tickly-stuff · 2 years
ALSO ALSO IN THE MINI EPISODE WHERE OUR TURTLES WERE LIL BABYS AND LEO WAS THE VILLIAN I think that when the villian gets caught they tickle the shit outta him (esp leo bc yk how he is he wouldnt give up so quickly LOL)
Hero’s and Villains
turtle tots!!💞
Summary: Leo get caught as the villain during training but doesn’t wanna face the consequences
Today was a calm and quiet day in the lair. Well, it would’ve been if the boys weren’t busy training. It was a game called “Hero and Villain”. And they loved it. It wasn’t necessarily training. It was just in good fun.
The objective of the game is for one of the four turtles to be a villain, and the other three to be the heroes. If the villain gets caught, they get tickled until they say the code word “cowabunga”. And Mikey was the villain for this round.
Mikey was currently winning, running away from the three constrasting turtles with all his might. He was carrying “artifacts” which we’re actually just random items from Splinter’s room.
“Mwahahaha!! You’ll never catch me fiendish villains!! Wait. I’m the villain. So would it be fiendish heroes? Whatever!!” Mikey stated with mirth in every word.
“You can’t run forever Mikey!!” Leo yelled. It was more of a Tom and Jerry kind of situation. Mikey had the upper hand due to his size. He was small, which allowed him to fit through certain spots. And he was energetic enough to tire the others out for a little bit to buy himself some time.
Meanwhile while his brothers were catching their breath, Mikey had hid in a nearby closet.
“Phew! Alright! I think I’m safe. I have all of my precious artifrcats. They’ll never find me here! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!” Mikey attempted an evil laugh, trying to stay in character. He was never really fit to be a villain but he was nominated for the game and those were the rules. Whoever is nominated or outvoted has to play that position. And he really tried his best.
Unfortunately, he had laughed a bit too loud. So loud that his hiding spot was no longer hidden. Suddenly two big hands wrapped him and scribbled themselves all over his sides.
“Gotcha Mikey!!” Raph exclaimed. Continuing his tickle attack.
“GAH! Aahat least give mehe a waharning first!” Mikey said between giggles.
“No chance little bro! You can’t just tell the villain ‘I’m gonna tickle you now’! ” A different voice said behind him. Tickling the back of his neck.
“LEHEHO!!! Cuhut it ouhut!” Mikey said with full blown laughter. His knees had gave out and he was now in a ball on the floor.
“Nuh uh! You have to say the code word if you want us to stop! And for your information, it’s ‘artifacts.’ ” Donnie said, squeezing Mikey’s knees.
Michelangelo. Totally. Lost it.
The three brothers immediately stopped their tickle attack and went to aid their brother.
“You good Mikey?” Raph asked sympathetically. The four of them made sure that they never went too far. With anything. And if they did, they would do whatever it takes to make it up to one another. That was their agreement. Their bond.
“Yeheheah ihihm fine. Thahat was fun.” Mikey stated. The phantom sensations causing him to giggle to himself a bit. A wide grin plastered on his face.
A few minutes had passed. They decided to rest for a bit to give themselves a break. But all they had to do was look at each other, and they all stood up.
“So who should be the villain this round?” Mikey asked.
I personally vote Leo! I’m sure he would fit the job! He’s agile, swift. You can do it! Right Leo?” Donnie stated. The spiny soft shell turtle’s words leaked of amusement. He knew Leo wouldn’t last. He just wanted to get him back for eating the last slice of pizza last week.
“What!? No way!! I am NOT. read my lips. NOT being the villain.” Leo said nervously with a shake to his head.
“Aww is the wittle baby leo scared of his brwothers? scared of being tickled?” Donnie said with wiggling fingers.
“Stop it D! I’m not scared! And I’m not a baby! And stop wiggling your fingers like that!” Leo said with a slight blush to his cheeks. “Fine. I’ll do it.”
They always gave the villain a 10 second head start to get themselves situated.
Whereas the other three we’re strategizing on how to capture him, Leo was contemplating. He knew Donnie was out for revenge and he knew that he would find him in no time. He would make it his mission. Any minute now he would burst through that door with Raph and Mikey screaming- “LEONARDO!”
“AAAAHH!!!” Leo screamed and ran as fast as he could. It’s not like he minds being tickled. But being tickled by Donatello? Could. Not. Stand it. He would always tease you about how much he was right.
Donnie was right on his tail. He wasn’t as fast as Leo but he sure wasn’t slow. Mikey and Raph followed behind.
Leo took a sharp corner to quickly hide behind a wall. This was no longer Hero’s and Villains, oh no. This was sibling war. One has the upper hand due to smarts and the number of people. But the other has speed and agility.
Due to Donnie’s lack of speed he hadn’t seen where Leo had went. So he started searching. He had made hand signals that told Mikey and Raph to split up.
They had understood and the hunt was on.
They looked everywhere. Donnie’s room, Raph’s room, Mikey’s room, Splinter’s room even Leo’s own room! Still no sign of him.
Until Donnie had looked around and found two. turtle. feet.
Leo wasn’t paying attention at all. So it was Donnie’s turn to strike.
He slowly crept up to Leo. Trying no to make any noise. When he finally got up to him, he reached for his foot and took it swiftly with a “HA!” and began tickling it.
“WOAH!! DOHOHONNIEE KNOCK IHIT OHOFF!!” Okay. Leo lost. He tried every trick up his sleeve and Donnie STILL caught him!! well. He had a good run.
“Never!! You were caught!! Some villain you are. RAPH! MIKEY! I FOUND HIM!!” Donnie stated.
Raph and Mikey immediately came and started tickling him everywhere. His neck, hips, torso, underarms and sides.
“NAHAHAHAHAHA WAIT GUHUYS!!!!!” Leo was completely losing it. Raph pinned Leo by his hands with his knees so he wouldn’t and couldn’t move. So he just endured the tickling. Besides, it felt nice to laugh like this.
“Well Nardo, do you admit defeat or would you like this to continue?” Donnie said in an evil voice.
“COHOHOHOWABUHUHNGA!!!!” Leo yelled out. And the tickling immediately stopped.
“Glad you finally came to your senses brother.” Donnie said to Leo with a noogie.
“Yeah yeah whatever. I NOMINATE DONNIE TO BE VILLAIN THIS ROUND!” Leo said with a prod to Donnie’s side that made him yelp.
Leo had a wide grin on his face. “This is gonna be fun.”
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hedgefairy · 4 years
So I'm stuck in Berlin, which, you know, it could be worse, but I really wanted to edit that 18th century breeches video. Anyhoo, now I have time and nothing else to do, so here's
Bridgerton, Episode 2
Missed Ep. 1? Here you go.
We start off with a birthing scene, is it the Dukey? It's the Dukey! Daddy Duke does some patriarchal screaming and Mummy Duke promptly dies, because of course she does, we can't have a happy childhood for the brooding hero, c'mon!
Dukey also has a mistress (present day Dukey, not baby Dukey). Is that Opera Girl? I have real problems telling these people apart, especially the Bridgerbros. I somewhere read that it's something that features extensively in the books, them always getting confused for one another, but in the series it just comes off as "these guys all look alike". Make it a plot point or something, but without it being acknowledged on screen this just screams "we didn't know how to make white brown-haired Regency bros look distinct"...
Where, Dreadlock Gent Extra in the background again!
I'm just not a fan of the colour coding between Dukey and Daphne, she basically does a Wendy Darling closet cosplay (don't get me started on that stupid hair... Yet) and he's all dark colours, it's all light female, dark male, even with their overall colouring (her being whiter than brioche and he being a POC) and character (she's a perfect angel and he's super broody) and I just don't dig it. Give me interesting shit, not this obvious sleeping aid! Also, Daphne doesn't even wear a spencer, girl, it doesn't look like it's that hot outside and you look like you're able out in your nighty.
Notes say "Horrid Featherington dresses, the spoon is def. not silver", which yes, antagonist fashion, and ffs, send the underpaid intern who didn't go get strappy shift Ersatz tops to a thrift store for some decent silverware. I can lend you some of mine, but ugh, really, its not that hard. The budget was obviously there.
Do we finally get plot? Eloise the Spirited goes walking with Penny and her hair just... isn't,and yes, she wants to go to uni (of course, because she's not like other girls™, don't get me wrong, YES, but I'm a bit tired of modern ideas being shoehorned into historcal settings because there is so much cool historical feminism and equality discourse and I'd love to see some of that in mainstream-ish popular culture), but Penny is very preoccupied with Cousin's pregnancy.
Of course Daphne's and Dukey's super clever ruse works like a charm, tons of suitors flock to Daphne's parlour. Lord B (you remember, her super asympatico brother who is a straight-up hypocrite) is super agitated about it.
Is that Dreadlock Gent in with the suitors?
Lord B continues to be a bitch about Horrid Suitor™ (who still has a broken nose which I very much approve of).
Oooh, shirtless boxing! AND gossip! Enter Lord B(itch) who of course wants to throw hands with Dukey. I really like Dukey's boxing bro, and the breeches. I want those! Well, I kinda made some, but the notes are from when I was just making them, so, err, yes. The notes also say "bad defense work, boring footwork" and I'm not sure if I meant Dukey or Lord B, but let's just assume it's both.
More Baby Dukey flashbacks! Daddy Duke sucks. So. Much. Let him kick an actual puppy already, we get it. Fun fact: When I hear Hastings (which is Dukey's last name, but I didn't bother remembering) I automatically think of the battle.
Yay, Penny visits cousin who's all rapunzeled up in her room for being pregnant. Turns out, lol, she got knocked up because church was so boring she started flirting with a guy and they totally hit it off (I'm not sure if it's canon, but I like to think they got it on in one of those confession boxes - idk if that's the term, I'm not catholic - or behind the organ or something juicy like that). Oh god, I hope they don't kill off the baby daddy because he's a soldier.
I refuse to believe in the existence of those high heels on the feet of that acrobat.
Lady B gets invited by the Queen and elatedly let's Daphne wear the family diamonds.
I just noticed that it's just Gossip Girl meets Pride & Prejudice. Ugh. I mean, that could have been a really good thing, but no.
Cool Old Lady™ (aka. Lady Danbury) calls Dukey out for dressing so drably. I like her.
"Make yourself terrifying" is a fucking cool piece of advice.
Oh, look, Dukey and Daphne are having fun while Horrid Suitor™ looks on, and Lord B tries to intervene like the little bitch that he is. Turns out Horrid Suitor™ is horrid inside and out and still insists that Daphne basically contractually belongs to him and I just don't have enough middle fingers for that shit.
We get another flashback of how horrible Daddy Duke is.
So the two women who are not into the whole (tiringly chemistry-free) romance thing are Eloise and Penny, one of whom walks like she's trying to emulate a seventy-year old with back problems and the other is the only non-thin person on screen aside from Horrid Suitor™ (and of him I suspect that it's to underline how very unattractive he's supposed to be). It feels all a bit very caricature-ish?
Horrid Suitor™, who has a shiner now from both Daphne and Dukey (I approve), tries to blackmail his way into marriage. It's just so laughably evil? What's this subtlety thing people keep talking about?
Wait, Eloise smokes? Yay! I mean, I don't encourage that, but in this case it's actual rebellion against the perceived ideal woman. Also, it explains her voice. Also, middle Bridgerbro gets a fucking line! WTF! I wasn't prepared for this! Their interaction is really sweet, I think its my favourite so far in the entire series.
Is the portly guy at court meant to be George IV? He's not. Aww. Also, cocain and/or snuff. Queen Charlotte is being ominous and braggy.
Enter Horrid Suitor™'s mum for gossip, because of course he's not only unsightly, of bad character, a sexual harrasment on legs and all the stuff, he's also a mama's boy. Which is bad, I suppose, because it implies unmanliness and being soft, which has so many unfortunate implications in itself. Ugh.
Cousin gets a line!
Eloise feat. bad "tomboy" hair (I feel personally attacked for some reason) and Daphne have a conversation about how they are super traumatised by their mother giving birth to their siblings.
Some of the background dresses look really bad.
Dukey and Daphne switch to first names, that's SO ROMANTIC! Aaah, the chemistry! (no.)
Ooooh, so Dukey not marrying is his revenge against Daddy Duke. His bloodline dies with him. Also, he just hadn't met Protagonist Girl yet, so it would have been such a waste, right?
And this concludes Ep. 2, which had surprisingly little in terms of annotations. I could delve more into the unfortunate implications of Horrid Suitor™ being a mama's boy but I'm still writing all of this on my phone and I need a break. So,
To be Continued.
Probably soon, because the trains still aren't going.
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illumelilac · 5 years
The Bet - Shawn Mendes Werewolf AU
I posted this on my other blog @illumelavender first as the ask was sent there - but I’m working on a part 2 which will be posted here! Sorry for any confusion this causes! Thank you @infiniteshawn for always inspiring me to write - love you girl! <3 
Words: 1182
Warning: Violence/Swearing/Unedited (also a creepy dude that totally gets his ass handed to him)
It had been three obscenely long and frustrating weeks. She wasn’t sure how much more of the sensual staring or lingering touches she could actually take. This heat hit her like a steamroller and it was far from over. 
She knew she could easily find someone to copulate with for the season. It would get things over with a lot easier; but she had a lot riding on a particular bet she had recently made. She couldn’t remember the entirety of the conversation, to be honest, she couldn’t even remember how the conversation started. All she knew was; one moment she was drunkenly expressing how her heat had been awful and the next; she was in a blood-bet with her best friend - who also happened to be the Alpha of the pack.. 
“I have a proposition for you.” Shawn whispers, eyeing the wine swirling around in his glass. They had been sitting here for hours now, on her back deck, listening to the hushed secrets of the night come alive within the forest around them.
“I’m listening…” she readjusts how she’s sitting in her seat, suddenly intrigued. Shawn inhales deeply, trying to focus on what he wanted to say.
“If you are the first to get-down and busy during the next heat, you finally move into the pack house with me and the guys.” They were 23 now, and Shawn had been trying to get her to move in with him since the end of high school.
“Interesting proposition. What’s in it for me?” Shawn had successfully laid the bait; and was waiting anxiously for her to take it.
“Well, what do you want?” He offers. He takes a sip of his wine, confident eyes never leaving hers. He knows she can’t pass up the challenge. So he waits...
She licks her lips hungrily, fixating on how his hazel eyes fade from their bright golden glow into something more obsidian. “I have so many ideas.”
“This is a limited offer, so you better think fast.” He’s got her.
“If you win, which you won’t, I’ll move in with you, but if I win I want any three favours of my choosing, no exceptions and I can redeem them at anytime.” She ran a hard bargain, but he knew what these heats did to her. He knew how overwhelming they were and how hard it would be for her not to crack. 
“Deal.” Hook line and sinkher.
That’s how she found herself tipsy and frustrated, looking for solutions to her predickament at the bottom of a bottle of Irish whiskey. Shawn had been undressing her with his eyes all night. He couldn’t help it. She looked miraculous and it didn’t help that these past three weeks he had been purposely trying to tempt her. He was playing the longest game of chase, and he was nowhere near the finish line. It had been three torturous weeks, and tonight, he just needed a win, no matter how small. It was Brian’s birthday, and if she failed to make an appearance; he’d definitely make a big stink about her breaking bro-code and it just wasn’t worth the headache. She knew she wasn’t actually obliged to stay for the whole party; but after one drink she noticed the throbbing ache in her lower stomach was starting to subside. After two, she noticed that the irritability that came from her not satisfying the craving had almost completely disappeared. 
“Hey, mind if I take a seat?” A voice asks from behind her, as a gentle hand caresses the top of her back. 
“If you want to keep that hand I would suggest you remove it from my body and keep it to yourself.” She responds calmly, not turning or looking.
“Come on, doll-face. It’s a party. Live a little.” He said taking a swig of his Corona and removing his hand from where it had been resting on her shoulder.
They stench of beer and desperation was soaked into the very essence of this man. And she normally wouldn’t have cared, wouldn’t have interacted, wouldn’t have batted a fucking eyelash, but normally she wouldn’t have a very ‘stealthy’ drunk pervert trying to defile her whiskey with a fucking roofie. 
That’s when she notices Shawn across the room. Their eyes meet, just briefly, but for long enough for her to convey to Shawn that she has the situation under control. 
He still feels the need to step in - to protect her - so he keeps moving closer, analyzing the situation, trying to read her body language. When suddenly she makes eye contact with him again.
“I’ve fucking got this.” She all but barks under her breath.
And then in a matter of seconds she’s standing up quickly and clocking the douche with personal space issues and rapist qualities square in the nose. She shakes out her hand, wincing a little at the pain, but feeling an overwhelming wave of pride wash over her. Shawn stands there completely in awe of her. 
As the douche’s friends come and collect him - hopefully to take him to the hospital - she definitely broke his nose, he notices how she’s cradling her hand and hurries her upstairs to find a first-aid kit. 
“Did you see that? Oh my god, that was exhilarating. I feel so alive! Is this why men punch stuff? I mean, did you actually see that Shawn?!” She was giddy, hyped up on pure alcohol, adrenaline and with her heat looming beneath the surface, she was was an unattended pot quickly bubbling over.
“Oh my god. I totally broke that guy's nose.” There it is.
Her and Shawn enter the bathroom, he lifts her slightly so she can sit on the counter by the sink. She’s breathing heavy now, coming down from the rush, and starting to sober up.
“Is that guy okay?” She asks, suddenly feeling guilty.
“Can you hold still?” He hushes her, trying to focus on bandaging her hand. 
“But, that guy seriously needs to go to the hospital!”
“Seriously, this will take me two seconds, just hold still-”
“Shawn! I broke some guys nose and he needs to go to the hospital!”
“Why do you care!?” He pauses thoughtfully for a moment. “That guy was trying to drug you and was clearly making you uncomfortable!”
“Yes, but-”
“No butts.”
“I probably hurt him, Shawn.”
“Well, it was either going to be you or me. Think about it. I definitely would not have been as nice as you were.”
Moments pass and she doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t know what to say. She wasn’t expecting that this was how her night was gonna go. Her mind was spinning. She was trying to draw rationale from outer space; trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together to figure out where she could have made a different decision. She couldn’t shake the feeling. The guilt was invading her senses. She didn’t mean to short circuit - but that guy was a tidal wave and she was an overloaded outlet. She couldn’t stop the fire.
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akitokihojo · 6 years
It’s About Time -Part 3
A bit longer than last week’s portion. A bit more angsty too (considering angst hasn’t even been a thing in this fic as of yet).
Miroku retracted his arm from Sango’s shoulder, rolling his head back against the cushion of the couch and groaning loudly. It wasn’t often that he was at a loss, being the type that could break the ice like an actual elephant, but this time was different. His best friend was sulking. Actually and legitimately sulking. Locking-himself-in-his-room, mumbling-words, hanging-his-head-in-defeat sulking. He’d approached the situation jokingly at first, which was probably the worst thing he could have done. Hell, he’d never seen Inuyasha look so dejected before, even after breaking up with Kikyo, so it was perfectly understandable that he almost thought he was being pranked. Once he’d realized how serious this was, Miroku tried a more tender approach. He brought home comfort food, offered some distracting video game time, and even forked up the cash for a bottle of expensive whiskey to help Inuyasha relax and start talking. All of which were rejected.
He’d decided that two weeks was long enough, and it was time to take drastic measures. Enter Sango. After another failed attempt at coaxing Inuyasha out of his brooding stupor, he dashed out into the forty-degree weather, hopped into his car and drove straight to Sango’s apartment. It was against the “Bro Code” to spill about a friend’s personal life, but he didn’t know what else to do and thought a woman’s touch was all the guy needed.
By the end of Miroku’s story, Sango’s roommate came through the front door and froze after noticing him. It wasn’t the first time it had happened in the last week or so, but it didn’t make it any less weird. She hardly smiled, and after a moment, looked away awkwardly as she hung her coat and scarf on the hook nailed to the wall. After disappearing into her bedroom, Sango reluctantly admitted that Kagome had seemed down for a while now, too, with no given explanation.
“And you have no idea what’s wrong with Kagome?” Miroku asked, rolling his head to the side to glance at his girlfriend.
“Not a clue. She was totally fine and then all of a sudden, she just… wasn’t. I’ve asked her a thousand times to talk to me, but she keeps saying it’s nothing to worry about.” Sango replied, a concerned frown marring her features.
“Maybe it’s in the water.” Miroku suggested, feeling defeated.
“Not for Inuyasha.”
Miroku looked at her questionably, turning his body towards her once more in anticipation of what she had to say.
“You said he has a soulmate. What if he found her?” Sango inquired.
“Why would that upset him?” He asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“I don’t know. From all the stories you’ve told me about Inuyasha, he seems like the stubborn type-”
Miroku chuckled, nodding enthusiastically. “Oh, he’s definitely stubborn.”
“Therefore, he may be picky about his women. What if he doesn’t like his soulmate? Better yet, what if he doesn’t like the fact that he didn’t get a choice in the matter? I mean, it seems a little farfetched that 100% of the people that have a soulmate wouldn’t have a problem with their selection.” She shrugged, raising her eyebrows. Miroku sat there for a moment, allowing her words to sink in and process.
“Have I ever told you how brilliant you are, you gorgeous woman?” He boasted, squishing her cheeks in between his hands and pulling her in for a kiss. “What the hell would I do without you?”
She giggled, shaking her head and pushing his hands away from her face. “So, I helped?”
“Are you kidding? Everything makes sense now! That idiot is as stubborn as a mule. In fact, he’s so stubborn donkeys take after him. You’re damn straight he doesn’t like anyone calling the shots for him, especially in the love department.”
“Maybe you just need to help him take his mind off of things for now. Eventually, everything will calm down and level out. Even a guy like him can learn to accept change, right?” Sango asked innocently.
“Oh, uh… Give or take six months down the road he may consider the idea of accepting it.”
“…You’re kidding.”
“My dearest Sango, I never joke about Inuyasha’s attitude. He is, in fact, the worst.” Miroku smiled nonchalantly. “But I’ve tried to keep his mind off of things. I end up more rejected than a high school girl whose senpai won’t notice her. Thank god we’re in this together, huh?”
"We are?" Sango hesitated, frowning at her boyfriend who seemed all-too-eager to include her.
“Of course! Kagome could probably use the pick-me-up too! How about a house party? My place is big enough and we’re on the bottom floor. I’ll invite the neighbors, so they don’t complain. They’re young. They’re hip. Everyone can dance their worries away.”
“I can’t imagine Inuyasha being the dancing type.”
“He is when he’s drunk.”
The pungent smell of alcohol riddled the air as too many people bounced about, shouted, and dry-humped around him to the loud music. Inuyasha distinctly remembered telling Miroku he wasn't interested in hosting a party, and yet here he was; shutout of his own bedroom and forced to stand around awkwardly until the alcohol hit his system. He didn't know how his roommate always got his way, but the man was a master at persuasion and coercion.  
He swiveled the red, plastic cup in his hand hoping the motion would make the ice melt faster and cool the warm whiskey so that it was drinkable. He watched as the two ice cubes hit the sides of the container, flowing in a circular motion as a small whirlpool was created. The lower temperature began to seep through the plastic, soothing his irritated hand and helping him to ignore the increasing prickling.
Ever since that day at the coffee shop, Inuyasha had felt like shit and these sensations had increased tenfold. He knew this party was Miroku’s way of trying to help bring him out of it but being forced to hang out in a very crowded room with a lot of drunk, obnoxious people was far from the answer. He just needed to ride the stupid feeling out.
Inuyasha had watched the message he’d written slowly fade from his palm, disappearing completely with no response. He’d stared at his skin for damn near an hour waiting for something to appear. Every day, he’d check his hands for notes or doodles and his flesh remained clean and clear. The only thing that remained to tie him with whomever the fuck this was, was the annoying, unrelenting tingling that spread from his wrists to the tips of his fingers, seemingly growing worse and worse by the minute. Inuyasha wasn’t one for melancholy to begin with. He was the type of guy that swallowed his problems to deal with another day, but this whole ordeal seemed to be eating him away and wearing him thin.
He was exhausted, he was aggravated, and he was anxious as all hell.
He took a large swig of his barely-cold drink, the whiskey burning at his throat as it coated it thoroughly on its way down. Slamming the cup on the small side table next to the couch, he made his way to the open front door, heading towards the fresh air and calmer atmosphere.
"Inuyasha!" Miroku shouted, waving over the many heads inside. A girl several inches smaller than him tailed behind, clutching desperately to his hand so as not to get separated. Her long, brown hair was held loosely in a high, messy ponytail that swayed side-to-side as she walked, and her dress was almost too revealing for this weather. "It's about time I finally get the opportunity to introduce you two! This is Sango!"
“It’s nice to finally meet you!” Sango smiled, extending her free hand to him. Inuyasha took it in his grip, making sure not to hurt her nimble fingers with his large hands. To his surprise, her shake was firm and powerful, the squeeze hurting his knuckles. When he’d first learned they were dating almost two months ago, he felt compelled to warn the girl about Miroku and his… tendencies. Maybe Miroku was the one he should actually be worried about.
“You probably don’t remember, but we’ve met before.” Inuyasha smirked, eagerly taking his palm back and rubbing it out.
“I don’t and I’d rather not!” She laughed awkwardly, no doubt remembering the hangover she suffered from that drunken night a few weeks ago. “I believe you know my roommate, too? Kagome? She’s here somewhere!”
Inuyasha’s fists clenched, the familiar surge of points and needles prodding his hands with a burning fury. His head twisted around the room, looking for her long black hair and bright brown eyes but coming up with faces he didn’t know and an abundance of putrid scents that burned his nose. Realizing Miroku was staring at him, he stopped and attempted to come off as casual as possible.
“She is? Well I… um… hope she’s having fun.” He slowly nodded, turning and exiting through the door.
The November air was cold as shit and he wished he’d grabbed a jacket before stepping outside, his demon blood not enough to keep him warm at this time of year. A chill crept through his long sleeve shirt and as his senses began to quiet, he could smell rain approaching in the air. It was cold enough at night where the water on the roads would freeze until the sun thawed it mid-morning, but not cold enough for snow just yet.
He walked outside the apartment building, the music still loud enough to reach his sensitive ears as he shoved his tingling hands into his front pockets for warmth. He was almost tempted to let his fingers freeze and fall off, the cold numbing them and aiding in some form of relief from the undying torture.
“Oh. Hey.” A sweet voice greeted as he turned the corner, nearly bumping into her small body that leaned against the wall. Kagome stood there, her chocolate eyes gazing at him unsuspectingly. Her hands were tucked inside the pocket of her dark blue pullover hoody, the logo for their college printed on the front. Her dark curls flowed over her shoulders and around the bunched-up hood at the back of her neck, her messy bangs framing her face too fucking perfectly. She smiled shyly, causing a piercing jab to his heart as he forced himself to take a step backwards.
Kagome felt a fluttering rush develop in her chest, expanding throughout her entire torso. She’d come outside for a quick minute to compose herself. The moment she’d seen Inuyasha standing along the wall of his living room talking to absolutely no one and drinking who knows what, she’d felt her breath catch in her lungs and couldn’t get it to come out. It was ridiculous, even for her, so she decided to come outside and start over.
The dim lights from the building provided just enough exposure for her to see the slight tint of pink on his cheeks, which she suspected to be from the cold, and his amber eyes staring back at her with both question and concern.
“I-it was… crowded.” Kagome admitted, tearing her eyes away and looking at the ground.
“Yeah, I get it. Me too.”
“I-uh… I thought it was crowded too. That’s why I’m out here.” His voice was low and rough, catching all of her attention. Kagome’s eyes met his again, his gaze burning through her as her hands clutched one another through the large pocket in her sweater, trying to calm the wild nerve endings. She desperately wanted to take a step closer to him, as if he were a magnet drawing her in, but pinched the back of her left wrist with her nails to keep grounded where she was.
What was happening to her? These feelings were becoming too intense to think rationally. She shouldn’t have come to the party. She shouldn’t have wanted to see him again. But, geez, did she want to see him again. She’d kept her hands clean for weeks, kept notes in her cell phone and notebooks, and used hand sanitizer for added effect as a form of detoxing to keep her mind off of things, but it only made it all worse. She was sad, and Sango’s concern proved that it was noticeable. How could she tell her best friend what was going on if she didn’t even know herself? Kagome refused to admit the one thing that kept prodding at her mind. She refused to even consider that Inuyasha was the man on the other side of this. He didn’t believe. He had no idea what it was like to feel as crazy as she did now, and she would only be screwing herself over if she gave in and hoped it was him.
Inuyasha flinched, rubbing out the sudden sting that came to the back of his left wrist. He and Kagome had stood there in silence for a long moment. A small part of him felt calm and content, while a larger part of him trembled with agitation.
Fuck! He wanted to know. He deserved to know. If it wasn’t Kagome, all she had to do was say so and he’d move on.
All he had to do was ask and he’d have his answer.
A part of him felt like he already had, though. He’d sent a message, and he knew it was received. He’d never been so sure about something in his life. Why would shit come through to him but not the other way around? It just didn’t make sense. If he understood anything about this soulmate thing, it was that what happened to one happened to the other.
“Listen, Ka-“ The loud ring and heavy vibration coming from his pocket yanked away his focus. He pulled out the device, ready to silence the thing and turn it off completely when he noticed the name in big, bold letters. He didn’t want to answer. Jesus, why did he slide the bar at the bottom of the screen to accept? He was literally seconds away from getting the yes or no he needed, so why would he even consider answering this call? It was past ten, and nothing good ever came from calls from your ex-girlfriend this late at night.
“What?” Inuyasha’s voice came out harsher than intended. He held the butt of his phone close to his face, neglecting to put the call on speaker phone since Kagome was only a few feet from him, his ears sensitive enough to pick up the hysterical sobbing coming from the other end. He waited a moment, the cries never slowing enough to pick up the words she tried to mutter in between. “Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. I need you to tell me happened. Slowly.” He dropped his voice considerably, his tone coming off as soothing as possible while direct enough to be followed.
“… He hit me, Inuyasha.”
He turned down the volume on his phone, knowing Kagome couldn’t hear what was being said but not taking the chances. Her concerned stare burning into him, her teeth chewing on her bottom lip as the tension increased around him from every angle.
“Where are you?” Inuyasha asked, his amber eyes never leaving Kagome’s brown orbs. He knew he was going to regret this, but he couldn’t leave Kikyo alone when she was this scared or hurt. His stomach twisted and turned painfully, feeling a lump form in his throat.
He was pissed. He didn’t need the details of Kikyo’s situation to feel the anger gnawing at his entire being. He didn’t care that she was his ex and he didn’t care what had happened in their past. She was a sobbing mess, hiccupping between words and begging for him to come get her.
He got the information he needed and hung up the phone, sliding it back into the depths of his front pocket. Unconsciously, he’d taken a step closer to Kagome, her eyebrows raised, and her deep brown eyes drifting back and forth from his own to his lips. He slowly lifted a hand to cup her cheek, his palms stinging all the way, the sensation too much to handle as the padding of his thumb just barely grazed her soft skin so he withdrew it altogether. Fuck, he wanted to make that worried expression disappear. He wanted to soothe her features and tell her everything was alright, but the situation was such a clusterfuck that he couldn’t find it in him to say anything.
“I have to go.” He said hoarsely. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”
Inuyasha began backing away from Kagome, finding each step harder and harder to take. He was so damn close to an answer. He was so damn close to her. At this point, it seemed all logic was out the door. He may not know shit about her now, but he was more than willing to take all the time in the world to find out everything he could. God, he wanted her to say yes when he could finally ask her the dreaded question. He wanted it to be her. He wanted it to be Kagome.
She gave him a soft nod, and he was finally able to tear away and head in the direction of the coffee house.
 Could half demons tell if they were being followed? Probably. But Kagome knew Inuyasha’s mind was too preoccupied to pick up on her. Every part of her knew this was wrong, but the horrible feeling that had drilled into her chest cavity wouldn’t ease up until she gave in and snuck off after him. She decided that she could beat herself up later about it. For now, she had to concentrate on staying a safe distance behind while simultaneously staying close enough not to lose him.
The icy drizzle fell around her, shocking the tenderly-cold skin of her nose and cheeks. The smart thing to do would have been to put her hood up but she was worried about looking like a shady figure hanging out in the background, so she decided against it. A little rain never hurt anyone.
Inuyasha’s pace quickened as he approached the lit-up coffee house, half adorned with autumn décor and the other half in semi-put-up Christmas lights. He forcefully threw open the door and ran towards the back where she couldn’t see him anymore, a curving wall from the inside blocking her view. Even through the cold, her hands felt clammy. She could hear the scared voice through Inuyasha’s phone. The voice of a female begging him to come get her. Kagome had no right to be jealous. She was jumping to conclusions, another bad habit of hers, and as per usual, it only created messier situations.
The drizzle turned to rain, her damp hair beginning to stick to the sides of her face and neck. She should just turn around and head home. She should go home, get dry, and put on some stupid romcom to distract herself. So why was she approaching the windows of the coffee house? Why was she searching the inside of the dimly-lit, twenty-four-hour building for the familiar face with the unfamiliar woman? Why did it hurt so bad to see Inuyasha cradling a girl's jaw, their bodies so close to one another?
 “Who did this?” Inuyasha demanded. He wanted to punch the wall next to them and create a god-awful scene. He wanted whoever the hell it was that had the balls to strike a woman to see the damage he, himself, could do so that he would shrivel down in fear at the beating that was coming for him.
“His name doesn’t matter, Inuyasha.” Kikyo responded flatly, her dark eyes avoiding his. His clawed hands held her face, his thumb caressing her pale cheeks, avoiding the darkening bruise around her eye.
“Like hell, it doesn’t!” He snapped. “If you call me to come get you because some asshole you’re dating hit you, you better be prepared to tell me his name!”
“I didn’t call you because I wanted you to fight him! I called you because I wanted you to take me home!” She pushed his hands away, carefully wiping at her tear-stained cheeks. “But you didn’t even bring your car and it’s pouring outside now!”
“Oh, save it! I was drinking when you called, so I wasn’t going to drive around town like that. And don’t act like it’s the rain you’re worried about. I’ll get you home safely, so shut up.” He rolled his eyes, gently grabbing Kikyo’s chin between his forefinger and thumb, and twisting her face slightly to get a better look at the developing bruise. “Who was it, Kikyo?”
“Some guy I went on a few dates with.”
“Who was it, Kikyo?” Inuyasha demanded again, sick of her attitude already.
“Naraku. His name is Naraku. We got into an argument and the rest is history.” Kikyo lifted her chin out of his hold, turning away so the mark of violence was out of his line of sight.
Inuyasha clenched and unclenched his fists, the tingling making it hard to focus on one thing over the other. He sat back in the corner booth they were tucked away in, seething in anger and wanting to beat the ever-loving shit out of this guy. Hell, he would run off and do it right now if he knew what the asshole looked like and didn’t have Kikyo to worry about. It killed him that a woman he’d known to stand tall with pride seemed so small and terrified, so it made it a lot easier that she didn’t want to be looked at. As good as he was at blowing things out of proportion and going off the deep end, he understood that it was more important to get her home as soon as possible.
He made sure to steady himself, ready to take her arm and guide her back to her place, when the small silhouette in the corner of the furthest window caught his eye.
Kagome gasped, forgetting that the main objective, besides snooping, was to avoid being seen. His eyes pierced through her, and her feet felt frozen in place. Her heart beat erratically as her first instinct was to panic. To run. To get the hell out of there and avoid him for the rest of her life, because there was no way she could face him or live this down.
She didn’t expect it to hurt so bad to see him caring for another woman. She didn’t expect to feel so irrationally betrayed to see him stroking her cheek when she was well aware that this situation and their relationship was none of her business. None of this made sense to Kagome. For the umpteenth time, she asked herself what was happening to her. Her lungs contracted, the air traveling through her pipes painfully as the cold rain wracked her body into tremors.
Inuyasha stared out the window, his eyes adjusting to the difference in contrast as her features became noticeable. The rain caused her bangs to wave and stick to her forehead, the layers of black hair that once created a voluminous look clinging to her cheeks. Her mouth hung slightly open, drops of water running along her face and stopping at the texture of her pink lips. The dark blue sweater she wore looked black from the added moisture, her arms shivering at her side and her fingers shaking.
He jolted to his feet, that action startling both the girl outside and the girl beside him. Kagome turned to walk away, the steps quickly developing into a sprint.
But he was faster.
“Inuyasha, what are-“
“I’ll be right back. Stay here.” He ordered, not giving Kikyo a second look before darting out the door and following Kagome’s path.
The rain made it impossible to catch her scent, but he let his intuition guide him. His legs darted quickly, the downpour stinging his face as he turned a corner he’d taken on the way from his apartment. There she was, just a few paces in front of him, her legs running as fast as they could. His burning hands stretched out in front of him, his fingers latching to the arm of her baggy, soaked hoody.
“Kagome, stop! Stop!” He shouted, pulling back so that she’d be forced to stop running. Her chest heaved up and down heavily as he turned her to face him, her head hung, avoiding his gaze. “What the hell are you doing?”
She bit her lip, her breathing still quick, her body shivering beneath his touch. Inuyasha didn’t let go of her sweater. He was sure if he did, she’d take off again. The street lamps hardly provided enough light to see all the features he’d grown to favor on her face as she stared to the ground at his feet.
“Kagome?” He tried again, holding back the growl that crept up in his chest. No, now wasn’t the right time. She looked sad. Hurt even.
“I’m sorry,” She started, her voice a whisper compared to the sound of heavy water smacking cement. “I shouldn’t have followed you. I was just worried.”
“Then why did you run?”
“I didn’t know what else to do.”
His grip on her clothes went slack, dropping his prickling hand to his side. Finally, she looked up at him, peeking through the thick bangs that hung low and hid her lashes.
“Who is she?” Kagome’s voice shook, and it ripped a hole in Inuyasha’s heart. Fuck it all! What the hell was she doing to him? He should have been pissed that she was spying, but he was more concerned that she was wet and freezing, wandering through the streets alone as the night only got later. He shouldn’t have chased after her, but he couldn’t imagine letting her run off when she looked so wounded through those dirty windows.
“Her name’s Kikyo.” Inuyasha admitted, his shoulders sagging as he resisting the urge to step closer and close at least an inch of the gap between them. “She’s my ex.”
Kagome nodded slowly, the statement causing a painful knot to form in her throat. This is what snooping does; if you go looking for trouble, you’ll always find it.
“Why are you upset?” Inuyasha asked, reaching for her hand. She felt the shock. Felt the rush course through her body and she jerked back, feeling more scared than she knew she should have been.
“I’m not.” She lied, trying to seem as natural as possible.
“Why are you upset?” He asked with more fire, stepping toward her and snatching at the sleeve of her hoody to prevent her from leaving like she so desperately wanted to.
“I said, I’m no-“
“Tell me, Kagome!”
“I don’t know, Inuyasha!” She yelled, feeling her resolve crumbling around her. “I don’t know why I’m upset, okay!? I know I shouldn’t be! There’s a lot of things happening right now that shouldn’t be, but I can’t help it!”
His lips curled into a frown, his brows drawing together as he pulled her closer to him.
“Are you her?” Inuyasha asked, his eyes boring into her own.
“Are you my fucking soulmate!?” He barked, pulling her another step closer. She could feel his hand traveling down her arm, her palm igniting in a heated blaze she’d never felt before. She attempted to jerk backwards again but got nowhere, his skin nearing hers.
“No!” Kagome tore her arm from his hold, her breathing appearing shaky and unstable. The raindrops curved around her brow bone, over her nose, and down her jaw, the path of them numbing her to further cold. She clutched her burning hand to her chest, wanting so badly to feel his wet skin with the pads of her fingertips, but finding the fear of it all too overwhelming. She was afraid it wasn’t him. She was afraid this whole thing was wrong, and she was following all the wrong signs. She couldn’t be rejected. Not here. Not like this. Not while he was looking at her, able to see her break and crumble from the weight of the disappointment. “I’m not your soulmate, Inuyasha! I don’t have one!”
“Bullshit!” He argued, seeing right through her. “Prove it!”
“Back off!”
“Give me your hand, Kagome!” He looked desperate and just as afraid as she was. She could tell he was trying to disguise it with anger, but his amber eyes said everything she needed to know. He, of all people, had a soulmate somewhere nearby. It was becoming painful for him, and he needed to know who she was. Inuyasha’s ache had become just as insatiable as her own.
It didn’t matter. The fear of being wrong overpowered her trembling nerves and made it impossible to put her hand in his.
“I can’t.” Kagome whispered, staring at his open palm, hot tears stinging at her eyes. “I’m sorry.”
His fingers curled shut, the sharp tips of his claws biting into his cold flesh, feeling rejected once again. Why couldn’t anyone answer his damn question? He wanted to break something, curse and shout, anything to release some of the frustration that he’d locked in for weeks now. What the hell happened to happy endings? Why was this so damn hard?
“I should go. I interrupted something that looked important back there. You can go back to her, Inuyasha.” The hurt in her voice was so evident, it shook him to the core. Everything was so fucked up.
“No, look, it’s not what you think. She got into a fight with her new boyfriend and he hit her. She needed help, Kagome.”
“Is she okay?” Kagome asked immediately, mentally kicking herself for the slip. It was none of her business and she should have never butted in.
“She’s fine. Shaken up, but fine.”
“Is there anything I can do?” The hook in her voice was genuine, and Inuyasha wondered how it was possible for someone to instantaneously push their problems aside for a person they didn’t know. His shoulders sunk, unconsciously reaching his right hand forward and gently pushing a sodden strand of hair off of her pale cheeks and behind her ear. Kagome’s heart was so good, and he understood now that she was going to be the death of him.
“No,” He shook his head, relishing in the heat that radiated from their touch. “I’m just going to make sure she gets home safely. That’s all she needs right now.”
Kagome’s eyes fell back down to the floor, blinking quickly to block the dripping water from blurring her vision. His touch was so wonderful yet so agonizing at the same time. She didn’t know this would be so difficult. Of all the tales she’d heard of finding your person, she’d never once heard one so painful. It was always a happy start to a happy end. Nothing was scary or conflicting or the least bit trivial about it. Your hand sent you some sort of signal and the rest was history. A couple had once come to her family’s shrine and described the story of how they’d gotten that infamous tingle and literally walked around for however long it took with their palms held out like a flashlight, following the urges and sensations until they collided with their person and felt a wash of relief they’d never experienced before.
So why wasn’t that happening for her now? Why did she feel so much regret saying no when she had the opportunity in front of her to possibly end all of this torment for the both of them? Inuyasha was clearly going through it too, and she was willing to do damn near anything to ease the lines on his face and take some of that pain away. But she didn’t.
Kagome kept telling herself it wasn’t right. She wasn’t right for him. They weren’t meant for one another and they were only making things worse in the end.
“I should…” Kagome’s voice broke, betraying her as she tried to hold herself together for just a moment longer.
“No, K-“
“I really need to go, Inuyasha.” She pushed his hand away from her, careful to pull the sleeves of her drenched sweater over her fingers to avoid any further contact with him. “I have to go.”
She backed away slowly, trying to bite back the quivering of her bottom lip.
“I’m so sorry.”
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idealisticrealism · 7 years
Blindspot 2x19 recap
(Aka the Scavenger hunt)
(Aka both Zapata and Shepherd getting arrested and Reade coming back and Patterson being adorable and Jeller ALMOST-KISSING AAAAAHHHHHHHH)
Well, here it is at last. This recap should have been posted a week ago, after already having been delayed by all the fic-writing, but just as it was aaaalmost done, my computer crashed and lost the whole damn thing. So here’s take 2 haha, and I’ll try to get my 2x20 recap up tomorrow, if I’m lucky...
(Warning: extreme flailing ahead)
Well, here’s to the amount of deja vu I’m about to experience lol. And just a note-- I’m gonna speed through the Shepherd scenes bc frankly I don’t care about them in the slightest. And so speaking of which, we're back in Bangkok and Shepherd’s using all the ominous language about how the guy should avoid the western world and blah blah she totally thinks she's so badass, yet she has no idea that the western world-- or specifically, the Weller & Patterson bro-sis combo, is about to Strike Back (;P). And so while she's acting tough and threatening the sellers of the toxic stuff, these two precious little catburglars are stealing all of her ill-gotten money. I love Patterson being about to go into a complex explanation of how, and Weller being all "Don't explain. Just type." haha. Aw, my little partners in crime. And then Patterson succeeds in freezing the account, causing all hell to break loose for Shepherd, bullets flying, her entire little posse getting shot down and she herself barely escaping with her life (though damn, for a middle-aged lady she sure still got some moves)-- and back in the lab, Weller and Patterson are just sitting there like.... 'well that was anticlimactic' hahahaha. Oh, if only you knew how much you had just ruined Shepherd's day lol. You would be as delighted as I am. Also damn she just went all Terminator on this guy, only to get nabbed by the cops which is SO satisfying even though we know she'll get free soon enough. But still, anything that pisses Shepherd off is just fine by me lol
Looollll it's the Right Boob Snake! I assume you guys heard the story from last year's SDCC panel, but in case you didn’t, the gist of it was that this tattoo is Rob's favourite because each tattoo is kept in a separately labelled storage container thing and this one is labelled with 'Right boob snake'. Also I love that we have literally never seen the team use a CG graphic of the tattoos until now, when it's one in a 'private area', which is so cute omg. I wonder if Weller is disappointed or relieved? Knowing what a gentleman he is, probably relieved lol. But anyway, they already know that the snake is the calling-card of a hacker guy, but they could never find him until just now, when he was picked up on facial recognition for the first time. Is it just me or does he kind of look like a less-attractive Henry Cavill? But anyhow they assume that he's going to hack into some mainframe or something so they rush to Grand Central to detain him. And awww Jane and Tasha both get their own little mini-teams to lead. Man, these guys are totally FBI elite, aren’t they? God all the other agents must think they are just so cool. I bet there's heaps of office gossip about them and people pick their favourite team member like fans do with the Avengers (which should clearly be Clint and Natasha, duhh) or Power Rangers or whatever. I bet all the Reade fans have been bummed lately. But anyhow, they've spotted their target at the station-- he just picked up a dead drop. Jane follows him, but he's clearly expecting trouble bc he notices her, then makes a run for it-- only to be grabbed by another guy. And for a sec I thought it was one of Jane's lackeys that she'd perfectly positioned-- but then that guy slits the hacker's throat and steals the package. Daaaamn. Also omg I find it hilarious that there's like instant screaming and running from the bystanders the moment it happens-- like c’mon, writers. These are New Yorkers. New Yorkers have got shit to do and places to be and they keep their eyes DOWN. They'd have to be standing right beside this guy and get their coffee spilled on themselves in the struggle to even notice at all. I do appreciate that Jane goes straight to the hacker to administer first aid rather than running after the attacker, leaving that to Zapata. Who does a damn good job of it, nearly catching the guy before he's shot by another dude who subsequently takes the package. Like damn, what is in this thing?? Zapata runs straight past the guy on the floor, not even checking to see if he's still alive, too busy giving chase to dude #3. Too bad, son. Weller, however, catches the guy first and kicks his ass very thoroughly, which we all know I am a huge supporter of. And inside the package is.... a Rubiks cube?? I wonder if it opens up when you solve it???
Lol Weller's bummed about going through all that for a Rubiks cube, grumping about it being a dumb toy-- and Patterson's all 'excuse u these are very cool adult things that totally normal and cool adults are into okay' and ughhh the little grin on Zapata's face just gives me life. Almost as much as the fact that when Patterson says the cube is related to Leakhub, Zapata immediately explains what it is to Jane, instantly knowing that she's in the dark about it and catches her up so she doesn't have to ask. Ughhhh Zapata is such an amazing and considerate friend and she just always knows what people need and I'm so glad that she and Jane are back to being buds again because they are the besssssttt. Then Patterson shows them the mannequin-challenge video that she found (idk exactly how, using her usual Patterson awesomeness I guess) that had the message from the Leakhub founders in it, hidden on the license plates. Damn. Sometimes I remember that this is a TV show and that it's written by actual real people and I think about it and I'm just like goddamn these people are clever. But anyhow. I love that the mannequin challenge actually came up at all (even though by this point in time, even in the show-universe, it would be a long-dead meme) just because the Blindspot cast and crew did a challenge of their own and this all feels very meta rn haha. I love Patterson approving of the classy iambic pentameter in the coded message too haha. And so they realise that the Leakhub founders are basically having a going out of business giveaway, handing over their cache of Super Secret Files to whoever completes their challenge. And on that list of documents is... dun dun dun... the Truman Protocol, which as we've heard is basically the basis of Phase 2. So if they find this document, they might be able to stop Shepherd. And, you know, there's also the fact that if any one of these documents gets into the wrong hands, it could have devastating consequences etc etc 
Aaaand Shepherd is in some super tiny little jail thing, and will be taken to the consulate when it opens in ten hours. Yeaaaaahhhhh she'll be long gone by then. I do appreciate the guard guy verbally putting her in her place though. Too bad she'll probably kill him soon.
Lol Patterson has solved the Rubiks cube-- though not in the traditional way, as Weller points out, eyeing the randomly-coloured sides. She snarks that she could have solved it in 30 seconds (20 when she was in tournament shape appearently, and omg I adore her so much) but explains that the arrangement of the little colored squares per side IS the code, with each pair of them representing numbers or letters. Zapata seems to get it, bc that girl is honestly such a secret little nerd, but I personally would be in the 'smile and nod' camp with Jane and Weller rn lol. Basically it translates to a challenge where they have to hack one of a bunch of different documents. They realise, too, that there were other Rubiks cubes out there, and other people are also playing this game, meaning it's like a large-scale scavenger hunt. The team picks one that involves a big pharmaceutical company that is reported to have products that cause cancer, meaning they can complete the challenge in a bit of a Robin Hood way rather than causing more problems. Weller's totally ready to just ditch Patterson to get all hacky with it, but she drags him back, telling him that doing it by remote access would take her all day, and then before he even speaks she says in a super deep voice "we don't have that kind of time, Patterson" and then continues laying out her plan and oh my godddddd Patterson mocking her big bro is everything I have ever wanted in this world and more. I think I literally shrieked. Weller gives her this adorable 'excuse me??' look and ugh Jane is so completely failing at hiding her smile and omg I love this stupid team and their stupid family dynamic ughhhhhhh 
Omg. Patterson's plan literally involves Jane and Weller going for a relaxing couple's stroll down the CEO guy's street, and I literally cannot even explain how delighted I am rn because Jane is literally loving it?? She's smiling like a kid, just so happy to be here with him, getting to do something relaxed and easy and just the two of them-- like literally she could reach out just a tiny bit and they'd be holding hands, walking down the street like any other lovestruck couple without a care in the world. And of course Weller notices her smile, and he makes a joke about them not getting shot at for once (dude, please at least knock on wood after saying something like that, geez), and ughhhhhh I love her little laugh and her bright smile as she looks up at him and then the way she giggles as a couple of kids race past them and omg she's literally almost giddy just to be out doing something normal with the man she loves and I am SO EMOTIONAL about it. And then sighhhh, the moment is over and the smile fades and she takes a deep breath and asks him about hearing from Nas, and how he feels about her leaving, given the whole thing with Allie having left as well, and oh godddd now I'm emotional in a much less pleasant way because she knowwwwwwwss. Jane knows/knew about him and Nas-- like she might even think that they were still together right up until Nas left-- and she puts her own feelings aside to make sure he's okay and aaaaarghhhhhhhhh this is the woooooorst. She has literally probably known since that damn baby shower in 2x08 and ugh I can't even imagine how it must have hurt her to see them both at work every day and know that they probably woke up together that morning or would be going home to each other that night and ugh noooo my baby. She just cares about him so much and suffers through it silently and ugh it hurts me. And Weller's pretty much all 'huh? Nas who?' bc lbr that was only ever just a stupid fling for him (emphasis on the stupid) and his heart has always been 100% Jane's but he probably thinks she's just asking to make sure he doesn't compromise the mission somehow by being distracted over Nas and there's almost a dry little chuckle in his voice as he tells her he's fine and ughhhh these two literally just need to have a clear conversation bc this is driving me CRAZY. Idiots. But anyhow, they've just found the guy's car (fortunate timing there) and so they stroll over, with Weller standing guard over Jane while she casually slashes though one of the car's tires like it's warm butter (bc she's a superhuman, obviously-- do you have any idea how hard it is to slash through a tire?? Hard!) but anyway tbh I don't know if anything could really capture my aesthetic better than this moment lol? And anyhow onto the next step-- the guy comes out and sees his slashed tire, only for a cab to conveniently pull up right beside him-- with Weller at the wheel haha. Ugh I love Patterson's customer service voice as she calls to tell the guy he's being hacked, almost as much as I love the little grin she and Zapata exchange as she does it. And then he tells her to piss off with her little scam, then calls the ‘real’ IT department-- only to be answered by Zapata, and omgggg if I loved Patterson's customer service voice I am DYING over Zapata's. Also what an asshole, he just hung up on Zapata mid-sentence?? So glad their little camera then watches him put in his password so they can steal all his stuff and expose him. But ughh I can't believe that Weller's voice has somehow managed to get even deeper and more gravelly than usual? I hope Jane can hear Cabbie!Weller over the comms rn bc I really want her to be able to experience this too haha. Honestly though do the writers of this ep have some kind of role-playing fantasy, or?? Because it's sure as hell feeling like it... not that I’m complaining   
Aaaahhh Reade just showed up in the bullpen. Weller takes him straight to his office and I love the fact that while Reade immediately sits, Weller is standing for just a moment longer, meaning that when Reade apologises he's looking up at Weller. It's very 'penitent son' or something, idk. And Weller is so calm and steady, and ugh he could totally rip Read a new one for what he did but instead he's so supportive and forgiving and allows Reade to take the time off without the upper management ever having to hear what he did and ugh tbh I feel like season 1 Weller wouldn't have been this gentle?He would have been much more shouty. I think his experiences with trauma and betrayal recently have made him even more understanding and forgiving and despite what Reade said before, they ARE family. And Weller looks out for his own. And then ughhh Reade and Zapata... but wait he thanks her for 'sitting through that' and she tells him she's sorry... and oh no. Ohhhh noooooo. He really was abused. Oh god. I am so horrified and sad that he had to watch that and sort of re-live it. Ugh Reade my baby I know I've been grumpy at your behaviour lately but I am so sorry and I love you and I hate to see you hurting. Also their hug is so sweet ugh and wow she really is tiiiiiny lol            
Awww Weller walks into the Bullpen and I love that his three ladies are all hanging out together at the same desk?? Like Patterson could be down in her lab with her lackeys and Jane and Zapata could have been off doing their own thing but instead they're all sticking together bc they're besties and ughhhhh I am so happy. Also have I mentioned how much I love this ‘Charlie's Angels’ kinda situation they've got going on rn?? Reade's away and there's no more Nas (#sosad), so it's just Weller and his angels and ugh I am so into it. Literally can we have a spin-off movie about this? Like Patterson is their computer whiz and Zapata is the demolitions/weaponry expert and Jane is their combat expert and they fight crime under the direction of their doting leader Weller and ugh just give it to me now. But anyhow the Leakhub peeps have received the files that they hacked from the asshole drug company guy (and which Patterson cleverly sent through fancy means so they'll never know it came from the FBI), and a new message comes, telling them to wear red, go to a particular place, and bring someone they trust. And uggghhhh just let me die, bc Weller doesn't even hesitate; he just immediately picks Jane to go with him. Their responses kill me-- Jane's head snaps around and she just stares at him; Zapata's all like 'of course you would' haha; whereas Patterson's all disbelieving and insists that she should be the one to go bc what if there are more puzzles??? This is literally her forte. Ooh and Zapata looks at him then like 'let's see you argue this one buddy' lol. And then Weller says he's great at puzzles and Patterson legit laughs before quickly putting on a serious face when he stares at her (yep, he may be your big bro but he's kinda still your boss, honey) and she says "Yes, in your own way" and ughhh Zapata is LOVING this and I loooove the fact that she looks to Jane (who is determinedly staring at the ground, trying so hard not to laugh) because they're best buds again and they're all sharing this joke at Weller's expense ughhhh. Oh man, I almost feel sorry for my lil boy. So outnumbered. So out of his depth. But because they love him, they let him pretend that he really is calling the shots, and Patterson relents (sidenote: what are those earring she's wearing? Like an inverted triangle underneath another upright triangle? Isn't there some culture where upside down triangle means ‘woman’ and upward pointing triangle means ‘man’? So this combination would mean... sex? Idk maybe I just made that up, but anyway enough about the sex earrings) and helps Jane pick out her red outfit. Maaannn I wish we had gotten to see the conversation she and Jane had in the locker-room (or lbr, the one she, Jane and Zapata had, all in there together giggling at Weller’s expense haha). 
Oooh karma has caught up with Weller quickly-- he's right, he does look ridiculous. But I still dig it?? And it seems Jane does too haha. Ugh I loooove seeing her smile and laugh so much??? She's actually really enjoying this case and I think that has less to do with the relative lack of danger and more to do with the amount of one-on-one time with Weller ugh. Oh and now suddenly they're swept up in a sea of red, meaning Patterson and Zapata lose them. Ooops. So they end up at some big old industrial building, which Weller says used to be a sanatorium for TB patients back in the early 1900s. Well look at you, lil history buff! I am now headcanoning that Weller knows heaps of NYC history bc it was an interest he developed when he was younger (maybe young Weller couldn't face the future without Taylor so he spent all his time focused on the past ugh) and ugh now I want him to take Jane out on a walking date where he just tells her history of the places they see while they hold hands and eat icecream or something ugh. I can dream, right?? But anyhow the door is their first challenge-- a keypad with a note about the simplest answer being the right one, and a math riddle, and they just look at each other like 'man it would be great to have Patterson right now' lol. And Jane's like 'ugh maths is gross why don't we just guess' but Weller stops her and just reaches for the door handle and pulls the door open. The simplest answer was that the door was never locked in the first place. Looks like it's lucky Weller did go along, bc I feel like Patterson might have solved the equation without necessarily thinking of any other alternatives. Score one for Weller. Tbh I feel like I would have done the same as Weller, bc I would have just been like 'nope too much maths can I just yank it open by force instead' lol. Though man the riddle does give me some serious flashbacks to the IQ test I had to do in order to get into med school. The first third of the test was all stuff like that, and those logic puzzles like where you have to get all the animals across the river in a boat but it could only hold two at a time and some of the animals would eat each other if left alone etc. I actually quite liked that section but the middle third was more my jam-- we just read different paragraphs of text about people interacting with each other and had to determine why they did what they did/said certain things/how they were feeling etc. That part was awesome. The third part was literally looking at patterns and picking which weird shape should come next in the sequence and I really wasn't a fan of that one at all haha. But aaaaanyhow. I wonder what would have happened if they'd put an answer into the keypad? Like would it have just locked them out, or blown up in their faces?? But omg I love Weller's 'told you I was great at puzzles' and the way Jane just rolls her eyes at him omg these two are so marrieeeeddddddd
Wow okay so they pretty much just stepped into the human version of a bowl of skittles-- there's colourfully dressed couples everywhere, and looollll Jane makes a joke about being glad not to be on the turquoise team and ughhh my baby is such a goddamn cutie pie omg. The green team gives them shady looks, and Jane wonders if everyone here is a hacker-- but Weller says some would be mercenaries or bodyguards or spies. Great. Lol then suddenly the lights go down and epic music starts and a spotlight appears on a hooded figure and for half a second I almost expect it to be Rich (even though I know he's back in prison and has an entirely different body shape) bc this is totally his kind of style haha. But then the hooded figure reveals themselves to be... Kaylee?? Erm, I mean some lady hacker, meaning ooooh the Hacker Bros are actually sisters. Or were, since the other one was apparently killed in a boat crash. Um, okay. This is all a little weird. God she really does remind me of Rich though. I wonder if they've met? I bet they're friends. Or exes haha. And then crap she says that there's a cop in the room and pulls out a gun and dammit Jane your poker face is usually better than this, get yourself under control woman! But then she does sound super badass and in-control when the Hacker Chick asks her who she thinks the cop is, so phew. Aaaand oops, now the white team is dead. Well, a little less competition, at least? 
Oh I forgot about Shepherd. She tries to connect with the guard about living with tyrants, but little does he know that SHE is the tyrant she's talking about. Ugh, I wish he had a tranq gun or something to knock her out with              
Oh Readey. My baby is at the shooting range having all kinds of nasty flashbacks as he shoots, and okay either all his shots will have gone wild and missed entirely, or they'll all be right on top of one another in the silhouette-man's heart. Aaand it's the latter. Oh my poor traumatised son. You need more Zapata hugs ugh      
Hacker chick is taking them all to individual rooms for the next challenge, and I love that when she holds up the hard drive of files, Jane looks back at Weller like 'are you sure we can't just attack her now and steal it? We could take on all these people' lol. But instead they head for their room (poor orange team just got dissed by the Hacker chick. That's what you get for wearing such a terrible colour lol) and omg I KNOW WHAT THIS IS. I loooove escape rooms, though I've never yet done one. One just opened in my town though so I'm gonna try to drag some friends along. Oh but before the key-finding can begin, there's a polygraph challenge-- "prove you can trust each other and you'll fin d your fates will be forever intertwined" yaaaassss I like the sound of this. It's true though, isn't it? If they reveal some of the things they've ben hiding from each other and then come through this whole ordeal knowing that they trust each other, they'll be one step closer to finally getting back on the right path, the one they’re meant to be on, the one that leads to marriage and babies and growing old together ughhhhh. And oooh Weller seems a little nerv ous about the polygraph-- if it asks him his feelings for Jane, he's screwed. He'll be even more at her mercy than he already is. Not to mention that he probably still thinks she doesn't feel the same and ughhh my boy is just not ready to be stripped of the last of his walls. Not like this. Whereas Jane is all 'let's do this' because she knows that if she needs to, she can beat the machine. Though I feel like that wouldn't be hard in this instance anyway bc it's literally missing half of the measurement devices that it should have, and somehow apparently can have answers of more than just yes or no? Mmmmkay, sure. But ugh the look they exchange when the chick is on the screen talking about them trusting each other. Both of them are like 'despite everything I trust you but I have no idea if you feel the same' and ughhhh I am so READY for this. And then lol the chick trolls Weller when he tries to talk to the recording. I love the humour in this show haha. But aaaahhh the first question is about meeting each other and their first impression, and I'm interested to know how this would work for those teams that are hacker + bodyguard/mercenary? Like 'we met this morning and he seemed like he would be really good at killing people so I thought that was good'?? Or maybe that’s the point, it's like an instant method of disqualifiying some teams, in that the questions are designed to show that they have a strong bond, a connection and trust equal to that which she had with her sister, so any pairs of strangers would automatically have to fail. After all, the rule specifically said 'bring someone you trust', meaning those teams broke that rule. Which means that Jane and Weller are automatically going to be one of the few teams that have a chance of winning. Excellent. But omggggggg the way Weller looks up at her sharply when she said she was terrified when she met him?? Ugh and he looks at the computer like 'wait no that can’t be right' and it comes up True and she looks at him all 'I did good?' and he's still processing that one because ugh of course she was scared-- she had no idea who she was or why this was happening and was locked in a room completely at the mercy of the people holding her-- but he would hate the thought of her being scared of HIM. But tbh I totally believe that the moment she first met him, her terror went from overwhelming to just a low background hum, because she just instantly recognised that he was Good and would try to help her and protect her. But wait hold on I want to hear about Weller's first impression too?? Because I feel like it would have been something like 'My first impression was that she was beautiful.... and that she was somehow both dangerous and vulnerable at the same time. From the moment I saw her I wanted to protect her.' and it would ping true and Jane would stare at him while he stared at the floor and ughhhhhhhhh why would you rob me of this opportunity show, whyyyy
Patterson's database just flagged that one of the fake documents made by Sandstorm's forger guy was just recently used-- and so they realise that Shepherd is in Bangkok. Dun dun dunnnnnn. They also still have no idea where Weller and Jane are either and are very stressed about it lol
Oooh wait Jane is answering again? Are they alternating and we just didn't get to see Weller's last question, or?? And ugh she answers that yes she's lied to him about something important. It's interesting that the question doesn't ask them to admit what the lie was, but that could either be bc the writers didn't want to have to go into it, or bc the Hacker Chick just wanted to plant that seed of distrust between the pairs and cause them to have an argument about it later. Of course this question doesn't have much of effect on Jeller bc they've already had their big reveal of all the lies and the subsequent fallout. Well, most of the lies, anyway. She's still got her Emma lie and he's still got his 'I'm stupidly in love with you but have made you think I'm not' lie. Though technically his lies-- that he's in love with her, that he hooked up with Allie and Nas to distance himself from her-- are more omissions than outright lies. But then aaaaaahhhhh Hacker Chick asks what the best/worst thing their partner has done for them (again, for strangers this would be an awkward one to answer bc they wouldn't really have anything to say) and ughhh Weller answers and talks about her getting inside his walls and ugh he's avoiding her gaze and fidgeting as he speaks, but then looks up and meets her eyes as he half-whispers that the worst thing was the same answer and ugh she can barely look at him, her eyes drawn to the screen instead, because ugh when he started speaking it seemed like her getting inside his walls was the worst thing-- which it did turn out to be as well, but there was more emphasis on it being the best thing and she must hardly be able to believe that he could ever consider being vulnerable to her like that as a good thing but the screen pings True and ugh she swallows and looks like she's trying not to cry and ughhhhh save me. And then the last question is hers, and it's about why they chose to work with their partner/why did their partner choose them, and Weller looks at her kinda like 'crap, how's this gonna go' but also simultaneously 'yes please tell me how you feel about working with me because I need to know that you'll stay' and ugh she says she chose him bc he's honest and loyal-- and then meets his eyes and says she trusts him with her life. And ugh he looks down, unable to hold her gaze, and you just know he's thinking about how he didn't protect her from the CIA and how he treated her like shit when she came back and how she still believes in him even after all of that and how he doesn’t deserve it. And he's probably also thinking that she's among the maybe three people he would trust with his life, with the other two being Patterson and Zapata (Reade's temporarily taking a break from the list) and yet the others are his hand-picked teammates who he has worked with for years and who have always proven themselves to him. Jane is an ex-terrorist who he's known less than a year and who has already lied to him and betrayed him more than once, yet he would still willingly put his life in her hands because he knows she would never let anyone hurt him. Ughhhhh. But then she says that he didn't choose her, he was forced to work with her, and he looks up and frowns a little bc the computer shows that she believes that's true but it's so totally opposite to what he feels and tbh I almost expected him to say something about it right then and there, but there's no time bc a little compartment pops open and there's locks to unlock. Also I just noticed that the symbol in the screen is a triangle with an eye in it overlying an inverted triangle, almost like Patterson's earring! What does it mean?? Are Jeller being followed around by a literal sex-symbol because I'm really starting to feel like the universe is trying to send them a message.... but anyhow the escape-rooming begins, with Jane finding two keys to Weller's one, then realising that the fourth lock is opened by the third lock itself. God she's so smart. I bet Weller is finding this super hot rn, bc I’m pretty sure the rest of us are. And then ta-da, a wall slides aside to reveal a window into the room next to them, where the blue dudes are still searching for keys. A message on the screen says that pressing the big button by the door will let them out, but fill the blue guys' room with deadly gas. Which means that getting to the files first-- saving a whole bunch of people-- will require killing two people in cold blood. Well, shit.
Well, if anyone tells you that slow internet never hurt anybody, show them this clip. This guard died bc of it, poor guy. But first he was talking with her about how Remi and Roman probably miss her and I'm like nooooope they certainly do not, my man. Ugh I'm so sad he had to die, though, like it was absolutely coming from the moment she got locked up, but ugh we were SO close to having her in US custody and then... sigh.
Ugh my precious babies are desperately searching for another way out, bc they refuse to press the button. And then ugh the blue guys unlock their last lock and see the same message-- and I appreciate that one of them tries to stop the other from pressing the button. Thanks for having honour, bro. But it's still not enough, and the other guy hits the button, releasing the gas-- into their own room, while Weller and Jane's door swings open. Plot twiiiist. Jane automatically moves for the door-- they have a mission, after all-- but Weller refuses to leave the guys to die, so he smashes the window and the two of them drag the blue guys out. Ugh, my babieessss. Unfortunately being good people means that the green team has gotten a chance to get out ahead of them, and they chase them down, catching one and absolutely kicking his ass in a freakin' awesome tag-team way, because these two are literally the most badass partners ever. And so they make it to the finish line-- but after the other guy in green, who grins at them like a cocky S.O.B. But then whaaat the white-team lady is there-- she's actually the other half of the sister duo. Niiiice. Jane's all ‘????’ and the chick makes a joke about her being a ghost and lol I love how absolutely done Jane is with all of this. Poor woman is daydreaming about being back on the sunny streets strolling along with Weller rn rather than being here trying to prove herself to these criminals lol. She tries to argue that both partners were supposed to get to the finish line, yet greenie is on his own, but Hacker chick shoots down that attempt. But then Weller, my precious cupcake, my secret cinnamon roll, argues that the whole point of the button test was to ensure someone with a moral code got the files, and reminds her that he and Jane risked the win by stopping to save two strangers. White-clad sister seems to like him-- er, I mean his argument-- and so the main hacker chick is all 'eh, sure, I love a twist' and tosses the hard drive to Weller. I bet Patterson, as amazing as she is, couldn’t have succeeded like that. The green guy tries to attack Weller but neither Jane or the hackers' bodyguards are having any of that shit lol. Nobody touches Weller :P And loooolll the chick reminds them that their fates are now forever intertwined and they look at each other kind of awkwardly and it's just like well guess you guys should just go ahead and get married now then... 
Uh ohhhh, Zapata's friend from the precinct called her and says that the detective investigating Coach Jones' murder is about to start an inquiry into possible evidence-tampering in the case-- and oh no this could go very very badly. Ugh my baby I am so worried for you
Blah blah Shepherd has tracked the guy with all the toxic stuff and killed him, and now has all the goods (or should I say 'bads', heh) on a boat, headed for NYC. Whatever, lady. The team will stop you.
Aw Reade is having a session with Dr Sun. I still really, really don't like that the person now hearing all their most intimate confessions is someone brought on board by Nas. I also can't forget how she treated Roman like a monster, and incorrectly diagnosed him with a really significant disorder. I just don't think this team should be trusting any shrink that has any connection to government agencies rn. I do like how they're sitting in chairs side by side though, so he doesn't feel suffocated or trapped. And ugh he says that using is gun is triggering (heh) his flashbacks, and Dr Sun suggests he maybe separate himself from his triggers... which would mean leaving the team. As much as I love Weller and his Angels, I really do want Reade to come back eventually... I mean, Zapata would be so sad without him??
Speaking of our angelic team, they’re down in the lab, looking at the booty they just scored from the hackers. There's a loooootttt (maybe enough to drive a season three...??). Good thing it's in safe hands with these guys, who would never use it for evil. And then they find the !!Truman Protocol!! which is like the redactiest of redacted documents, but they can see that every POTUS since then (well, up to Clinton I) has signed it as well. Jane also spots a stamp with the letters COGS at the bottom, reminding them that Nas' source told her to follow the cogs. Ugh, my super smart baby girl, I'm so proud. And so somehow it all connects to Phase 2, but the question is how....
As any sensible person does in the face of such pressing matters, the team goes out for drinks. And ugh I just love Weller and his ladies having these little bonding moments away from the NYO, the four of them banding together because they are the only ones left fighting this war. Their ranks have been diminishing one by one, and they are the last ones standing, the handful of Spartans facing an entire army alone. Tbh though I really want to know which of them suggested the drinks; I'd like to think it was Weller, partly suggesting it to help morale but also partly so he might have a chance to talk privately with Jane with a little bit of liquid courage on board. And ugh he's so supportive now, reminding them all that they had a huge win today and now have a really significant new lead that will help them stop whatever Sandstorm is planning, and then ugh his savvy sister Zapata is like 'time for some Jeller alone time' and pulls Patterson away with her. Ugh, what a wingman. It's interesting bc we really don;t see thaaaaaat much direct Weller-Zapata interaction, but somehow I feel like-- of the pre-Jane team, I mean-- they are the most similar to one another and have a super good understanding of each other? He seems to act like the older sibling towards both Reade and Patterson, but with him and Zapata, they're more on a level? He still gives the orders but she subtly gives him crap about it and isn't shy to disagree with him if she thinks he's wrong. Like they'll never be tight like she and Reade are, but I definitely think they've got a really cool connection. But ANYWAY, the Wingman has departed with the Cockblock and this means-- as Weller ensures by literally looking over his shoulder, omg-- that Jeller have a rare moment of privacy. Jane's just happy chilling there with him; she has no expectations or anything, she's just so content to be sharing this kind of bonding moment with the others and to get to sit next to Weller and listen to him talk and catch the occasional hint of his cologne and just feel safe and wanted and included ugh. But Weller's been dying to have this talk since the polygraph because he needs to correct this belief she has that he's only working with her because he's forced to. He literally loves working with her, and that was part of what made her betrayal and subsequent absence so hard (and what made him so grumpy when she came back)-- because not only had he 'lost' the woman he was in love with, but he also lost the best partner-- yes, partner-- he'd ever had. She made him better, in every way, and for a while he lost that, and without it he spiraled. He was irresponsible in his personal life and barely holding it together in his professional one. So to hear, today, that she thinks he doesn't want to be working with her, doesn't want her around... he couldn't let her go on believing that. And ugh his voice is so cute when he tells her that he was never forced, and she teasingly calls him out on it a little bit, reminding him of when he'd refused to let her out in the field, etc. There's no malice to it though, her casualness showing that she understands he's moved on from that steadfast rejection of her, and his joking response of 'doesn't sound like me' is a way of acknowledging her point, but also subtly communicating that he in the here-and-now isn't the same/doesn't hold the same views as he did then. She smiles at that, then reassures him anyway, telling him that she actually meant they were 'forced' together initially by Shepherd's design and now in the mutual drive to take Shepherd down. And then he basically tells her he's completely okay with that, because though their enemy started them on this, it has enabled the to save a lot of people, to do true good.
AND THEN, he says 'and...' and takes this deep breath and shifts to face her, clearly working himself up to say more, and Jane is all "what?" because she's felt the change in the air between them; this wasn't just one of those patented Weller Reassurances where he bolsters the morale of his team. That was the lead-in to something else, something he's about to tell her, and she stares at him as he stares right back and tells her that all of it led him to her. And she smiles a little and looks away, not exactly knowing how to respond because she doesn't know where this is going, and it's kind of like when someone pays you an unexpected compliment and your body doesn't know how to react because your mind is instantly scrambling, and ugh she clearly expects him to kind of just stop there, or change the subject or something,,, and it's only when she looks back up him and he's still looking at her so intently and adds 'and you to me' that her face softens, filled with such looooongingggg and her breath escapes like a tiny little sigh and ugh there's such emotion in her eyes and then he shifts his arm and idc that it's out of shot, I am certain he is now lightly grasping her elbow, and he tells her that the two of them coming together is something he would never-- he literally emphasises the never-- want to undo. Which means that having her in his life is worth more to him than the ability to erase every bad thing that has happened since her appearance in Times Square. And ughhhhh there are tears forming in her eyes and there's a tiny shudder in her breathing because oh god this is everything she's ever wanted, to have his forgiveness and his love and have a chance for the two of them to start over, because she loves him, never stopped loving him even when she hated him, and so right now she can hardly believe this is real and ugh the way she looks down for a moment like she's drawing on the courage to believe in it and go with it, not even realising she's already subconsciously leaning toward him just a teeensy bit even before she looks up (because her body is already a step ahead of her poor overwhelmed mind and heart) and then she looks up and sees him also leaning in just a fraction, eyes still on hers, no mistaking his intent but also ready to pull away if she indicates this isn't what she wants, but ugh then her eyes meet his and she leans a little closer and it's like that tiny movement tipped them over the edge, and then he's slowly closing the gap and she tilts her head and they hold eye contact until the last moment and her eyes have just fluttered shut, scarcely half an inch of space separating their lips, literally no possible doubt remaining that both of them don’t desperately want this-- when Patterson calls out, and I love that while Jane pulls back like a startled deer (or rather, doe), Weller literally does not move. He's probably just too busy thinking 'I'm gonna kill you, Patterson' but I'd like to think it's also bc he's not afraid or embarrassed to get caught. Literally everyone else in the team already knows he's in love with Jane anyway (and actively ships it) so what's the point in trying to hide it? I love the fact that Jane glances back up at him and gives him that small smile before pulling away, and he just grins at her like 'so close...' while she scrunches her nose and mutters 'yeah'. They are very much on the same page when it comes to their exasperation with interruptions haha. And then ugh they're so cute as Patterson arrives, both straightening in their seats and Jane clearing her throat while Weller pretends his dumb grin is about the drinks and not the almost-moment he and Jane just had (because oh my god she was going to kiss him back) and then Zapata rejoins the table with a grin that says she knows very well what just got interrupted (while Patterson remains oblivious, clearly having been focusing on her footing rather than what was happening at the table as she approached), and as the conversation resumes, Jane looks back at Weller with this shy but elated little smile because oh my god he was going to kiss her. And okay maybe it didn't actually ~happen~ but it was literally so close to happening that it had the same end result anyway, which is that they each know now that THEY BOTH WANT TO DO THE KISSING WITH EACH OTHER. LONG-TERM AND EXCLUSIVELY. Someone help me I’m dying over this aaaaahhhhhh
Okay so I literally couldn't care less about Shepherd's scenes (except about the fact that they cut short the screen time of characters I actually like) but damn this overhead boat shot is actually pretty gorgeous. Nice one, team. And then she's all 'shiiit the FBI has the Truman Protocol' and we see the Green team with Parker and ooooh I wonder if they recognised Weller and Jane at the hunt?? Did they know she was the prodigal daughter and he was the golden boy? And yaaaass I love seeing Shepherd’s day get ruined. But then woah lady, no need to put a hit out on Weller because of it??? I agree with that slimy Parker, I thought he was vital to everything??? What the hell is Phase 2????
Lol the guy checking Zapata out as she walks along the street. Same, bro. And then oh crap, flashy lights and sirens and "That's her" and on one hand I love that they've got literally four cops there just to take her in-- frightened, were we, boys?-- but on the other hand I'm like nooooo don't you dare arrest my baby she's done nothing wrongggggggg (lately) ughhhhh
Aaand okay there’s one down, time for 2x20 lol  
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antionetterparker · 5 years
Ranking the 36 best ways to make extra money on the side in 2019
Side hustle is the new side chick. Gig economy is THE buzzword lately, no doubt. Everyone wants to bring in a little extra money.
If you’re always broke, trying to pay down that debt or save some side cash and just can’t…
If you hate your job and feel like a scrub when you go to work every morning…
If you’re not feeling on your A game and smiling every time you check your bank account…
It’s time for you to start reeling in multiple streams. If you’re not part of the digital revolution, you’re gonna be left behind.
So, without further ado, here are the best ways to get that side hustle going in 2019. No BS surveys, no secret shopping for $2 checks, no guinea pigging yourself to mad scientists, just straight, legit ways to make extra money.
Be sure to check out how to make money fast, best small business ideas, and work from home jobs too.
Ranked by potential to go digital and scalability (because turning your side gig into your FT money maker is the dream), here we go…
47. Teach yoga
You can’t go anywhere without running into lululemon wearing green tea drinkers talking about their auras.
It costs a few hundo to get certified, but you can easily make that back in a day if you can fill a class with 30+ people willing to pay $10 each. The industry is way saturated though, so it’ll take time to build up the credibility and fame you need to really make a dent.
46. Odd jobs/chores
Offer to help neighbors, friends, or acquaintances with chores in exchange for some cash. Maybe check out Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace, but remember to consider the safety hazards of meeting people off of a website like these.
Instead of only looking around manually for jobs, sign up for TaskRabbit. TaskRabbit lets people post all sorts of odd jobs, from grocery pickup to calling customer service on your client’s behalf. (1)
45. Driving around
Lyft drivers in big cities make a solid $377/month, and Uber drivers rake in $364/month. It’s definitely not quit your day job material, but it’s not bad for a little side money. The more you drive, the more you’ll make. (1)
Best part is you can work whenever you want for Uber and Lyft simply by clocking in on the app. Try driving during weekend nights for the surge pricing, if you can tolerate drunk people, of course.
You do have to have a car that’s less than 10 years old, and piling on the mileage every weekend will take a toll on your car’s value and longevity.
44. Sell your plasma
You can make money selling your body… as in your blood plasma. Many donation centers will pay you $20+ per visit to sit there with a needle in your arm for an hour or a bit longer. Might not be a whole lot, but you can watch Netflix while you’re in the donation chair if you want.
Make sure you meet the requirements before you try signing up. (2)
43. Babysitting
Parents will always be willing to fork over some cash to watch their child if you’re qualified. Ask your friends and acquaintances since people who know you are more likely to trust you.
Or, you can list your services on Care.com and wait for the parents to come to you. (2)
42. Dog sitting
People will pay a good $15-$20 for you to take their dog on a walk during your lunch break. If you can manage to take 10 dogs out on your lunch break, that’s $150 in your pocket.
People will pay even more money if you take care of their dogs during long periods of absence, such as when they go on vacation or travel for work.
Get on Rover.com, set up a dog walker profile, and start getting yourself some good reviews. (2)
41. Website testing
Ever been on a website that’s laggy, ugly, or terribly unintuitive? You can get businesses to pay you for telling them how crappy or good their website is that by signing up for a website testing service.
UserTesting, a leader in the website testing market, will pay you $10 for every 20-minute video test you complete. (3) $30 an hour isn’t bad for such a simple gig, and you’re doing a good deed for web surfers everywhere.
40. Movie extra
You don’t have to live in Hollywood to be a movie extra anymore. In fact, film-making hubs are exploding around the country and places like Georgia and Louisiana are taking over the movie industry thanks to tax breaks. (3)
You can make around $50-$100/day as a movie extra, and you might get to see yourself on the big screen.
39. Art Modeling
No, you don’t need to be jacked and shredded to be an art model. Some might require you getting nude, but if that makes you uncomfortable, there’re plenty of art modeling gigs that don’t require you to strip down
Sitting still (nude or not) for a few aspiring artists could earn you $20-$30 an hour. Reaching out to local art schools is your best bet for finding work, but browse online job boards too.
38. Flight searching
On Farefetch, people post flights they want and how much they’re willing to pay. If you find it for cheaper, you pocket the difference. It’s actually pocket change most of the time, but you can nag $50 or $60 for some flights. (4)
37. Essay ghostwriter
It’s a moral gray area for sure, but if you’re decently smart and willing to go full-on no shame and write essays for college kids online, you can make pretty good side money.
You might only make a few hundred per week to start, but if you can upgrade to writing history papers for rich ivy leaguers or college entrance essays for wealthy foreign kids, you can start making a few hundred per essay. (5)
36. Private lessons
Good at guitar? Former basketball player? Start giving private lessons in your skill for pay. As a nice little bonus, teaching others how to do a skill usually strengthens your own ability to perform that skill.
35. Data monkey
The money is literal nickels and dimes, but you can do it just about anywhere. Sign up for Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and pick up small, quick tasks while you’re sitting on the subway, or the toilet, or in your lame office job. (6)
Nickels and dimes add up to dollars, and you could probably rake in an extra $10-$15/day if you’re really diligent about it.
34. Translation
If you happen to speak two languages fluently, you’ve got a big money making skill. Pass their exams, and websites like Gengo, OneHourTranslation, and Unbabel will pay pretty decent side dough for you to translate stuff.
Just don’t expect to rely on your Duolingo skills forever… cash in now while you still can, because artificial intelligence is literally getting better at translation by the minute. (7) (8) (9)
33. eBay flipping
Go ahead and pop some tags with $20 in your pocket. This is about that thrift shop swag.
When you find something good, nab it and then sell it for twice the price on eBay. Repeat the process at garage sales, flea markets, Craigslist, and basically wherever you can find a good deal. One guy made $30,000 in side money in one year selling crap he found at flea markets. (10)
32. Rent stuff
The sharing economy isn’t the future, it’s already taken over. 44.8 million adults used sharing economy services last year, and that number will double by 2021. (11) Get on it.
Rent your spare bedroom on Airbnb. Rent your clothes on Style Lend and Date My Wardrobe. (12) (13) Rent your car on Turo. (14) Rent your RV on RVShare. (15) Rent just about anything you have laying around on Loanables. (15)
31. College coach
There are families out there that will shell out $42k large to someone who can help their kid get into an Ivy League. (16)
But even if you’re just helping kids get into mediocre colleges, editing their college entrance essays, or guiding families through the financial aid process, this is a solid way to make extra money if you know a thing or two about college admissions.
30. Personal trainer
Do you even lift, bro? If you can, you could make about $13-$17/hour in side cash as a personal trainer at your local gym. (17)
However, if you take your personal training to the digital world, virtual personal trainers can scale up and make a lot more money. Not only can you coach clients online, but you can write workout plans and sell them to fitness hopefuls.
Training Journal says virtual coaching is the wave of the future. (18)
29. Online sales rep
If you’ve got sales chops and aren’t afraid of a few no’s, try picking up a part-time, work-from-home, commission-only sales gig.
If you end up working for a startup, prove yourself by making big sales. You might be able to negotiate yourself a little equity if you want to.
28. Proofreader
Calling the grammar police. Now you can make money off your annoying habit of correcting everyone else’s sentences.
Websites like Fiverr and Upwork make it easy to make side money by proofreading everything from high school essays and letters to corporate announcements and manuscripts from budding writers. (19) (20)
27. Transcription
It’s about as thrilling as a repair manual, but transcribing audio to text pays consistently, and you don’t need to have any skills. Transcribers can make anywhere from $12-$20/hour on websites like Transcribe Anywhere, Rev, and TranscribeMe. (21) (22) (23)
26. App developer
Back in 2011, global app downloads hit around 2.5 billion. In 2018, that number was a whopping 194 billion total downloads. (24)
How many apps do you have on your phone? If you can write code, or learn to write code, focus on mobile app development. The demand is insane.
25. E-commerce
Take those friendship bracelets you used to make for your buddies and sell them on Etsy for side money. If you’re too lazy to turn your house into a Hobby Lobby and go full-on arts and crafts, start an e-commerce site that runs completely on affiliate links and enjoy the passive income.
24. Print-on-demand T shirt business
Launching your own t shirt business can’t be any simpler thanks to print-on-demand.
All you have to do is create the design (or just buy a design from someone else), sign up for a print-on-demand service like Teespring or Merch by Amazon, and handle the marketing. The print-on-demand service creates your shirt whenever a customer orders one.
23. Flip websites
Buy a few domain names you think will be in demand, and then sell them a year later. Or even a few months. One guy netted a $58,000 profit in less than 2 months by flipping 8 different domains. (25)
22. Email marketing
How many email newsletters are you subscribed to? Do they bombard you every day with content? That’s because it makes them money.
You too can make money with email marketing, and not just as a freelance copywriter. Grab a cheap subscription from an email marketing service, start up a niche email newsletter targeting a specific audience, then send them interesting and helpful content on the daily.
Monetize your efforts by partnering with relevant companies and doing affiliate marketing. It’s like blogging, but in your inbox.
21. Podcasting
Podcasts are hot, and only getting hotter as people find ways to cram learning into their busy lives.
Pick a non-saturated niche, have some interesting stuff to talk about, acquire a microphone and recording software, and start inviting guests if it’s interview style.
When your audience grows, you can earn income through ads/sponsorships, premium episodes, live shows, and your own products.
20. Graphic design
Creatives will want to get in on this. Designing a simple logo for a medium-sized company can net you $2,000 in your spare time. Of course, you have to have a killer portfolio built up to start raking in that kind of cash.
19. Blogging
Obviously I’m into this one, mostly because it’s a great way to build your brand and get your name out there. But it’s also a good way to make extra money on the side.
Pick a specialty that’s not already totally saturated and start a niche blog. Write epic content, network, do guest posts, and build an audience. Monetize. Think affiliate links, sponsored content, and ads in the short run, sell a product or service in the long run.
You can also scale in the long run by hiring writers to help you pump out more content and keep your blog growing.
18. Investing
Investing is a solid way to accumulate passive income on the side, but it usually takes years, if not decades, to see any substantial returns.
Common advice is to invest in “growth stocks” while you’re young to take advantage of the stocks appreciating in value.
But dividend-paying stocks are also a solid investment choice. Build up enough investment in dividend-paying stocks over time, and your dividend earnings could be paying the bills.
Slow and steady can win the race.
17. Video editing
Content may be king, but video content is the future.
The market is ripe. Download some free software (Wondershare Filmora and Lightworks are good) and start learning. (28) (29)
16. Self-publish a book
Anyone can be the next Ernest Hemingway now. Platforms like Nook and Kindle let you publish whatever you want, and if it sells, they’ll give you a cut. Amazon’s Kindle pays out 70% royalties if your book is priced at $2.99 or below. (30)
Hire a ghostwriter, pump out some cheesy fiction 50 Shades of Gray style, and wait for your movie deal.
15. Online tutoring
If you’re that nerd who always wants to go to pub trivia on a Friday night, you can make decent money offering homework help and tutoring online.
Tutors.com and WyzAnt will pay you to tutor in a subject if you can pass a test proving your expertise. (31) (32) If you want something more passive, eNotes.com pays around $8 every time you write an answer to a high school kid’s study guide question on their forums. (33)
Do you have a degree/are you currently a college student? Chegg will pay you $20 an hour (and they’ll pay you each week) to tutor students from wherever you want on your own schedule. (34) You can work as much or as little as you want.
14. Dropshipping
Dropwhatting? Dropshipping is basically setting up a website with killer SEO that sells a super niche product (think baseball caps or coffee mugs) and then transferring all your customer orders to a super cheap, third party manufacturer (think China, India, etc).
They make it. They ship it. You basically just sit back and watch the orders come in.
However, thanks to Amazon, the gap on this is pretty much constantly closing. Why is someone going to buy from your site when they can get the same thing on Amazon?
It’s still viable for now, but it might not be eventually, so get in while you can.
13. Virtual assistant
Assistants are basically glorified minimum wage coffee boys…unless you do it online.
Virtual assistants work for baller internet entrepreneurs and can do anything from Pinterest management to seeking out new clients invoicing for freelancers. It pays well, especially if you have specialized skills. And it’s one of the fastest growing jobs in the digital/freelancer world. (34)
12. Travel agent
Physical travel agencies may be a thing of the past, but online, they’re thriving. Freelance travel agents can set up a once in a lifetime vacation and reserve everything for you, for free.
They make their money by skimming a commission off the top of the hotels and tours they book. When you’re booking trips for fancy execs to the Four Seasons in Paris for $600+/night, a 10% commission on a 5 night stay is $300, without tours and transportation.
11. Social media specialist
Social media advertising budgets have DOUBLED since 2014, and they’re on track to grow a whopping 26.3% this year.
Start by writing status updates for small businesses for about $1/piece through social media agencies like Emphatic and Writer Access. (35) (36) Once you’ve got it down, learn some analytics, and start marketing yourself directly to clients as a specialist.
10. Online teaching
You don’t even have to be a certified teacher, and you might be able to make more than one, thanks to the internet. Check Skillshare and Udemy if you’re looking for websites that let you create courses and charge people who take them. (37) (38)
My advice: pick something you actually have some expertise in. Teaching is one field you can’t fake… at least not if you want to hit it big.
9. Voice acting
Were you that kid in high school who was in the drama club and walked around singing musicals all the time? Put that voice to use and make some money.
Voice acting is actually something you can do online and make good money, if you have some decent sound equipment. Voices.com, VoiceBunny.com, and Voice123.com all let you make a voice actor profile and apply to freelance jobs. The average gig on Voices.com last year paid $277.32. Not bad. (39) (40) (41)
8. Instagram influencer
This is THE buzzword of 2010s. Making money on Instagram sounds like total BS, but actually, if you have 20k+ followers, companies will actually pay you decent money to post a photo of their product.
If your follower count is in the 6-figure range, you can expect checks in the thousands… for ONE photo. #lit (42)
7. Online agency subcontracting
After you establish your presence online in some freelance skill, scale that skill up by starting an online agency and subcontracting the real work.
You focus on sales. Hire freelancers from sites like Upwork and Fiverr and subcontract your work to them by sending them your client projects.
Send the finished projects back to the clients and profit.
6. Photography
If you’ve got a camera and an eye for a good shot, get snapping.
Choose a nice (high school grads, engaged couples, newborns) and stick with it. You can do commissioned photoshoots, but you can also just sell stock photos online on iStockPhoto and Shutterstock for some passive income. (43) (44)
5. Web design
Every single business on the face of the planet needs a website nowadays. Learn code online from a place like Codeacademy or Skillcrush and start designing. (45) (46)
Good web designers can charge $75/hour and some even manage to rake in $100/hour. (47)
4. Content writer
Content has been king for a while, and it’s not going anywhere. As long as businesses exist online, they’re going to need content writers to keep their blogs fresh.
Get your name out there by guest blogging, climb your way up to contributor status on Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, Forbes, etc. Offer content writing services and watch the cash flow in.
3. SEO consultant
If you’re looking for an internet gold mine, this is definitely one of them. Just look at the uptick in searches on “how to seo”.
A lot of fakers out there though, so get some practice in. Here are the basics: keyword research, blogging, link building. Go.
2. Facebook ads
Looking for a side gig with 3+ million potential clients? Learn how to run a solid Facebook ads campaign and you can take your pick. (49)
Good social media marketing is huge right now, digital marketing specialists even argue that Facebook ads are more effective than Google ads in many ways. (50)
1. Local lead generation
100% real talk, this is one of those side gig unicorns that can easily become a full-time income on a half-time work schedule. But like anything that leads to long-term success and not just 15 minutes fame, you have to put in the work in the beginning.
That being said, providing leads to local businesses is the most consistent way to generate a good amount of income on the side (we’re talking 4-figure checks…to start).
Why? First of all, the market cannot be saturated. What you’re doing is local, so you can replicate it in thousands of different towns and hundreds of industries. The combinations are endless.
Plus, when you provide this service in Springfield, Illinois, competition is cut down to you v. the balding schoolteacher who decided to take a crack at SEO during his summer vacation instead of you v. the entire internet.
The paychecks for one batch of leads are probably more than you’re making in a month at your current wet rag of a day job. There is literally nothing more valuable to local businesses than leads to paying customers. Tell a business owner you’ve got a stack of them and watch his pupils turn into dollar signs.
Don’t believe me? Your loss. Sorry not sorry.
via https://mlmcompanies.org/ranking-the-36-best-ways-to-make-extra-money-on-the-side-in-2019/
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mlmcompanies · 5 years
Side hustle is the new side chick. Gig economy is THE buzzword lately, no doubt. Everyone wants to bring in a little extra money.
If you’re always broke, trying to pay down that debt or save some side cash and just can’t…
If you hate your job and feel like a scrub when you go to work every morning…
If you’re not feeling on your A game and smiling every time you check your bank account…
It’s time for you to start reeling in multiple streams. If you’re not part of the digital revolution, you’re gonna be left behind.
So, without further ado, here are the best ways to get that side hustle going in 2019. No BS surveys, no secret shopping for $2 checks, no guinea pigging yourself to mad scientists, just straight, legit ways to make extra money.
Be sure to check out how to make money fast, best small business ideas, and work from home jobs too.
Ranked by potential to go digital and scalability (because turning your side gig into your FT money maker is the dream), here we go…
47. Teach yoga
You can’t go anywhere without running into lululemon wearing green tea drinkers talking about their auras.
It costs a few hundo to get certified, but you can easily make that back in a day if you can fill a class with 30+ people willing to pay $10 each. The industry is way saturated though, so it’ll take time to build up the credibility and fame you need to really make a dent.
46. Odd jobs/chores
Offer to help neighbors, friends, or acquaintances with chores in exchange for some cash. Maybe check out Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace, but remember to consider the safety hazards of meeting people off of a website like these.
Instead of only looking around manually for jobs, sign up for TaskRabbit. TaskRabbit lets people post all sorts of odd jobs, from grocery pickup to calling customer service on your client’s behalf. (1)
45. Driving around
Lyft drivers in big cities make a solid $377/month, and Uber drivers rake in $364/month. It’s definitely not quit your day job material, but it’s not bad for a little side money. The more you drive, the more you’ll make. (1)
Best part is you can work whenever you want for Uber and Lyft simply by clocking in on the app. Try driving during weekend nights for the surge pricing, if you can tolerate drunk people, of course.
You do have to have a car that’s less than 10 years old, and piling on the mileage every weekend will take a toll on your car’s value and longevity.
44. Sell your plasma
You can make money selling your body… as in your blood plasma. Many donation centers will pay you $20+ per visit to sit there with a needle in your arm for an hour or a bit longer. Might not be a whole lot, but you can watch Netflix while you’re in the donation chair if you want.
Make sure you meet the requirements before you try signing up. (2)
43. Babysitting
Parents will always be willing to fork over some cash to watch their child if you’re qualified. Ask your friends and acquaintances since people who know you are more likely to trust you.
Or, you can list your services on Care.com and wait for the parents to come to you. (2)
42. Dog sitting
People will pay a good $15-$20 for you to take their dog on a walk during your lunch break. If you can manage to take 10 dogs out on your lunch break, that’s $150 in your pocket.
People will pay even more money if you take care of their dogs during long periods of absence, such as when they go on vacation or travel for work.
Get on Rover.com, set up a dog walker profile, and start getting yourself some good reviews. (2)
41. Website testing
Ever been on a website that’s laggy, ugly, or terribly unintuitive? You can get businesses to pay you for telling them how crappy or good their website is that by signing up for a website testing service.
UserTesting, a leader in the website testing market, will pay you $10 for every 20-minute video test you complete. (3) $30 an hour isn’t bad for such a simple gig, and you’re doing a good deed for web surfers everywhere.
40. Movie extra
You don’t have to live in Hollywood to be a movie extra anymore. In fact, film-making hubs are exploding around the country and places like Georgia and Louisiana are taking over the movie industry thanks to tax breaks. (3)
You can make around $50-$100/day as a movie extra, and you might get to see yourself on the big screen.
39. Art Modeling
No, you don’t need to be jacked and shredded to be an art model. Some might require you getting nude, but if that makes you uncomfortable, there’re plenty of art modeling gigs that don’t require you to strip down
Sitting still (nude or not) for a few aspiring artists could earn you $20-$30 an hour. Reaching out to local art schools is your best bet for finding work, but browse online job boards too.
38. Flight searching
On Farefetch, people post flights they want and how much they’re willing to pay. If you find it for cheaper, you pocket the difference. It’s actually pocket change most of the time, but you can nag $50 or $60 for some flights. (4)
37. Essay ghostwriter
It’s a moral gray area for sure, but if you’re decently smart and willing to go full-on no shame and write essays for college kids online, you can make pretty good side money.
You might only make a few hundred per week to start, but if you can upgrade to writing history papers for rich ivy leaguers or college entrance essays for wealthy foreign kids, you can start making a few hundred per essay. (5)
36. Private lessons
Good at guitar? Former basketball player? Start giving private lessons in your skill for pay. As a nice little bonus, teaching others how to do a skill usually strengthens your own ability to perform that skill.
35. Data monkey
The money is literal nickels and dimes, but you can do it just about anywhere. Sign up for Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and pick up small, quick tasks while you’re sitting on the subway, or the toilet, or in your lame office job. (6)
Nickels and dimes add up to dollars, and you could probably rake in an extra $10-$15/day if you’re really diligent about it.
34. Translation
If you happen to speak two languages fluently, you’ve got a big money making skill. Pass their exams, and websites like Gengo, OneHourTranslation, and Unbabel will pay pretty decent side dough for you to translate stuff.
Just don’t expect to rely on your Duolingo skills forever… cash in now while you still can, because artificial intelligence is literally getting better at translation by the minute. (7) (8) (9)
33. eBay flipping
Go ahead and pop some tags with $20 in your pocket. This is about that thrift shop swag.
When you find something good, nab it and then sell it for twice the price on eBay. Repeat the process at garage sales, flea markets, Craigslist, and basically wherever you can find a good deal. One guy made $30,000 in side money in one year selling crap he found at flea markets. (10)
32. Rent stuff
The sharing economy isn’t the future, it’s already taken over. 44.8 million adults used sharing economy services last year, and that number will double by 2021. (11) Get on it.
Rent your spare bedroom on Airbnb. Rent your clothes on Style Lend and Date My Wardrobe. (12) (13) Rent your car on Turo. (14) Rent your RV on RVShare. (15) Rent just about anything you have laying around on Loanables. (15)
31. College coach
There are families out there that will shell out $42k large to someone who can help their kid get into an Ivy League. (16)
But even if you’re just helping kids get into mediocre colleges, editing their college entrance essays, or guiding families through the financial aid process, this is a solid way to make extra money if you know a thing or two about college admissions.
30. Personal trainer
Do you even lift, bro? If you can, you could make about $13-$17/hour in side cash as a personal trainer at your local gym. (17)
However, if you take your personal training to the digital world, virtual personal trainers can scale up and make a lot more money. Not only can you coach clients online, but you can write workout plans and sell them to fitness hopefuls.
Training Journal says virtual coaching is the wave of the future. (18)
29. Online sales rep
If you’ve got sales chops and aren’t afraid of a few no’s, try picking up a part-time, work-from-home, commission-only sales gig.
If you end up working for a startup, prove yourself by making big sales. You might be able to negotiate yourself a little equity if you want to.
28. Proofreader
Calling the grammar police. Now you can make money off your annoying habit of correcting everyone else’s sentences.
Websites like Fiverr and Upwork make it easy to make side money by proofreading everything from high school essays and letters to corporate announcements and manuscripts from budding writers. (19) (20)
27. Transcription
It’s about as thrilling as a repair manual, but transcribing audio to text pays consistently, and you don’t need to have any skills. Transcribers can make anywhere from $12-$20/hour on websites like Transcribe Anywhere, Rev, and TranscribeMe. (21) (22) (23)
26. App developer
Back in 2011, global app downloads hit around 2.5 billion. In 2018, that number was a whopping 194 billion total downloads. (24)
How many apps do you have on your phone? If you can write code, or learn to write code, focus on mobile app development. The demand is insane.
25. E-commerce
Take those friendship bracelets you used to make for your buddies and sell them on Etsy for side money. If you’re too lazy to turn your house into a Hobby Lobby and go full-on arts and crafts, start an e-commerce site that runs completely on affiliate links and enjoy the passive income.
24. Print-on-demand T shirt business
Launching your own t shirt business can’t be any simpler thanks to print-on-demand.
All you have to do is create the design (or just buy a design from someone else), sign up for a print-on-demand service like Teespring or Merch by Amazon, and handle the marketing. The print-on-demand service creates your shirt whenever a customer orders one.
23. Flip websites
Buy a few domain names you think will be in demand, and then sell them a year later. Or even a few months. One guy netted a $58,000 profit in less than 2 months by flipping 8 different domains. (25)
22. Email marketing
How many email newsletters are you subscribed to? Do they bombard you every day with content? That’s because it makes them money.
You too can make money with email marketing, and not just as a freelance copywriter. Grab a cheap subscription from an email marketing service, start up a niche email newsletter targeting a specific audience, then send them interesting and helpful content on the daily.
Monetize your efforts by partnering with relevant companies and doing affiliate marketing. It’s like blogging, but in your inbox.
21. Podcasting
Podcasts are hot, and only getting hotter as people find ways to cram learning into their busy lives.
Pick a non-saturated niche, have some interesting stuff to talk about, acquire a microphone and recording software, and start inviting guests if it’s interview style.
When your audience grows, you can earn income through ads/sponsorships, premium episodes, live shows, and your own products.
20. Graphic design
Creatives will want to get in on this. Designing a simple logo for a medium-sized company can net you $2,000 in your spare time. Of course, you have to have a killer portfolio built up to start raking in that kind of cash.
19. Blogging
Obviously I’m into this one, mostly because it’s a great way to build your brand and get your name out there. But it’s also a good way to make extra money on the side.
Pick a specialty that’s not already totally saturated and start a niche blog. Write epic content, network, do guest posts, and build an audience. Monetize. Think affiliate links, sponsored content, and ads in the short run, sell a product or service in the long run.
You can also scale in the long run by hiring writers to help you pump out more content and keep your blog growing.
18. Investing
Investing is a solid way to accumulate passive income on the side, but it usually takes years, if not decades, to see any substantial returns.
Common advice is to invest in “growth stocks” while you’re young to take advantage of the stocks appreciating in value.
But dividend-paying stocks are also a solid investment choice. Build up enough investment in dividend-paying stocks over time, and your dividend earnings could be paying the bills.
Slow and steady can win the race.
17. Video editing
Content may be king, but video content is the future.
The market is ripe. Download some free software (Wondershare Filmora and Lightworks are good) and start learning. (28) (29)
16. Self-publish a book
Anyone can be the next Ernest Hemingway now. Platforms like Nook and Kindle let you publish whatever you want, and if it sells, they’ll give you a cut. Amazon’s Kindle pays out 70% royalties if your book is priced at $2.99 or below. (30)
Hire a ghostwriter, pump out some cheesy fiction 50 Shades of Gray style, and wait for your movie deal.
15. Online tutoring
If you’re that nerd who always wants to go to pub trivia on a Friday night, you can make decent money offering homework help and tutoring online.
Tutors.com and WyzAnt will pay you to tutor in a subject if you can pass a test proving your expertise. (31) (32) If you want something more passive, eNotes.com pays around $8 every time you write an answer to a high school kid’s study guide question on their forums. (33)
Do you have a degree/are you currently a college student? Chegg will pay you $20 an hour (and they’ll pay you each week) to tutor students from wherever you want on your own schedule. (34) You can work as much or as little as you want.
14. Dropshipping
Dropwhatting? Dropshipping is basically setting up a website with killer SEO that sells a super niche product (think baseball caps or coffee mugs) and then transferring all your customer orders to a super cheap, third party manufacturer (think China, India, etc).
They make it. They ship it. You basically just sit back and watch the orders come in.
However, thanks to Amazon, the gap on this is pretty much constantly closing. Why is someone going to buy from your site when they can get the same thing on Amazon?
It’s still viable for now, but it might not be eventually, so get in while you can.
13. Virtual assistant
Assistants are basically glorified minimum wage coffee boys…unless you do it online.
Virtual assistants work for baller internet entrepreneurs and can do anything from Pinterest management to seeking out new clients invoicing for freelancers. It pays well, especially if you have specialized skills. And it’s one of the fastest growing jobs in the digital/freelancer world. (34)
12. Travel agent
Physical travel agencies may be a thing of the past, but online, they’re thriving. Freelance travel agents can set up a once in a lifetime vacation and reserve everything for you, for free.
They make their money by skimming a commission off the top of the hotels and tours they book. When you’re booking trips for fancy execs to the Four Seasons in Paris for $600+/night, a 10% commission on a 5 night stay is $300, without tours and transportation.
11. Social media specialist
Social media advertising budgets have DOUBLED since 2014, and they’re on track to grow a whopping 26.3% this year.
Start by writing status updates for small businesses for about $1/piece through social media agencies like Emphatic and Writer Access. (35) (36) Once you’ve got it down, learn some analytics, and start marketing yourself directly to clients as a specialist.
10. Online teaching
You don’t even have to be a certified teacher, and you might be able to make more than one, thanks to the internet. Check Skillshare and Udemy if you’re looking for websites that let you create courses and charge people who take them. (37) (38)
My advice: pick something you actually have some expertise in. Teaching is one field you can’t fake… at least not if you want to hit it big.
9. Voice acting
Were you that kid in high school who was in the drama club and walked around singing musicals all the time? Put that voice to use and make some money.
Voice acting is actually something you can do online and make good money, if you have some decent sound equipment. Voices.com, VoiceBunny.com, and Voice123.com all let you make a voice actor profile and apply to freelance jobs. The average gig on Voices.com last year paid $277.32. Not bad. (39) (40) (41)
8. Instagram influencer
This is THE buzzword of 2010s. Making money on Instagram sounds like total BS, but actually, if you have 20k+ followers, companies will actually pay you decent money to post a photo of their product.
If your follower count is in the 6-figure range, you can expect checks in the thousands… for ONE photo. #lit (42)
7. Online agency subcontracting
After you establish your presence online in some freelance skill, scale that skill up by starting an online agency and subcontracting the real work.
You focus on sales. Hire freelancers from sites like Upwork and Fiverr and subcontract your work to them by sending them your client projects.
Send the finished projects back to the clients and profit.
6. Photography
If you’ve got a camera and an eye for a good shot, get snapping.
Choose a nice (high school grads, engaged couples, newborns) and stick with it. You can do commissioned photoshoots, but you can also just sell stock photos online on iStockPhoto and Shutterstock for some passive income. (43) (44)
5. Web design
Every single business on the face of the planet needs a website nowadays. Learn code online from a place like Codeacademy or Skillcrush and start designing. (45) (46)
Good web designers can charge $75/hour and some even manage to rake in $100/hour. (47)
4. Content writer
Content has been king for a while, and it’s not going anywhere. As long as businesses exist online, they’re going to need content writers to keep their blogs fresh.
Get your name out there by guest blogging, climb your way up to contributor status on Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, Forbes, etc. Offer content writing services and watch the cash flow in.
3. SEO consultant
If you’re looking for an internet gold mine, this is definitely one of them. Just look at the uptick in searches on “how to seo”.
A lot of fakers out there though, so get some practice in. Here are the basics: keyword research, blogging, link building. Go.
2. Facebook ads
Looking for a side gig with 3+ million potential clients? Learn how to run a solid Facebook ads campaign and you can take your pick. (49)
Good social media marketing is huge right now, digital marketing specialists even argue that Facebook ads are more effective than Google ads in many ways. (50)
1. Local lead generation
100% real talk, this is one of those side gig unicorns that can easily become a full-time income on a half-time work schedule. But like anything that leads to long-term success and not just 15 minutes fame, you have to put in the work in the beginning.
That being said, providing leads to local businesses is the most consistent way to generate a good amount of income on the side (we’re talking 4-figure checks…to start).
Why? First of all, the market cannot be saturated. What you’re doing is local, so you can replicate it in thousands of different towns and hundreds of industries. The combinations are endless.
Plus, when you provide this service in Springfield, Illinois, competition is cut down to you v. the balding schoolteacher who decided to take a crack at SEO during his summer vacation instead of you v. the entire internet.
The paychecks for one batch of leads are probably more than you’re making in a month at your current wet rag of a day job. There is literally nothing more valuable to local businesses than leads to paying customers. Tell a business owner you’ve got a stack of them and watch his pupils turn into dollar signs.
Don’t believe me? Your loss. Sorry not sorry.
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thewebofslime · 6 years
NEWSLETTERS JOIN LOG IN JOIN EXCLUSIVE CONTENT MY ACCOUNT LOG OUT CHEAT SHEET POLITICS ENTERTAINMENT WORLD NEWS HALF FULL CULTURE U.S. NEWS TECH SCIENCE SCOUTED TRAVEL COMMENT Hillary PAC Spends $1 Million to ‘Correct’ Commenters on Reddit and Facebook FEC loopholes mean Correct the Record can openly coordinate with Clinton’s campaign. Ben Collins 04.21.16 5:05 PM ET Carlos Barria / Reuters Citing “lessons learned from online engagement with ‘Bernie Bros,’” a pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC is pledging to spend $1 million to “push back against” users on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and Instagram. Correct the Record’s “Barrier Breakers” project boasts in a press release that it has already “addressed more than 5,000 people that have personally attacked Hillary Clinton on Twitter.” The PAC released this on Thursday. The PAC was created in May of last year when it was spun off from the American Bridge SuperPAC, which is run by longtime Hillary and Bill Clinton supporter David Brock. Brock also founded the left-wing media watchdog website Media Matters for America. Some Bernie Sanders-supporting users on Reddit already started to notice the changes on Thursday afternoon. “This explains why my inbox turned to cancer on Tuesday,” wrote user OKarizee. “Been a member of reddit for almost 4 years and never experienced anything like it. In fact, in all my years on the internet I’ve never experienced anything like it.” Correct the Record, which has received $5 million this campaign season and has spent almost $4.5 million of it, according to OpenSecrets.org, outlined its strategy against “swarms of anonymous attackers” in a press release. “While Hillary Clinton fights to break down barriers and bring America together, the Barrier Breakers 2016 digital task force will serve as a resource for supporters looking for positive content and push-back to share with their online progressive communities, as well as thanking prominent supporters and committed superdelegates on social media,” the statement read. Due to FEC loopholes, the Sunlight Foundation’s Libby Watson found this year that Correct the Record can openly coordinate with Clinton’s campaign, despite rules that typically disallow political campaigns from working directly with PACs. “SuperPACs aren’t supposed to coordinate with candidates. The whole reasoning behind (Supreme Court decision) Citizens United rests on (PACs) being independent, but Correct the Record claims it can coordinate,” Watson told The Daily Beast. “It’s not totally clear what their reasoning is, but it seems to be that material posted on the Internet for free—like, blogs—doesn’t count as an ‘independent expenditure.’” Watson previously worked at Brock’s Media Matters for America, where “their whole mission is to debunk conservative misinformation [and] a lot of that ends up being defending Hillary Clinton,” but says she’s never seen anything like this initiative. “Usually places like MMFA and CTR are defending her against the media and established figures. This seems to be going after essentially random individuals online,” she said. “I don’t know that they’ve done anything like this before.” Campaign Legal Center lawyer Paul Ryan (who bears no relation to the Speaker of the House) told Time magazine in September of last year that Correct The Record is “creating new ways to undermine campaign regulation.” Watson used Ryan’s complaint in the Sunlight Foundation’s report about the most influential organizations working behind the scenes for the Clinton camp. “Campaign finance lawyers are not that impressed with [CTR’s] logic, but they can get away with it because the [Federal Election Commission] is deadlocked and does nothing,” she said. “Barrier Breakers 2016 is focused on pushing out positive content to Hillary supporters online to counter negative attacks and false narratives,” Correct the Record’s communications director, Elizabeth Shappell, told The Daily Beast. “The expanded task force was established in anticipation of the general election.” READ THIS LIST Trump Diehards Create a Yelp for MAGA-Friendly Restaurants WILL SOMMER Ethiopian Airlines Crash: Is New Boeing Jet Unsafe? CLIVE IRVING New R. Kelly Tape Surfaces Showing Alleged Sex Abuse VICTORIA BEKIEMPIS Meghan Markle’s ‘Difficult’ Problem: Another Aide Quits TOM SYKES, TIM TEEMAN Roseanne Barr: #MeToo Women are Hos, Trump a ‘Deep Thinker’ TOM SYKES ANTIFA FREE Trump Diehards Create Their Own Yelp for MAGA-Friendly Restaurants Will your pizza place protect you from antifa? These Trump fans want to know. Will Sommer 03.09.19 9:41 PM ET Everywhere they look, Donald Trump’s supporters feel like they’re under attack. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave a restaurant; Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was chased out of another. Right-wing media outlets are filled with stories of liberals pulling off “Make America Great Again” hats. Trump supporters have even come up with a term for this phenomenon that has them feeling under siege: “MAGAphobia.” Now, in a move reminiscent of the “Green Book” guide that listed safe establishments for African-American motorists in the South, hyper-vigilant Trump supporters are trying to build their own guide to MAGA-friendly businesses. SPOILED DINNER DSA: We’re Coming After More Trump Officials Kelly Weill Trump supporters who want to grab dinner but are terrified of getting punched by an antifascist “antifa” activist can pull up the app, “63red Safe,” and find a list of Trump-friendly businesses—or at least ones that don’t discriminate against conservatives. “I'm trying to position it as an everyday 'where can I go eat safely' app,” Scott Wallace, the app’s founder, told The Daily Beast. 63red Safe works like a conservative Yelp. Instead of reviewing the lighting and ambience, though, the site’s users rate restaurants and other businesses on a series of four questions, including whether the restaurant’s owners make political social-media posts and whether they allow customers to carry weapons. RELATED IN POLITICS Trump Falsely Claims Beto O’Rourke Counter Rally Was Tiny The Case for Primarying Donald Trump From the Right Trump Defends Fox's Honor After Democrats Spurn Debate There “Does this business serve persons of every political belief?” the app’s questions read. “Will this business protect its customers if they are attacked for political reasons?” Wallace, who compares the app to a political “fire inspector,” is confident that the app will grow more popular as 2020 approaches. That’s when, he claims, more Trump supporters will be targeted by what he calls “socialist goon squads,” and businesses will become more interested in protecting their customers over their politics. “I believe that, between now and 2020, we’re going to see the rise of the socialist goon squad,” Wallace said. “I think antifa was nothing compared between now and what’s coming in 2020. And I’m deeply concerned.” Wallace says 63red Safe is less about finding pro-Trump businesses, and more about letting conservatives know if they’re in a business that opposes their politics. “If they’re not political, they’re safe,” Wallace said. 63red Safe has garnered 5,000 reviews since launching earlier this month—a solid start, but hardly enough to cover every hungry Trump supporter’s restaurant needs. The app is part of a larger network of apps that have launched under the “63red” name, including a chat app and a news aggregator that Wallace says has roughly 100,000 monthly users. It’s not entirely explained how 63red Safe’s reviewers get their information. Some businesses have earned reviewers’ ire and the “not safe” tag for obvious reasons. Lexington, Va.’s Red Hen restaurant, for example, is listed as “unsafe” on the app after asking Sanders to leave last year. But other ratings on the app are less obvious. A number of Oklahoma City pizzerias have been rated, but it’s not clear why one pizza place is rated as “not safe” and another as “safe.” Aside from the “safe” or “not safe” rulings, the app doesn’t offer any explanation for why one business is safe and another not. Wallace is aware that 63red’s apps face long odds of success. Alternative social media networks for Trump supporters and conservatives have struggled with extremist content or a shortage of users. “Donald Date,” a pro-Trump dating site, launched last year and immediately leaked its members’ data. “We’re committed. This is not yet another a Trump dating site,” Wallace said. “This is not yet another social network.” Viral news stories aside, it’s not clear whether Trump supporters are really so targeted in public that they need an app to tell them where they’ll be safe. Hate crimes have gone up in Trump’s presidency, but the majority of those attacks were related to race, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity, not politics. Wallace, who claims his apps will help conservatives organize ahead of the 2020 election, compares 63red Safe to a fire extinguisher. You don’t always need it, but when you do, you really need it. “When it counts it can become very important to know beforehand,” Wallace said. READ THIS LIST Ethiopian Airlines Crash: Is New Boeing Jet Unsafe? CLIVE IRVING New R. Kelly Tape Surfaces Showing Alleged Sex Abuse VICTORIA BEKIEMPIS Meghan Markle’s ‘Difficult’ Problem: Another Aide Quits TOM SYKES, TIM TEEMAN Roseanne Barr: #MeToo Women are Hos, Trump a ‘Deep Thinker’ TOM SYKES Bret Baier: Democrats Have ‘Fox Derangement Syndrome’ WILL SOMMER POLITICS ENTERTAINMENT WORLD NEWS HALF FULL CULTURE U.S. NEWS TECH SCIENCE SCOUTED TRAVEL ABOUT CONTACT TIPS JOBS HELP PRIVACY CODE OF ETHICS & STANDARDS TERMS & CONDITIONS COPYRIGHT & TRADEMARK SITEMAP © 2019 The Daily Beast Company LLC Advertise With Us
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elizabethcariasa · 7 years
Pharma Bro's Nazi code Enigma machine auctioned to pay New York tax bill
A collection of Enigma machines and paraphernalia on display at the U.S. National Cryptologic Museum. New York tax officials seized and sold one Enigma owned by "Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli to cover his unpaid state taxes. (Photographs courtesy Robert Malmgren via en:User:Matt Crypto/Wikipedia)
It's no mystery why folks intentionally skirt tax laws. They don't want to pay.
New York, however, has managed to get back some of the taxes that officials say former hedge fund manager Martin Shkreli failed to pay the Empire State.
New York state tax officials seized a rare Nazi Enigma encryption machine and three historical documents from Shkreli, who's been sitting in a Brooklyn jail cell since his bail was revoked following an online threat against Hillary Clinton, and auctioned them to cover some his due taxes.
From bro to number: Because of his ill-advised Facebook post, Shkreli is now known by N.Y. detention officials as inmate #87850-053. He's scheduled to be sentenced Tuesday, Jan. 16, in connection with his two securities fraud convictions last August. He faces up to 20 years in prison.
Previously, the he had earned the derisive nickname Pharma Bro after he hiked the price of an AIDS medication by more than 5,500 percent. That was not cool, but it wasn't illegal.
However, soon after the pharmaceutical price manipulation and financial crimes came to light, Shkreli encountered additional legal problems. Both the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance and the Internal Revenue Service slapped him with tax liens.
The IRS says Shkreli owes more than $4.6 million that he didn't pay for tax years 2013 ($3,500) and 2014 ($4.63 million).
Add penalties and interest to that, and the IRS is looking to recover $7.4 million from the former pharmaceutical executive.
That $7.4 million the IRS wants from Shkreli also is this week's By the Numbers figure.
A letter too late: In a letter sent last year and to the Brooklyn Federal Court judge handling Shkreli's case, federal prosecutors said they would like to keep the $5 million bail that Shkreli forfeited upon his reincarceration, as well as be awarded some of his assets they could sell to make up the difference.
The Shkreli items being sought by the feds include a World War II Nazi Enigma machine, the lone copy of the Wu-Tang album "Once Upon a Time in Shaolin," Lil Wayne's "The Carter V" album and a Picasso painting.
Unfortunately for Uncle Sam, the request came too late.
New York state tax officials have already seized and auctioned off the Nazi encryption machine, the breaking of which was highlighted in the Benedict Cumberbatch 2014 movie "The Imitation Game," and three valuable historical documents Shkreli owned. 
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(Side note: Shkreli named his pharmaceutical company Turing after Alan Turing, the man who broke the Nazi's Enigma code and who was portrayed by Cumberbatch in the movie.)
Shkreli's Enigma machine was seized in May 2017 and sold for $65,000 by the Sotheby's auction house, according to a spokesman for the New York tax department who spoke last week to CNBC. 
In total, New York got $134,500 from the sales of Shkreli's items. That will make a dent in the more than $450,000 in taxes the state says the 34-year-old felon still owes.
For the IRS, though, it's back to work finding a way to crack Shkreli's federal tax repayment code.
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thuja-blog · 7 years
Visit your statistics dashboard to obtain powerful insights right into just how your videos are doing. Ryan Bizzarro (D - Erie County) claimed this strategy would get rid of lasting funding for the Erie schools as well as threatens this year's funding unless it is consisted of in a code costs. Buying by voice is getting a bit easier on the Google Home linked speaker through a partnership with Walmart. Wikipedia has dozens of pages committed to Robert Lees as well as Bob Lees, including musician Robert Lee, who likewise takes place to be Bruce's bro. The Krakow Royal Stroll is a rational method of exploring the city and also a few of the cultural and also architectural beauty Krakow possesses. Merely position your order for chili trick carne on AHA, as well as quickly one of Flytrex's flying drones will certainly drop it off at your home or office. Anna and her husband were on hand in order to help with any of our inquiries, they are excellent hosts. Blighted residential properties are pestering the city of Erie, in addition to Erie area. Nowy Targ with about 30000 residents, lies north of the High Tatras, about 65km south of Krakow. However there is no problem to the long absence of the guests, the host included timber to the fire. Or to enroll in free identification theft protection and also debt data surveillance. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc Many Poles enable themselves a generous quantity of time to offer and enjoy their festive dishes, particularly Xmas eve supper (Wigilia) or Easter breakfast which could take a number of days to prepare in their totality. Going outdoors or preparing your trip ahead of time the best method to avoid an uncomfortable scenario, like remaining under the rain without umbrella or to be dressed up gently in cold weather, is to check weather forecast. Right here are some key arrangements of the Current Grads Program. Amazon.com just revealed a repair of its Amazon.com Education and learning program focused on providing pupils and also teachers with finding out resources. Nevertheless, firms have to comply with the option procedures in 5 CFR component 302, prior to selecting. W 10 sposób przywrócono austriacko-węgierską granicę z okresu zaborów, tyle że przed 1918 r. oddzielała ona cesarską Galicj Atm Machine od Królestwa Węgier. Rainfall weighes for Polish standards, ranging 900 millimetres at the flight terminal and 1100 millimetres in Kowaniec to around 1350 millimetres on Bukowina Miejska, the greatest component of the city. Avant Jean-Pierre Sirois-Trahan, Laure Hillerin avait émis l'hypothèse qu'il s' agissait bien de Marcel Proust dans le film du mariage de 1904. Sitting on the Vistula River in Poland's southerly region, Krakow flaunts 5 nature books, which, owing to their environmental well worth, are all lawfully shielded. Nowy Targ 10 day weather prediction, upgraded four times a day as well as reveals the weather summary plus comprehensive sun, rainfall, temperature level, wind and snow. By definition, and also as given in Exec Order 13562, the Pathways authorities are to be made use of as an exception to loading settings that would usually be filled up through a competitive procedure. The home is remote, as well as an automobile is needed to navigate. Pursuant to 5 CFR 362.105( c)( 2), each company is called for to use professionals' preference when filling placements utilizing the Pathways Programs. Diagenetic history of the Podhale-Orava Basin as well as the underlying Tatra sedimentary architectural devices (Western Carpathians): proof from XRD as well as K-Ar of illite-smectite. ASME supplies sources for reporters on a range of mechanical engineering-related subjects. Veterans incapable to use within two years of receiving their level, as a result of armed forces solution commitment, have as much as 6 years after level conclusion to apply. The food is incredible and also reasonably valued for an excellent sized section. Furthermore, the agency needs to post an adequate option approach of applying for candidates that do not participate in the occupation reasonable or various other event. Copiez-la put la partager facilement avec vos amis. Hands-on understanding via a capstone task and growth of a profile as you proceed through the program. After scheduling, every one of the residential or commercial property's information, consisting of telephone and also address, are provided in your booking verification and also your account. Look for inexpensive rental cars in Nowy Targ with KAYAK and rent a vehicle that matches you best. Then you need to absolutely take a bus as it is just one of the cheapest means of transport. A lot more compared to a mere vehicle taking you from Nowy Targ to Vienna, riding the bus will subject you to a few of most spectacular views while enroute to your final bus stop. Recommend residence with all my heart, there can be an amazing cut off from everyday life. Filters by content pictures, which omits pictures with model releases. You MUST PREVENT COCCIDIA or NONE of your vaccinations will certainly function! This is the 150th annual meeting for the 3rd district of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. This susceptability can also permit an assailant to leakage security tricks from the targeted gadget and also be all ears on Bluetooth communications, in an assault that significantly appears like heartbleed. The church and also church of Ludzmierz was taken care of by the Cistercian Order till 1824. Cette vidéo contenait une piste sound protégée par des droits d'auteur. Daily weather prediction in Nowy Targ will assist you to stay clear of capturing a chilly if instantly night comes to be chilly, gusty as well as rainy. It is my sincere wish to offer God and Poland with the whole of my life, to carry my eager aid to others, and to obey the Precursor and Guide Regulation. Armis believes a lot more susceptabilities await discovery in the different systems utilizing Bluetooth. This allows us to validate that our testimonials come from actual guests like you. Beautiful fireplace, actually comfy bed linen, as well as awesome sight. The news follows information Equifax had actually failed to efficiently set up a spot for a safety vulnerability cyberpunks later on utilized to steal customer info. The 650-year-old city is the historic resources of the highland region of Podhale 1, which extends in between the Gorce Hills on the north, and Tatra Hills on the south. Rather than making use of mathematical ratings, people are evaluated versus agency-established criteria and put in one of two or even more pre-defined top quality groups. High clouds as well as clouds with upright development are shown in white, low clouds and also haze in grey. The best location for a break with the hassle of a big city. Le corps du demi-frère en disgrâce du dirigeant nord-coréen Kim Jong-un, assassiné en Malaisie, ne quittera pas le pays tant que la famille ne fournira pas des échantillons ADN, a averti vendredi Kuala Lumpur, malgré une requête de Pyongyang. Of those, it's approximated that 56% take place before the client gets to an emergency situation care facility. Does not apply to Arabian thoroughbred races, Ante-post Competing, Overnight, Area just, Suit bets as well as Boosted Cost offers! You could additionally switch over to watch outcomes based on popularity or finest match. Paweł Valde-Nowak odkrył tu wykonany z ciosu podhale mamuta najstarszy bumerang świata i najstarsze szczątki człowieka znalezione w Polsce (datowane na 30 tys. The standard meals are frequently requiring to prepare. At McDowell Intermediate Secondary school, the Flying force Jr. ROTC blazed a trail in a ceremony made to show fresher trainees concerning the effect of the September 11th assaults on life in the U.S Inspect out Google's support page You can likewise look near an address, city, or area rather if you're still having problem. Weekly updates as well as special web content for your preferred primetime shows. Sign-up as well as be the initial to become aware of the newest locations. Agencies may hire Interns on a momentary basis for approximately one year for a preliminary duration, or for an uncertain duration, to complete the educational need. If you need to offer ALBON for Coccidia, it is TOO LATE. You could enjoy MKS Cracovia Krakow versus MMKS Podhale live stream online if you are registered member of bet365, the leading on the internet wagering firm that has streaming protection for more than 70.000 online sporting activities occasions with real-time betting during the year. A może ktoś ma ochotę na wzięcie udziału w konkursie fotograficznym dotyczącym właśnie Podhala. The meeting program includes research paper discussions, panel discussions, keynotes, doctoral pupil consortium, as well as a camp for early-stage IS professors. A/E" is the 2nd installation from the Pippin star's new aesthetic album Desideratum. A company's treatments for receiving applications (see 5 CFR 302.201) should address the use of these choices. Bus solution from Nowy Targ to Vienna will certainly be provided by the most relied on bus companies. Spectacular house in a really relaxed remote place yet within close closeness to the city of Nowy Targ, Zakopane and many various other travelers tourist attractions including several hot spring swimming pools. I invite you to my comfy, wood house in Gronkowie. I thus agree to obtain to the email address supplied above an electronic copy of the newsletter of the National Gallery in Krakow as well as various other publications as well as information having marketing based on the Act on Rendering Electronic Solutions of 18 July 2002 (Journal of Rule No. 144, item 1204). This susceptability resembles the previous one, but resides in a higher level of the BNEP solution - the Personal Area Networking (PAN) account - which is in charge of establishing an IP based network connection in between two gadgets. A firm might choose any type of choice eligible expert in the best category. The bus firms that operates in this nation do not enable price cut code use. Meet the certification standards for the setting to which the Intern will be converted. Your privacy is extremely important to us. As necessary, we have actually established this Plan in order for you to understand how we collect, use, communicate and reveal and take advantage of personal information. George Crawford, 27, entered the plea to a felony count of accidents including fatality. Saturday evening was the eruptive verdict to the five-day National Fireworks Organization Expo in Erie. I brought a Polish close friend when he concerned see as well as he stocked up and presented us to pierogi, now a routine staple. Below are extra e-newsletters you may have an interest in. It took place around 6:37 a.m. Wednesday on Lake Ave. When doing so, agencies ought to offer consideration to the type of placement, quality degree, and also geographical location of the position being filled. Browse an individualized news feed, see what's new with your preferred magazines, or dive in and discover. INTERNET OnLine has actually detailed summaries of the globe of benefit use by task hunters, workforce development and also Human Resources experts, trainees, scientists, as well as a lot more!
Marquis WILL CERTAINLY NOT ELIMINATE COCCIDIA, just AVOID it from explosion growth due to ANXIETY. Participants marched around the center to honor people shed by self-destruction. A firm could appoint a Trainee NTE to a different position, however initially the firm has to give minimum public alert (internal to the agency - out USAJOBS) to in a similar way located firm Trainees that could also have an interest in the Trainee position. The name Podhale literally equates as „ below the mountain glen" in English. It occurred on UNITED STATE Route 322 near Sugar Creek Drive in Sugarcreek Borough around 5:15 a.m. Villa Podhale provides accommodation in the mountains all year long. In the video, Hamilton actor, Moana recording artist, as well as Parks 101 ambassador Jordan Fisher leads you on a 360 tour of Network Islands National Park The park sits a few miles off the shore of Santa Barbara, The golden state, as well as its 5 environmentally abundant islands are only accessible through watercraft or airplane. In previous seasons the team played in the Second Division without the right to be advertised in Extraliga. By probing the gadget, the aggressor could identify which os his target is using, and also change his exploit appropriately. With lots of assistance from Cyclone Irma, Ana D'Estrada built a shoulder-high wall of sticks and also branches on the side of her residence in Wintertime Park. When an unranked listing is made use of all certified choice eligibles will be detailed in order of choice standing (which will certainly constant of candidates eligible for 10-point experts' choice followed by candidates eligible for 5-point experts' preference), adhered to by all other qualified applicants.
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