#THis blog that has been in a coma forever
veryspecialfungus · 8 months
I turned off comment emails awhile back because they made me feel bad i wasn't getting anywhere and I have a weird relationship with comments in general.
Now my AO3 inbox is at 116 and I can't bring myself to look at them.
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minniesmutt · 2 months
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐭 𝟐
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☾ ━━━ PAIRING: I.N X READER (MAYBE SEUNGMIN X READER ☾ ━━━ CONTENT: NON-IDOL! AU, YANDERE! IN, DUBCON/NONCON (?), VIOLENCE, SPIT, ORAL (M REC), SLAPPING, UNPROTECTED SEX, BREEDING (FORCED), CREAMPIE, POLICE, MENTION OF GUNS, PREGNANCY, MENTION ABORTION, FILMING, LOT OF CRYING AND APOLOGIZING, IT'S STILL A BIT FUCKED U ☾ ━━━ WC: 4K ☾ ━━━ PART ONE PART THREE ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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     Y/n tried tracking how long Jeongin had kept her in the isolated cabin. After a few days, everything blurred together. After a week she noticed him going in and out of the back, leaving her in the house. 
     She’d checked the windows and doors while “cleaning” the cabin. Everything was locked— padlocked. This was forever. 
     Occasionally, she’d find him watching the news— one of her friends had reported her missing. He’d almost put it on to tease her. That no matter how hard they looked, they wouldn’t find her. 
     It wasn’t like she hadn’t tried getting out. Multiple times even. But it just made him angry. When he was angry, it wasn’t good. He was a different person.
     He’d hit, yell, break things. Slowly everything became her fault. It was her fault he was like this. He’d started blaming for her friends being in a coma— admitting he had paid someone to hit the car that night. It scared her more. She’d shrunk into herself. Just praying he didn’t kill her. 
     But sometimes she saw the good bits and it threw her mind into a loop. But she knew it was all part of his manipulation tactic. One he fucked up once. 
     Jeongin had turned on the TV, news broadcasting the search for the two of them. her family and friends pleading with the public to find them. Then he got up abruptly and walked out the back door. Y/n waited a few seconds before reaching forward. He put her phone on the table to tease her. 
     If the TV was on, they had some signal. She tapped her screen and was surprised she still had battery life. She checked the back door one last time before opening her phone— not daring to pick it up from its position. She opened her messages with Changbin. Sending him her current location as quickly as she could.
Y/n: help
       you were right
     The message threw Changbin off. It’d been almost a month since she disappeared. He knew the moment she told him she and Jeongin were going on a weekend trip it wasn’t going to end well. 
     “What?” Minho asked as their usually loud friend went silent
     “Y/n texted me…” Changbin said
     “What did she say?!” Jisung practically yelled as he jumped on top of him
     “Aye!” Changbin yelled and pushed him off and looked back at the screen, “She sent her location and said help.”
     “HELP?!” Jisung yelled
     “Send it to the detective,” Minho said as he grabbed his keys 
     “Where are you going?” Jisung asked
     “We’re getting our friend back from that psycho,” Minho said
     “What if he has a gun?” Jisung asked
     “A chance I’m willing to take!” Minuo called. 
     The two followed the oldest out of the apartment. Changbin was on the phone with the detectives working on the case as he and Jisung followed their friend out of the apartment. Sending them the location Y/n sent him. The detectives redirected them over to the station to come up with a plan. 
     Y/n had quickly deleted the messages from her phone and shut her phone off quickly. Sitting back on the couch and waiting. And she waited for a while. Too scared to move before he came back in. Two hours later, it was already dark outside. She didn’t question anything. Not even the blood on his hands. Too scared to say anything to him. 
     She sat quietly on the couch, waiting for him to come back. She heard the shower turn on, giving her more time in her thoughts. She knew the drive from the city to where they were was long. At least three hours. She just waited anxiously. 
    Eventually, Jeongin came back into the living room and sat next to her. Pulling her onto his lap and kissing her neck. “It’s useless,” Jeongin said
     “What is?” Y/n asked
     “Them looking for us. I made sure no one could find us.” Y/n could hear the crazy dripping from his voice while he gripped her hips. 
     Y/n tried hiding how revolting his touch had become to her. She was scared of what would happen if she jerked away from him. He’d been unpredictable since they got here and she feared every step she took would set him off. She was walking on eggshells around him.
     “Get on your knees and face me,” He whispered in her ear and let go of her hips.
     Y/n got off his lap and turned around, facing him before sinking onto her knees between his legs. Jeongin leaned forward and grabbed her face, making her look at him. “Open your mouth.”
     Y/n did as she was told, opening up her mouth. Jeongin pulled her tongue out of her mouth and spit onto her tongue. Y/n left her tongue out as he sat back, pulling his cock out of sweat and sitting forward on the couch more. Putting his hand on the back of her head and pushing himself down her throat. Y/n gagged as the tip hit the back of her throat while he moaned at the feeling. Holding the back of her head and moving her head up and down his shaft. Y/n gripped the bottom of the dress she had on, trying to distract herself from him using her throat with the lace trim. Just hoping Changbin would get here soon. That he still cared enough to help her.
     Each drag of his cock had her disassociating more. He noticed. He pulled her off his cock and harshly slapped her across the face, letting her fall to the ground. “Who are you thinking about.” He demanded as he got on top of her
     “Y-You,” Y/n stumbled
     “Don’t lie to me Y/n,” Jeongin warned
     “I’m not! Promise, I was thinking about you Innie!”
     “Why are you lying to me Y/n?!” He yelled
     “I’m not!” Y/n cried
     “Maybe I should have killed Seungmin from the beginning. That’s who you’re thinking about, right? Right?!”
     He’s alive? “No! No, Innie, you’re the love of my life! Was thinking about you! It’s always you!”
     “Always me?” He asked, softening a bit hearing that.
     “Always you,” Y/n said, reaching for him a bit, cupping his face, and pulling him down for a kiss. Jeongin was quick to return it as he moved to put her legs over his hips, slipping inside her mid-kiss.
     Y/n moaned into his mouth as he thrusted into her. She was keeping his mind off anything else. She couldn’t risk him snapping before Changbin or the police got to them. She didn’t know how long it would be but it was her only bit of hope at this point. She had to hold out hope.
     “All mine.” Jeongin accentuated each word with a hard thrust into her. Chanting “mine, mine, mine.” with each thrust. His lips moved to mark her already hickey-covered neck. He never let the marks fade. Needing that visual to know he had claimed her.
     Y/n played her part. At some point, he stopped caring if she finished or not. Just got himself off, cleaned the two of them up, and repeated the process a couple of hours later. It was easier to act like she still loved him that way. Easier to pretend him being this close to her didn’t make her want to throw up.
     She blinked away tears as he finished inside her. Hoping none of them would fall and he wouldn’t notice. After a moment, he pulled out and got up. Leaving for a moment to grab something to clean her up before picking her off the ground and bringing her into the bedroom with him. Tucking her into bed before turning all the lights off in the cabin. Y/n lay in silence as he came back into the room, laying behind her and wrapping his arms around her. Holding her close to his chest.
     “You’re taking a pregnancy test tomorrow.” He told her
     “Okay,” Y/n agreed
     Y/n felt him kiss her shoulder before saying goodnight to her. She replied automatically but didn’t dare fall asleep, she hadn’t slept much in days, maybe only a couple of hours before she was awake, waiting for him to let her go. She just stared into the darkness, looking at the wall, and nightstand, trying to tell herself that this wasn’t real.
     She could hear the clock tick each second out in the living room. Trying to keep track of the time, disassociating the longer the seconds ticked by. She swore at one point she heard noise outside but assumed it was an animal. She wasn’t thinking of anything else. Not someone was there to save her. It was only minutes later the bedroom door was practically kicked open and lights shined bright in the room. People yelling that jolted Jeongin awake, his grip on her loosening. Y/n moved out of the bed as quickly as she could as what she assumed were police and SWAT were surrounding the bed.
     “Ms. L/n?” A voice said amongst the yelling for Jeongin to get out of bed
     “Yes…” She said, tears welling in her eyes
     “Let’s get you out of here. You’re safe now.” The officer helped her stand and wrapped a blanket around her.
     Every ounce of adrenaline she had practically been surviving off of crashed and she almost fell standing up. The officer carried her out before they got Jeongin out of the cabin in handcuffs. They carried her to the waiting ambulance before she heard her name being yelled.
     “Y/n!” It wasn’t Jeongin. She heard Jisung before she saw him. Once she did she opened her arms as he hugged her. “You’re okay.” She could hear that he was about to cry.
     “I’m sorry,” Y/n let the tears fall, crying into his shoulder.
     “Don’t apologize,” Jisung pulled away and looked her over as the paramedics got to work, trying to check on her.
     “Ji, let her breathe,” Minho’s voice came. Y/n saw him and Changbin walk up and it just made her cry more.
     “You got my text,” Y/n asked as Minho patted her head and Changbin hugged her. 
     “Yeah. Minho almost jumped the gun and came and got you without all this,” Changbin told her
     “I’m sorry, Bin…”
     “Don’t apologize. You were manipulated.”
     “I could have taken him in a fight,” Minho said.
     Y/n looked over her friend’s shoulder as they dragged her psycho ex out of the cabin. Quickly hiding again in Changbin’s chest.
     “She needs to get to a hospital,” one of the paramedics said
     “Wait, there might be someone else on the property,” Y/n told them as they tried getting her on the gurney in the ambulance.
     “What do you mean?” The officer who brought her out asked
     “He kept bringing up my ex, Seungmin. Early, he came back in with blood on him and said he should have killed him in the beginning.” Y/n explained
     “Check the rest of the property!” The officer ran into the chaos, relaying what she had said to him.
     “Ms. L/n, you need to go to a hospital for a full examination.”
     “Minho and I will stay here in case something happens. Go back with her, Bin.” Jisung said
     “We’ll call if they find him,” Minho reassured them
     Changbin nodded and helped the paramedics get Y/n onto the gurney, sitting close to her as they slowly drove away from the house.
     “Two detectives are gonna meet us at the hospital to take a statement, okay?” Changbin asked
     “Okay…” Y/n said
     “Tired?” Changbin asked her
     Y/n nodded as she relaxed into the pillow. Slowly nodding off from her lack of sleep and being out of survival mode. The beeping of monitors woke her up hours later. Having to adjust to the hospital light before looking over and seeing Changbin asleep in a chair next to her. 
     “Bin…” she said which seemed to have woken him up. He must have just started drifting off
     “Good morning,” Changbin sighed and stretched 
     “How long was I asleep?” Y/n asked 
     Changbin quickly checked his phone, “About seventeen hours.”
     “Damn,” Y/n sighed
     “Good news though. Chan, Hyunjin, and Felix woke up about a week ago from their comas,” Changbin smiled 
     “Did they find Seungmin?”
     “They did. Minho said they brought K-9 out because Jeongin wouldn’t tell them where he was. They found him chained up in a cellar under the cabin. He was doing the bare minimum to keep him alive and it looked like he was beating him from what Jisung said. Ji rode back in the ambulance and Minho followed them back.”
     “How long was he down there?”
     “He hasn’t said anything since they found him. Minho’s with him right now.”
     Y/n nodded, playing with the thin hospital blanket. 
     “Hey. This isn’t your fault. Jeongin manipulated you. No one blames you. He already confessed to having paid someone to hit the car that put the guys in a coma and kidnapped you and Seungmin as well as confessed to the assaults. He’s going to jail for a long time,” Changbin assured her and grabbed her hand, “The detectives still want your statement and the guys want to see you too.”
     “Can you be here when I give the statement?”
     “Yeah. Want me to let the detectives know you’re ready?”
     Y/n nodded and Changbin called the detectives letting them know she was awake and ready to talk. The two detectives were down at the hospital within a few minutes. Changbin sat quietly in his chair while she talked about what happened in the cabin. She could feel him seething next to her but didn’t say anything. At least till the detectives left. 
     “Say it Bin,” Y/n sighed
     “What?” he asked
     “I can feel your anger from here.”
     “I’m mad for you. Not at you. How could you tell them about that so calmly?”
     “Started dissociating when it would happen. Can we just stop talking about it?”
     “Okay,” Changbin agreed, “The detectives also grabbed your personal belongings from the cabin. Nothing is evidence, just have to go to the station and get them, okay?”
     “Can you go get them for me?” 
     “Yeah. Ji said he’d come by later so I could go back home and sleep properly. We just didn’t want you to be alone when you woke up.”
     “Thanks,” Y/n smiled as a knock came from the door. She jumped a bit but was relieved when it was just the doctor 
     “Ms. L/n. It’s nice to see you awake,” she smiled
     “Thanks,” Y/n said
     “There’s a couple of things I wanna go over with you.”
     “Do you want me to leave?” Changbin asked
     “You can stay bin.”
     “Alright. We ran a few tests while you were asleep to make sure everything was okay. No major damage to any bones or organs thankfully. I do want you to talk to a therapist about what you went through. Events like this can be very traumatic and we want to give you a safe space to talk about it.”
     “One of the tests we ran was a pregnancy test and it did come back positive.”
     “I’ll give you some time to think about where you want to go from here with the pregnancy. Please think it through, I’ll have our hospital psychiatrist come down and talk to you later today, okay.”
     “Okay,” Y/n nodded
     The doctor gave her one last smile before she left the room. Y/n took a shaky breath as she fell further into the pillow.
     “Hey, don’t cry.” Bin grabbed a tissue and wiped her tears, “We’ll figure it out. Okay?”
     “I don’t want to carry a piece of him with me, Bin,” Y/n cried
     “You don’t have to, okay? This is your decision. I’ll help you out with anything you need.”
     Y/n nodded her head as Changbin hugged her. Trying to comfort her as best as he could. Getting her calmed down after a few minutes and opted just to change the subject before Jisung showed up, hiding a batch of Felix’s brownies.
     “He wasn’t sure if you were ready to see him so he just sent them with me,” he explained
     “I’m gonna go pick up your stuff from the police station and grab you some clothes for when you get discharged, okay?” Changbin said as he checked he had everything
     “Okay,” Y/n nodded 
     “Have they said anything about discharging her?” Jisung asked
     “No. The doctor came in earlier but just went over the tests.”
     “Ah. Okay. I’ll keep you updated then.”
     Changbin nodded and left the room.
     “Want a brownie?” Jisung asked
     “Yeah,” Y/n smiled
     Y/n was thankful Jisung didn’t ask anything. Just kept her company till Changbin came back with her things and until the psychiatrist came in to talk to her. By the next morning, they were discharging her with clear instructions to take it easy and set up a meeting with a therapist. Changbin drove her back to her apartment. Getting up to the building and looking up at it.
     “You don’t have to go up. Chan won’t mind you staying with us. We have the spare room,” Changbin offered, noticing her hesitation
     “All my stuff is up there…”
     “I can come over and grab stuff.”
     “... You sure I can stay with you and Chan?”
     “I’ll drop you off with Chan then come back and get some of your stuff.”
     “Thank you.”
     Changbin let Chan know the situation threw a few quick texts before heading to his place. Chan met her outside and helped her out of the car. Changbin promised to be back as soon as he could before driving off.
     “Long time no see,” Chan smiled as he brought her inside.
     Y/n sat on the couch as Chan grabbed her some water and a blanket. “I’m sorry I didn’t visit you in the hospital…” She finally said
     “Ah. I barely even noticed.” Chan waved it off, “I’m just glad you’re safe.”
     “I should have listened to you guys…”
     “Y/n, stop blaming yourself. You were as much of a victim of him as we were.”
     “But if I never met him then none of this would happened.”
     “Y/n, I think Jeongin would have come into your life one way or another,” Chan said
     “No buts. He’s criminally insane and is where he belongs. None of this is your fault.”
     “Can I have a hug?”
     “Of course.”
     Chan moved closer to her and wrapped his arms around her. He turned on a comfort movie per her request till Changbin got back. The two let her shower and ordered dinner for the three of them, checking on her every so often.
     Nights were the worst for her. Most of the time she didn’t sleep, when she did she’d have nightmares. Chan and Changbin both offered to stay with her but the thought of sharing a bed with someone after her ex was worse. They both understood and gave her her space. Eventually, Felix and Hyunjin came around. Telling her they didn’t blame her for what happened, just glad she got out.
     The guys all helped her as best they could. Even helping her find a therapist and getting back to her normal life. Y/n was lucky her old job understood what happened and welcomed her back into the company, with a remote position till she was ready to come back to the office on her own. She wasn’t going to complain— especially with the pay raise.
     Y/n was in the middle of working when Changbin knocked on her door. “You got a second?”
     “Yeah,” Y/n said as she turned to him
     “Minho texted me earlier and said Seungmin was getting discharged from the hospital. Felix wants to do something small at one of our places for everyone getting out of the hospital. Chan offered for us to do it here as long as you’re okay with it,” Changbin said
     “Something small?” Y/n asked for conformation
     “Yeah. A movie night or something.”
     “Okay. I’ll let them know. Also, Seungmin’s talking again and he gave his statement but he does want to talk to you too.”
     “I don’t know. Minho didn’t tell me much. Just that he wanted to talk to you.”
     “I don’t think it’s going to be bad Y/n. You guys both went through something traumatic. It might help for you guys to talk about it to someone who understands.
     Y/n nodded before he left her to finish up her work. The movie night was planned for the end of the week when everyone was free. The group ordered pizza— something simple— and had a list of movies to watch. Y/n stuck next to Changbin for most of the first movie. 
     She looked down at her phone as it vibrated with a text notification 
Seungmin: I don't want to disturb the movie but can we talk?
                 maybe outside?
Y/n: yeah
     The two quietly got up and went outside. It was starting to cool off from the afternoon sun as they sat at a small table that was outside. 
     “How have you been?” Y/n asked
     “Better i guess. How about you?” Seungmin asked 
     “Better. Therapy helps a bit.”
     Seungmin nodded, “I’m sorry Y/n.”
     “Why are you sorry?”
     “Back when we broke up, about a month before, I had met Jeongin. He’d seemed normal and harmless at the time but it was a short lived friendship. He’d threatened me to break up with you when I mentioned wanting to propose to you. I hadn’t told him much about you but he seemed to know everything about you and our relationship. I thought he was joking then he…”
     “He’d pulled a gun on me. He watched me send the break up text then told me I wasn’t going to see you again and I guess that’s when I was technically kidnapped?”
     “Wait. He had you for almost a year and a half?”
     “Yeah… He threatened to kill me a lot but I think he got off on the idea of making me watch you two.”  “Wait, what do you mean watch?”
     “The police didn’t tell you?”
     “Tell me what?”
     “He had security cameras in the cabin and your place. For a year he forced me to watch the two of you together and in the cabin.”
     Y/n sat back, taking in the info. She felt disgusted with herself knowing that. 
     “He’d come down to the cellar because I was trying to pull the chains off the wall to get out. I saw you send the text on the cameras and tried distracting him longer in case someone immediately showed up.”
     “He kept bringing you up… that night he thought I was thinking about you when we were—“
     “You don’t have to relive it Y/n. I watched him do it to you for a month. I just never had the audio for it.”
     “I'm sorry, Min.”
     “This is not your fault, Y/n. I should have done something to protect you and I didn’t.”
     “He threatened your life Min. What were you supposed to do?”
     “Anything other than what happened. It still keeps me up at night knowing I —“
     “Min,” Y/n grabbed his hand, holding it in hers, “He had a gun on you. You couldn’t have done anything.”
     Seungmin looked down at their hands and covered hers with his other, “Doesn’t stop me wishing I could go back in time and stop this from ever happening.”
     “We can’t though. Just have to try and get past it.”
     Seungmin nodded and squeezed her hands. Y/n stood and offered him a hug. Seungmin gladly accepted and wrapped his arms around her tightly 
     “How about we help each other heal?”
     “I’d like that.”
     Y/n pulled away and looked at him. “You were going to propose?”
     “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I?” Seungmin smiled before they heard a bang behind them. 
     Both looked after getting a bit freighted from the noise and saw their friends. Watching them.
     “I’m going to kick their asses,” Seungmin groaned 
     Y/n giggled, seeing the old Seungmin was still there.
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wangxianficfinder · 17 days
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Fic Finder
June 20th
1. Hi! I would really appreciate some help yo find two fics!
A) The first was a fic in which LZ is a concertist (maybe violin or cello?) And was going home after a concert when it starts to rain and he goes into a book store, where Wen Qing works, and behind the book store there is a coffee shop, LZ sits near the bar and interacts a little w a-yuan, then WY plays a song and LZ finds his passion for music again or something like that. I don't quite remember the rest
B) the second one was one in which, during seclusion(? LZ finds a book his mom wrote that had gardening tips inside, so he starts tending to the garden however he can without being able to leave his house. Eventually he discovers that the book isn't just about gardening but instead about a different kind of cultivation involving plants, and that with it he might be able to bring back WY. He works hard on it and is eventually able to do it. I don't quite remember the other details @katt-patt
FOUND! for you, andante by xuanxuanwo (ostentatiouslyrealistic) (T, 35k, WangXian, Modern AU, Music, Musicians, Pianist LWJ, Guitarist WWX, Kid Fic, Coffee Shops, Bookstores, Existential Crisis, Unrelated JGY & QS, Friendship, Romance, Light Angst, Happy Ending)
FOUND! From my heart's ground. by orange_crushed (E, 37k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, Corporal Punishment, Canon-Typical ViolenceVomiting, Injury Recovery, Trauma, Blood Magic, Elemental Magic, Gardens & Gardening, Resurrection, Dissociation, First Time, Oral Sex, Language of Flowers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Cultivation......... Literally, Arson, Self-Harm, Self-Harm for Blood Magic Reasons, Suicidal Thoughts, Spiritual Coma, Brief Reference to Temporary Incontinence as a Result of Said Coma, Self-Esteem Issues)
2. Ok I’ve been avoiding doing this bc it feels rude to ask for pwp (not rude at all! We take all types of asks ^^ - Mod C) so you can ignore this if you want, but I’ve been looking for this one fic that was dragon lwj and Fox wwx, in like a magical forest, and I specifically remember a scene where wwx is in heat and everyone knows but he’s just playing with children and messing around near a water source until lwj comes out and finds him and if you can find it for me I will love you forever thank you
FOUND? #2 it's "Budding Chrysanthemum" by Anonymous. Looks like its deleted from ao3 but i have a copy ~imstillthinkingaboutithmm
3. Hello! I'm looking for this fic where modern!wwx gets sent to the world of mdzs and spends a year there before going back to the modern world. I remember that he was roommates with modern!wq and that during the year he was gone modern!wq and modern!jc put up missing posters for him
FOUND? Wrong Turn, Right Place by diamondbruise (E, 71k, WangXian, Time Travel, kind of, it’s more reality travel but there’s modern wwx and cultivator lwj, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jealousy, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Misunderstandings, Cultural Differences)
4. hi!! I love your blog, it has helped me massively in finding fics to read ❤️ This is my first time asking for a fic so I don't know if I'm doing something wrong okay? I'd like to request help in finding a fic...
It was like a time traveler fic with Wangxian where they were saying goodbye to each other as Wei Wuxian left the cloud recesses lectures. It was in Lan Xichen pov.
They were declaring their intent to court each other, LWJ said that he will come with a dizi as his first courting gift. WWX said that he would become a famous cultivator and court LWJ by 22 yrs but then LWJ said 22 yrs is too late and WWX should court him at 19.
Lan Xichen also remarked that WWX gave the Compass of Evil & some other inventions to the lan sect and they would be very fine courtship gifts with the proper presentation
Could you all help me in finding this fic? It was part of a series too
FOUND? Wait, What? by MarbleGlove (G, 1k, WangXian, Time Travel, POV Outsider)
5. I'm trying to find a fanfic of alternative/time travel ghost Wei Wuxian taking care of Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen, the story takes place after the siege and he somehow ended up in a time just after madam lan's death and finds Lan Wangji in the snow, only Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen can see him, later on he gets Qingheng-Jun out of seclusion (he can see him too it just isn't revealed until later. @samriajack
FOUND! Waiting by Morgana_avalon (G, 46k, WangXian, LXC & LWJ, Short Story, LWJ is five year old, LXC is eight year old, LWJ as a boy kneeling in the snow at the jingshi waiting for his mama to return, brothers looking out for each other, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, canon divergent but also canon compliant, Mystery, Mysticism, Chenqing, Bichen, happy endings, The Qilin, Based on the TV-series and not the novel)
6. Hi I need your help again oh great master of finding fic so I don't remember the name obviously but I know it's a podfic so here's what I remember Madame Lan is alive she was released by uncle Lan and she travel to yiling
And meant little wei ying where he told her his parents' names and then she went and tried to find their bodies and she did find her bodies and then she took their swords for their son and then she traveled with wei ying and this is a serious but it's not complete yet and I'm kind of want to read it but if the podficer is going to pops it all I want to hear it so please help me find it
7. Hii, okay so this one is kind of harder :(, I am looking for this fic where idek what is going on but what I really do remember is them sleeping together during the indocrination (sounds wrong lol) but what I mean is that everyone is all of a sudden closer and instead of sleeping in the beds the wens gave them and also not do anything, they separated the girls and put up privacy walls using their robes? to give them privacy. I can't remember anything else sorry. @thatperson0-0
8. Also, for the next FF, I kind of remember reading a fic where WWX was desperate to get somewhere fast and I think they managed to get Li'l Apple to ride a sword? (Probably 2 or 3 swords tandem, a single sword would have to be an FF7 buster sword to fit a donkey.) maybe they carried her? @mreisse
9. Hi! This is for fic finder. It's modern au where WWX was a chef i think? He worked in restaurant with wen chao. That restaurant was owned by wen ruohan i think. But wen chao did something that makes WWX gets fired. Then near the end of the story i think, LWJ invited WWX to his music performance (not sure about this part. Its either he invited WWX or WWX wants to tell LWJ something). But when WWX arrived, he noticed that the kitchen is a mess. He found out that LWJ hire Jin Zixun as chef because Jin Zixun bothered him too much. And then WWX takes over the kitchen. Thats all i think. Thank you! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
#9 is right! I can't open the link so i search for another website and i found it in SquidgeWorldArchive for registered user only
FOUND! i swim in hollow lakes carved from memories by spookykingdomstarlight (T, 154k, WangXian, XiYao, Modern AU, Coffee Shops & Cafés, Music, Baking, Social Media, Misunderstandings, Consequences of Fake Dating Schemes, Flashbacks, Vlogger WWX, Professional Musician LWJ, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mistakes, Pining, Matchmaking, Romance, Illnesses, Slow Burn, Background SangNing, POV Multiple, Second Chances) I think it was wc not jzx who was hired, otherwise matches
10. hello!!! I'm looking for a fic where WWX falls into a underground cave and encounters a dragon in his disciple era and takes a sword that transform him into a dragon. I really can't remember what happens next, only that he goes on his rogue cultivator arc and later on find LWJ but believes that's his descendants and not LWJ himself. I'm going to keep looking but maybe you are luckier than me and find it first.
FOUND? Our Immortal Blood by Saori (M, 81k, WangXian, Alternate Universe, Temporary Character Death, Minor Character Death, Platonic Relationships, Family Feels, Blood and Injury, Night Hunts, Monsters, Immortality, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Slow Burn, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Marriage Proposal, Angst with a Happy Ending)
11. For fic finder: It was a WangXian arranged marriage au. What I remember is that the two did not have sex on their wedding night and this caused a rift. For Wuxian who grew up in Yunmeng culture it was a huge offense that Wangji wouldn’t sleep with him, but Wangji didn’t know this because it was standard practice in the Lan clan not to sleep together (I think the Lans had a designated month or something where they had sex). Basically cultural differences in expectation caused the boys to be uncertain around each other. I think Yanli eventually pulls Xichen aside and scolds him for how the Lan have “slighted” Wuxian this way. 
FOUND? In Love and War by Cataclysmic_Calamity (E, 68k, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Canon Divergence, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Arranged Marriage, Kind of a slow burn, enemies to lovers ish, rampant sexual tension, Miscommunication, past emotional abuse, Dubious Consent, Consensual Non-Consent, Semi-Public Sex, Anal Fingering, Dom/sub, Anal Sex)
12. Hiya! Looking for fic, I can’t remember much of it but I remember that the Jiang’s leave Wwx at the cloud recesses during the study arc because of there abuse being revealed(?) or something about mistreatment. @candyyii
FOUND? 💖 Hoards and treasuresby  apathyinreverie (T, 21k, WangXian, Siblings, Family, not particularly Jiang friendly, YZY Bashing, slightly darker Gusu Lans, LXC being the best brother, Some manipulation, But with the best of intentions, and   not between wangxian, Dragon LWJ, Fox WWX, Smitten LWJ, Fluff, perfect   happiness, adorable WWX, Romance, Some worldbuilding, courting)
FOUND? 💙 Holding shreds by barisan (T, 5k, WangXian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, No Sunshot Campaign, Body Swap, Not for sexy shenanigans, Chronic Pain, Hurt WWX, Hurt LWJ, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Abusive YZY, Bad Parent YZY, Bad Parent JFM, Good Uncle LQR, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Inaccuracies, POV WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending, Not Jiāng Family Friendly, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Getting Together, Smart WWX)
FOUND? 🔒 in the shadow of moonlit flowers by Reverie (cl410) (T, 56k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, cloud recesses, NHS & LWJ friendship, developing relationship, LWJ pov, minor injuries, autistic LWJ, implied/referenced child abuse, aka YZY warning, genius WWX, light angst, hurt/comfort, WWX protection squad)
13. I’ve been looking for this one fic that I just can’t remember much about
I don’t remember how it happens but WWX and LWJ have an arranged marriage (I think or something along this premise) WWX doesn’t want to get married and fights it the entire time but LWJ is steadfast in getting married to WWX. Like WWX tries to come up with so many excuses and LWJ is in love with WWX. I know JC, JFM, JYL, and YZY are all in it.
I remember JFM asking WWX if he really thinks LWJ will mistreat him. WWX says no but still doesn’t want to get married.
It ends with them getting married but WWX still saying he doesn’t want to get married.
It’s a one shot but I think I remember being in a series and having a second part to it. I remember there being art at the end showing them getting married but WWX whining about it.
Im making this sounds kinda angst/non consensual but it’s a comedy pretty sure the whole is just WWX being in denial of his feelings @trashyjen
FOUND?🔒Another Kind of Marriage by Titans_R_Us (T, 1k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, supportive families, Fluff and Crack)
14. Hi, thank you so much for your great work . For the next fic finder, can you please find me a fic. I don't remember much, just that Lan Zhan takes Wei Ying and the wens and hides them in a secret hidden village. That village is where Lan Wangji's mother's home . Lan Zhan has a maternal grandpa and a cousin, I think Lan Xichen finds out about the place eventually 🤔.
FOUND? pale shadows of forgotten names by Chrononautical (T, 56k, wangxian, Madam Lán Lives, Madam Lán Deserves Better, Good Sibling LXC, Badass LXC, He gets there in the end it just takes a while, Not particularly JGY friendly, Gūsū Lán Sect Rules, Canon-Typical Behavior, Unresolved Sexual Tension, the universal fear of growing up to become one of your parents, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives AU, Except WN but he’s very polite, Arranged Marriage, Forced Marriage, Imprisonment, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, not between wangxian, Drunk LWJ, to lighten the mood, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Traumatized WWX, though he will not admit it, Taking time to heal, canon-typical communication skills)
FOUND? Arbitrary by devinokaze (T, 137k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Burial Mounds Ensemble as Family, but live somewhere else, hidden society, Not Everyone Dies, POV Multiple)
15. Hey first of all thank u for doing a great job. You found a lot of the fics I wanted. I'm searching for another fic. It's post canon and wei ying was traveling alone. He meets the juniors on a night hunt and saved them from a beast I think . He gets badly hurt on the stomach and lan Zhan gets there immediately to bring him back to cloud ressesive. Lan zhan nurses him back to health but uncle wants him to leave after he recovers. I hope i can find the fic and thanks in advance @smarti1997
FOUND? A Lot of Edges Called Perhaps by hansbekhart (E, 22k, WangXian, Semi-Public Sex, Public Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Anal Sex, Sex in the cold springs, Mutual Pining, Grief/Mourning, Injury Recovery, Ethical Dilemmas, Ethical Edging, and Boners for Justice, It takes a long time for them to bone but they get there, Risk Aware Consensual Patience, Edgeplay sort of, 20K words of sad horniness, Happy Ending, Just the tip but not the way you're thinking) This probably isn't the right one for 15 but A Lot of Edges Called Perhaps is nearly identical to the description but with the roles reversed (Lan Wangji is injured in the stomach and Wei Wuxian takes care of him during his recovery).
16. hello! I’m looking for a fic that was a modern setting AU and it follows wei ying as a poor teacher I believe( I’m not 100% sure on that, but it’s essential to the plot that he has little money but continues to pay for lan zhan’s services) and one day he stumbles across a website or something and lan zhan is a dom and Wei Yang pays for his service. I’m a big fuzzy on the details but I’m pretty sure there was a spicy scene with the two of them in front of a mirror. And then they continue their sessions and one day they run into each other in a grocery store by wei ying house. Thank you so much for your hard work!!! @bittersweet-loveliness
17. for the next ficfinder can you help me find this fic? im pretty sure it's called Brothers in Law, where Jiang Chen and Lan Zhan go back in the past, don´t remember much but i think Wen Xu was kinda obssessed with Wei Ying, didn't find it in ao3 but hopefully it wasn't deleted, thxx @omgnuttytale
FOUND! Brother-In-Law’s by Loveable_Psychopath (M, 332k, JYL/JZX, wangxian, JC/WQ, canon divergence, time travel fix-it, Memories, Butterfly Effect, Sexual assualt, Self Harm, Self Doubt, BAMF JC, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Rape/Non-con Elements, Rape Recovery, Threats of Rape/Non-Con, Everyone Lives au, PTSD, good parent YZY, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Depression, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Canon-Typical Violence, Warning: JGS, Emotional Manipulation, Manipulation, Second Chances, WIP)
18. Help me find a fic pls! Wei wuxian is an omega in this one and when lan zhan (alpha) smells him he gets a strong reaction and gets into rut. Wei wuxian is basically outcastes by the lan sect and later on I think he becomes a spy?? lol pls help idk tbh 🙏🙏
FOUND?🔒Pendulum by ShippersList (M, 69k, WangXian, XiYao, Canon Divergence, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Misunderstandings, Canon-Typical Violence, Spies & Secret Agents, Fake Character Death, Slow Burn, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, BAMF WWX, Attempted Sexual Assault, Canonical Character Death, Mutual Pining, Good MY, Introspection, Self-Sacrificing WWX, Love Confessions, Protective LWJ, past child sexual abuse) from the series omegaverse murder gremlins
19. Bby gurls I need help with a fic where the juniors saw lan zhan with a person in a dress and thought he was cheating when they were getting donuts at a sleep over (they were not allowed to be out that late). The juniors planned to steal his phone during a cookout, only to find searches of him planning a trip of bora bora. Apperantly he want cheating and it was just Wei wuxian dressing up (thx bby gurls I love u)
FOUND? Junior.exe has stopped working by Luminos07 (T, 4k, WangXian, Crack Treated Seriously, Attempt at Humor, Junior Quartet Dynamics, Junior Trio Shenanigans, Crack, Humor, Comedy, What’s the tag for the juniors going through LWJ's phone?, Protective JC, Modern, no actual infidelity, Established Relationship, LWJ's sugar daddy tendencies, WWX Protection Squad)
20. hi! i'm looking for a particular fic in which there was a recurring anecdote/motif of a wife(?) who would touch the teapot to check the temperature for her husband so often in the same spot that she developed a burn scar on her hand from it. at some point in the fic wangxian had a conversation about whether or not that was romantic, and at another point the pov character (i think it was wwx?) realized that he or lwj had been doing the same thing (in a figurative way) through his actions. i think the fic was a canon era au but it could have been anything, and unfortunately i can't remember enough of the plot to find it. thank you! @ineskew
103 notes · View notes
admirxation · 4 months
the perpetual chase | chapter two
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links to other parts: part one | part three
pairing: las plagas!leon s. kennedy x fem!reader (afab) AND Chris Redfield x fem!reader (afab).
disclaimer: this fic will deal with dark content, containing topics of abuse, manipulation, non-con and under the DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT category. this is also a piece of fiction and i do not condone everything i write. you’re responsible for the content you consume and if any of the warnings make you uncomfortable, click off now.
specific chapter warnings: death, attempted suicide, mention of losing a baby, trauma, imprisonment, & mentions of postpartum depression.
word count: 4k
a/n: i’m sorry for taking forever, i had a 10,000 word uni project, but i’m free for a little bit to get some writing done. just a mention, if u want to be tagged in chapters just comment or message me (just a note if ur a blog that has no content, and is ageless i wont interact). also to note anything italicised is a flash back to a memory.
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Chapter two: Cruel Consciousness
“I’m… I’m sorry, Y/N, I love you, and I would never hurt you if… if —”
“I know Leon, I know who you are, but… I don’t think the real you can survive now.”
“I know… That’s why I need you to kill me right now… Please, I can’t take it anymore. It’s too much!”
“I’m sorry, Leon. I wish it had happened differently.”
“We would have been happier… l love you.”
“I love you too.”
The sensation of searing pain ripped through, the deafening roar of gunfire, and the overwhelming rush of fear and adrenaline flooded the mind. Voices were barely whispers, attempts to sit up and continue survival were slim to nothing; the vision was blurry, surroundings darkening as if god pulled the night sky in front of the peripheral. Right then and there, the feeling of coldness and abandonment set in, clouding every inch of known existence; it was so cold, with no warmth or comfort, just stranded in a vein of mystery that would forever be kept locked up like a forgotten trinket that has nothing left for existence but to collect dust, and be apart of fond memories — and only memories. Haunting silence set the scene — at first — with the icy tendrils creeping through the veins, numbness. Until a blood-curdling scream was released into the unknown and dark atmosphere.
In cold sweat with tears brimming up in his eyes, Leon had awoken from an icy cold abandonment, realising his sudden reality, remembering the feeling of unknown silence for years — he was in a coma for years, unaware and lost in his atmosphere, but had finally came back the to the material world that he knew in life. He slowly picked his limb body up, watching in utter surprise and bewilderment as he stared at his pale hands, shocked at how the light was now surrounding them and not perpetual darkness; he watched as his chest lifted up and down and appreciated how he was finally breathing, pressing his hands to his heart — it felt like a miracle a god bestowed upon him. This newfound appreciation continued when his hands travelled from his heart to his fingers pressing against his forehead damp with sweat; he couldn’t believe how his mind was clear now; there was no intrusion, no splitting of discomfort as two entities tried to squeeze into one consciousness, his mind and every physical manifestation belonged to him and only him now, feeling like there was no longer a parasite that manipulated every aspect.
That was when he remembered everything. He had constantly dreamed about you while in a coma; those final moments that resulted in his death were on replay in his mind, but when sympathy was granted to him, he would remember the sweet moments when it was an innocent crush next door. That moment in Spain was something he found comfort in consciously delving into. He sat there for a moment and remembered when he saved Ashley.
On his escape from that dreaded Island, he reminisced about how she had asked him to stay, with prominent hints. Still, he denied telling her, “I got to go see a girl back home,” while there was a tinge of disappointment in her voice, she didn’t dwell on it; she was happy and wished him well with the lucky girl; he was going to confess his feelings to you when he took Ashley back home and gotten his thank yous from the president. He had it all planned, the romantic gesture of flowers, telling you how he always looked forward to when you came knocking on his door with your cooking — he loved how caring you were for him. But after he had safely returned Ashley and gotten his thank you, he was dismissed to go back home, and that was when his reality had shifted.
He was coughing up blood, feeling weak as he tried to walk back to the car to be escorted home; he felt like it was nothing, at first, feeling like it was just exhaustion from the trip, which often happened with needing rest and to let his body fully recover from the pain and strain it went through. He ignored it at first, and it rested while he was being escorted back; he was returned home later in the night, and as the driver waved him off, he looked up to your window, noticing your silhouette move toward the curtains, smiling to himself that he knew you were still going to be up at the late hour. As he pulled his key… That was when it happened. An uncontrollable shock coursed through his body, feeling his muscles tense up and jaw clenching down as he grinned his teeth in pain, his fingers tensed up into balls of fists and collapsed on the ground as well as the bouquet he had just for you. This pain was familiar. Las Plagas. He watched his veins darkening, his body shiver in the darkness.
“I thought I was cured,” he whispered to himself, “no, no, I was cured; Ashley put me in Luis’... AH!” he tried to remain quiet, but the pain was now taking over and manipulating his autonomy.
He rushed into the darkness as people looked outside their windows in curiosity and worry, but Leon’s figure was nowhere to be found as he ran into the shadows. He remembered the tears that rolled down his cheeks as he tried to keep quiet, trying to accept his fate, as he pulled his gun from his trouser pockets and wished it ended right there not to cause harm as he saw back in that little village — all those innocent people who had lives, history, not lost from the parasite and resting in death.
“It’s not that hard; just do it,” he told himself as his shaking hand tried to pull the trigger, “you know how to shoot a gun. It’s not impossible. Don’t be a coward. Do the right thing.”
But he couldn’t do it.
The gun jammed when his finger finally pulled it back, feeling the metal shake against his head.
After that was when the parasite took over him, but unlike the people in Spain, it manifested alongside the consciousness and personality of Leon but still overpowered him—resulting in the pain and trauma caused to you. As he remembered everything that happened that night, everything he did to you, the pain he caused and how he dehumanised and objectified you — he was ashamed of himself. He remembered how he tricked you into falling in love with him, into relying on him through his abusive and manipulative behaviour; that was not who Leon was. He knew he was better than that, and he wanted to make it right with his new chance of life. Leon tried to move from the bed he was on, but his legs were unresponsive.
“Shit,” he muttered to himself as he pressed his fingers onto his legs. He could feel his fingers prodding his skin, giving him some relief that they weren’t paralysed; he needed to wait until they ‘woke up’ and allowed him to move about freely.
His body was almost… delayed; only his upper body was mobile and able to move freely, but he couldn’t just sit there and let this haunting memory eat at his conscience with guilt. He used his upper body strength to pull himself from the bed, a thud on the hard ground as he tried to move with determination, his lower body holding him back and having to drag himself like a pathetic creature. The room he was in was unfamiliar; he recognised it as an ordinary hospital room, but as he went to the door and tried to pull the door handle, a voice surrounded the room.
“I admire your determination, Leon, but you’re not getting out of here.”
That voice. That voice was familiar.
“Chris?” Leon was more confused than ever. His appreciation for a second chance at life was slowly short-lived as he lived in another nightmare. “Why am I being trapped here? Answer me!” Leon felt his anger making his face warm, desperately clawing at the door and screaming for release.
“You won’t be getting out any time soon, Leon. You’re not safe from the outside world.” Chris felt pained to tell his friend that he had to be a prisoner in this lifeless room that gave him no joy.
“Not safe! Not safe! I’m cured; that part of my mind is silenced. Why else am I in this room?”
“You’re cured… Temporally,” Chris sighed. " We’ve managed to make a supplement to keep giving you. Our team quickly made it, but a cure is still far from us.”
His heart sank. His desperation had halted and was replaced with a numbness. He thought he was finally cured, but this bliss was temporary; he needed to rely on a needle inside of him to be sane and to keep the monster within him taking everything; life was so fragile; he was so vulnerable, and this kept circulating in his mind.
Leon had pressed his back on the cold wall, tilting his head with closed eyes to process information nobody should have to deal with. ‘It isn’t fair,’ he kept thinking. It felt like a force just loved to torment him for his whole life. From his family being cruelly taken from him, Raccoon City, Spain and now this, was this all a cruel joke to a higher power? He thought to himself.
Right there — as Leon paused to be lost in a sea of thoughts — that wall opposite him had a flicker of uncertainty that danced across the seemingly bland and grey wall; Leon watched as it materialised into pixels, then watched as his attention focused further to see the wall turn into a screen. To his astonishment, it revealed Chris’ face, which he hadn’t seen in so long. It was too much to process; he could not find the words and did not know what to say as he froze. Alongside Chris, he saw strangers in the background with screens of research in front of him; he noticed a flicker of files that he had accumulated back in Spain and even saw a picture of the face of Luis in his laboratory jacket with his team when he was working for Umbrella — his heart still hurt for the man.
“What… What’s all that?” Leon managed to string some sentences together, but his voice trembled with disbelief as his hand pointed to everything behind Chris.
“It’s… complicated,” Chris replied, his gaze flickering to the monitors behind him where charts and graphs danced in a mesmerising data display. Chris’ heart pounded in his chest as he spoke to Leon; he knew he would wake up at some point but didn’t know today would be that day, especially just after he confessed his feelings for you — almost like the universe was telling him something. He took a deep breath before he continued dialogue, “It’s research for a cure… It’s still far away from us, but —” he was cut off.
“You have the files from Luis’ research; shouldn’t that be good enough? He gave me the suppressant before; isn’t that enough of a lead?!”
“It’s been a good lead, but your… situation is more complicated.” This was more bad news that Leon dreaded hearing: “With this disease… You were supposed to turn into what you encountered back in Spain, but it seems like it… evolved into something different.”
“Are you trying to say I’ve turned into some evolved creature?”
Chris laughed as he tried to turn to humour in this moment, “If you want to think of it that way, then be my guest. But the good side is that you won’t be like what you saw back in Spain. We have enough suppressants for you to remain, but until we find a cure, you’re not going anywhere.”
“What about Ashley? She was infected, too.”
“She was cured. It stayed the pure strain so she could be cured back in Spain; you were just unlucky… But try and keep some positivity; you’ll stay alive, and a cure is possible.”
A heavy silence settled over the room, broken only by the steady noise of typing by the strangers. Leon’s mind was whirling with trauma and neverending questions, with fears too vast to name or even get into. But amidst the chaos, one thing arose into Leon’s mind.
“Can I see her?” Leon’s voice was barely audible above the hum of machines, “Can I see Y/N? I want to… set things right.”
Chris’ expression softened, but Leon’s eyes filled with sadness as he begged and begged, “Please, Chris. I’m behind a wall, and I just want to tell her everything I want to. Please, while I have a sound mind.”
“As… As much as I would say that’s a good idea. She’s… um. She’s gone.”
The words hit Leon like a physical blow, knocking the breath from his lungs. Images flashed before his eyes — your smile, your laughter, the warmth of your touch. And now, all that remained was emptiness, a void that threatened to consume him whole. Guilt ate at him as he tried to agree that he couldn’t make it right. He knew he couldn’t turn back the clock and stop all the damage he caused, but he wanted to start with recognition and apologise for everything he did, even if it wasn’t his fault.
“I-I don’t believe you,” a lump in his throat hindered the audibility of his voice, “I-I’ll never get to, n-never get to,” he paused for a moment again, “Did the baby make it?”
Chris momentarily thought, “She lost it while we took her out of your… You know. I’m so sorry, Leon.”
Behind Chris, the scientists exchanged uneasy glances. One of the women tried to hold a steady position as she teared up, hearing his brokenness and the transparent lies Chris was telling him. Everyone in the room could understand, but they also saw the person behind whom they were researching and were told to be cautious. But Chris remained unchanged.
“I have to go now, Leon, but me and Jill will check up on you… We’re here to help.”
Leon nodded; he didn’t want to fight and even wanted to be left alone.
Leon felt at ease as the screen materialised back to the blank wall. He knew people were watching him, but being unable to see a range of faces made him feel alone with his thoughts. All his thoughts were just glimpses and flashes of picturing you, imagining everything he wanted to say to you, and trying to understand that you were gone. ‘I wish I were the one that remained dead,' he thought.
As Chris walked out, he bent over to the team leader. “Don’t tell him the truth,” he murmured in a low and urgent tone. “Keep up the illusion.”
That charade would continue, a fragile facade of woven lies. Leon had to deal with a reality that was just an illusion to keep up appearances. There was now a quiet stillness as Chris left the room, finding his footing to return to the area you and Mason were in. On his way, he noticed Jill standing outside, waiting for another conversation with Chris. She waved him to beckon him over, and of course, he wouldn’t ignore her — even though he wanted to after the not-too-long-ago encounter that still left a bad taste in his mouth. He stepped outside, taking in some much-needed fresh air, waiting for Jill to guide the conversation; she was eager to get her words out.
“I’m hoping you told Leon the lie we agreed on,” she raised an eyebrow, greeted by Chris nodding in agreement.
“I know why we’re not letting him out… We must find a cure before we even consider placing him somewhere. But why did we have to lie to his face about Y/N? Wouldn’t it have been better to say she didn’t want to see him?”
“If he were his normal self, he would have taken that.”
“But he is his normal self; we have a suppressant, and we have managed to keep giving him that.”
“I know, I know. But we don’t know too much about his condition. Luis’ research is limited to a single strain. I doubt we can just go to Umbrella for information,” she took a deep breath and noticed her voice raising in volume gradually, “Let’s say this strain becomes something else; it’s already evolved into another strain; it could get more serious. I would rather him think Y/N is dead so he doesn’t go after her or Mason. I’m not having her be taken away from me again… And I doubt you want that after your little moment with her.”
“Are you still mad that she and I have something?”
“No, I’m so happy I’m practically planning the wedding… What do you think, Chris?” sarcasm at its finest.
Chris sighed deeply at Jill’s stubbornness, “I’m all for protecting her, and I admire how far you’ve gone to protect her, but wouldn’t you rather that she be with someone you know? You know I’m not an awful person,” Jill wanted to open her mouth for a witty remark, “Ah, no comment from you. But back to the point, you know I won’t hurt her, and you’re round, and she’s near you for as long as possible in this quarantine zone if you suspect I’m doing her harm… Which I won’t… You’re there.”
Jill’s hardened exterior softened with the voice of reason: " I didn’t think I would say this, but you’re right, Chris. I just have to get used to it, but I swear if you hurt her, I will do way worse and won’t keep you alive like I am with Leon.”
Chris nodded in acceptance.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
You sat alone in a dimly lit room, your only company with the shadows and the ambient noises across the walls, hearing the occasional footsteps outside your living quarters and the soft hum of the air conditioning filling the silence as you stared at the blank wall, with a still expression. Chris was beside you, and you felt his warm breath and the scratch of his facial hair on your arm; it was strange to have him sleeping soundly beside you. You had spoken to Jill with Chris while Mason was getting his lessons, and there was no point in keeping the secret up. At the same time, it did take away a specific aspect of fun; it was a lot less stressful to keep it from her. All you were doing now was waiting a little longer before Mason knew about it — but that was no worry since Chris was a father figure for him while you were raising him.
Alone with your thoughts, you couldn’t help but drift back to the memories of Leon. You were getting tired of this same routine of having a romantic connection with Chris and then looking back, but you also were patient with yourself, knowing you weren’t going to get over this; no matter how many years passed, it would only be a little easier to cope with but never get over. These memories would invade your memory like an unwelcome ghost haunting and tormenting, stirring up a tumultuous mix of emotions within you. The guilt gnawed at you as you felt like a prisoner even with Leon in the grave, feeling like a fool with the clutches of Stockholm syndrome keeping you and making it unable to break free.
However, as you sat there — lost in your memories and thoughts — another thought started to take the forefront: your conversation with Jill a year after your rescue.
You remembered that night; it was a year from your rescue, and within that year, you thought about so much. The year started with the early days of raising Mason; oh, how much of a darling he was when he was tiny. Before you had given birth to him, you were so excited every time you looked at the ultrasound, your heart skipping a beat every time you thought about how close it was until you could finally touch him, skin to skin, and introduce him to the world. When you saw that face, tears of joy rolled down as you looked at the life you brought into the world; you didn’t care how much he looked like Leon — at that moment — all you cared about was the relief you felt when knowing he was healthy and didn’t have a strain of infection in his veins, you had the privilege of having a beautiful and healthy baby.
But as the months went on, it was getting hard to cope with life after pregnancy; Mason was no trouble, not fussy, and was quite an easy baby; you even had Chris and Jill help to look after him, so you had nothing to complain about. But you remembered how fatigued your eyes were; every day felt like a struggle to continue. You remembered how your body weighted you down and your spirits corrupted with the weight of postpartum. The medical staff were dismissive at first, but after seeing your condition, they began to take a look at it more; it was only more accessible with people by your side. You felt like you were drowning, then suffocating beneath the waves of sadness and emptiness that threatened to consume your every waking moment. But while you were in your solitude, you had time to think, to deeply remember and process what had happened to you, and think deeply about Leon. That was when you built up the courage to ask Jill everything your mind wouldn’t silence itself about.
Your memories echoed that picture as you remembered how you sat across from Jill, your fingers nervously tapping against the tabletop, and you couldn’t shake off that nagging feeling that something wasn’t right for a long time; your mind had delved into a strain that had a gut feeling that there was more to the story that Jill let on. You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the conversation you couldn’t sit in silence about anymore.
“Jill,” you began hesitantly, “I need to ask you something.” You had her full attention, and she smiled before she knew exactly what you wanted to discuss. “I have to ask you about Leon.”
Jill’s eye flickered. You didn’t know this then, but her mind was racing to string together words to maintain an appearance, an illusion. She deeply breathed, “What do you want to know?”
You hesitated; your mind raced with the words and everything you wanted to ask, “I… Did… Did Leon actually… die?” Jill looked at you with false confusion.
“Of course he did… Don’t you remember you pulled the trigger, Y/N,”
“What did you do with this body?”
“Excuse me?”
“I killed him… okay… but you wouldn’t have just left his corpse there. You wanted to keep this secret from the general public, or so I’m told, so you wouldn’t have let it stay there for anybody to come across,” Jill was panicking; you didn’t know since she managed to keep a calm composure, but she wasn’t expecting these questions and thoughts from you.
“Well, we didn’t tell you this, but we got some other people to collect him, and we were taken; we don’t know where, but he is dead and was taken care of… I’m sorry.”
You had a gut feeling that she was lying; Jill’s voice had sowed seeds of doubt, and the root of uncertainty grew with each passing moment. You couldn’t keep a straight mind after that and kept thinking, but raising Mason and the constant medical checks was a good distraction.
You continued to stare at the blank wall, with that moment replaying. To this day, you still feel like there is more to the story, like everyone is caught up with the truth, and you kept in the dark. You didn’t want to ignore your gut feeling. Still, for the years you called this place home, you were given no evidence to have doubt but just your ideas from decoding Jill’s demeanour, body language, and how she avoided your gaze in conversations about Leon and what had happened years ago.
But another bit of curiosity crept upon you—the restricted area. You were told that there were just experiments and research on the bioweapons from Umbrella; Jill showed you pictures of the enemies she and Chris encountered, but you thought about how Leon would be a good suspect for experimentation after you learned about where he had gotten infected.
‘What if he’s there?’ you thought.
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my links: masterlist | ao3 | kofi
taglist: @cassiecasluciluce @itzkawaiix @pastel-skies-and-doves @argreion
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mirai-desu · 4 months
On the MSATD News
I didn't have time to post a knee-jerk reaction (which those of you from the Downton days know I was apt to do - thank you to all my long term mutuals of my side blog for sticking with me through those days), as I saw the news as I was getting ready to head out for work and it's been… a bit of a day.
Suffice it to say… I am devastated. And my initial reaction was (well after cursing), that it should have ended with S4, but with a different (happier) conclusion. It's called Miss Scarlet AND THE DUKE for a reason. And after all that happened in S4… it really feels like… what was it all for?? Especially if they knew WHEN FILMING THIS?? "Goodbye for now" is NOT "goodbye forever." They really, really really fumbled this.
There's a lot of theories going around, and I will admit it's too hard for me to listen to Stuart's new interview, but going off what other's have said and the parts of the transcript I did manage to read… I just cannot feel like this was actually his decision unless there's something else going on with him (either in his personal life or maybe he has some secret role he's got, because supposedly he hasn't worked since he did ADR on S4). He's been the captain of the ship, and he has always been enthusiastic with discussing the show and had just great insight into playing William. It doesn't feel like he himself was ready to move onto other things (and that's not even how it's worded - some BS about how the show needed it him to be gone for ~longevity~ of the show), like I've seen with other actors are on shows (e.g. Dan Stevens). He still promoted S3 (which came out in the UK after they filmed S4), he still even promoted S4! He was an executive producer for S4!!! Nothing makes sense!
So if it's due to RN… why keep having the other characters say William was only going to be gone a year? Why bother to have the flashback? why bother to have him stay at at Eliza's to recover?? hell I'm surprised they just didn't keep in the coma then--
But really, why even bother to have Eliza write to him? Or have Ivy say what she said to her?? The time apart was supposed to be them looking at their options. They literally foreshadowed him joining Eliza at her agency upon his return. So… what happened?
If it was actually for personal reasons that Stuart left, he has a right to his privacy. But then they should have rewritten S4 to be the end then, since they knew all this time. I can't believe we are getting the full story on this, one way or the other. The more and more I think about it... I do think it was RN's doing though.
Just two nights ago I drafted up a whole meta extolling how one of the best things this show has done has been how they developed William and how he grew as a character. The progression he made as he not only accepted Eliza having a career but encouraging her. His mentorship of Fitzroy. How he came from nothing, from a teenager living on the streets, to become an inspector at Scotland Yard. But they have chosen to toss that all out the window.
Who knows, maybe S5 ends with Eliza deciding to go to New York. But it doesn't seem like they are handling this like Babington's absence in Sanditon. They will make Eliza quickly fall for someone else, and slap fans in the face who have been following their friends to lovers slow burn for five years (because we had to wait for S2 in the first place thanks to the pandemic). And what sucks is that we still got promo saying they are in love with each other. From Stuart, from Kate, from Rachael New herself. We have still gotten promo promoting the romance. Why not have them have a big fight then or something, idk. They gave us hope. And you know what Fellowes says about false hope.
So I'm just supposed to believe that William gives up on Eliza and doesn't return…? No, I cannot. As much as we hated the deaths on DA when they wrote out actors, at least those characters still died in love with their spouses. And while I'd still be foaming at the mouth in anger if they killed him off… yeah.
William's last lines of the show is a flashback including him saying "is it all worth it?" And the answer is… no it's not.
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fecto-forgo · 7 months
pokepasta masterlist
masterlist of all pokemon creepypastas ive read so far, at someones request+for funsies.ranges from "everyone knows this one" to "deviantart user heaven" to "wiki recommended at 2 am"
(note ill be linking each pastas latest version if they have been rewritten, either by the creator or done with their permission.shouldnt be hard to hunt their original versions if you wanna see smth you remember from old days)
lost silver (fan game in link)
strangled red
glitchy red (r slur is used in a certain part)
buried alive (rom hack)
hypno's lullaby* (song cover)
easter egg:snow on mt silver (fan game) (fan game 2)
(creepy) black (rom hack)
lavender town syndrome (supposed original song)
ash's coma
satanic lavender town (rom hack) (alt ending rom)
HM slave
tommy boy
my shining star
forever mine (TW for suicide in this one)
explorers of death
bad egg manaphy
nasty plot
pokemon dead channel
pokemon dead channel 2
pokepark wii:pikachu's return
my guardian angel
pokemon lovelost
flames of life
fallen leaf
event gone wrong
little red rabbit
tarnished gold (short rom)
battery ditto
dark green
abandon lonliness (rom hack)
prevention of evolution
lonely pikachu
blue tears (rom hack (flashing cw))
i love you, doll!
hell bell
stained silver
false pokémon copies news report
*as far as i can tell the creepypasta is mostly the song, as looking it up shows multiple different stories based off of it+w the fnf mods name its now impossible to properly hunt a supposed original down as it takes over the results
escape from lavender town:game maker game using assets of pokemon yellow based on the lavender town syndrome rumors, very short, heavy flashing warning, the sequence after the game is closed might induce nausea.
uhcakip.exe and it's prequel pokemon death version:screamer games with some flashing by the creator of IHATEYOU.exe, the much more known mario creepypasta game, they're no longer downloadable but have full gameplays up
pokemon monochrome ask blog:ask blog made by person responsible for a lot of the stories linked here! has full art n photos, huge recommend! (note:the chrono tag feature is usually broken on mobile tumblr, open it on desktop mode on a browser if it leads to an empty page)
purin's lullaby:archival wiki for an old DeviantArt ARG, the link will take you to the timeline page, i havent looked much myself but i believe enough links have survived the test of time you can understand it (not to be mistaken w FNF's purin, they just share the design)
this list will be updated as i read more, feel free to suggest any not here
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
OKAY I’m back on my theory bullshit. Spoilers for all the things below.
I was thinking about this post I wrote forever ago about how I thought we were dealing with past!Solomon rather than present!Solomon.
I also had a theory that there were two Solomons since he seemed to be inexplicably changing his outfits for no reason. (I didn't put that one in the masterlist and I admit that I didn't go looking for it lol. It's on my blog somewhere, possibly in one of my lesson related rants.)
And THEN I was thinking nah it has to be that these are all the same characters from the present & they’ve just had their memories erased.
Barbatos knows what’s going on. That seems plain enough to me.
Isn’t it possible that being eighth on the list was just an excuse? Because he can’t tell MC the true reason for his anger. So he's doing it for MC's sake and to keep up appearances? It doesn't really matter, though, 'cause this post ain't about him lol.
I still think my original theory about Solomon might be right, but there are a couple other things I think might be happening.
MASSIVE DISCLAIMER: I love Solomon. I always have, I always will. I don't mind if other people don't like him, I totally get it. We all have characters we don't like. But I just wanted to be clear, it's all good either way and I think everyone's opinion is valid. <3
Scenario One: We really did go back in time and this really is a past version of all the characters. Events are now being changed due to MC's presence.
Scenario Two: We're in a simulation of the past, these are all the same present characters, but with their memories wiped. This is why events are happening differently than how they did before.
Scenario Three: None of the characters are real and the whole thing is a simulation and MC has been in a coma all along.
I don't really think it's that last one, but man if that turns out to be it, I will be so angry.
Anyway, I think we're either dealing with past!Solomon who knows stuff because he knows Nightbringer and/or because he used Barb's powers to look into the future to learn about MC (see my original post for more about that) OR we're dealing with someone disguising themselves as Solomon part of the time (thus the changing outfits).
There has to be a reason why they showed us that hard lesson where Michael took on Raphael's entire appearance to travel to the Devildom himself. (Though I admit the reason could just have been about Michael and nothing to do with trying to showcase how identities can be misleading.)
If characters can do that, who's to say that isn't what Nightbringer's been doing all along?
And I can't imagine who Nightbringer would pretend to be other than Solomon, the one who knows the most about what's happening, the one who's currently closest to MC, the one who could actually influence how things go at this point.
This nonsense has been stewing in my brain since April. I'm so annoyed, I just wanna know what happens so I don't have to think about it anymore, even if it's a terrible resolution that I hate lol.
Anyway, that's it. I just needed to rant about it for a minute. I'm gonna go back to fic writing now. It's much healthier for my mental state.
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guess-that-ship · 4 months
Potential Reasons Why Submissions Are Rejected
Do you wonder why your ship was rejected? Well, here's some potential reasons why:
(all examples provided are written by me and are not intended to be a ship from any existing media)
1. The summary described the story, not the relationship
This is perhaps the most common reason why I reject a ship. This is ultimately subjective, but I should be able to get a clear picture of their relationship just from one summary. Just describing the story does not do that.
Example: "A is the newly-appointed ruler of his kingdom, and B is his childhood friend. After a prophesied calamity threatens to wipe out humanity, they go on a journey fighting monsters, meeting new people, and grow to become better people overall. They fall in love, and the story ends with them kissing."
Cool story, but what about their relationship? This doesn't tell me anything about it.
2. The summary was too specific
I feel like some submissions just give too many details that can give a ship away immediately. This doesn't stop every ship from being recognized immediately--I can't know every single piece of media--but I think it helps stops the majority.
Example: "These two characters are aliens who are also pirates. They are rivals, but in one battle on the moon, A severely injures B, resulting in her falling into a coma. A feels bad, and everyone agrees she went too far. A ends up going on a journey to revive B, and it ends with A confessing her feelings to B. B reciprocates, and they decide to end their rivalry and be together forever."
The mere mention of alien pirates would narrow it down a lot. The battle on the moon narrows it down even further. This probably would be acceptable if you removed some of the more defining details.
3. The summary was too vague/not unique
The opposite of #2, summaries like these just feel like they've been done a million times before. Try your best to make your submission stand out!
Example: "A falls in love with their best friend, B. After much deliberation, they confesses to them, but B does not reciprocate, leaving them heartbroken."
This could describe a multitude of ships. Maybe if you mentioned how they met or what happened after A confessed, this would be an acceptable submission.
Striking a balance between vague and specific can be tricky, so I encourage you to just write it and see what happens.
4. I was unsure if I needed to tag it
This reason isn't too common, but sometimes there's just submissions I feel like need to be tagged, but the submitter did not provide any and I could not think of any tags to be added. Please try to include any tags you may think is necessary!
5. I recognized the ship submitted
This has only happened twice so far in my time running the blog, but I feel like it's still worth mentioning. I'm actually surprised it's only happened twice--some fandoms I'm in are definitely big enough that at least one ship has a reasonable chance to be submitted. But there's millions of ships out there, so maybe it isn't that surprising.
I think in both cases they would've been good if it was modified to remove identifying details. However, both cases would give away the ship when combined with the submission name, and I try to avoid modifying the name.
So, sometimes it just comes down to luck.
Well, I hope this helps, and happy submitting! Remember, it's okay if your ship doesn't get in. You can always try again next time--there's a ton of amazing ships submitted every season, but there's a limited number of spots on the bracket, so I cannot accept them all.
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chimerical-waters · 2 years
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A thunderstorm has rolled in from the ocean to the mainland, bringing a strange mist in its wake. Are there whispers echoing from it, or was it simply your imagination? Was that a family figure standing there, or was it nothing? One thing is clear... Something isn't right. --------------
((More info under cut))
(( This is a passive event active on the blog until part 2 of the monster event is posted! While active, a pervasive mist has started to creep from the ocean across the mainland. When interacted with, it brings minor visions and hallucinations that can range from a whisper of a familuar voice to the faded outline of a figure forever just out of reach. It does nothing other than cause these visions, and they seem to have no discernable source. No monsters or people or...anything at all. Is it really just your mind playing tricks on you? Or something more? Possibly!))
((What is a passive event? For this purpose, it's an ongoing status you can choose to interact with it or just mention it in passing or ignore it altogether! This is the first part of a two part event coming later that will be much more...in depth :) You do not need to interact with this event to take part in part 2, this is just for fun.))
((Blog info and part 2))
((This event is going to be active for the foreseeable future as this blog is going under a temporary hiatus while I undergo major surgery. As seen in my previous post, Chi is currently in a coma and can not be interacted with via questions until part 2. He may be featured or mentioned on other blogs still though!))
(( If everything goes well, in about a month to a month and a half, this event will end and part 2 will start which will hopefully allow you to stretch your creative muscles more as along with it will be a design contest that will have an art reward for the three winners chosen at random from a drawing.))
((This blog has been a blast and I hope you all have fun and stay tuned until next month!))
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mymbliez · 1 year
Brain injuries & criminal behaviour
As we know from decades of research about the brain, each area is in charge of its own functions and abilities. The sections of our brains work constantly to keep our bodies and minds going and to allow us to function in our daily lives. From the things we take for granted like blood circulation and temperature control, to the complex processes of problem solving and storing new information. The brain is the control center of everything that makes us our unique selves, but sometimes even the brain makes mistakes. On this week’s edition of the What’s Up Blog, we will be discussing brain injuries and criminal behaviour. 
What would happen if one day, for some reason, your brain was no longer able to function typically? That is the reality for approximately 165,000 Canadians each year, which is one person every 3 minutes (BIC, n.d.), that sustains a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). That means that during the time it takes you to read this blog post, around 3 people would have experienced the devastating effects of TBI and will live with those effects for the rest of their lives. The CDC describes TBI as an injury that affects how the brain works. They can be caused by a bump, blow, jolt, or penetrating injury to the head (CDC, 2022). Once the nerve cells of the brain die, they can never be brought back, as they do not regenerate. Fast action needs to be taken to reconnect the vast chains of neurons that have been damaged before they die. If survivors cannot gain access to treatment due to economic, regional, cultural, or other barriers, their lives can be changed forever. 
One of the most common stereotypes about individuals with brain injuries is that it makes them more violent and aggressive. This can be true, because certain areas of the brain control our emotional regulation and impulse control, but everyone has the ability to display aggression. Those of us with a normally functioning brain are just able to control our feelings and use critical thinking to find better solutions to our problems. A study by Umbrasas (2020) showed that out of 80 participants charged with criminal offenses, 20% had a history of mild TBI. A Swedish study by Fazel, et al. (2011) found that individuals with TBI showed a significantly increased risk of violent crime. Instead of treating these individuals as “mindless criminals”, I believe that we as a society should support them and increase our understanding of brain injuries. Without access to proper treatment, criminal behaviour is just one of the possible outcomes. This was the case for one UK survivor, Bryon Schofield. 
In August of 2010, Bryon and his brother were violently attacked by a group of men while walking through an alleyway. Schofield was hit with a hammer during the incident and was diagnosed with a brain hemorrhage and skull fracture. His injuries were so severe that he was placed in a coma for 3 days and a part of his skull was removed to let pressure escape from the bleed. He was discharged 6 months later, despite losing most of the strength in the left side of his body, having poor short-term memory, and slurred speech. His doctors recommended that he seek specialist rehabilitation, but he was denied due to a lack of space in the facility. His mother became his full-time carer and he worked tirelessly for 2 years (without formal treatment) to regain his independence. 
Only 3 months after Schofield moved into his own apartment, he recognized his attackers at a party held by his friend. He claims that he was unable to stop himself when he began the fight that led to his arrest. In prison, he was unable to care for himself and had to be paired with a cellmate to help him with his daily living needs. 7 months after his arrest, a representative of the Disabilities Trust told the court that Schofield was too ill to serve his prison sentence and he should instead be sent to a rehabilitation facility. The court accepted this proposal and Schofiled was given an 18-month sentence at Daniel Yorath House, where he underwent daily therapy and rehabilitation for his injury. By the time he had completed his sentence, he had learned daily living skills, emotional regulation skills, impulse control, and was ready to live independently. Neuropsychologist Dr. Ivan Pitman, who works for the Disabilities Trust, asserted that Bryon Schofield would have never committed a crime if it weren’t for his brain injury (Menon, 2018). 
This story is just one of thousands of stories about brain injuries and criminal behaviour. Although this one had a happy ending, with Bryon getting the treatment he deserved, many individuals are not this fortunate. Revisions to the treatment and care methods used for survivors of TBI could change this reality. To learn how you can help or make a donation, visit the Canadian Brain Injury Association. You can also sign the online petition to enact Bill C-277, which would establish a national strategy for the treatment of acquired and traumatic brain injuries. Thank you for reading! 
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charmed-asylum · 3 years
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Reqested by  @sage1998c request: Hi I was wondering if you would please consider doing a dark Steve high school au story starting Kat Graham as the main oc/face claim. I would really appreciate it if you would think about it.  
 SUMMERY: Life was perfect for American boy, aka Steve Rogers. Great friends, hot cheerleader girlfriend, love and adore by everyone. Everything was perfect till senior year when Angelina came around and an anonymous gossip column, Rumor Has It, threatening to expose everyone's dirty laundry. 
SNEAK PEEK // Angelina OC 
TAGGED: @geralt-jaskier20 @hypersonicxd-blog @muralskins @readermia @muralskins@david-winters-93@alagalaska @SAGE1998C
Thick FOG COVERED Rear WINDOWS of his navy blue 1967 Chevy Camaro. A deep moan came from his mouth as he digs deeper into her wet centerfold. His colossal hand holds tighter to her tiny neck, trying to take all his thoughts else were. “OHHHH FU FUCK. HARDER,” Jane shout from behind his thick fingers. His eyes squeeze tighter; he was close still but so far. Think think think of something Peggy beast No. Jane wet means you sure hit new heights with her. She is enjoying it. He opens his ocean blue eyes and gazed back at Jane; her back was arched, moving closer to his cock. Trying to get more. Greedy bitch. 
He couldn’t wait until he was destroying her. By the end of her fifth orgasm (pushing her fourth ), she would know to never mess with him again. She ends this fuckin blog once together. Finally, end his bad luck streak. All this was messing with him mentally and psychically. Maybe after this, he can finally get in with Angelina. Fuck now; she was a piece of art. Body carve from god himself. He thought Peggy was an angel, his perfect dame, but then Angelina came back into his life. Right when he needed her. It’s been forever since he saw her. Just then, Jane let at whining cries for him. That and imagining it Angelina and her virgin pussy finally help him release. God, that’s it, he thought to himself. It has been happening a lot. Lately, he felt he was in love. He knows it even though he is young. No matter what it is, he was thinking about her. He can’t sleep, eat, think.
Whenever he had a chance to stop thinking of her, it’s about this FUCKING BLOG. RUMORS HAS IT. STUPID SHIT! It already got a few of his friends, and even though he is unstoppable invisible. His fears he was going to be next. That’s why Jane has to be the person behind it. No one else knows Thor secret besides him, Thor and his family, her, and that child’s family. So stupid. So Thor was involved in an accident and drunk and got a child in a fucking coma. With one peek at the camera, he stares back at the feedback, good he is still out of frame. 
Jane utters another whimper. Almost there, he thought to himself. Jane’s sparkling baby pink cat claw nails scratch deep into his pecks and across his ample shoulders. The sight of her nail polish reminds him of a dress Angelina once wear. The last time he saw her, matter of fact, was 12 years ago. She was only three years younger than her. He can taste the chunky chocolate chips that melted into the cookies. He can hear the playful voice she uses when she would pretend to play house. He was daddy, and she was mommy. No matter what he did, she always looked up at him like he was god-like. He was the only one who could ever make her feel safe. Even as a weak, pathetic boy like him. Maybe she was that high he felt once and had been trying to get ever since. He can remember like it was yesterday when they share their 1st kiss. She wanted it; she kisses him sweet dreams of a cloud 9 type of kiss. He would have relished that kiss if he had any common sense instead of screaming around like an idiot. He accidentally pushed her away and made her hurt herself. Even though he was the cause of that pain, it was him she looks at to save her. Make her feel better. Fuck, where did that pretty brown eye with pink tails in tutu little girl go? 
She turns into a fuckin unstoppable beast, a storm of everything that drove him crazy. Everything he saw was wrong with the world. Still, he wanted more. Man, he had to get Jane to understand she was messing up his chance to be with his little angel. God’s gift to him for what he has done what he has accomplished. 
“OH STEVEEEEEE” Jane shouted, her legs clenching tight around Steve waisted her mouth in the notch of her neck. Five 
“I told you I could make you come at least five times. Having the best sex you ever got, huh. Tell me I’m better no one can ever fuck you. Not even your stupid boyfriend, Thor,” Steve said breathlessly.
Jane nods and whimpers softly. It’s you. 
“A no. Doll, I need you to shout it louder for the camera,” he whispered into her ear.
So far into her sexual bliss high, she did not hear him say that but instead agree with him. 
He smiles, now holding the camera close to her wet fold. Jane lay back, eyes close, dazed. With a flash, her eyes peak open to see the phone filming her. She pushes up only to be pushed back down with one finger by Steve, still holding the camera. One hand holds down her arms above her head. A Pitch of Steve’s sweat drips onto her.
“Come on, Jane Baby. Say hi to the camera. Man, I made many sex tapes, but you are the first girl I made come without much effort. That is how much of a gold digger slut you are. Your boyfriend hasn’t even cleaned out his locker, but you are already begging to suck my cock. Tiss. Now now, what are we going to do, huh? One-click, and this goes quicker than one of your rumors. By the time you get out of this car, everyone will know what a dirty slut you are. No more Thor, no more ivy school options. The only thing you can do is give yourself to homeless people. Right, where you belong” Steve chuckle watching Jane cry, begging him to stop. 
“But why Jane baby, you were holding me with an iron fist singing my name to the high heavens. Haha, you bitch. It would be best if you had someone to teach you—the right way. Don’t worry; I do that. Mmm. Would you like me to show you the right way? Show you how to be a lady, not trashy dirty whore” He said, proceeding close, sniffing her dark locks. Could Angelina still smell like sweet sugar and honey? Wonder if she uses a different shampoo than whores like Jane or Peggy. I bet she sounds different too. 
“Please don’t. Do this I. I. I do anything. Please don’t post the video,” Jane said between each sob. Her tiny wrist was starting to burn from the tight grip. 
“Oh, no amount of tears or begging to go to stop me. No. You are going to shut up and listen to me bitch. One-stop your blogging, shut it down, and then redact it all. I don’t care what you say, but you end this shit. THEN you’re going to be Thor’s slave. Do whatever he wants behind closed doors, and in front, you will hold tight to his arm to every court hearing throughout the trials. I don’t care if you miss school; I look or hear you miss anything. I’m posting this gem here. Understand,” He said, tilting his head to the side.
“Bu Bu bu it was not me I not the person behind it. I promise I got mad at Thor yes, he was flirting with girls at all the games. But I promise Steve I never do that. But I admit it if that what you want me to do,” She said, crying with chubby tears. He looks deep into her eyes, trying to see if she was lying. Maybe she didn’t. She was like him in a way, using Thor to better herself. He loosens his hold but remains on top. He savors this for future use, but he won’t tell that. Yet. No, he was going to have a bit of fun with this one.
“Not enough. Huh, I guess that’s bye-bye to a bright future. Or else. You come here and show me just how much you want me to keep this little homemade video a secret. Huh. Make it quick. I got a date with destiny, or should I say, little angel. Remember, you use those pearly whites teeth, or don’t swallow all of it up. Bye-bye future, “Steve says with a huge grind and dark eyes darker the midnight sky. 
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
I hope you don’t mind me requesting a peter parker where the reader is in a coma and some girls are hitting on him and asking if he is taken and he said like “yes, I’am just waiting for my princess to wake up” something like that. If you’re comfortable with it ofc.🙂 or just the reader asking him what would he say to the girls who’s hitting on him🥰 thank you in advance💕
Hey! Your ask kinda low-key made me sad but honestly I love it thank you for requesting. Hope you like this. Took a little inspiration from the amazing spiderman 2 where Gwen dies but here the reader goes into a comatose state instead.
Song inspo - Sunflower by post malone
Pairing : Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings : none
You're a Sunflower
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It's been three months now as Peter stands in front of his university leaving his high school life behind and stepping into his college life; though this is not exactly how he imagined it would be he had imagined to walk through these gates with you hand in hand by his side. But as fate would have it you now lay in a bed succumbed into an eternal sleep. 
The memory was still fresh in his mind of how Harry clad in his green goblin suit kidnapped you to get his revenge on him though Peter was able to subdue him not before Harry threw you down the building. You reached out your hand to Peter with fear in your eyes for help and even after Peter's desperate attempt to save you by shooting his webs, he couldn’t web you up in time as your body hit the ground with an impact that your humanly body couldn't withstand all he remembers was you looking at him smiling softly before closing your eyes for eternity. 
You were rushed to the hospital and admitted in the critical care unit. Your parents came running after they heard about your accident, Peter couldn’t look in their eyes because it was he for whom their daughter is battling with death. Peter cried and prayed for you the whole night. With a heavy heart the doctors informed that the impact of your fall had directly affected your brain sending you into a coma and they have no idea when or ever are you going to recover from that state. Peter thought it was all a lie, he didn't want to believe that he may have lost you forever. At his request and with your parents' consent Tony shifted you to the Avengers compound so your treatment could be done under better hands and you recover quickly but neither Bruce could provide him with a satisfactory answer of when are you going to come out of your comatose state. The only thing now he could do was wait, wait for you to one day open your eyes and pull him back in your arms, his safe haven, even if he has to wait all his life he will wait. 
He had never wanted you to get involved in his dangerous life and that is why he revealed to you his secret identity to let you know that you both can’t be together. But you had laughed it off and playfully said to him "Haha, I laugh at the face of danger!"
After his classes were done for the day Peter walks back home stopping by the flower shop to buy flowers for you. It was a part of his daily routine now everyday after college he would bring you sunflowers. They were your favourite flowers because you once said to him they symbolize ‘‘a person who has loved with sincerity and purity never forgets, on the contrary, truly loves until the end’’
And you were his sunflower. You were a ray of sunshine in his life and he always thought that your love was too much for him which he would never be able to reciprocate you back, he was lucky enough to be a part of your life because he doesn’t deserve you. He blames himself for your condition. You were a bubbly person who loved the outdoors, the bustle on the streets, visiting new places and meeting new people. And he wanted to be part of every little adventure in your life but alas he robbed you of your life.
Reaching the compound he goes to visit you in your room. He replaces the dry sunflowers in the vase with the fresh ones he bought for you and sits beside you. You looked so calm and peaceful. It pains him immensely seeing you lying motionless wired to an HRM, the rhythmic beeping of the machine a proof that your heart still beats and all hopes are not lost, not yet. 
He misses your carefree laugh, misses your sweet honey laced voice, your warm smile that could brighten up anyone’s day. He craves for your touch; he wants to feel your soft delicate hands again as you caress his wounds after every time he comes back wounded fighting the bad guys. 
Everyday it's a struggle for him to leave you like this. He wants you to call him back by his name like you used to do every night before he left for patrolling not wanting him to go and risk his life out there.
It was fresher’s night Peter had already decided to give it a miss and spend time with you but Ned and Flash had forcefully made him tag along which he reluctantly did. The party was at full swing, music booming and drinks flowing. Drunk boys and girls hitting upon each other. Peter was standing at an isolated corner drinking a coke by now a bunch of girls had tried to make a move on him which he had managed to decline politely. He was never the man to indulge in infidelity, he loved you dearly and no one can take your place in his life. You even once had jokingly asked what he would do if you vanish from his life would he move on and he had just placed his hand on your mouth warily asking you to never ever say such a thing again or even think of leaving him.
After sometime one of his classmates Felicia waltzed her way up to him.
‘‘Hey Parker why are you standing here all alone?’’
‘‘No I’m fine-’’ by the time he would stop her she was already dragging him to the dancefloor. She pulled him closer, her back pressed against his chest as she took his hands and placed them on her waist. Peter felt awkward as he gently swayed with her. Soon she began grinding against making Peter feel uncomfortable. He thought whatever was happening wasn’t right he pushed her away from him as she turned around looking at him in shock and confusion.
‘‘I’m sorry I-I can’t’’ He stuttered nervously and rushed out of the room to the ground for some fresh air as he felt suffocated. Seeing the scene Emma Frost, another classmate of his followed him. Though he backed off Peter was still feeling guilty he felt he kind of cheated on you as you lay unconscious, tears pricked his eyes.
‘‘What’s your deal man?’’ Emma asks him from behind startling him.
‘‘Uh.. what?’’ He asks, quickly wiping his tears with his hands.
‘‘I just saw you leaving Felicia on the dance floor. Who does that?! Every guy in the college wants to be with her’’ she snickers
‘‘I’m not every guy. Moreover, I’m not interested’’ he says blandly.
‘‘Are you taken?’’ she looked at him skeptical and his silence gave away the answer.
‘‘Damn! She’s indeed a lucky girl’’ she exclaims ‘‘to have such a loyal boyfriend like you these days is very rare. Can I see one picture of your special one?’’ she asks excitedly to which Peter obliged with a smile as he took out his phone from his back pocket and showed her a picture of yours looking all radiant and happy in a sunflower field just like the flowers which he had clicked when you both went on a small trip.
‘‘Here she is’’
‘‘She is beautiful’’ Emma approves with a smile ‘‘So where is she? Another college or at a totally different country?’’ Peter’s expression fell as sadness took over his features; he took a long sigh before he answered her question.
"She’s at the brink of life and death and I'm just waiting for my princess to wake up"
Feeback and suggestions are always welcome.
Part 2
Requests are open.
Taglist : @peaches-parker @osterfieldshollandgirl @starcoadrienette2 @spideyth @allthisfortommy @thenoddingbunny-blog @larrystylinson-sus @bloodyscarlet @itstaskeen @dummiesshort @tutuabby28 @dramaholic18 @thehumanistsdiary @majo240820 @heyafellows @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @justafangirlduh @moniffazictress11   @goodgirlgonetom   @lyzalovealk @parkerpeterparker2004 @ladykxxx08 @joselyn001
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christinesficrecs · 3 years
Lost Fics 2021 Part 1
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The LONGER list is here  but these are the more recent lost fics. 
- the first words your soulmate says to you appear on your skin a little while before you meet them. In the fic stiles doesn't notice the words until they'd been there for a while and doesn't realize when he meets his soul mate. I think there's a side ship of Scott/Issac/Allison. 
- Stiles is in love with Derek, but it's unrequited so he sucks it up and gets over it when he moves away for college and has a string of relationships - then Derek falls in love with him and pines for like years. At the end something curses them so they see each other's memories? and there's this moving end scene where they cry all over each other that I read like 20 times. 
- It’s a very slow burn where stiles and Derek once they decide to be together, wait until 18 for kissing (before that they do Eskimo kisses) and then to like 21 or something for sex. It’s really sweet and cute and stiles is understanding of his trauma. Is it Home? I don’t think so, but, if you know, I will love you forever and ever +1.
- magical gender swapped derek fic and in it he hits on stiles and he goes by deryn or something and stiles recognises its derek because derek flirts the same snarky way and uses the same pick up lines and then they have dinner, have sex and i remember that at the end of the first chapter stiles texts derek saying they haven't hung out in a while and he thinks that he wants to know if dereks dick is as sensitive as his clit, something round those lines
- The 'plot' so to speak, is that werewolves are in positions of power and expose their existence to enslave the human race. Alpha Derek had his eyes on human Stiles who is hiding and trying to fight back against the wolves. Derek turns him omega by biting and mating him
- Lost fic mutant every body and it’s the second in the series I think they go to a lake house I love your blog soooo much
- Stiles gives out wrong numbers to people who he's slept with, one of those numbers belong to derek an malia. Either theo/matt messages derek thinking he's stiles an sending dick pics and when he tells them they have the wrong number and has to send a picrure as proof, they start hitting on him. Now he goes in search of stiles by texting different variations of his number where he finds malia an learns she also gets messages looking for stiles. 
- a fic where I think peter was the alpha but Derek starts looking to stiles as his alpha?
- find me this fic cause I did not save it but its called North and South and I remember it being a regency fic.
- Derek left BH and stiles went after him,They end up together but then Derek got scared of feelings so Stiles starts dating Malia. I remember that Stiles was out with the others and Derek texts him "come to the loft" or something bc he was sorry and came back for him
- where stiles comes back to Bacon hills when the sheriff gets shot and in coma. Derek is the alpha of hale pack 2.0 and everyone is alive..including hale family.. Scott invites stiles to Derek's bday party and everyone misunderstood him as a prostitue. Stiles was in an abusive relationship before he meets the pack.. 
- with single dad derek (I think of two kids). They live in a cabine. Stiles breaks his car not far from their house. At some point, Stiles steals money from the kids' school if I remember well? 
- derek's moved away, and it starts with stiles running from danger and he casts a spell to teleport to safety and ends up teleporting to derek. there's a scene after they return back to beacon hills where stiles gets angry and sets a table on fire..
- stiles is a slave and I think a thief? and at the end Derek takes him somewhere and frees him and stiles thinks it’s anticlimactic or simple or something, just a signature and he’s free. They walk out and Derek is worried he’s going to leave him now that he’s not his slave but then they walk into the market or something along those lines together.
- low self esteem /insecure derek theme where he thinks that stiles doesn't love him back .possibly stiles thinks the same for derek. But there's a party(i think) and derek gets drunk and they talk it out and then 'Derek can't believe its real so he lines up his 10 fingers with Stiles'. 
- stiles was a vampire, and his sire was trying to kill derek and his pack, and stiles was supposed to be the next in line or something like that, there was like a whole battle scene, and i remember that stiles was occasionally hooking up with a demon??
- Stiles works in a book (?) shop and someone in the pack gets into trouble with witches I think. Stiles and Derek meet when he goes into the Hale coffee shop and Derek realizes Stiles is his mate but doesn’t like that he smells like other wolves on him so he gets all possessive. Stiles doesn’t drink coffee, only tea, and Derek wants to give him good coffee. 
- (I think) derek is the alpha and the pack (Boyd and Erica) are still alive and I think Peter is okay by the end, there’s a scene where stiles is in the hospital and the pack is weirded out by the age difference in sterek and Peter is like what are you on about derek is 19? And the pack is like what?! All this time you’ve been giving speeches about irresponsible teenagers we thought you were like 30 but you are also a teenager!!
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lost-in-yujikiri · 4 years
Top 3 personal favorite YujiKiri scenes for SAO anime/ LN/ manga/ games
Hi anon, I don’t forget about your question, I just want to wait for after the dub finished that important episode of YujiKiri in WoU haha. Here it is my ranking:
3) This scene when Kirito saw Eugeo coming to help him in WoU, that parallels with a similar one of Eugeo in Alicization 1st half. Look at their teary faces full of happiness and undescribed emotions
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2) The header of this blog since forever, I love the beautiful animation where both of them fairy dancing in space and Eugeo gave him inspiration talk
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1) This one scene where Eugeo “spirit” jogged Kirito’s spirit up from his 6 months long coma. His girlfriend Asuna, sister Suguha, friend and PTSD confidant Sinon came first to talk to Kirito out of this but he refused to wake up, blocked them and tried to kill himself by taking out his own heart, and then Eugeo showed up and he finally listened and was able to forgive his own self-proclaimed sins, took back his sword with his scarred past and fought again. It’s a very strong emotional YujiKiri scene
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3) This Kirito’s monologue when Kirito was resting after climbing outside the Cathedral with Alice, it’s the first time he was ever separated from Eugeo over 2 years and he already missed his partner, below is just a trimmed version with some of my comments because it’s too long:
And what was he doing now…? Now that I thought about it, in the two years since I’d met him near Rulid, there had never been a situation in which I couldn’t see him immediately if I wanted—until right now. We slept outdoors on our long journey to Centoria, complained about sharing a cramped inn floor, and even shared dorm rooms the entire time we were at Swordcraft Academy. It was simply a given that we were always together, and although I didn’t always think about him, I felt oddly lonely now that we were apart. ... Before I’d been trapped in the deadly game of SAO, I considered all the other boys at school to be childish. I was reserved in my interactions with them. That standoffish nature of mine didn’t change much once I was trapped in that virtual floating castle. I’d met men like Klein and Agil who were good, well-adjusted souls that I found common ground with, but we never reached that level of true friendship when you bare your secrets to the other. Even with Asuna, the deepest relationship I’d ever had, I wasn’t able to confess my inner weakness until just before the moment Aincrad crumbled and our minds were about to vanish. ... After I gained my freedom from SAO, my reputation for strength in VR had to be continually upheld, lest I lose that valuable image. I was trapped by the knowledge that others knew me not as the weak, mortal Kazuto Kirigaya, but as Kirito the hero, champion of the game of death. And I couldn’t deny that I had been leading them (and myself) to that conclusion, even though I knew deep down that the more layers of that artifice that built up, the further I got from the truly important things. So when I first realized after meeting Eugeo that I didn’t have to pretend to be anything, I was amazed—and wondered why.
You know, Kirito, I think because for the first time you can ever forget about all the burdens you have been carrying and be the real you around Eugeo. Do you know how heart-wrenching and lonely it feels when the world around you worship you for your heroic deeds in the past, and you can never be seen as the real “you” (before Kirito met Eugeo)? That you feel like you can’t help but keep strengthening yourself and threw into more challenges since you can’t just lose that image? I’m sure everyone around Kirito means well, but everyone’s lowkey putting Kirito on a pedestal even unconsciously and he can not really see them as real equals. My thoughts around Asuna’s case is... a bit complicated and I think it’s a bit situational unfortunate for her, but that is a topic for another time when I will go back and discuss Mother’s Rosario LN & WoU.
... If my fluctlight’s battle processor was a current-model silicon CPU, then Eugeo’s was a next-generation diamond CPU. I was still playing the role of instructor to him, but it was only because I had more experience and knowledge. If Eugeo kept improving at his current pace, it wouldn’t be long before our positions were switched.
... If I could solve all the problems afflicting the Underworld and escape safely with Eugeo’s fluctlight intact, I wanted to have him dive into ALfheim Online instead—I was certain that the lightcube was capable of interfacing with all Seed-based VR worlds equally—so that he could meet Asuna, Leafa, Klein, and all the others. Here’s my first pupil and best friend, I’d say to them.
Kirito thinks Eugeo has a lot of potential, he’s proud for it and part of his reasons for fighting is to bring Eugeo to real world with him. This is really sad when we know the outcome.
2) That time when Kirito gave Eugeo a pep talk when they were taking care of Zephyria flowers. The anime scene is very beautiful, but I like the depiction in the LN more simply because of this Kirito’s thought:
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Eugeo trembled again under my palm. I willed strength into my hand, wishing it would flow through my fingers like it had just done for the plants. ‘You are strong. You are. You’re the one who made the decision to leave your home, in this world bound by laws and rules.’
Kirito never thought of Eugeo as weak, he even admired Eugeo’s desire to change, thinking that it’s his strength, and that’s why he gave Eugeo the mental boost.
1) Eugeo’s monologue when he saw Kirito came for him on the 100th Floor of the Cathedral
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‘Kirito…there you are…’ Something deep inside him throbbed with an emotion he couldn’t even name. But that pain wasn’t an unpleasant one. It was certainly much gentler than the suffering he’d felt when the Piety Module was jammed into his head—and more wistful and sweet.
Eugeo felt so loved, so grateful to the boy who came for him right then. It’s on the reader to think what that emotion is, but it can’t be simple. Right?
3) Kirito used Eugeo’s elbow as his pillow in Lycoris manga:
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2) The adaptation of the iconic half hug in “I’ve been waiting for you in this forest for 6 year” from the LN that the anime cut
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1) Kirito’s euphoric tears when Eugeo is still alive after Admin fight in Lycoris manga:
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3) That time Kirito waited for Eugeo all night to go back from some business:
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2) That time Kirito missed everyone in the real world, Eugeo doesn’t know the truth but he wanted to cheer up Kirito, so they talked about their emotions in midnight and it got weirdly blushy:
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1) At near the end game of Lycoris, a tragedy happened that made Kirito devastated, Eugeo is the first one to ask if he’s OK and even ran to hug him tightly. Now you know I’m a sucker for this kind of comfort and assurance
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foryoumyheroes · 4 years
Their S/O takes them to an Asian House Party
[Midoriya + Todoroki + Bakugou + Kaminari + Kirishima] 
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A/N:  Hey here’s a niche that no one asked for. 
I know that Japanese is a type of Asian but I am a wildly different type of Asian 🤣🤣, so my headcanons are based entirely off of being this other racial group. 
I just want to say that most of the time older Asian relatives really step out of line with their comments and can be really hurtful. I absolutely hate that behavior and their mindset, but for the purposes of this let’s just say that they’re not being harmful at all and it’s mostly light teasing :) If they’re like that in real life :) screw them >:) Also P.S. if these sound familiar it’s because I’ve recycled a lot of ideas from my other blog where I wrote “Asian House Party” headcanons already! 
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, hints at underage drinking  
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Midoriya Izuku: 
For the longest time it has only been him and his mom, so when he enters the house and sees it packed with people his brain just goes blank because this is a family party. 
These people are all related to you somehow?? 
He asks you how you guys are all related and you’re genuinely like, “I don’t know???” You just call everyone auntie and uncle and hope for the best.  
If you start taking him to parties before he becomes a Pro, he has enough of a baby face that your older relatives and grandparents give him a red envelope without thinking too hard about it. But he gets so embarrassed and feels so bad that he ends up giving it to your mom. 
At his first party he’s supperrr nervous and wants your family to like him. He’s stuttering nearly every other syllable. 
Never leaves your side. Trails behind you like a puppy the entire time. 
After he’s been to several parties with your family, they recognize his red Nike Air Forces in the pile of shoes outside the house enough to be like, “Hey, [Name]! Your boyfriend’s here!” 
Midoriya is kinda of a pushover during the beginning of the series, and Asian families have the tendency to tease without knowing how it might sound, so he becomes an easy target until you pull him aside and tell him to argue back. 
He’s like noooo I don’t want to be disrespectful :(. He says that he’s used to bullying so this is nothing which makes you kinda sad and angry. You’re like hahahaha no. 
You two eventually get your family to stop and that’s when he’s finally indoctrinated into your fam. 
He’s kind of the quintessential Asian boyfriend? He goes to a good school, is sweet and innocent, polite to elders, etc. When he goes to the party with you your aunties are going to your cousins and say, “Why can’t you get a boyfriend like [Name].” 
Your female relatives kinda baby him because every time they see him he’s always in a new cast with another broken bone, so when there’s no more space left on the couches or the folding stools they kick your cousins off to make room for him. 
When he later becomes Pro-Hero Deku, everyone’s in love with him. He becomes the talk of the party. Everyone brags about him saying that they practically saw him grow up when they only see him once or twice a year. 
He also becomes the “cool uncle” that offers to take your younger relatives out for boba. But you pay. You have to pay or else your mom will yell at you for making the guest spend money. 
Yes, you will polite fight your own boyfriend. 
No, he will not win, but he’s determined to win one time like the shonen protag he is. 
Always leaves the party with the large trays of leftovers for him and his mom. 
Even when he’s like in his late twenties he’s still sitting at the kid’s table. 
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Todoroki Shouto: 
When you first invited him to a party with your family he’s just like, “Oh. Sure.” Most of the parties he’s been to is the rich people parties that his dad took him to for publicity, so he arrives to the house in a whole suit and tie. 
Your cousins and uncles are clowning him while the older women swoon. You’re in the background panicking because everyone else is in sweats or shorts while he looks like he’s going to prom?? 
[Your auntie says, “Oh my god, he’s making such a good first impression!” 
You: Hahahaha! Yea!〔´∇`〕
Inner You: Oh god I forgot he’s clueless ⊙▽⊙] 
Brings an expensive pastry every time because Fuyumi said it was polite. From that everyone’s like, “Oh??? You’re invited to every party from now on!” 
Becomes the source of your mom’s humble brag. “Oh, your son goes to Stanford and is studying medicine? My kid and their boyfriend are both Heroes-in-training and he’s the son of the Number One Hero — “ 
Kinda just does whatever your aunties and mom tells him to do? 
He’ll sit wherever they tell him to sit, even if it’s far away from you and he’ll even take the many family photos for you guys in the end. Even though he’s shit at photography. 
If they’re like, “Oh, you’re so skinny, you should eat some more!” He’ll just shrug and be like okay, and doesn’t stop them when they continue to put food on his plate even though he’s full and gets into a big food coma that knocks him out on the couch right away. 
Every time he appears, your aunties will just stop and say, “Oh, he’s so handsome!” 
He’s getting better at handling kids and it shows by the way he’s more willing to play with them then hang out with your cousins that are around your age. He’s in the room upstairs and is ;; just napping with them.   
The kids in the party call him Zuko.  
Before you brought him your aunts and uncles would be like, “Do you have a boyfriend?? Do you have a girlfriend??” and you would say, “Yeah, Todoroki Shouto.” And they would laugh in your face. 
I feel like he would have the most culture shock? You guys conduct yourself in such a different way than his own family and from everyone in 1-A. You guys go batshit insane. 
When you wake him up and offer to walk him to the train station to take him home, he offers to walk you back to your house as well and you say, “Oh, I’m going back to the party after this.” 
It’s almost midnight?? 
He asks you where are you going to sleep or if you’re going to sleep at all and you don’t know how to explain the concept of how you and all of your cousins and siblings are going to cram into one room upstairs and sleep on every blanket in the house on the floor while only three or four lucky relatives are able to get the bed. 
Older Asians have no filter so they will straight up say to his face that he looks nothing like his dad he’ll just go, “ :’) Thank you, that means a lot to me.” 
Before Endeavor’s redemption arc he’s prone to oversharing and one day he tells your mom that his dad is a piece of shit and his mom is in the hospital. 
Your mom, taking her sandal and holding it like a weapon: Oh? Where’s your father?? I just want to talk. Your mom is welcome to every [Surname] party from now on!! Haha! (◕ᴗ◕✿)
His brain is doing backflips trying to figure out how you’re related to everyone. 
The only guy that neatly puts his shoes off to the side at the front door. 
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Bakugou Katsuki: 
At first you didn’t invite him to the party, he kinda just figures it out from how your relatives are all tagging you on social media and forces you to invite him. 
Not because you’re ashamed of him but because they’re somewhat overbearing ;; and Bakugou has no filter. 
For someone who’s so “badass” he’s super anal about the rules and punctuality. 
You tell him the party is at 18:00 and by 17:45 he goes into your house and finds you still napping with your PJs on. Even though you tell him that the party isn’t really starting at six he doesn’t listen. He forces you to get dressed and takes you to the party and whatdoyouknow no one is there yet. No one is going to be here until at least two hours after the designated time. 
He instead forces you to help the women in the kitchen prepare the food, aka he’s helping while you laze around in the living room. 
All of the women are like, “Wow! You can cook so well! [Name] you should be more like him!!” 
If this is the first time he meets your entire extended family, he’s inwardly hyping himself up to make a good first impression. If you are not Japanese, he manages to memorize several greetings in your language and the proper formalities when greeting an older relative. Then he goes in and everyone’s already drinking and screaming their throats out to karaoke. 
When he walks into the party with his black tank top and saggy pants everyone’s first thought is that he’s an Asian Baby Boy. Like he probably takes social media pictures in front of cars, is going to break your heart, goes to raves, is named Kevin Nguyen. 
Everyone is loud af at this party so they don’t really care that he’s screaming. They love teasing the shit out of him because his reactions are so fucking funny. 
When one of your uncles offers you alcohol he immediately snatches it away from you. No, you guys are underage, have an athletic lifestyle, and he’s so protective of you asdfg 
He’s been so focused on being a Hero that when your cousins play against him in video games or card games he loses horribly. He’ll just keep going, “One more round!” until he finally wins. 
Your mom forces you to do a convenience store run to get something that the party is running out of and when you come back Bakugou managed to find is way into the “women” side of the room where they’re all gossiping with him and playing poker together like they’ve been friends forever. 
Your mom honest-to-god acts like he’s more of her child than you are. 
When you guys finally get your families to meet, his mom and your female relatives are going to be so powerful together. 
Is trying his damned hardest to get through the entire party because it can go all night long and he sleeps at 8:30PM. 
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Kaminari Denki: 
The KING of the Asian House Party.
Absolutely CRUSHES it at karaoke with your family. Even though he might not speak your language, he’s putting so much passion into it that no one cares anyway. 
Sings so loud that the neighbors complain. 
Your family loves him because he’s just so happy-go-lucky. The life of the party. 
He goes around eating all night and continually asks you, “Hey [Name], what’s this? What’s this one?” 
You can drop him off in the designated kids room and not see him for hours on end. He’s too busy playing video games with your cousins and siblings. 
But he’s such a sucker. Your uncles and older cousins pull him into any gambling game and he loses so bad, even if he’s gambling things like candy or food. 
Kinda gullible when your family teases him?? If you’re not Japanese they teach him an insult in your language but tell him it’s a complement or “It’s like saying, I love you more than words,” and they send him off to tell you it. 
And he acts super fucking cocky like the e-boy smirk while he’s rubbing his hands together, and biting his lip and shit. While you’re just sitting on the stool with a drink in your hand like, “Okay....” 
He tells you the insult and butchers the pronunciation already, but acts like you’re about to fall in his arms and you just ;; burst out laughing ;;; until you fall off your chair. 
Has the party time down pat. He won’t arrive until three hours later, and that’s when you tell him an earlier time than everyone else. 
Will drink anything your uncle offers up. He’s a lightweight. You end up half-carrying him half-dragging him back to his house. Nearly trips on the sea of shoes outside the front door and falls on you. 
You’re just lucky that he doesn’t discharge his Quirk randomly when he’s drunk.
Doesn’t get Asian glow.  
When your mom discovers you struggling outside she just tells him to sleep over and if this is his first party with you guys, you’re able to get the bed because he’s the guest 😌😌. If he’s been here several times before, yeah ;; you guys are going back to a pile of blankets on the floor.  
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Kirishima Eijirou: 
The “big brother” figure of the party. 
The kids love him and he’s willingly playing “Heroes and Villains” with them for hours. 
Since he’s so broad they hang off of him like a limpet and he walks around with children draped around him. 
Ngl... He walks into the party dressed like all of your other male cousins. 
Basketball shorts, t-shirt, crew socks. 
He’s able to find his shoes super fast at the end of the party because he’s the only person that’s willing to wear crocs. 
Willing to go outside with your cousins to play basketball with them but he’s so out of practice that he fumbles so bad. 
After several games he gets the hang of it and isn’t deadweight to your team anymore. 
LOVES going to your family’s parties because he gets to eat whatever he wants without holding back. Eats several plates and when someone suggests going to get ice cream he’s like, /gasp/ “Ice cream???” 
They were offering the little kids, but okay, a teenager can come along too. 
You’re never too old for ice cream. 
For some reason he’s able to get along with everyone at the party?? He just has a personality that makes him easy to talk to, and by the end of the night or the next day, he’s saying goodbye to everyone by name. 
[“No, wait, [Name], I haven’t said goodbye to your cousin’s sister-in-law’s daughter yet. 
You do a double-take because even you have no idea who that is.] 
When he gets a little bit older and he’s finally allowed to move out of the kid’s table and eat with the older male relatives he’s so ;;; awkward. 
They’re just all in the garage eating, drinking, and smoking and he’s just sitting there having no idea what to do. 
Eventually he convinces you to join him in the garage because he wants your emotional support and is super shocked when you fit right in. He’ll just ;;; go back to the kid’s table. 
Can’t sing to save his life. 
You guys heard him do karaoke once and you never let him do it again. 
If one of your relatives teases him he’s able to laugh it off and not think too much about it, but if they say something that might be hurtful to you he’s so quick to shut it down. He doesn’t care that they’re blood related to you or not. 
Does not let up until they apologize. 
For some reason all of the ladies are confused af when they find out that he dyed his hair?? They’re like omg is he a secret delinquent. 
LOVES to hear your relatives talk about what you were like when you were a kid. 
It’s embarrassing af but he just laughs it off like, “It’s okay, babe! You sound like you were super cute as a kid!” 
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neko-bri · 3 years
Hii!! Just want to say that I love your blog and that you are a sweetie! If I can ask, I would like to see your personal headcanons about hitsuhina or Hitsugaya (or both of them XD) , as I'm a huge fan from their bound Xxx
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Hii!!!! OMG just fkfhfkfkfkw this ask message made me smile! Thank you so much for sending this!!! I just...am crying so bad! I thank you anon-san!!! I love your blog too!! I am sure of it since you love hitsuhina too!!! < 333 they are one of my favorite ships ever!! * 3 * I want to write more drabbles of these two precious babies of ours! < 333 I am sorry if this was late!! ; a ; you are so precious!! We all can be friends with our love for hitsuhina!! < 333 I did find my old headcanons too from my old momo rp tumblr as well! * 3 * I may have made this too long with some headcanons. sorry sorry!!
Momo headcanon -- [ Growth ] For Momo as a headcanon I did have a few but one of them was I thought about how Momo looked at herself after Aizen's betrayal and her admiration for him was shattered. I thought that she wanted to become stronger with experience of that pain over what happened. To grow into someone who is mature and want to gain more experience but to also keep moving forward with time to gain new experiences. She is thankful for being able to look at herself with happiness and even the sadness, she could learn and cope with her feelings to learn to grow up. Her feelings for Aizen slowly diminish and her heart is set on new goals for growing stronger. As she met her new captain she wanted to share that strength to learn to be stronger so she can find the strength to never feel that again. Her Captain Hirako shares the pain of being betrayed and used like a pawn. Knowing Momo's pain and Toshiro knowing that Momo went through all that. His strength to protect Momo is what he strives for. I just thought Momo want to keep going and look back as a strength to see how far she has come. She is healing with time slowly but, will also open the door for her heart to trust again with all the bad experiences she faced and pain. She is such a strong woman to heal and also learn to walk forward.
____________________________ [Momo's headcanon] Hair cut || Headcanon
A new start. New life was beginning the day of all the heartache. The long hair had symbolized the time with a distant past. So long forgotten. Back then it also meant forgetting the love that was forged from becomming a fukutaichou  within fifth division along with a dearest love that has for long betrayed deep within this very soul. Symbolize of change the brunette had thought about how hair change and the appearance over starting over. A new light had shown on her with the hair clip given from a very special friend dear to her own heart. Not mentioning the name—-she had thought of moving past all the pain and everything that caused the cheerful shinigami to frown. Fresh start on how childish, naive, and foolish the very girl thought change was in order.
A new light has shine upon me… That is why I wish to change, to become a better person. This is my time to shine. _______________________________________________ [Momo Headcanon ] Trust
—-ღ Trust has many ways of words through your mouth. It can be a trust that no longer alive. Or this trust has been broken by a deep wound to the heart. That trust…had always effected the brunette when a sword by her admirater had broke her in half. That pain lived through her each day. Still remembering the way he use to smile at her, teach her things, show her how to become stronger. Those days—-were now gone with that trust completely destroyed. After her coma; the trust that normally would be able to surround the ones easily. Had been slightly putting Momo in fear. Fear to approach others or even to love. If she ever found it again; it take her time to slowly sooth the wound that was gravely wounded by the one who she once trusted… Hinamori had troubles giving that trust to the ones who use to be near her. Or new ones. Once she opened her heart; fear began to consume her between being used again like a tool. That is what eats her alive each day until finally breaking into million pieces.
Hitsuhina [Bonds] [Headcanon]
—-ღ Bonds… This word meant a lot to the brunette who created many bonds with her friends. One of them was a child along side her which she never forget. That person had kept at her side since day one. Hinamori still remains beside him even after everything. Blaming herself for what little thing wasn’t her fault. Her childhood friend, Shiro-chan still forgives her and continue to do so. How Hinamori could not understand his reasoning in forgiveness. It was something she always want to keep their bonds strong. Holding hand in, hand they will fight against anything that would try to break them apart. Never again would she wish to point her blade at someone who never gave up on her. He was the most important person to her. Still remaining as her precious friend that never will die out. For his forgiveness that made her smile to herself in the mirror. It was something she will never mistaken from his words. His words that helped her through so much. She will keep a good grip on his hand and forever keeping the bond that the two have created.
Never again will let it break apart…
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