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cocopineo · 5 years ago
Seraphina is the creative and sharp-witted daughter of Jinx and Casper Jerome Lee but is the adoptive daughter of Starfire and Nightwing. She used to be a resident of Jump City but moved to Townsville due to her parents wanting a change of pace with her haywire powers and other questionable matters. She is recruited in the Vanguard League Supernatural Department as the teams strategist planing their missions and and how to succeed.
Basic Info
Name: Seraphina Grayson
Age: 16 or 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: August 12 (Leo)
Race/Nationality: African American/Indian
Height: 5’8 (With Boots) 5’6 (Without)
Alignment: Vanguard League
Rank: Supernatural Department and Strategist
*Trigger Warning: Abandonment*
Seraphina was born just for the purposes of being a killing machine and to help her father rise in power. After Casper had become corrupt with his science and being kicked out of the Hero Corporation he needed a way to get back and destroy hero’s. That’s where he thought of having a child but with someone with powers of course he was only human after all and lucky for him a woman had just came his way. Jinx had just had a major fallout with Flash and was in dire need of comfort. After he had kicked her out of his apartment and Casper had happened to find her sulking with all her stuff sitting on the curb. To his excitement he knew exactly who she was he was a hero fanboy after all and knew every detail there was to know. So after a couple of dates and drinks the two had hit it off well and were now expecting a little bundle of joy. Little did Jinx know that all the pampering that Casper constantly did was all experiments and that their child was not so safe. Once Seraphina was born Casper demanded that Jinx leave and he admitted to her his whole plan to create a new generation of hero’s far more superior to the one’s now. Jinx was enraged and tried to fight but her powers had been drained and she was taken out of their home but she was determined to get her daughter back. Four months had passed and Seraphina’s powers were already developing with every wire and needle attached and poked at her. Casper’s work was succeeding until he had a break in and found his child gone, Jinx had taken her and ran straight to Townsville. Still with the baby in her arms Jinx took one good look at her only seeing every mistake written she didn’t have the guts to care for her or end her life. Jinx walked around Townsville looking for a place or someone to take the child but she gave up a place Seraphina near an old dumpster in an alley. While on night patrol Nightwing had heard the wails of a baby and he searched for the source until he found the baby crying a storm until a fire hydrant exploded due to her. Taken back by the little one he scooped her up and took her to his home, there he showed his lovely wife Starfire the little girl and she quickly fell in love. However, Nightwing wanted to find her mother first, in a couple of weeks he was able to track down Jinx in Townsville they had a small conversation and Jinx pleaded to Nightwing to take care of her child if she were with her nothing would be safe. So Nightwing obliged and adopted Seraphina.
A couple of years had past and Seraphina was now a child but a child with haywire powers. These powers would just happen at random and sometimes they would even end school early (Cayenne didn’t mind) or authorities would have to close certain places due to her. To make matters worse she didn’t want exactly look normal from the gray patches of skin and pink eyes she was seen as a abomination to some kids she even earned the nickname “Cowphina” from her unattractive appearance. Yet Seraphina made up for that by being one of the smartest kids always acing each pop quiz or exam to getting A++ on her papers. As time went on she was trained by Starfire to contain her powers, it only helped a little but she also trains with Nightwing in combat. Outside of training she spent most of her time with Danielle working on different tech or solving a scientific theory and the occasional sleepovers. She is very talented in Scientific Technology for instance she has created power booster or stabilizers and she is skilled with Alchemy. She’ll use
Now a teen she was asked to be recruited for the Vanguard League by Kingsley to help improve her powers not to mention they could use another big brain. She was skeptical at first and wasn’t that confident in her untamed powers but took the offer as a way to show that she’s a lot more than an “unhinged” witch or something like that.
Seraphina has a hardworking and sharp-witted personality. She’s caring and will be willing to help anyone in need and go out of her way to help. Aside from being an ol teddy bear Seraphina is smart and is at the top of her class she gets the job done wether it be due in 3 months she’ll do it in a week. However she works herself to the bone which can drain her badly especially when she’s with the League she is too stubborn to let her team down and not to mention she is a perfectionist and can sometimes really damage herself. On top of that Seraphina is majorly insecure from her mother abandoning her to being called an abomination from old bullies. When in battle she’s alert and tactical calling out a position or warning for her teammate and elaborates on her opponents, surroundings and more. Also Seraphina has two left feet she could easily trip on thin air or cause something to explode by accidentally knocking down one of substances into a potion she was making. To top it all off the girl can be naive at times not really comprehending a dirty joke or pick up line until it’s 3 hours later she smart but too innocent.
Seraphina has a healthy relationship with her family (adoptive) they really do care for her and they’re open. They did tell her about her biological family which she is still bothered by but she’s thankful for them. She has more a stronger bond with her mother because she has dealt with some things Seraphina has went through, her father and her have a strong bond as well but slightly less since he does sometimes stress Seraphina just stay inside rather than go out and cause an accident with her powers. That’s a huge thing that bothers her she wants him to see her powers as normal not chaotic and of course she adores her little sister Mar’i aside from her sometimes zooming around the house leaving it in chaos and Seraphina having to speed threw the halls to catch her chaotic sister.
Danielle is like a sister to Seraphina they knew each other since childhood since there parents still hung out. They solved and schemed together until they got in trouble of course that was the best part. Danielle did mention to Seraphina to join the league and put in a recommendation for her not to mention she really wanted her to meet Kaydence. If anything were to happen to either of them the other would b in great sorrow they just are grateful to have each other.
You’d be surprised that these two are actually friends with their blatantly different personalities but they actually work well together. Vivian considers Seraphina one of her closests friends also Seraphina is the one to drag her out of a fight she knows she’ll get her butt kicked. Vivian really does care for Seraphina and wishes she was more confident in herself.
Dai Tai
Now Dai Tai is her ride or Dai (sorry had to) Dai Tai really brings out more confidence in Seraphina she pushes her to do more than just wallow. Also Dai Tai just loves Seraphina’s pureness and will body slam you if you hurt her and both are really open with each other. You can find them hanging out almost 24/7 outside of the League Dai Tai is basically the peanut butter to her jelly and work well together friend and League wise.
Now this story runs deep on how these two actually became friends. Now Casper works with Pandabubba and Xiang has known of Seraphina for awhile but has never met her. Until he takes on a task from his father to track down hi friends kid, there he tracks Seraphina down and plans on simply getting to know her tell Casper of her whereabouts, but he starts to know her better and realizes her father is a legit threat to her. Even though Xiang works for the enemy he still has humility and does not expose Seraphina he honestly feels sorry for her and the bs she’s went through. Now when Xiang does come back to town with his father and works with the YBA, Seraphina is shocked to her core but she doesn’t really hold a grudge against him she likes to see the good in everyone. Not to mention she has a big fat crush on him he makes her easily flustered one tiny wink could send her causing cars to crash.
Xiang, Danielle and Kaydence belongs to @princesscallyie
Dai Tai belongs to @laylaylamode
Vivian belongs to ppgzmlpfimllover
Casper Jerome Lee belongs to me
Nightwing,Starfire and Mar’i Grayson belong to DC Comics
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