bensiskos · 1 year
HAI ELLA i know you rbed it like yesterday but i want to ask for the oc ask game in regards to lucas and mary. 7, 38, and B for the both of them
7: what triggers nostalgia for them, and do they like the feeling?
Lucas gets very easily triggered by smell and texture and often times when she’s outside & smells something that reminds her of what her life before the faewilds was like she’ll get pretty sad. She doesn’t enjoy nostalgia and tries very hard to push past the feeling. Mary doesn’t often get nostalgic, she’s one who’s always looking towards the future, partly because she doesn’t really care about the past. She’ll sometimes eat a food that reminds her of a lovely summer and she’ll enjoy it, but otherwise she doesn’t think about it.
38: what memory do they revisit often?
Lucas thinks a lot about her last day on earth, and revisits memories of her family often. She also finds herself thinking a lot about her memories with Mary, their first meeting, working together, etc. Mary thinks a lot about her memories of the court library bc she always has to remember what fucking books she’s read and where to find them <3 she also will wander into remembering a funny thing Lucas said, or how Lucas looked the other day, or generally abt Lucas. Mary has a lot less self awareness than Lucas does when it comes it Feelings and memories
B: what inspired you to create them?
I wanted to draw a hot lesbian night with a weapon and then obvs I had to draw a femme to go with her <333 and I think exploring power dynamics esp in fantasy situations is fun :3 I need to revamp their story & draw them again tbh I haven’t thought abt them in a while
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A deal with the Devil.
PT1 A God's obsession love where it first started. PT2 Golden cage of mine where I continued. Now let's go in for PT3 :D I wonder how Auron is going to be in this one, since Lucien now owns his obsessions lover soul.... TW: Blood, tearing a vocal cord, suicide via poison,
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Rook felt like throwing up, they were forced to go to this party held in their 'honor'. Different God's were there with various emotions on their face as they saw Rook. It seems most of them knew who they were and how they got here.
"Love? Are you-" Soft words were interrupted by Rook snatching their arm away from HIM. Auron frowned, eyes narrowing as he looked at them to behave. He might have been too lenient with letting them act out, this was getting out of hand.
"Don't. Call. Me. That." Spitting out Rook got up and walked to the God of Love and God of the Hunt. Auron gritted his teeth as he tried to keep his calm in front of all the gods he sees over.
Rook held a gauntlet filled with wine from the God of festivities gifted them. One that would never be empty, it was about their....fourth? Glass they guessed. Alphonse looked at the cup they held and then their hand in their pocket.
"Rook, you didn't bring that vile did you?" Whispering to them, and looking around to see if anyone noticed or heard. Rook simply snorted and nodded, sipping more of their wine.
"Rook, that isn't smart." Scolding Seth kept his distance. Seeing that Auron was watching the two like a hawk. Rook laughed and looked back at Auron, flipping him off causing some minor God's to gasp at their bravery.
"Is....is he coming?" Rook questioned looking at Seth with a pleading look. A heavy sigh was heard and the brunette nodded, Alphonse was looking worried as he looked back at Auron. Who was talking to a God about something and looked back at Rook.
"We.....we don't know if he'll agree. He usually keeps to himself at these things and if Auron saw you with him-" Alphonse clamped his mouth shut seeing Lucien finally walk in. Every noise silenced seeing the God of the Dead, even Auron looked at his every move.
"Lucien, dear. Do you think they have good booze here?" A giggling voice could be heard as a figure leaned against him. The God smiled at them, nodding and snapping his fingers for a gauntlet to be placed in the person's, God's? Hand.
Auron, finally stood putting on a smile looking at Lucien. Who, seemed unimpressed by the whole party as he focused on his plus one. Alphonse smiled as he looked at the person next to the God of the Dead.
"Lucien! It's nice to see you out of your domain. Tell us, who is this person next to you?" Loudly asking, other Gods mumbled and chatted amongst themselves seeing who the person was. Lucien simply smiled and showed them off, as the person was chugging their gauntlet.
"My spouse. You may call them Angel." 'Angel' looked at everyone and smiled widely. Waving excitedly at all the Gods gathering, Seth saw this as a opportunity to get closer to them. Giving a firm nod to Rook, they noticed as well and started going to the God of the Dead. But, sadly Auron saw this and waved his hand causing Rook to float to him as they cursed loudly at him.
This made Angel the God of Justice, glared at the God of Protection, tugging on Lucien's robe. The God with horns turned his head and scowled seeing Auron placing Rook on his lap. It seems he couldn't hide them in this life either, guilt struck the God as he looked Auron in the eyes.
"Oh, you have a lover again? Interesting." Commenting Lucien then turned away and went to the buffet table. Angel still had their eyes on Rook and Auron, glaring at the latter one last time before walking to their lover.
Rook felt their skin crawl as they sat on this bastard's lap, how dare he put them here?! Trying to get up they were held down firmly by Auron, who looked at them straight in the eye's.
"Love?.....Behave." Commanding darkly, Auron then went back to smiling at the guests. Leaving Rook throwing a pleading look at Seth and Alphonse, but a bluenette looked at them with pity and decided to do something.
Going to the God of the Hunt, the God of Stars and the Moon grabbed his arm and smiled. Leaning into the brunettes ear and bluntly stated.
"I know your planning something. Let me help." Simply words mace Seth pause and look at him. Then sighed as Alphonse looked at Seth with a 'We-need-his-help' look, so the brunette began explaining the plan.
"I'm trying to get to Lucien to strike up a deal in Rook's name." Whispering low Seth leaned to Faust. The younger God nodded and turned to Auron who was focusing on Rook.
"And you need a distraction to not look suspicious......On it." Determination was in Faust's eyes as he teleported in front of the 'loving' couple in stars. Seth and Alphonse then hurried to where Lucien and Angel were to get more help in getting Rook away from Auron.
The God of Protection scowled seeing his younger brother in front of him. Before he could shoo him away Faust started to yell at the older God.
"How DARE you! Taking a mortal from their life and trYING TO MAKE THEM A GOD! THAT HAS NEVER OR WON'T EVER WORK!!" Everyone snapped their head's at the brother's that have argued for over centuries. Whisper's rouse as Auron shouted back at him to quiet down and they wuld discuss this later.
"NO!!" Faust's power started to seep into the air as it moved around him. Showing his anger towards his older brother, and one of Faust's hidden eyes saw Seth talking to Lucien.
"What?.....GOING TO SILENCE ME NOW? EVERYONE KNOWS HOW IDIOTIC IT IS TO TURN A MORTAL TO GOD!" Screaming out Faust turned to the crowd of Gods that kept quiet. Some of the older ones gave Auron a look, he was the one that made it a rule. To NEVER turn a mortal to a God unless they EARNED the right and AGREED to be one.
The room hushed into a silence as the two glared at each other. Rook was gently moved out of Auron's lap on to his throne. Faust got into a fighting position as Auron raised his hand, the bluenette looked at Rook and winked.
Making Rook pause before looking away from the argument before them. And seeing Seth pleading to Lucien while discreetly looking at them.
As the argument went on Lucien looked at Seth and spoke in a deep voice as his power slipped into the air.
"Are you FULLY sure Rook wants this?" Looking down at the younger God, who nodded. Alphonse and Angel stood away from them as the pinkette explained to Angel what happened.
"Lucien." Angel turned to their dark lover and clenched his robe in anger looking at Auron. Their eyes of Justice started to glow brightly seeing the scene in front of them. "Free them from their shackles, please."
The was the last straw, Lucien let his dark fog roll down on the ground. Causing Gods to yell in fright as they pushed away from him, the tallest God stalked towards the throne where Rook was sitting. Faust was brought down by Auron's chains, as the red head tried to go back to Rook.
"Enough." The single words made Auron freeze where he was and the room was once again stomped to silence. All saw as the God of the Dead's horns grew as he looked down at Auron.
"I let you be here and do what you pleased. I'm not one for fighting but you forcing my old friend to being in this golden cage? Auron...You KNOW better than to anger ME!" Skeleton arms shoot out form the fog and sinked their claws into Auron. Forcing the God to his knees as he tried to thrash out of the dead's hold, Lucien ignored Auron and approached the throne.
"NO! ROOK-" A Skeleton shot up and clawed at Auron's throat making him cough out blood. His vocal cord being broken at the forced they used to silence him. Faust's chains were broken, he was helped up then went back to Seth and Alphonse who signaled Finn to heal him.
Lucien went down to one knee as he held Rook's hand, they looked at the God with hope. It was weird usually he got a look of fear when he approached a mortal, but Rook was always a weird mortal.
"Rook, my old friend. I helped you before, giving you a knife to end the protection Auron had on you. But, I failed to try and keep you hidden..." Sorrow was in his words as he looked at their face. Rook simply smiled and decided to ask him of a deal.
"I want my freedom and to NEVER be under Auron's hand again...But I know it comes with a price....." Gods started to whisper hearing the deal the mortal told the God of the Dead. Lucien nodded and materialized a contract before him, letting it go to Rook.
"It would cost your soul. I couldn't protect you after you were reincarnated....But if you were....forever dead, I could make sure Auron can NEVER have you again." Whispering to them, Rook took in a sharp breath and nodded. A feather pen materialized in their hand as they singed their name on the contract.
"no....no no no no nO.....NONONONONONONO??!!" Auron howled as he thrashed his head away from the skeleton behind him. The red heads power started showing as he set himself on a protective fire to burn the souls holding him down.
Lucien was about to summon a knife once again, but Rook held up a hand making the God of the Dead to pause. Rook then showed off the poison they had, everyone gasped seeing what it was. Lucien then stood as Rook got off the throne and went in front of Auron.
The God of Protection started acting insane, his hair going wild as his power tried freeing him. Faust looked at Rook with sad eyes, he knew them once and knew this was a hard decision for them. Seth looked at them with a sad smile and Alphonse began crying into his hands.
Glass shattered on the floor, Auron's howls echoed through the throne room and Gods all having different reactions. In the chaos, Lucien closed Rook's eyes and held out a hand to Angel. The lover of the God of the Dead went to him but paused before Auron, his face filled with tears as blood dripped from his throat and body.
"Check mate, Auron." Final words were said as Rook downed the whole vile of poison.
They began choking holding their throat as black filled their veins showing everyone a painful death. Rook's eye's rolled into their head as they fell back into Lucien's arms, slowly their arms fell.
"How dare you bring injustice to this mortal. To cause them to go this far, I hope you suffer from this till the day you slit your own throat. BASTARD!" Scoffing at Auron who started trying to grab them, Angel continued walking to Lucien. With one final smile to the Gods that helped Rook, the couple vanished into thin air.
Leaving behind a broken God, too consumed by the consequences of his own actions. Along with other Gods questioning if letting Auron lead them was even a good choice anymore.
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lesbiantrish · 1 month
Would love to hear ur words and thoughts on thasmin and doctorriver parallels plsplspls my (theta) sigma
omg ofc my sigma spencer theheh… pos…
so i really need to rewatch eleven but! here r the things i can think of rn :3
so imo yowzah is what would have happened if thasmin had more time. river and theta have known each other for ions, plus the fact river is part time lord. aka the scene where eleven finds out river is a “time lord”. you can see the look of excitement on his face here. (i had this gif saved)
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it’s this moment of joy and hope on his face. “maybes there’s a chance for me to be happy”. he knows it still ends it flames, but maybe he can be happy for longer this time.
they knew each other for so long, it still wasn’t enough.
he knew there was a better chance. so in my mind thirteen could let herself be loved by Yaz if she knew they had time.
also: in my mind yowzah isn’t a cishet relationship, but they appear that way right? also imo eleven is just so oblivious to social cues he wouldnt care who he dates 😭….
but then in my mind thirteen is 100% a lesbian. again, i think yowzah is what thasmin could have become if there weren’t these outware obstacles. in this instance, how thirteen may feel about loving a woman. aka: comphet. that wasn’t a problem for eleven and river, so! (adding onto this; even the way thirteen talked about river: “i was a different man back then” imo kinda alludes to “well yeah i was able to love her as a man, but i cannot love her because i am a woman.”
also! river “knew” eleven from day one right? he regenerates: he already knew river. this is similar to thasmin as yaz and thirteen knew each other from day one as well.
i also think yknow river is a certain way, right? she’s very out there. she matches eleven’s anger, etc etc. yaz isn’t like that. we see a few moments where she gets fed up with thirteen, but never to the point river did with eleven. river didn’t take any bs from anyone, especially not theta. so i think maybe if yaz had been more direct, things would have gone differently. yaz was more direct during lotsd, but most of it is internalized. and yeah i think that is her comphet and im not blaming her, just a thought.
kind of said this before, but i think if thirteen knew she was allowed to love yaz, she would have. this has multiple meanings but this time i mean like. eleven doesnt want to love river at first, right? but he knows he is allowed to. because she knows his future, and that’s what they become.
thirteen didnt know yaz in the way eleven knew river. i think this speaks a lot.
like i said: i need to rewatch eleven but these r my main points for now!!! tyyyy ily <33
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flowers-for-em · 4 months
hope you’re having a good day 🤭
I js wanted help from you bc I wanted to know if you have any ideas for cool superpowers/elements to manipulate for ocs? I have 3-4 temporary ones for my wip but I want some less mainstream ones that don’t have much rep?
felt like you could help maybeeee <3
tyyyy ily 🫶✨
that sounds so cool jahsdaskjd when i tell you i have so many oc's with magic and now i suddenly cant remember them for shit-
i've always had the idea of making on oc have the 'illusion' ability? so basically they can create illusions so strong that they actually feel real. so like they could make a replica of themselves and no one would no its an illusion/fake of them until the oc stops it. and they can do like room's create fake houses all that - imo they would be very powerful (idk if i explained that well enough lol)
dreamwalking (idk what its called) where you can enter people dreams and have full control over what they believe/think to the point of when they wake up they'll listen to you if you show yourself to them because you're in their dreams so ofc they trust you?? (again idk if that made sense)
others are shape shifter, lightning (like electricity), mind control, teleportation, time control, light/dark manipulation, ability absorption, lie detection/emotion reading thats all i can think of for now lol
lemme know if this helped!
ilymm <333
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osarina · 5 months
okay so i read the newest part really late last night so i read it again just now and i SGABGHFHVJDHGJFF i have many things to say
“I’ll be back later tonight… wait for me?” “Yeah,” you finally agree, voice wavering. “I’ll wait for you.” hey now. that one kinda hurt.
“Fate, the word haunts him, curses him, he wants to spit in its face but every passing day reminds him that the gods must be laughing down at him.” IM ABOUT TO THROW HANDS W FATE IDGAF 
“i am NOT coming to ur funeral.” our friends are so real tho 😭😭😭
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“and god, you want him.” YES TF I DO ‼️‼️
“it’s unfair, you might die” CARINA WE TALKED ABOUT THIS
“The man lets out a sigh of what can only be utter suffering, lifting his head to look up to the ceiling as if asking a higher deity ‘why me?’” chuuya ily you don’t get paid enough to deal with dazais shit
“the way you meet him (although you’re always the one to find him), the way you die (he always finds you though),” hey so what the fuck.
the sunsets im sobbing 😭
WALKING TO THE EDGE OF THE ROOF??? AND STAYING THERE???? that shit made me so nervous my heart was in my ass for the entirety of this scene
the pov change at the end omfg i wanted to cry
UGH anyways ty for listening to my ramblings ily and your writing have a great day/night!! 🫶
dazai and his legendary beef with hate will never not make me snort - every time someone comments or sends an ask about it, it makes me giggle because this man is TRULY ready to throw hands with gods at this point
NOOOO WE LOVE THE FLASHBACKS <33333 it's not the end of them either!!!
I WAS SOOOOO EXCITED TO WRITE THE KISS - i wanted i to be in chapter 2 soooo bad but i just couldn't figure out a way to cleanly weave it in so i had to push it off</3 BUT I THINK IT WAS WORTH IT
HELP MEEEEE I CAN'T HELP IT also it's partially because i'm dramatic and every time something slightly inconvenient happens im seeking death so </3
CHUUYA IS SOOOO FUNNY BC YOU KNOW HE'S SO SICK OF DAZAI'S BULLSHIT LOLLLL poor man questions his existence every day
the pov change was such a last minute decision BUT im rlly happy i went with it because it also gave me an idea for uu6 that i think im going to try to implement so we shall see how it goes
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JUNGKOOK WASNT ABLE TO BE THERE WITH HER BEFORE SHE DIED????? IM SO SO SO SO SAD RIGHT NOW :(((( and he passed away from a broken heart im literally torn to shambles
once again, your writing is amazing 🫶🥹 loved all the details you put into this story
Yup there we go rip 😭💔
Damnnnnnnnn 💀
I am so very sorry but it had to be done 😭😭😭 tyyyy for saying that 💞
Good luck with chapter 13 bby 🏃‍♀️💨
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sojutrait · 2 years
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hehe back for a tiny bit to clean out my inbox bc i dont wanna leave yall hanging for a month jkdskf aLSO anons are gonna be turned off while im gone
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TYYY omg the fact that you even took the time to catch up on them means the world, ik its alot dkfkd 🤧🤧💖💖
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it essentially overrides your cas lighting to something better. you just pick whichever you like and put the package file in ur mods folder, thats it (you can only have one in ur game at at time tho) :)
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 youre really this upset bc a sims blog didnt answer an editing question to your satisfaction😭😭😭 how does ones life go downhill this bad-
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ty ily more ! 🤧💖💖
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TYYYY PLZ 😭😭💖💖 dw i have no plans of stopping anytime soon (well minus this break dkjfkg) but again ty! good luck on ur legacy!
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my tag is simsforsoju but in addition to that i dont usually go to tags, i go to creators directly like servegrilledcheese or simsontherope
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i use this
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sunaluvr · 4 years
Hey baby! Wondering if I could get a personality matchup? I' an INFP-T, very motherly and calm unless someone threatens someone close to me. I have trauma with touch and can't handle being yelled at, but when I'm comfortable, I'm very touchy if that person's comfortable! Head pats, hugs, hand holding, the whole deal. I love to sketch/color, write, read, and spin circles in the rain. I find beauty in small things! If you don't want to, that's alright, congrats on 100+! Love youuu-
ahhh hi!! tyyyy n ily too!!
i ship u with.. yamaguchi tadashi ♡
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he's v respectful at the beginning of ur relationship and always asks before he touches you!!
he's patient and won't make you rush into anything
but when u get comfy enough with him he's over the moon!!
he's always holding your hand with a shy smile on his face
also he loves head pats so pls give him lots 🥺
he goes like >_<
everyone thinks u guys are so cute shfjjf
and are they wrong??? absolutely not
he loves that u find beauty in the small things!! it's something he really appreciates about you
he finds that ever since he's been with you, he pays attention to the little details
especially the little details about you
all the special details that make you you? the way your eyes crinkle when you smile, the way your hands fit so perfectly into his?
yeah he's got all of that memorized
he definitely has a polaroid of you drawing or writing in his phone case 🥺
he gets so excited whenever u make something new!!
he's your biggest hypeman :')
"wow baby!! that's amazing!! lemme see it again!!"
also u guys get ur romantic moment of dancing in the rain!!
it's in a secluded place otherwise he'd be super embarrassed but you guys just wrap your arms around each other and close your eyes and sway
and that's one of his favorite memories with you
headcanon is that he sends you those "let's play 8 ball" texts djfjdj
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kot-bokutoo · 3 years
sorry it took me so long daddy ily I hope you’re staying hydrated and you too grim!!🐾❤️
The sounds of his moans, along with his thrusts have me tightening up even more around his cock. With a soft little cry I dig face back into his shoulder, fingers sloppily rubbing my clit in hopes I’ll finish again along side him.
P-please daddy, wanna b-be filled by you. Please~ y-you’re so big.. s-s’good fuck…
(HEHE I’ll try)
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I know baby..I know. Just hold onto daddy’s arms, L….
He continues to slam into you, over and over. He’s a mess of moans and sweat. He presses soft kisses into your skin, nipping slightly.
Sweet..sweet baby.. so good for me..fuck..I feel like im..gonna cum again..second time ..in..in a row..
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daykevin · 4 years
em!! congrats on 800! could i join your lit fam as david kostyk, leo valdez, or adam parrish? for the quote: i am the master of my fate, i am the captain of my soul. congrats again 🧡
ily simone tyyyy <3 you’ve been added as david kostyk
join my lit fam!
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shibaraki · 2 years
hello monty <3
i have returned from the depths yet again with many thoughts
1) ur aizawa fic made me scream into my pillows and slam my head into the wall omfg ily pls (♡∀♡)
2) ur new theme is so fucking cute wtf i love it holy shit (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
3) the hinata fic. u knew what u were doing. I NEVER LIKED HIM LIKE THAT BUT WTF
rio hinata making me feel some typa way omggggg (✪ω✪)
anyways i hope u are living a lovely lovely life keep writing pls ur so good at it and i just love reading everything you write
sending you love (❁´◡`❁)
- lemz (◍•ᴗ•◍)
hi sweetheart !! aah I’m so so glad you liked both the aizawa and the hinata fic (ㅇㅅㅇ) ilyily they were a lot of fun to work on! and TYYYY I’ve been wanting a cuter theme for a while now so this one is perfect. I hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself !! always happy to see you back in my inbox ^^
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yuzukiyukariv4x · 7 years
i am the Tagged
got tagged by @kanrose fuwaaa tyyyy uwu~~
Name: Gaby uwu
Gender: girl
Star Sign: scorpio
What's your current wallpaper: aaa i don't have a functional laptop rn so here's my phone background tho (exposed as idol trash shit, credit below)
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Have you ever had a crush on a teacher: fuck no lol
If you could be someone else rn, who and where would you be: hmm i don't think there's anyone id *want* to be, that's kinda creepy, but i would like to be with bae and friends rn~ someday fuwa
Coolest halloween costume: uhhh i was always just disney princesses and i got out of costumes at like 12 lol
Favorite 90s tv show: i don't think i have any, I'm not deserving of being a 90s kid
Who was your last kiss: Death (i haven't been kissed yet)
Have you ever been to Las Vagas: nope, and i don't plan to go anytime soon lol rather not waste money like that, i only gamble for pretty anime girl jpegs
Favorite shoes: id say my current pair of converse, they're white with detailed pink roses all over, they're pretty~
Favorite Fruit: apples, for all the sinners out there
Favorite book: id prob have one if the only ones I've ever read weren't young adult novels
What's the stupidest thing you've ever done: What Makes You Think You Deserve To Know lol
aaa anyone can do this if you want, ily again lys tyyy uwu
background credit to @nakamateruma http://nakamateruma.tumblr.com/post/152903491319/idolmster-cinderella-girls-shimamura-uzuki 
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bokuroaka · 4 years
ily and I'm proud of u and I also think it is SO funny how hard and fast you fell for juyeon . ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ also *points and laughs at the stem major*
AWW ty also i cannot help it im just bi... i think the stem major part is deserved though. also tyyyy again i love u thank u for sticking w me for so long LOL
anonymously tell me ur honest opinion of me
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