I woke up to the feeling of the sun bearing down on my face. I opened my eyes and blinked. After what felt like months of falling through the void, my eyes weren’t used to brightness. I moved my sunglasses up my nose and blinked violently a few more times. The world started coming into focus.
I could smell salt and hear the faint lapping of water at the shore. The ground felt loose, as if no one had ever been there before to pack it and farm it. I could see that I was on a small island. I counted one sheep, two trees, three wolves, and one lonely looking pig. I stood up, stumbling a bit. All that time in the void left my muscles a little unused. I brushed the sand and dirt off of me and got a better look. Was I alone here? For a moment, I had the terrible thought that my friends hadn’t made it through with me; that they were stranded in similar situations in separate galaxies. Then, I heard a familiar voice.
  “Guys? Where are ya? Am I the only one on this damn island?” It was Tom.
“Over here!” I yelled. I looked around and saw him, facing the opposite direction of me. 
“Jordan? That you?” Tom called, looking around for the source of the voice (spoiler alert: it was me. I was the voice.)  
“I’m right here!” I yelled again. This time, Tom turned around. 
“Jordan!” He started running towards me. I saw a wide grin on his zombie face. He captured me in a tight hug, over as quickly as it began. I examined him. His suit, thought crumpled and sort of threadbare, still made him look as fine as ever.
“I was starting to think I had this whole place to myself!” he joked. I smiled.
“Have you seen the others?”
“We’re over here!” cried a female voice. I saw Sonja rising on top of a hill, looking tan and wobbly. She gave herself a dog-like shake, sending sand flying. 
“Eyyyy, Sonja!” Tom walked over to embrace her, too. 
“Where’s Tucker?” I asked her. 
“Uhhh, I don’t know,” Sonja said, doubt in her voice. We all looked around for our other friend, but there was no sign of him. I could see worry start to creep onto Sonja and Tom’s faces. 
“Tucker! Where are ya, mate?”
Suddenly, we heard a large amount of swearing and gasping. We saw Tucker, hunched over on the beach, soaking wet. 
“Tucker! There you are!” We hurried towards him.
“What’s the matter? What ‘appened? Tom asked him.
“I NEARLY JUST DROWNED, THAT’S WHAT HAPPENED!” he exclaimed. “Goddammit! God, that could have been the end of me. I nearly lost my hat.” He slapped his cap onto his head, shaking slightly. His captain’s uniform that he won in another universe was dripping wet, so maybe that’s why he was shaking. Sonja put her arms around him comfortingly. 
“Well… are you alright now?” I asked him. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m… I’m good now.” He took a deep breath and stood up like nothing happened. 
“So! What are we doing here?”
“Surviving, I suppose,” I responded.
“Wait!” Tom shouted, digging in his pockets. “I had a vision while we were in the void that I would receive some tasks that we’d have to complete, and once we do, we win, sort of.” 
He triumphantly pulled out a piece of paper. “Aha!” He squinted at it, possibly trying to remember how to read. “ ‘Dearest champions; In order to get off this godforsaken island, you must defeat the three mega challenges that this world has to offer you; the End Dragon, the Wither, and the Guardians.”
Tucker blew air out of his mouth. “Just those things? Those are nothing! I mean, sure it might be tough because there doesn't seem to be many resources lying around, and we might die a couple of times, but-’
“But!” Tom read on, “you are unable to come back from death. Your gods aren’t here to help you or resurrect you now. If you die, there’s no coming back.” Tom’s voice faded with every word he read. 
“What!?” Tucker and Sonja both yelled. “We can’t die?”
“Well, that’s what it says!” Tom yelled back. He read the paper again, just to be sure.
 Sonja moaned. I felt uneasy as well. My mind immediately started going to all the clumsy accidents, all the oversights that could lead to me or my friends being gone forever, or at least until the rest of us finished the challenge. 
“Well, damn, guys, I guess we’ll have to be careful. Ain’t no gods to help us out anymore,” Tucker stated. 
“Yeah, looks like we’ll have to work together,” I said. Tucker and Tom both jokingly made sounds of disgust. 
“Well, I guess if it means not having my tail handed to me, I guess I can work with a filthy Mianitee,” Tom teased, giving Tucker a toothy grin. 
“Same to you,” Tucker replied, holding out his hand. Tom hesitated, then went to shake it, when Tucker suddenly pulled it back and yelled “OHHHH! TOO SLOW, BITCH!”
Tom gasped, deeply offended. “Sonavabitch.”  
“Um, guys?” I butt in. “We probably need to focus on, yknow, surviving and stuff like that.” 
“Oh right!” Tom laughed. “I guess we should start by punching wood.” 
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
A little bit later, after Tom got thoroughly chewed out by Tucker for accidentally making an axe instead of a hoe and Tom losing his mind when he saw a pig, I was in the mine when I heard Tom calling Tucker and I to come up to the surface. 
“On my way,” I responded. “I also have a little surprise for me to give to you.” 
Once I got up there,I also noticed that it had slipped from day to night. Sonja and Tom were lighting things up and preparing the farm, which, at the moment, left much to be desired. I saw that Sonja had been working hard on our little base as well. It looked  sandy and very basic (basically just a pit with walls and a furnace), but it would do.  I stood up in front of it and announced, “Everyone be very very careful. I’m about to distribute the swords.” 
Everyone crowded around me anxiously. With great care not to accidentally cut myself ot others, I handed a sword to Sonja, Tucker, and Tom. Tom laughed maniacally and ran his hands over it. A fear response went off in my brain. Tom + Sword = usually bad things, especially when there’s laughter involved. I turned the blade in my hand. The fear was replaced by reassurance; we now had weapons to defend ourselves, and besides, Tom wouldn’t hurt me in this universe.
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We all went back to our activities; Tucker and I mining, Tom and Sonja farming. 
“Tom! Please, I need the hoe,” Sonja begged for what seemed like the 50th time. Tom wasn’t very good at staying on task.
“Why don’t you just use yourself AYYYYYYYYY,” Tom roasted. Tucker’s laughter rang out from the mine, but he promptly caught himself and chided Tom. “Wait a minute. That’s rude, man.” It was Sonja’s turn to laugh now. 
I felt a twinge of hunger. “What are we going to do for food?” 
“Ummmmm…. Not wheat for sure, because we have to use that for breeding,” Tom responded.
“Yeah, I’d say- God! These wolves keep on killing our animals!” Tucker griped, finding more mutton and wool on the ground. He put it in his inventory next to the rabbit hide and meat he kept retrieving from the wolves’ spoils. “I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna slay the wolf.”
I chuckled. “Alright man, you go for it.” I turned around and got distracted by a creeper that I saw in the corner of my eye. When I turned back around, there was no wolf in sight and Tucker and Sonja were making what they called ‘an animal pit’. 
“That looks like a very interesting thing you’re trying to do there, Tucker,” I implied, smirking while watching Tucker try to nudge a pig into the pen.
“Would you stop? Stop being so immature,” Tucker groaned.
 Sonja giggled. “Yeah, Tucker, I don’t know what you’re trying to do to that pig there, but, uhhh…” Tucker gave his girlfriend a friendly tap on the shoulder. Meanwhile, I saw Tom tear behind them, chasing a rabbit with a sword.
“Tom, what are you doing?!” I admonished him. 
“I got ‘im!” He announced proudly, holding it up in the air. Sonja drew in the most outraged gasp. Even Tucker seemed offended. 
I shook my head. “Tom, you heartless monster.”
Tom didn’t care. “I didn’t do nothin wrong,” he shrugged, taking it back to the house. “Look, I even got something from it! Rabbit hide…” He put it in the chest that had been accumulating random stuff. Tucker and Sonja were still tutting outside. 
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Aside from much, much more animal herding, a magnificent tree growing and promptly being chopped down, and Tom killing a skeleton and scaring us all half to death, we really didn’t do much for the rest of the day. With the looming worry of food encroaching on our minds and the goal of survival becoming a bit easier due to the sun rising, Tom, Tucker, Sonja, and I sat down and enjoyed what little we had; our sand hut, some cooked rabbit, the breeze, and each other. 
Well, I think that about wraps things up for our first couple of days, and the next entry will probably be from Tucker. So… yeah. Excited for that.
[A/N this is the first part in what hopefully is many of a retelling/explorative fanfiction of Trinity Island! I hope you enjoyed! Feedback makes my heart explode]
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pro-city-consulting · 5 years
Die Pro City Consulting UG stellt heute die Firma Trisl GmbH aus Hof, Saale vor.
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[a/n sad tiem. we’ve got your normal, expected episode three angst + some sonja specific angst! fun stuff. don’t worry, there’s some slight syndisparklez at the end. i’m probably going to start doing the dream scenario chapters next. enjoy! please give me feedback on how you think it could have gone differently!]
Today was supposed to be a good day. 
We started the day off with goals; get iron, make beds, and improve the house.
Tucker had just crafted the first chestplate when he announced he was going back into the mine. We didn’t think anything of it; we all had communicators, and he was only strip mining. Besides, it was Tucker. It wasn’t like it was me or anything. 
Tom brought up the topic of who we thought would die first. “We’ll take it in turns. Firefoxx, who do you think’s gonna-”
“Tom,” I said immediately. I hardly thought about it. I know he’s good at fighting and all that, but he’s not very good at using his brain or paying attention. Tom has the impulse control of a rat on cocaine.  I figured he would hit a zombie pigman without thinking and die on the spot, or get too greedy and fall in lava while mining diamonds. “You’re too ballsy. You’re just gonna jump in like YOLOOO and you’re gonna- you’re gonna… yeah.”
“That’s what I thought too, but then I remembered Tom telling me about another life he lived doing this and that it went okay for him, so,” Jordan countered.
“Okay, okay, fair… What about you, Sparkly Pants?” 
“I don’t know. I think it’ll probably be me,” Jordan admitted. He laughed at himself. 
“Really?” I said incredulously. Sparklez? Dying? Sounds fake but okay. Jordan’s wayyy too careful to risk it all, and he knows his stuff. The only way I could really see him dying is if he got caught in the water by skeletons or something where he just couldn’t fight back. 
“How do you think you’re going to die?” Tom pressed.
“Ummm…” Sparklez mused for a moment. “I mean, I am about to go out and get some sugar cane.”
“Watch me die right now,” he added, laughing. 
Don’t say that, I thought to myself. Jordan hopped into his little boat and sailed away. 
“I mean, the only thing that could really happen is if I found one of those guardian temples and got zapped to death and- god dangit my boat broke.”
“Don’t worry, I have enough to make a new one,” he reassured us.
“Nope, he’s stranded, rip in pieces Jordan,” Tucker said. 
I opened the chest and found stacks upon stacks of cobblestone. I turned to Tom who was demolishing the house and asked him, “Are you rebuilding this? There’s, like, a bunch of cobble in here.” 
Tom continued digging out the sand around that area and scoffed. “I’m not rebuilding it, you are.”
“Oh, so you just destroyed it? That’s what you’re doing. Okay.”
“...... no.” Tom looked kind of guilty for a moment, then sighed. “Sonja, do I look like the destructive type? No.” 
“Yes,” we all disputed at the same time. 
“Alright,” Tom laughed, conceding.
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
“What if none of us die the whole time?” Sparklez proposed from far off in the ocean somewhere.
“Aww, you just jinxed it!” Tom blamed him
“Why would you say it. Why would you say? That was the one thing nobody was going to bring up and you just- way to go Jordan.” Tucker’s communicator crackled. That happens sometimes when the person gets too far underground. 
“Hey Tucker, you brought food, right?” Tom inquired, tapping his comm. 
“Uh yeah, I’m almost out, though.”
“Right, come back up here and get some. I am your mother and I’m telling you to get up here right now. I’m getting your packed lunch ready,” Tom said in a joking tone, but he actually started preparing some porkchops for Tucker to take into the mine with him. 
“Alright, I’ll be up in a sec. I think I’m pretty close to discovering a system down here,” which, knowing Tucker, meant that he’d mine until he almost fainted, and then drag himself back up 2 hours after that. 
“While I’m out here, I might as well look around,” Jordan reasoned. I began planning our new base while Tom went back to check on the crops. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, I found… Nothing.” Jordan announced, sounding disappointed. 
“Actually- No wait! I did find a thing. I found an underwater temple!” 
“Are you joking?”
I could see Tom’s brain begin to actually process what Jordan had just said. “Wait, wai- th-the temple?”
“The underwater temple with the Elder Guardian in it. You know, the only underwater temple there is?” I could hear Jordan rolling his eyes. 
“WH- WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? I-GH-ghah.” Tom facepalmed, rubbing his face in hands. When he looked up at me, he had a clear expression of annoyance on his face. 
“Sonja, ask me who you think is going to die first.”
“Who do you think’s gonna die first?” 
“Well, there’s this guy named, uh, Captain Sparkly Dick-” 
Jordan burst out laughing. Tom started gesturing dramatically. “Who decided to go off in a boat ON HIS OWN, crash it, THEN decided to go adventuring in the water when there’s an insane new mob boss IN THAT WATER.” 
“I’m not going to die! It’s not like I’m going to go on in there and be like ‘hey Elder Guardian, what’s good?’” Jordan mocked. 
“Alright, just- be careful, alright?” Tom intoned seriously. He looked slightly anxious. “Tucker’s in the mine, Jordan’s in a boat in a Guardian temple, and Sonja’s- Oh, Sonja’s fine.” I genuinely couldn’t tell if he meant for me to hear that or not. It was like he was taking roll. Whether the others heard it or not, they didn’t mention it.
“Oo! I just found lava! And redstone. We’re good, guys.” Tucker announced from the mine. 
Tom laughed awkwardly. “Dunno why that’s a thing to celebrate. Unless you’re gonna, like, burn everything down. 
“Hey, Tucker, who do you think is gonna die first?” I asked him. 
He was quiet for a moment. “Pro’lly you,” he confessed.
“Me?” I repeated, offended. I mean, he was probably right, but I was still offended anyway.
“Listen, Sonj, I love you, I’d give my life for you, buuutttt…. You’re not very good at surviving. You’re better at, like, doing stuff around the base.” 
“Not in a sexist way,” he clarified. “Like making it nice and purdy and making sure we can eat and stuff.
I paused in my sapling collecting and thought back to all the times that I relied on Tucker to protect me from stuff. It was a lot. 
“If it weren’t for you, we’d probably be dead,” he added.
“Yeah, exactly!” I concurred, liking his addition better than the original implications.
I came back over to the place the Sand Hut once stood. It was completely flattened. Where there had once been a sandbank with a (not so) lovely base made of sand walls now stood some floating furnaces, chests, and a crude (but functional) bed. We had made a pact not to sleep until all of us could. I was only a couple wool away from having four beds.
“Did you level this whole thing?” I gawked.
“And I’m supposed to rebuild it? I don’t even know where to begin!” 
Jordan cut in. “Wait did you just- completely remove-” 
“Yep,” I answered. Jordan chucked. 
“The poor sand hut!” he lamented. When he said that, there was a slight whine in my comm. He was getting close to the island again.
“It was shite anyway,” Tom asserted. I made a pouty face and sulked back over to the furnaces and leaned them. I built that thing- with his help. Not completely my fault it looked not so good. 
The whine happened again. I could now see Jordan in his boat, wind in his hair and slightly sweaty from rowing. 
Tom laughed. “Look at your cape flapping majestically in the wind! You look like a proper adventurer.” Jordan landed, smiling and slightly red in the face, although I didn’t know if it was from exertion or the compliment. 
“So how big do you want this place? Not very big, I’m assuming?” I pressed Tom. 
He shrugged. “Well, you’re used to not very big, so-” 
Tucker’s mic crackled again as he spoke. “WOOWW. What is this? I’m off getting materials and-” All of a sudden, I heard Tucker shrieking “CREEPER!”, and an explosion so loud it caused my comm to spaz out. I felt all the air leave my lungs. 
We shouted to no avail.
“Maybe- maybe the explosion knocked his mic out, and he’s okay!” Tom said, panicked. He ran in a dead sprint towards the mine. Jordan followed him. I felt frozen in my tracks. Something was crumpling within me. I knew immediately that Tom was wrong. I think that he did, too. I found it in me to follow the boys into the mine. We ran down the stone steps towards where tucker had been. Tom got there before Jordan or I. We both jogged into a small, dark space. We saw Tom, kneeling on the ground, motionless. There was no body (thank god), no remains except for his items dropped on the ground and his hat, which Tom was holding in his hands. I have never seen Tom look more like a zombie than in that moment- cold and dead inside. The only way I was sure that he was still actually alive was the way his chest was rising and falling rapidly. I, on the other hand, couldn’t breathe. The need for oxygen was gone. The three of us stood there for a while, might have been 10 minutes,  staring at the stuff on the ground and the crater in the walls. Abruptly, Jordan scooped everything into his inventory and straightened up.
“I-I can’t take it anymore. I need some air,” he said shortly, and went back up the stairs.
“So do I,” I managed to say. I pulled Tom up by his collar; it was doing no good for him to sit down here and rot. He followed without protest. 
We made it up to the surface. I saw Jordan sitting on the grass. I joined him, plopping down without saying anything. Tom did the same, putting his face in his hands. I finally found it in me to breathe. The sunlight felt nice on my skin. 
“We’re a man down,” croaked Tom. I noticed a lump in his throat. 
“How are we going to defeat all the bosses and stuff now?  We’ve only got three people,” Jordan said quietly.
“We’ve got the Ender Dragon, the Elder Guardian, and the Wither, and-” Tom looked like he was freaking out. 
“I’m like, .5 of a person,” I admitted. Jordan laughed humorlessly. 
“You might as well get on that boat, and- and sail outta here!” Tom snapped. 
“Woah.” I stepped back, kind of hurt. I was really taking some blows today. Jordan put an arm around me protectively and looked at Tom reproachfully.
Tom blinked. “I’m sorry,” he apologized, looking bewildered. “I didn’t mean that. I was just-” 
He pulled on his hair. Tom lashes out when he’s feeling emotional. This was the most vulnerable I had ever seen him. His pitch black eyes were glittering with tears. His voice wobbled when he spoke. He seemed very close to breaking apart.
“We need to do something. To honor him,” Tom propositioned. Jordan and I nodded gravely. 
“Pour one out?” Jordan joked awkwardly. He really didn’t seem to like the atmosphere that had set upon us, so he took it upon himself to lighten the mood. Tom made a weird noise that was like a cross between a laugh and a cry. 
“I’m going to build him a grave.” He stood up, took some cobblestone, and crafted a suitable headstone for our fallen friend. He placed three walls on the ground with a post on top of the middle. He put the hat on top of the post sacredly, like it was an offering to a god. 
And as I was staring at it, I couldn’t help but make the observation.
It looks like a dick.
But I couldn’t say that.
Because there’s no one for me to make dick jokes with anymore. 
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Tom rubbed his hands in his face and sighed. He stared at Tucker’s grave, shaking his head. “What have I been saying? Don’t go in on your own! He kept adventuring on his own!”
“I don’t know that bringing another person would have helped, though. It probably would have just killed both of us,” Jordan brought up. Tom shuddered. 
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Not a lot happened after that. I went back to working on the house with Jordan’s help this time, and Tom went back down into the mine. 
“I just want to check it out some more,” he claimed. While he was down there, he figured he could probably mine a bit. I think that Mianite or Dianite or Ianite or somebody was looking down on us at that moment, because not long after that Tom found twelve diamonds. Twelve. Diamonds. It should have been a happy moment, but it was ruined by the gravity 
Tom emerged from the mines just as I finished placing chests in the new house. I was pretty happy with it. If there were two things I was good at, they were animal breeding and house making. I have a natural eye for symmetry and details that the boys missed somehow. 
“Woah, it looks amazing, guys!” Tom said, impressed. He seemed to be in a slightly better mood. I smiled to myself. 
“Thanks.” I started making beds, and was about to place them down when I noticed that I had made four out of habit. My heart sank all over again. I pushed the fourth bed into the corner. It reminded me of the lonely pig Jordan made fun of Tucker trying to shove into the pit a couple days ago. I put three beds in the center of the room.
“I’m completely shot,” Tom announced, kicking off his shoes and passing out on the bed in the middle. Jordan chuckled and clambered in next to him, maintaining a reasonable distance from Tom. I curled up on the left, near the bed that should have had my boyfriend in it. 
“Let’s all cuddle together,” suggested Tom. I had no clue if he’s serious or not. I think it was one of those “what if… ha ha… unless?” type things. 
“No thanks,” Jordan replied calmly, setting his glasses down on the furnace next to his bed. 
“Aww, come on, Jordy poo, you know you love me.” 
Jordan stayed silent, provoking Tom to wiggle up next to him. Jordan sighed defeatedly, looking up at our stone ceiling. He actually let Tom stay there for the rest of the night. Tom and I were both surprised by this- Jordan’s a fan of his personal space. I guess that he recognized that Tom needed comfort tonight. Maybe he secretly enjoys it (I think he does). Whatever the case was, I ended up getting quite a bit of space to myself. I didn’t really appreciate it, though.
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
I lay awake that night, thinking about what Tom and Tucker had said about my contributions to the team.
I knew that I wasn’t good at fighting, so I stuck with what I was good at; raising animals, tending to crops, cooking the food, and letting the boys do all the dirty work. Don’t get me wrong, I love doing that stuff, but at the same time, I sometimes want a little more. But whenever I tried to help them,  I just got in the way. Was I really just deadweight? I certainly felt like it sometimes. Especially on the old island.  I felt like baggage, or more accurately, the lesser child. Mianite saw Tucker as the straight A son with a sports scholarship, and me as the daughter who really wasn’t good for anything except for occasionally helping Tucker. I didn’t direct that frustration towards my boyfriend- he did nothing wrong except for maybe not share some glory every once and awhile- , but it was still there. And Tom’s snide comments did nothing to help this. 
Speaking of Tom, I could hear him snoring softly. Clearly the trauma of today wasn’t too much to keep Tom from conking out almost immediately. I rolled over and smiled slightly. I was grateful that Tom was directing his total lack of respect for personal space at Jordan and not me. Jordan was lying on his back, hands folded on his stomach and eyes staring at the ceiling. 
“Sparklez?” I whispered.
“Do you… really think I'm useless?” It just sort of came out without me thinking. 
Jordan was silent for a second, then answered, “No, of course not.” 
“Okay. I know I’m not Tucker, but…”
“Sonja, you’re fine. Go to sleep,” Jordan said sleepily. I rolled back over. If there was one thing Jordan isn’t good at, it’s emotions. Specifically dealing with them, whether they belonged to him or someone else. I noticed he hadn’t done much outward processing of Tucker's death yet. He mostly kept quiet unless he was asking me where things should go or one-word replies to whatever Tom said. He didn’t strike me as a guy you could go to with your problems, unless they dealt with redstone or general crafting knowledge. 
 That’s something else I’m good at that no one else on the team is. I’m good at empathy. But what do the empathetics do when they need comfort? 
Turn to an empty bed, I guess.
Well, there’s only one person left who hasn’t written, and it’s Tom. So he’ll probably pick back up in the morning. 
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(A/N good god this one’s a long one. Sorry not really sorry? lemme know if they’re too long, too short, or just right. as always, feedback is always SUPER appreciated, and if you have any ideas for where the series should go, please please please tell me!)
It’s been about two days on the island. I’m just now getting hungry. I guess now that I’m not constantly sprinting around with heavy armor on all the time I use less energy. Who’da guessed. 
So around midnight last night, while we were collecting seeds and trying to avoiding mobs, Tom said he had something important to discuss. 
“I just want to say I’m calling trial right now. I’m calling trial because just now- Sonja came up to me- and punched me.” Jordan gasped while Tom nodded. Sonja sputtered indignantly.
“I-no I- I didn’t-” Her words were drowned out by Tom’s cool tone. 
“Don’t worry, we’re going to have a fair trial here. Tucker, what do you think?”
“I vote she’s dead,” I declared.
“I vote she’s off the island as well!” Tom concurred. “Drown yourself! Drown yourself, woman!” 
“Oh… okay… goodbye everyone.” Sonja waded into the now cold water and pretended to wipe a tear from her eye. She had taken off her shoes in the day and was walking around barefoot. Why? No clue. My girlfriend’s weird. 
Jordan, who had been quiet this whole time, diverted the conversation. “Alright, I’m tired of the mobs spawning. I’m lighting things up.”
“Yes, please,” I said. “Like a diamond, Jordan. Like a diamond in the sky.”
“Shine bright like a diamond~,” he sang, placing torches on the ground as he walked. 
“Oh wait, there are two zombie villagers over here!” Tom announced. “We should keep them and turn them back into villagers!”
“Oo! Yeah, let’s lure them into a trap, I got this,” I responded, digging a 2x2 hole in the ground.  Jordan made noises of uneasiness. I walked up to one of the zombie villagers and punched it twice. It started coming after me. Even walking, I outpaced it easily. My teammates were trying to trap the other one. I led my zombie over to the pit. “Come ‘ere, baby.” Unfortunately, the zombie was too smart for its own good and kept going in circles around my pit. 
“We got em! We got him in the pit!” Tom exclaimed. “Right, what should we name him?”
“Terry Crews!”
“Oh, I guess Terry works,” Jordan conceded. “Still got that -erry theme going for it.”
“Dude, I need some help, this dude does not want to go in. Can someone please come and, like, punch him in here?” I asked.
“We already made a pit,” Tom said. “Come over here.” I followed him, and the zombie followed me. I walked around to the other side to tempt it to come and get me while Tom came up behind it to push it in. 
“Come’ere buddy,” I said. I gave Tom the signal. Tom ended up shoving it WAY TOO HARD and sent it flying RIGHT INTO ME.
“OW TOM WHAT THE SH- I JUST TOOK TWO DAMAGE!” I roared, reeling back. 
“Sorry mate, I guess I’m just too strong,” Tom apologized, flexing his muscles. Jordan laughed and took a swing at the zombie. It started coming back towards me. I felt the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I gave it a light tap towards the pit.
“Dude, just hit him in there! Haymaker ‘im! Haymaker ‘im!” Tom cheered. I backed away. 
“I don’t wanna kill it!” 
“Tucker, it has so much health compared to your measly fist!” Jordan prompted me. Now Tom laughed. 
“My measly fist is so strong, though,” I said, looking to my girlfriend. “Right, Sonj?” Sonja just grinned at me. She was watching from the sidelines, letting the boys do the hard work. 
Tom and Jordan teamed up and punched him back over to me. I was up against a ledge in the sand, and got hit again. And again. I was taking some real damage. I screeched in fear, scrambling away towards the torches. 
“Alright, I’m out, I’m not doing this, you guys suck, this was not worth it at all,” I ranted. Right as I said that, Tom and Jordan managed to hit it into the pit. I never realized how well they worked together until our final purge, when they teamed up briefly and absolutely wrecked everyone else. When they actually put their minds together to collaborate, they’re pretty unbeatable. 
I went back to the sand hut to heal. I had gotten hit pretty bad. I watched the entrance as Tom confronted two spiders and a zombie at once. He had gotten hold of an iron sword (probably from Jordan) and started beating the zombie back. This zombie had somehow gotten chain armor, which is weird because this island looks like it’s never had humans on it, ever. Instead of hitting the zombie and getting a nice thwack, all Tom got was a dull clink as his sword came in contact with the armor. Sonja came over to help with her stone sword. 
“Sonja, get out of the way,” I heard Tom mutter to her, concentrating on landing the blows just right. In the two and a half days we’ve been on the island, Sonja has already wandered into possible harm’s way twice now. The first time was when she was checking out the mine and kept walking in front of Jordan while he was trying to swing his pickaxe. 
“Sonja, get out of the way!” he reproached, nearly goring her with his stone pick. 
“Sorry!” she replied. “I’m just so curious!” 
“Well come be curious over here,” I said to her. She’s not very good at being aware of her surroundings. While Tom can never stay on task, she gets tunnel vision and ignores everything around her. Jordan’s good at both. It’s unconscious for him, I think. He’s been through so many worlds that checking over his shoulder is natural for him. If anyone of us makes it to the end (which we all probably will, ‘cept for Sonja. Sorry Sonj.), I think it’ll be him. 
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Anyways, back to the zombie fight. Sonja took out the spiders while Tom hit the zombie again and again. Finally, it dissipated in a puff of smoke, along with the armor. Damn. 
“I’m getting pretty hungry. Tucker, do you still have those apples?” she asked me. I clicked my tongue and shook my head. “Nah, I had to eat them. I’m still about half way away from being all healed up, and I need food too, so.” 
As the sun rose, so did our need for food. I could hear Sonja’s stomach growling. I wasn’t super hungry, but in order to properly heal I would need at least another apple or something. 
 It was actually Tom who came up with a solution. “Alright, this is now Team Fishing, bitches,” he announced. “Who’s fisharooing with me?”
“I’ll fish,” I offered. “Let’s go on a fishing trip. It’ll be fun.” I stepped over to the water and sat down on the sand, preparing to cast. 
Sonja’s voice distracted me. “Alright, these two chickens have banged and now there’s another one, should I kill one for food?” I frowned and put down my rod. 
“Don’t kill the chicken,” I told her, making my way over to her. 
“Well, no, I made them bang, see, and-”
Out of nowhere, I heard screaming behind me. I whipped around and saw Tom clutching himself, staring at a tree that had apparently just grown. Jordan, who had been right near him, was laughing. 
“Wait, what just happened?” I asked. 
Jordan laughed some more, putting his hand on Tom’s shoulder. “Dude, are you okay?” 
“YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,” Tom yelled. He didn’t seem to be injured, from what I could tell. “I AM AGAINST TREE GROWTH!” He started marching around, pulling up all those saplings I had planted. 
“What just- what was that?” I asked again. I’m still not really sure, but from what I understand- 
Wait. One second. 
Okay, so Tom has requested that he gets to write the part where he nearly died on day 2. I’m handing the pen over to Tom. 
Okay, so I was just walking around the island, when suddenly, I stepped over a sapling, and it just- f-ckin- grew on me! The tree was just like, “nope”. And it hurt alot, too! I have splinters everywhere, I’m going to be picking wood out of my toes and torso for days. Anyways, I am now #antitreegrowth and will now chop down any sapling that I see. And that is the story of I nearly died to a f-ckin tree. F-ckin Groot. Alright, peace, homies!
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Okay, so I just got the paper back, and I see that Tom doesn’t know how to spell “a lot”, so nice going Tom. 
Anyways, once Tom’s near death experience was over, we got back on track with fishing. I cast my rod into the water and sat down on the beach again. 
“Any extra fishing rods I could borrow? I can help with fishing, too,” Jordans commented. 
“Right, because we need food,” said Tom helpfully. (See what I mean about not staying on task?) He and Sonja were talking about breeding when I felt a tug on my rod. I jumped up excitedly and pulled. I reeled in my spoils. 
“GUYS, I CAUGHT A FEESH! A one pound feesh!” I exclaimed. I immediately went to put it in the furnace. It was a decently sized fish. Definitely not enough to feed a crowd of 10,ooo people or whatever Jesus did, but definitely enough to stop hunger pangs. 
“Aw nice!” Tom said. He gave me a thumbs up as he chopped down a tree with personal intensity. “Can I please have it?”
I thought for a moment. ‘Of course not, I caught the damn thing.” If I didn’t heal up these zombie wounds soon, they would get infected and I would end up looking like Tom (I would still be better looking than Tom, of course, but I like having non-green skin and not having to cover most of my body to avoid catching on fire when I stand out in the sun too long). Then I thought about how Tom did kind of save my ass from zombies earlier, and almost died to a tree, and how it’s always a good thing to reward Tom for remembering his “pleases” and “thank yous”.
“I’m putting it in the furnace for you,” I told him, sliding the fish in there. I’d eat the next one that I caught. 
“Really? Aw, thanks, man.” Tom sounded sort of surprised. I went back over to the ocean, where I saw Jordan standing with a fishing rod that he had borrowed from Tom. I plopped down next to him. 
Jordan sighed. “This is gonna take so long,” 
“Wanna crack open a beer?” I joked. Sidenote about me, I actually like fishing. It’s relaxing, and there’s a bonus in the fact that you get to eat something once you’re done. Just as I said that, I noticed Jordan’s sinker disappear.
“I got something”
“Reel it in, reel it in!” 
When Jordan pulled his line in, however, he did not get a delicious fish. He got an enchanted fishing rod! Lucky bastard. 
“Tom, here’s a return on your investment. One fishing rod,” Jordan said, proudly presenting his rod to Tom. 
Tom took it and checked it out. “Wait, now all three of us can fish!”  He jumped down the sand bank and sat in between Jordan and I. 
“That’s really odd, though. Like, we’re in the middle of nowhere. How did a fishing rod get out here?” Jordan wondered.
“Same thing with the armor and the zombie!”
“I don’t know,” I said. “Maybe we aren’t alone out here. Maybe other people have already been here and died and we’re next.” Everyone got quiet for a second, contemplating this theory. Then Tom broke the silence by launching into what he believed what was the history of this great island. Still, the idea that we weren’t the first lingered in my mind like the smell of fish in the air.
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
We fished and shot the breeze for a couple of hours. Whenever we caught one, we would hand it off to Sonja, who would put it in the furnace while she worked on improving our base.
“I had no idea this would be so efficient!” Tom remarked. 
“E-fish-ent?” Jordan made that face he makes whenever he tells a stupid pun. Sonja and I groaned. Tom laughed, but Tom laughs at everything Jordan says. 
Sonja popped up at the top of the sand bank. “Hey tucker, do you need some feesh?” 
“I do, actually.” I responded. She dropped it on my head. 
“Wow, thanks Sonj,” I said, gobbling it up as fast as I could without choking on the bone. I started to feel better after that. Now all I needed was a good dip in salt water and bam! No more worrying about getting mistaken for zombie (or worse: Tom) and being killed by one of my teammates. I decided to wade into the water and sit down in the shallow part, letting my wounds take in the salt water. It stung a little, but the water was cool and it felt nice. Once we caught enough fish to last us a little while, we all went about separate tasks. I was in the mine when I heard Sonja say to no one in particular, “Where did my rabbit go?”
“Why’s it your rabbit? It’s gonna be our rabbit,” I retorted. 
“I guess so… Yay! I found him!” 
“What’s his name?” Tom asked. 
“Hmmm... “ Here we go again. It’s basically a law a law that you have to name every single thing that moves. First the zombie villagers, now this.
“Well he kind of looks like a cow…” 
“Name it Moo the Rabbit,” I suggested. “Or Bud.”
Sonja sounded like she liked that name.“Moo! Moo the Rabbit.” 
I ventured back up to the surface. I had gotten loads of iron and coal. The sun was setting again when I got up there, and I could smell porkchops. I saw my girlfriend chasing a bunny around, Jordan working on the house to make it less crap, and Tom improving our farm so that we could breed the cows that had appeared. I took a deep breath and smiled. We are gonna make this work. 
Well, either Tom or Sonja’s recording after me, so you’ll find out what happens next when they writes it all down. I’m actually pretty stoked. Good things are ahead.
Signing off,
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
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about the trinity island choose-your-own-adventure type thing idea
(btw i reblogged my og post with this but i wanted it to come up in the “recent” tag so)
i’m doing it! It’s going to also be a sort of chronicle/narrative of trinity island happenings. I think this is how I’ll handle it:
-1st person POV. It’ll be like a diary. I’ll also try to keep the tone of each character in mind. [Jordan’s will be more detailed and factual (as in actually retelling), Tom’s will be a bit more crude and scattered with more self insertations, Tucker’s will be more concise and leave gaps (i guess),and Sonja’s will be… Sonja (idk)]
-Each possible path will be recorded as a dream, so I’ll have the actual retelling chapters and then I’ll have the dream chapters. Those will include what might have happened if the series had gone this way or that way. I’ll make sure you can definitely tell which is a dream and which is a retelling.
-I might add in some things in the retellings that didn’t actually happen in the series. Let’s calll themm… embellishments. (Mostly just stuff like bants and ship moments (because I think it’s safe to say we’re all mostly fans of syndisparklez here lmao. I’ll also add some tonja, as they were still together at this point, and I just really like “double couple” themes
and oof i just realized, except for jordan, most of them swear quite a bit and writing swears makes me sort of uncomfy, so I might put asterisks in some of them. that’s just a me thing, though.
any thoughts on what I should call it/tag it with? I’ll probably tag all content relating to it as “TRISLE” and “trisle au”, but should the fanfic have a name?
Anyways, I’m looking forward to sharing it with y’all! I’m already working on the first chapter now. Lemme know what y’all think! (feedback literally makes me implode)
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A list of mianite fanfiction ideas
because i’m already slightly burnt out on TRISLE lol.
(btw feel free to use these as inspo! just be sure to tag me so that I can see it!! if you did I’d probably explode lol)
-Ghost hunter AU
-Royalty x Pirate AU (so I’m SUPER in love with this one and want to talk about it so if that sounds interesting pls message me because i might actually do a oneshot for it because i have heaps of ideas)
-Pirate AU (In which everyone is a pirate. i also really like this one)
-Hunger games au
-Harry potter au
-Movie night
-Team purges
-Magic tutorer (imagine tucker trying to teach someone blood magic or something)
-Body swap
-cursed alts: drowned tom, feral sonja, bloodthirsty tucker (or something), ruthless captain jordan, unholy-being wag 
-Jordan, the true champion of Dianite.
-Sonja, the true champion of Ianite
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