cosmic-ships · 9 months
3 11 15 for the watch dogs s/i >:3c
Ask Game: Self-Insert Lore
3 - how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
At first everyone was a little weary about Kaden. (They were right to feel that way tbh considering who my s/i is at the start of this. they just don't know it) after awhile Sitara warms up to Kaden and they soon become fast friends. Marcus and Wrench follow soon after. Josh basically tolerates them, neither likes or dislikes. Saying "oh good, now there's two of them" (referring to how loud both Kaden and Wrench can be at times lol) Horaito welcomed Kaden no problems and they instantly become friends. Eventually it feels like a found family to Kaden and vice versa. Co-Workers at blume have a lot of trust and faith in Kaden. Kaden ends up sharing all the same enemies as DedSec does later on.
11 - what kind of outfit(s) does your self insert wear?
Here's some examples! I was going to make like cool collages and stuff but my pc is being a weiner and I'm using my slow laptop lol but basic fashion for Kaden would include the following:
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15 - how does your self insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
They are the villian at the start of the story. Kaden was sent in by Blume to infiltrate the DedSec group and leak information from them back to Blume. At the start it was all a show. Kaden leaked thousands of files back to Blume at the start. Eventually however, Kaden came to love their found family and even caught feelings for Wrench. They didn't want to be the bad guy anymore and they stopped leaking information. Then a little later after that Wrench and Kaden entered a romantic realationship together. Kaden tried so many times to tell everyone the truth but they didn't know where to start. That was until some months later when Blume directly contacted Kaden as they were working along side their fellow DedSec fam and everyone found out about Kaden's betrayal and Wrench was hit the hardest, he thought everything up until this point was a complete lie, that Kaden lied about their feelings for him and everything, which wasn't the case. Eventually Wrench spoke for the group and told Kaden to leave and NEVER come back. As for canon events while Kaden was undercover, they helped assist DedSec in any plans they had like helping with the cyberdriver car and when all the shit hit the fan with the FBI and Wrench got captured, Kaden helped rescue him and get his mask back to him. (Even managed to use their prime mode of transportation (a skateboard) to crack an agent across the face in order to escape with Wrench. It as fun! :D ) Kaden supported the 'heroes' while simultaneously was a 'villain' don't worry though, eventually it has a happy ending...just not as soon as one would hope. It took defecting from Blume, anonymously leaking information from Blume to DedSec, running away to the UK, and joining the DedSec Resistance there for Wrench and Kaden to reunite and work out things. (That's years after the events of WD2!) As for everyone Kaden has met in the UK for the most part they get on well. Hell Kaden's best friend is an AI DedSec stole! (Bagely) (Kaden plays roles in the resistance just as they did with Wrench's group however, this time there are no lies or betraying. They've grown and they've learned who the real enemy is.)
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