#Tagteam (Malachite)
raunchyremnant · 7 months
Continued from here
The twins exchanged a look between themselves. Melanie pulled the toy away as they parted from each other, while Miltia approached the stranger. "Come on it, and we'll get you cleaned up." She grabbed Oliver's arm and pulled him inside before he could think to object. Meanwhile, Malenie moved to lock the door.
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raunchyremnant · 7 months
Continued from here
The twins eyed up the new girl with interest. She was enthusiastic and already dressed for the occasion... Likely didn't need much training. Good. They backed away from each other, with Melanie taking the toy. Miltia saw Tenten leaning in for a kiss, but then stopped her lips with a finger.
"Let's just get a few ground rules out of the way."
Melanie prodded Tenten's side with the toy. "We're in charge. You'll refer to us as Mistress Melanie and Mistress Miltia, and you'll do what we say with no complaints. Understood?"
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raunchyremnant · 7 months
Alright, you guys asked for it...
The twins, Miltie and Melanie Malachite are now on the muse list! Keep in mind that they ARE dominant and will toy with your muse(s) until they're both satisfied.
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