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cass-artblog · 4 months ago
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Mouthwashing gave me so many thoughts and hit home in a lot of ways.
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machinegrl · 11 months ago
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dross-the-fish · 1 year ago
personally I'd love to see your even scarier and gorier art. The way people come into your inbox talking about your art being "too scary" or "too dark" when you are illustrating characters and concepts from *horror novels* boggles my mind.
in all fairness it's kind of my own doing. most of what I write or draw on this blog is fluff. It tends to be very indulgent, feel good drabbles and doodles. Which I like as much as anyone but I feel like it has given the impression that my characters and AU are softer than they actually are. Here's an example of one of the more "scary" sketches I did. it's just concept art for now but it's the scene where Hyde murders Carew. I headcanon that Edward's shape isn't totally static, that's part of why no one can really pinpoint what's "wrong" about him, because he slides a scale between human and inhuman depending on his mood. This is directly a result of Edward being what Henry makes of him. The more Henry thinks of him as a monster the more monstrous he can become and the harder it is for Henry to control Edward's impulses, which are his own impulses. I picture this is the first time Henry really lost control and was shocked to find himself in that state, barely human, nothing but wordless instinct and a deep burning hatred the likes of which he had never imagined himself capable.
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mrbexwrites · 17 days ago
OC Kiss 2025- Mavis & Arnauld
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Series: Blood Covenant Pairing:Mavis Baird & Arnauld Beaufort (enemies to grudging allies) Warnings: blood mention, gun violence, act of terrorism Word count: 751
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I didn’t feel pain; only the impact as the bullet lodged itself into my left shoulder. I gritted my teeth, and forced myself onwards, ignoring the warmth of the blood as it ran down my arm, slicking my hand, where I had, by some miracle, managed to keep a grip of the knife. My target, the Archeon, a leader of demons, lowered the silenced pistol, tucking it into his suit jacket. Several of the startled party guests, soaked by the overhead sprinklers, ran past him, and for a second, I lost sight of him. I thought he would have used the scared herd to make his own escape, but as they made their way to the fire exit, he was still there. His blue eyes met mine, and I could have sworn that the corners of his mouth twitched into a hint of a smile. He adjusted the cufflinks of his shirtsleeves, smoothing his navy blue suit. He stood like he had all the time in the world, nonchalantly waiting for me to send him back to hell. “I assume that this is your doing, Mavis?” He had to shout to be heard over the fire alarm that rang out, and the screams of the fearful crowds that remained in the art gallery. Below me, I could hear the pops of gunfire as the rest of the Hunters made their way through the crowds, dealing with the lesser demons in the building. With my free hand, I tried to push my thumb into my shoulder, stemming the bleeding, but only managed to lodge the bullet further into the shoulder socket. My white shirt, my disguise to blend in with the wait staff, was stained red. Around me, the paint from the canvas was running down the walls, and several paintings had disintegrated due to the amount of water being released. “Such a waste.” The Archeon shook his head sadly. His sandy hair was plastered to his head, and rivulets ran down his face into his neatly trimmed beard. I didn’t have much time left; I could hear the others shouting. I hoped that most of the civilians had made it to safety. A few casualties would be worth it; a regrettable price to pay for putting an end to the life of the demon who stood before me. I swung out as best as I could, but he simply stepped backwards out of my range, the knife not even slicing the material of his jacket. He caught my wrist, twisting it painfully, and the blade fell from my bloodied hand. I winced in pain, as the fire tore up my arm to my shoulder. With his other hand, he grabbed me by the neck and slammed me into the wall, knocking the wind from my lungs. Spots danced before my eyes as my head bounced against the exposed brickwork. “It’s such a shame that we have to meet like this, Mave.” His eyes darted quickly, as if he was trying to study my face. I tried to pull myself free, but he was stronger, and had me in a firm grip. He hushed me, and shook his head sadly. “She never wanted this for you, you know that don’t you?” “Go to back hell,” I bared my teeth at him, and tried again, in vain, to break free of his grip. “It’s not a place I’ve been to,” his lips quirked again into an almost-smile. “I have to admit that you’ve actually surprised me. I never thought James and his crew would ever dare to attack in public.” Good; I had to keep him talking. I could just run down the clock. I couldn’t look at my watch to know how much longer we had, but it couldn’t be long. I felt at peace; my sacrifice would allow my father to achieve our mission, and I’d have helped defeat an Archeon. He kissed me, fiercely and passionately. His lips were pressed to mine, and the whiskers of his beard brushed against my face. His eyes widened and he stumbled backward, clutching his abdomen. With the back of one hand, I wiped my lips, spitting out blood. With the other, I tossed away his gun that I had unloaded into him. “I’ll see you in hell,” I gave him a bloody grin as the building shook as the first of the explosives we’d rigged to the supports blew. The world ended in a flash of white, roaring heat, and then blackness.
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johanirae · 1 year ago
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FFXVI Comic | Confession (part 1/2) (Part 2 here)
Inspired by the information in Ultimania that whilst Terence had been the one to confess to Dion after an injury, Dion had been the one to pursue a relationship.
Set when both were 18 years old
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ocean-eyeslnrp · 11 months ago
For: @theartofruling (Damien and Ace) Where: Ace's Apartment in Dark World She had just been expecting a typical check in from one of her crew members. She had been hiding from the fact that the veil was down and knew that her dad was possibly looking for her. She just hadn't expected it to be in someone she knew, so when the fight broke out in her place, she was putting up a good fight but once he had her pinned to the floor and his hands around her throat. She was clawing trying to figure out how to get away.
She remembered being in this situation times before in her life with her father. His grip no where near as tight as it was now. His reason was fair though as she forced out how sorry she was over and over again, with tears streaming down her face. Ace was gasping for breath when all of a sudden air rushed back into her lungs. She was pushing herself up to sitting, cough at the rushes of air she was taking in. "Damien?" She said horsely, reaching for her throat, before she noticed her father inhabited body laying against the wall across her bedroom. She rushed herself shakily to her feet, "kill him." She said looking at her friend. "Do something, I don't know what but dad's in there."
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look-i-love-u · 1 year ago
Galladrabbles - Sworn Enemy
This is part 20 of my true crime!podcaster AU for the @galladrabbles no 90 set by @sickness-health-all-that-shit.
You can read the series from the beginning: HERE
“He’s in Mexico.”
Ian blinks, his thoughts trying to catch up..
“My dad.” Mickey whispers. Ian swallows and stays silent.
Mickey won’t meet his eye. Ian hopes he’ll keep talking… till Mickey actually does.
“We got some product.” He looks over the sea of green leaves in the warehouse. “Him and me. It was a trick. Should have known. He… there was a woman. A gun….it fucking hurt. And then I hurt them. There was a lot of blood. The sand was red with it. I buried them. In a ditch… left, returned to the city alone…Now you know…
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feraecor · 1 year ago
Zibrei's Flight: Lova'kiir
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Lova'kiir, new name, one purpose, no more scars.
Simply known formerly as Pra'an, he was simply a body to be used. A scapegoat, meant to be abused and thrown about in aggressive rages. Its all weaker smaller males are good for anyways. The only reason the flights of other males take them in, feed and care for them, so they have a healthy outlet so they don't get out of control.
Unfortunate for his flight that they were involved in the attack and murder of Zibrei's brother. As soon as she was old enough, she sought and absolutely wrecked the group of males. She tore through their ranks with the single mindedness of a trained solider, no rage, no emotion other than a cold need for justice in her eyes.
Eleven lives snuffed out in a brutal massacre much needed. When Zibrei came upon the heavily scarred huddled figure in the back of their nest, she simply nudged him with her blood covered foot and told him to follow her.
He became a devoted followed of Diyei, a survivor and strict believer in his cause. Their society was flawed and damaged and needed to be cleansed. It helped that Diyei gifted him an unflawed human form, free of scars. No visible evidence to his past. He helped set up a network of the weaker, "lower" classed Rhoa'ni that wanted to help but were stuck like he was. He made himself their master of the reconnaissance and information.
Zibrei was his light, his savior and he would do anything to prove that he was worthy of her mercy. It took him a while but he eventually seduced the Enforcer, endearing himself to her and making himself invaulable to the cause. Zibrei knew how he felt, knew what he wanted and eventually added him to the flight.
Lova'kiir was useful, devoted to her and her father and not a bad lay and obsessed with her, why not have him around?
Small for a Rhoa'ni, Lova'kiir is 5'10" in his human form, lithely built with more pronounced upper body muscles because of constant flight in his human form. While his human form has all Rhoa'ni features such as horns, wings, tail, etc, he rarely shifts back to his dragon form. Lova'kiir hates appearing weak, doesn't want his scars stared at, doesn't want any one to be reminded of what he once was. He's different now, beautiful and strong and Zibrei's.
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ofwondersandhares · 1 year ago
character info sheet. (Trigger Warnings!)
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Name. Darius Shelters
Name meaning. Upholder of good, but lets face it, the meaning behind his name has no reflection on who he is as a person.
Alias.( ses ). Dare.
two picture's you like of your character.
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three headcanons you never told anyone.
i: He was abandoned by his birth parents when he was born in Wonderland, unaware until just recently he had a twin sister who his parents took with them to another realm. He was taken in by an orphanage until he ran away when he was 14 years old, it was then when his life literally went to hell for years after
ii) Shortly after taking to the streets and getting into all the bad wonders Wonderland had offered, Darius first discovered how powerful his telekinesis was when he was barely 14 years old. He was ganged up by a group of men who corned him in an alley and tried to brutally rape him. They did not succeed, because he had unleashed his abilities, and killed them before they had the chance. Not many people know this about his past, not even his twin sister.
iii) After the brutal killing of the men, he was taken in by a man named Demetrius (muse of @saidthecaterpillar) for a short while before he stumbled upon Alexander Heart who took him under his wing for a time before Darius was ready to branch out on his own, eventually becoming a wonder dealer himself and opening up his own "tea" shop where he sells the wonders (aka emotions) to the denizens of Wonderland.
three things your character likes to do in their free time.
i : Running his "teashop". ii. Playing Cards iii. Tea Time
three people your character loves.
Asher (muse of @thornstocutyouwith) Ah yes, that damn Cheshire cat. These two have been through a lot, in their verse their story was definitely a slow burn but Asher is one of the very few people that Darius has connected with on an emotional and physical level. It takes a lot, and I do mean a lot to get Darius's heart, much less his attention, and Asher is someone he dearly loves and devotes himself to. (Because lets face it, Darius isn't an easy person to love.)
Darla - They have a lot to catch up on considering up until just recently they were complete strangers, however, he knew from the moment he met her that she was blood. He does want to know her more and has grown protective of her in the short time she has stayed in Wonderland to get to know him. It is a process that is going to take time, but he holds a kinship with her that only a twin sibling could.
Gabe. (muse of @saidthecaterpillar) Gabriel and Darius have a long history, dating back to when he was much younger. Their connection was instant, and has managed to stay strong throughout the years they have been a couple. In their verse, Gabriel has always been Darius's anchor and he would quite literally choose saving his life over the life of even his own sister. (except for one little hiccup where he left Wonderland with Alice, but he had been expecting Gabe to follow. When Gabe didn't, he tried to make things work in Alice's Wonderland but knew he never loved her, Gabe was the main reason he returned.)
two things your character regrets.
i) In the verse with Gabe (muse of @saidthecaterpillar) his main regret has always been leaving Wonderland with Alice.
ii) In the verse with Asher (muse of @thornstocutyouwith) his main regret has been allowing things to become so jaded between him and their daughter, Sage.
three phobia's (Fears) your character has.
i) Losing his telekinesis ability and thus not being able to protect the people he actually cares about
ii) Losing his significant other in one form or another
iii) Being buried alive.
Tagged by @void-foxy (thank you!)
Tagging: @thornstocutyouwith @saidthecaterpillar @chaoticrebels @notquiteahitman @luposcainus @manyimaginativemuses @redeyesfangsandmagic
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years ago
Silent Judgement in Evergreen Forest
TW: Murder, TW: Blood, TW: Death, TW: Violence; TW: Alcohol ; TW: Guns
Characters: Ian Snapshot, Unknown Lieutenant General, Unknown Assistant, Several Army officials.
Originally written: 12th September 2022
„Evergreen Forest so deep and dark you will never be seen
Evergreen Forest were they all go, never hear their screams“
Or something like that, he honestly could not remember, how that poem was going, or was it a lullaby?
It no longer mattered.
What however did, was he was stuck here, in this bunker, in the forest that was mentioned in the lines he thought about, he was in here, with twenty-two other people.
All of them war veterans, military personnel with different rank and name, members or the brass, Corporals, Sergeants, Lieutenants, Majors, Colonels etc. etc.
With him, sitting here, with them in the dining room of this block of concrete, eating their meal, except for him and he hated every moment of it.
Of course he knew them all, personally and by name, but that did not mean he had to like them.
Drinking and eating, socialising as if there were no problems, boasting about accomplishments none of those around him ever did or talking about medals they didn’t deserve to wear.
He was not participating in this gourmet orgy as his “colleagues” did as they had done in the last few days, all of them having lower ranks than his.
Scratching his wounded ear, the general let out a snort, wondering for exactly how long things would continue to go like this.
The reasons all of them were here was simple, the government had gotten information that all of their lives were in danger, someone was out there to get them, he did not know why exactly, but given all the blood they had on their hands, he had lost sight of the enemies they had made over the many years he had served in the army.
At this point, he honestly didn’t care, he had figured out something, the others did not, and if they were too dense to notice the signs, than that was one them.
While he was fighting at the front with his soldiers, the rest in this room sat with their lazy behinds in their tents, smoking and drinking as they barked orders to their subordinates who died in the heat of battle, while they waited safe and secure behind the lines, and hoping they would get another pad on the back by the state with words of praise and honour.
Oh he loathed all of them, he was not a person who exaggerated, however in this case he could say without any doubt, that he, in this room, was the only one, who earned his rank truthfully, and his body was proof for that. He was the only one he cared about.
Well, except maybe for his assistant who for minutes now had tried to peel an orange for him, as he had ordered, yet, their progress was, sobering.
Rolling his eyes he let out a sigh, he was getting too old for all of this nonsense.
„Just, just give it to me already.“
He could feel how the anxious cheetah flinched for a moment, before handing the fruit to him, instead of using a knife, he held the fruit in his hand, as he used his very own teeth to cut into the skin of the orange, before pressing it against his chest, peeling the orange in hand.
„S-Sorry General Sir.“
„Eh, it could be worse.“
For example, being in this place any minute longer, he was wondering when the moment came he would start to suffer from lockdown fatigue.
Looking up he observed the cheetah again, his personal aide-de-camp
Was the army nowadays so desperate that they were taking anyone now?
He knew, that his assistant had the heart on the right place, but darn were they an anxious wreck, they were loyal of course, perhaps a bit oblivious but was it so hard to get competent help these days?
The sound of something, rolling caught his and, as he noticed, his assistants attention, it was not difficult to take a guess, what was happening and who entered the scene.
A short black-footed cat, wearing formal-wear that made him shine out from the military personnel, he looked as tense as his aide-de-camp and had his eyes were half closed.
One their second day they all got here, he introduced himself to them, as their personal waiter, for their stay in the bunker, bringing them their meals each day, but also, offering other luxury goods, like tobacco or alcohol.
The before mentioned was being wheeled in a metal cart, its surface covered with a white table cloth that reached nearly to the floor, with only an inch or two of air between the ground and the fabric.
Whiskey, brandy, gin, absinth, wine etc. etc. everything a bunch of war veterans could wish for, together with two boxes of cigars being on the cart as the cat waiter wheeled it in with what appeared to be, great effort.
The general could hear how all the others, with their ranks cheered when they saw what was brought in the midst of them eating their dinner, only he, his assistant and the waiter remained silent.
Firstly of course, he was approached by the waiter, but, he swiftly declined, he was not in the mood of drinking or smoking, he wanted to be out of this stuffy, and in his view rather small room, that was cramped with chairs and a large table, that was all in his view an obstacle for someone to walk, or run.
Not that this was something he thought about of course, he just wanted to be gone.
Looking a the black-footed cat, he saw how the small waiter walked to the person, with the next highest rank beside of him, the colonel.
A tall figure, with countless of honours and medals on his uniform, laughing about some anecdote from his life of the military he had just told, which the general wondered if it really happened as he had told it, noticing the presence of the waiter, he grinned giving him praise before telling him what sort of drink he wanted from the cat.
He wanted to leave, and he was going to do that now.
Silently he ordered the cheetah to the door of the conference room, which, obviously they had no need for, giving that they were just waiting it out until the government would give them, their ok for them to leave.
But he wanted to be alone, or, as alone as that was possible with his aide-de-camp moving with him as they approached the door.
An angry shout caused the general to turn his head, as he was searching trough his jacket for his personal identification card
From what he could see, was, that the shaky and tense waiter, had accidentality spilled a bit of the alcoholic beverage he filled in the whiskey glass of the colonel, on the table.
Reasons enough for the colonel to throw an angry fit because, yes, he had to show one last time his potency, searching for any excuse to yell at someone who had a lower rank, or none at all so he could display how great, strong and mighty he believed to be.
Yeah, he would really not miss the Colonel when he would die.
Which was going to happen soon anyway.
Moving his head again, looking at the door as he was opening it with his ID, it was a sturdy and well reinforced door, but of course he knew, that it couldn’t stop anything in the end or prevent the unstoppable.
As he looked up he breathed out before addressing the cheetah.
“Lets go in this room, these idiots have not noticed a single thing yet.”
Before his feline assistant could ask him what he meant with that, he was interrupted by a loud voice that went trough the whole room. Everyone was silent and no one moved.
“Care to enlighten us, what you mean general?”
Oh him thinking out loud always caused some trouble, but well, he didn’t care, especially not right now or that it involved the Colonel.
Giving his assistant an order with a hand sign, he turned around to look at them all, but especially at the colonel, as their views were focused on him.
“You really want to tell me that you and the others have not seen it yet, colonel?”
“Seen what? A ghost or a phantom perhaps?-”
With a grin, he took emptied the glass with the alcoholic drink in one gulp, putting it down with a loud “thump” sound, as he exhaled satisfied, causing him, the general to roll his eyes, before the colonel continued with confidence to talk, at the same moment as he was eating a piece of the rest of the rare steak that was on his plate.
“-we have been here safe and sound for the last two weeks. Face it general, I think that at this point, it can be said what we all are thinking in this room. The danger, of an assassination of us, was merely a false alarm, a rumour out of proportion from reality-”
Letting out a deep laugh, he could see how the colonel did not care that some of the steaks sauce, was dropping on his uniform or on the floor, neither did anyone else, the only person moving was just the waiter, who appeared, calmer, having placed his hands casually on the cart, as the black-footed cat gave a soft grin, and observed the general with curiosity with his half closed eyes.
“-but I welcome this situation. In this last fourteen days we have gotten excellent service without having to lift a finger, having been supplied trough the tax payers money.”
This time the whole table of war veterans was laughing, his assistant gave him a look, with the general noticing that he was feeling unwell, he did not had to worry any longer.
He ordered his aide-de-camp to go in the room before him, moving the last few feet into the room himself, before, thanks to his assistant, turning around again, facing the group of people he had no respect for, one last time.
“For two weeks, we have been in this location indeed, a place the government has brought us discreetly for our own safety. In two weeks you have enough time to figure out were our defence it the weakest, and finding a place to take out everyone at once.”
Either way really, oblivious to what he had just said, or having not listened at all to him, the Colonel put another piece of steak into his mouth, as he turned to the general.
“Pah, and were should that position be you old oaf? And were do you think the assassin would be?”
Ignoring the childish insult, he didn’t grin as he prepared his answer, he wanted to tell it to them as straight and plainly as possible.
“Why, this very room were you are all sitting of course, and they are here in plain sight.”
It had gone quiet, but before anyone else could have said anything, he continued.
“Let me all ask you something. In a bunker only we should know about, why would there be a waiter in formal clothing?”
They all were now looking at the black footed cat who for the first time was opening his eyes.
He, the general was already closing the door to the conference room with his plastic identification card, as he saw in the gap that became smaller every moment, as the cat had pulled a gun from under the cart.
One second lieutenant and a sergeant major who sat in front of the waiter were their first victims, getting shot into the back of their heads, before they could have reacted.
For a moment he could hear the shouts and screams of alarm, then the door was finally closed.
Of course, he and his assistant still could hear the fight going on, as the general moved away from the door by himself.
Several guns were being fired at once, obviously they all were armed for their own safety, but, the general had a feeling, it was not going to help his “colleagues” at all.
More of the weapons fell silent, and so did the muffled shouts and screams of the army officials, who all were murdered behind the door.
He was not afraid of whatever would happen now, at least he would die not with the rest and his body would be found in a separate room.
Looking up, he glanced for the first time at his aide-de-camp after the massacre started.
Oh they were not doing well, even if they tried to remain collected, he could see how their chest was rising, the poor fella was going to have a stroke any second now if he was not calming down.
“Listen...they are here for me, not you, don’t do anything provoking and you will get out of here just fine, do you understand?”
Despite him squeezing his assistants hand with his for reassurance, it appeared that the cheetah was too much in shock, to having heard anything he had just said to them, they were just breathing desperately for more air.
As the sounds of the army personnel getting slaughtered grew more quiet, he allowed himself to linger in his thoughts for a moment, before the inevitable would happen.
Once again, he thought about, what exactly the reason could be for this assassination. But no matter what, he could not think of a specific one.
But well, over his career certainly something must have happened, that involved the others who were, so he assumed by now, dead.
After all, he did not loose one eye, hand, leg and ear for nothing.
Hearing a “click” sound, he focused on the door , which as slowly as it had closed, opened again.
Preparing himself, he focused on it, but not immediately on the waiter who turned out to be a killer, instead of what was behind him.
A battlefield in one room, with motionless bodies of twenty war veterans, the grey concrete floor, soaking in a film of blood that continued to spread, with their guns now useless, soaking in the body liquids of their users.
On the table he could see the Colonel, his mouth wide open, as if in his last moments he was screaming, or in shock, being in disbelieve of what was happening, and that he would pay with his own life, instead of taking one of the many as he did in the past.
There was no sympathy he felt for him, or the other who laid there dead
His focus was shifted again, now to the one who he had suspected for some time now, but did not say anything because, well, he, the general saw no reason to do so.
No longer did he smile or was tense and his eyes were still open, in his left hand he held his gun while in the other he held a bundle of dog tags, that were coated with fresh blood, that continued to drip on the floor. His focus was only on one person now, him.
Yet before a word could be exchanged or another action happen between the two, someone else took the imitative, taking their gun and pointing it at the assailant as they let out a roar.
“No you idiot, don’t!”
Not a single shot was fired at first, too fast in zigzag did the in blood soaked cat move, dropping their besmirched gun on the table, he grabbed the cheetahs arm that held the gun who frantically pulled the trigger, the bullets either way hitting the ceiling, wall, floor or table, but not one of them, sooner than expected by the general, the gun was empty.
Letting go of his arm, instead the cat balled his hands to fists and before the aide-de-camp could react, already had one of them in their stomach, and the other punching him in his face, causing him to fall on the ground.
“Enough! It’s me you want, leave them alone, they are too young...to be your target.”
Looking his words were now directed to his assistant.
“And you, don’t move, or else he will kill you.”
For a moment he felt how there was an expression of concern, and worry on his usually stoic face, seeing the cheetah coiling themselves on the ground, the blows were strong, but, nothing was broken and they would live and be alright.
His focus shifted to the attacker, who like him had his focus now on his opponent.
Placing his hand on his lab, he gave him unmistakably the sign that he would not fight back.
“Before you end me, let me ask one thing, who send you?”
There was a short “heh” coming from the cats mouth, before their lips start to move.
“No one, this is entirely, personal.”
The black-footed cats voice, sounded so calm and collected, and not out of breath or exhausted despite the fact, that he had just killed twenty people, and incapacitated one.
“Then do it for what you have come for, at least, I don’t die in the same room with those other bastards.”
He did expect that the killer would grab his gun now, but instead they approached him, with the in blood painted dog-tags still in his hands.
“Oh believe me, killing a Lieutenant General would certainly be a performance, but you were not there, when my whole existence was taken from me, you were in the field hospital, recovering from your latest injury, and besides I am aiming for a higher target anyway.”
As the cat moved closer, they reached his hands in his directions, grabbing him at his armpits as he was lifted up from his wheelchair.
“However, I require some information, that I believe of all of them, only you can give me.”
The attackers tone shifted and was more serious as their hands squeezed him more firmly.
“Where is your superior?”
More intense got the pressure, and it started to feel uncomfortable.
“Were is the general?”
Now it began to feel painful, but he did not stop pressing against his body.
“Were is Samuel Cottontail!?”
Showing his fangs, the lieutenant general felt the hate the cat must have had for the person he mentioned, however, or perhaps especially because of his own pain, he grinned.
“You want him? He has left the army ages ago, no one knows his current whereabouts.”
His attackers eyes burned as if they were ready to kill a thousand people to get answers, and he knew, that if he was going to talk quickly, this really would be his end now.
“Ho-however there are rumours, that he went to the desert, and there are also some detractors, who say that he joined for some reason the enemy...the Wrath.”
From one moment to another, the fruit bat fell back into his wheelchair letting out a surprised gasp.
“That was all the information I needed.”
He wondered, if he and his assistant were going to die now, that the small attacker has anything he needed, but when he picked up his gun, not looking at him or the cheetah and leaving, he knew, they were going to live.
Groaning came from the floor, as his aide-de-camp slowly stood up again, touching their face and then holding their stomach, fortunately it did not look as if they were seriously injured, besides a few bruises of course.
But, it was exactly his lack of injuries, that caused the cheetah to attempt going after the assistant, trying to grab for his empty gun again.
Raising his hand, he ordered the aide-de-camp to stop.
“Don’t, it’s not worth it...what’s done is done.”
They looked at him in disbelieve, that he wanted them to just, let them go, a person who had just murdered twenty high ranking army personal, but, that’s exactly what he intended, however, the cheetah’s expression changed, and although they were not happy about it, nodded and remained by his side.
“S-so, what are we going to do now General Sir?”
It was clear that the whole mess, had taken its toll on his aide-de-camp, and deep down he felt sorry for what they got roped into. And he was not interested that they would get into any more trouble.
“It’s for the best if we leave. Soon enough the government and the army will catch wind about this, and needing scapegoats will put the blame on the two who survived this mess. Something neither you or I deserve. So we better get out of here and lay low for a while.”
Silently his cheetah assistant began to push his wheelchair, which the lieutenant general did not object to, he was feeling very tired about everything that had happened in a few minutes.
Whatever was going to happens now, it was now on Cottontail.
The fruit bat knew his superior would be up for a very unpleasant surprise.
For the person targeting him, who killed twenty people all by himself, was fuelled by one devotion.
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mrbexwrites · 1 month ago
Proud of Lines Tag Game
Tagged by @duckingwriting here and going to hand the torch over to @christaaah @spideronthesun @at-thezenith @mjparkerwriting @tate-lin @arowanaprincess
Rules: Share lines/an except that you're proud of!
I'm not great at action scenes, and this is a very rough draft, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out! Mavis and Anton have a team-building exercise.
Tw: violence
He shot the first man squarely in the back, right between the shoulder blades, dropping him instantly. There was a moment of stunned silence from the three remaining men as their brains processed what had happened.  “Demons!” The man furthest to the right yelled to his colleagues, who scattered to the side of the barn. Anton tracked him with his pistol, shooting him cleanly through the knee. The man stumbled and fell flat on his face, swearing. Anton turned his attention to the others, ignoring the man who continued to crawl towards the skeleton of a tractor. I kicked him in the face before he could grab the assault rifle that was stashed under it.  “Duck be!” He clutched his face where the heel of my boot had flattened his nose, blood pouring between his fingers.  “Don’t kill them all!” I shouted to Anton who had taken refuge behind some hay bales that had been left to rot in the barn, as the other men fired at him. “We need them for intel.”  The hail of bullets stopped and I could hear the men reloading their rifles. I used the gap in fire to sprint across the barn to where the men were huddled, trying to feed magazine clips into their guns. Their hands were shaking so badly, they were really struggling.  These were not Hunters; just green boys looking for a fight.  “Hey, you need to turn that round,” I pointed to the first boy who was trying to feed his magazine in backwards.  “The hell-!” He looked up, apparently unaware that I had been standing over him. He tried to jump up from his crouch, but I kneed him in the face, sending him sprawling backwards into his friend, and the two of them fell into a tangled heap. The final man had been quicker, and finally managed to reload his gun, aiming the muzzle at me.  “Go suck on Leviathan’s dick,” he growled, before howling in pain, dropping the rifle, blood pouring out of his hand. Anton, lowered his gun, gave me a single nod.  “What if he’d still shot me?” I shoved my knife back into its sheath on my hip, glaring at him.  “Then you’d be bleeding out,” Anton shrugged, kicking the rifles away from the men, keeping his pistol trained on the one man who was uninjured as he lay under his friend , struggling to get out from under his unconscious body.  “Gee, thanks for the backup,” I stuck my hands in my leather jacket, turning on my heel to take in the scene. 
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kitblckthrn · 2 years ago
Hoedown Throwdown
Kit truly hated the ambience the carnival provided, it wasn't as well lit as he hoped and as the night prolonged there was a sense of foreboding that loomed over him. The shadow had been a presence in Hidehill for far too long, a series of killings all stemming from old unsolved cases. Kit had thought a lot about a motive, about something that could've driven a person to commit such heinous acts, and so far nothing made sense except that it was all connected to Miyeon, the first one.
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Unaware in his reverie, he had walked a bit too far from Kiyan, and now he he could feel a cold gaze at the back of his neck. A chill that ran down his spine as he waited for the crunch of leaves underneath his foot, and he stopped, looking back from his peripheral to see a shadowy figure. Fuck me in the ass right now. he thought. Turning on his heels he looked the figure up and down before smiling. "Cute, what movie is this from, nightmare on whore street? Oh, you wanna play psycho killer, can I be the helpless victim who begs for their life? Okay, No please don't kill me Shadow, I wanna be in the sequel. " Kit mocked stepped back before taking note of his surroundings. The moment the knife came into clear view was the signal he needed. Thoughts about Kiyan, Ajay, Meera, Mateo, Mckenna, Max, Ana, Lakeyn, Mason, and all those he loved passed through his mind. A flash caught his eye, and his first instinct was to duck to the right as a sharp pain spread across his arm. Somehow he had managed to avoid a serious gash, but there was still blood oozing out of the open wound on his arm, warm and dripping as it stained his shorts.
Without a second thought he sprinted off, dashing and making his way towards the fun house, and then he waited. The sound of footsteps made him take a deep breath. You can do this. he said in his mind, a mantra to battle the fear that was searing his every nerve. Then Kit heard it, the sound of a blade scraping against metal, and he sprung into action. It started with laughter, then footsteps, guiding the shadow towards him, the mirrors spreading his reflection every which way. His giggle echoed through the house of mirrors, he saw the shadow take a few slashes toward what was nothing more than glass, and Kit stared, a smile spread across each version himself, before it finally faltered. "Over here cunt," he yelled, kicking them squared in the chest as the wall of glass shattered in the collision.
Rushing in he followed the thud of the shadow's body and tried to stomp on their head. Failure. Kit's eyes quickly widen as the knife comes close to his side once more, swiftly grasping on the arm holding the knife as he drives the momentum towards him, his back meeting the floor as he pushed with his leg, sending his attacker over him. Shards of glass were embedded on his other arm, as he turned tail and ran out the opening. Adrenaline kept him going, his breath coming out in heave pants as he tried to make his way towards others before he felt himself getting pushed to the ground, a booth falling over entirely as the wind was knocked out of him. "Jesus fuck, who are you Jamie Lee Curtis after activia, cause you're so fucking shitty,"
Gathering himself, he rolled over as he felt a blade come down, missing his face entirely. His hand reached for a pole that had been dislodged from the booth. "You kind of suck at this whole serial killer thing, y'know," Kit spat out as the shadow swung the knife, blocking it as best as he could, his arms were screaming in pain as the killer kept barreling onto him. Kit didn't know how much longer he could keep this up, so as the shadow kept trying to overpower him and push past the pole, he let them come close, taking the chance to headbutt them and swing the pole at their side before ducking out.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, Kit's mind raced hoping to make it out before his vision of the world turned upside down and and he found himself looking up at the sky. He had tripped over something. As he looked to inspect his eyes widened in horror as saw Percy, lying in a pool of his own blood. "Percy!" The scream tore itself out from his throat was guttural, pained as he clawed his way over to his best friend, eyes scanning his wounds as he began to cry out and yell for help. "Please, PLEAASEEE, DON'T LET ME LOSE HIM!!! SOMEBODY HELP!"
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jamesonxcassidy · 6 months ago
🔪- A memory about a dangerous situation
"Shit, I've got plenty to choose from. The most dangerous situations were from when I had been locked up. There had been a couple guys serving a long stretch for drugs. They had been connections to my parents. They had this idea that I must have been like them cause 'Cassidys are all the same' They tried to get me to run some drug shit behind bars and I told them I wasn't talking to anyone on the outside. Which was true. I didn't want to suck anyone into my bullshit behind bars. They thought I just kept making excuses and then one day they jumped me. I didn't fight back cause I couldn't risk extending my sentence, so I let them kick the shit out of me. I never told anyone about this. "
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artsekey · 2 years ago
It’s funny looking back on this comic now because Cas’s summoned and then shredded a few more guys since this. A new spell lets him tear ‘em apart for HP if he wants!
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Summoned an intelligent little guy last session! It decided to play stupid games and won a stupid prize!
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look-i-love-u · 2 years ago
Galladrabble - Dream
Thank you, @callivich, for this week's @galladrabbles prompt: dream. It finally gave me some idea on how to continue my True Crime! Au which was on hiatus for the last few weeks.
Here's what happened so far: Ian, who grew up with Clayton on the Northside, is currently staying at the Gallaghers' house. He's got his own True Crime Podcast which starred The Milkoviches, much to Mickey's displeasure. But they got close. And Mickey shared his deepest darkest secret with Ian... it did not go well...
His home looks totally normal. Big, white and well-cared for.
Just the small red dots leading to the front door give away that something’s amiss.
Ian opens it anyway - Stares down the long corridor. The wooden staircase. More red. Smeared, dropped, splashed.
His heart is racing, his palms sweating. 
Someone steps into his line of vision.
That’s weird….
…Mickey’s never been in this house.
Now he is. With a red knife and a manic grin…
Ian wakes up in a different house.. Wipes tears from his eyes.
He needs to find out what Mickey did…or the nightmares will never stop.
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feraecor · 1 year ago
A bit more about Mindi's past!
His father was the self-proclaimed rival of Diyei, dividing their people even further at a time when grief and anger were high. When his father heard of the successful birth of Diyei's hatchlings, his father decided he also needed his own next generation to generate more followers for his fight. A campaign to find superior genetics and stronger offspring resulted in clutches with several females with varying results.
As soon as they were viable, Mindi and his surviving siblings, all from different clutches were forced to fight. Survival of the fittest. Mindi was the strongest. But also the most uncontrollable.
Practically feral by the time he was capable of full flight, no one could go near him or his remaining siblings without a dominance fight. While that was easy when they were small, it wasn't an easy feat as Mindi proved his genetics were superior by his size, speed and strength. As a fledgling, Mindi already towered over many of most full grown Rhoa'ni.
As Diyei rose to power, his father and his followers became more desperate. In one final attempt, they released Mindi with one single command and hope in mind. Kill Sah'gro'hiik and they'd free him. As a male practically the same age as Zibrei, it should've been a simple fight. In a bloody, scarring and dominating fight, Zibrei won. She should've simply killed him and stopped the fight. Instead, she laid down on top of him as he lay bleeding and started licking his wounds. Mercy for the first time in his life.
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Kre'fel'dohiik was now Zibrei's forever.
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