#TMA and LoR connection is just there everyone
fishfishiee · 2 years
The Purple Lady (TMA x LoR)
I got into TMA black hole and now I'm stuck in it. What else could I do beside making a Ruina crossover, right? This one is about Iori who took a stroll in London. Timeline wise, this happened in S3 of TMA between episode 114 and episode 116.
I also posted in AO3! here
Statement of Yuna Carter, regarding a woman she met at a café nearby. Original statement given in May 15th, 2013. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London.
[Statement begins]
I don't know if what happened to me count as something… supernatural? But if what my friend said about this place is true, I think you're going to accept my story anyway. She worked here, you know? I won't say who, but she worked with artefacts, I think. 
It started as a normal night. I was stopping by a café before going home for the night. When I was just about to sit down, I noticed her standing across the road. She was Asian, I think. It wasn't until she came over that I realized she might be older than I thought she was. Still, she was… unusually tall for a mature woman. Very elegant, too. She wore a long purple coat that was made from snake skin, I believe. Or maybe something with snake skin pattern on it. Her hair was long, so long that it reached her ankles. She carried a long, black case that she strapped on her back. I wondered if she was a musician or something. 
Apparently my stare was a bit too obvious. She noticed that I was staring, but instead of getting angry, she smiled and waved at me. I was embarrassed when she crossed the road and came into the café. Thankfully, the café was empty at the time, so no one noticed my awkwardness. She spoke in fluent Korean, which surprised me a bit, since she introduced herself as Iori. 
I apologized for staring, but she waved me off and said that she was used to it. We chatted for a bit, things like the weather and about the café that we were in. We went quiet for a while before I asked her if she was a musician. She shook her head and gestured to her case, saying that it had her swords in it. Iori then said that too may law enforcers stopped her because of them, so she stored them in a case instead. 
I really couldn't tell if she was joking or not, since she was so casual about it. I thought that maybe she was some kind of stage performer, and the swords she mentioned were her props. Then I asked her what was she doing in London. She smiled mysteriously and said that she was here by accident. “Did you got on the wrong bus or something?” I asked again. Iori looked so amused by my question. I asked what's so funny, and by then Iori was fully chuckling. 
“You asked me the same exact questions last time” She said.
“Oh well. I'll be leaving after this anyway, so I'll humour you. This world has nothing on what I'm looking for after all.” She said.  This is the point where Iori said some weird stuff. Like, things that only comes from sci-fi fiction or something.
Iori said that she was a dimension traveller, and that she was searching for her son. She really didn't mean to come here, but a gap to another universe pulled her in instead. She arrived at an empty house that had a fallen tree on the garden. After that, she said she wandered around a bit before heading to the city. She then paused and looked at me. She continued that this was the fourth alternate version of this world that she visited, and in all of them I was always staring at her. According to her, on the second one I cut my stare short, and she didn't approach me. On the third one, this conversation of ours didn't last long, and I left after a while. 
At this point, I was convinced she was pulling a joke on me, so I scoffed at her. She then laughed and said that I was heading home from a friend called Jeanne, who just broke up with her boyfriend. 
“You told me that last time, too.” Iori said. 
She then went on and said that after I left, I was involved in a traffic incident and died. 
“This time our conversation was a bit longer than last time. I think it would be safe for you to leave now.” She said, still with a smile on her face.
“Of course, it's not a guarantee. Who knows, maybe this time you saw the car accident on your way home. You avoided that, but you got mugged and lost your life that way instead.”
“Why are you telling me this?” I asked. She just shrugged and told me that she was feeling a bit generous. 
I had enough of her at that point. I thanked her for her 'advice' and hurriedly left the café, eager to get away from the crazy lady. She bid me farewell with that amused smile of hers. I didn't want to admit it, but something about her told me that she wasn't lying. She never told me what happened to me on the first version, after all. It honestly scared me a little, so I decided to call my friend Jeanne and asked her to stay the night. 
That was a few days ago. I noticed that I became a lot… jumpier. At first, I told myself that I was being silly, but after a few… close calls, I was forced to admit that maybe, maybe Iori did predict my death. I wonder if she put a curse on me or something. Anyway, I don't really know what to do after this. It's not like I want you guys to find Iori for me or something. I just… want to tell my story to someone that might understand, you know?
If you do meet an older lady wearing a long purple coat, I suggest you turn the other way. I think you'll know it's her just from her looks alone. 
[Statement ends]
Martin submitted this one along with Anya Villete's statement regarding the house at Hill Top Road. I'm pretty sure the house that this Iori arrived at was that same, particular house. As for Ms. Carter herself, Yuna Carter was killed in a car accident after she left the institute. Basira also confirmed that a few years ago there were some reports about a strange woman carrying three swords around. Nothing could be found about this Iori aside from this statement, though. The café worker that served both Ms. Carter and Iori said that Iori left after finishing her tea, and he never saw her again. I hope that whoever Iori is, she really left this dimension and never came back. This statement does prove that the gap on that house might be a bigger problem than I thought it was. We were quite lucky, since Iori seemed genuinely uninterested in this world, but someday that gap might let in something that wants more.
End recording.
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