#TKEM ep 15
coreancitizen · 10 months
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"Where are you going this time?" "Yeong ... " "Don't even think about it. Wherever you go, you can't go alone. I will go with you, no matter where it is, whichever battlefield it is. Even more so if it's somewhere you can't return from."
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v-vernon-wang · 4 years
Ep 15 got me stressed on another level. I'm not confused and confused at the same time 🙃
The fact that we have to wait another week for the last episode. The LAST DAMN EPISODE I'M-
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maculate-mango · 4 years
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Tell me you’ll come back. That’s the 10th rule.
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No matter what happens you have to come back. That’s the 11th rule.
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Catch Lee Lim, and even if the door closes, open all the doors in the universe, and return to me. Promise me you’ll do that. That’s the 12th rule.
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cheerupcha · 4 years
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The King Eternal Monarch Ep. 15
"When it's fate, there are no coincidences."
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clementineesotsm · 3 years
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 15, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
PM Koo teams up with LR. At least that is what PM was thinking. But for LR, slight different. He thinks PM will somehow give advantage for him but ended up disappointed, because PM cannot become a queen, and suspended as a PM. She cant even near a high position now. She cannot get Gon or Kingdom of Corea and that pisses LR off. PM become greedy and put her guard down. He thinks LR wanted a cooperation and inform him that she will take Gon’s flute for her. Which makes LR mad and choke her 🤣🤣 LR asking her to bring him into Gon’s mom mass memorial day and leave her
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Gon is back to kingdom now. He hugs Lady Noh so tight 🥺 he is thankful to her for everything that she have done for him. Apparently Gon indebted to her much. I loved her punchline “i know pyeha / 압니다 폐하” means she understand things that Gon cant even / doesn’t have to explain. I love their relationship
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Gon exiled Prince Buyeong’s son so that he cannot go back to Corea, because he found out that he is LR accomplice on the treason night. Gosh i hate that man!
Apparently Gon took KSJ to Corea to let him see his real mom. This scene was well made! Acting wise, amazing. KSJ lines, amazing. Music, amazing! Poor KSJ. He is also growing up becoming a stoic character 🥺🥺
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Conversation between KSJ and Gon feels a bit heavy. Gon told KSJ about his plan, apparently he dont plan to save himself this time. The target is to get or kill LR. So Gon is planning to go and sacrifice himself for the good 🥺🥺 i loooove Gon’s facial expression here. And his eyes speaks his fear but also trying to accept his fate. Something like “sigh-ing”
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LR was back to Korea to prepare his big plan. But unfortunately he let his guard down, SJH put poison in the food to kill herself basically. And LR minion couldn’t save her because Gon was set to cross the portal at that time so times stops. SJH was finally relief to be able to die, but here i am crying 🥺🥺 and her using LR punchline before while dying was cool thought by the writer! “Did you pray?” !!!
And did you realize? LR face most of the time was always stain with blood. Poor him 😅
Another appreciation was to the editing team, they did a great job in this scene. Especially for the scoring 💯💯💯
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LR took his gun and run outside, then he met Gon!
LR “i even transcends death, but how is it that im unable to avoid you? How did you find me here?”
Gon “it would be good if it was me alone, but im not.”
“Some one sets the time (SJH)
Someone chases after you (i assume this was KSJ/the detectives)
Someone prays for you to get caught (this could be Lady Noh and JTE)
And someone is going to fight you (Gon, JY, KSJ) “
Then LR said that Gon should have wait him at the memorial not confront him here. This kind of storyline was fresh for me too. Because usually story like this always go with “make the doomed happen first then resolve it after” but with TKEM, the main character manage to prevent the doomed before it happened. Which im fine with it because its possible. But i kind agree with LR. Can we get that chaos in the mass memorial first then solve it? That would be epic. But then maybe they dont have enough time to explore that. Maybe in another timeline, reality or universe. But this is also satisfying and well done. If you can prevent it, why not? That is more work in a smart way.
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Gon then took LR to bamboo forest to check on how to use the flute to travel back to 1994. What Gon knew, the flute need to be whole inside to do so. But then how to do it was a bit tricky. It needs both LR and Gon to be inside the space between 0 and 1. Because each of their blood soak into each of the flute. Gon was a bit in dilemma because he need someone to go inside the gate with LR in order for it to happen. What scary was nobody knew whats going to happen with that person if he succeeded or fail. All assuming that person will go inside and dead. Then KSJ volunteered to do so. OMFG! P.S then we also got a glimpse of the portal when the flute was whole. Kind of cool. If fills with so many universe and possible of eternity life !
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SO THE LR INTERROGATION THAT WE SAW IN EP 1 WAS ACTUALLY FROM EPS 15! Wahh im impressed. I did not see that coming! Gon also doing his final honor for SJH and buried / burned her body properly (brb cry 😭) and to prepare if something bad happen he ask secretary Mo to announce that Se Jin (Prince Buyeong granddaughter) will be the first in line to replace Gon if something happen to him 🥺🥺 Secretary Mo and JY looks worried
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Then something weird happened. Suddenly the flower that Gon gave to JTE on eps 10 disappeared. JTE worried that Gon already preparing for the reset and he will be gone forever from her memories 🥺 she comes to see LR and ask where is the flute? LR was pissed here, because he don’t understand why people are not scared and tend to give their lives away to make things right. He doesn’t understand love 🥺🥺 and LR was stays evil to the end because he kills Se Jin and swap PM Koo mother. Which is very scary! KGE, LJJ, LMH, JEC acting in this sequence was out of this world. The director and all team was making this sequence very well too. All the thrilled was there even though it was just a short scene each. I loved them more now but we are left with only 1 episode for the finale 🥺🥺🥺
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In Korea, JTE released Luna. JTE have a planned to go with LR into the space between 1 and 0 because she is afraid if Gon will alone doing his duty 🥺 She basically ready to leave Korea forever because she asked Luna to take her place while she was gone. JTE asking Luna to steal LR to bring him to JTE and JTE come to KSJ to ask for the flute and let her replace him to do the duty. And it was the most heartbreaking conversation between this two friends and one of the most heartbreaking confession i have ever watched. I loved how they shot this scene, the camera seems to be shaking, i think its cool and also the way KSJ holds JTE hand 🥺🥺
Kudos to KGE and KKN here! Damn! Where is your daesang again?!
Finally here we saw that jacket of doomed which we saw on eps 1 and eps 10 worn by Gon. Its his ceremonial outfit that he supposed to wear during his most glorious moments. And him following his destiny to die for the sake of doing right things, teared me up. Before he go back to the past, he visit Lady Noh for a final goodbye, seriously i cried. He told Lady Noh about kim sowol poems, Gon knew that she was coming from Korea. Gon was also conveying his feelings to her “thanks to you, i can read such a beautiful poems”. Gon asked Lady Noh to let him go again and the way she said “if i let you go this time, will you ever comeback?” And cried, teared me up too. Meanwhile JTE also prepared to go with LR inside the portal, she is using the necklace from Gon, the one that has the symbol of Corea 🥺 its for her also her glorious moments. Surprisingly Gon going inside the portal not alone, JY was there to company him. As what he promised, he will be there in any battlefield Gon is about to go through 🥺🥺🥺
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How it made me feel:
What a solid episode! This eps making my eyes swelled. It was full with bittersweet moments, thrilling moments, a lot of goodbyes, a lot of revelation, and it left me anxious for the finale. How can they solved this all? Can we still get a happy ending? Also this episode was so cool because the ending is the beginning. What we saw on eps 1 was actually a flashback! No wonder the screen size was different. Like what they usually used for past events! Cool!
What i also wants to appreciate is Kim Eun Sook writing skill. I have to admit im not a big fan of her, sometimes her script was a bit cheesy, overly dramatic and predictable. But since mr sunshine and especially TKEM she changed that all and turns out to be more mature. And darker? For me TKEM is focusing more on doing the right things, it has values more than just a rich boys/cool boys meets a cool ordinary girls and falls in love premise and finish. But this time its about true value of love, true value of relationship, about responsibility, vulnerability. At some point it reminds me of harry potter. TKEM gave me the same feelings/premise to while i was reading/watching HP. I loved how it turned out so far, its up to the finale. Will it be one of the best series i have ever watched? Or no?
Also, i really loved how KES writes KSJ character, he has so many reason to be bad. But he did not. I loved how she portrays a very good example of stoicism in his characters. Very good 💯
Another appreciation is for the directing and cinematography, guys, you blown me away!
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crayonflop · 4 years
Sierra have you seen the plot of the new KES drama skskskjs, I feel like you’ll have things to say about it...
you are so correct skfjskd it’s sooo funny to me bc the production company absolutely saw the tkem reactions and was like grandma we are NOT giving the money to do this fairytale romance shit again for the 4th time just so we can be laughed at find something new and trendy like school bullying and makjang so she watched like itaewon class and saw how popular twotm and penthouse is and said to her assistants write me something like THOSE but make it about a woman bc we have to prove to the viewers that i can write them finally and so they frankensteined this girlboss revenge plot together skfsdsfjsd but then the network was like well let’s try it out for 8 eps call it multiple seasons and if it doesn’t hit 15% we can just make 8 more and say that was the plan from the beginning anyway this is gonna be like 90% ghostwritten and i live in fear every day until they announce the casting for the male lead
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bublegunn · 4 years
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TKEM ep 15
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
TKEM ep 15
Uhm.... I just... Excuse me... What even...? What the hell? I can't.... I just can't...
Wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf WTF WTF WTF WTF WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! please excuse my language
I need to process what just happened. What I just saw. I need to think about it and I need to get it together because right now I'm an emotional wreck and I just can't seem to form any coherent thoughts.
Except for this one:
The King Eternal Monarch is a freaking masterpiece. It just is. That's the truth. It's a mind-blowing, exquisite, smart, engaging and breathtaking drama. And it has been a delicious thing to experience in the past 8 weeks.
The finale, next week, it's gonna be the end of me but I'm ready to say thank you.
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baek1nho · 4 years
watching tkem ep 14: i’m so confused
watching tkem ep 15: i’m even more confused
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deinnos · 4 years
guess who just watched tkem ep 15-16 again 😭
Aaah! 😭 After much thought I think I really love the reunion/hug in Ep. 15 even more than the one in Ep. 12. Something about the way they hold each other is so intimate to me, especially since Lee Gon’s been away for 4 months.
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coreancitizen · 11 months
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"Yeong, just for today. Let me just say goodbye."
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nettlestonenell · 2 years
Re: TKEM aks
1. top 3 would be: ep. 10 "that's why i crossed the universe for you" scene; iconic ep. 13; ep.15 (hospital reunion scene)
2. I think he wanted complete control of KOC but eventually his greed would spread😔 over parallel universe and will attempt to take control of that too. Also to gain immortality or realllllllly long life lol
3. I didn't think it was romantic or at least not yet. But big possibility of going that route.
4. Yes, he'd rather be overly cautious than risk it since if lee gon got fooled albeit for a short time he still got fool. So, who's to say jo yeong wouldn't?
5. Jangmi! lol he's pretty funny lol + twins eps kabi(?) the girl twin and joyeong lmao
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Citizens of the Republic, Subjects of the Kingdom, and Gentle Readers, a nice anon has jumped into the fray and submitted answers to some of the questions I posed in this prior post.
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maculate-mango · 4 years
TKEM Episode 15
I mean it when I say I do not have the energy to unpack this episode like I do with every other episode. All I have to say is I’m emotional and this show is a masterpiece. There’s a lot I realize about the story now and I’ll probably be able to talk about that later. I just want to soak in this moment of watching ep 15. I refuse to talk through this episode and theorize as much as I usually would because I want to be blown away by the finale. I will just sob over this episode until next week. And then sob over the finale for the rest of my life. I honestly love shows that rip my heart apart, but I’ve only exaggerated when I said TKEM had made me sob because I haven’t ever gotten that emotional about any show. But this episode was the first time (along with the glorious moment) that actually made me tear up a bit and oof. Lee Gon I’m going to miss seeing you every week. Also all the actors killed it this episode!!
If you want to chat about the episode feel free to message me. I’m just going to be dazed for the next week.
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dabelju · 4 years
Fridays and Saturday Without TKEM
Udah hampir 3 minggu TKEM ga lagi ada dalam rutinitas Jumat&Sabtu malam ku. Rasanya nano-nano (lebay ga sih? Wkwkwk) sampe aku cerita ini ke temen-temen deketku. Terutama ke Pipit, yang juga sama-sama kehilangan (cielah), padahal ini bukan kali pertama aku nonton drama on going, tapi setelah TKEM ga ada aku belum mau nonton drama lagi.
Thorwback dulu, aku bukan tipe yang suka nonton drama on going. Aku pribadi prefer nonton setelah dramanya selesai. Aku juga bukan tipe yg sehari bisa ngabisin berapa episode, tapi lebih ke semaunya aja. Pernah sih coba kaya gitu ngabisin 3-4 eps dalam sehari, coba begadang kaya orang-orang yang suka nonton drama tapi alhasil aku malah pusing besokannya wkwk (aku lemah dalam begadang dulu hahaa)
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Inget banget drama pertama yang aku tonton on going itu Goblin. Gatau kenapa pada saat itu aku yang lagi jenuh sama rutinitas bimbingan Metpen-KKPP-Kapsel pingin banget ada hiburan, akhirnya aku nonton Goblin. Awalnya aku mikir ah paling cuman tahan 2 episode, sisanya pasti aku tonton kalau udah tamat dramanya. Eh tapi ternyata ga dong, aku pada saat itu excited banget tiap Goblin mau tayang wkwk. Sedih sih tapinya pas giliran aku nonton drama on going, circle ku tidak sedang menonton itu jadi aku ga ada temen untuk ngomongin drama, padahal biasanya aku liat mereka suka ngomongin drama on going dan aku yang roaming sendiri wkwk. Pas Goblin udahan, aku sesedih itu. Aku sampe rewatch dia totalan sampe sekarang, udah lebih dari 10x. Beberapa temen-temenku sampe heran kenapa sih aku suka banget.
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Sehabis nonton goblin, sekitaran bulan Februarinya aku lagi-lagi nonton drama on going, pas itu aku tonton Voice. Lagi-lagi aku juga kesenengan. Sehabis voice habis, aku berhenti nonton drama on going, (kalau ga salah aku sempet dulu sih nonton drama on going tapi aku lupa judulnya apa) aku juga jadi jarang nonton drama karena lagi nyusun skripsi.
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Setelah aku lulus waktu pas lagi CWB Siska,Deyla dan Risma ngajakim nonton While you were sleeping. Awalnya aku gamau nonton, tapi lama kelamaan pas udah pindah ke kota ke 2, aku jadi kepo sendiri dan akhirnya nonton bareng sama mereka (malahan aku yang excited sendiri). Setelah drama itu beres, aku jadi berhenti nonton drama, temen-temenku yang nonton drama pun lagi ga nonton drama pada masa itu.
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2018 pertama kalinya lagi aku nonton drama setelah drama terakhir yang aku tonton While you were sleeping di 2017. Waktu itu dikasih tau Hanin, dramanya partner for justice (lagi-lagi ini aku tonton on going, walau di episode 15an aku berhenti ngikutin tiap minggunya dan milih nonton setelah tamat). Habis itu ada 2 drama baru yang sempet aku tonton, tapi di 2018 aku lebih sering nonton korean variety-show. Iya aku balik lagi nonton return of superman semenjak ada William. Aku juga jadi sering nontonin Running Man yg belum sempet aku tonton.
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2019 aku hampir ga nonton drama korea sama sekali, pernah mau coba nonton tapi paling berhenti di eps 4 atau 5. Jujur banyak banget drama-drama yang aku tonton kaya gitu wkwk. Padahal kata temen-temenku drama itu rame, dan itu bener banget karena banyak banget yang review. 2019 bertepatan dengan kembalinya aku jadi mahasiswa, aku yang masih adaptasi sama kebiasaan jadi mahasiswa lagi ya boro-boro sempet nonton drama wkwk. Akhirnya setelah Semester 1 beres, di awal 2020 aku kepo sama drama yang masih tayang waktu itu (Itaewon Class) tapi karena masih tayang jadi aku tunda dulu nontonnya dan milih nonton Crash Landing On Yoiu. Pas nonton CLOY aku sampe bilang "oh gini ya rasanya nonton drama lagi" setelah CLOY beres aku jadi sedikit tau tentang drama-drama yang baru keluar. Tadinya aku mau langsung nonton, tapi sayangnya itu bertepatan dengan aku harus SFH dimana karena aku kuliah online, aku jadi cape sendiri kalau natap layar lama-lama. Akhirnya aku putusin untuk ga nonton drama dulu.
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April 2020, aku yang udah bosen harus ngapain lagi akhirnya mutusin buat nonton drama. Kebetulan bakalan ada drama baru pada saat itu, dramanya Lee Min Ho dan Kim Go Eun hasil karya dari Kim Eun Sok penulisnya Goblin. Waktu itu temen-temenku lagi nonton A World of the Married, tapi aku lebih milih untuk nonton The King Eternal Monarch. Lagi-lagi temen-temenku nanya "kenapa sih kamu nonton itu? Rame ya emang" memang lah aku selalu beda sendiri. Semenjak ada TKEM tiap Jumat&Sabtu aku selalu excited banget, duh kalau udah hari Kamis, rasanya aku kaya mau di apelin sama pacar tau ga wkwk. Ga berhenti aku ngomong ini ke temen-temenku, walau mereka balik nanya "emang se rame itu ya?"
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Tiap episode aku selalu dibuat kagum, entah sama ceritanya, sama sinematografinya, sama lagunya ah pokoknya sama semuanya. Tapi yang paling bikin wah banget itu ceritanya yang ga bisa ketebak, sampe banyak banget akun-akun yang bahas teori drama ini. Sampe akhirnya aku dan Pipit juga ikutan bahas teori drama ini wkwk. Btw tiap beres nonton 1 episode, paginya aku udah re-watch lagi gitu aja terus sampe dramanya beres. Bahkan pas udah dramanya di eps 9, sebelum tayangan eps 9 muncul malemnya, aku nonton dulu eps 1-8nya. Kebayang kan berapa kali aku udah tonton kalau gitu wkwk. Kaya yang aku bilang di awal perasaannya nano-nano. Waktu eps 15 tayang, aku sama Pipit sampe se-nyesek itu sampe ngerasa loh ko kaya aku yang ditinggalin, tapi kalau lagi gemes aku ngerasa ikutan gemes juga. Wkwkwk.
Setelah dramanya tamat jujur rasanya kaya ada yang ilang aja gitu, walau waktu pas Goblin aku ngerasain ini juga tapi kalau yang ini ko rasanya beda. Tetep sedih kalau denger OST adegan sedih, ketawa dan senyum-senyum sendiri kalau denger OST adegan yang gemes. Sampe-sampe aku belum mau nonton drama lagi. Bahkan aku nemu beberapa tweet orang di twitter yang juga ngerasain hal yang sama. Mungkin ga ya kalau ada season 2?! Kayaknya tiap penonton kebanyakan inginnya begitu ya ga sih?! Huah tapi ada atau ga ada pun, pokoknya drama ini made my day sekaliiii, dan iya banget my fridays and saturdays (routine) will never be the same without TKEM
Love, Sufi.
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asena-queenslayer · 4 years
TKEM Ep. 15 Reactions
Can the Manpasikjeok open a portal into the screen so I can walk in and punch the living daylights out of Lee Lim
Thank the drama gods for my sarcastic af child Sin-jae; good on you for not bending, mate
I would die for Eun-sup (that's a given at this point)
Ahahaha Yeong's back
Sin-jae and Yeong being good bros and telling Tae-ul to call them if anything happens; I am LIVING
GON AND TAE-EUL ARE BACK TOGETHER - yeah ik it was just one episode IDC - I AM HERE FOR THIS
Aw, the YeongJae bros: Yeong tearing up to see his king again, and Sin-jae pulling out the sarcasm to cover up his feelings
I'm glad they didn't go the cliche route of an apology being able to fix everything; it is unfortunately true that her son is dead because of him
but at the same time I feel bad for him too; how hard it must be to finally see your mother's face after only imagining her all these years, and even though you know she's not your real one, being rejected so harshly - that hurts.
If your man doesn't blow dry your hair and take you out for walks and order you food when you've been stabbed, is he really your man?
Oh my gosh the sibs
Noooo the Jo's noooo
Aww Yeong finally gave him the hug
Man this episode is really all about the pain isn't it
The PM is always dressed like a goddess, but damn does her coat look cool in this lighting
Awww lady grandma Noh
Oh man, Sin-jae... my heart hurts so much for him
it's really not an easy choice for either of them, but I understand why he chose it
oh no it does now
Gon has really pulled the king power this episode and I. LOVE. IT.
number above elevator
PM my girl...you really got played oh my god
I can feel this friendship shattering for good man nooo
they really had to do the "she was a poem. but he couldn't read." didn't they
guys I just want a happy ending
but I'm scared
so scared
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crayonflop · 4 years
they really wrote a whole article about tkem viewership dropping because of excessive product placement.. we just gonna ignore the entire train wreck to focus on that being the reason?
well it is out of control tbh like okay they spend 10 mins an ep on coffee and boba or whatever, 15 mins on chicken, 20 mins on samsung phones, 5 mins on zooms of car logos, 5 mins on multi use beauty products and kimchi, 5 mins on jung eun chae’s light up face mask at that point they’ve got like 10 minutes left for any actual plot but we need to spend that talking about how good looking everyone is so i guess we’ll save the plot for next week so while ppl is not the reason i think it is a factor
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