#THIS IS SO GOOD!!!! FUCK ITUP!!!!!!!!!!!!
potpiehead · 10 months
any day i get to eat chips and salsa is a good day
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penny-nichols · 2 years
Wait you’re making Gavinners OCs?? That’s awesome (i also like how you think that there’s gotta be a member named Luke because why not lol)
But tbh Hammer is a good name pun for a judge character, and the Gavinners is a band consisting of people in the legal system iirc so it would be a cool idea. Imagine Jack Hammer (and the rest of Global) meeting the Gavinners through his non canon judge rockstar son lmao
Btw so true Penny would call people “buddy”, especially kids :)
- Feychols swap anon
I'm probably not making gavinners ocs I mostly made that post as a joke... but now I'm kinda tempted by it. Ham Itup Luke O'way and Donna Hammer (I know they're a boy band but I couldn't think of a better pun name for Bring Down The Hammer) ........Yeah I need to draw them also ABAP (Assigned Buddy at Penny) John: Why the fuck do you keep calling me buddy Penny: I don't think I do it that often, buddy John: .... Penny: ....okay yeah
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pinkstars-jpeg · 4 years
days like this make me wonder what’s the point. Then I realize girl chill you’re literally in your house just chilling calm down. You’re a 22 year old girl in the middle of a pandemic and periods of riots (for GOOD REASON), and there’s a lot going on outside but you’re continuously locked inside. So you have no choice but to keep absorbing everything going on without anyway to let off steam, and there hasn’t been any sign of normalcy in A LONG TIME. 
I read somewhere that now we have feelings for our feelings. We feel frustrated and irritated we have to stay in side, then feel guilt for feeling that feeling because remind ourselves of how blessed we are with our current situation. 
And now I feel like everything goes in an unproductive cycle of thinking. 
It goes: ‘I’m fucking sad---but for what?? right im okay---im mad---but for what??? you have everything you need---im so done with everything---but you are so privileged, literally suck itup??---” and on and on and on 
Tomorrow I just want to calm down, TURN OFF MY PHONE, chill, do things the way I wanna do things, only an hour or two of social media (enough to get news as well), and just clear my mind. 
MY mind has been on steroids for the past couple days. CIRCLES AN CIRCLES deterring me from doing any good, or connecting with others in a meaningful way. 
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i-am-forever--bored · 8 years
I'm listening to Dear Even Hansen and I really loved watching The Book Of Mormon and that makes me trash
Even: *sings For Forever*
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shadowsnlace · 6 years
Poly Rangiku x Rukia x female S/O (sfw ans nsfw)
Oh my! Rangiku and Rukia! I’m in need of a little R ‘n’ R, howabout y’all? Lol! And, OMG, I had a lot to say about this! I hope you all enjoythese gorgeous ladies!
* Rangiku is the one that met you first. It was while Rukia wasaway on a mission in the world of the living. She just kept inviting you tohave dinner and sake with her. You knew she was attracted to you. She doesn’thold anything back when she’s buzzed. She’s blunt – very blunt. More than once she made you blush with the things shetold you she wanted to do with you. Most of them were whispered in your ear onthe way home. You knew she was in a relationship with Rukia so you scratched itup to drunk flirting and made sure it never went further than talk. But, onceRukia got home she started joining you and Rangiku for dinner. (Rangiku hadwaited until Rukia returned to tell her about you.) You didn’t know thosedinners were “dates” but were quickly clued in when your fourth “date” hadRukia asking you if you’d be interested in formally dating them. You blinked alot, you couldn’t believe these two amazing women wanted you as a girlfriend.
* Three months later you were moving into the house that Rukiaand Rangiku shared. The three of you got along so well, you just knew thatliving together would be wonderful. A week later, you were ready to strangleRangiku. She has a habit of not picking up after herself. She leaves dirtylaundry on the floor, empty sake bottles all over the house, take awaycontainers and all manner of trash next tothe trash bin. You couldn’t believe it, “Rangiku, why can’t you just put trashin the bin?! It’s literally only six more inches away from where you left it!”She just shrugs, puts a used tissue on the counter and walks away. But, shedoes make up for her slobbish ways by doing all the necessity shopping. Thelist hangs on the fridge. Whatever you need, she makes sure you and Rukia getit. She also jokes that her bedroom skills make up for any lack of houseworkthat she does. However, come laundry day, she always helps.
* Rukia is often gone a lot so you and Rangiku spend a lot oftime together. It’s the same when Rangiku gets sent on a mission, you and Rukiaare left together. Both women love that you’re there for them when one partneris away. The emotional support system in your household is amazing. All threeof you never have to deal with anything alone.
* The bathroom and vanity situation in your home is alwaysbordering on chaos. All three of you use different products. You and Rukia keepyour stuff neatly tucked away in organizers. Rangiku has an organizer butleaves her stuff all over the vanity. More than once she’s had to replace aproduct that got knocked into the toilet.
* Living together, your menstrual cycles have all synced. Once amonth your home is a hormonal warzone. Rukia brought home some menstrual reliefmeds from the world of the living, so it’s not as bad as it could be, but thereare crying jags and snappy moments that thankfully don’t all happen at once. Bythe time you all crawl in bed together to sleep, you’re all back on good termshaving apologized for any bitchiness. Then it’s snuggles and soft words as youall slip off to sleep.
* Shopping for fashion and other goodies is something you all dotogether. It’s a special, fun day and one that both women will schedule so thatthey can have the day off for you all to spend it together. After breakfast,you head out. You take your time browsing all your favorite shops. Clothing,shoes, make up, books, candy, potions and lotions, no shop goes un-browsed. Allthree of you have saved your mad money for this day and you deny yourselvesnothing. (Rukia always wants to check the toy stores for anything bunny-relatedthat might interest her. She’s got a stuffed bunny that she sleeps with. Itgets put on the nightstand during sex and she will turn it away so it can’t“watch.”)
* The first time you all made love, Rangiku and Rukia ended upplaying rock, paper, scissors to see who got to eat you out first. You laughedreally hard. Rukia won, but Rangiku still managed to “help”. She kept slidingher fingers down to pull back your folds for Rukia. Then she kissed her waydown there and you ended up with two tongues lapping at you. You pulled Rangiku’sleg over you and pulled her hips until you could lick and suck her clit. Shegave up helping Rukia, her moans took over and she just let you have your way.Rukia was surprised when you both came at the same time. She was even moresurprised when you both ganged up on her. Rangiku licked and fingered Rukiawhile you got to enjoy every moan while you kissed her. Her petite frame gotexplored by your hands and lips. When she came, she arched into you, clingingto you.
* Rukia is the queen of strap-ons. She really loves to fuck youand Rangiku and she is damn good at it. Seriously, she’s like a little rabbit –apt considering how much she loves them. (You often coo, kiss her softly andcall her your little bunny. In public it makes her blushy, but in private, it getsyou pinned to the nearest surface.) She will fuck you nice and slow, lean inclose so she can give you deep kisses. She likes a lot of eye contact andtelling you how much she loves you. (Those violet eyes never fail to mesmerizeyou.) That’s usually how it starts. But, soon she’ll turn you over on yourhands and knees – that’s when the rabbit appears. She likes to pull your hairwhile she rides you fast and deep. And she never fails to hit that spot insideyou that makes you wail. That’s when the dirty talk will start. It’s always questionsabout how you like what she’s doing and statements on how much she loves fuckingyour tight pussy. Most times Rangiku will watch, reaching over to fondle yourbreasts while she kisses your mouth. But, once in a while, she can’t resist thetwo of you – she gets under you so she can lick your clit while Rukia isfucking you. Be warned, once you cum, neither of them will stop. Rukia willslow down a little, but they’re both going to keep pleasuring you until youtell them to stop.  It’s the same whenRukia is fucking Rangiku. You love to watch them together. Rangiku prefersriding Rukia reverse cowgirl so you can have access to her whole body. And youmake sure her breasts plenty of attention before you settle down to suck herclit while Rukia’s strap-on is buried to the base inside her. You’ve learned tomake sure you hold Rangiku’s thighs open when you do that, the first time youdid it, she clamped down on your head when she came – and she has some reallystrong legs.
* Rangiku prefers a more organic approach to sex. She prefersusing her body to make love to you and Rukia. She is really big on kisses. Herinstant turn-on is to kiss her slow and deep. She’ll moan in your mouth andstart pulling at your clothes. Put your hand in her hair and squeeze a bit, she’llpractically melt in your arms. Once you’re all in bed, she loves touching andkissing every inch of you. You always return the same attention to her. Shewill always give you lots of oral and fingering. It’s her favorite. She will rockyou through as many orgasms as she can before you have to wave her off. But, it’sstill not over. She’ll line herself up with you and scissor fuck you to anotherorgasm. There are times when she will use a toy on you, just because she likesto lay between your legs and watch it slide in and out of you – she likes tolook up and see Rukia licking your nipples. She does like to use a strap-on,but it’s something she has to be in the mood for. Usually, if she’s had a badday at work or is frustrated about something, that’s when you and Rukia areboth getting the strap-on treatment from her. She’s great at it too. She’s got aton of stamina and she will move your body into positions you never imagined.Once, you accidentally slipped off the bed with your hips and legs up – she plantedher hands on the floor around your head and used gravity to fuck you so deepthe moans were ripped out of you. When you and Rukia team up to make love toRangiku, you both have to keep her from taking over. She tends to be ratherdominant in bed, so you have to keep her distracted to keep her on her back andletting the two of you have your way with her. She loves having both of youmake love to her at the same time.
* Rukia likes to watch. She’ll deliberately hold out as long asshe can. By the time you or Rangiku pull her in for kisses, she’s so wound upshe practically devours your mouth. With her tiny frame, you and Rangiku tendto sandwich her between you. Once the oral orgasms have made her a shakingpuddle of goo, you and Rangiku will both use a strap-on to fuck her. You taketurns. You get to take her missionary, which you love because you can cage herin with your arms so you can kiss her deeply. Rangiku will take her cowgirl. Rukiais so light, Rangiku will often lift her up and down to get some extra forceinto the thrusts. Since Rukia likes anal, Rangiku will hug her close and getkisses while you lube up and slide into her ass. You control the pace. Slow atfirst then picking up the pace, it doesn’t take long before Rukia has her facein Rangiku’s neck and is screaming through a powerful orgasm.
* Bonus: You bought Rukia a bunny vibrator for her birthday,just because you couldn’t resist how cute it was and knew she’d love it. IfRangiku is away on a mission and it’s just the two of you, the rabbit getsbrought out. Rangiku doesn’t like it so you two only use it when she’s away.When Rukia is away, you and Rangiku enjoy some food play. Rukia thinks it’sgross and will flat refuse to let either of you slather anything edible on her.
* No matter how you’re all making love to each other, there is alwaysa lot of loving touches and slow kisses afterwards. If it’s late, clean upusually is limited to wash rags and towels. If it’s early, you’ll shower orsoak in a bath. The sex always ends with you all talking softly, usually jokingabout something funny that happened during your romp. But, before anyone candrift off to sleep words of love are spoken and driven home with a kiss thatspeaks more than words ever can.
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prettipeterparker · 7 years
reoccuring feelings - miniminter imagine pt.2
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warnings; swearing in monologue
pairing; simon x reader
requested; multiple times
word count; 518 words
“and then later we got free movie vouchers as an ‘engagement gift.’“ he continued. 
just as i looked up at him he looked down at me. his eyes flickered from mine to then my lips.
“please kiss me.”
it had been three weeks since simon and i had filmed together. needless to say, both of our timelines we buzzing. of course simon can cut out the part where i had asked him to kiss me. 
we hadn’t spoken since the day of filming. i mean we’ve had small sort of like “good job on the video” and “see ya around” sort of messages but that was it. 
the boys were throwing a small house party today, and josh had invited me to swing around and join in.
it was obvious to me by now that my feelings for simon had resurfaced and probably weren’t going to leave any time soon wiht my admitting them. 
the night of the party. i was stressing. i was seeing simon again. i was going to confess my feelings for him. fuck. it felt like i was back in high school confessing my feelings for the boy i had been secretly stalking for the past year. not that i had been stalking him.
i did my best to look cute. i really wanted to impress him. i styled my hair in really loose curls, hairspraying it a shit tonne so it would stay that way through out the night. i wore a tight long sleeved black shirt with a v-neck plunge and those rose patches sown in that everyones currently obsessed with. i wore some plain ripped black jeans and my windsor smith black lace up heels. 
as for makeup, i went with a bold red lip and just a regular face of makeup. i fixed up my brows and applied some mascara before nailing a winged eyeliner. thanks sarah for the tips. 
i looked at myself in the mirror, my anxiety kicking itup a knotch and really starting to make me want to pee myself.
“stop it (y/n). stop being a pussy.” i told myself as a glanced at my reflection.
with a final push of the hair and cleaning of the edges of my lips, i grabbed my purse and exited my house. i had called an uber, because no doubt was i going to get absolutely smashed tonight. 
once i arrived at the sidemen house, i thanked my uber driver (who was super nice by the way) and walked up the the front door. to no surprise the door was wide open. 
i waltzed on in, instantly being greeted by Vik as he was walking by.
“(y/n)! looking good!” he called out as he walked passed.
i nodded my head in thanks, walking through the hallway and to the living room. this place was way more packed then what i thought it would be.
my eyes scanned across the room before finally landing on him. he was already looking at me. my breath hitched in my throat. fuck. he was walking towards me.
before i could snap out of it, his arm wrapped around my wrist, pulling me away and into some closet in the hallway. 
all of a sudden, his lips were on mine.
pulling away after a few moments, we were bothh breathless.
“i like you.”
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dietpitt · 7 years
99 and Stanley, please!
Me, wiping tears from my eyes: bout time there was some angst around here…
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They found him.
Shit hit the fan, and they were coming to collect.
You weren’t scared about that. You were angry. Angry, hurt,humiliated, and heartbroken.
Sam Pinsky was a complete fraud- hell, that wasn’t even hisname! What’s worse, you didn’t even find out from him, but instead a threateningransom note you found stuffed into his coat pocket.
“We know who you are,Stan Pines. If you don’t want anyone else finding out, you’ll pay up, plusinterest. If you keep us waiting much longer, we might have to consult yourlittle girlfriend for incentive.” Signed. Dated. Crumpled and shoved away.
You had to confront him. It would no doubt be ugly, but youcouldn’t stay silent or let it go. You thought he respected you more than to keepsomething like this from you.
And ugly it was.
“I don’t care what they said, it doesn’t mean shit!” Sam- Stan yells, slamming his palms on thekitchen table. “They’re bluffing!”
“Wow, thanks for your concern, Stanley.”You spit.
“That’s not what I meant! Why should I get ya so worried overnothin’? It’s me they want, not you, you weren’t supposed to hear that-“
You’re fuming. “Don’t pass your macho-bullshit off as caringabout me! If you gave a shit about anything- about us, then you would’ve havetold me about it, or at least your fucking real name-“
Stan’s back to pacing now, exiting the kitchen. “Oh, againwith the “secret identity” card. I told ya, I’m a wanted man! How was I s’posedto know I could trust ya when we first met?!”
You trail behind him, refusing to let this go, voice raising. “I don’tblame you for that, but you should’ve fucking told me sooner! Or at all! Maybeafter the first time I said I loved you, maybe?! How long were you gonna keep itup- were you ever gonna tell me?!”He whips around suddenly, startling you by grabbing you by the shoulders. “I didn’t think I was gonna be heremuch longer, okay?!”
It’s like a shot of ice through your veins. He didn’t justsay that…
He releases you, standing tensely and refusing to meet yourgaze. “When we started seein’ each other, I told ya I moved around a lot. Nowyou know why. I can’t stay in one place for too long or my past catches up withme.”
The breath is ripped from your lungs and it’s dizzying. Youdidn’t think this would last when you first met him either, but since your timetogether, it had changed. You both made promises that, at least on your end,you intended to keep.
It’s like he can read your thoughts. “I got caught up inthis. I was careless. I got too attached and stayed too long, and it’s myfault. This isn’t fair to you.”
You can’t speak, all you hear is the ringing in your ears.You turn away from the man you thought you loved. You wouldn’t let him see youcry over this.
“I’m sorry,” he offers lamely, bringing his hand to your armbut you rip it away.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” Stan’s not surprised at yourreaction, but all the same looks guilty.
Good. He should feel guilty. He should feel terrible.
“If you’re going to leave, you better do it now.”You choke out, tears blurring your gaze as they threaten to fall. “You’ve madeit clear you’ve been here long enough.”
If he was going to walk out on you, youweren’t going to be a passive part in it. You wouldn’t wake up to an empty bed,wandering down the stairs only to find his belongings gone too, with a shittynote on the table. No, he’d already done enough.
Stan simply nods, accepting the ultimatum. You’re not sure if that hurts more. He really was planning to leave,after all of this.
You can’t watch as he gathers his things- a few items from around the apartment thrown in a duffle bag haphazardly.
Then he puts on his coat. His hat. And lastly, picks up his keys from the counter.
Finally, you look to him. His face is serious, like herefuses to show the sadness you hope he truly feels. If you didn’t know thepainful truth, the image of him now would seem like a dutiful husband headingout for work.
If only.
He approaches you, keeping enough distance that would havebeen only fitting of strangers not too long ago. He’s looking at you like youhold the final command, the final word.
You couldn’t touch him. A kiss or even a hug would just makeit harder for you to let him leave. This had to be a clean cut.
But you let yourself look into the chocolate eyes youloved so dearly; once full of mischief and fondness, now heavy.
“Sa- Stan. If you leave, I don’t want you to ever comeback.”He smiles sadly, almost as if you figured him out. “I can’t have you droppingin for an alibi.” He chuckles, flipping through the keys in his palm andsettling on the smallest, most familiar one: yours. He pulls it from thering and turns it around in his fingers for a moment before holding it out toyou.
You go to take it, shaking, and as you feared, your hand comes on topof his and just the feeling of his skin on yours is enough for the tears tofinally slip down your cheek. Your grasp stays there for a moment and his fingers stroke your hand almost soothingly. You allow yourselfthis one last touch with him.
But it’s over too soon- it would always be too soon- as youfinally take the key and withdraw.
Stan Pines shares a look with you, those heavy eyescapturing your dewy ones. It tells you all you need to know.
You walk him halfway to the door; any further and you might go with him.
Your heartbeat isthrumming in your ears, key grasped so tightly in your fist that it digs into the flesh.With the door ajar, he turns back to you one last time before walking through it and out of your life, into the night.
“I’m sorry.”
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thenormalparanormal · 4 years
ok so u might be wondering “ted,, what the hell are you talking about, you always talk about homestuck” NO URWRONG BECUZ THIS ISNT HOmESTUCK thisd is a little webcomic called immortal days
im gonna put some trigger warnings and a brief explanation of what its about before i ramble
TW: gore, death in general, c//lts, violence, drug use, uhh thats all also there’s obvious spoilers for immortal days
so in the future, humanity has discovered a way to become immortal. over the years everyone has become immortal and everyone who wasnt, well they obviously died. our main character is a man named myeol who happens to be a mortal. he lives a normal life until he meets a troubleshooter named phil. phil is also mortal. he hires myeol as his partner and yeah tbh thats all i ca explain im very bad at talking (・・;)
ok now i will ramble 
 its rlly cool it ALWAYS has me holding me breath!!!!! even when there’s no fight scenes happening there’s this really cool suspence in most scenes!!!! and phil is rlly interesting to me theres this one short episode after one of the chapters (if thats what you call them) thats the first episode from phil’s pov. he talks about his hatred for immortals, seeing them as monsters for not being able to die and how he views himself as better because he has what they dont have. i guess that explains why he priorities himself and work over others (with the exception of myeol). he’s a really reckless dude. the reason he actually cares for myeol is because he can die. he’s mortal, just like phil. he needs somone like him so he doesn’t feel alone in this world. the last line in the episode is rlly interesting phil says to himself “you [myeol] can understand me...i’ll make sure you do...” which is REALLY FUCKING SPOOKY. im not trying to say phil is heartless or anything like that but he could care less for what happens to others since theyre all immortal. im interested in phil’s character, he seems to have secrets too. there’s also this drug called “bloody mary” which makes the user be super fast and gain superhuman speed. the thing is it makes them no brain head empty. they become VERY VIOLENT!!! this is introduced in the fourth chapter, “one finger death punch” where a pro wrestler is suspected of using the drug. aaaand they dont mention it again for a few chapters UNTIL THE MOST RECENT ONES THEY’VE BROUGHT ITUP AGAIN BUT THERE’S BEEN A MORE STRONGER VERSION OF IT so yeah. theres also this guy named golgotha who preaches about the “eternal rest” (death) and how humanity has commited a grave sin by achieving immortality. he’s in jail for fraud but like alot of the prisoners believe him and listen to his sermons so they’re keeping an eye on him. ok im gonna talk about myeol now becuz i havent said much about him he’s usual seen as weak by others but he’s REALY FAST AND GOOD AT LIKE NOT DYING so :) he also is very against hitting others pressure points (the most vunerable parts of an immortal) becus  he’s worried that they might kill another mortal. OH UM ALSO u know how i said that phil has secrets im really excited for the  next episode because myeol is at phil’s house right? and phil isn’t there cause he’s dealing will stuff and myeol, while looking through his dresser, find something idk what it is but i KNOW theyr gonna show it in the next few episodesand im excited what could it be what could it be????? u should check it out its great anyways thats all folks thanks 4 coming to my ted talk :)
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