#Tailbone Pain Specialist in Delhi
gautamayurveda2 · 4 months
Best 5 Yoga Asanas that can help you with better sex life
Struggling with sexual difficulties? Or facing challenges in sex life? We will surely help you navigate through this situation and give you some best advice.
Prioritizing mental and physical health is very essential for a better sex life. Maintaining your body by doing yoga, exercise and diet can improve your sex life to a greater extent. Ayurvedic science has proven that yoga and pranayam can remarkably influence one's physical relations by guiding one through the pathway of ultimate freedom and liberation, which is known as MOKSHA. Sexologist in Delhi have assisted many individuals by directing them to the right path for better Sex health and keeping them updated about the circumstances that they can encounter while having sex.
Doing yoga on a daily basis can not only improve sex life but also reduce the risk of some of the dangerous diseases which can indirectly affect reproductive health. These diseases are:
●            Heart diseases- yogic asanas maintain blood pressure, better circulation of blood and lower stress levels.
●            Diabetes and Obesity- Practicing yoga every day supports blood glucose levels and reduces the danger of obesity by shedding weight. Famous sexologist in Delhi always suggest maintaining a healthy life for better reproductive health
●            Chronic pain- Yoga enhances body elasticity, lowers distress and strengthens physique. For not facing discomfort during sex physical strength should also be maintained. There are Sexual doctor for male in Delhi who can guide you well.
●            Depression and Stress- Yogic Practices can energize mental wellness and improve thought processes. Increases the possibility of better sex. Some best sex consultant in Delhi can help you with all the guidance that you need.
●            Respiratory problems- Yoga can decrease respiratory issues by increasing the capacity of the lungs, doing breathing exercises daily relaxes your lungs and nasal area.
So, these are some diseases which are cured by doing yoga practice regularly. If you still have any doubt or query feel free to visit famous sexologist in Delhi.
Remember yoga can benefit the quality of your sex life only if you are doing it with proper techniques and manners, at the right time of day and keeping every detail in mind related to particular yoga asanas.
There are some yoga poses advised by sexologist in Delhi.
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5 Yoga Asanas
1. Happy baby pose
●            This pose strengthens your lower back and stretches your hip-leg attached area.
●            It improves your body's flexibility and elasticity by stretching your back muscles and thighs.
●            It reduces anxiety and depression by lowering cardiac rhythm.
Lay down on the mat keeping the whole body attached to the ground.
Gradually curve your knees in the direction of your chest and make an angle of 90 degrees.
With the help of your hands grab the toe of your feet.
Try holding it for 20 to 30 seconds and then slowly release it.
Ease up and repeat.
A sex specialist in Delhi suggested doing this pose when you are not doing well in bed.
2. Cat- Cow Stretches
●            It Stretches and relaxes the muscles of the back and pelvic area.
●            By doing this the blood flow of the body elevates and supports the better functioning of gonads.
●            It helps in performance and lasting in bed for a long period.
●            Reduces anxiety and stress levels.
Keep knees and hands attached to the floor, remember your wrist should be in line with your shoulder and knees with your hip.
During inhale, contract your belly muscle and raise your tailbone.
While exhaling, lift your belly and make a circular shape with your spine.
Try doing it 6 to 12 times.
3. Bridge pose
It makes the chest, pelvic floor and back stronger and flexible which helps in orgasm and Vaginal Lubrication.
It improves blood circulation in the area of reproductive organs.
Male sexual doctor in Delhi have recommended doing this pose for better orgasms.
Place your body on the floor, slowly bend your knees and take your hands upside-down on the ground.
Knees should make 90 degrees angle with feet and then lift your lower part in the air with the help of your toes.
Keep your hands and upper part of your body in contact with the ground.
Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then relax and repeat.
4. Plank Pose
●            It Stretches almost every part of the body and makes it flexible and smooth.
●            It increases the mobility of the pelvic and hip areas.
●            This pose escalates stamina and relaxes your mind.
Do forward bend, and lift your body with the help of your toes and hand.
Look in front.
Hold it for 1 minute and breathe 1 to 5 times.
To end the yoga pose either bends the elbow or bend down the knees first.
5. Downward Dog pose
●            The pose Stretches your hip, thigh, chest and pelvic muscles, and increases the flow of blood.
●            It boosts oxygen count in the body and helps in blood circulation.
●            Makes you stress-free and relieves body pain.
Sexual doctor for male in Delhi advise them to do this pose every day for better results.
Touch the ground with your hands and feet. Keep them straight
Lift your hips and stretch.
Make a V-shaped which will be upside down.
Do it for 1 minute, breathe 6 to 7 times, and then relax.
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Sex specialist in Delhi guided many individuals by suggesting yogic poses.
Yoga has brought some drastic changes in the human body whether it's a physical Change or a mental one. Doing it every day can make you stronger, healthier and Smarter. The poses that are mentioned above have improved the sex life of many people and helped in increasing their strength. Sexologist in Delhi have suggested people do such poses for better reproductive health. These poses reduce the level of stress and anxiety which is a major cause of bad sex health lately. Taking suggestions from a sex consultant in Delhi is also a very good choice. These Male Sexual Doctor in Delhi can give you all possible guidance for better physical relations.
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dr-amod-manocha · 6 years
Tailbone Pain and Coccydynia Pain Treatment In Delhi
What is tailbone pain?
Tailbone pain or coccydynia is pain arising at the lower most aspect of the backbone called the coccyx. Coccyx is positioned at the very bottom of your spine, near the buttocks and is formed of variable number (3-5) of fused bony segments. Its structure including length, angle of the curve and degree of mobility varies significantly between individuals. It was once believed to be remnant of the lost tail with no relevant function. Now we understand that it provides support for sitting and a place for attachment for various muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
What causes tailbone pain?
Trauma and falls are the most frequent cause of coccydynia. Trauma can lead to break, dislocation, subluxation or bruising of the coccyx and the surrounding area. Minor repeated trauma such as during prolonged periods of sitting on hard surfaces might often go unrecognized. Spasm of the pelvic floor muscles can cause pulling on the coccyx and lead to pain. Rare causes of coccydynia include cancers and infection. Sometimes coccyx pain is referred from the spine.
Coccydynia is four or five times more common in women. Anatomical changes in the shape of pelvis, coccyx and childbirth may account for this. Some studies have found that it is more common in obese individuals.
Signs and symptoms of tail bone damage:
Most patients present with a dull ache, which changes to a sharp or throbbing pain with activities such as getting up from a sitting position or prolonged sitting. With time the severity and duration of pain can increase. Activities such as sexual intercourse and opening of bowels may become painful.  The pain can radiate towards spine, into legs and affect day-to-day activities.
When should I see doctor?
Tailbone pain is can be self-limiting and resolve on its own within few weeks to months. Those with moderate to severe pain interfering with quality of life and daily activities should seek medical advice sooner. Other common reasons for medical consultation include – persisting pain despite conservative management, uncertain diagnosis, associated symptoms such as signs of infection or swelling etc.
The pain physician will take a complete history, and do an examination to narrow the possibilities. You may be asked to undergo investigations such as X-ray, CT or MRI scan to confirm diagnosis and rule out other conditions with similar presentation.
How is this condition managed?
There is variety of treatment options ranging from lifestyle modifications/ conservative management to injections. Simple measures that can help include
Find an experienced pain physician/ doctor who can help you to confirm the diagnosis and treat the condition
Avoid prolonged sitting especially on hard surfaces and bumpy rides as while travelling on in a car/ bus
Modify your sitting posture to reduce pressure on coccyx such as leaning towards one side ofor leaning forwards while sitting. One should be careful about this as it can often place extra pressure on other areas leading to new pain symptoms.
Using a doughnut-shaped or wedge (V-shaped) cushion while sitting
When getting up from the sitting position do so slowly
Avoidingaggravating factors such asconstipation
Appling heat or ice to the affected area
Simple over-the-counter pain relievers
Physical therapy. Aimed at pelvic floor relaxation techniques,postural retraining and stretching exercises
For severe or persisting pain the pain specialist may consider
Medication. Stronger pain relief medications
Injections.Theseare used to break the pain cycle and involve placement of local anaesthetic and steroids near the pain generator. Commonly performed injections include
Injection of joint or ligaments surrounding the sacrum and coccyx such as the sacrococcygeal joint
Ganglion Impar nerve block. Nerve blocks help to interrupt a nerve’s ability to transmit pain signals
Manipulation. This can be used in combination with injection therapy or separately. Massaging the muscles attached to the tailbone might help in reducing pain.
Surgery. Surgical removal of coccyx is known as a coccygectomy. Because of the associated risks (infection, wound healing problems) and poor outcomes, this procedure is not commonly recommended/ used.
       Tags >>      Tailbone Pain Treatment In Delhi,Tailbone Pain Treatment, Tailbone Pain Specialist in Delhi 
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5 Things You Should Know About Coccyx Pain
1. Introduction
The coccyx or the tailbone is the bottom most part of the spinal vertebral column which has many muscle and tendon attachments. It is one of the lesser known body parts but this bony beak shaped structure gains attention in cases of coccygeal pain or in common terms, coccydynia. It is imperative to consult the best pain specialist and many patients are now looking for pain treatments in Delhi due to availability of experienced doctors, high-end infrastructure and world class treatment available at quite a reasonable price.
2. What triggers Coccydynia?
Coccyx plays a role in stabilizing your body when you sit, or switch positions and is subjected to stress and strain especially when using lack of ergonomically designed furniture.
Coccydynia is particularly common in women due to a wider pelvic structure possibly predisposing tailbone to more stress. Coccyx injury in particular is the most common cause of coccyx pain and it may cause bruising, inflammation, dislocation or fracture of the tailbone.
Mentioned below are the various causes for coccyx injury:
Falling while being in a seated position, while on a chair, or from the stairs
Sports injuries
Injury during labour
Friction injury caused by cycling or rowing
Idiopathic causes
Bone spurs
Prolonged sitting
3. A brief overview of the symptoms and signs of Coccyx Pain:
Coccydynia causes intense, severe, sharp pain in the buttock area and can aggravate on changing positions from sitting to standing or leaning.
Coccydynia can present as pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.
Sometimes it is accompanied by bruising.
Difficulty in bowel movements, accompanied by pain.
4. How is Coccyx Pain Diagnosed?
You need to consultant experienced pain specialist who can diagnose your tailbone pain. Proper diagnosis and identification of provocating factors helps tailor treatment to achieve best results
A proper history is taken first to rule out any instances of injury or trauma
Examination can help narrow down the possible pain generators
In cases of bone spurs and injury, X rays are taken.
MRI may be requested especially In case of cancer or fracture
Injections can further help confirm the source of pain
5. Management and Treatment
The key to successful management of coccydynia is consulting an experienced pain specialist. Coccydynia can be managed by a combination of lifestyle modifications, physical therapy and pharmacological measures. This includes
Avoiding further strain on the pain area by using cushions for support
Reducing weight if you are overweight
Physical therapy
Use of injections like –
Coccyx or Sacrococcygeal Joint Injections, and
Ganglion Impar block and Radiofrequency treatment.
Pain Specialists also suggest the following for relief from Coccydynia :
Preventing prolonged sitting position and avoiding hard surfaces while sitting
Ice fomentation during acute flare up episodes
Over the counter medications including NSAIDS like Naproxen, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen
Consuming high fiber foods to counter constipation
TAGS- Pain Management in Delhi Pain Treatment in South Delhi Back pain treatment in Delhi
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1. Introduction
The coccyx or the tailbone is the bottom most part of the spinal vertebral column which has many muscle and tendon attachments. It is one of the lesser known body parts but this bony beak shaped structure gains attention in cases of coccygeal pain or in common terms, coccydynia. It is imperative to consult the best pain specialist and many patients are now looking for pain treatments in Delhi due to availability of experienced doctors, high-end infrastructure and world class treatment available at quite a reasonable price.
2. What triggers Coccydynia?
Coccyx plays a role in stabilizing your body when you sit, or switch positions and is subjected to stress and strain especilly when using lack of ergonomically designed furniture.
Coccydynia is particularly common in women due to a wider pelvic structure possibly predisposing tailbone to more stress. Coccyx injury in particular is the most common cause of coccyx pain and it may cause bruising, inflammation, dislocation or fracture of the tailbone.
Mentioned below are the various causes for coccyx injury:
Falling while being in a seated position, while on a chair, or from the stairs
Sports injuries
Injury during labour
Friction injury caused by cycling or rowing
Idiopathic causes
Bone spurs
Prolonged sitting
3. A brief overview of the symptoms and signs of Coccyx Pain:
Coccydynia causes intense, severe, sharp pain in the buttock area and can aggravate on changing positions from sitting to standing or leaning.
Coccydynia can present as pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.
Sometimes it is accompanied by bruising.
Difficulty in bowel movements, accompanied by pain.
4. How is Coccyx Pain Diagnosed?
You need to consultant experienced pain specialist who can diagnose your tailbone pain. Proper diagnosis and identification of provocating factors helps tailor treatment to achieve best results
A proper history is taken first to rule out any instances of injury or trauma
Examination can help narrow down the possible pain generators
In cases of bone spurs and injury, X rays are taken.
MRI may be requested especially In case of cancer or fracture
Injections can further help confirm the source of pain
5. Management and Treatment
The key to successful management of coccydynia is consulting an experienced pain specialist. Coccydynia can be managed by a combination of lifestyle modifications, physical therapy and pharmacological measures. This includes
Avoiding further strain on the pain area by using cushions for support
Reducing weight if you are overweight
Physical therapy
Use of injections like –
Coccyx or Sacrococcygeal Joint Injections, and
Ganglion Impar block and Radiofrequency treatment.
Pain Specialists also suggest the followingfor relief from Coccydynia :
Preventing prolonged sitting position and avoiding hard surfaces while sitting
Ice fomentation during acute flare up episodes
Over the counter medications including NSAIDS like Naproxen, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen
Consuming high fiber foods to counter constipation
Tags = Pain Treatment in Delhi, Pain Management in Delhi, Best Pain Specialist in Delhi
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Things You Should Know About Coccyx Pain Treatment In Delhi from the Pain Management Centre In Delhi
Tags >> Coccyx Pain Diagnosed, Coccyx Pain Treatment In Delhi
The coccyx or the tailbone is the bottom most part of the spinal vertebral column which has many muscle and tendon attachments. It is one of the lesser known body parts but this bony beak shaped structure gains attention in cases of coccygeal pain or in common terms, coccydynia. It is imperative to consult the best pain specialist In Delhi and many patients are now looking for pain treatments in Delhi due to availability of experienced doctors, high-end infrastructure and world class treatment available at quite a reasonable price.
What triggers Coccydynia?
Coccyx plays a role in stabilizing your body when you sit, or switch positions and is subjected to stress and strain especilly when using lack of ergonomically designed furniture.Coccydynia is particularly common in women due to a wider pelvic structure possibly predisposing tailbone to more stress. Coccyx injury in particular is the most common cause of coccyx pain and it may cause bruising, inflammation, dislocation or fracture of the tailbone.Mentioned below are the various causes for coccyx injury:
Falling while being in a seated position, while on a chair, or from the stairs
Sports injuries
Injury during labour
Friction injury caused by cycling or rowing
Idiopathic causes
Bone spurs
Prolonged sitting
A brief overview of the symptoms and signs of Coccyx Pain:
Coccydynia causes intense, severe, sharp pain in the buttock area and can aggravate on changing positions from sitting to standing or leaning.
Coccydynia can present as pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.
Sometimes it is accompanied by bruising.
Difficulty in bowel movements, accompanied by pain.
 How is Coccyx Pain Diagnosed?
You need to consultant experienced pain specialist who can diagnose your tailbone pain. Proper diagnosis and identification of provocating factors helps tailor treatment to achieve best results
A proper history is taken first to rule out any instances of injury or trauma
Examination can help narrow down the possible pain generators
In cases of bone spurs and injury, X rays are taken.
MRI may be requested especially In case of cancer or fracture
Injections can further help confirm the source of pain
Management and Treatment
The key to successful management of coccydynia is consulting an experienced pain specialist. Coccydynia can be managed by a combination of lifestyle modifications, physical therapy and pharmacological measures. This includes
Avoiding further strain on the pain area by using cushions for support
Reducing weight if you are overweight
Physical therapy
Use of injections like –
Coccyx or Sacrococcygeal Joint Injections, and
Ganglion Impar block and Radiofrequency treatment.
Pain Specialists also suggest the following for relief from Coccydynia :
Preventing prolonged sitting position and avoiding hard surfaces while sitting
Ice fomentation during acute flare up episodes
Over the counter medications including NSAIDS like Naproxen, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen
Consuming high fiber foods to counter constipation
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Coccyx Pain Treatment in Delhi - Removemypain
Coccyx or tailbone is the last bone at the end of the spine. Pain in the region of the tailbone is called coccydynia. Common causes include trauma, childbirth, and repeated strain on the coccyx. Patients may have increased mobility which triggers the inflammation. Other causes include fracture, infection and tumor.
Most patients present with pain on sitting or getting up from a sitting position and localized tenderness around the coccyx. Pain during a bowel movement or sex daycare present. Diagnosis is made based on history and examination findings. Sometimes tests such as x-rays, CT scans and MRIs are requested. Treatment involves avoiding further strain on the coccyx-using appropriate cushions, weight management, simple painkillers combined with physiotherapy, manipulation, and injections such as
Coccyx/ Sacrococcygeal Joint Injection – these are performed under x-ray or ultrasound guidance and involve injecting local anaesthetics and a small dose of steroids in or around the sacrococcygeal joint. It is not uncommon for the ligaments around the coccyx to be the pain generator and these are often injected at the same time. The procedure is performed as a day case under local anaesthesia.
Ganglion Impar block and Radiofrequency - ganglion impar is a collection of nerves located in front of the sacrum and coccyx. This procedure involves injecting a local anaesthetic and steroids mixture under x-ray guidance close to ganglion impairment. The needle position is verified by giving a dye (contrast) before injection. Radiofrequency treatment is performed if the benefits of injection are short-lasting.
Tag = Coccyx Pain Treatment In Delhi, Coccyx Pain Treatment In Delhi , Pain specialist in Delhi, pain management in Delhi
For More information https://www.removemypain.com
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5 Things You Should Know About Coccyx Pain treatment in Delhi
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1. Introduction
The coccyx or the tailbone is the bottom most part of the spinal vertebral column which has many muscle and tendon attachments. It is one of the lesser known body parts but this bony beak shaped structure gains attention in cases of coccygeal pain or in common terms, coccydynia. It is imperative to consult the best pain specialist and many patients are now looking for pain treatments in Delhi due to availability of experienced doctors, high-end infrastructure and world class treatment available at quite a reasonable price.
2. What triggers Coccydynia?
Coccyx plays a role in stabilizing your body when you sit, or switch positions and is subjected to stress and strain especilly when using lack of ergonomically designed furniture.
Coccydynia is particularly common in women due to a wider pelvic structure possibly predisposing tailbone to more stress. Coccyx injury in particular is the most common cause of coccyx pain and it may cause bruising, inflammation, dislocation or fracture of the tailbone.
Mentioned below are the various causes for coccyx injury:
Falling while being in a seated position, while on a chair, or from the stairs
Sports injuries
Injury during labour
Friction injury caused by cycling or rowing
Idiopathic causes
Bone spurs
Prolonged sitting
3. A brief overview of the symptoms and signs of Coccyx Pain:
Coccydynia causes intense, severe, sharp pain in the buttock area and can aggravate on changing positions from sitting to standing or leaning.
Coccydynia can present as pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.
Sometimes it is accompanied by bruising.
Difficulty in bowel movements, accompanied by pain.
4. How is Coccyx Pain Diagnosed?
You need to consultant experienced pain specialist who can diagnose your tailbone pain. Proper diagnosis and identification of provocating factors helps tailor treatment to achieve best results
A proper history is taken first to rule out any instances of injury or trauma
Examination can help narrow down the possible pain generators
In cases of bone spurs and injury, X rays are taken.
MRI may be requested especially In case of cancer or fracture
Injections can further help confirm the source of pain
5. Management and Treatment
The key to successful management of coccydynia is consulting an experienced pain specialist. Coccydynia can be managed by a combination of lifestyle modifications, physical therapy and pharmacological measures. This includes
Avoiding further strain on the pain area by using cushions for support
Reducing weight if you are overweight
Physical therapy
Use of injections like –
Coccyx or Sacrococcygeal Joint Injections, and
Ganglion Impar block and Radiofrequency treatment.
Pain Specialists also suggest the followingfor relief from Coccydynia :
Preventing prolonged sitting position and avoiding hard surfaces while sitting
Ice fomentation during acute flare up episodes
Over the counter medications including NSAIDS like Naproxen, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen
Consuming high fiber foods to counter constipation
Tags = Pain Treatment in Delhi, Pain Management in Delhi, Best Pain Specialist in Delhi
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