished nothing, like there's something wrong with me.
I'm a shitty person. Not just to say so. It's just what I am. I am selfish, cold, closed in my solitude, not inclined to affection. Maybe that's why I don't have any friends, duh? Furthermore, I have a shitty job that offers no career opportunities -- but that's okay, I knew the deal, this is what I chose. The only shred of value I see in myself is what I pour into my writing. But this writing has no recognition. Does that mean I'm worthless in every way?
In all these years, I have crossed and spaced many genres, I have written shorter stories and longer stories, fan fiction and originals. No feedback has ever proportionally repaid all the work and effort I put behind my words.
Maybe I simply don't have the sparkle? Maybe I'm just a mediocre author? Maybe I have to resign myself that what I write will never appeal to a wide audience as much as I want it to?
At this point I feel obligated to mention one final storytelling comparison -- Mashiro and Takagi from "Bakuman".
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Same old story already told with Joe and Salieri. All life and youth sacrificed in the name of one cause and one dream, in this case not music, but manga. To achieve success, they sweat, fight backlash after backlash, and even find themselves envious of other manga artists. Of Nizuma, the genius, who doesn't seem to make an effort to be the number one. But also of Hiramaru. Hiramaru hates his job, he hates working hard and he hates drawing manga, yet he succeeds. He does it well and is more successful than Mashiro and Takagi who instead spit tears and blood on every page they write and draw.
Their editor often warns them, faced with their desire to be successful: "Just deal with it: what you do well is not suitable for the bigger public, but only for a niche audience, so you will never be able to compare yourself to other authors like Nizuma who instead are able to capture much larger segments of the public. Put your heart at rest, continue to draw with your audience in mind, and be satisfied with it."
I'm not so presumptuous as to compare myself to truly talented authors like Mashiro and Takagi, of course not. Because at this point I'm thinking that my writing is just as bad that it doesn't even deserve a niche audience.
And I know that the situation is going to get worse from now on, for one simple fact. I'm getting old. The older I get, the more I distance myself from the fandom target, that is, a younger audience who will consequently be looking for thoughts and ideas that align with the minds of their generation. And that's okay. But for whom should I continue to write, then? Just for myself? Should I resign myself to the idea of ​​continuing to scream into the void for the rest of my life?
But what can I do about it? This problem may seem insignificant, yet my pain is real and it is consuming me as it has consumed me once before, devouring my thoughts, burning in the center of my head, and shattering every beat of my soul.
Now, I know that despite everything I will carry on. I will continue to write, despite the pain, and I will continue to look for my happiness, my fulfillment. Trying, in the meantime, not to return to "bad old habits" to vent the pain and frustration that would otherwise eat my brain away.
... fuck, I need a Xanax so bad, right now.
I wrote this text to vent, but I hope it can also help someone else. And please: don't take it as a whine or a complaint. I love my readers, even if they're few and even if sporadic or quiet. You are truly the only smiles of my days, the only thing that is worth continuing to sit down and type on the word document.
I'm not looking for sympathy, I'm not looking for pity. Maybe just a little… solidarity?
Do you writers (or artists!) also experience similar feelings? Do you also feel like your efforts are in vain? Do you also feel like you are constantly looking for approval that never comes? Have you also faced bad burnouts? Please, if you have any stories and experiences to share, I would be so happy to hear them. To support each other, perhaps. Or to have a little vent, to feel better and not so alone.
If you made it so far and if you read all of this: you rock! You're amazing. Please, have a candy, stay hydrate, and treat yourself well. 🍬
You deserve it. You are worth it.
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redcharacterbracket · 2 years
Red Character Bracket
Minor Bracket
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Hello, and welcome to the Red Character Bracket: Minor Bracket. This is how it’s gonna work- 64 contestants. Double elimination. Only one will make it out victorious. Now, for our contestants:
Apple White (Ever After High)
Hua Cheng (Heaven Official’s Blessing)
707/Saeyoung Choi (Mystic Messenger)
Matsuno Osomatsu (Osomatsu-san)
Riddle Rosehearts (Twisted Wonderland)
Opera (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Ikuyo Kita (Bocchi the Rock!)
Cromdo Face (Bugsnax)
Courtney (Dead End: Paranormal Park)
Char Aznable (Mobile Suit Gundam)
Alucard (Hellsing)
Anna Akagi (Kiratto Pri☆Chan)
Taiga Kagami (Kuroko's Basketball)
Tokiwa Anzai (Mewkledreamy)
Fuuta Kajiyama (MILGRAM)
Strawberry Shortcake (Strawberry Shortcake)
Ringo Akai/Mew Ringo (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Reimu Hakurei (Touhou Project)
Jibanyan (Yo-Kai Watch)
Shotaro Kaneda (Akira)
Jake Long (American Dragon: Jake Long)
Akito Takagi (BAKUMAN。)
Ruby (Battle for Dream Island)
Red Blood Cell/AE3803 (Cells at Work!)
Blast (Club Penguin)
Rosemaster (Cucumber Quest)
Honey Kisaragi/Cutie Honey (Cutie Honey)
Lilith (Darkstalkers)
Lina (DotA)
Red (Everhood)
Jack of Blades (Fable)
Wilt (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
Major Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)
Nobuo Akagi/AkibaRed (Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger)
Ib (Ib)
Padparadscha (Land of the Lustrous)
Sally Yumeno (Sally the Witch)
ProtoMan.EXE/Blues.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network)
Dianite (Mianite)
Flain (Mixels)
The Spanish Inquisition (Monty Python's Flying Circus)
Orko (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe)
Camille Severin (Muted)
Tom Servo (Mystery Science Theater 3000)
Pop Harukaze (Ojamajo Doremi)
Scarlett (Papa Louie)
Pucca (Pucca)
Ranma Saotome (Ranma 1/2)
Benson Dunwoody (Regular Show)
Mira Hanayashiki (Sekko Boys)
Corporal Giroro (Sgt. Frog)
Kate (Shadows House)
Stereo Monovici (Space Goofs)
King Kazma (Summer Wars)
Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia)
James the Red Engine (Thomas & Friends)
Captain Red Rackham (The Adventures of Tintin)
Clover Ewing (Totally Spies!)
Gold Ship (Uma Musume: Pretty Derby)
Rika Kawai (Wonder Egg Priority)
Pyra (Xenoblade Chronicles)
Yona (Yona of the Dawn)
Yugiri (Zombie Land Saga)
Polls will be posted every day at 12am EST, starting on April 2, 2023. The Major Bracket will be revealed at a later date. Good luck to all of our contestants ❤️
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queenofsliferred · 3 months
Waifu List
these charts are outdated but anyway.
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Aggretsuko ⦁ Anai (OC Shipped) ⦁ Tadano ⦁ Tsunoda
Akazukin Chacha ⦁ Yakko ⦁ Marin ⦁ Rascal-sensei
Astro Boy ⦁ Rock Holmes (OC Shipped) ⦁ Tamami (Shipped with Canon) ⦁ Abby/Kaaya ⦁ Acetylene Lamp (OC Shipped) ⦁ Hamegg (OC Shipped)
Azumanga Daioh ⦁ Tomo (Kinnie) ⦁ Sakaki ⦁ Yomi
Baccano ⦁ Issac Dian (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Miriam Harvent (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Claire Stanfield
Bakuman ⦁ Akito Takagi (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Eiji Nizuma ⦁ Hiramaru (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Yuriko Aoki (Shipped with canon)
Bastard ⦁ Dark Schneider (Shipped with canon) Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad ⦁ Saku (Shipped with OC/SI) ⦁ Ryunosuke (Shipped with canon)
Berserk ⦁ Griffith (Shipped with canon)
Bleach ⦁ Uryu Ishida (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Ryuken Ishida (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kisuke Urahara (Shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Orihime Inoue (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sosuke Aizen (Shipped with canon and oc)
Blend S ⦁ Miu Amano
Carole and Tuesday ⦁ Angela Carpenter ⦁ Tao
Cells at Work!! ⦁ U-1146
Chainsaw Man ⦁ Denji (shipped with canon and oc( ⦁ Kobeni (shipped with canon)
Code Geass ⦁ Lloyd Asplund ⦁ Nunally vi Britannia (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lelouch vi Britannia (shipped with canon)
Cowboy Bebop ⦁ Spike Spiegel (shipped with oc and canon)
Cutie Honey ⦁ Honey Kisaragi
Cyberpunk Edgerunners ⦁ Katsuo Tanaka (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Gloria Martinez (shipped with canon) ⦁ David Martinez (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kiwi (shipped with canon)
DNA2 ⦁ Kotomi (Canon) ⦁ Karen (Canon)
DearS ⦁ Neneko Izumi (Shipped with canon and memories of an oc)
Death Note ⦁ Light Yagami (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ L. Lawliet (shipped with canona nd oc) ⦁ Teru Mikami (shipped with oc) ⦁ Mello | Mikhail Kheel (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sayu Yagami (shipped with canon) ⦁ Touta Matsuda (shipped with canon and memories of an oc)
Devilman ⦁ Akira Fudo (Crybaby) (Shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ryo Asuka (Everything) (shipped with canon)
Digimon Adventure ⦁ Jyou Kido (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Mimi Tachikawa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lilymon
Disatrous Life of Saiki K ⦁ Kusuo Saiki (Shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Chisato Mera (shipepd with canon) ⦁ Chiyo Yumehara (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mikoto Aiura (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rifuta Imu (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Metori Saiko
Dragon Ball ⦁ Son Gohan (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Mai (shipped wiht canon) ⦁ Videl (Shipped with oc and canon)
Durarara!! ⦁ Anri Sonohara (shipped with canon) ⦁ Izaya Orihara ⦁ Walker Yumasaki ⦁ Takashi Nasujima
Elfen Lied ⦁ Lucy | Kaede (not nyu) (kinnie) ⦁ Nana (shipped with canon)
Fate/Zero ⦁ Waver Velvet (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Ryuunosuke Uryuu (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Gilles de Rais (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kirei Kotomine (shipped with canon)
Fate/stay night ⦁ Rin Tohsaka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Shinji Matou (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Kirei Kotomine (shipped with canon) ⦁ Cu Chulaain (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Issei Ryuudou (shipped with canon) ⦁ Saegusa Yukika (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kane Himuro (shipped with canon)
Food Wars! ⦁ Megumi Tadokoro (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ikumi Mito ⦁ Akira Hayama (shipped with canon) ⦁ Hinako Inui ⦁ Jun Shiomi (shipped with canon) ⦁ Soma Yukihira (shipped with canon)
Free! Iwatodai Swim Club ⦁ Haruka Nanase (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Rei Ryugazaki (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rin Matsuoka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Gou Matsuoka (not a waifu) (kinnie)
Full Moon o Sagashite ⦁ Takuto Kira (nostalgia waifu)
Goblin Slayer ⦁ Goblin Slayer (shipped with canon) ⦁ Guild Girl (shipped with canon) ⦁ Wizard Boy
Gundam Build Fighters ⦁ Rinko Iori (shipped with canon??) ⦁ Mao Yasaka
Gundam UC ⦁ Char Aznable | Quattro Bajeena | Casval Rem Deikun (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Mirai Yashima-Noa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Bright Noa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kai Shiden (shipped with oc) ⦁ Emma Sheen (shipped with canon) ⦁ Haman Karn (shipped with canon) ⦁ Judau Ashta ⦁ Roux Louka ⦁ Chara Soon ⦁ Mashmyre Cello (shipped with canon and oc)
Gurren Lagann ⦁ Kamina (shipped with canon) ⦁ Viral (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rossiu (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yoko (Shipped with canon)
IdoLISH 7 ⦁ Yamato Nikaido ⦁ Tamaki Yotsuba
Inuyasha ⦁ Miroku (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Sesshomaru (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Inuyasha (nostalgia waifu) (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yura of the Hair
JJBA ⦁ Erina Pendleton-Joestar (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Dio Brando (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Joseph Joestar (shipped with canona nd oc) ⦁ Jotaro Kujo (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Noriaki Kakyoin (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Midler (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mariah (shipped with canon) ⦁ Holy Kujo (shipped with canon) ⦁ Josuke Higashikata (shipped with canon, oc and kinnie) ⦁ Rohan Kishibe (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Tomoko Higashikata (shipped with canon) ⦁ Guido Mista (shipped with canon) ⦁ Foo Fighters (shipped with canon) ⦁ Miuccia "Miumiu" Miuller (shipped with canon) ⦁ Diego Brando (shipped wiht canon) ⦁ Daiya Higashikata (shipped with canon) ⦁ Dragona Joestar
Kakegurui ⦁ Midari Ikishima (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yumeko Jabami (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yumemi Yumemite
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken ⦁ Sayaka Kanamori
Kill la Kill ⦁ Mako Mankanshoku (shipped with canon) ⦁ Aikuro Mikisugi (shipped with canon) ⦁ Uzu Sanageyama (shipped with canon) ⦁ Omiko Hakodate ⦁ Houka Inumata (shipped with canon)
Komi Can't Communicate ⦁ Shouko Komi (shipped with canon) ⦁ Himiko Agari (shipped with canon) ⦁ Omuharu Nakanaka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yadano Makeru ⦁ Shisuto Naruse (shipped with canon)
Laidback Camp ⦁ Aoi Inuyama (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sakura Kagamihara (shipped with canon)
Love Hina ⦁ Shinobu Maehara (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mutsumi Otohime (shipped with canon ⦁ Mitsune Konno ⦁ Haruka Urashima
Lucky Star ⦁ Hiyori Tanemura
Lupin III ⦁ Fujiko Mine (Shipped with canon)
Marine Express ⦁ Rock (shipped with canon)
Metropolis ⦁ Rock (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Tima (shipped with canon)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ⦁ Itsuki Koizumi (Shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Yuki Nagato ⦁ Kyon (shipped with canona nd oc)
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid ⦁ Tohru (shipped with canon, kinnie) ⦁ "Lucoa" Quetzalcoatl (shipped with canon)
Monster ⦁ Johan Liebert (shipped with canon) ⦁ Eva Heinemann (shipped with canon?) ⦁ Lotte Frank ⦁ Kenzou Tenma (shipped with canon)
My Dress Up Darling ⦁ Wakana Gojo (shipped with canon) ⦁ Shinju Inui
My Hero Academia ⦁ Yugo Aoyama (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Tenya Iida (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Ochaco Uraraka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Katsuki Bakugou (unfortunately) (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Neito Monoma (shipped with oc)
Naruto ⦁ Hinata Hyuuga (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Rock Lee (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Naruto (nostalgia waifu, kinnie, shipped with canon)
Neon Genesis Evangelion ⦁ Toji Suzuhara (shipped with canon) ⦁ Misato Katsuragi (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Rei Ayanami (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ritsuko Akagi (shipped with canon)
Occultic;Nine ⦁ Ryouka "Ryotas" Narusawa
One Punch Man ⦁ Saitama (shipped with oc) ⦁ Mumen Rider | Satoru (shipped with oc)
Osomatsu-san ⦁ Ichimatsu Matsuno (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ichiko Matsuno (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Choroko Matsuno (shipped with canon)
Ouran High School Host Club ⦁ Kyoya Ootori (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tamaki Suoh (shipped with oc)
Overman King Gainer ⦁ Gainer Sanga (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lioubov Smettana (shipped with canon( ⦁ Jaboli Mariela (shipped with canon) ⦁ Gain Bijou (shipped with canon_
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt ⦁ Panty Anarchy (shipped with canon) ⦁ Stocking Anarchy (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kneesocks Demon (shippe with canon) ⦁ Scanty Demon (shipped with canon)
Phoenix: Future ⦁ Rock Makube (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tamami (shipped with cnaon)
Please Tell Me, Galko-chan! ⦁ Galko (shipped with canon) ⦁ Otako (kinnie, shipped with canon) ⦁ Okako ⦁ Nikuko
Pretty Cure ⦁ Laura Apollodoros Hyginus La Mer
Pokemon ⦁ Ash Ketchum (nostalgia waifu, shipped with oc) ⦁ Brock (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lauren | Misaki (Journeys) ⦁ Mr Garrison from the water company | Tuttle… (shipped with oc) ⦁ Nurse Joy
Ranking of Kings ⦁ Queen Hiling (shipped with canon) ⦁ Prince Daida (shipped with canon)
Restaraunt to Another World ⦁ Victoria Samanark ⦁ Adelheid (shipped with canon)
Sailor Moon ⦁ Prince Dimande (shipped with canon) ⦁ Usagi Tsukino (shipped with canon) ⦁ Makoto Kino (shipped with canon) ⦁ Haruka Tenoh (shipped with canon) ⦁ Artemis (shipped with canon) ⦁ Zoisite (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jadeite (shipped with canon)
Samurai Champloo ⦁ Jin
School Rumble ⦁ Kenji Harima (shipped with canon)
Shugo Chara ⦁ Ikuto Tsukiyomi (nostalgia waifu, shipped with canon) ⦁ Kairi Sanjou (shipped with canon)
The Slayers ⦁ Zelgadis (shipped with canon)
Sonic OVA ⦁ Princess Sara (shipped with canon)
Sonic X ⦁ Shadow (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Amy (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rouge (shipped with canon)
Space Dandy ⦁ Dandy (shipped with canon and "oc")
SPY x FAMILY ⦁ Yuri Briar (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yor Briar-Forger (shipped with canon) ⦁ Damian Desmond (shipped with oc and canon)
Sugar Sugar Rune ⦁ Chocolat Meilleure (kinnie) ⦁ Jun Mimura (shipped with canon) ⦁ Hajime Nishitani (shipped with canon)
Summer Wars ⦁ Kazuma Ikezawa
Steins;Gate ⦁ Okabe "Okarin" Rintaro | Hououin Kyouma (Shipped with canon)
Tiger and Bunny ⦁ Kotetsu Kaburagi (shipped with canon)
Tokyo Ghoul ⦁ Shuu Tsukiyama (shipped with oc)
Touken Ranbu ⦁ Akashi Kuniyuki (shipped with oc) ⦁ Kikkou Sadamune (shipped with oc) ⦁ Tomoegata Naginata (shipped with oc) ⦁ Shizukagata Naginata(shipped with oc) ⦁ Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki(shipped with oc) ⦁ Heshikiri Hasebe(shipped with oc) ⦁ Ichigo Hitofuri (shipped with oc) ⦁ Fuduo Yukimitsu ((shipped with oc) ⦁ Kotegiri Gou (shipped with oc) ⦁ Buzen Gou (shipped with oc) ⦁ Matsui Gou (shipped with oc)
Trigun ⦁ Vash the Stampede
The Vampires ⦁ Rokuro Makube
Video Girl Ai ⦁ Ai Amano (shipped with canon)
YuGiOh DM ⦁ Joey Wheeler | Katsuya Jounouchi (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Serenity Wheeler | Shizuka Kawai (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Seto Kaiba (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Rebecca Hawkins (shipped with canon) ⦁ Espa Roba (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Ryou Bakura (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yami Bakura (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Thief King Bakura | "Akefia" (Well aware this is just a fan nickname) (shipped with oc and canon)
YuGiOh GX ⦁ Judai Yuki | Jaden (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Asuka Tenjoin | Alexis Rhodes (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rei Saotome | Blair Flannigan (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jun Manjoume | Chazz Princeton (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Daichi Misawa | Bastion (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Momoe Hamaguchi | Mindy (shipped with canon and oc) YuGiOh 5Ds ⦁ Jack Atlas (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Crow Hogan (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Carly Carmine | Carly Nagisa (shipped with canon)
YuGiOh Zexal ⦁ Shark | Ryoga Kamishiro | Reginald Kastle (shipped with canon) ⦁ Anna Kozuki | Anna Kaboom (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Cathy Katherine (Shipped with canon)
YuGiOh Arc V ⦁ Reiji Akaba | Declan (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Shingo Sawatari | Sylvio (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Yoko Sakaki (shipped with canon)
Yu Yu Hakusho ⦁ Yusuke Urameshi
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Anastasia ⦁ Anya | Anastasia (shipped with canon) ⦁ Dimitri (shipped with canon)
Avatar the Last Airbender ⦁ Jet (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Zuko (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mai (shipped with canon)
Cybersix ⦁ Cybersix | Adrian (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lori (shipped with canon)
Downtown ⦁ Alex Henson (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jen (shipped with canon)
The Real Ghostbusters ⦁ Peter Venkmann (shipped with canon) ⦁ Egon Spengler (shipped with canon) ⦁ Janine Melnitz (shipped with canon)
Legend of Korra ⦁ Tahno (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Huan Beifong ⦁ Eska (shipped with canon)
The Lorax ⦁ The Onceler (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ted's Mom (HC that her name is Pamela)
Martin Mystery ⦁ Martin Mystery (shipped with canon)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ⦁ Twilight Sparkle (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sweetie Belle ⦁ Rarity (shipped with canon) ⦁ Photo Finish (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sugarcoat ⦁ Violet Blurr ⦁ Pixel Pizzaz
Neo Yokio ⦁ Kaz Kaan (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sailor Pellegrino (shipped with canon) ⦁ Arcangelo Corelli (shipped with canon)
Oliver and Company ⦁ Georgette
She-Ra ⦁ Glimmer (shipped with canon)
Spider-Verse ⦁ Peter B Parker (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Miguel O'Hara (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Peni Parker (shipped with canon)
Steven Universe ⦁ Peridot (shipped with canon) ⦁ Opal (shipped with canon) ⦁ Garnet (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kevin
Teen Titans ⦁ Starfire (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jinx (shipped with canon)
Totally Spies! ⦁ Alex (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mandy (shipped with canon)
Twelve Forever ⦁ Butt Witch
Voltron: Legendary Defender ⦁ Lance McClain (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Lotor (shipped with canon) ⦁ Allura (shipped with canon)
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Harry Potter ⦁ Luna Lovegood (shipped with canon) ⦁ Oliver Wood (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Cedric Diggory (shipped with canon)
Maximum Ride ⦁ Iggy | James Griffiths
The Outsiders ⦁ Johnny Cade (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Dallas "Dally" Winston (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ponyboy Curtis (shipped with oc and canon)
Vampire Academy ⦁ Adrian Ivashkov (shipped with canon)
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Deadpool ⦁ Deadpool | Wade Wilson (shipped with oc and canon)
Scott Pilgrim ⦁ Knives Chau (shipped with canon) ⦁ Matt Patel (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lisa Miller (shipped with canon) ⦁ Gideon Graves (shipped with canon)
Sonic ⦁ Shadow the Hedgehog (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Amy Rose (shipped with canon) ⦁ Bunnie Rabbot ⦁ Mina Mongoose (shipped with canon)
Spider-Man ⦁ Spiderman | Peter Parker (shipped with oc and canon)
Teen Titans ⦁ Koriand'r | Starfire (shipped with canon) ⦁ Dick Grayson | Nightwing (shipped with canon) ⦁ Antonia "Toni" Monetti | Argent
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Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul ⦁ Jesse Pinkman (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jimmy McGill | Saul Goodman
Friday the 13th ⦁ Jason Voorhees (shipped with oc)
Ghostbusters ⦁ Dr. Jillian Holtzmann (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Egon Spengler (shipped with oc and canon)
The Grand Budapest Hotel ⦁ Dmitri Desgoffe-und-Taxis (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Vilmos Kovacs (shipped with oc and canon)
Halloween ⦁ Michael Myers (shipped with oc)
Independence Day ⦁ David Levinson (shipped with oc and canon)
Jurassic Park ⦁ Dr Ian Malcolm (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Owen Grady (Nostalgia waifu?) (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Claire Dearing (shipped with oc and canon)
Kung Fury ⦁ Kung Fury (shipped with oc) ⦁ Hackerman (shipped with oc)
MCU ⦁ James Wesley (shipped with oc) ⦁ Ultron (shipped with oc)
Power Rangers ⦁ Adam Park (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Billy Cranston (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Tommy Oliver (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Katherine Hillard (shipped with canon) ⦁ Aisha Campbell (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rita Repulsa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Scorpina (shipped with canon) ⦁ Carlos Vallerte (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ TJ Johnson (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Divatox (shipped with canon) ⦁ Vypra (shipped with canon) ⦁ Chad Lee (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Toxica (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alyssa Enrile (shipped with canon) ⦁ Danny Delgado (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Trip (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Nadira (shipped with canon) ⦁ Cameron Watanabe (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Cyber Cam (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Antonio Garcias (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Preston Tien (shipped with oc and canon)
Riverdale ⦁ Dilton Doiley (shipped with oc) ⦁ Reggie Mantle (shipped with oc)
The View Askewniverse ⦁ Dante Hicks (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Gil Hicks (shipped with oc) ⦁ Grant Hicks ⦁ Brodie Bruce (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Jay (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Randal Graves (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Becky Scott (shipped with oc and canon)
VR Troopers ⦁ Ryan Steele (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kaitlin Starr (shipped with oc and canon)
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Aboslute Obedience ⦁ Kia WelBehenna (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ashraf Ali Ibrahim (shipped with canon)
Ace Attorney ⦁ Godot | Diego Armando (shipped with canon) ⦁ April May ⦁ Wocky Kitaki
Animal Crossing ⦁ Peanut (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ed (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Judy ⦁ Meow ⦁ Tangy (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Fuschia ⦁ Shep ⦁ Quinn ⦁ Eugene ⦁ Phoebe ⦁ Sasha ⦁ Tiffany ⦁ Muffy (shipped with oc) ⦁ Wendy ⦁ Marshal ⦁ Isabelle ⦁ Reese ⦁ Sable
Arcana Heart ⦁ Mei Fang ⦁ Liselotte Achenbach ⦁ Kira Daidouji
BanG Dream! ⦁ Rimi Ushigome (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kaoru Seta (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ako Udagawa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rinko Shirokane (shipped with canon)
Bazooka Cafe ⦁ Mitsuki Takahara (shipped with oc) ⦁ Cocoa Nitta (shipped with oc)
Blush Blush ⦁ Cole (shipped with oc) ⦁ Boss (shipped with oc) ⦁ Ferris (shipped with oc)
Casual Romance Club ⦁ Amy O'connour | Nanase Horikawa (shipped with oc) ⦁ Sidney O'connour | Mutsumi Horikawa (shipped with oc) ⦁ Jeannie Hamill | Hinako Kawai (shipped with oc)
Catherine ⦁ Vincent Brooks (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Catherine (shipped with canon)
Crush Crush (Everyone is with an OC) ⦁ Elle ⦁ Generica ⦁ Ayeka ⦁ Nina ⦁ Luna ⦁ Eva ⦁ Sutra ⦁ Charlotte ⦁ Shibuki ⦁ Sirina ⦁ Peanut ⦁ Juliet ⦁ Wendy ⦁ Lustat ⦁ Renee ⦁ Nova ⦁ Pepper ⦁ Sofia ⦁ Caitlin ⦁ Honey ⦁ Willow ⦁ Blanche ⦁ Mur
Cyberpunk 2077 ⦁ Evelyn Parker (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Viktor Vektor (shipped with oc) ⦁ Johnny Silverhand
Dance Dance Revolution ⦁ Maid Zukin
Danganronpa ⦁ Byakuya Togami (shipped with canon) ⦁ Touko Fukawa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Celestia Ludenberg | Taeko Yasuhiro (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kiyotaka Ishimaru (shipped with oc and canon)
Darkstalkers ⦁ Morrigan Aensland (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lillith Aensland (shipped with canon) ⦁ Hsien-ko | Lei-Lei ⦁ Rikuo | Aulbath (shipped with canon)
Day of the Tentacle ⦁ Laverne
Deadly Premonition ⦁ Francis York Morgan (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Francis Zach Morgan (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ushah Johnson (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Fiona "Freckles" Redtree (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Helena Dauman
Devil May Cry ⦁ Dante Sparda (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Nero (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kyrie (shipped with oc and canon)
Dead or Alive ⦁ Kokoro (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lisa Hamilton (shipped with canon)
Doki Doki Literature Club ⦁ Yuri (shipped with oc)
Dragon Age ⦁ Alistair Theirin (shipped with oc) ⦁ Gorim Saelac (shipped with oc) ⦁ Krem (shipped with oc)
Dramatical Murder ⦁ Clear (shipped with canon) ⦁ Virus
Dream Daddy ⦁ Mat Sella (shipped with oc) ⦁ Craig Cahn (shipped with oc) ⦁ Damien Bloodmarch (shipped with oc)
Enzai ⦁ Guildias (shipped with canon) ⦁ Durer (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jose (shipped with canon)
Fate/ ⦁ Rin Tohsaka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yukika Saegusa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Himuro Kane (shipped with canon) ⦁ Shinji Matou (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Issei Ryuudou (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Waver Velvet (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ryuunosuke Uryuu (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Gilles de Rais (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mordred (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Musashi Miyamoto (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Suzuka Gozen ⦁ Jason ⦁ Medb (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Astolfo (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Katsushika Hokusai ⦁ Watanabe no Tsuna ⦁ Gilgamesh (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ David ⦁ Ishtar ⦁ Ereshkigal ⦁ Osakabehime (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Calamity Jane ⦁ Sei Shonagon ⦁ Anastasia Romanov ⦁ Cu Chulaain ⦁ Lancertoria ⦁ Kiyohime ⦁ Minamoto no Raikou ⦁ Edward Teach ⦁ Alexander the Great ⦁ Iskander (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sakata Kintoki (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ozymandias ⦁ Bartholomew Roberts ⦁ Carmilla ⦁ Shikibu Murasaki (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Nursery Rhyme ⦁ Geromino ⦁ Circe ⦁ Erik | Phantom of the Opera ⦁ Henry Jekyll ⦁ Edward Hyde ⦁ Tamamo Cat ⦁ Tamamo no Mae ⦁ Paul Bunyan ⦁ Salome ⦁ Himiko ⦁ Jalter (Berserker specifically) ⦁ Passionlip
Final Fantasy ⦁ Squall Leonhart (kinnie) ⦁ Seifer Almasy (shipped with canon) ⦁ Selphie Tilmitt (shipped with canon) ⦁ Quistis Trepe (shipped with canon) ⦁ Aerith Gainsborough (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rikku (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lulu (shipped with canon) ⦁ Paine (shipped with canon)
Fire Emblem ⦁ Tharja (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Olivia (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Maribelle (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Lon Qu (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Chrom (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Gunter (shipped with oc) ⦁ Xander (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Camilla (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Byleth Eisner (Fem) (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Manuela Casagranda (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Bernadetta von Varley (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Marianne von Edmund (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Mercedes von Martritz (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Constance von Nuvelle (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Lorenz Hellman Gloucester (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Claude von Riegan | Khalid (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yuri Leclerc (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ferdinand von Aegir (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yunaka | Larimar (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Goldmary (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Citrinne (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alear (Fem) (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Vander (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alfred (shipped with oc and canon)
Genshin Impact ⦁ Fischl | Amy (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yun Jin ⦁ Lumine (Shipped with canon)
Guitar Hero ⦁ Midori
Harvest Moon ⦁ Cliff (shipped with oc) ⦁ Popuri (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Mary (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Elli (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Manna (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Anna ⦁ Muffy (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Leia (shipped with oc) ⦁ Keira (shipped with oc) ⦁ Pony (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Chris (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Jin (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Toby (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Luna (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Candace (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Jessica ⦁ Ayame ⦁ Oracle (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Mikhail (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sabrina (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Dia (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Gina (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Lyla (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Maria (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Nina (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Liz
Hatoful Boyfriend ⦁ Shuu Iwamine (shipped with oc) ⦁ Yuuya Sakazaki (shipped with oc)
Haunting Ground ⦁ Fiona Belli (shipped with canon)
Honkai Star Rail ⦁ Pela (shipped with oc)
HuniePop ⦁ Beli Lapran (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Momo (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Jessie Maye (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kyu Sugardust (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sarah "Suki" Stephens (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Candace "Candy" Crush (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Denise "Zoey" Greene (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Abia Nawazi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Polly Bendleson (shipped with oc and canon)
Idols Galore ⦁ Yumiko Akane (shipped with canon) ⦁ Megumi Tsukikusa
Katawa Shoujo ⦁ Misha | Shiina Mikado (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rin Tezuka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Shizune Sakamichi
Kingdom Hearts ⦁ Roxas (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Olette (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sora (nostalgia waifu) (shipped with oc and canon)
Love Nikki ⦁ Nidhogg (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yvette (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mela (shipped with canon) ⦁ Orlando (shipped with canon)
LoveLive! ⦁ Rin Hoshizora (shipped with canon) ⦁ Nozomi Tojo (shipped with canon) ⦁ Hanayo Koizumi ⦁ Yoshiko "Yohane" Tsushima ⦁ Chiduko Sakamaki ⦁ Hitomi Shiga ⦁ Sakura Kurobane ⦁ Sakuya Kurobane ⦁ Rebecca ⦁ Jennifer ⦁ Emma Verde ⦁ Kanata Konoe ⦁ Rina Tennoji
Mario ⦁ Princess Peach (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Princess Daisy (kinnie) (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Pauline ⦁ Princess Shokora ⦁ Wapeach ⦁ Potato
Mortal Kombat ⦁ Johnny Cage (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Mileena ⦁ Nightwolf (Shipped with oc) ⦁ Kurtis Stryker (shipped with oc and canon)
Nikke: Goddess of Victory (Everyone Is With An OC.) ⦁ Folkwang ⦁ Guillotine ⦁ Ludmilla ⦁ Mary ⦁ Mordernia ⦁ Pepper ⦁ Rupee ⦁ Rapunzel ⦁ Sin ⦁ Anis ⦁ Ether ⦁ Mihara ⦁ Neon ⦁ Neve ⦁ Ade ⦁ Soda ⦁ Cocoa ⦁ Viper ⦁ Signal
Overwatch ⦁ Pharah | Fareeha Amari (shipped with canon) ⦁ Symmetra | Satya Vaswani (shipped with canon) ⦁ D.va | Hana Song (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mei | Mei-Ling Zhou (shipped with canon) ⦁ Reinhardt Wilhelm (shipped with canon)
Panel de Pon ⦁ Thiana ⦁ Elias ⦁ Neris ⦁ Seren ⦁ Nathia ⦁ Sala
Persona ⦁ Yuka Ayase (shipped with canon) ⦁ Elly Kirishima (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kei Nanjo (shipped with canon) ⦁ Eikichi Mishina (shipped with canon) ⦁ Fuuka Yamagishi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Saori Hasegawa (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yuko Nishiwaki (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Elizabeth (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Junpei Iori (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Andre Laurent Jean Geraux | Bebe (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Shuji Ikutsuki (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Keisuke Hiraga (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yu Narukami (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kanji Tatsumi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Tohru Adachi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ryotaro Dojima (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Rise Kujikawa (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ai Ebihara (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ayane Matsunaga (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Noriko Kashiwagi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Chie Satonaka (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Joker | Ren Amamiya (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Goro Akechi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yusuke Kitagawa (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Suguru Kamoshida (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sugimura (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kunikazu Okumura (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yuuki Mishima (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Takuto Maruki (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ango Natsume (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sojiro Sakura (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Toranosuke Yoshida (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Munehisa Iwai (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Shinya Oda (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Haru Okumura (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ms Usami (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ichiko Ohya (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alice Hiiragi (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sophia (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tae Takemi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kayo Tohyama | Okyann ⦁ Tomoko Noge | Kotomo ⦁ Kumi Katayama ⦁ Minami Miyashita ⦁ Aran Hirai ⦁ Narumi Nashimoto ⦁ Mika
Pokemon (Assume everyone is shipped with the Player Character/OC) ⦁ Sabrina (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lorelei (shipped with canon) ⦁ Brock ⦁ Red ⦁ Blue | Green ⦁ Giovanni ⦁ Whitney (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lyra ⦁ Bugsy ⦁ Morty ⦁ Silver ⦁ Roxanne ⦁ Winona ⦁ May ⦁ Courtney ⦁ Shelly ⦁ Phoebe ⦁ Norman ⦁ Dawn ⦁ Candice ⦁ Barry ⦁ Bianca ⦁ Hilda ⦁ Lenora ⦁ Skyla ⦁ Shauntal ⦁ Fennel ⦁ Juniper ⦁ Rosa ⦁ BW Mom (HC her name as Touko) (shipped with canon) ⦁ BW2 Mom (HC her name as Mei) (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yancy ⦁ Cheren ⦁ Grimsley ⦁ Valerie ⦁ Drasna ⦁ Siebold ⦁ Moon ⦁ Mallow ⦁ Mina ⦁ Wicke ⦁ Fem Skull Grunt (F) ⦁ SuMooMom (HC her name as Mizuki) ⦁ Plumeria ⦁ Kukui ⦁ Melony ⦁ Sonia ⦁ Oleana ⦁ Klara ⦁ Team Yell Grunt (F) ⦁ Honey ⦁ Gloria ⦁ SwShMom (HC her name as Yuuri) ⦁ Bede ⦁ Raihan ⦁ Kabu ⦁ Gordie ⦁ Katy ⦁ Ryme ⦁ Tulip ⦁ Team Star Grunt (F) ⦁ Penny ⦁ Amarys ⦁ Lacey ⦁ Miriam ⦁ Jacq ⦁ Larry ⦁ Giacomo ⦁ Ortega ⦁ Anthe ⦁ Pesselle ⦁ Akari
Primal Rage ⦁ Vertigo (shipped with oc)
Rance ⦁ Rance (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Dark Rance (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Souun Houjou (shipped with oc) ⦁ Ryoma Sakamoto (shipped with canon) ⦁ Suzume (shipped with canon) ⦁ Menad Shisei (shipped with canon) ⦁ Maria Custard (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lia Parapara Leazas (kinnie) (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Eropicha Nyanko (shipped with canon) ⦁ Manmaru (shipped with canon) ⦁ Nozomi Okita (shipped with canon)
Resident Evil ⦁ Albert Wesker (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alcina Dimitrescu (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Jill Valentine (shipped with canon) ⦁ Carlos Oliveira (shipped with canon)
Rumble Roses ⦁ Makoto Aihara (shipped with canon) ⦁ Anesthesia (shipped with canon) ⦁ Aigle (shipped with canon) ⦁ Reiko Hinomoto (shipped with canon)
Rune Factory ⦁ Bianca (shipped with canon) ⦁ Melody (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tabatha (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tori (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sabrina (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ivan (shipped with canon) ⦁ Raguna (shipped with canon) ⦁ Alicia (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yue (shipped with canon) ⦁ Dorothy (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tanya (shipped with canon) ⦁ Eunice (shipped with canon) ⦁ Arthur (shipped with canon)
Sonic the Hedgehog ⦁ Amy Rose (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rouge the Bat (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tikal (shipped with canon) ⦁ Shadow the Edgehog ⦁ Miles "Tails" Prowler (nostalgia waifu) (shipped with canon)
Soul Calibur ⦁ Amy Sorel ⦁ Tira ⦁ Ashlotte Maedel
Stardew Valley ⦁ Haley (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Caroline (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sandy (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alex (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sebastian (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Olivia (Expanded) (shipped with oc)
Street Fighter ⦁ Juri Han (shipped with oc) ⦁ Sakura Kasugano (shipped with canon) ⦁ Makoto (shipped with canon) ⦁ Karin Kanzuki (shipped with canon)
Tekken ⦁ Alisa Bosconovitch (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ling Xiaoyu (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lili | Emilie de Rochefort (shipped with canon) ⦁ Anna Williams ⦁ Julia Chang
Touken Ranbu (Everyone is with an OC) ⦁ Akashi Kuniyuki ⦁ Kikkou Sadamune ⦁ Tomoegata Naginata ⦁ Shizukagata Naginata ⦁ Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki ⦁ Heshikiri Hasebe ⦁ Ichigo Hitofuri ⦁ Yagen Toushirou ⦁ Houchou Toushirou ⦁ Kotegiri Gou ⦁ Nakigitsune ⦁ Aizen Kunitoshi ⦁ Fuduo Yukimitsu ⦁ Doudanuki Masakuni ⦁ Buzen Gou ⦁ Matsui Gou
Trauma Center ⦁ Derek Stiles
Unison: Rebels of Rhythm & Dance ⦁ Trill ⦁ June Baby
Until Dawn ⦁ Josh Washington (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Hannah Washington (shipped with canon)
The Urbz (Everyone is with an OC) ⦁ Mazuiko Jackson ⦁ Venus Moonflower ⦁ Sara Tonin ⦁ Babbette Couture ⦁ Toots Sweet ⦁ Isis Ice ⦁ Sharky Splitz ⦁ Suzie Mack ⦁ Cash Monet ⦁ Roxanna Moxie (GBA)
Va11 Hall-A ⦁ *Kira*Miki (shipped with canon) ⦁ Alma Armas (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kimberly La Vallete (shipped with canon) ⦁ Dorothy Haze (shipped with canon)
Zelda ⦁ Oot Zelda (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ruto (shipped with canon) ⦁ Malon (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ganondorf (shipped with canon)
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schadentekkers · 4 months
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scarskelly · 9 months
The Dramatic Dream World of DDT Pro-Wrestling by Scar The Skelly [Hontai Part 1]
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Part 1 of the Hontai section, as always click on the images for their best quality and check out the Presentation Notes. Edit: Kazuki Hirata has left 37Kamiina to create this own unit.
Presentation Notes
Yukio Naya
He has acted in an episode of Kamen Rider Gotchard, playing Golem Gouriki and in Amazon Prime's Knuckle Girl.
Danshoku Dieno
Name also spelt Danshoku Dino.
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talonisputi · 2 years
Jumputi Series #3: Bauman
Manga series written by Tsugumi Ohba and drawn by Takeshi Obata, the same team behind Death Note.
Synopsis: This manga centers around Mashiro Moritaka, a middle school student who is asked to be a manga artist for classmate Akito Takagi's stories. After being pushed to meet with his crush Miho Azuki who reveals she wants to become a voice actress someday, Mashiro proposes that they marry when she becomes a VA for an anime adaptation of their manga. Mashiro and Akito then set out to create a manga that makes it into Weekly Shonen Jump.
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Mashiro Moritaka- One half of the manga Duo Ashirogi Muti, he was reluctant at first to become a manga artist because of the demise of his overworked manga artist uncle. His largest motivation is the promise between he and Miho Azuki.
Akito Takagi- The other half of Ashirogi Muti, he does the storylines for the manga. He resolved to do manga after being frustrated that his parents were pushing him to be an office worker.
Kazuya Hiramaru- A salary management who overhears Takagi talking about making manga and decides to quit his job to do do as well, thinking it would be easier. His series Otter 11 gets serialized and he then regrets it, finding that keeping up a weekly manga was more work than he wanted
Eiji Nizuma- A high school genius mangaka with a love for manga who has been drawing manga ever since he was little. From Aomori, he moved to Tokyo for the serialization of his manga Yellow Hit on the condition that if he becomes Jump's best mangaka he will be given the right to end one series in Jump that he hates.
Added 07/17/2018 in a New Heroes Gacha
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future-dregs · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Bakuman (Anime & Manga) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mashiro Moritaka/Takagi Akito Characters: Takagi Akito, Mashiro Moritaka Additional Tags: Pining, Unrequited Love, Unrequited Crush, Internal Monologue, Short One Shot Summary:
There are the things we say, and then there are those that are kept only in thought.
What was it that was left unsaid?
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