#TSM saga
equinoxts2 · 2 years
I’m still here and I haven’t forgotten about blogging Kulo Seeri! I’ve just been putting off furnishing the homes in Credence by playing a lot of Sims Medieval. The saga of KS’ resident lorekeepers will continue soon though!
I’m not going to be blogging about the settlers in Credence until next rotation, I want time to get to know these new faces and let them start a few storylines. While I play through their Rotation 1 (and also some TSM) I’ll also try to post about Kulo Seeri proper and what the tribe got up to during their first rotation.
As an aside, I’m using TSM to develop some of the history of the first Nuidya, Sena Yuleng (whose name I regularly yell when I get frustrated) - she was a goofy legacy founder with no personality and a whole pile of crummy CC when I created her, and her backstory of being a shard of the Earth Dragon didn’t even come into play until thirteen years of simmer time later, by which time she was long since pushing up the pixel daisies. So I have her as my save’s monarch, and I’m starting to get a feel for who she actually was and what her life was like before she was the mother of the Nuidya tribe.
I’m enjoying it right now, but as always TS2 is my first love gaming-wise, so I will be back soon!
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
TSM Parts Ways With Well-Known Smash Ultimate Pro After 3 Years
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The release of yet another elite player from a tier-one organisation is the second unexpected announcement that has affected the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate landscape in the last week. TSM has released Gavin “Tweek” Dempsey, its sole Smash Ultimate player, after three years together, the org announced today. https://twitter.com/TSM/status/1630613963007311887 Before joining TSM, Tweek first represented Phoenix1 in 2017 alongside Zach “Captain Zach” Lauth for Wii U and James “Duck” Ma for Melee. Tweek claimed his first premier tournament win on Nov. 4, 2017, at MKLeo Saga, alongside four more titles in Wii U, before leaving Phoenix1 on May 17, 2018. On Dec. 29, 2018, Tweek transitioned into Ultimate as a free agent, entering his first major tournaments and continuing his prior dominance at Let’s Make Moves and Glitch 6 before being picked up by TSM on Jan. 19, 2019, joining Smash Melee legend William “Leffen” Hjelte and coach Charles Thoren. Tweek was the first and only Smash Ultimate player to represent the organization after the departure of Gonzalo “ZeRo” Barrios to Tempo Storm in 2018. Tweek’s fame within the Ultimate scene continued to grow after his signing, including wins at Frostbite 2019, his first tournament with the organization, and Smash Ultimate Summit 3, his first invitational event. During his three years with TSM, Tweek claimed seven Major tournament titles, most recently including Supermajor Let’s Make Big Moves 2023. Tweek’s performances kept him in the top echelon of players throughout Ultimate, ranking as high as second place in the 2019 Spring PGRU, the global player leaderboard, only falling behind Leonardo “MKLeo” Lopez Perez. Tweek continued his dominance over the years, finishing the most recent UltRank 2022 in eighth place. https://twitter.com/TweekSsb/status/1630639494801047584 Following TSM’s announcement, Tweek confirmed his free agent status, which is now shared with MKLeo, who also parted ways with T1 last week. Both players will be attending Smash Ultimate Summit 6 on March 23 to 26, the first tournament since their release and possibly the last tournament for Beyond The Summit, which plans to shut down after the event. The decision between TSM and Tweek’s mutual parting brings up many questions about the future of Smash’s competitive scene, with two of the greatest players in Ultimate history now orgless. Many organizations have subsequently dropped teams and players, with BTS’ co-founder, David “LD” Gorman, citing the “esports winter” as a major contributing factor for many large organizations’ recent decisions and layoffs. Despite TSM dropping its only remaining Ultimate player, the org has not left the competitive scene entirely, still retaining Leffen, who first signed in 2015, marking an eight-year tenure and the sole representative of TSM in the entire Smash scene. Read the full article
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dietcokelimette · 2 years
Tag Game
Tagged by @disniq  tsm!
fave colour: blue in all shades
currently reading: Into The Narrowdark by Tad Williams and The Waringham Saga by Rebecca Gablé
last song: Figure It Out by Royal Blood, Will Of The People by Muse and Angels by Robbie Williams
sweet/spicy/savory: spicy! I’m slowly re-building my lost tolerance for it, though
fav alcoholic drink: I very rarely drink at the moment, but Gin Tonic is an all-time favourite. I’ve also discovered a very tasty mock-Sangria in Tel Aviv a few weeks ago
traditional or modern: Huh?
favourite writer: I’d say John Grisham, Tad Williams, James S.A. Corey and C.S. Lewis
favourite dessert: Tiramisu and vanille pudding (Dr. Oetker!)
fav rapper: I’ve never been that much into rap-music, but I’m proud to say that I know a lot of Eminem-songs by heart pretty well 
favourite soccer/hockey/tennis player: soccer/football: Uwe Seeler, a very kind and soft-spoken player from Hamburg who sadly passed away not too long ago
colours of my bedroom: white with lots of pictures on the wall
favourite politician: nah, I don’t know... nah. 
loyalty or lust: loyalty. I like it when people are willing to commit (to friendship, relationships, liking a band, whatever)
pizza or pasta: If I have to chose, definitely pizza
vegan/veggie: I really do enjoy a good medium-rare steak. Being in cancer treatment also means that it isn’t the best idea to go completely veggie/vegan and that I should steer away from too much soy products due to negative effects on my health. And after dropping a few kilos unvoluntarily I just try to eat everything that looks and smells good, and that includes meatstuff for me, so... 
favourite time period: I used to love ancient greek stuff, but nowadays I’m super interested in the era of the Wars Of Roses in England. It’s such a drama!
love or hate: always love. That’s why I’ve never understood hate-watching or its equivalents hate-reading and hate-listening. If I hate something, I try to put it out of my head.
last series watched: Tehran and Ted Lasso (weird combination, I know). I really, really tried to get into Andor (I love Star Wars), but it kinda did nothing for me? 
classical or rock: both. I’m a big fan of live music, and either a symphonic orchestra or Rammstein can rock my socks.
fairy or dragons: Uh, neither, I guess... Although I like the elf-like Sithi in Tad William’s Dragonbone Throne series, because they’re badass and at the same time deeply flawed beings.
GOT or LOTR: I’d pick LOTR because I got a bit fed up with GOT in the end, both with the books and the series (and seriously, the next book will NEVER come out, I’m sure)
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anatthema-art · 2 years
Mrs. Tumblr Men Academic, do you have any opinion on the reason top hats, canes and sometimes overcoats and/or suits are such obvious ways to spot a Tumblr Man or a Tumblr Man in potential? Why do these specific clothing items seem to always be associated with these characters?
first off holy shit i cant believe ive been diagnosed a tumblr man academic by random tumblr dot com anon this is my legacy i'm SO proud
second: i actually think it's a mix of a lot of things! it's the intersection between a lot of different reasons tumblr sexymen are appealing to a lot of different people
like i said in the original post, i think the main appeal of tumblr sexymen is the perceived humanity within a character, whether that be apparent in canon or explorations of an alternate universe where they could be redeemed because of the small spark of potential gleamed by fans. this lens TSMs to being villains, though it's not always the case (see sans or jack frost! those ones don't have suits in their designs!) and suits are just generally a super common thing used in character design language to convey someone who's snappy, smart, and sure of themselves, which explains why there's just a lot of villains who wear suits in general! suits lend themselves towards that, especially if the character wears one in canon!
there's a huge part of more mainstream TSM coverage that conveys the narrative that it was a bunch of straight girls obsessed with these twink men but i think that misses a pretty important part that... NOWADAYS most of those people have realized that y'know.. they're very very queer. back in the day, the obsession with these characters led to a lot of exploration with sexuality and gender, i've seen a LOT of people (myself included) who found a LOT of solace in these masc characters in snazzy suits and definitely look up to their styles in a gender sense! plus: a lot of them are very much queer-coded, which is a villain staple in gender but with their tendency to be flamboyant and such, it also lends itself to that approach for a lot!
finally...? they just look GOOD? like, i think with the rise of emo/steampunk aesthetics alongside TSMs people just? really got attached to the aesthetic and a lot of neat characters existed that shared that and so people wanted to explore a cool style? i'm a genuine unironic lover of the style and considering the time period i'm not at all shocked it was popular even if people DIDN'T have deeper reasons for it in fact i am... such a fan of the aesthetic i was dragged into doing an animatic for a webshow i watched (if you've been poking around my blog, you've probably heard of discord murder party before, if not, it's a very big rabbit hole that i wont go into now BUT the animatic on its own is a good standalone!) that absolutely REVELS in the 2000's emo aesthetic and the main antagonist is VERY MUCH leaning FULL into the tumblr man aesthetic and i unironically love all of it. my art starts halfway through but it's a real fun watch if you just wanna be extremely self indulgent in hot topic tumblr sexyman nonsense! There's a Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey [Animatic]
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yakumtsaki · 3 years
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pick your poison
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kittensartswriting · 5 years
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I’ve had kinda bad days so I treated myself by drawing one of my favorite moments in The Shield-Maiden Saga (mobile link).
For context: The wolf, who Láilá kinda adopted and became a sort of member of the crew, unexpectedly turn into a person and everyone, including him but excluding Láilá (who has seen some shit and nothing really surprises her), are confused. I don’t believe I’ve posted drawings of anyone other than Sváfa (she is in boys’ clothing and has short hair), so the other are Helgi (the wolf guy), Refil (the boy with reddish hair) and Láilá (the woman with dark hair). Side note: Helgi is actually a lot younger than he looks here. Naturally he hasn’t been shaving during the months he’s been a wolf, so he has kind of a beard going on, though he’s 17 and can’t really grow a full beard yet.
It began as just messy drawings in my notebook, but I decided to use it to experiment on what kind of coloring style I’ll aim for and how do I achieve it with not too much headache :D Lines are bit wobbly but I did end up liking the coloring!
So this is actually repost, I accidentally deleted the original post while I was trying to edit a typo. I am a fool :’D Sorry for spamming! If you want to be tagged too or not anymore, I’ll be happy do do that :) @erinisawriter @madmoonink @teacupwriter @lady-redshield-writes@emilydevoursstories@siarven@silverscreenwriter@bluemartlet@whataremetaphor@theprissythumbelina@dove-actually
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abrcnuntio · 7 years
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❝ it was sort of the pattern to my life - i'd never been strong enough to deal with the things outside my control, to attack the enemies or outrun them. to avoid the pain. always human and weak, the only thing i'd ever been able to do was keep going. ❞ 
twilight saga meme: 1/2 female characters → bella swan
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windermeresimblr · 3 years
The FitzFarrimond Legacy, 1.8
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Some days later...
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Eymur: I swear, Castle Orr never changes. It looks the same as it did the first time I came here.
Conleth: It's a pity Uncle Bran never dissolved the marriage he made for our cousin with that Spanish woman. You could have been mistress of this place.
Eymur: Watcher preserve us. Lorcan is as much a brother to me as you are…and I think my dowry was too small for Uncle Bran's tastes. 
Conleth: That miser.
Eymur: Shan't make that mistake with little Elizabeth. I've been putting away a part of the profits every quarter-day…ah! There's cousin Lorcan! 
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Lorcan: Welcome, cousin Conleth! Cousin Eymur! How was your journey?
Conleth: A proper Irish bone-shaker, but fair enough otherwise. You're looking well.
Eymur: I was just telling Conleth how Castle Orr never changes.
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Lorcan: We're grateful for that. How are your children, Eymur?
Eymur: Quite well, thank you. William insisted we go through with Elizabeth's fosterage agreement after he passed. She's with the Crumplebottoms in the Pale now.
Lorcan: Ah. And does she like it there?
Eymur: She's becoming quite accomplished. You know, I'm surprised you never arranged a fosterage for any of yours.
Lorcan: Well…Maria was against it.
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Conleth: Watcher's thumbs, the two of you are like a couple of old biddies. I'm famished, cousin; any chance you might have something in the kitchen?
Eymur: Conleth, your manners are atrocious. But I am quite thirsty.
Lorcan: Of course, of course. Let's go inside!
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Maria: Hello, Eymur! Will you join me for a cup of hippocras in the solar with the girls?
Eymur: Hello, Maria! Of course, hippocras sounds lovely!
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Lorcan: I know you wouldn't leave Dublin for a mere social visit, Conleth. What's going on?
Keen-eyed readers of @schokokokatze’s ongoing Hill Tribe saga may recognize Conleth, er, Kuneris King’s Hound. He’s been brought quite a bit forward in time, and given a slight makeover. Eymur is his sister, made by crossing Kuneris with @ninjaofthepurplethings ‘ Braciaca Autumnus. They are Lorcan’s cousins by his bastard uncle Tiernan; see here for a family tree. (You may find out who Bran will marry...but it’s something of a foregone conclusion since I’ve already mentioned the lucky lady!)
Eymur’s French hood is by me, edited by @joojconverts to be recolorable, and her hair is by Pocketfullofdownloads. Her dress is by @simlicious. Conleth’s hair is by @chazybazzy and his beard is from TSM by way of venusprincess.
The carriage in the first picture is by natalia auditore, as are the carriage poses. The remainder of the poses are by @danjaley and @studiok2sims​ , as well as that collection of medieval poses whose provenance I’ve forgotten. 
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kittensbooksart · 5 years
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Inktober Day 3: Bait
I decided to go with Sváfa from The Shield-Maiden Saga. I’m still not too sure what exact style I want go with for the comic, so I might make more experiments with TSMS during inktober. I might do some coloring too :D
Inktober tag list: @siarven @kainablue-loves-art
My inktober tag
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whisperingsim · 4 years
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Download on the gallery at WhisperingSims
InêsHairstyle by KiaraZurk.package
SV Vintage Earrings 01.package
Bobur Eyelashes 19.package
[satterlly]DAI - Ferelden_dress_fur_with_belt.package
[satterlly]DAO - Noble_dress.package
[satterlly]DAO - Noble_shoes.package
[savvy.sweet] pia pony.package
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bkyuksektepe · 3 years
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Well, I just want to say about t’night. We won! Mariam completely done. Tsm for Gulcan. Finally, I've got a snowball's chance in hell, mate! Cheers 🍺
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monedarojamx-blog · 7 years
TSM ZeRo se retira de la Escena Competitiva
El más grande competidor de Smash Bros para Wii U le dice "adiós" a su carrera profesional.
Gonzalo Barrios, o para muchos mejor conocido como “ZeRo” es a la fecha el mejor jugador de Smash 4, la ultima entrega de la saga para el Wii U. A lo largo de su carrera logró posicionarse dentro de los primeros lugares cada vez que participaba en un torneo, siendo en muy pocas las ocasiones que no alcanzaba la posición mas alta. Para muchos resultó una triste noticia el enterarse a través de su…
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fightsessions-blog · 7 years
2GGC: Nairo Saga results feat. Zero, Ally, MKLeo, Komorikiri, Salem
2GGC: Nairo Saga results feat. Zero, Ally, MKLeo, Komorikiri, Salem
Written by Jonathan ‘Catalyst’ Grey
1. TSM|Zero (Diddy Kong)
2. MVG|Salem (Bayonetta)
3. FOX|MKLeo (Marth, Cloud)
4. NRG|Nairo (Zero Suit Samus)
5. C9|Ally (Mario)
5. LG|Abadango (Mewtwo, Meta Knight)
7. BSD|Elegant (Luigi)
7. 2GG|Komorikiri (Cloud, Sonic)
9. MVG|ScAtt (Mega Man) 9. Ken (Sonic) 9. CLG|VoiD (Sheik) 9. Samsora (Peach, Rosalina) 13. P1|Tweek (Cloud) 13. Raito (Duck Hunt) 13. SF|Regi…
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positivesara-blog · 8 years
TSM 17-10 Hiding in a Cave of Trunks: Internment in a WWII POW Camp with Ester Shifren
TSM 17-10 Hiding in a Cave of Trunks: Internment in a WWII POW Camp with Ester Shifren
Their Story Matters with Sara Troy and her guest Ester Benjamin Shifren, on air from March 7th
Hiding in a Cave of Trunks: A Prominent Jewish Family’s Century in Shanghai and Internment in a WWII POW camp. Against an impressive historical background, China-born Ester Benjamin Shifren relates the saga of her family’s century-long existence in Shanghai, the city often referred to as “The Paris of…
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kittensartswriting · 5 years
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I’ve had kinda bad days so I treated myself by drawing one of my favorite moments in The Shield-Maiden Saga (mobile link). It’s when the wolf, who Láilá kinda adopted and became a sort of member of the crew, unexpectedly turn into a person and everyone, including him but excluding Láilá (who has seen some shit and nothing really surprises her), are confused. I don’t believe I’ve posted drawings of anyone other than Sváfa (she is in boys’ clothing and has short hair), so the other are Helgi (the wolf guy), Refil (the boy with reddish hair) and Láilá (the woman with dark hair). Side note: Helgi is actually a lot younger than he looks here. Naturally he hasn’t been shaving during the months he’s been a wolf, so he has kind of a beard going on, though he’s 17 and can’t really grow a full beard yet.
It began as just messy drawings in my notebook, but I decided to use it to experiment on what kind of coloring style I’ll aim for and how do I achieve it with not too much headache :D Lines are bit wobbly but I did end up liking the coloring!
Tagging the crew! If you want to be tagged too or not anymore, I’ll be happy do do that :) @erinisawriter @madmooninc @teacupwriter @lady-redshield-writes@emilydevoursstories@siarven @silverscreenwriter@bluemartlet@whataremetaphor@theprissythumbelina @dove-actually
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kittensartswriting · 6 years
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The Shield-Maiden Saga
This is a story of Sváfa “Shield-Breaker” Hagbardsdottír. She is a daughter of a Sea-King and a Kven woman. When she is 14, her father joins on a campaign to establish a colony on the shores of the East Route. All the men take their families along with intention to not come back. It’s the first time Sváfa is leaving her home islands. As a child she dreamed to be a shield-maiden, but as she grew up she learned that women only take adventures in sagas. But now is her change to have her own adventure. However it turns out that adventures are not so joyous and glorious as in the tales she has heard. When their fleet is caught up in a storm, their ship sinks. Most of the people aboard die and when the survivors think the worst is behind, a mercenary army kills them and steals everything they have left. Only Sváfa and Vígi, Sváfa’s father’s right hand man survive it. Sváfa takes his father’s sword, dresses up as a boy and is determined to avenge her family.
When their fleet is caught up in a storm, their ship sinks. Most of the people aboard die and when the survivors think the worst is behind, a mercenary army kills them and steals everything they have left. Only Sváfa and Vígi, Sváfa’s father’s right hand man survive it. Sváfa takes his father’s sword, dresses up as a boy and is determined to avenge her family.
I mentioned before that I’m probably turning the Shield-Maiden Saga into a graphic novel. When I first started the thing that would eventually evolve over the (at least 6) years into The Shield-Maiden Saga, it actually was a comic rather than a book. I ditched the idea then, because I didn’t have the skills to finish that project. Now I’ve been thinking for a while now to start the visual novel again and when I found the old ones (which were pretty bad), they inspired me to do better. So I did the first three pages. And here they are. It might take me a while to get to really drawing this, because I’m still focusing on Bear Castle and I have to do a lot of character design and such.
I’m tagging the Shield-Maiden crew, but I changed the nature of the whole project so it’s totally okay if you don’t want to be tagged anymore :) That’s why I’m doing it so if you want to be tagged in the future too, comment or send me pm or something! And of course if someone else want to be tagged too, I’m happy to do that.
@erinisawriter @pigeonbooks @plaguecraft @madmooninc @midnightstreetwanderings @maxseidel @bluemartlet @teacupwriter @violet-clouds-and-skies @natalierosewrites
(Also tagging @siarven because this is art related, but I’ll only tag you too in the future if you want to, because I know you didn’t sign up for a whole visual novel :D)
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