#TO: || Aileth (Final Fantasy VII)
@projecth-aileth​ || Continued from here.
Things were changing around the Labs, not that it was something she understood the reason for, only that the atmosphere had been odd for a while.
To those that recognized, the slender figure bore a striking resemblance to both source material and a ‘misplaced asset’ under surveillance. Some conceited attempt to reproduce and improve on a previous project the triumph and failure of his life. However this one had been a source of irritating disappointment nearly from the start. Precious limited materials producing only four specimens. Of those, one survived, and had yet to even reach her predecessors records. Of course, that had nothing to do with being treated as less than a living thing.
Head slowly moving towards the sound of the heavy security door opening; pallid face tilting as she turned, sending silver hair spilling over both shoulders and back. Draconic eyes took in the stranger, their mako colour sparking at something new before suddenly darting to the floor. Any interest quickly, forgotten with the voice over the speakers.
“Good you’re here.” both flat and impatient, they didn’t wait for any response. “By accessing containment, clearance is authorized. Please note Handler safety is priority, however not guaranteed.” Brief and slightly hostile, the speaker abruptly cutting off with a sharp screech. Whatever happens wasn’t their issue anymore; the ones that would be responsible was the Turks now.
There hadn’t been any incidents of late, but the lab technicians still did what they could to avoid the experiment. Putting several measures and methods between her and them. White-coats, the researchers, butchers the ones that did everything, no matter what in hopes of even the tiniest amount of attention from the professor. Then there were the sadists that took great pleasure in dealing out torture, disguised under the name of science; each following directions from the head of the department- present or not.
Not wanting give this Handler an excuse for corrections so soon and drained from the days testing she stayed put as expected but kept eyes low studying the dark attire. It was… different… Being confined inside labs, the humans that frequently visited never wore anything that colour.
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It was a good thing that none of those staff members were physically in the room with them. Or they might have noticed the way the young Turk’s face had drained its color in that instance.
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And questioned it.
That would have been bad. But this wasn’t great either. Just as he’d started to get used to the notion that Sephiroth - the core of his own personal resolution to join ShinRa and take it down from the inside - had actually perished while on a mission in Nibelheim just some months ago, not by Saruhiko’s hand but his own doing, here came another of those things.
A new abomination of Professor Hojo, the man he’d been forsaken by and forsaken himself.
Even without being an expert in genetics or bioengineering, the similarities were too many for his guess to be incorrect.
The agent quickly retrieved his composure, well aware to be under observation even at this very moment. The lips that had pressed into a thin line hid the swallow of an unpleasant knot in his throat.
‘No matter. Just another name to the list.’
He’d take her out like any of the clones he’d identified and silently eliminated without the company’s notice.
It’d just be... far more complicated than those. It was one thing to ambush a sickly figure in a corner of the slums and make them disappear without a trace. A subject personally observed and contained within ShinRa HQ, however...
For now, he’d play along. For as long as the mind behind Project Jenova existed, his position within the company was too important to be put on the line. He’d never been this close to Hojo as here and now.
Play the loyal dog for one more day; he’d waited twenty years, he could wait longer.
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“Right, then...” He muttered under his breath, scanning the girl with blue eyes ever so sharp despite the lazy expression of his features. An unfortunate genetic heritage along with his short-sightedness helped only by his square-shaped glasses.
He saw no restraints of any kind.
“Are you going to behave, just walking with me?”
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Send ♤ for our muses to be assigned as partners for a mission¿
First Interactions || Always Accepting!
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Good grief, what a day this was promising to be. Saruhiko was certain that in his place, any other “fledging” Turk would have been only ecstatic to have a mission of the top security level assigned to them. It was a mark of appreciation and trust from the department, something that he knew would come in with higher pay and possible other benefits.
But to this one Turk, well.. it was an uncomfortable obligation at best.
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“Good grief...” He muttered under his breath as he swiped the ID card into the panel adjacted the reinforced steel door. Normally he’d be more enthusiastic to be within the walls of the Science Department. Learning how everything worked in here would benefit his... ‘personal agenda’, but today he had no such luxury.
Escort Project H speciment to the assigned destination and cover up any traces of activity from the public. For how high profile as the order sounded, it was actually quite mundane. Couldn’t they just pack up this monster in a box and have it delivered by air like the rest? What was the deal with this one?
In the next room, a pale-haired girl was standing with her back turned to him. A worked at the labs, he initially assumed. And so with a dragged note to his voice that denoted a certain lazy demeanor, the young man in a suit asked:
“I’m here to pick up the subject. Where is it?”
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