#TRH choices
choices-binglebonkus · 5 months
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dwiankus · 1 year
The S-Tier LI *male edition*
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I am proud of my babies
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 1 year
Cordonia and Drakovia fr
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sfb123 · 1 year
Leaping to Conclusions
Pairing: Liam x Riley
All characters belong to Pixelberry
Summary: The pressure to produce an heir is getting to Liam and Riley, leading them to turn to some unconventional methods.
Rating: PG, Adult Language
Word Count: 1,395
A/N: This fic is insanity guys, I'm not even going to pretend it's anything but. I learned the most absurd fun fact this week, and after sharing it with pretty much everyone I know, @ao719 convinced me that it needed to be a fic, and here we are.
For the record, this story doesn't take place in any of my timelines. My Liam and Riley can be weird, but never this weird. 😂
I am participating in @choicesflashfics, the prompt: “Wait a second. Pause and rewind … what did you just say?” will appear in bold below.
And finally, nobody has pre-read this, so apologies in advance for my horrendous grammar, and anything else about it that sucks.
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Riley’s eyes fluttered open as she felt Liam’s lips trailing slowly across her shoulder. She moaned softly and arched back into him. 
“Good morning, love.” He whispered huskily into her ear. 
“When it starts like this it is.” She replied, reveling in the attention she was receiving from her husband. 
As his hand traveled up her body, her stomach started to lurch. Her hand flew to her mouth and she leapt out of his arms and rushed to the bathroom of their guest room in the Walker ranch. Liam sat up and watched with worry as the door slammed shut. 
After a few moments, Liam stood and approached the door. He could hear his wife on the other end, and he knew exactly what was going on. He rapped gently on the door. “Riley, are you alright? Can I get you anything?”  
The only response he received were a few more retching noises, followed by the toilet flushing. Soon after, the door opened, and Liam met Riley’s red, blotchy eyes. “Sorry.” 
Liam wrapped his arms around her, pulling her flush against him. “You don’t have to apologize, it’s not your fault.” They stood there in silence as Liam held her. “Riley, do you think you may need to take a test?” 
Since the royal couple had gotten married, they’d been facing pressure to produce an heir. While they did not take their positions as monarchs lightly, for them, it was more about building a family together. 
“It wouldn’t hurt.” Riley shrugged before returning to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Liam took a seat at the end of the bed to wait for her. 
“Oh no!” Liam stood and rushed back to the door at Riley’s cry. She came back into the bedroom, more distraught than she had been before. “I dropped the test in the toilet.” She buried her head in her hands. 
Liam chuckled slightly, as he wrapped his arm around her. He had read that pregnancy hormones could cause overreactions; he assumed, hoped, that was why she was so upset. “It’s alright, just take another one.”
“Liam, it was the last one!” She snapped.
He stepped back, shocked by her aggression. “That’s alright, we can go into town and get more.” 
“Are you kidding?!” Riley threw her hands up in frustration before moving to the bed and dropping down, burying her face in the pillow. “The press has been all over us, the last thing I need is for them to get a picture of me buying pregnancy tests!” 
Liam sat beside her on the bed, rubbing her back gently as he racked his brain for a solution. “I’ve got it!” 
Riley rolled over and sat up, leaning against the headboard. “What?” 
“We’re in Texas, surely there is a frog around here somewhere.” He said as he moved to the dresser, pulling out a pair of jeans. 
“Liam, this is no time to go wildlife gazing, I might be carrying the heir!” Riley chided him.
“Love calm down, the frog will be able to tell us.” He said matter of factly as he continued to get dressed. 
Her face contorted into a confused expression. “Wait a second. Pause and rewind … what did you just say?” 
He sat beside her on the bed and slid on his boots. “For about twenty years, starting in the nineteen forties, before the pregnancy tests we are familiar with today, there was the Hogben test. A British zoologist, Lancelot Hogben, discovered that when urine samples from pregnant women were injected into frogs, the frog would spawn eggs within eighteen hours. It was the most rapid and reliable pregnancy test of the time.” 
Riley stared at her husband in stunned silence. “How the fuck do you even know that?” 
“I like history.” He shrugged. 
Still befuddled by her husband’s solution, Riley took a deep breath. “So you want to inject a frog with my pee, and then in 18 hours either nothing happens and I’m not pregnant, or I am pregnant and we also have a hundred and seventy two frog eggs?” 
“They’re called frogspawn, love.” He corrected. 
She slapped her palm against her forehead. “Yeah, because that’s the most crucial thing in this conversation.”
“I’m sorry, force of habit,” Liam smiled sheepishly. “Would you like to try it? It’s a fascinating concept, I would be interested to see it in action.” 
“Liam, I don’t even want to touch a frog, let alone do science experiments on it.”
“I’ll take care of everything,” he insisted. “I’ll just need your… well, your um… sample.” 
Riley chuckled when Liam started to get flustered. “Alright, if it’ll make you happy, and all I have to do is pee in a cup, then let’s give it a try.” 
Liam grinned and leaned in, planting a quick kiss on Riley’s lips. “Excellent!”
“I guess Kermit was right, it’s not easy being green.” Riley said, shaking her head. 
Liam made his way to a nearby pond in search of the perfect frog. His eyes roamed the banks in search of his test subject. “If I were a frog, where would I be?” 
Finally, he noticed a slight movement out of the corner of his eye and turned to see a frog seated on a nearby rock. “Perfect.” He stalked toward his prey, making sure to stay as quiet as possible. 
Liam was so laser focused that he didn’t notice Drake coming up behind him, curiously observing the actions of his best friend. “Li, what the fuck are you doing?” 
Drake’s words startled Liam and before he had time to catch himself, he tumbled over into the pond as the frog lept away. Drake cackled as the King of Cordonia sat waist deep in the pond glaring at him. 
“Sorry,” Drake apologized as he reached down, helping Liam out of the water. “But seriously, what are you doing?”
“Riley might be pregnant,” he answered.
Drake furrowed his brow, even more confused now that he had the explanation. “Okay, so you decided to go frog hunting to celebrate?” 
“No, we lost the test,” he responded. When Drake continued to stare at him with a blank expression, Liam sighed and explained the Hogben test just as he had done for Riley earlier. 
“And Brooks agreed to go along with this?” Drake chuckled.
“We would do anything for eachother.” 
Drake rolled his eyes and moved toward the pond. A few moments later he returned with a frog. 
“How did you do that?” Liam marveled. 
“You had your training growing up, I had mine.” He shrugged in reply. 
Liam took the frog from Drake, thanking him for his efforts and began walking back to the house. 
“I’ve gotta see this.” Drake said to himself as he followed Liam. 
Liam entered the house heading toward the stairs, until he saw Riley sitting with Madeleine on the living room couch. When he stepped up to them, he noticed the crestfallen expression on his wife’s face. 
“Love, what’s wrong?” 
“I’m not pregnant,” she responded, her eyes trained on the floor. 
“But how do you know? I’ve got the frog right here.” He held it up to show her. 
Madeleine stood from the couch, glaring in confusion and disgust at the sight in front of her. “When I was in town this morning, I bought some tests. I figured you would need them.” 
“Oh Riley,” Liam moved to Riley, outstretching his arms. 
“Liam,” she held a hand up to stop him from getting any closer. “You’re slimy, and wet… and holding a frog.” 
“Oh, right.” Liam looked down at himself, and the frog in his hands. “I should shower. Care to join me?” He asked slyly. 
“Um… maybe you should handle this one solo,” she cringed. 
Liam handed the frog over to Madeleine, who grabbed it instinctively. He signaled for Riley to follow him, and they made their way up the stairs to the bedroom.
“So you’re not going to pee on a frog?” Drake called out as they exited the room. 
“Ugh,” Madeleine groaned. “None of this would be happening if I were queen.” She turned to Drake, thrusting the frog in his direction. “Make yourself useful and deal with this thing.” She stormed out of the room, mumbling to herself, questioning where things went wrong for her.
Drake looked down at the frog with a grin. “God I love Texas.”  
@3pawandme @alj4890 @busywoman @charlotteg234 @cordonia-gothqueen @cordoniaqueensworld @differenttyphoonwerewolf @emkay512 @foreverethereal123 @hopelessromanticmonie @iaminlovewithtrr @imashybish @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @malblk21 @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @secretaryunpaid @sincerelyella @theroyalheirshadowhunter @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @txemrn
@amandablink @custaroonie @jared2612
@21-wishes @ao719 @belencha77 @burnsoslow @lovingchoices14 @the0afnan
@choicesficwriterscreations @choicesflashfics
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Sent by anonymous
‘I personally don’t understand the love for the royal romance books. I don’t think they are really bad, but the amount of books they got was just a bit insane to me.’
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masked-alien-lesbian · 8 months
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"Just focus on me, my love, you have nothing to fear." Hana says calming your nerves. You attempt a shaky smile, wipe your sweaty palms on your waist, take your wife in your arms, fall into her warm reassuring eyes and lose yourself into the steps of the Auvernese tango.
🔥🔥🔥dancing the tango with Hana Lee 😍😍
One of my favorite scenes in the TRH series is performing the Auvernese tango against Isabella and Bradshaw. We got to show them up as well as spend an intimate moment with our wife ❤️.
I absolutely love this beautiful commission done by the talented @sazanes. Thank you so so so much for bringing my favorite OC to life. I've done several edits of Raelyn but never could quite get them right, but you portrayed them just perfectly. I can't wait to see more of the couple in the future! 💕
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Holy trinity of punchable faces of Choices.
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Left to right:
Ansel Crane: The heist: Monaco
Guy Ledford: Mother of the year
Barthelemy Beaumont: The Royal Heir
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eadanga · 1 month
The Royal Romance Chapter 9 Part 3
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Riley heads over to the table to grab a drink she overhears the whispers of the of the other nobles
Penelope watches Liam and Olivia “Well that was a bold play”
Madeline sips her drink “Little Olivia is growing up how sweet”
Riley turns to them “Aren’t you upset by that?”
Madeline rolls her eyes “Ostentatious displays are for those who are either unrefined or insecure I am neither”
Penelope sighs “We always knew she and the prince were close”
Kiara crosses her arms frowning “It was a power move if you ask me”
Maxwell nods “Right if you’ll excuse us for moment” He pulls Riley away from the other ladies “We have a chance to play a little politics here”
“You mean like slapping the smirk off Olivia’s face?”
Maxwell chuckles “Not quite but attacking her alliances are equivalent to that”
“I still like my way better but you’re the expert what’s the plan?”
Maxwell nods towards Kiara “Look at Kiara she’s clearly upset by Olivia’s display and she’s alone by the appetizers now this is an opportunity you should get on her good side if you drive a wedge between her and Olivia it can weaken Olivia’s position at court and if she says good things about you it’ll help your reputation”
Riley sighs “I’ll give it a shot” she walks over to Kiara and gives her best smile “Excuse me Lady Kiara”
Kiara looks at her surprised “Oh Lady Riley Comment ca va?
Let’s see I think she asked me how are you let’s see if I remember the response “Ca va bien”
Kiara grins “Magnifique What can do for you?”
Riley let’s out a sigh of relief Thank God for French class She squares her shoulders “Let’s discuss Olivia what did you think of her little display”
Kiara huffs “I can’t believe her she wouldn’t have the guts to do that anywhere else she’s gone mad with power here!”
She’s preaching to the choir Riley nods “That’s true she has the upper hand here and she’s the greatest threat it’ll take more than one of us to beat her”
Kiara thinks for a moment then nods “Interesting”
“We need to stick together or else we wont have a chance of beating Olivia”
Kiara raises an eyebrow “Are you proposing an alliance?”
Riley worries for a moment She catches on fast will she say no?
Kiara grins “I wouldn’t normally entertain the idea but you’re fitting in remarkably well you certainly look like you can be an important ally”
“Thanks and Olivia’s friendship is a one way street why should you always let her get her way?”
Kiara nods “You make a fair point”
“We all need someone to speak well of us we can help each other out”
Kiara grins “That’s not a bad idea”
Riley smiles “We need to have each other’s backs if we’re gonna take down Olivia”
Kiara nods “You know we can both benefit from a little support here and there”
“I’m glad we see it the same way”
“Now if you’ll excuse me I should mingle with what time I have left”
As Kiara walks away Riley grins Wow I did that I even surprised myself
As the evening comes to a close Liam looks around and spots Riley leaving the ballroom I didn’t get anytime with her I need to speak to her He walks quickly to her and taps her on the shoulder she turns around and Liam smiles “Hello Lady Riley” he looks her up and down Why didn’t I notice this beautiful dress she had on the way it hugs at her curves it’s so
“Um Liam?”
He snaps out his trance “Oh sorry” He smiles “As always you’re a vision you look lovely” He kisses her cheek
She smiles “I thought I’ll have to leave the ball without seeing you again”
He takes her hands “I know we haven’t seen much of each other during this trip”
“It’s been a hectic few days”
“A strange few days I spent all these events rushing to person to person trying to say all the right things and keep all the nobles happy but at night I find myself lying awake for hours in the grand suite unable to sleep”
“The grand suite? That sounds fancy”
Liam grins “Oh it’s the best room it’s upstairs at the end of the quiet east wing it comes with everything even a hot tub overlooking the mountains”
Riley grins “Sounds romantic”
“It would be with the right person unfortunately I don’t have anyone to share it with”
“Maybe I can help you with that”
Liam felt his face heat up Me and her in the hot tub? How am I gonna get through this without pouncing on her? He smirks “Oh are you sure you can manage it?”
“I’m not making any promises yet”
Before he can respond Penelope comes up behind him “Prince Liam if I may interrupt”
Liam suppresses a chuckle She probably wants to talk more about poodles with me He nods “Of course I know we haven’t spoken all day Lady Penelope Lady Riley good night” He winks then kisses her hand and turns to Penelope
After ending the conversation quickly he heads up to the room and waits for Riley he paces as he waits I really hope she didn’t change her mind I hope I didn’t ask her too late A knock comes to the door and Liam goes to open it he grins at the sight of her “Welcome I take it nobody saw you”
“Tariq almost did but I scared him away”
Liam chuckles and offers his hand “I want to show you something” He guides her to the patio outside Liam smiles as he sees her reaction to the massive hot tub and the view of the mountains
“Wow this view”
“Beautiful isn’t it? Now you see why I wanted to share it with someone”
“Did you light these candles for us?”
“Well yes I wanted it to be magical”
Liam fidgets Oh I hope I didn’t make her uncomfortable “Do you like it?” His eyes widen in surprise as she kisses him and he eagerly kisses her back
She pulls away smiling “Does that answer your question?”
He grins “Yes ma’am” He steps closer to her “Riley I never had someone so badly I wanted to please I felt like I’ll do anything to see your smile and know that I was the cause” He smiles as she blushes She so cute when her face goes red He clears his throat “Ahem now I don’t know about you but I’m ready to get into this hot tub” He removes his clothes and shivers “Brisk” He watches her reaction enjoying the look on her face “Your turn”
Riley smirks “You know I’ve got all these layers and we could be here all night if I don’t have some help removing them” She turns and moves her hair to the side
“I would be a terrible gentleman if I didn’t help a lady in need” Liam felt his heart race as he gently removed her wrap and unzipped her dress as she turns to face him he drinks the sight of her Wow I never thought I’ll see someone this beautiful how am I gonna control myself with her like this
She shivers “That is brisk”
He takes her hand “Then let’s warm up” He guides into the hot tub
“Oh that feels nice”
Liam grins “There are a few things better than a hot tub in the snow Riley I’ve been waiting for this moment the entire trip”
“I know what you mean we’re finally alone together”
“Exactly I feel like I can be myself around you you don’t know how rare that is for me I spent so long building up an image for the rest of the world and you only see me as Liam”
“I happen to like Liam”
“I’m glad to hear that you may be the only woman that truly knows me that’s why I gotta be careful with you”
Riley looks at him in surprise “Careful?”
“I would never forgive myself if I hurt you in anyway”
“I know what I’m getting myself into”
“I’m glad and yet something about you makes me as fearless as you are maybe that’s why I’m drawn to you”
Riley grins and kisses him softly Liam groans I gotta pull away before I lose control and ravish her right here He pulls away smiling “I treasure all our moments together Riley”
“So do I” She moves closer to him and Liam pulls her into an embrace He kisses her forehead as they enjoy each other’s company
He sighs “Well it’s getting late”
“We should head in”
She smiles “But I enjoyed this moment while it lasted”
“Me too”
“I’ll see you soon”
“You know I can only stay away from you for so long”
They both exit the hot tub and dry themselves off before getting dressed Liam walks her out and smiles “Good night Riley”
“Night Liam” She heads off to her room as Liam watches her go He shuts the door and lays on the bed staring up at the ceiling I can’t stop thinking about her she’s always on my mind I…I think I love her
Tags: @indiacater @mfackenthal @twinkleallnight @choicesgodfanatic @gkittylove99 @princess-geek @the-soot-sprite @iaminlovewithtrr
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cadybear420 · 1 year
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Illumination fucking animation films are more risque with their male characters than PB is /jk
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
Heir Apparent Chapter 20: Asked and Answered
Series: Heir Apparent.
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Drake x Riley, Liam x Riley (past)
Rating: R
Warnings: Mature themes, language
Word count: 1,625
A/N: Every time I think I know where this is heading and how it's going to end, I'm wrong. The characters keep doing their own thing. Half the time I'm surprised when I'm in the middle of writing what I wanted to happen and suddenly something else comes out. Anyway, I already know some of you are going to yell at Liam lol. Sorry/not sorry. I can't help it, I apparently can't control my own damn characters.
Everything else: Master List.
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“Whatever it is, just spit it out already!” Riley was unable to take the frustration and suspense any longer.
Her husband had been acting squirely ever since the press conference. He was clearly agitated about something, but he wasn’t forthcoming with details of whatever it was.
“I thought we agreed we were telling each other everything from now on,” she reminded him.
Drake ran a hand nervously through his hair as he took in her demeanor, hand on her hip, a frown on her face, worry in her eyes.
He had to ask her, right? If for no other reason than to settle the whole thing once and for all.
“Yeah, okay, right,” he gestured to the cream-colored loveseat in the middle of the sitting room, inviting her to sit.
She took a seat and looked up at him expectantly, “Well?”
“Well…I…” he took a moment to quell the shaking in his hand as he drew in a fortifying breath, and took the seat next to her. Taking her hand in his, he decided to just spit out quickly, “I just wanted to know if you…if you wanted a Cordonian Arrangement.”
“I don’t know what that is.”
“It’s an addition to the marriage vows, basically a formal agreement opening the marriage-“
She pulled her hand out of his and her body jerked away from him as hurt and anger bubbled up in her heart, “You want to see other people?”
“What? No!” panic swept through him as he tried to explain, “It’s not for me, it’s for you!”
“What do you mean? You’re not making any sense! You want me to see other people?”
“Only if you want to…”
She stared at him as shock and confusion swam through her, “I don’t understand, Drake, why would you think I wanted to see anyone else?”
“Not just anyone, Riley…this would be a way for you to maintain a relationship with Liam….if you wanted to...” he trailed off, sighing with defeat.
“I don’t! Why would you think-“ she stopped midsentence as the answer presented itself to her, “Fucking Liam! This was his idea, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, but-“
“But what, Drake?” She sprang to her feet and stalked away from him, “Are you seriously trying to pimp me out to your best friend right now? Is that what’s happening?”
“No! God…no! This isn’t what I want, but if it’s what you want then-“
“Then what?” She whirled on him, fury blazing from her eyes, “You’d be okay with sharing me with him?”
“No!” He leapt out of his seat as a maelstrom of emotions exploded in his chest, “I told you, this isn’t what I want! But Liam said-“
She made her way back to him with record speed, “I don’t care what Liam said, Drake! You’re my husband, not Liam!”
“I know that Riley but-“
Face red and shaking with fury, she yelled, “I know I fucked up in Vegas, Drake and I’m sorry! I don’t know how many more ways I can make that clear to you! When are you going to stop punishing me for it?”
“Punishing you?” His mouth fell open incredulously, “No, I’m not! That’s not what this…how the hell would letting you continue to sleep with Liam be me punishing you?”
She drew in a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself as she realized he was being serious and forthright, not snarky or sarcastic, “Because, Drake….the fact that you really thought I would want this…that I would say yes to it hurts me!”
“I….” he raked a hand through his hair as relief crashed through him, “it does?”
“Fuck, Drake, yes!” tears spilled down her face, “of course it does!”
He reached for her and drew her into his arms, “Baby, why are you crying?”
“Because it’s my own damn fault that you think that!”
“I’m sorry, please don’t cry. Don’t blame yourself for this.”
She hiccupped a little as she drew away from him, “Oh, I don’t. Not for this! I’m blaming Liam for this!”
“He was just-“
“Just what, Drake? Just putting doubts in your head? After everything we’ve overcome? It’s not okay!”
“I really don’t think he meant-“
“Are you defending him?”
“Um…” he took in the fury in her eyes, “….no…”
She picked up her phone and started dialing.
“Riley, are you sure you should do this right now? Maybe you should-“
“Don’t you dare tell me to calm down!”
“I wasn’t!”
He absolutely had been.
When Liam answered she barely gave him a chance to say hello, “Did you tell my husband to ask for a Cordonian Arrangement?”
“Uh…” in his private office, Liam gestured for the press secretary to leave and give him some privacy.
“Well?” Riley demanded, “Did you?”
As soon as he was alone, Liam leaned back in his chair with a defeated sigh, “I take it by the tone of your voice that the answer is no.”
“Of course, the answer is no, Liam! I thought we’d made a breakthrough in therapy last week! How could you possibly think any of us are ready for something like that? Huh? Drake and I are trying to put our lives back together and I need to focus on the baby right now!”
The sinking disappointment in his chest made a U-turn. He cleared his throat and sat upright, “I apologize, Riley. You’re absolutely right. We did make a breakthrough and I heard you.”
You said you still loved me.
“Okay, good,” she was mollified a little. “If you care about my happiness, or his, please back off and stop this.”
“Absolutely. I promise!” I promise to back off for now.
She said none of them were ready for such a step, not that such a step would never be possible. She said she needed to focus on the baby for now, not that their relationship, such as it was, would never be on the table for discussion.
He was a patient man. Time was on his side. She wasn’t going anywhere. They were going to be coparenting for a long time.
He realized that what he wanted might never happen, but he was all about calculated risk.
It wasn’t even that he wanted to have sex with her again. Of course, he did, but that wasn’t really the point. Sex was easy enough to come by.
He wanted her love. If that took the form of a deep and close friendship, he would settle for that.
He wanted her to trust him again. He wanted her to like him again. He wanted to be a part of her life again. A real part, not just someone on the periphery, an outsider looking in.
He wanted to be a part of his child’s life, a real part, not just a weekend father or an obligation, an amorphous authority figure to please like his own father had been.
To have a good relationship with his child, he had to have a good relationship with the child’s mother. That was common sense.
Riley seemed to think he was an impediment to her marriage and that was the opposite of what he’d been trying to do.
With sudden clarity he realized that the only way to accomplish both of his goals was to repair his relationship with Drake.
Not that he didn’t want to do that for the sake of their lifelong friendship anyway. It was just difficult overcoming all the emotional obstacles that lay in their path.
But just as he knew he needed to repair things with Riley in order to have the best relationship possible with his child, he realized that he needed to repair things with Drake if he had any hope of salvaging anything from the wreckage of what was left of his relationship with the woman he loved.
What a tangled mess the three of them had made.
He supposed he had Drake to thank for her staying in Cordonia so there was that. Of course, if not for Drake she would be married to him right now, by her own admission.
Not happily, though. He had to remind himself of the other part of their conversation.
She still resented him for what had transpired on coronation night and in the days and weeks following.
Of course she had fallen in love with the man that has swooped in and rescued her, the one that had been there for her, the one that could, and had, claimed her publicly. The one that had literally taken a bullet for her.
Drake had been willing to die to protect her, and he almost had.  
Liam would have been willing to throw himself in front of a bullet for her, but he knew he’d never have been allowed to. Security would have tackled him to the ground before he could have moved.
The same moment Drake had been saving Riley’s life, Liam had been drug from the dais and pulled out the door of the ballroom.
As these thoughts poured through his head, he had an epiphany. He had made the right decision not to marry at all regardless of if Riley ever consented to enter into an extramarital relationship with him or not because he simply had nothing to offer a potential wife other than the danger that came with the crown.
Riley was right. He would never be able to put her, or any woman for that matter, first. Cordonia was a harsh mistress and she demanded everything from him.
His jaw set as he determined that the same would not happen to his child. He would make sure of it. And he would make it up to Riley somehow, even if it took the rest of his life to do so.
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choices-binglebonkus · 2 months
You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.
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txemrn · 1 year
Déjà Vu
Chapter 4
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New? Check out the first THREE chapters HERE! (Go ahead; we'll be here. 😉)
Series Summary: After an unforgettable night with a stranger, Princess Eleanor finds herself caught in a secret love triangle between a noble and a commoner.
Chapter Summary: Drake heads to Club Core with Leo; he unexpectedly meets a young woman that reminds him of a past life.
Pairing(s): mention of Liam x Riley; Drake x Riley (former)
Word Count: ~4970
Warning: 🔞 Mature Audiences Only 🔞 language (tons; it's Drake); sexual references (crude); mention of excessive drinking; drug-use reference; brief violence
A/N: Welcome to my Crack Fic! If you are new, hi! Thank you for joining us! This story takes place approximately 2 decades after TRR/TRH. I have made some canonical changes (they will be mentioned). Although this is from my crazy mind, it takes a village! Huge thanks to my sweet writing buddies for helping me figure out various parts! Love y'all! Characters and some plots belong to our friends at Pixelberry! This was not Beta'd; please excuse my errors.
What the fuck was I thinking? I hate large crowds and eardrum-piercing music. I hate being around people who can't hold their liquor, not to mention I hate dancing. But even worse, I hate Leonardo Anselm Phineas Rys. Old thorn in my side. What in the actual fuck made me agree to hang out with blondie in the first place? At a club? On opening night?
Because you're lonely, and he offered free booze…
My twisted expression relaxes as I shrug my shoulders. Meh. I guess it could be worse.
"Okay, baby… I'll be home later… yes… I'll tell Liam you said, 'hello'..." Leo gives an obnoxious kissing sound before disconnecting his call with the touch of a button. He lets out a sigh, taking a hit of his vape pen. "Dahlia," he answers to the question I never asked. He glances at me, sucking in his bottom lip before giving me a slow flutter of a wink.  "She's a bit clingy."
I nod, drumming my fingers against the leather interior, playing it cool like I care. "Is… she your–?"
Ah. Okay. 'Friend.'  The term just glides off of his tongue. Nonchalant. Sweet and syrupy, almost as if he believes the bullshit he's feeding this poor girl that's waiting at home for him. 
And she thinks what now? That he's coming over after an evening with his brother's family which, no doubt, she has never met. And judging by that brief interaction with goldie locks here, she doesn’t seem to have the intellectual capacity to wonder why she wasn't invited to the dinner in the first place.
Side-piece. Booty-call. Friend. It's all just semantics to douchebags like Leo Rys.
I fidget with the navy collar to the button-down shirt Leo loaned me. I could barely fit my broad shoulders into the lean cut of his tailored threads. The guy has a rock hard physique, but tough, manual labor creates a different kind of body. A strong one. Like mine.
The buttons pull slightly across my chest as I flash a glance in the car visor mirror. I look like a fucking tool. I'm not used to my stubble brushing up against starched cotton; I'm usually wearing a tee, my work denim and my steel-toes. I mean, unless I'm meeting with a client or going out to dinner where you have a waiter and utensils. But, other than that, I am a fish out of water: this shirt is uncomfortable. And I have a feeling this is just a prelude of what's to come.
At least Leo approved of my jeans and Tecovas. He tried throwing my trusty chambray shirt in the trash.  "No one has worn this for at least twenty years… and they weren't even wearing it then."
Fuck off.
We pull up to this club, and I swear everyone in Cordonia has turned out for this spectacle. The moment Rys steps out of his 'I didn't want anything too flashy' red Ferrari, the paps were on him like white on rice. Flashes of light rain from every direction as reporters flood him with curious questions about his Gucci loafers and gray Brioni blazer. 
Lucky for me, I'm a nobody, and the press quickly discovers that the moment I step out onto the red carpet. Dropping their cameras and microphones in disappointment, they instantly turn their attention elsewhere.  I don't know if I should be grateful… or offended, to be honest. At least confuse me for Leo's new lover… bunch of dickwads.
I push past the commotion, combing my hair out of my eyes as I look around the red carpet. This place is pretty snazzy, but holy fuck, they didn't spare with any expenses. It’s like a fucking fortress: a tall, wrought iron fence encased with stone surrounds the perimeter. Armed security in black tie a la James Bond swarm the space.
Now, the entrance? This wasn't just any ol’ red carpet; oh, fuck no, that wouldn't do for such a prestigious guest list. Contortionists and acrobats on pedestals perform sultry poses and maneuvers, leaving the crowd bewildered and amazed. 
Scantily clad women tend to the average Joe commoners waiting in line. They serve hors d'oeuvres and complimentary spirits, fooling them into thinking they're still important even though they're on the outskirts of the main event, and truth be told: they'll never get in.
Taking it all in, I suddenly feel a massive clap against my back before an arm hugs tightly around my neck.
"Ready, Walker?" Leo pops his gum in between his smarmy grin. "Let's get our dicks wet."
Fucking. A. I'm pretty sure I just entered the third level of hell.
"Hey-yo, Walker!" 
Make that the fourth level…
I glance back at Rys who is now flocked with an entourage of, and I quote, ‘aspiring models,’ all with their fake tits falling out of their tops, their overly-injected blow-job lips, and lashes so thick, you can't tell if they're sleeping or having a stroke.  He flashes those pearly whites as he dangles a small, gram-size plastic bag of white powder.
Now, I'm not against tokin' up or getting obliterated with alcohol, but cocaine isn't my style… not to mention, if we got caught–no doubt, Leo knows people that could bail us out, but if Liam and Riley were to hear about this? They'd kick me to the curb in an instant, especially with their kid around. They’d label me as a bad influence, and Liam would give me that fatherly disappointment glare.
"What do you think, Walker?" Leo nods with eager anticipation. "Wanna join… all of us?" He lets out a knowing laugh, winking at the women around him. They take his cue and begin to giggle, as if he was the funniest, most charming man they've ever met.
And my IQ just dropped two points.
"I think… I'm going to… " I notice a large bar area, quickly throwing a hitched thumb back at it. "...I'll check out the bar," 
"Suit yourself." The women practically swallow him whole with their arms. "Don't forget: give 'em my name. Drinks on me!"  
The drove of venereal diseases buzzes off with their king, and a sense of relief washes over me. Would I rather be at home? Absolutely, but since I'm already here…
I make my way toward the crowded bar area, ducking between drunken cat fights and groping couples. Finding a stool, I plant my ass down, and despite how busy it is, the bartender tends to me quickly–probably because I'm a 45- year-old man alone in a club. Translation: I have money, I know what I want, and chances are, what I order doesn't require my rim being bedazzled with seasonings, flowers, or fruit.
"What can I get ya?"
Oh, shit, I haven't heard that distinct nasally Portavira accent in so long. My God…
"Um… Larceny. Neat."
My man… I nod as I watch him pull out the bottle and a clean tumbler.
"Do you have a tab started, sir?"
I reach for my wallet, but I abruptly stop, remembering Leo's words. 'Give 'em my name. Drinks on me!'
"I do. It's under Rys," I smirk, "and actually, do you have Macallan?"
The bartender stops, giving me a glance over when finally a Cheshire grin creeps across his face as if he just struck oil. "We sure do, Mr. Rys." He extends his hand to fist bump me before reaching to the top shelf for a new bottle of the liquid gold. Before I knew it, he's twirling the tumbler across the bar. "Enjoy, Mr. Rys."
Taking a sip, I give him a wink as a thank you as I bask in the much needed woodsy burn of clove on my tongue. Damn, that's tasty.
Feeling more relaxed, I glance out onto the dance floor as other club-goers get lost in the hypnotic buzz of the ethanol electrifying their veins. The tantric beat of the music and the flashing swirl of multicolored lights feeds the adrenaline and raging hormones as people grab and grope one another.
I am way too old for this scene.
I grab my glass to take another pull when out of the corner of my eye, I see a familiar face at the bar. Turning my head to get a better look, I suddenly swallow my whiskey down the wrong pipe, causing me to fall into a fit of coughs. Smooth, Walker, real smooth. 
Blinking back the tears, I sniff into a napkin before looking back at the beautiful face. Shit. She's absolutely…wow. Gorgeous dark, silky waves, porcelain skin, that pouty mouth with those big, doe eyes… She's the spitting image of… Riley. 
"Fuck," I growl at myself before rubbing the shit out of my eyes. No way, it can't be. I look up again, and instantly I can feel my jeans begin to tighten. 
You're just wanting to see her. You're just wanting it to be her, especially with what happened back at the palace.
I down the rest of my drink before allowing my attention to be completely saturated by this girl. 
It's not Riley. It's not…
See? Her nose appears more prominent from the side, and-and her neck. Her neck seems longer, slender. And her eyes. They're gorgeous and big… they aren't Riley's navy blues, but damn, that sparkle–
"Would you like another–?"
"Please," I grumble as I stare at this Riley look-alike. I just… can't tear my eyes away. Her presence feels so real, so intimate. Now, judging from this woman's creamy, velvet skin, she's young. Maybe early 20s. Way out of my league… but still that face. It's like looking into a past life, a life I once loved.
(Two decades ago…)
"Brooks," Drake whispers loudly, "come on!"
"Shhhh!" Riley presses a finger to her lips, stifling her giggles as she looks down from her palace window. "Are you trying to wake everyone up? You're going to get me into trouble."
"You are trouble, lady."
Riley looks back at the commoner, the glint of mischief in his eyes making her adrenaline pump faster through her veins. "Now are you sure about this?" She bites her lip, "you'll catch me if–"
"For the hundredth time, yes," Drake rolls his eyes, holding his arms out wide. 
Since Drake's confession to Riley at Applewood, the two of them have been enjoying each other's company, especially after hours. They flirt with danger, sharing in kisses that they swear will never happen again for obvious reasons: she is there to pursue Liam and his hand in marriage; Drake is his best friend.
After watching Liam share a kiss with Riley, a dam of excruciating jealousy broke in Drake's heart. He already shared with Riley before that he was developing feelings for her, but now, it was… something else. Something more.
During dinner, the commoner passed her a note, asking her to meet him outside her window after midnight because they needed to talk.
Riley is staying in the guest quarters off the West Wing with the other suitors. She's only on the second floor, but still, a jump from that high could be dangerous. So, Drake helped the brunette construct a climbing rope with her top sheet. 
"I've got ya. Just… ease yourself over."
Riley takes one step at a time, following Drake's directions; but when she gets close to the ground, she looks back at Drake, raising an eyebrow, then jumps. 
"Whoa!" Drake stumbles as Riley crashes into his chest, his arms quickly cradling her close. "What the fuck are you doing?"
Riley giggles, combing her fingers through Drake's thick hair. "Sometimes a girl just wants to be caught."
Their eyes lock on one another, Drake's hand finding her cheek. He gently rubs his thumb across her soft skin, her eyes fluttering closed as she leans into his touch.
"Come with me," he whispers softly while grabbing her hand.
"Wait… I thought we were going to talk–"
"I want to show you something." Riley gives him a curious glare. "It's a surprise," he smirks, pulling her to follow him.
They walk silently, hand-in-hand across the grounds, playfully gazing back-and-forth at one another–that is, until all a sudden a bright flashlight skims over where they are walking.
"Who goes there?" A palace guard bellows.
"Brooks, take off your flip-flops," Drake commands under his breath, watching the guard in the distance.
"What? Why?"
"Just trust me," he squeezes her fingers. 
Riley quickly kicks them off, holding them in her hands. "Okay… now what?"
Drake grabs her hand again, his grip tight. "Run!" Giving her a warning tug, they both take off across the wet lawn, Riley following Drake's lead.
"Where… are we… going?" She pants, laughter bubbling from her chest.
"You'll see," Drake chuckles, "but we have to lose Barney Fife first!"
Dodging the glow of the searching lights, Drake and Riley finally make it to a large wall of greenery. Finding an entry, they pass through the walkway and hide behind the vines and leaves.
Drake looks to see if they finally lost the guards, but Riley takes a moment to look around the thicket they just entered. 
"Whoa," her eyes widen as she looks at the well-manicured covert. "Where… where are we?"
"It's… a maze. A hedge maze that we used to play in as kids."
"Are you serious?" She meanders down a corridor, looking around a corner. "It's so dark. Did you ever get lost?"
Drake chuckles, reaching into his pocket. "Plenty of times." He saunters closer to Riley, pulling out a flashlight and handing it to her. The air crackles around them as the charm of the blue moon ignites the twinkle in their eyes. Drake lowers his voice into a deep gravel. "Come get lost with me, Riley Brooks."
With that, he smiles and takes off jogging, Riley staying close behind. "Hey, not so fast Drake." She turns a corner and notices his denim shirt discarded on the grass. "You lost your shirt."
"Did I now?" He snickers. "Can you bring it to me?"
Riley scoffs into a giggle as she continues through the maze at the sound of his voice. "Maybe if you'd stop running away–"
"Maybe if you weren't so slow–"
"Hey!" Riley chides, "I just jumped out of a window–" she falls silent as finds Drake's belt tossed on the ground.  She collects it in her hand, biting her bottom lip. "Drake?"
"You're getting warm," he teases. Riley stumbles through another corner, turning left, then right. The sounds of her toes in the grass compliment her heavy breathing as she stops again to the cooing of his voice. "Warmer, Brooks." 
She continues until suddenly, she notices a warm glow just up ahead. Her steps quicken until finally she reaches a small clearing in the maze that opens to a stunning backdrop of the star-filled sky. Gas-lit sconces illuminate the garden, revealing tapestries of vines and flowers fixed to wooden lattice work amongst the bushes.
"Wow," Riley gasps, her eyes glowing with the wonder all around her. "This is beautiful." She feels Drake's warm touch on her hand, their fingers lacing together. 
"Cmon," he tugs on her, "I want to show you something."
"There's more?" She giggles, following his lead. They walk a short, pebbled path until they are standing in front of a large gray-stoned well. Riley presses her fingertips to the cold marbled edges before looking down into the dark abyss. Her eyes shift to Drake, "Is this where you murder me?" He chuckles, shaking his head as she turns back to the well opening. "Hello!" She shouts, the echoes welcoming each other back and forth.  
"I'll be honest, Brooks." Riley looks back at Drake. "I'm kinda shocked Liam hasn't already brought you here. It's one of his favorite places to show off in the entire estate."
"Oh," Riley's eyebrows knit together with a pained expression. 
"Hey," Drake nudges her playfully. "What's with the long face?"
Riley snickers into a scoff before finally succumbing to tears. "I'm just exhausted," she pulls her hands to her face.
"Brooks," he pulls her into his comforting arms.
"This social season bullshit is just … it's really screwing with my head," she sniffles. "I've never been more insecure in all my life, and what for?" She wipes her eyes with the back of her hand, clearing her throat. "I wish I knew where I stood. I wish the competition was over. I wish–"
Drake reaches into his pocket, pulling out a couple of worn copper coins. He offers them to a confused Riley.
"Pennies?" She sniffles.
"Yeah," he chuckles, "I forgot to get rid of them when we were in New York. They're worthless here. No conversion."
Riley's lips begin to curl. "Then why keep them?"
Drake starts inspecting the coins in his hand, allowing them to softly clang together in his palm. "I read a book once–"
"--picture books don't count as reading."
"Ha. Ha." He smirks, feigning annoyance as he starts to jingle the coins in his hand. "I read that in ancient civilizations, finding random metals was a sign or a blessing from the gods."
"You see them everywhere back home. The streets, sidewalks," she snickers, "a whole cent. How generous of the gods."
"What? A penny isn't enough for you?" Drake playfully growls, slowly leaning closer to Riley.  She coyly bats her lashes, a soft titter in her throat. "Here." He puts a coin in her hand.
"What's this for?" Riley studies the trinket.
"For something bigger, citizens would offer the metal back to the gods, like a payment.  So they would say a silent prayer, then toss it–"
"--into a well," Riley softly finishes.
Drake nods over his shoulder to the stoned well. "Let's make your wishes count."
One by one, Drake and Riley silently take pennies, casting them into the well with unspoken hopes and dreams until every last coin was gone. Feeling his close proximity, Riley stares up into his dark eyes, getting lost into a charming stillness.
"What did you wish for?" She whispers.
Drake slowly shakes his head. "Nothing."
He offers a crooked grin. Combing his fingers into Riley's dark, espresso waves, his hand gently grips the back of her neck, pulling her closer. "All my wishes have already come true, Brooks."  He closes the space between them, their lips grazing one another. The feather-light touch instantly ignites a hunger, one they both feel and crave. Drake pulls back, chuckling under his breath as he fidgets with the hem of Riley's shirt. "So... why didn't you take off any clothes?"
Riley bites her bottom lip. "Maybe... because... I wanted my wish to come true." She pauses, her fingers tucking into the front pocket of Drake's jeans, pulling his hips flush against hers.
He swallows thickly. "Which is?"
"Take them off for me, Walker."
Damnit.  I adjust myself in my jeans, but my cock always hardens at the memory of Riley and me that night. We fucked. A lot. But that night, our first night together, it was more than just sex. We made love.
I take a swig of my new drink that the bartender must've dropped off while I was taking a stroll down the boulevard of broken dreams when my eyes dart to my Riley look-alike.
And I feel my dick shrink.
She's with someone, some blond tool, probably named Chad, with a tool haircut that shops at Tools-R-Us with a matching trust fund. 
I sigh to myself, polishing the rest of my drink before staring at my empty glass. 
He is pretty hot; I don't blame her.
I glance at them one more time, kissing my own dirty fantasy away when I notice something odd. His hand is sternly gripped around her wrist, staring at her like she's his next meal. 
But her face tells a different story. She seems to be struggling, trying to tear her arm away from him. Those big, doe eyes are panicked, large as table saucers as she frantically looks for help. 
I sigh. Goddamnit...
I wipe a napkin across my mouth as I stand, my glare fixed on this commotion transpiring before me. I shrug my shoulders, loosening the tight fabric off my back as I stretch my muscles. Just in case.
I hurry my way through the dense crowd of patrons gathered around the bar. I flex my fingers, bending my wrist as I get closer.
Ah, shit. This is the part I'm bad at. What do I say first? 'Stop that!' No, that's lame. I need something clever, like maybe, 'Is there a problem here?' How about–
My clenched fist meets his jaw, knocking the asshole in one swing into a bartop table before he crashes down onto the floor.  He's so disoriented; he's trying to get up, but he keeps slipping on shards of glass, falling back into the pathetic rumple he calls his life.
Fuck. My hand. I know it will hurt like a bitch in a few minutes when my body depletes of adrenaline, but for right now, I'm basking in the moment. 
A smirk grows on my mouth, but it doesn't last for long. The young woman. I turn to the Riley look-alike, her terrified stare already fixed on me. Instinctively, I carefully put my hand on her shoulder. She's shaking.
"Excuse me, miss. Are you alright?"
Ho.ly. Fuuuuuuck. 
Brooks? Seeing her up close is almost painful; I can feel my balls beginning to ache.  This woman is hauntingly stunning: the subtle freckles on her nose, the curve of the bow to her top lip, even the flounce of her long, flirty eyelashes. She's beautiful; she's… like somebody I used to know…
The young woman shyly nods, but she's trembling. She's clearly not alright. 
And I suddenly possess this overwhelming need to take her in my arms, hold her tight and let her know she's safe. 
Calm down, Walker. 
"Let's get you away from this." I look up, noticing an open lounge-type area near the dance floor with large, plush couches. Offering my arm, she holds on tightly as we escape through the debris of the nightmare that just happened. Placing a reassuring hand on her back, I encourage her to sit. 
I, on the other hand, keep an eye on douche canoe who is being helped up by security and his friends. But, I don't think he'll be a problem for us anymore tonight.  He never got a good look at me, and even if he had, something tells me his ego would keep him away from telling the truth of who made him taste his own blood.
Turning towards the young woman, I notice she is anxiously looking around, her body on edge.  I tilt myself to her ear, shouting over the blaring music, "Are you here with anyone?" 
She nods, "B-but it's okay," she yells back, waving her hands. "I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
She fakes a smile, and my God, it knocks me back. Stunning.
Focus on her words, Walker...
"I don't exactly want to…" 
I don't quite understand the rest of her statement, her words lost in the heavy beat of the music. I give her an inquisitive look, causing her to careen towards my ear, her hand brushing across my shoulder.
And my cock twitches. Breathe, buddy…
"I said… I don't want to interrupt their fun." She motions aimlessly to the dance floor. Got it.
"Can I call someone for you? Family perhaps?"
Her eyes widen. "What? No, no." 
She grins, but it's clearly hiding her true feelings. Which is fine. I'm a complete stranger. Shit, she probably thinks I'm some creepy old man, hitting on her at the bar. And sure, maybe on a night where she wasn't assaulted, maybe I would've bought her a drink, asked for her number.
But the fact of the matter is this: I really don't feel comfortable leaving this girl alone. She  just got into a physical altercation with… whoever that guy was. Her boyfriend? Oh shit, husband? I look at her hand; I don't see a ring, but that doesn't mean anything. You never know these days. Still, she doesn't need to be by herself right now. She really doesn't need to be here, but again, who am I but another creep at the bar.
I run my fingers through my hair. Oh, what the hell. "Do you mind if I sit with you?"
A hint of fear crosses her expression as she looks me over. 
I hold up my hands in defense before leaning over her shoulder. "I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone in a place like this," I shout, "especially with what happened with your boyfriend."
She takes a deep breath. She flashes those big, brown eyes at me before finally nodding in agreement. 
And my heart melts. 
I offer my hand. "Drake."
The corners of her lips curl as she takes my hand, leaning towards my ear. "Jake?" She yells.
I shake my head, facing her ear more directly. "Drake!" I holler over the deep thrumming of the bass.
She raises an eyebrow. "Jake?" 
Eh, close enough. I smile in agreement.
"I'm Nora," she smiles, already more relaxed.
"Nora?" I repeat, ensuring I heard her correctly. At least one of us should be called by our real names this evening. 
She nods innocently, a beautiful rosy pink painting her cheeks. "Oh, and, um… he's not my boyfriend."  A piece of her hair falls like liquid silk into her eyes as she looks down at her lap. She quickly shoos the wisp away, chasing it behind her ear before looking back at me, trying to figure out my angle. Am I here to hurt her? Flirt with her? Invite her home for a messy, drunken fuck?
Don't worry, sweetie, you're safe with me.
She catches me off guard with that one. "Uh, yeah. How did you–?"
She points to her mouth, her lips perfectly rounded and plump, painted a deep crimson. Oh, duh. My watered-down accent. Toto, we're not in Texas anymore. It's hard to believe that at one point in my life, I actually sounded like these people. Every once in a while, the Cordonian beast pounces, but these days, I sound like the typical American mutt.
"Are you on vacation?" Nora asks.
I smirk, shaking my head. "I… moved here for work."
"To Cordonia?" She snickers. "Of all places?"
"Fair," I chuckle under my breath as I feel the heat rise up my neck. "I… grew up here, so I have… connections, friends and family. It makes for an easy transition. How about you?"
Her eyes brighten, like a pageant contestant being asked about world peace. "Cordonian. Born and raised."
"That's unfortunate," I joke. Sorta.
"Hey," she giggles, scrunching up her nose playfully.  She swats the back of her hand against my shoulder. The touch sends a shockwave of familiarity, robbing me of my breath. "I love Cordonia–"
"Spoken like a true Cordonian."
"And… what's wrong with that?"
Drake guffaws. "What isn't wrong with that?"
"Your tone is suggesting that there's something wrong with having pride in your country–"
"It's egotistical–"
"The only thing egotistical is thinking that your opinion about Cordonia is the only opinion to be had." She furrows her brows. "If you hate it so much, why did you come back?"
Shit. She's feisty. And this conversation has gone completely off the rails.  I can't tell if she's really pissed… or if I'm just really turned on and wanting a sparring match. 
Fuck. You just had to be a jackass…
"Okay, truth?" I offer, even though I'm sure she wants to toss a drink in my face at this point.
She turns to face me, tucking her leg underneath her. "Please."
"I had a rough time fitting in here. Except for my best friend. He's–" I grin thinking about Liam and I, growing up together, how perfect and inseparable we were. "--as Cordonian as you can get. Well, except… I mean, his mom… nevermind," I shake my head. "He's the nicest person I've ever met in my life. I needed some help after a bad business deal, and… he was there and… now I'm here."
"Huh." She sits back, crossing her arms as she takes me in. She raises an eyebrow, the corner of her lips curling. She's clearly unsure of me, and I don't blame her. 
"Drinks?" A cocktail waitress dressed in a skimpy, leather skirt interrupts us.
Rubbing the back of my neck nervously, I turn to Nora. I have a feeling that this might be the end of the night for us, especially if I don't offer her a cocktail.
I stare at the sparkling flecks of bronze in her eyes. There's something about this girl, more than just the memories she stirs up in me. I can't explain it… shit, then again, maybe I'm fooling myself, wanting something to be there that never was. Still… I clear my throat… you never know unless you try.
 "Would… you like one? A drink?"
She narrows her eyes in thought… and fucking hell, she's so goddamn beautiful. Like Riley incarnate. The mannerisms, some of her expressions. Watching her literally robs me of speech and air, and I am dying to spend more time with her. Hell, who knows where the night will take us. 
I really hope she agrees to this drink. I can tell I haven't exactly won her over in the past twenty minutes, but if she would just agree to one more drink, just a few more minutes with me, maybe history could repeat itself. Maybe I could experience the woman of my dreams in a different way. Now, I could never tell Nora this; she could never find out. I mean, I am attracted to her, it's just…
"Sure," Nora interrupts my thoughts, her lips curling. "I'll take a drink."
Thank you so much for your support! Every like, comment and reblog means the world to me! 🖤
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monaownsmyass · 1 year
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Protective Hana is so wife I love herrrr
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From what I hear, it’s a fucking travesty that PB murdered TRR in the end. Literally everybody else’s headcanons are better and I’ll resort to fanfic as canon.
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Sent by anonymous
‘King Liam is one of the best LIs of all time. ’
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masked-alien-lesbian · 3 months
A re-do of Hana, Raelyn and their daughter Jasmine's anointing ceremony photoshoot
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The parents match better now!
And ofc Raelyn is wearing pants lol
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