#TPN 037
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(The Promised Neverland Art Book World)
Ah yes, one of my favorite genres of baby full score trio pictures: Isabella being openly affectionate toward Emma and Norman in front of Ray while being hands off with him.
(Chapter 2 | Chapter 37 | Chapter 165 | Chapter 170 | Chapter 177)
#and by favorite I mean “I am in physical agony. I am violently sobbing. I am eating the dry wall.”#Isabella before Ray's sixth birthday: man what is up with this kid he's more prickly than a porcupine (not even touching on his hair)#Isabella on January 15‚ 2040: ah.#The Promised Neverland#Yakusoku no Neverland#TPN#YnN#The Promised Neverland Art Book World#FSS Chatter#Full Score Trio#TPN Isabella#TPN Emma#TPN Norman#TPN Ray#Isabella and Ray's Incredibly Fraught and Complicated Relationship Tag#Pre-Canon#Introduction Arc#TPN 002#Escape Arc#TPN 037#Return to Grace Field Arc#TPN 165#TPN 170#TPN 177#also with Norman's stark black & white morality this is why his reaction to Isabella's betrayal is so volatile#and why I think it's a shame his relationship with her gets the least amount of focus#especially when you think of their conversation on the way to the gate#“Hey‚ Mom‚ are you happy?” / “Yes. Yes‚ I am. After all‚ I was able to meet you.”#absolutely fucking wrecks me every time#the layers. 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭 𝘢 𝘺 𝘦 𝘳 𝘴.
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Kei Toda has a section dedicated to this in the religion chapter of Reading The Promised Neverland with a British/American Literature Scholar! (found here)
why didn't any of u tell me that Emma is Moses. like I knew somewhere deep inside but it just hit me today when I was watching prince of Egypt.
no and like? minerva telling them through the pen where to go? Emma basically dying before she could reach 'the promised land'? Norman saying he's going to slaughter the demons just like they slaughters all the cattle children? And Emma feeling bad about it but being like ok whatever until she didn't? how did I not realize this
#though it doesn't specifically incorporate Norman's or the pen's roles#Kei Toda#Reading The Promised Neverland with a British/American Literature Scholar#FSS Chatter#TPN Parallels#Emma#Sonju#Mujika#Escape Arc#TPN 037#Seven Walls Arc#TPN 143#Norman#Norman Minerva#William Minerva
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大愛長情劇展:佛孫寫給兒子女兒的信 題目:讀彰泰國中的兒子問著:媽媽為什麼是中國人?!(陪佛看天星)第十集 [佛菩薩總統韓國瑜陪佛看天星]- 第10集 / Giver of Light
大愛長情劇展:佛孫寫給兒子女兒的信 題目:讀彰泰國中的兒子問著:媽媽為什麼是中國人?!(陪佛看天星)第十集 [佛菩薩總統韓國瑜陪佛看天星]- 第10集 / Giver of Light https://www.popo.tw/books/688752 梁靜茹 Fish Leong魚(瑜)〈如愛所願 如佛所願With Where The Love Goes〉變成更幸福的人 變成更幸福的佛 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛蓮花化生願聲聲佛號聲聲上品上生佛蓮 知佛恩報佛恩 陳零九 Nine Chen【愛你愛到變成一首歌】【感恩佛祖愛佛孫愛到變成一首歌南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛Namo Amitabha Buddha六字大明咒唵嘛呢叭彌吽Om Mani Padme Hum佛菩薩總統韓國瑜助念仁王護國般若心經!】 【佛菩薩立法委員吳志揚念佛放生吳志揚五隻羊】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc7I34b3iVQ
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感謝您! http://www.dharmasoc.org/?q=node/487 智敏慧華愛心碼 0123 (因你而生)(因佛而生) (因 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛光中極尊佛中之王。佛為法王尊超群聖。猶如大��為水中王。 信願行佛光普照慈航普渡大慈悲四十八大願蓮花化生願。八關齋戒。大悲咒。大佛頂首楞嚴神咒。慈心作善,來生西方極樂世界。佛永遠尋聲救苦而生。) 圓覺通訊 諾那華藏精舍 智敏慧華金剛上師教育基金會 www.nonahz.org/budhiavenue/u/037.pdf 助念,得聞阿彌陀佛聖號,發願往生 智敏‧慧華上師教育基金會 『捐電子發票愛心碼0123』 佛说阿弥陀经 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0c7M0_mu80 是心是佛,是心作佛 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUAG5CoZmRY 請頂禮 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛回向偈 願以此功德 莊嚴佛淨土 上報四重恩 下濟三途苦 若有見聞者 悉發菩提心 盡此一報身 同生極樂國 請各自回向 👉捐贈碼923做愛心 捐發票 救眾生 🙏 👉正德愛心廚房https://goo.gl/216DbB 👉佛教正德醫院https://goo.gl/2A4eDd 👉正德電視弘法https://goo.gl/co28YJ 👉https://www.chengte.org.tw/WebSite/WebDonation/OtherDonation 無聲行乞勸募 https://www.facebook.com/chengte1986/videos/2200139983409116/UzpfSTE2ODkwODI3MDEzOTUxNzg6MTk4ODE5NTM2MTQ4MzkwOQ/ 濟貧解饑 造福十方 🎥 https://goo.gl/2HyHZ2 ⭕正德佛堂 愛心旅館興建工程 🎥 https://go.chengte.org.tw/hl6XZ ⭕正德愛心旅館招募建房基金暨會員 🎥 https://go.chengte.org.tw/oXBF5 👉護持方式 1. 愛心旅館建房基金委員(一人一萬元) 可分十期(每月一期),贈琉璃黃金觀音吉祥金牌結緣 2. 愛心旅館會員(每月一佰元) 郵政劃撥 戶名:正德佛堂 帳號:42150839 銀行匯款 銀行:臺灣土地銀行 青年分行 銀行代號(005) 帳號:038001015009 https://www.facebook.com/ChengTeCharityKitchen/ 佛教團體創辦的正德愛心廚房全國第2家在羅東忠孝路落成,周一至周六每天免費提供午、晚餐給貧困民眾,盼藉由拋磚引玉,讓更多人投注愛心,關懷社會的每個角落。 未來五年全台將廣設108家愛心廚房,每個鄉鎮都至少設立一家,免費供應素食午餐和晚餐,讓��人有基本的溫飽。 https://www.facebook.com/ylannews04/videos/1616639408631984/ https://www.facebook.com/ChengTeCharityKitchen/ 請頂禮 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛光中極尊佛中之王萬德洪名大悲咒大佛頂首楞嚴神咒八關齋戒護恆河沙佛剎護地球護中國平安咒! 50032847 阿彌陀佛關懷協會 Amitofo Care Centre Taipei 一起救孤兒 ACC愛心條碼:17952 https://www.acc.org.tw/contents/text?id=27 慈濟醫院祝福:一指積善共造福緣 佛教慈濟慈善事業基金會。http://tw.tzuchi.org/%E6%8D%90%E6%AC%BE 本會愛心碼為「779」起啟救。「慈濟基金會愛心碼條碼」 台灣。亞洲。美洲。大洋洲。非洲。歐洲。全球。 請頂禮 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛光中極尊佛中之王。佛為法王尊超群聖。猶如大海為水中王。萬德洪名。大悲咒。大佛頂首楞嚴神咒。八關齋戒。護恆河沙佛剎護地球護中國平安咒! http://tcit.tzuchi.net/Donation/page/Donate.html?menu=9#/contact 捐款網址 https://tcit3.tzuchi.net/OCCDWeb/ 惜福會 祈願援非 善念聚匯 強烈熱帶氣旋伊代侵襲莫三比克、辛巴威以及馬拉威三國災情嚴重。 臺中慈院全體同仁與志工虔誠祈福 https://www.facebook.com/InSanTin/台中慈濟醫院 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛「佛光山線上捐款系統」 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛佛陀紀念館百萬心經入法身Namo Amitabha Buddha Memorial Center 佛光山寺捐款方式(郵政劃撥)04632451 https://www.fgs.org.tw/new-payweb/newpay-1.aspx https://www.fgs.org.tw/new-payweb/newpay-2.aspx 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛彰化縣彌陀助念協會 大悲咒水 愍念一切眾生海 興起無量大悲心 彰化市茄南里福馬街109號 0920-435546 0953-776398 (04)7363759 佛孫簡攢孋募佛菩薩心 念佛成佛 念菩薩成菩薩 一心奉請 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛蓮花化生願身悉金色願四十八大願八關齋戒佛光普照慈悲作主 大愛長情劇展:佛孫寫給兒子女兒的信 題目:讀彰泰國中的兒子問著:媽媽為什麼是中國人?!(陪佛看天星)第五集 [佛菩薩總統韓國瑜陪佛看天星]- 第05集 / Giver of Light https://www.popo.tw/books/688752 梁靜茹 Fish Leong魚(瑜)〈如愛所願 如佛所願With Where The Love Goes〉變成更幸福的人 變成更幸福的佛 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛蓮花化生願聲聲佛號聲聲上品上生佛蓮 知佛恩報佛恩 陳零九 Nine Chen【愛你愛到變成一首歌】【感恩佛祖愛佛孫愛到變成一首歌南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛Namo Amitabha Buddha六字大明咒唵嘛呢叭彌吽Om Mani Padme Hum佛菩薩總統韓國瑜助念仁王護國般若心經!】 【佛菩薩立法委員吳志揚念佛放生吳志揚五隻羊】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc7I34b3iVQ 請頂禮南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛Namo Amitabha Buddha濟公活佛全球祈福會 捐款帳號 合作金庫銀行 TAIWAN COOPERATIVE BANK 1140872020781 戶名:簡攢孋 Facebook 寫感恩佛菩薩心感謝狀網址Messenger 彌陀彌陀https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000693537772 Email寫感恩佛菩薩心感謝狀網址 [email protected] 寫在大愛長情劇展:佛孫寫給兒子女兒的信 感恩佛菩薩心感謝狀 https://www.popo.tw/books/688752 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛Namo Amitabha Buddha濟公活佛全球祈福助念念佛會蓮池海會 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛濟公活佛中國國民黨全球祈福助念念佛會 彌陀彌陀https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000693537772 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛濟公活佛中國國民黨全球祈福助念念佛會社團 https://www.facebook.com/groups/365425120840724/ 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛厭女轉男願佛光普照慈悲作主 所以Facebook 寫南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛彌陀彌陀是男性 國內:佛菩薩中華民族萬姓先祖紀念堂。國外:佛菩薩九界眾生先祖紀念堂 佛菩薩中國萬姓祖先:唐太宗李世民群書治要:積善之家必有餘慶。忠義勇武關公。民族英雄。封武昌郡開國公。中興四將名將���岳飛。「萬世師表」、「至聖先師」。孔子。 「性善」孟子。 孫中山,名文。孫文醫師是中華民國奠基人,亦是中國國民黨之創黨人。向故總統 蔣公敬禮!旺福 先總統蔣公紀念歌。蔣中正。總統好(紀念經國先生)。蔣經國「經典十句話」蔣經國。 佛菩薩中國國民黨全部福人。高票當選。高票獲勝。福地佛菩薩2020年中華民國總統韓國瑜、副總統與立法委員選舉當選人。 「福人居福地,福地福人居」,什麼人有福?身心清淨的人有福。 捐血英雄:馬英九。 去年底台北市長選舉「選舉無效」。 邊投票邊開票。 【髓漾年華愛重生】【大愛相髓】請重新選台北市長 2020年請全國各地法院全程錄影投票開票。平等選舉。平等當選。平等成佛 請 佛菩薩父母禁止邪淫同性戀電影、連續劇演出、播放、買賣 請 佛菩薩父母禁止邪淫同性戀結婚。害國家沒有子孫。亡國 救子孫 斷邪淫 不要下地獄 幼吾幼以及人之幼 312 臺南房衫軍 抗爭房屋稅[不回溯;要凍漲]要求市府凍漲房屋稅 稅收超徵 許至椿建議退還房屋稅 超收的42億元舊屋稅 應從109年起 分3年 歸還人民 太陽能念佛機佛光普照佛號調溫梨山蔬果豐收 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzDVHmLraQU 太陽能蓮花念佛機 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO0efvJyV_E 請歸還人民救命錢 還退休警消一個公道 佛光普照軍公教警消 請全國退休公務人員與身障與餓肚子的,先每天到正德佛堂全國各地愛心餐廳用餐。先到正德佛堂愛心醫院看醫生義診 請全球佛菩薩佛友幫忙念佛回向,投籃成功。投藍成功 請歸還老人家退休金。請歸還身障金。老吾老以及人之老 孟子 梁惠王章句上 孟子說王道仁政是:老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼 請 佛菩薩父母禁止日本核毒食物癌害國家沒有子孫。亡國 全球動物道。幸運救到 佛菩薩放生動物園 佛菩薩靜思語:能自愛,才能愛普天下的人 聽佛號佛經憶佛念佛成佛往生西方極樂世界 願 佛菩薩佛光普照全國幼稚園到大學,學習大慈因果教育 http://www.amtb.tw/pdf/EB21-20-02.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZvUWYaR2Mg 一心頂禮總誦抄寫 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛Namo Amitabha Buddha大醫王憶佛念佛成佛���佛偈。啟運大佛頂首楞嚴王懺悔行法。金山御製梁皇寶懺。大悲懺水。回向醫治佛黃耀文零期癌消失。恢復健康。 佛菩薩黃耀文永遠平安健康快樂。康復無痛手療整復師黃耀文 預約可加我line:hyw1705 低收民眾及街友免費義診。一般大眾義診,歡迎隨喜功德。 https://www.facebook.com/%E5%BA%B7%E5%AF%8C%E7%84%A1%E7%97%9B%E6%89%8B%E7%99%82-%E8%82%A9%E8%86%80%E5%A5%BD%E8%BC%95%E9%AC%86-866355593555215/?fref=profile_friend_list&hc_location=profile_browser
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0 notes
*No, I hope he never does. There's too much pain there, and letting it go is part of him moving on and healing. **He does for a few people/his family so they know it existed and each person can decide their own relationship with it, but he never sings it again after that. ***Yes. It's a slow process, but eventually he transforms it into something healing, even with the sadness it carries. He's still fairly private about it, though. ****I have strong leanings toward no but could be swayed toward yes by a capable author/artist. *****I have strong leanings toward yes but could be swayed toward no by a capable author/artist.
(S1 Episode 10 | S1 Episode 12 | Chapter 37 | TPN Light Novel 2: Moms’ Song of Remembrance - “The Starry Sky and Leslie’s List”)
[Related post with thoughts on this] [Related poll about Ray's relationship with reading post-escape]
#filed under “shit that absolutely fucking eviscerates me for $2000‚ Alex”#The Promised Neverland#Yakusoku no Neverland#TPN#TPN Polls#FSS Polls#FSS Chatter#TPN Light Novels#Moms' Song of Remembrance#The Starry Sky and Leslie's List#TPN OST#Isabella's Lullaby#TPN Ray#Ray 81194#TPN Isabella#Isabella and Ray's Incredibly Fraught and Complicated Relationship Tag#Escape Arc#TPN S1#TPN S1e10#TPN S1e12#Pre-Canon#Post-Canon#TPN 037#Ray#Isabella
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I have the headcanon that Leslie lived until 11, even if he had not super good scores, because he was a little genius of music.
Not everyone can create a song, not everyone can learn super quickly to play a music. I don't remember which song he wanted to learn before his deparature, but i think that it was a difficult one (we don't see him train a lot in the story too) and he plays it before going to the gate, without any partition to help him and without doing any mistake.
I headcanon that she demons keep all the little genius, even if they not have good scores and are genius in other ways, because they think that it worth to keep them.
A kid has not good scores but it a genius with drawing and creates super beautiful things? It's worth to keep him until the age limit.
Leslie is super good in music, learn quickly song and has not need of a partition when he plays? it's worth to wait until he's 11 (close of 12). It could also be a kid who has a beautiful voice ansd sings super well for exemple.
Norman was a genius in studies and stuff so they keep him beyond 12 by sending him to lambda but people can be genius in other ways that in studies. A genius can be super good in something but kinda bad in another things.
I feel like this is essentially canon, no?
The only birthdays mentioned in "The Starry Sky and Leslie’s List" are Isabella's twelfth birthday and Ray's sixth birthday, so contrary to what the wiki currently says, it doesn't look like Leslie was shipped out exactly on his twelfth since they don't celebrate or even mention it.
(Leslie's page on the TPN Wiki | TPN Light Novel 2: Moms’ Song of Remembrance - “The Starry Sky and Leslie’s List” Chapter 1)
They are among the oldest though since Isabella turns twelve within a year of his shipment while not being physically able to jump atop the wall as we see her do in chapter 37/S1 episode 12 yet due to the sprained ankle she sustains over the course of the light novel, in addition to spending weeks to months writing him letters that never received a response and what finalized her decision to make the jump in the first place.
(S1 Episode 12 | TPN Light Novel 2: Moms’ Song of Remembrance - “The Starry Sky and Leslie’s List” Chapter 8 | Chapter 9)
But it's still soon enough that she discovers the truth of the house during the night of the first snowfall of the year, which could be anywhere from late October 2025 to January 2026 (since the full score trio deduces in chapter 5 that Grace Field is located in [the demon world equivalent of] the northern hemisphere, in addition to "The Guiding Star" short story mentioning them planning on using Polaris to find each other again after they go off to foster homes, winter would be during this time of the year).
I'm inclined to go with January 2026 since we don't see snow on the night of January 15, 2046, and also because I feel there's some poignancy in what would have been Leslie's twelfth birthday month getting to Isabella as the final push to make her seek him out. He surely would have written her in response to the birthday wishes she mailed him. (This is also why I feel his shipment was after September 9, 2025 because him not sending her any birthday well wishes would have tipped her off sooner, too).
(TPN Light Novel 2: Moms’ Song of Remembrance - “The Starry Sky and Leslie’s List” Chapter 9)
This could be an oddity in the translation, but Isabella also mentions how her her twelfth birthday was close enough that they could mark it on the calendar while the snow was piling up outside. Assuming they put up a new calendar at the start of January, she discovered the truth only in 2026, and then spent over half a year trying to come up with some sort of plan to escape (and isn't there a wealth of potential there, thinking of the adversarial atmosphere between her and Sarah during those few months and how that would be replicated in the next generation between her and Ray, although not 1:1.)
I don't remember which song he wanted to learn before his departure, but i think that it was a difficult one (we don't see him train a lot in the story too) and he plays it before going to the gate, without any partition to help him and without doing any mistake.
He learned to play Nocturne No.2! Though the translator, c72684, wasn't entirely certain what larger body of work it belonged to.
(TPN Light Novel 2: Moms’ Song of Remembrance - “The Starry Sky and Leslie’s List” Chapter 2)
#naehja#The Promised Neverland#Yakusoku no Neverland#TPN#YnN#FSS Asks#FSS Chatter#TPN Timeline#TPN Light Novels#Moms' Song of Remembrance#The Starry Sky and Leslie's List#Nanao 七緒#translated by c72684 on wordpress#Pre-Canon#TPN Leslie#TPN Isabella#IsaLes#Isabella#Leslie#Isabella and Ray's Incredibly Fraught and Complicated Relationship Tag#Introduction Arc#TPN 005#Escape Arc#TPN S1#TPN S1e12#TPN 037#Long Post
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@istgd-2 aaay nice choice 😎👍 the first four volumes were pretty faithfully adapted in the first series of the anime (chapter 5 is the only one that was majorly scrapped due to time), so if money’s a concern, you can skip them and won’t miss too much.
Chapter 38 in volume five is where the first series leaves off, so if you start collecting from that point you’ll already have one of the major chapters of focus for Isabella (chapter 37, shown in episode 12 of the anime), but with the addition of the inner monologues providing further insight into her character. This is one of the major points of contention with the anime adaption, and why I think buying the first four volumes are worth it, not only for her, but also the five oldest children at Grace Field. We’re also shown more visuals from Ray’s past (such as in chapter 28 of his time at headquarters).
I will also advocate for reading the first story of the second light novel, Moms' Song of Remembrance (published January 2019, has no official English translation). In "The Starry Night and Leslie's List," Isabella remembers helping Leslie with a list of goals he set out to accomplish before leaving Grace Field two days before he’s shipped out. It’s book-ended by segments set on January 15, 2046, where Isabella briefly chats with Phil, reflects on her relationship with Ray, and finds new purpose now that her children have proven she was wrong about escape being impossible. Invaluable for anyone looking for more official Isabella-related content. I've posted some excerpts of it here, here, here, here, and here (spoilers for the entire series).
I also have a brief overview post of most of the stories in all four of the light novels if you're interested.
#moved this to a separate post because of all the links apologies if you wanted to keep it in replies#istgd-2#FSS Asks#FSS Chatter#The Promised Neverland#TPN#TPN Light Novels#Moms' Song of Remembrance#The Starry Sky and Leslie's List#Pre-Canon#Escape Arc#TPN 028#TPN 037#Promised Forest Arc#TPN 038#TPN Isabella#YnN Isabella#Isabella#Ray#Isabella and Ray's Incredibly Fraught and Complicated Relationship Tag
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My stance on this varies depending on the AU, but I generally don't see him touching it again unprompted until his 20s at the earliest.
He wouldn't hum it for his siblings or any hypothetical future children of his own when they're young as a means of comfort, but if the topic of Isabella came up when they're older, he might do it to offer them some closure and perspective; a missing piece of their childhood fluttering on the edges of their memories:
(Chapter 37; after keeping the song to herself for so long, and the anger she felt toward Ray that she wasn't able to let go of for years for humming it and robbing her of the illusion she crafted for plant 3, she's able to embrace it transforming from a solitary song of strength and survival founded on suffering and sacrifice to one of strength through collective solidarity and familial love that Obata eventually came to use as the foundation for S1's soundtrack)
Despite his own painful and complicated feelings toward her, he would want them to have as much information as they could, so they could come to their own conclusions and reconcile their own individual feelings toward the woman who raised them.
Something of interest to me is how it seems like there’s a 50/50 divide on whether Ray would ever sing Isabella’s (/Leslie’s) lullaby after leaving Grace Field; enjoy seeing everyone’s different stances on it.
#there would probably be a slight hesitation after mentioning it#a small lull in the conversation before vocalizing it after not doing so for years#despite the song always being a part of him (because his memory is a blessing and a burden all the same)#but especially for Norman and the fourteen other Grace Field escapees I think it would be a nice moment#in the sense of it being an indication of Ray's trust to share that memory and vulnerability with them#after the initial reveal of that additional layer of connection Ray had with their mother depending on how that all comes about#TPN Light Novels#Moms' Song of Remembrance#The Starry Sky and Leslie's List#TPN S1#TPN OST#Isabella's Lullaby#Pre-Canon#Post-Canon#Replay Value#FSS Chatter#Takahiro Obata#Grace Field Kids#Isabella and Ray's Incredibly Fraught and Complicated Relationship Tag#Isabella#Ray#Escape Arc#TPN 037
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題目:讀彰泰國中的兒子問著:媽媽為什麼是中國人?!(陪佛看天星)第十集 [佛菩薩總統韓國瑜陪佛看天星]- 第10集 / Giver of Light
題目:讀彰泰國中的兒子問著:媽媽為什麼是中國人?!(陪佛看天星)第十集 [佛菩薩總統韓國瑜陪佛看天星]- 第10集 / Giver of Light https://www.popo.tw/books/688752 梁靜茹 Fish Leong魚(瑜)〈如愛所願 如佛所願With Where The Love Goes〉變成更幸福的人 變成更幸福的佛 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛蓮花化生願聲聲佛號聲聲上品上生佛蓮 知佛恩報佛恩 陳零九 Nine Chen【愛你愛到變成一首歌】【感恩佛祖愛佛孫愛到變成一首歌南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛Namo Amitabha Buddha六字大明咒唵嘛呢叭彌吽Om Mani Padme Hum佛菩薩總統韓國瑜助念仁王護國般若心經!】 【佛菩薩立法委員吳志揚念佛放生吳志揚五隻羊】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc7I34b3iVQ
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感謝您! http://www.dharmasoc.org/?q=node/487 智敏慧華愛心碼 0123 (因你而生)(因佛而生) (因 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛光中極尊佛中之王。佛為法王尊超群聖。猶如大海為水中王。 信願行佛光普照慈航普渡大慈悲四十八大願蓮花化生願。八關齋戒。大悲咒。大佛頂首楞嚴神咒。慈心作善,來生西方極樂世界。佛永遠尋聲救苦而生。) 圓覺通訊 諾那華藏精舍 智敏慧華金剛上師教育基金會 www.nonahz.org/budhiavenue/u/037.pdf 助念,得聞阿彌陀佛聖號,發願往生 智敏‧慧華上師教育基金會 『捐電子發票愛心碼0123』 佛说阿弥陀经 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0c7M0_mu80 是心是佛,是心作佛 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUAG5CoZmRY 請頂禮 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛回向偈 願以此功德 莊嚴佛淨土 上報四重恩 下濟三途苦 若有見聞者 悉發菩提心 盡此一報身 同生極樂國 請各自回向 👉捐贈碼923做愛心 捐發票 救眾生 🙏 👉正德愛心廚房https://goo.gl/216DbB 👉佛教正德醫院https://goo.gl/2A4eDd 👉正德電視弘法https://goo.gl/co28YJ 👉https://www.chengte.org.tw/WebSite/WebDonation/OtherDonation 無聲行乞勸募 https://www.facebook.com/chengte1986/videos/2200139983409116/UzpfSTE2ODkwODI3MDEzOTUxNzg6MTk4ODE5NTM2MTQ4MzkwOQ/ 濟貧解饑 造福十方 🎥 https://goo.gl/2HyHZ2 ⭕正德佛堂 愛心旅館興建工程 🎥 https://go.chengte.org.tw/hl6XZ ⭕正德愛心旅館招募建房基金暨會員 🎥 https://go.chengte.org.tw/oXBF5 👉護持方式 1. 愛心旅館建房基金委員(一人一萬元) 可分十期(每月一期),贈琉璃黃金觀音吉祥金牌結緣 2. 愛心旅館會員(每月一佰元) 郵政劃撥 戶名:正德佛堂 帳號:42150839 銀行匯款 銀行:臺灣土地銀行 青年分行 銀行代號(005) 帳號:038001015009 https://www.facebook.com/ChengTeCharityKitchen/ 佛教團體創辦的正德愛心廚房全國第2家在羅東忠孝路落成,周一至周六每天免費提供午、晚餐給貧困民眾,盼藉由拋磚引玉,讓更多人投注愛心,關懷社會的每個角落。 未來五年全台將廣設108家愛心廚房,每個鄉鎮都至少設立一家,免費供應素食午餐和晚餐,讓人人有基本的溫飽。 https://www.facebook.com/ylannews04/videos/1616639408631984/ https://www.facebook.com/ChengTeCharityKitchen/ 請頂禮 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛光中極尊佛中之王萬德洪名大悲咒大佛頂首楞嚴神咒八關齋戒護恆河沙佛剎護地球護中國平安咒! 50032847 阿彌陀佛關懷協會 Amitofo Care Centre Taipei 一起救孤兒 ACC愛心條碼:17952 https://www.acc.org.tw/contents/text?id=27 慈濟醫院祝福:一指積善共造福緣 佛教慈濟慈善事業基金會。http://tw.tzuchi.org/%E6%8D%90%E6%AC%BE 本會愛心碼為「779」起啟救。「慈濟基金會愛心碼條碼」 台灣。亞洲。美洲。大洋洲。非洲。歐洲。全球。 請頂禮 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛光中極尊佛中之王。佛為法王尊超群聖。猶如大海為水中王。萬德洪名。大悲咒。大佛頂首楞嚴神咒。八關齋戒。護恆河沙佛剎護地球護中國平安咒! http://tcit.tzuchi.net/Donation/page/Donate.html?menu=9#/contact 捐款網址 https://tcit3.tzuchi.net/OCCDWeb/ 惜福會 祈願援非 善念聚匯 強烈熱帶氣旋伊代侵襲莫三比克、辛巴威以及馬拉威三國災情嚴重。 臺中慈院全體同仁與志工虔誠祈福 https://www.facebook.com/InSanTin/台中���濟醫院 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛「佛光山線上捐款系統」 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛佛陀紀念館百萬心經入法身Namo Amitabha Buddha Memorial Center 佛光山寺捐款方式(郵政劃撥)04632451 https://www.fgs.org.tw/new-payweb/newpay-1.aspx https://www.fgs.org.tw/new-payweb/newpay-2.aspx 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛彰化縣彌陀助念協會 大悲咒水 愍念一切眾生海 興起無量大悲心 彰化市茄南里福馬街109號 0920-435546 0953-776398 (04)7363759 佛孫簡攢孋募佛菩薩心 念佛成佛 念菩薩成菩薩 一心奉請 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛蓮花化生願身悉金色願四十八大願八關齋戒佛光普照慈悲作主 大愛長情劇展:佛孫寫給兒子女兒的信 題目:讀彰泰國中的兒子問著:媽媽為什麼是中國人?!(陪佛看天星)第五集 [佛菩薩總統韓國瑜陪佛看天星]- 第05集 / Giver of Light https://www.popo.tw/books/688752 梁靜茹 Fish Leong魚(瑜)〈如愛所願 如佛所願With Where The Love Goes〉變成更幸福的人 變成更幸福的佛 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛蓮花化生願聲聲佛號聲聲上品上生佛蓮 知佛恩報佛恩 陳零九 Nine Chen【愛你愛到變成一首歌】【感恩佛祖愛佛孫愛到變成一首歌南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛Namo Amitabha Buddha六字大明咒唵嘛呢叭彌吽Om Mani Padme Hum佛菩薩總統韓國瑜助念仁王護國般若心經!】 【佛菩薩立法委員吳志揚念佛放生吳志揚五隻羊】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc7I34b3iVQ 請頂禮南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛Namo Amitabha Buddha濟公活佛全球祈福會 捐款帳號 合作金庫銀行 TAIWAN COOPERATIVE BANK 1140872020781 戶名:簡攢孋 Facebook 寫感恩佛菩薩心感謝狀網址Messenger 彌陀彌陀https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000693537772 Email寫感恩佛菩薩心感謝狀網址 [email protected] 寫在大愛長情劇展:佛孫寫給兒子女兒的信 感恩佛菩薩心感謝狀 https://www.popo.tw/books/688752 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛憶佛念佛成佛Namo Amitabha Buddha濟公活佛全球祈福助念念佛會蓮池海會 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛濟公活佛中國國民黨全球祈福助念念佛會 彌陀彌陀https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000693537772 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛濟公活佛中國國民黨全球祈福助念念佛會社團 https://www.facebook.com/groups/365425120840724/ 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛厭女轉男願佛光普照慈悲作主 所以Facebook 寫南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛彌陀彌陀是男性 國內:佛菩薩中華民族萬姓先祖紀念堂。國外:佛菩薩九界眾生先祖紀念堂 佛菩薩中國萬姓祖先:唐太宗李世民群書治要:積善之家必有餘慶。忠義勇武關公。民族英雄。封武昌郡開國公。中興四將名將。岳飛。「萬世師表」、「至聖先師」。孔子。 「性善」孟子。 孫中山,名文。孫文醫師是中華民國奠基人,亦是中國國民黨之創黨人。向故總統 蔣公敬禮!旺福 先總統蔣公紀念歌。蔣中正。總統好(紀念經國先生)。蔣經國「經典十句話」蔣經國。 佛菩薩中國國民黨全部福人。高票當選。高票獲勝。福地佛菩薩2020年中華民國總統韓國瑜、副總統與立法委員選舉當選人。 「福人居福地,福地福人居」,什麼人有福?身心清淨的人有福。 捐血英雄:馬英九。 去年底台北市長選舉「選舉無效」。 邊投票邊開票。 【髓漾年華愛重生】【大愛相髓】請重新選台北市長 2020年請全國各地法院全程錄影投票開票。平等選舉。平等當選。平等成佛 請 佛菩薩父母禁止邪淫同性戀電影、連續劇演出、播放、買賣 請 佛菩薩父母禁止邪淫同性戀結婚。害國家沒有子孫。亡國 救子孫 斷邪淫 不要下地獄 幼吾幼以及人之幼 312 臺南房衫軍 抗爭房屋稅[不回溯;要凍漲]要求市府凍漲房屋稅 稅收超徵 許至椿建議退還房屋稅 超收的42億元舊屋稅 應從109年起 分3年 歸還人民 太陽能念佛機佛光普照佛號調溫梨山蔬果豐收 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzDVHmLraQU 太陽能蓮花念佛機 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO0efvJyV_E 請歸還人民救命錢 還退休警消一個公道 佛光普照軍公教警消 請全國退休公務人員與身障與餓肚子的,先每天到正德佛堂全國各地愛心餐廳用餐。先到正德佛堂愛心醫院看醫生義診 請全球佛菩薩佛友幫忙念佛回向,投籃成功。投藍成功 請歸還老人家退休金。請歸還身障金。老吾老以及人之老 孟子 梁惠王章句上 孟子說王道仁政是:老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼 請 佛菩薩父母禁止日本核毒食物癌害國家沒有子孫。亡國 全球動物道。幸運救到 佛菩薩放生動物園 佛菩薩靜思語:能自愛,才能愛普天下的人 聽佛號佛經憶佛念佛成佛往生西方極樂世界 願 佛菩薩佛光普照全國幼稚園到大學,學習大慈因果教育 http://www.amtb.tw/pdf/EB21-20-02.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZvUWYaR2Mg 一心頂禮總誦抄寫 南無大慈大悲阿彌陀佛Namo Amitabha Buddha大醫王憶佛念佛成佛讚佛偈。啟運大佛頂首楞嚴王懺悔行法。金山御製梁皇寶懺。大悲懺水。回向醫治佛黃耀文零期癌消失。恢復健康。 佛菩薩黃耀文永遠平安健康快樂。康復無痛手療整復師黃耀文 預約可加我line:hyw1705 低收民眾及街友免費義診。一般大眾義診,歡迎隨喜功德。 https://www.facebook.com/%E5%BA%B7%E5%AF%8C%E7%84%A1%E7%97%9B%E6%89%8B%E7%99%82-%E8%82%A9%E8%86%80%E5%A5%BD%E8%BC%95%E9%AC%86-866355593555215/?fref=profile_friend_list&hc_location=profile_browser
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Appreciate the diverse spread of answers even with the limited options, along with the huge chunk of people saying he wouldn't be okay with it/it's complicated, mostly due to my anecdotal experience of seeing a lot of work where it seems like he casually brushes years of trauma aside.
Probably should have had something like "No/Yes, but in a way that isn't described here (elaboration in reblogs/replies)" because there's a lot of nuance that can go into it.
I generally lean toward him being more private about it and it always carrying some sadness for him, but depending on how an artist gets there I could go either way. (Every day I'm begging for ranked or multiple choice options on polls.) It's the journey that determines if the outcome feels warranted.
*No, I hope he never does. There's too much pain there, and letting it go is part of him moving on and healing. **He does for a few people/his family so they know it existed and each person can decide their own relationship with it, but he never sings it again after that. ***Yes. It's a slow process, but eventually he transforms it into something healing, even with the sadness it carries. He's still fairly private about it, though. ****I have strong leanings toward no but could be swayed toward yes by a capable author/artist. *****I have strong leanings toward yes but could be swayed toward no by a capable author/artist.
(S1 Episode 10 | S1 Episode 12 | Chapter 37 | TPN Light Novel 2: Moms’ Song of Remembrance - “The Starry Sky and Leslie’s List”)
[Related post with thoughts on this] [Related poll about Ray's relationship with reading post-escape]
#TPN Polls#FSS Polls#FSS Chatter#TPN Light Novels#Moms' Song of Remembrance#The Starry Sky and Leslie's List#TPN OST#Isabella's Lullaby#Isabella and Ray's Incredibly Fraught and Complicated Relationship Tag#Ray#Isabella#Escape Arc#TPN S1#TPN S1e10#TPN S1e12#Pre-Canon#Post-Canon#TPN 037
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For me, the title page of volume one reads as heartbreaking with how deceptive it is by feeding into the idyllic presentation of Grace Field while also hinting at the fraught, conflicting relationship between the two and how it differs from her relationship with Emma and Norman.
He's facing away from her, arms crossed. To those around them, it looks like Ray's just being his naturally disengaged self, not nearly as inclined to open displays of affection as his two best friends (especially, oddly, with Mom).
But to me, his posture betrays how he's trying his best to balance not breaking the facade that's been carefully crafted (because he can't afford to, for Emma's and Norman's sake), wanting to feel like he has some semblance of control at maintaining a distance from her—hence closing himself off with his arms crossed while Emma and Norman are much more receptive to her embrace—and trying not to hate himself more than he already does.
Plagiarizing myself from this post regarding this sketch of them from chapter 43:
re: Ray, I see it as him being either so desperate for affection he goes to her while utterly loathing himself for giving into that moment of weakness (I will forever love the anime for including him humming her lullaby on the night of the fire for what one can interpret from it), or she manipulated him into doing it while they were in front of the other children to remind him of the power she holds in this intricate and delicate hell they’re living in, making him suffer another small defeat in a line of many. ["That’s something he will never have. Ray probably thinks that she is giving him all this because of his academic prowess."] The wondering whether this is something he treats as a flat matter of fact or if it’s something he laments and forces himself to believe, because imagining Isabella being able to love him while choosing to interact with him the way she does—putting on a loving show in public while taking her mask off behind closed doors and maintaining the clinical air of a business transaction—is simultaneously a waste of energy and too painful.
With the sharp upward turn of his eyebrow coloring his expression, it looks so painfully rueful, in the kind of way where one has to laugh at the absurdity of the situation because otherwise you'll cry.
That desperate wish that this illusion was real, for their sake if not for his own, while internally loathing that part of himself he's tried so hard to snuff out that still yearns for that sense of connection with her, unmarred, untainted.
The kind they had before he revealed he knew the truth.
(Chapter 181.1)
But he loved Emma and Norman more than he feared the consequences of what that reveal would mean for himself.
The tragedy of this I feel is conveyed beautifully in evanescent's always a riddle inside my head (aesop's kin):
#the fact that all these panels of the kids reminiscing about isabella’s kindness #feature a tiny ray being completely left out of that #it’s like. ray and isabella’s relationship is never fully resolved or even addressed but that’s part of the point and it lingers here #it’s like shirai didn’t have the time or interest to talk about it but he left it there in these discordant notes #‘to me she was always a monster’ is the last thing he really says about her #and that was in a side comic (via @esthelle18)
Ah yes, one of my favorite genres of baby full score trio pictures: Isabella being openly affectionate toward Emma and Norman in front of Ray while being hands off with him.
#they fuck me up so so bad chief#Long Post#FSS Chatter#Isabella#Full Score Trio#Emma#Norman#Ray#Isabella and Ray's Incredibly Fraught and Complicated Relationship Tag#TPN Fanfic#evanescent#𝑎𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑎 𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑚𝑦 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑#Norrayemma#TPN 001#TPN 002#TPN 037#TPN 043#TPN 165#TPN 170#TPN 177#Pre-Canon#Introduction Arc#Escape Arc#Promised Forest Arc#Return to Grace Field Arc#The Promised Neverland Art Book World
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Ah yes, one of my favorite genres of baby full score trio pictures: Isabella being openly affectionate toward Emma and Norman in front of Ray while being hands off with him.
#what the fuck what the fuck what the fuuuuuuuuuck#The Promised Neverland Art Book World#FSS Chatter#Full Score Trio#Isabella#Emma#Norman#Ray#Isabella and Ray's Incredibly Fraught and Complicated Relationship Tag#Pre-Canon#Introduction Arc#TPN 002#Escape Arc#TPN 037#Return to Grace Field Arc#TPN 165#TPN 170#TPN 177
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