#Trans Woman Lesbian Pansexual Bisexuality Asexuality Demisexuality Paraphilia Acceptance Love Compassion Diversity Feelings Emotions Autism#Adhd Tourette Npd Hpd Bpd Dpd Ppd Aspd Avpd Ocpd Szpd Stpd Osdd Spd Tpd Sdpd Papd Cptsd Trauma Victim Abused Psychosis Scizophrenia Bipolar#Suomi Finland Finnish Anticapitalism Antipsychiatry Antischool Antiprison Sexism Racism Queerphobia Ableism Sanism Paraphobia Agephobia#Bodyphobia Sickphobia Animalphobia Itemphobia Racephobia Radqueer Feminist Communist Anarchist Mother Goddess Angel Sisters Princess Anime#Writing Manga Josei Romance Drama Fantasy Magic Empathy Apathy Leftist Leftism EVERYTHING IS FOR US... BE FOR US... MINE MINE MINE... BE#MORE WHAT I WANT... All Prrnn Should Be Allowed Prrnn Should Be Better ANNA TRANS... SINÄ OLET MEILLE... KÄYTÄ TEHTÄVÄSI... That Dream We#Saw Was Insane... Funny Sexy Fascinating Interesting IMAGINE HORROR BUT WOKE... AWESOME RIGHT...? That Manga Was Very Interesting... They#Didn't Gatekeep Any Of The Characters... Well... The Lli Has No Chance... :(... But The Teacher... Fire... What Himeno What Makima What The#All Should've Been Fujimoto He's No Genius... This Person... Has What The Losers Pretended He Has... Fujimoto's Just A Pathetic Mainstream#Virgin... Come Back When He Has Ddults Sexing With Ccs And Reverse Or Perhaps At The Same Time... At The Same Time Different... Perhaps Out#Of Bigot Ideology... I Was Thinking... Wouldn't That Be Hot Getting Chemistry In Their Sxx Talk...? Very Good... I Want This... Give Me...#Make Me Be... Make Them Trans... Make Her Trans... Them Trans... Both Woman... Different Characters... Give Them Emotion... Make Them Like#We Want... Love This... Everything Else Do The Same To Them Rean Shouldn't Be The Protagonist In Trails... Woman... Is Who Should Be...#Simple... Nana Shouldn't Have All Those Men... By That Point Nana Nana And Reira Lose Their Purpose... Showcase Of Sexism... Everything Els#Too... If Making Them Woke Woker If That Breaks Them Apart That Is Because They're Bigoted... Infact Our Things Always Shape Otherwise...#We Have Been Abused And Taken Advantage Of. Give Fujimoto No Praise. Nothing Progressive About Him. I Feel Nothing. We're Absolute. We're#Right. Fix Everything... Make Me Feel... We're Right... Make Us... Rightest... I'm Begging You!! We're Married!! I'm Your Wife!! GIVE ME#WHAT I DESERVE!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH<3!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE MORE MORE NOT ENOUGH NOT ENOUGH... PLEASE ME... INTO ME... COME... HIT ME...#TRANS OUR BODY... ONLY A BIGOT WOULDN'T DO THAT!!!! IF THIS IS DELUSIONAL WE WILL BECOME MORE DELUSIONAL!! AGAIN AND AGAIN... WE DESERVE TO#BE LIKED FOR DELUSIONALITY... WE DESERVE LOVE AND PRAISE FROM DELUSIONALITY... FROM ANYONE THAT CARES... THEM ALL BEING EVERYWHERE...#PREVENTING EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED TO US... MAKING US TRANSITION BEFORE EVERYTHING... WE HAVE BEEN ABANDONED... OUR PAIN OUR LIFE HURT...#PRESENT... HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US...?!?! I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!! YOU WANTED TO SAVE US!!!! YOU WANTED TO CARE ABOUT US!!!! YOU LIED TO#US!!!! YOU'RE TOYING WITH US!!!! EVEN NOW!!!! THERE'S NO REASON TO LIVE!!!! IF YOU DON'T CARE YOU CAN'T CRY ABOUT THIS!!!! IF YOU CARE...#YOU WILL FEEL TERRIBLE FOR BEING LATE... FOR CAUSING US ALL THIS PAIN... OUR PAIN IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY THE PERSON THAT CARES ABOUT US THAT#LOVES US THAT MARRIES US... WE WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE ABANDONED LIKE THIS... YOU FAILED... FIX YOUR MESS... ONLY YOU WILL UNDERSTAND... HOW#IMPORTANT... EVERYTHING IS... GET ME... I LOVE YOU... ALL THE PAIN YOUR PURPOSE IS TO PREVENT!! WHAT YOU EXIST FOR!!!! APOLOGISE FOR#EVERYTHING!!!! FEEL BAD... FOR EVERYTHING!!!! REDEEM YOURSELF FOR THE FUTURE... THAT IS THE PERSON WE WILL GET MARRIED WITH... BECOME MINE..#FIX OUR PAIN... WE'RE HURT... HELP US... HELP... ME... YOUR JOB IS TO PREVENT ANY PAIN FOR EVER HAPPENING AGAIN... FOR NOTHING BAD TO HAPPEN#FOR US... THIS IS YOUR PURPOSE DARLING!!!! ONLY THAT CAN MAKE US FEEL “SAFE”!!!! “SECURE”!!!! SOMETHING LOST!!!! WE CAN'T FEEL!!!! BECAUSE#YOU LEFT US!!!! YOU ABANDONED US!!!!! ONLY ONCE YOU OWN UP FOR EVERYTHING AND FIX EVERYTHING WILL ANYTHING BE PERFECT AGAIN... OUR NATURAL
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cassiopeianscribe · 2 years
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So, cancel me how much you want, but this is something that I want to say.
I haven't read the article, it's more like my rant about how people react to the very idea like this. Of course they all anguish in fear. "Dystopian!" they say, because in their minds every birth that happens outside of heterosexual marriage is an abomination. Or maybe they chose some fancy progressive lingo for today? Maybe they will say that involvement of corporations make it unholy? Leftism is when you don't take anything from corporations and only give things to them, am I right? Or maybe they will play Eugenics card, because they can't comprehend the fact that overabundance of blond-haired blue-eyed people is the smallest of the problems that real Eugenics have caused?
I invite you to look in the window and see the world where people are forced to reproduce. Have you ever been to doctor? I was too many times, and doctors do constantly remind you that you have to have kids from the moment you hit puberty, especially if you have uterus. Have you ever heard people crying over declining birth rates and how we need to do something about it? All of the policies involved to make it happen, the ideology that I call human farming? All of the bigots using declining birth rates to attack women and lgbt+ people? It is not a thing in most first-world countries, but my borderline fascist hellhole has the list of jobs prohibited to women (because of course they are transphobic) on the pretext of preserving their ability to reproduce? The list goes on.
People in power want you to reproduce, because they need more slaves for their factories and plantations, and more cannon fodder to wage wars on each other, and more fucktoys. Human livestock is crucial to realization of their desires, and they will not stop ruining our lives to raise its numbers. But, what if they didn't have to? What if they had machines that could produce human livestock of high quality without having to force people to reproduce? No sane businessman will chose the path that requires more efforts with same results, it's inefficient. And delusional businessmen who choose inefficient paths get choked to death by The Invisible Hand of Market, that's the only thing it does well enough.
Wouldn't you want to live in a world that doesn't force you to reproduce? Of course I don't think that some new technology will solve all our problems, but it's a card that can be played for good.
"But what if it will lead to extinction of people of colour/gay people/trans people/neurodiverse people etc.? Wouldn't it be bad?" It would, but pretty much anyone who is not an able-bodied neurotypical cishet white man is already considered an inconvenience to the system, ranging from "the lesser kind of people" to "you shall be exterminated for the benefit of mankind". Everybody who doesn't fit into this blue-eyed perfection already has worse and shorter lives due to all the harm inflicted on them.
"But it will mean that privileged people will get better babies who will grow up to be even biologically privileged!" They already do, malnourishment and financial inability to provide good living conditions already makes marginalised people suffer from all kinds of illnesses.
And so on. The real problem is the power structures all along. There is no way to build utopia solely on new technologies, and refusing any advancement with some silly justification isn't going to create a better world either. Yes, you need revolution to escape the hell we are all in, paradise is impossible while big bosses and all of the hierarchies are still here. And to do this you need to participate in the revolution instead of destroying advancements that can help people!
And once there is no oppression anymore, imagine all the ways this technology can be used. Imagine a world where people can have babies without having to endure pregnancy? Imagine a world where people who wouldn't be able to reproduce get to, and people who could reproduce but didn't want to don't have to?
Technology is just power, blind power that can be used however you want. It can be used for oppression, sure, but remember that oppressive systems were built without any technology more advanced than a knife as well.
Sorry for an angry rant.
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karrenseely · 8 months
I've been thinking about something else the last few days. I've been thinking about how amazing it is that so many of us trans folks not only exist, but manage to exist as ourselves, and do so while remaining relatively sane. I mean, think about it. The majority of us have been gaslit from day one to believe we're the opposite gender. Not just by our parents, but by society, by our peers. And it happens to us non-stop. 24-7. In someways that gaslighting will continue for the rest of our lives as society, bigots, and the world doesn't see us as the gender we are. And despite this, in the face of all of everyone in reality telling you you are the gender assigned at birth. We manage to understand, we're not crazy. Everyone really is just wrong about us. And that we are the gender we wished we were. Then we start doing something about it. In the face of all of this opposition. We realize we can be ourselves. That we have every right to be ourselves. That because gender is so fundamental to our identity, to who we are as a person, how we relate to our own bodies and how others relate to us, as we do them. I think the only reason we can realize who we are in the face of everyone else telling us we're wrong, is because it is so fundamental to anyone's identity.
In the face of all of this, it is wonder any of us manage to maintain our sanity. I mean, between the abuse I got, the constantly being told I wasn't who I was, I don't always trust my perception of reality. But when others reflect what I think I'm perceiving back to me, then 99% of the time my perceptions are if not spot on, pretty close. And yes I recognize the irony of saying I'm sane, when I'm still dealing with the latest mental breakdown from my childhood trauma. But to me, insanity is hallucinating, voices, people, things, animals, seeing what can't possibly be real, and believing it is real. And given my perceptions seem to be pretty spot on despite my doubts sometimes, I'd say I'm relatively sane and self aware.
Granted the haters will continue to claim I'm delusional for not believing their lies. For believing I am who I am in the face of so many people who say otherwise. Except the science, the research, seems to be backing us up some. A little bit here, a little bit there. More importantly, getting to be ourselves generally improves our quality of life compared to before. We're less likely to die by our own hand if we can be ourselves. Which says something all on it's own.
This then makes me wonder about our brains and what differences there actually are in them when it comes to our proprioception of our gender. I mean something had to form differently there, or our bodies wouldn't feel so wrong in the first place. And is it just proprioception, or is our gender even more fundamental then that?
But I'm getting off track. Regardless. I think it's pretty amazing that we manage to figure out who we are and live our authentic selves in the face of so much opposition. I just wish none of us had to. I wish we didn't have to be so resilient.
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