nanite-city · 6 months
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hey uh. remember my fallout au? its okay if you don't just know im still thinkin abt it This is "John Dory and the Fabulous BRO-TONES", often shortened to just "The BRO-TONES".
im still figuring out what Brozone's whole Deal is, but the shortened version of the convoluted thing thats in my head is that they were a singing group living in a vault, and eventually they split up, left said vault, and abandoned branch there as a baby, similar to canon except Brozone is moreso based on some of the Very First boybands, like The Ink Spots and Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers. Anyways this is them BEFORE the horrors. Read more if you're unfamiliar with Fallout and want a little more context !!
For those unfamiliar with the Fallout games, its more or less set in what America in the 1950s Thought the future would be (think robot butlers, flying cars, everything powered by nuclear fusion energy, etc), aaaand then that future had a nuclear fallout, hence the name. The "aesthetics" of the game are Very tongue-in-cheek 1930s-1950s "American Dream" with classic songs from the era, radio dramas and the general cultural "vibe" of that era, where everyone with power and money pretended everything was perfect and it was very much not. Anyways the entire world ended, some people got too irradiated and became what are known as "ghouls", the fauna and flora mutated in extreme ways, and its a desolate and hostile environment to survive in, but its all good bc we still have music by Billie Holiday. Bioshock on land. Well technically Fallout was first so Bioshock is Fallout underwater. Anyways its. its Skyrim with guns. whatever lmao.
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koppaiterocker · 9 months
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bylrndgm · 1 year
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otp: it was a seven
recreating my first byler gifset.
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bigdaddydaemon · 9 days
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Knights of Westeros Academy, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Dorne, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top swordsman in the entire Westerosi armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over raven? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the realm and your location is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to dragon fire, and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
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lxmitlxss · 15 days
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Meows convincingly.
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recklessmoss · 3 months
Messing up a question on Tomo's trivia table makes me feel like this
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widowshill · 3 months
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sinshckled · 4 months
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★ |  * ⋆      -   -  - –  INBOX !  *  ﹡                  ﹡     ✧ * ☇  ( @nocentis ! )
Suddenly, the walls feel like they’re [ closing ] on him – and Jellal is suddenly much, much too aware of the GRIDS OF METAL that surround him - them. He feels trapped. Not by any binding, nor by any cuffs - but by an all too familiar gaze of hazel. .
Ever since his identity had been ( accidentally ) revealed, the children’s behavior toward him changed drastically - and UNDERSTANDABLY. His disguise was one of their jailers’, but his face is the one of a friend ; ( regardless of how the years had changed it. ) And while his heart fills with fondness at the way Millianna and Sho run to hug his leg & at the awe in Erza’s eyes, it is not enough to dissipate his apprehension. Looking at his younger self has been harder ever since. Jellal knows the child has questions – can SEE IT in his body language, FEEL IT in the weight of his stare, and HEAR IT in his voice. && To these inquiries, he has no wish to answer.
But the ghosts of the past have never failed to catch up to him.               WHY WOULD THIS TIME BE ANY DIFFERENT ?
He gets cornered at the end of his “mission”, once the dust has settled back down. When the threat is no more, and they can all breathe a little easier. While checking up on the wounded - taking advantage of the first aid supplies he always carries and knows are scarce within these walls - 
He feels a shy tug at his cloak, and turns around to cobalt strands, a familiar marking, and a [ request to talk ].
Right there and then, he knows he cannot run from this anymore.
Alas, even though the Heavenly Body mage had started preparing, as much as he could have, for this discussion to occur  - this was him, this had been him, he should know better than anyone what he could ask . . . and yet, 
                              he still finds himself at a LOSS FOR WORDS.
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                " … "
     What is he supposed to say ?
     He swallows thickly. His tongue feels HEAVY in his mouth, burdened with the knowledge of the last decades. He knows that child is DOOMED ; from the peek he had gotten in the office, it was only a matter of weeks… days even, perhaps. 
     These eyes – HEAVENS, he was so small; pale skin upon frail bones, muscles built from years of labor and stolen childhood. He looks so fragile, but his eyes, despite it all, burn alight with a ferocious SPARK ; one that has not shone in his own gaze for a very, very long time.
     His fingers crackle with starlight. He tastes an anger the likes of which is foreign to him – old, bygone. He feels an urge to defy the flow of time - to let the stars bring JUDGMENT upon this wretched island, sending this ATROCITY of a R-system crumbling to the ground, and take him - take them, all these poor innocent children, so so very far away from here. & yet he cannot ; 
       Why here ? Why now ? Why him ?             What is he doing here ?
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     Memories of this time are nothing more than movie sequences in his head now, decades later ; so far away, so distant. This part of him has been laid to rest alongside the WICKEDNESS of his teenage years, and both only ever come back to haunt him as a form of torture. As a result, this child was no more than an ACQUAINTANCE, a figure erased by time, wrath, grief and BLOOD.
     But being there, quite literally face to face with his past - it all comes back to him. Flashes triggered by the long-gone architecture of these walls, by the stench of rot sitting heavily across the perimeter, by the crackles of electricity, the whirring of heavy machinery & the haunting sound of children sobbing a few cells further - quietly, by fear of being whipped into silence –      He now remembers being that boy. Forcing a smile every single day of his life, for the sake of the young who looked up to him. He would tell stories upon stories, wiping tears while holding his own grief tight on a leash. ( because those stories had been his brother’s, and his mother’s, and the village elder’s, && they had starred his cousin, his neighbor, the shop clerk and the fishermen – and all these people were DEAD, by now BONES buried underneath stone and charred wood and ash. )
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       ... What was HE doing here ?
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     He thinks he’s struck by all five stages of grief simultaneously.The thoughts crossing his head are a blur. He feels dizzy, knees one gust of wind away from buckling.
Blaming yourself for your own weaknesses is easier when you don’t have the 11 years old version of yourself standing before you.
Looking into your eyes with – one last sliver of hope.
––– How could he ever put the blame of his anger upon him?
HE WAS A CHILD. He was a child.
            ( It hits him all at once. )
He knows the intricacies of time travel. He knows he doesn’t remember going through this. He knows his younger self will not walk away with an answer, nor with a solution. This is Fiorean history – and it is set in stone.
That doesn’t mean he wants to LIE to him.
( Not when he’s been standing wordlessly for this long. Not when he has let silence stretch so far. Not when the tiny, fragile version of himself is catching on to what it means. Perhaps, if he’d been quicker, it could have been an option. ) 
     And so Jellal does the only thing that, amongst all the possibilities offered to him, feels undoubtedly, irrevocably right. 
     He closes the distance between them with a few steps and crouches down to meet himself at eye-level. Looks – really looks at him, commits every detail to memory. From the slope of his nose to the tangled, soiled strands of blue decorating from his head ; from to the fainter scars he still sports to the swirls of angry red framing his eyes, pools of sage & amber in his irises. And then he reaches out, wraps his arms around the scrawny frame and gathers him slowly, carefully, in a hug. 
     He hides him in the crook of his shoulder; gives him a shelter, an adult, where the hastily-built foundations of his mask of strength can crack, if he so wishes. 
He lets him be a child once again.
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     ――――― Just for a moment.
━━━ ━━ ━ ╸╺ . * ✰
“ is all this countless suffering for my own good? ”
Later on, shortly after finding his way back in the present, Jellal will ponder this further. The Heavenly Body mage will stand on a beach, amongst speckles of sand, and watch the sun gradually DISAPPEAR beyond the vast sea that once held him [ hostage ] ― painting the sky in shades akin to the burning fire that took everything away from him. 
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He will think of his younger self - so far away in time, yet now so close in memory. 
He will close his eyes, push open the door to his history, rush past the whispers and shadows crawling its walls, and find that child still within him. He will dig him out from the grave he was buried within, and he will give him his SIGHT - his HEARING - his TASTE - his EVERYTHING.
He will let himself feel breeze upon his skin, breathe in the smell of sea salt, taste the freedom of a boundless life.
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     And when his eyes open again, he will gaze upon that landscape, && he will find it beautiful.
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ghostclangen · 5 months
I got 1k words of that sweetfern novella done yesterday 🙏 I probably won't be able to keep that pace up on the daily bc y'know ideas come and go but it's nice to know that I can still do it. here's a quick excerpt (it's a phone screencap so I have no idea what the resolution is like on desktop lol, sorry)
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I'm trying to emulate the warriors writing style a little bit- like it's Different I think my influence is still in there- which basically just comes to being less pretentious wordy lol. and stuff like using the occasional epithet and having thoughts in the first person and not just working it into the 3rd person narration.
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twohundredpower · 5 months
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( repost, please don’t reblog )
▐ NAME: bee! ▐ PRONOUNS: she/they ▐ SEXUALITY: bi ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: taken ▐ FIVE FACTS:
i love a lot of series by CLAMP and can yap about them for hours (while also dunking on them)
i'm getting married in FIVE MONTHS WHAT THE HECK
i'm double jointed in my shoulders and can crawl on the floor like samara from the ring LOL
i can floss and actively try to teach my friends how to do it
if you've never played a game from the company supergiant i will buy them for you
▐ HOW LONG (YEARS/MONTHS): almost 20 years at this point. god help me ▐ PLATFORMS USED: tumblr is what i've been using for the last decade and a half, but i got started on neopets, then gaiaonline! i've also tried jcink a couple of times ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: gosh, SO many. there's honestly too many to count, but above all i am so grateful for the many friends i've made over the years!! i've met a lot in person and have kept in touch with my closest ones for nearly 16 years. i am so thankful for all of them!
▐ MALE/FEMALE/OTHER: mostly male/masculine leaning, but i've written quite a few female muses in the group before! ▐ FAVORITE FACECLAIM: usually it's watanuki, but i've been liking suu a lot lately (probably because i'm considering apping her) ▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: GIMME THAT HURT/COMFORT BABY ▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: both! ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: i enjoy both, and actively try to write less most of the time, but i ramble SO often i am so sorry ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: honestly, when i can dedicate a whole day to doing it is when i enjoy it best; it takes a lot of energy for me to write recently so i don't like having distractions/other tasks i need to worry about. but otherwise, i like to once it's gotten quiet after a long day, so the evening usually! ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: i think i have himbo energy yeah (but generally, i think i am in small ways? i always lean towards muses who mean a lot to me personally so!!)
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seeraven · 20 hours
ok look. listen. i know. "Aster u just made vax" i know. lsiten.
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speargifted · 4 days
//idk how many more things can go wrong - my computer isnt working and idk when the wifi will be set up because of some issues
But we did get my ps5 setup! So i think im just gonna play xvi myself or we'll finish rising tide finally
We leave on Thursday for a wedding and get back on the monday and that was when I was planning to come off hiatus but,,, i guess we'll see how long it takes to fix my pc
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mirrorsofwar · 12 days
I'm gonna work on me verses but ones I have planned are Elden Ring+Dark Souls, LoL, Destiny, Marvel+DC, one with @maljefe specifically, and a few others. They are more concrete for Ven bc he was the original BB I wrote, but I'll also have verses for BiBo as well.
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handgiven · 21 days
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i may have made 50+ icons from that single scene also someone should come hold emmanuel's face now that i have icons for it because, and teddy agrees:
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statiicstag · 2 months
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@tvvox – " hey,  look at me.   i don't care.   are you okay ? "
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Backed into a relatively darker corner of the establishment Alastor feels somewhat safe from onlookers, though ironically it's the man who stands in front of him who has all but ensured that won't be lasting very long. Whether it be his spying drones or his very presence that commandeers all eyes on him, he's certain the minutes they have of privacy are numbered.
He's unsure if it's the risk of their proximity itself, the humiliation of being bested ( in front of a crowd, no less, ) the feeling of being coddled or the pain that sets off a flare of irritation within him, though at the time being he's not exactly going to search for the answer.
Hair and the very fur on his ears bristling he gives a curt nod, backing away as his eyes dart to their sides. ❝ Quite. ❞ he snips. ❝ The issue has been taken care of. ❞ The issue being no more than a puddle of a person by the time Alastor had found himself finished.
But he'd still managed a good hit, blood dribbling between his fingertips where he holds his side and dripping onto the floor below. ❝ Our carefully crafted reputation is what's at risk if you don't leave me at once. ❞
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huntershowl · 2 months
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@nclson said:
❛  i don't know what i'd do without you.  ❜ platonic sentence starters. ACCEPTING
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❝ YEAH, WHATEVER. ❞ HELLHOUND hefts the unconscious body of their mutual — ally — onto the couch, which, they note, is already stained with old blood. something tells her it's not the first time something like this has happened. nor will it be the last.
❝ i owed him a favor. owed. that's all this is. ❞ technically true. but the amount of times hellhound has stepped in to aid these three is beginning to mount a pile of evidence against her. nelson was the last to earn their respect, but he was ballsy for walking into their territory alone to ask for help — and from the court cases her people have wiretapped, he has a fierce magnetism to him that you don't see every day. ( in fact, the familiarity is a little sickening sometimes. but that's not nelson's fault. )
hellhound kneels next to daredevil and hefts what looks like a long instrument case off her shoulder. the case clicks open to reveal a disassembled sniper rifle and, tucked into a separate compartment, a compact but heavy-duty first aid kit. ❝ they're all dead, by the way, ❞ she grumbles, without looking at him. ❝ you're welcome. ❞
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