#TRNC Air Sports Federation
kyreniacommentator · 2 years
Airport or Airbase? The story of Geçitkale/Lefkonuk?
Readers mail…. From Oz Orman…. The tail end of September, saw two aviation stories regarding the TRNC. Firstly, the introduction of a new state airline named ‘Mavi Girne Havayolları’ (Blue Kyrenia Airlines) and secondly, the possibility of direct flights into Northern Cyprus from Russia. (more…)
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kyreniacommentator · 5 years
By Margaret Sheard ….
Having visited Geçitkale Airport on a number of occasions and written about our experiences and the fantastic air sports opportunities which are available, we were interested to learn more about another new introduction – Air Tour North Cyprus which operates under the direct control of Serkan Ozcezarli, under the umbrella of the TRNC Air Sports Federation.  Serkan can be contacted on 0548 834 9686.
We made another visit recently and met up with Pilot, Peter Fabry, who was that day taking a group of 4 people on a tour of the Karpaz area.    Peter told us he has only recently moved to North Cyprus and he is very keen to be able to show people the wonder of this part of the island from the air. 
While he was waiting for his group to arrive, Peter told us a little about himself.  He is of Belgian nationality and has always had a love of flying.  His father and brother are both pilots and Peter actually flew a glider at the age of 14 years.  At the age of 15 years and 3 months, in his 16th birthday year, he was allowed to fly solo in a glider.
From Geçitkale Airport, Peter flies a 6 seater Cessna aircraft for air tours and it is  also used for skydiving for those brave enough to try it.
The passengers arrived for their air tour and Peter took the aircraft off for re-fuelling and when he returned the passengers boarded and off they went for an hour’s tour of the Karpaz.  More details are also available on the Facebook page: Air Tour North Cyprus. 
Air Tour North Cyprus offers a private flight tour service giving an excellent opportunity to explore the beautiful coastline and historical sites.  They recommend contact being made in advance and although last minute calls are welcomed, availability cannot be guaranteed.
The aircraft is a US made Cessna 210, single engine aircraft, which will allow 4 passengers plus their guide and the pilot.  It is a high wing construction which makes it extremely stable and perfect for sightseeing.  The Cessna 210 is also equipped with a special door which can be opened in flight for aerial photography. 
Flights can be of 30-40 minute or 1 hour 10 minutes/1hr 20 minutes duration.  Children are welcome but if a child is under 5 years old, consultation will need to be made with the Air Tour staff.   There are weight limit regulations and when booking you will be asked for your weight and that of any luggage/equipment you will be taking on board, but it is advised that only necessary belongings should be carried.   It is recommended that passengers weighing 265lbs (120kg) or more should not apply to use the air tour service.
Trips are tailor made therefore individual quotations are provided for each trip.  Generally current prices are as shown below, both with a minimum of 4 and maximum of 5 passengers.  
Full Karpaz Air Tour: 130€ or  £120 (1h10min-1h20min) Salamis-LongBeach-Bogaz-Bafra-GoldenBeach-Monastery-Cape-KantaraCastle
Shortened Air Tour: 90€ or £80 (30-40min) Salamis-LongBeach-Bogaz-Bafra-KantaraCastle
For booking or additional information please telephone +90 542 886 9408
We decided to wait for their return and during this time were pleased to see Serkan Ozcezarli arrive, accompanied by his twin daughters, Cansu and Göksu who are both learning to fly the Gyrocopter.   The girls are 18 years old and have had 8 hours training so far from the 30 hours needed to apply for a licence, Serkan said they had been flying with him since they were 3 years old, hence their love of the sky.   We saw Cansu off for her hour’s training with instructor Ahmet and later Göksu cycled to the landing area to take over and complete her own hour’s training and we followed her to see the Gyrocopter coming to land and changeover of trainee pilots.   I have enjoyed the experience of flying in the Gyrocopter myself when Serkan took me up for a short flight and I have very much admiration for these two young ladies who are learning to fly at such a young age.    To see  the article of my own experience Click here. 
Serkan told us of his hopes and dreams of expanding the Air Sports Federation with a hangar for visiting private aircraft and also training schools with accommodation at the airport for students, however, all of this would need a huge financial input, which is not available at the moment.     The TRNC Air Sports Federation are trying very hard to promote this alternative type of tourism attraction, and they are in fact doing much more now than when we first visited them.
We hope that the Federation will go from strength to strength and expand their services for the benefit of tourism and those who love flying.   This is yet another great achievement in North Cyprus to encourage visitors to come to this lovely part of the island of Cyprus.
Photos by CyprusScene and Peter Fabry.  Video by Ian Marr flying over Salamis is shown below.
Air Tour North Cyprus and air sports at Geçitkale Airport By Margaret Sheard .... Having visited Geçitkale Airport on a number of occasions and written about our experiences and the fantastic air sports opportunities which are available, we were interested to learn more about another new introduction – Air Tour North Cyprus which operates under the direct control of Serkan Ozcezarli, under the umbrella of the TRNC Air Sports Federation. 
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kyreniacommentator · 5 years
Introduction by Chris Elliott…...
Margaret Sheard and I have been to Gecitkale Airport many times and have been following the development of TRNC Air Sports Federation and its Gyrocopter training, Microlight training, parascending, model aircraft activities and much more.
The latest exciting opportunities for thrill seekers is Tandem Skydiving with the Skydive North Cyprus team and we had some great pictures and vivid description sent to us by one of our  CyprusScene readers.
Sarah Jane Purcell … Readers mail..
Sarah said  – check out Skydive North Cyprus Chris it’s a fab team and a great day to be had there and I feel the guys don’t get enough credit for what they do and you can see more on their Facebook page and  website
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Mohammad Abdallah left watching me exit the aircraft
Down I go strapped to Misha
I’m not scared  of heights or flying  Chris, it’s just the fact you jump out of that tiny plane in free fall for about 1 minute which  was my greatest fear but not anymore thanks to them and Mohammad Abdallah who took so much time briefing me and making me feel relaxed until the moment he climbed out of the aircraft and watched me exit the aircraft with his colleague, Misha strapped to my back for that downward fall at such high speed.
No worries, he made it a great experience and before very long in the rushing wind he released the parachute and then we were making that downward glide enjoying incredible views before we landed safely on Long Beach, Iskele and this thrill of a lifetime was to raise awareness and gain support for the Famagusta Animal Rescue Centre.
It was just a stunning experience and if I can help one person to overcome their fears of making a Tandem Skydive then this will make me very happy.
Go Tandem Skydiving with Skydive North Cyprus Introduction by Chris Elliott...... Margaret Sheard and I have been to Gecitkale Airport many times and have been following the development of TRNC Air Sports Federation and its Gyrocopter training, Microlight training, parascending, model aircraft activities and much more.
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kyreniacommentator · 6 years
Up, Up and Away at Geçitkale Airport with cyprusscene.com
Up, Up and Away at Geçitkale Airport with cyprusscene.com
  By Margaret Sheard …
During the time Ercan Airport was being refurbished, on two occasions the flights I took to the TRNC used Geçitkale Airport, and I assumed I would never have a flight at this airport again, but I was wrong and what a lovely and very different flight I experienced. (more…)
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kyreniacommentator · 6 years
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Flying high with cyprusscene.com  By Margaret Sheard ... Thursday is usually a busy office day for us but there was apparently a new project to be discussed at Geçitkale Airport, even though I was kept in the dark as to what it was all about.
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kyreniacommentator · 6 years
TRNC Air Sports Federation at Geçitkale Airport
TRNC Air Sports Federation at Geçitkale Airport
  By Margaret Sheard …
On our first visit to Geçitkale Airport we met the President of the TRNC Air Sports Federation, Zeki Ziya, together with instructor pilot Serkan Özcezarli, who gave us some information about the Association which was formed in 2005. (more…)
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kyreniacommentator · 7 years
TRNC News 24.4.2017 Ertuğruloğlu: If Greek Cypriots do not respect Turkish Cypriots rights, a solution not possible.
TRNC News 24.4.2017 Ertuğruloğlu: If Greek Cypriots do not respect Turkish Cypriots rights, a solution not possible.
Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu has stressed that as long as the Greek Cypriot side does not respect the rights of the Turkish Cypriots, a solution is not possible in Cyprus.
Minister Ertuğruloğlu held a press conference at TRNC Doha Representative Office in Qatar within the framework of his visit to Gulf countries.
Replying to the questions of journalists regarding the Cyprus problem, the…
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kyreniacommentator · 7 years
TRNC pride in hosting Paragliding World Cup Championship
TRNC pride in hosting Paragliding World Cup Championship
Prime Minister Tufan Erhürman delivered the opening speech at the Paragliding Accuracy World Cup Tatlısu 2018, which was organized in cooperation with the TRNC Air Sports Federation and the Cyprus Alternative Sports Association. (more…)
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kyreniacommentator · 7 years
First stage of Paragliding World Cup to be held in Cyprus
First stage of Paragliding World Cup to be held in Cyprus
The TRNC Air Sports Federation has stated that the first stage of the Paragliding World Cup will be held in Tatlısu from the 15th to the 18th February. (more…)
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