#Taikun Zamuza
iamthekaijuking · 4 months
what are your thoughts on Taikun Zamuza, about its design biology and ecology?
Taikun Zamuza is one of the few frontier monsters that genuinely fascinates me. It’s an electric crab, a subterranean creature, and the shell mechanic is interesting.
Ecology wise I think Taikun just kinda eats what it can get plus the occasional ore, but considering all the mold and barnacles growing on it, it probably spends long periods of time sitting around. It might rely primarily on ambush predation while also sometimes eating some of what grows on its back to round out its diet, and then occasionally making trips to areas with flora or detritus rich in nutrients it can’t get elsewhere. Taikun has a lot of defenses though, so it’s very likely that it’s far from the top dog in its environment, and might have many predators.
At first I thought that the orange eyeless outer shell might be the carapace of another monster it wears for protection, like how some assassin bugs wear their prey, but then it occurred to me that it actually kinda looks like the Megalopae life stage in crabs.
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If this is the case then that means it wears the shell of its previous life stage for protection, and gets smaller as it gets older. This shrinking with age thing does sometimes happen in nature, like with the paradox frog. This Megalopae exoskeleton also seems to still be in one piece, meaning that when Taikun molts it doesn’t actually leave its old skin.
This got me wondering how they reproduce though. Surely they leave their shell to do it, so do they just break out of it and spend the rest of their life without this second shell? Or maybe they slip out of it like clothes and then put it back on even though it would be a little loose now that it’s fully opened? If it really is a Megalopae exoskeleton, then is the creature that’s inside actually just a juvenile? Have we never seen an adult Taikun Zamuza?
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hal-o-ween · 2 months
Map Spotlight #2: Sharq-Tooth Beach
Just south of the Research Outpost lies Sharq-Tooth Beach, named for both the pointed peninsula it forms, as well as a series of jagged rock formations just off-shore. This region is where the guild ships first landed, but in-depth exploration of the area was postponed due to a lack of experienced hunters.
The Lake
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Dotted all over the Beach are tide pools, and in the center lies a large saltwater lake. This lake hosts a wide variety of life, similar to the tide pools, while its large size and relative security compared to the open waters makes it the preferred home of the Ludroth and their leader, the Royal Ludroth, who, despite being a large monster, often struggles to compete with the more powerful leviathans of the ocean.
The Gulf
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On one side of the Beach's peninsula is the ocean, while on the other lies a large gulf. Several rivers feed into this gulf, creating a more murky and brackish environment, particularly when the tide flows out, removing the clearer ocean water. This environment, with its soft sediment and nonstop flow of both freshwater and saltwater prey, is perfectly suited for ambush predators such as the Gobul and Barlagual.
Gobul nestle themselves beneath the muddy bed closer to the beach, and use the soft blue glow and plant-like appearance of their lure and barbels to entice prey towards them, at which point they open their gaping maw to create an inescapable vacuum.
Barlagual seem to prefer the craggy rock formations towards the east, where the gulf is bordered by cliffs. Waiting amongst the crags for prey such as the herbivore Epioth, they will launch their long, powerful tongue at their target, using a special formation on the tip to then drain the blood of their unfortunate prey.
Many land-based monsters from the regions bordering the gulf can also be spotted along its coast. One such example is the Qurupeco, which can be spotted along the portion of the coast bordering the Verdant Expanse, and on occasion may also be found on the Beach itself, hunting for fish.
The Palm Grove and The Coastal Caves
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The western portion of the Beach hosts two notable locations. The Palm Grove is a common resting spot for many monsters seeking shelter from the sun, but is also the permanent home of Gogomoa. The trees provide comfortable shade and protection, making it a relatively safe place to raise their young, the Kokomoa. These monkey-like monsters are large, with long claws they use readily to defend themselves and their young, but their most notable ability is their use of the silk they produce. Much like a spider, Gogomoa produce a strong silk, and they use this silk to enhance their mobility, swinging between trees or pulling themselves up into them. They are usually relatively docile large monsters, however, they become extremely aggressive when protecting the young Kokomoa.
Just north of the Grove is a small series of Caves. These damp Caves, like the Grove, are frequently used as shelter by a variety of monsters, but also houses its own resident monster, the Taikun Zamuza. This bulky carapaceon covers itself in rock and other debris to create a highly durable armor, protecting both its natural armor and the soft body beneath it. Without the rock armor, Taikun Zamuza's shell resembles that of a horseshoe crab, and should that armor be broken, its ghostly pale blue body will be revealed, along with organs on its back which produce electricity. Taikun Zamuza are typically combat avoidant, preferring to rest and conserve energy, as moving their heavy armor requires a lot of energy. They are primarily scavengers, feeding on carcasses of monsters that either retreated to the Caves to die, or were taken there by another monster.
The Shore
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The Shore of Sharq-Tooth Beach is where one is most likely to encounter its most dangerous residents. Sharq patrol the waters, but are the least of a swimmer's worries. The accepted apex of this region is Lagiacrus, lord of the seas. This thunder wielding leviathan is known to sun itself on the Beach, while maintaining a largely uncontested domain of the waters directly around it, aside from when Plesioth stray away from their territory around the Jagged Island and come into conflict with them.
However, despite this seemingly clear top predator, strange signs indicate something may be hiding near the reef between the Island and the Beach. Monsters, both small and large, with unidentified bite marks; boats reporting large shadows underwater that don't quite look like any known monster in the area. Some members of the outpost suggest there may be an extant population of a monster known only as "The Ancient Leviathan". Considered the split-off between piscine wyverns and leviathans, thus monster is, oddly enough, not officially considered extinct. It's extancy status is typically listed as "unknown", due to a combination of factors, such as it having no definitive cut-off point in the fossil record, and purely aquatic monsters and environments being particularly difficult for the guild to research (in part due to the very limited number of hunters authorized for underwater hunts). Thus, it is unlikely, yet possible, that this ancient monster still lives off the coast of this continent, a living glimpse into the very beginnings of the leviathans.
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thejokig23 · 11 months
Monster Hunter Frontier has a lot of unique monsters. I made a personal list of all the unique large monsters (as in no subspecies, variants, burst species etc) in Frontier and how much I want to see them return
Frontier monsters I would love to see come back with minimal changes: 16
- Forokururu
- Hypnocatrice
- Abiorugu (Abiogladius)
- Taikun Zamuza
- Gogomoa
- Kamu/Nono Orugaron
- Espinas
- Pariapuria
- Pokaradon
- Kuarusepusu
- Lavasioth
- Guanzorumu
- Inagami
- Shantien
- Laviente
Frontier monsters I think could come back if redesigned/kept in a Genetations/Rise style game: 17
- Toridcless
- Giaorugu
- Akura Vashimu
- Akura Jebia
- Anorupatisu
- Berukyurosu
- Gurenzeburu
- Mi Ru
- Poborubarumu
- Barlagual
- Aruganosu
- Goruganosu
- Eruzerion
- Harudomerugu
- Keoarubu
- Rukodiora
- Duremudira
Frontier monsters I never want to see/would need to be changed to the point of no longer being the same monster: 9
- Gasurabazura
- Lolo/Ray Gougarf
- Bogabadorumu
- Dyuragaua
- Hyujikiki
- Meraginasu
- Odibatorasu
- Zenaserisu
- Disufiroa
Even of the monsters I don't particularly like, it's more so due to finding them redundant to mainline entries.
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blood-darkened-moon · 2 years
Monster Hunter
Lynian Felyne | Shakalaka
Herbivore Popo | Moofah | Larinoth | Rhenoplos | Mosswine | Gowngoat | Anteka | Kestodon | Kelbi | Ceratonoth
Temnoceran Rakna-Kadaki | Nerscylla | Lala Barina
Neopteron Konchu | Seltas | Seltas Queen | Ahtal-Ka | Vespoid Queen | Hornetaur
Theropod Bird Wyvern Velociprey | Velocidrome | Genprey | Gendrome | Ioprey | Iodrome | Jaggi | Great Jaggi | Baggi | Great Baggi | Wroggi | Great Wroggi | Maccao | Great Maccao | Izuchi | Great Izuchi | Boggi | Kulu-Ya-Ku | Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
Flying Bird Wyvern Yian Kut-Ku | Blue Yian Kut-Ku | Yian Garuga | Scarred Yian Garuga | Malfestio | Pukei-Pukei | Aknosom | Gypceros | Qurupeco | Toridcless | Gargwa
True Wyvern Rathalos | Azure Rathalos | Silver Rathalos | Rathian | Pink Rathian | Gold Rathian | Dreadqueen Rathian | Monoblos | White Monoblos | Diablos | Black Diablos | Basarios | Ruby Basarios | Gravios | Seregios | Bazelgeuse | Seething Bazelgeuse | Khezu | Red Khezu | Astalos | Boltreaver Astalos | Espinas | Flaming Espinas | Legiana | Akantor | Paolumu | Gurenzeburu | Gigginox/Giggi | Rey Dau
Pseudo Wyvern Tigrex | Brute Tigrex | Nargacuga | Lucent Nargacuga | Silverwind Nargacuga | Barioth | Sand Barioth | Frostfang Barioth | Ukanlos
Piscine Wyvern Cephadrome | Plesioth | Beotodus | Delex | Flatfish Piscine Wyvern
Carapaceon Shogun Ceanataur | Hermitaur | Daimyo Hermitaur | Plum Daimyo Hermitaur | Taikun Zamuza | Shen Gaoren | Akura Vashimu
Amphibian Zamtrios | Tigerstripe Zamtrios | Tetsucabra | Tetranadon | Chatacabra
Pelagus Rajang | Furious Rajang | Garangolm | Bulldrome | Gammoth | Bishaten | Blangonga | Kecha Wacha
Fanged Beast Arzuros | Goss Harag | Lagombi | Volvidon | Doshaguma | Slicemargl
Leviathan Agnaktor | Mizutsune | Violet Mizutsune | Soulseer Mizutsune | Ludroth | Royal Ludroth | Purple Ludroth | Lagiacrus | Abyssal Lagiacrus | Lavasioth | Almudron | Gobul | Baruragaru | Somnacanth | Nibelsnarf | Balahara
Snake Wyvern Najarala | Remobra
Brute Wyvern Uragaan | Crystalbeard Uragaan | Pumpkin Uragaan | Radobaan | Deviljho | Savage Deviljho | Aberrant Deviljho | Barroth | Anjanath | Fulgur Anjanath | Banbaro | Brachydios | Raging Brachydios | Glavenus | Hellblade Glavenus | Duramboros
Fanged Wyvern Zinogre | Stygian Zinogre | Thunderlord Zinogre | Dodogama | Magnamalo | Scorned Magnamalo | Odogaron | Ebony Odogaron | Tobi-Kadachi | Viper Tobi-Kadachi | Lunagaron | Palamute | Great Jagras | Great Girros 
Elder Dragon Fatalis | Crimson Fatalis | White Fatalis | Xeno'jiiva | Safi'jiiva | Teostra | Lunastra | Chameleos | Risen Chameleos | Kushala Daora | Rukodiora | Kirin | Oroshi Kirin | Shagaru Magala | Namielle | Alatreon | Ceadeus | Nergigante | Valstrax | Crimson Glow Valstrax | Thunder Serpent Narwa | Narwa the Allmother | Wind Serpent Ibushi | Malzeno/Qurio | Primordial Malzeno | Velkhana | Vaal Hazak | Blackveil Vaal Hazak | Kulve Taroth | Amatsu | Gogmazios | Gaismagorm | Shara Ishvalda | Dalamadur | Shah Dalamadur | Lao-Shan Lung | Ashen Lao-Shan Lung | Jhen Mohran | Nakarkos | Behemoth | Yama Tsukami | Nef-Garmat | Dire Miralis | Zorah Magdaros | Makili Pietru | Oltura
Unknown Gore Magala | Chaotic Gore Magala
Endemic Life Paratoad | Thornytoad | Cohoot | Forest Pteryx | Duffel Penguin | Thunderbeetle | Vigorwesp | Spiribird
Pets Poogie
MH Fusion
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dastardly6sharkzz · 2 years
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Taikun Zamuza phase 2 Chibi
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yainkutku · 1 year
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carapaceon phylogenetic tree
The crabs are an interesting group, from their habit of using other monsters skulls a shell and the fact they are have small monster variants that they don't interact with outside of opportunistic cannibalism it makes them feel more alive than most monsters.
Frontiers carapaceons are also very interesting because as a group they look like they are going through carcinization, especially Taikun Zamuza. He already has the body shape down he just needs the tail to be tucked in and then he will be the ultimate crab
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For some reason when I look at Shen gaoren I feel like he is the old world version of bazelgeuse, just kinda moving around looking for dead elders to eat. At his size not even the mighty deviljho would dare to take him on. For the reason on why he got so large I have one idea, in his prime he looked like a normal ceanataur but he kept growing bigger to reach wyvern nests or pull small animals out of the canopy. Unlike the other crabs a mature shen gaoren doesn't have to worry about being shell-les because most creatures won't even attempt to attack it.
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An interesting Rampage could be a horde of hermitaurs storming Kamura to escape like a hungry espinas or tetsucabra. Another interesting behavior that could be seen is male hermitaurs fighting for the breeding rights with all of the females in the patch. It could start of with them waving their claws around and if that didn't work they would start dueling. After the fights have ended and the crabs have left, bird wyverns like kut ku or kulu would try and dig up the eggs oblivious of the hunter.
The crabs without their shells are dead meat, a nude dynamo hermitaur would get attacked by something as small like a jaggi pack.
Another cool concept I thought up was if small hermitaurs would run up cliffs and trees when large monsters are approaching the zone
Ps Sunbreaks dynamo hermitaur traumatized me
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godjust · 2 years
Monster hunter online private server 2020
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Also, you can lock it to a set amount of players - players of specific hunter ranks or preferred languages, for example. You can also explain to potential players the hunts the lobby will focus on. When making your own lobby, you can tick parameters to make it easier for hunters to find it among the sea of open servers. Select the Find Lobby option to join a lobby or the Create a Lobby option to make your own. Select Play Online to open up a sub-menu. It’s the first three settings you’ll want to look out for here: Play Online, Play Locally, and Friend List. Senri the Mailman offers a bunch of features, like checking for additional add-on content and looking up past hunting buddies who gave you a “Like” at the end of a run. Once there, speak to Senri the Mailman, who you’ll find standing on a red trunk by the stairs leading to Fugen the Elder in the middle of town. To host or join a lobby in Monster Hunter Rise, you need to head into the outside area of Kamura Village. How to join or host online lobbies in Monster Hunter Rise Instead, the multiplayer feature menu is an NPC. In Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, you could simply hit the plus button to open an intuitive menu, granting access to lobbies both online and offline. Honestly, it wouldn’t be a Monster Hunter game without it. Getting online with your friends in Monster Hunter World means jumping through a few hoops. How to access multiplayer in Monster Hunter Rise
Monster Hunter Rise: How to farm honey and other essential items.How to defeat the Great Izuchi in Monster Hunter Rise.15 essential tips for starting Monster Hunter Rise.What are Join Requests in Monster Hunter Rise?.How to host and join multiplayer quests in Monster Hunter Rise.
How to make or join an offline lobby in Monster Hunter Rise.
How to find your lobby ID in Monster Hunter Rise.
How to join or host online lobbies in Monster Hunter Rise.
How to access multiplayer in Monster Hunter Rise.
Server Files and DevelopmentĪnything people could reasonably want is already on archive. Always download things like Golang and Postgres from their actual websites. If it's not the raw Golang sources, you should probably be sceptical. It has always been pretty common for bad actors to include malware such as RATs and Crypto Miners with bundled executables for private server software. False positives can be made into real positives. It is also obvious that you should probably not trust executable and dll files from random strangers.
If you are playing with people please keep in mind that all servers actively expose your Username, Password and IP Address to the server owner. You should probably not take random unrelated people at face value if they are saying otherwise. I am still working on the server, translations, etc. If you are failing Zeniths it's because they are hard monsters and you are not playing well, not because they needed the end of life cheese weapon. Of the monsters releasing after Magnet Spike only Taikun Zamuza has notable stat increases, all other monsters are similar to or weaker than previous Zeniths. The following Zeniths released after Magnet Spike: The following Zeniths predate Magnet Spike by up to nearly two years: The design space around Zeniths was not remotely oriented around the use of Magnet Spikes for one very simple, completely objective reason: Magnet Spikes did not exist. Magnet Spikes were added in MHF-ZZ in September 2018. Zenith Monsters were added in MHF-Z1 in November 2016.
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g4rdwin · 2 years
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we love crabs in this household
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headhunter455 · 3 years
Google Translate had a vibe, so I just found it.
Frontier has been a lot of fun now that I finally got it set up.
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nylusion · 4 years
Remembering Monster Hunter Online with monster showcases! In this showcase we have a rematch with Taikun Zamuza!
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cornbreadarts · 6 years
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Smol monster requests including some of the neopterans and Carapaceons I got. Rajang, Nerscylla, Taikun Zamuza(both forms), and rathian
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damnwyverngems · 6 years
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Free Wallpapers from Monster Hunter Frontier-Z. The top 3 popular monsters from MHF-Z are:
1: Taikun Zamuza 2: Duremudira 3: Unknown (Black Flying Wyvern)
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Monster: Taikun Zamuza because it slings rocks. Armor Set: Guide's because tiny hat. History: WIP Notes: WIP
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darkewne · 11 years
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Icon of the Taikun Zamuza from Monster Hunter Frontier
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rawbiredbest · 13 years
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nylusion · 5 years
Remembering Monster Hunter Online with monster showcases! In this showcase we have Taikun Zamuza!
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