mohsinali79 · 1 year
Political Pressure On Ex Prime minister of Pakistan Imran Khan
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Imran Khan, the current Prime Minister of Pakistan, has faced tremendous political and establishment pressure throughout his political career. As a former cricketer and a fierce critic of Pakistan's corrupt political system, Imran Khan has been a target of various political parties and the powerful establishment.
Here are some of the instances where Imran Khan faced political and establishment pressure:
Rigged Elections: Imran Khan has been alleging that the elections in Pakistan are rigged and the establishment plays a significant role in favor of certain political parties. In the 2013 elections, his party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) accused the establishment of rigging the polls in favor of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N).
Allegations of being a Puppet of Establishment: Imran Khan has always been accused of being a puppet of the establishment. He has been labeled as the establishment's chosen man. Despite the allegations, Imran Khan has continuously fought against the corrupt political elite.
Dharana Politics: Imran Khan has been known for his 'dharna' politics, wherein he has staged sit-ins and protests to highlight the issues of his party. He has faced harsh criticism for adopting such tactics and causing civil unrest.
Panama Papers Case: Imran Khan played a crucial role in uncovering the Panama Papers scandal involving the Sharif family. The establishment, which was allegedly backing the Sharif family, tried to suppress the investigation. Imran Khan fought relentlessly against the conspiracy and eventually succeeded in getting the Supreme Court to disqualify then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
Pressure to Normalize Relations with India: Imran Khan's stance on the Kashmir issue and his refusal to bow down to Indian pressure to normalize relations have been criticized heavily. The establishment is believed to be under immense pressure from India to normalize the relations.
In conclusion, Imran Khan's political career has been marked with immense pressure from political parties and the establishment. Despite the odds, he has continued to fight for a better Pakistan, free from corruption and injustice.
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