house-of-daena · 10 months
I've got an idea, that I hope won't overbear you too much, knowing you're a tad bit stressed now, I wish you the best ❤️ I don't know if I've sent this already or not
Imagine young Zandik — the boy you see every so often, curious about you, freshly enrolled in the akademiya, seen as an outcast by most due to your oni attributes, he, although, as a researcher; found you interesting — thinking about you a lot, even though he saw you twice or thrice, eventually wanting to build up the courage to talk to you, inspect you up close and personal, see every mark on your body.
Thinking about it introduced a whole new feeling to him, he didn't know what it was, but it made him feel weirdly heated. His curiosity, eventually turning into lust, as he thought of all the things he shouldn't. You were so much larger than him, and he had the right to be curious.
He'd love your horns, holding onto them as you pound harshly into him, abusing his hole, your sharp teeth — sharper than his, leaving marks on his yet untouched skin
grr - 💉
BECAUSE. NO YOU'RE SO RIGHT. zandik would be so curious and interested into species he has only seen in books..
it started off with just curiosity, really. your big, long horns, sharp teeth (just like his! although just your canines), big build (does it come with every oni?), sharp claw like nails— he's so fascinated. people shouldn't fear you, those scholars of the akademiya are always so shortsighted with these kind of stuff. they should be curious! to research, an experiment. that's why he approached you in the first place!
oh but then you started making moves on him—grazing your sharp nails across his skin, making him shiver. giving him a toothy grin that shows off your sharp fangs. carrying him to safety in your arms when he accidentally sets off a rogue ruin guard whenever you accompany him in his exploits...
now he cant stop thinking about getting fucked by you.. to grab onto your horns when you suck him off so good it has him arching his back, to let your sharp teeth sink onto his flesh and making him bleed, to let you bend him over, fold his body and pin him down while you fuck him so hard he's seeing stars with your big fat cock 🤒🤒
hehe zandik and his big oni bf that he's obsessed with 😊
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