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kamabokobun · 4 months ago
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And then she continued to talk about candy for about two more minutes before letting you grab your treat
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msookyspooky · 3 years ago
OKAY !! JUst finished the movie and I really fucking loved it ! Like when i was a kid my sister talked big talk about scary it was so i never watched it (same with Orphan) and I didn’t really know what to expect but WOW
The characters are actually likeable for once so even tho theyre doing stupid shit that gets them killed, you still worry and care for them (i mean i was sure nick and carly were gonna be the “final ones” but tHE ENDING HAD ME NERVOUS) even the more annoying ones you still like (wade, dalton and nick at first)
The story is also a fucking banger, everything was done so well, the questions you have during the movie are actually answered (twice after i asked something, carly also asked it out loud skskks which was nice) LIKE THE CREEPY DUDE AT THE END, I REALLY THOUGHT THEYD LEAVE IT OPEN, IM SO GLAD I GOT ANSWERS SKSKSKS
Also Bo is fucking hot like SKSKSK thank you tumblr he was everything i wanted and more. Also like my main thing with horror movies is if i can rewatch them or not (like RZ Halloween was cool but too heavy for me rewatch for fun) bUT tHIS ONE THO !!! Absolutely would watch it again anytime 10/10
Im still debating what i should watch next from the list, so if there’s any you want me to watch first lmk !!
YAY! Ha, I knew you'd like it!!! It's the right amount of camp and horror mixed with good story telling. It has bad reviews but idc lmfao when in doubt if Rotten Tomatoes says it sucks its good and if they claim its amazing its usually...Not. (I can't believe RT convinced me to watch Creep. 90% positive reviews???? While HoW has 27% are u srs???)
Guy at the end is Lester, their little brother (of course you don't find that out till the end)
Let me narrow down the list
Okay, for rewatchablity bc it's fun or has a campy comedic feel to it:
- Thirteen Ghosts (It has Matthew Lilard / Stu!)
- Ghostship
- House on Haunted Hill
- Evil Dead (The original with Bruce Campbell)
- Night of the Demons
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2-4
- Gingersnaps (I know you saw the craft and jennifers body but i forget if you saw this or not)
- Freddy vs Jason
- Bride of Chucky
- Idlehands (It's a dark comedy)
- Trick r Treat
Rewatchablity bc it's just that good and you gotta catch everything you missed the first time:
- The Others
- The Other (1970s movie about a good twin vs bad twin. I really liked it its not scary just suspenseful!)
- Orphan
- The Curve (Similar to scream with Matthew Lilard I think you'd like it!!! Tim is just Stu if he got away with it)
I've yet to find too many movies with the same feel as Scream or Near Dark or Lost Boys or House of Wax and when I do the characters are unlikable (Urban Legend, I Know what you did last summer)
I actually think if you haven't watched the original Nightmare on Elmstreet you should! I just watched it again last night after not seeing it for years and the group of teens are extremely likeable characters but THEIR PARENTS suck ass lol.
I would personally pick one of these to watch next if you like Scream and House of Wax bc the protagonists are likeable and you're rooting for them + can easily be rewatched
- Nightmare on Elmstreet (1984)
- Evil Dead
- Bride of Chucky
- Pumpkinhead (If I remember correctly there was only one asshole)
- Pet Semetary (My favorite. It's eerie and creepy tho ngl)
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julie1706 · 4 years ago
Julie’s incredibly aesthetic incredibly autumny list of movies that she maybe recommends (part 2)
Oh sweet joy! It turns out that there are many more great, fantastic, cosy movies (and tv-series!) just absolutely perfect for autumn. By popular demand, I return with even MORE autumny recommendations, and this time, there might even be spell-checking. (Looking at you, “Silence of the Lamps”) (I won’t edit that, because that’s just funny.) 
Thank you for reading the previous one, and I hope you’ll enjoy this one too! We have some GREAT ones coming up. I hope! Maybe! But what I believe will really perfect this second list, is the fact, that autumn is close to being at its peak right now, with it being October! Woohoo! 
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Pumpkins, Jack’o’lanterns, spooky movies, Halloween, tricks and treats, fog, rain, candles lit in the dark, delicious tea, and scarves, because the chill is back in the air! Amazing! The aesthetics are to die for! 
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I’m on a small break from university, and have actually been having some allowed free time, to do autumny stuff. By this I mean I can do autumny stuff with my family and friends, and not feel guilty, because this time I’m not procrastinating. Well, I’m a little behind on some books, but it’s not that bad. You’re allowed free time on breaks! They’re supposed to be mostly free time, anyone knows that. I refuse to be a good student on breaks! 
This free time means that I have actually had time to watch some of these movies and tv-shows myself, and so I can feel a little better about recommending most of them, since I’ve actually seen them. Hehe. Still. I do have other, boring stuff to do, like reading for uni, emptying the dishwasher, cooking, vacuuming, etc., so there will be some of these I’m including, I have not watched, and those will be, again, backed by the power of optimism. Yay! Anyway! You’ve read enough not-halloween recommendationing, and is getting bored - Let’s get to it! (Also, these are still in random order, and I will put warnings at the end, again <3)
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I remember watching Coraline when it came out in theaters, years ago. I also remember that we had a little closet-thing in the wall, small and closed-up, but still very similar to the one she goes into, in the movie. Needless to say, this was not a favorite for little Julie, who was absolutely scared shit-less by this movie. I remember button-eyes, decaying puppets, and a very scary mom. Now, I have not watched the full movie since, but from bits and pieces through the years, I can wholeheartedly recommend this one. It’s stop-motion, the details are incredible, and wow, this movie is great. If you, like me, are no longer 9 years old, watch it! It’s wonderful, and surprisingly, very feel-good in the family aspect. A great movie!
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Official synopsis: 
An adventurous 11-year-old girl finds another world that is a strangely idealized version of her frustrating home, but it has sinister secrets.
//Warning: do not watch this, if you are around nine years old. It will absolutely traumatize you about small closets in old houses. If you are not nine years old, I think you’re good! Just the right amount of spookyness, I believe!
Sense and Sensibility
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I watched this with a good friend in february, I think. So I’m not sure why I think this has to go on an autumny list, but I stand by it! Maybe it’s the beige and brown, beautiful clothing, the many shots of nature, and the relationships between these characters, that fits very well with the cold and chilling air, we find ourselves in, here in lovely October. I don’t know. Food for thought. But this is a great movie, and I really think you should try watching it under a blanket, with tea and a good friend. We didn’t know the story before we saw it, and it had us guessing! And there is a part my other friend Sif told me, always makes her dad cry, and I think that should be taken as a compliment to this movie! It’s great! Love, sisters, crisis and period drama (and great clothes), this movie has it all! (also - Emma Thompson!)
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Official synopsis: 
Rich Mr. Dashwood dies, leaving his second wife and her three daughters poor by the rules of inheritance. The two eldest daughters are the title opposites.
//Warning: It might make you cry. But I promise, it will be a good experience, in the end. It’s not scary, though.
Over the Garden Wall (animated series)
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Well, this one, I’ve been dreading to add to my list. Now, you must not misunderstand, it’s not because I don’t like it. It’s because this series is so great, so weird, so beautifully drawn and made, that I’m afraid I could write a whole blog post dedicated only to Otgw, and still not feel that I have done it justice. It's just so good. It’s like the someone just decided one day, to make a series, that absolutely, perfectly encompasses autumn and halloween, and then did just that. The storyline is good, the art is good, the soundtrack is good. God, the soundtrack. I’ve also made sure to listen to this show’s soundtrack, since we left summer behind, and it’s just so good. There’s a reason tumblr went wild, when this show was first released. But since this is an AUTUMNY list, let me focus on those aspects. Big dark woods, scary noises in the dark, red and golden leaves, fantastical beings - this show has it all, and trust me, it WILL get you in the mood for autumn. I almost started puking leaves and pumpkins when I watched this with my friends, that’s how pumped it got me. This show has a special place in my heart, and if you promise not to tell all the other movies and shows on the list, I’ll admit something: this might be a favorite of mine. Maybe THE autumny favorite. 
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Official synopsis:
Two brothers find themselves lost in a mysterious land and try to find their way home.
Warning: May be a little spooky, but I have it on good authority from a friend that is a true scaredy-cat, with nerves of whipped cream, that’s it’s fine. She  could handle it, watches it every year, and she’s fine. Good levels of scary.  
Corpse Bride
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Believe it or not, that same scaredy-cat of a friend, I just mentioned, actually instructed a musical, based on this story. Is she a horror-fan or not? I have no idea, but her show was so well-done, that it actually made me like this movie a bit better. I have seen it before, but she convinced me, by telling me the original story behind this movie, that it’s pretty great. And by association, this movie became pretty great, too. It’s been some years since I saw this, but it’s a pretty good halloween movie, I think. Dead people tormenting the living. Classic autumn stuff, I would say. And it’s pretty well-made, I think, stop-motion again! I like the aesthetic of a corpse bride, though you have to admit the actual thing is pretty sad. The premise is haunting and scary, but it’s more morose, melancholic and depressing, I think. Poor Emily. But a good movie! Sorry, maybe that wasn’t a very enticing description, but I promise, it will do you more good than bad, to watch it. And then go google the original story, the movie is based on! 
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Official synopsis:
When a shy groom practices his wedding vows in the inadvertent presence of a deceased young woman, she rises from the grave assuming he has married her.
//Oops, nearly forgot a warning! Warning: some people are dead, and therefore rotting a bit. If you’re squeamish, don’t watch. If you love sad love stories, definitely watch!
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
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Yeah, I’m not sure why this has to go on my Autumny List either, sorry. It just has to. I know it takes place over an entire year, but in my head, it jut fits very well with the whole magic, supernatural, foggy halloween times we find ourselves in. I mean, look at the cover! Maybe it’s the iconic scene, right before the troll is discovered in the girls’ bathroom (sorry, spoiler), with the floating jack’o’lanterns, and tables almost crashing undet the weight of candy and cakes, that convinced my brain, that this is a halloween movie. I don’t know. Just trust me on this, and watch the first Harry Potter movie. It’s pretty good. 
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Official synopsis: 
An orphaned boy enrolls in a school of wizardry, where he learns the truth about himself, his family and the terrible evil that haunts the magical world.
//Warning: Nah, you’re good ;-)
Little Women (Important: 2019 edition)
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Alright girls, we’re hopping genres again! This is another period-drama (sort of), about sisters, and wow, I cried to this. I bawled, I sobbed, I choked on snot, and was a little inconsolable, when I watched it with friends, at the cinema. One of the best experiences this year, and one of the greatest movies I have watched in a long time. I love everything about this movie: the family-bonds, the clothing, the many nature-shots, the developments of characters, (almost) all the characters, and just, wow. No good way to end that sentence, because I want to just keep describing all the good parts of this movie, because it's everything. It’s amazing, and yes, i’m exaggerating, but I can’t help it. I forgot to eat my popcorn or drink my water, when we watched this, that’s how mesmerized I was by this movie. I love Jo, I think I can empathize a lot with her, and if I could talk to her, if she was real, I would thank her for telling her story. This movie is great, you should watch it, because it makes you feel so warm inside. 
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Official synopsis:
Jo March reflects back and forth on her life, telling the beloved story of the March sisters - four young women, each determined to live life on her own terms.
//Warning: Might make you break down crying. But in a good way. Very cathartic, actually.
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I watched this for the first time last year, when I decided I was going to watch the classic older horror movies, and not freak the fuck out. I mostly succeed. And this movie was a joy to watch. That’s maybe weird to say about an alien horror movie, but wow I just love Sigourney Weaver, and the aesthetics of this movie. The story is thrilling, and I really did not like most of the characters, I thought they were hysteric and annoying, but I still rooted for them. It’s a different kind of horror movie, that’s for sure! But when I watched it, I totally understood why it has become such a classic.
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Official synopsis: 
After a space merchant vessel receives an unknown transmission as a distress call, one of the crew is attacked by a mysterious life form and they soon realize that its life cycle has merely begun.
//Warning: Uh, yeah, Sif, this is not one for you. It’s gross and scary. Malin, I think you’ll like this one! Go ahead! Maybe we should see it together?
Edward Scissorhands
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Haven’t seen this one! I want to, though. I think I’ve seen one scene, where this man accidentally pokes a water-bed, and younger me felt that was a very tragic thing, on more levels. Johnny Depp yet again, so it has to be good, right? I know this poor guy, Edward, has it rough, and was given some really not that practical hands. Man, he looks sad, huh? So maybe more sad than scary, yet again. Dont know! But I really do want to watch it. Winona Ryder is in this, too, so really, it’s a no-brainer!
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Official synopsis:
An artificial man, who was incompletely constructed and has scissors for hands, leads a solitary life. Then one day, a suburban lady meets him and introduces him to her world.
//Warning: I don’t know? Maybe not that spooky? I think it’s more sad, to be honest.
Pride + Prejudice + Zombies
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I mean, why the hell not - right? I love Jane Austen. I love Pride and Prejudice. And I really like halloween, so OF COURSE, I’m including this one. I’ve seen it, too. My friend Malin and I watched it a couple of years ago, and yeah, it’s good. It’s not high cinema, no, but I don’t need that. It was a fun, weird twist, and sometimes, that’s all you need. There is a very interesting scene with a corset, that was NOT in the book, and I think it really added something to this story. And Lily James. Whew. Great movie. Great for autumn. I will be watching this one again.
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Official synopsis:
Five sisters in 19th century England must cope with the pressures to marry while protecting themselves from a growing population of zombies.
//Warning: I can’t really remember, but I think there’s some pretty gross scenes with zombies. Rotting flesh is NOT pretty. But just close your eyes for that, and  you’ll be good!
The Haunting of Hill House
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I first watched this series when i came out some time ago. I never finished it, I don’t think my heart was in it, but by no fault of the show. Now, that the same creator has made another show, which my mom and I are hooked by, and almost through, I think I’ll be returning to this one - it deserves another chance! A great old house, ghosts, family secrets and INCREDIBLE aesthetics, mean there must be something here! Also, I think it’s based on a novel by Shirley Jackson, and it’s supposed to a classic horror novel, and Stephen King tweeted that he liked it, so yeah, it’s promising! The series I’m watching with my mom is spooky, but tumblr says the Haunting of Hill House is supposed to be much more spooky, terrifying, even, and I really want to find out if that’s true!
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Official synopsis:
Flashing between past and present, a fractured family confronts haunting memories of their old home and the terrifying events that drove them from it.
//Warning: Very Scary! Faint of heart - Beware! Just enjoy this beautiful gif of Nell dancing by herself, and move on <3
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Another old classic! Woo! Have not watched, but really, I feel like that’s almost a crime by now. I HAVE to watch it. Soon, I’m planning to. Sadly, It’s old, and I grew up with the internet, so I’ve been spoiled oh so dreadfully, and knows all the bloody details and plottwists of this oldie but goldie. But I still want to watch it! It must be a classic for a reason - right? Also, I’ve never seen the full version of the famous shower scene, and that’s just embarrassing. Shame on me.
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Official synopsis:
A Phoenix secretary embezzles $40,000 from her employer's client, goes on the run, and checks into a remote motel run by a young man under the domination of his mother.
//Warning: It’s a horror classic! It’s gotta be scary. Then again, it DID come out in 1960. Be careful about this one! Sorry, I have no idea, have never watched it.
Hannibal (the TV series)
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It’s gross, it’s scary, it’s aesthetic, there is a danish elegant man eating people in snowy Baltimore, and you really shouldn’t pay him to be your psychiatrist. Hannibal! I first watched this as a young, edgy teenager, and all the blood and gore didn't get to me at all - I just enjoyed the cat-and-mouse game between Will Graham, our main character, very mentally unstable, and a dog-lover, and Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a renowned psychiatrist, elegant, high-society - and also, he talks like a mixture of the bible and an old greek sonet. What I'm trying to get at is that this show is weird. Good weird. But also, now no longer an edgy teenager myself, it’s really gross. A man’s leg is cut off and served to himself. That’s gross. I didn’t like that, and I definitely covered my eyes. Other than that, it’s a very vivid show, with great focus on presentation and symbolism. I would love for someone to analyse each episode, because there's so much attention to detail. It’s honestly impressive. And after having watched many, many shows about crime and murders, I must say, this show has THE most buckwild, creative, never seen before ways of killing people. How the hell do you come up with a murderer using people’s different skin colors to make a mural? I don’t know. It’s disgusting, but man is it different. I’m halfway through season two, and there is a lot to unpack! Also, have to mention, very homoerotic - that’s a plus. Don’t think I could’ve stomached all the blood, otherwise. I hate blood, and wow is there blood in this show.
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Official synopsis:
Explores the early relationship between renowned psychiatrist, Hannibal Lecter, and his patient, a young FBI criminal profiler, who is haunted by his ability to empathize with serial killers.
//Warning: Yeah. You read how many times I wrote ‘gross’. Just trust me on this one, it’s gross. It’s good, but maybe don’t watch it. You don’t need to introduce your brain to this.
The Haunting of Bly Manor
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Ooh boy. Ooooh boy. This series is very good. VERY good. I’m watching it with my mom right now, I think we’re at episode 7, and wow are we hooked. It’s spooky, it’s haunting, it’s thrilling, it’s mysterious, and wow is it scary. We both agreed to go together, the first night we watched this, and our dog had to be taken out on his night-walk. She didn’t want to go alone, and i didn’t want to stay back at the house, alone. So we went together, and I was so freaked out that I nearly peed my pants, when some kids screamed in our neighborhood. It’s so very much what I want a ghost-story to be, but it’s also a lot more, and much greater for it. I love all the characters, they’re all so well-rounded, and most of them are good. The big manor is spooky, and the woods surrounding it are foggy and dark, and yes, this is really a great series for autumn and halloween. It’s the second series made by Mike Flanagan. There are some similarities between the two shows, and surprisingly, some of the same actors! I think that’s very interesting, and it also made me very confused, as I watched the first episodes of the Haunting of Bly Manor, and could not, for the life of me, figure out where the hell I had seen these people before. It made it even more eerie in a way, and I appreciate that. I love this show, and I think I’ll be very sad when we’re through with it. I guess the natural thing to do, will be to follow up with Flanagan’s previous horror series, The Haunting of Hill House! Also, there’s lesbians in this one. Very nice. I appreciate that. Also, surprisingly - I love the children! They’re so cool and brave, and it would be very nice if especially Flora could go with me, the next time I’m going to a haunted house. Such a badass.
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Official synopsis:
After an au pair’s tragic death, Henry hires a young American nanny to care for his orphaned niece and nephew who reside at Bly Manor with the chef Owen, groundskeeper Jamie and housekeeper, Mrs. Grose.
Warning: It’s spooky. It’s the perfect halloween series, so of course it’s very spooky! This gif I chose is spooky, and I promise the show itself is worse. But if you can handle dead people creepily staring in the background, and maybe has someone to watch it with, I think you’ll be fine!
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Alright! We made it! Another spooky, aesthetic, autumny list, for us to enjoy this crispy season! Woohoo! Also, I’m sorry if there’s any spelling mistakes or whatelse, I hope you enjoyed reading anyway! Thank you! Now go drink some tea and relax, you’ve earned it. I recently tried chili-tea, and damn, that’s another recommendation from me! It was amazing!
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Hope you have a great Halloween, it’s close now. Watch out for the cold weather, remember to bundle up, and don’t let the impending darkness get you down. Light some candles! And also, watch some of these spooky tv-series and movies with your family and friends! And have a great fall! <3
Love, Julie
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sobdasha · 5 years ago
"I definitely updated my list of books I was reading on tumblr so it's all good" -me, a lying liar, right before spending several months finishing my reread of All The Discworld Books I Own But In Chronological Order For The First Time Ever Which In Fact Makes A Difference.
(and then I did it again after the libraries closed)
The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula K. Le Guin Hm, so. I definitely read this. At some point. It was not really for me, not bad, but not really for me. This particular edition had various notes before and after the text, all of which I read, which made it an experience I got more out of. It's important for me to know that the author is aware that the protagonist is a raging misogynist who's stupid, and yes this was on purpose so you'd realize how really incredibly stupid he is and thus maybe be tricked into changing your mind yourself. It is a legit tactic, but one I tend not to enjoy, so if I hadn't been forewarned I'd have been UUUUGGGGGHHHH MAKE HIM SHUT UP ALREADY and probably rage-quit. As it was, I was able to better appreciate what Le Guin was doing here, even if this book didn't win a place in my heart and I probably won't reread. I definitely preferred Ancillary Justice's take, with the feminine pronouns. For my brain, masculine pronouns = they might as well all be men = business as usual = I didn't really get any gender queering from it. I can't really remember much else now. Oh, it was also part "survival in the wilderness" story, which they're big on making you read in school (which I find very suspicious), and which I tolerated and read a few classic ones on my own until they kept assigning these kinds of stories for us to read and now I get nothing from them and mindlessly hate them. Anyway, as I said, not bad at all but not really for me.
Lavinia, Ursula K. Le Guin This one's a reread--I picked it up from the library during college because we were doing Titus Andronicus in class and it didn't occur to me that there might be more than one Lavinia???? But hey it worked out because later in college we did the Aeneid and then I had Background for rereading Lavinia. This is the book that is lyrical and beautiful and pulls me in and makes me care deeply about the world and the characters. This is the book of Le Guin's that makes me feel the way everyone else feels about Earthsea and The Left Hand of Darkness and etc. I would like to find more of Le Guin's work that makes me feel the same way, because as I've said you can really tell from her other stuff that she's a solid writer who knows her stuff. I just…don't enjoy any of the other things. Anyway I recommend. I always forget about this book, and then when I reread I'm like "wow why don't I read this more often?????"
How Long 'Til Black Future Month?, N. K. Jemisin I liked every story in this short story collection. I should just reread it and try writing this up again tbh but also tbh I'll probably do the rereading and then just not write anything up again. Just read Jemisin's stuff I love her writing so much okay. ETA: that’s exactly what I did, I reread this during my covid rereads and said “I should do a proper write-up this time” and lo and behold where is it
Tehanu, Ursula K. Le Guin Okay, this last Earthsea book treated me much better than the others. It's probably not for everyone else, which might be why it's for me. It's much more domestic, much less "plot" happening, full of introspection, and centered on women rather than men. This novel acknowledges and confronts the rampant internalized misogyny in the previous three books, engages it in a way that the misandrist in me finds satisfying even though it never comes to a good solution for the problem. This book is more like a reflection. Earthsea has never been about "light is always good, dark is always bad; be a hero, fight evil" etc. But this one I think shifts the tone a little farther; it's less about balance, and more...I guess I'd put it as, "actions have consequences." It's not concerned with right or wrong, it's concerned with people getting hurt. It's pretty somber and serious, without any humor to balance it out, tons of bad things happen to people, lots of PTSD...but this time I really cared about the characters, and I feel like it was all handled really well? In addition to critiquing internalized misogyny, it also critiqued victim blaming. Seemed like it handled disability pretty well too--was honest about how people are jerks about it in reality, while still being optimistic and treating Therru as valuable; made occasional mentions of considering work-arounds for having only one fully-functional hand, while mostly just having Therru go about living and doing chores and being capable and assuming she did find those work-arounds without having to draw attention to it; and Therru's terrible scars didn't get magically healed at the end, the whole book makes a point all the way through that her physical scars will always be with her the same way her emotional scars will be, and she's simply learned how to go on living with them. Tehanu: a book full of trauma happening to people, where what would normally be the plot in a fantasy novel ended up not even getting started to be resolved, but Le Guin's writing and handling of the subject matter helped heal my jaded soul.
Ninefox Gambit, Yoon Ha Lee A quick summary of my experience: Chapter 1 - ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh what is going on what even Chapter 2 - no, no this is just, this is what sci fi is like, right? Just give it a few chapters and then by the end of the book everything will probably make sense. I'm sure that's how it works. Remember how even in Ancillary Justice I ended up with two separate Battles of Valskay, but now everything is fine??? It's. Fine. Chapter 4 - (ohhhhhhh I still don't know what's going on) Several Chapters Later - still no clue what's going on, but hit my stride with the terminology, my foreign language instinct kicked in where words stopped sounding weird and while I could not for the life of me define any terms for you, I had a vague comprehension of how the words operated In Context. Sort of. And by then I had, without realizing it, begun page-turning and binging, so I guess I liked the book lol! Another serious-but-not-funny one, but with an extra dose of War Memoir and all the gruesomeness that entails (but probably, like any good War Memoir, probably not actually gratuitous and actually in fact the necessary amount of gruesome). Jedao was turned into a woobie at the last minute and, well, damn, guy knows the way to my heart. The novel apparently gripped me enough that I don't even mind that it only came into play at the very end of the game. And hey, there's two more novels to deal with that revelation, which I have picked up from the library to read immediately! Yay! Current personal theory: based on the heavy math references that made me want to cry at the start, but the almost entire absence of actual numbers, and a reference to "there's no way actual physics works like that, it was obviously a calendrical effect" or something…I'm going to throw out a wild guess that the calendar stuff (and all the social structuring that goes with it) is so that they can break and reinvent math. So they can effect a universe where 2+2=5 and therefore a bunch of people standing in this exact position makes a force field or bullets of rose thorns or whatever and some other dude can make himself immortal. This sounded like a pretty terrible theory already and it sounds even worse now I've typed it up but oh well.
Raven Stratagems, Yoon Ha Lee Guess who didn't write this up back when she read it!!! Also, I returned Ninefox Gambit to the library right before the libraries shut down for covid. So, I had Raven and Revenant on hand for months but I didn't have Ninefox on hand to do an immediate reread to see if that made the sci fi make more sense. (It probably wouldn't have, but I would have liked to do a rereading while the ending was still fresh.) By this time there is a lesser degree of visceral viscera. Lee is brutal, however, about continuing to be honest about what war costs and whether war is worth that cost (which depends, really, on whose lives you think matter. Very relevant for these times. Very much prepared me to shut up and not whine about the inconveniences of protests and their fallout. There is no pretty and clean way to have a revolution, since it involves destroying a particular [terrible] way of life, so we're all just gonna have to sacrifice together). Also I think by this point all the character development from the first novel paid off in the form of character dynamics being hilarious now despite, y’know, the gruesome shadow of war.
Revenant Gun, Yoon Ha Lee Continues to discuss the honest price of war and the messiness of fallout. Shuos "The risks I took were calculated, but boy am I bad at math" Jedao. Oh I think this is also the one where every so often one of the characters thinks, "Okay so this person is a tyrannical murderous dictator but he is ensuring that there will never again be food shortages and no one in the space empire ever goes hungry." And then Lee turns around and is like, "Haha but don't forget this same person invented a form of vital infrastructural technology (and also immortality) that is optionally based off ritual human torture sacrifice. Like he didn't have to do that to make it work. He just decided to anyway. And that's always bad :) " (Also useful in our current climate of "Okay but we should consider the other person's circumstances and point of view" and also "Yeah but that doesn't apply if they're literally Nazis tho.")
Hexarchate Stories, Yoon Ha Lee A collection of short stories set in the universe of those three books. There's one story at the end that does satisfy the "But I wanted another sequel!!!" urge. And there's a bit of backstory for Jedao and Cheris. But by and large what you should be in the mood to read is flash fiction snippets that simply happen to be set in the same universe but have no bearing on the plot. Which is pretty cool and interesting if you are in the proper mindset! Even better, Lee includes author's notes at the end of each story to talk about the story, or the influences, or the context of his life at the time, etc etc. That is always my absolute favorite part of a short story collection. Also these notes told me everything I needed to know about why I liked certain things about his writing. "I wanted to write my own AUs," "If I get stuck I go on TV Tropes," "My only regret is that I had to cut the scene where Jedao goes to ~Halloween~ dressed as himself and trolls people" ahhhh that's also a regret I share.
Dragon Pearl, Yoon Ha Lee This one is YA! There is a lot less gore although I guess there was still genocide! Read this when you are in the mood for something that doesn't attempt to hide the fact that the plot is completely, conveniently contrived to give you fast-paced action and fun. Min sure has a lot of coincidental meetings that should stretch my disbelief but I don't care. Also, I am enjoying reading books with girls as protagonists that do what I'm tired of being told to love about boy protagonists--just keep barreling along with complete self-assurance that you are right and, if you run into trouble, you can egotistically figure your way out.
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, N. K. Jemisin Gods and mortal ruling family's messy soap opera sexcapades is not exactly my favorite genre, but luckily it is handled by Jemisin so it's all good. Lots of Souma Family Values. I'm really appreciating how Jemisin considers choice of narrator very carefully and uses it to brilliant effect in this trilogy. Stories are things told by a narrator to an audience; why should we rely on the artifice of an "impartial" "reliable" "omniscient" 3rd person narrator writing into the void? This trilogy was Jemisin's first, I believe, so it's a little awkward coming back to them now, only because Jemisin is such a powerful writer that the themes she's begun working with here have only gotten stronger with each successive work.
The Broken Kingdoms, N. K. Jemisin This one I rated as I read for Protagonist Is Blind based on the scale of a sighted person going "but some of my best friends are blind!" In that regard, I think the book does really well! Blindness doesn't define Oree's life and value; Oree doesn't get magical powers that make her a blind person who isn't really blind; Oree moves away from home and gets a job and lives on her own which seems very accurate to me based on my knowledge of one (1) person who is blind; instead of being ~cured~, Oree actually gets more blind at the end of the story and this is considered a Good Ending. Also personal bonus points are awarded for references to her stick being handy for hitting people with. Some stuff was stereotypical, but Jemisin's intent was not. A+, will read again, please support including way more characters who are blind in media. Anyway I enjoyed this one.
The Kingdom of Gods, N. K. Jemisin First off, Jemisin directly up front critiques the narration choices she made in the first two books and then pays it off like a boss at the end. Like holy crap. I admit by now I was getting a bit bored of the genre, but the book was still very engaging because Jemisin is a master. It may also have been affected by how much increasing pain I've been in lately.
The Awakened Kingdom, N. K. Jemisin I'm dead. This one was way more my speed and you need the other three books to understand this novella but ohhhh my god it's perfect. I read a lot of choice passages of this aloud to my roommate because how could you resist. It's still heavy but it's hilarious. Bless Shill.
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itsclydebitches · 7 years ago
On Blogs, Age, and Keeping My Sanity
I wasn't planning to follow up on the original thread (which you can read here) because delving into The Discourse isn’t particularly how I want to spend my Monday afternoon, but I've been pinged and messaged enough that I figured I might as well put my thoughts more clearly into a separate post. This admittedly turned into an essay (apologies), so if you want to read it, cool. If you don't this exists simply so that I have something to vaguely gesture towards instead of answering all the people who apparently think I'm a monster.
In short, a lot of people are taking issue with my stance on whether people should have ages on their blogs as well as whether kids should have any responsibility in their own safety online. I'm going to try and address both of those questions (as well as more minor ones) in as organized a fashion as I can, drawing directly from some of the more common accusations I’ve seen the last few days.
“It takes two seconds to put your age on your blog and it keeps kids safe, why wouldn’t you do that?”
Because I don't think it does keep kids safe, for the simple reason that people lie.
Let me first be clear that I have no problem with people including their age if they want to-- I have mine displayed because I'm comfortable with it. What I found problematic is this insistence that everyone has to do it or else they're some kind of predatory monster. Now let's say for the sake of argument that tomorrow everyone on tumblr woke up and agreed to put their general age on their sidebar. Not their specific age, as the OP originally wanted, but just a "I'm an adult/18+/20+/etc." Now for the people out there telling the truth? Yes, this makes things a little easier. But this conversation was specifically about predators and frankly anyone who wishes a minor harm online will just straight up lie. A predatory adult will write that they're 13 or a minor or whatever they think will lure people in. The minor who wants to be treated like an adult will write that they're 18 or older. Or they’ll tell the truth and announce to the world that they're vulnerable. And instead of learning how to identify whether someone is acting in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable--what they post, how they talk to you, etc.--kids will learn that all they need to do is look at the sidebar. They said they're 15 like me so it's fine, right?  
No, sadly it’s not.  
“But most people WILL tell the truth and if including your age helps some people why wouldn't you do it anyway?”
Because it's going to hurt a lot of other people too. For example,
The adult who grew up in the age where giving out any info could lead to you being sued and that's a hard thing to push past, even if it's not as much of a concern anymore. 
The person with PTSD/depression who isn't comfortable releasing any personal information to people they don’t know. 
The person who is afraid that their age + other info will help people identify them in real life and they want to keep their online persona separate.  
The person afraid that their age + other info opens them up to identity theft. 
The adult who writes they're 30+ and starts getting anons asking why the hell an adult is drawing porn, what's wrong with you? 
The adult who's just learning a new skill (writing, GIF-making, whatever) and hates that everyone knows they're so much "worse" than that 13yo over there. 
The adult who chooses to just write 18+ and strikes up a conversation with a 19yo and everything is great... until it comes out that the adult is actually 40 and now the 19yo feels "lied to" and "tricked." 
The adults who aren't comfortable divulging their age, period. 
The person who isn't comfortable giving out any information online, period.
And that's just what I can come up with off the top of my head. I am comfortable displaying my age, so there's only so far I can step into the mindset of someone who's not. Now, is any of this worse than online predators? Of course not, but again, displaying your supposed age isn't going to solve that problem. The people who want to lie will lie and the people who want to be ambiguous will be ambiguous and soon enough people will insist that they’re uncomfortable that someone won’t tell them their exact age, what are you hiding? Age is a tricky, personal thing and I can't in good conscience insist that people push past their concerns just because having it displayed might do some people a bit of good. (Especially when, again, anyone who is concerned can ask someone’s age on anon. The information is available to you, it’s just not overtly displayed - which I think is a good middle ground overall.) 
“You're claiming that it's the child's responsibility to keep from getting taking advantage of/this is just like 'not all men'/this is the exact same thing as victim blaming”
Okay. There's a lot here. Let's start with a story from my own childhood:
When I was about five or so my mom told me that if anyone ever tried to take me on the street I had to kick and scream and make an absolute fuss. Simple enough. But she was smart enough to know that most kidnappers don't do that. Most were going to try and lure me away by pretending to be someone safe and approachable. So she also taught me how to ask questions. How to pay attention to my instincts if they started screaming, 'This person is creeping me out.' She gave me a password to use if anyone claimed to have been sent by her or my dad.
I wasn't kidnapped (yay), and if I had been my mom certainly wouldn't have blamed me for. Yet at the same time she wouldn't have stopped trying to teach me to take care of myself either. Education is not the same thing as blame.
Are kids responsible for themselves online? Yes, for the simple reason that it's literally impossible for adults to protect them 24/7. It sucks but it's true. The internet is like the street: it's not a kid-specific space, it's dangerous, and though all adults have their eyes peeled to help if they need to, you still teach your kids to look both ways before crossing. Online safety is no different than any other kind of safety: you do the best you can and you help the kid do the rest. It's a parent's job to keep their child safe from kidnappers, but in the event that they're not there they teach that child how to try and protect themselves. It's also the parent's job to make sure their kid doesn't get hit by a car when they’re together, but that doesn't mean they stop teaching them how to obey traffic laws for when they’re on their own. Me telling kids to start thinking critically about who they interact with online is not a precursor to blaming them if something does happen; it's another safety measure to try and keep that from happening in the first place. Someone else sneered at my claim that kids should assume they're talking to an adult online until proven otherwise and asked how in the world a kid is supposed to know to do that. They don't. We don't know anything until we're told it, which is why I said that and bolded it in the original post, with the hope that a kid will read it and perhaps remember it the next time they just assume they're talking to another teen. Kids decided that they’re old enough to go online, that they're old enough to have their own blogs... which that means they’re also old enough to start thinking about all the dangers that come with those privileges. Do your best to protect kids and teach them to protect themselves. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.
As for the 'you saying not all adults are predators is the same thing as saying not all men'... I can understand why those two things seem comparable on the surface. However, 
1. Yes all men, in the sense that all men do benefit from a patriarchal society, similar to how all white people benefit from a country built on racism. It doesn't matter if you as an individual are blatantly mysoginistic or not, you still gain all the advantages of the system. Pedophiles though? People targeting and harming others online? That doesn't benefit anyone but the attacker.
2. The phrase "not all men" is not in and of itself up for debate. Meaning, every woman knows that "not all men" are mysoginistic/rapists/etc. (their benefiting from the system aside). The issue with that phrase isn't whether it's true or not, but the fact that it's used to shut down the conversation. Men use the phrase as a shorthand for, "I don't do that and therefore there's nothing left to discuss" when that's clearly not the case. Me saying that not all adults are predators is pointing out a problem with the proposed solution (just put your age on your blog and if you don’t you’re suspect), not shutting down the conversation. I want the conversation to continue because I don't think this is a particularly useful solution and I want us all to keep trying to come up with better ways of keeping everyone safe and happy online. I obviously want the conversation to continue considering I just wrote nearly 2k about it!
Can a simple "I'm an adult/20+/etc." help a child make an informed decision online? Yes. It can, so if you're comfortable including that on your blog please do so and make some people's lives a little easer. But please don't assume this solves the problem and definitely don't assume that anyone who doesn't want to give out their age is evil or predatory or some monster who hates keeping kids safe. It's not that simple.
No issue as important as this ever is.  
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gettin-bi-bi-bi · 5 years ago
Oh man... I'm so sorry, anon, if you've seen my first reply, I totally read that as your partner never uses condoms and went on a rant how he needs to be more responsible. I have to learn to put my glasses on before checking Tumblr.
But he is using condoms. Yay! And you're also doing very well from what I can tell. One thing you didn't mention is what you do during oral sex (if you have it at all?). There's things called dental dams that you put over your partner's vulva before you lick them bc some STIs can get transmitted from genitals to mouth. It's also highly recommended to use dams when rimming (i.e. licking someone's anus).
You can also make your own dental dam by cutting open a condom to create a sheet but that doesn't cover as much surface area as a store-bought dental dam. But the condom trick is a cheap and quick solution. Dental dams should be available in drug stores, pharmacies and sex shops. If nowhere else you'll find them online. (Fun fact: in German we call those things "Lecktücher" which translates to "lick sheets" and I think that's beautiful.)
Additionally you chould get tested frequently. How often is reasonably "frequent" is a question you should discuss with your doctor. Note that in some countries (Germany for example, don't know how it is where you're from but you should check that) you can get STI testing completely covered by health insurance if you tell your doctor that you're bisexual.
But that's pretty much all you can do. There's always a slight risk of catching an STI but if you get tested frequently then the damage can be minimised and most STIs can get treated easily especially in early stages.
I’m a bi girl and I have a bf, our relationship is kinda open so we both always have sex with other girls (separately an together). He’s never had sex without condoms, both with me and other girls, and I always try to stay safe with girls, I wash my hands, wash the toys we use and use them with condoms as well. I’m always paranoid thinking I will made my bf catch an STD or smth, I can’t help it. How can I be safer?
Oh hell I completely misread your message. Give me a minute to type up a new reply.
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igaverickup · 8 years ago
Why I Deeply Dislike Even
Before I embrace the warm hatred of people that generally detest when you enter a discourse that spreads negativity around an otherwise beloved character, I would like to point out two things: *I, myself, am a proud person inflicted with the Super Awful And Scary Bipolar Disorder™ (YAY) *I'm a super big lesbian, so YES I know one thing or two about The Gays™ (I don't actually think there should be any criteria to point out these issues, but since I'm familiar with the way this type of discourse is handled on Tumblr, I thought that... Yeah, you get my point.) So when we're introduced to Even for the first time, everyone thinks he's oh so charming with his hair and artificial joint behind his ear. And I understand that. He's got the look of your average, white badboy. Oh so charming. So is there any real problems? Oh yes, yes there are. WHAT is up with people romanticising Even's incomplete ability to tell right from wrong? He leads Isak on, then shoots him down, then leads him on, shoots him down etcetc. All the while he continues to "reward" Isak with abstract clues in the form of drawings, because it would just take too much effort to just TALK to him and to Sonja, instead of playing around with all of their feelings that way. WHAT is up with everyone excusing Even, as he threatens Isak to commit suicide? There's nothing cute about the fact that he forces his hypothetical suicide onto Isak. There's nothing to gush about, regarding the fact that he proclaims his love while indirectly stating that he will kill himself if the feeling isn't mutual. That is too much pressure for someone to handle. Especially for someone that's younger and less experienced(!) And lastly: WHAT the frickelyfrack is up with everyone indulging in Even's (and ISAK'S) _very_ blatant misogyny? Even cheats on his girlfriend at the end (multiple times), use her as his babysitter (god forbid he'd take some own responsibility for his mental health) and yet has the audacity to talk about her in an extremely degrading manner every time she's not around? For crying out loud he ditches her at an event she was his +1 at without leaving so much as a note? Why did he do that? TO TRICK HIS NEW LOVE INTEREST TO BREAK INTO A HOUSE WITH HIM AND MAKE OUT. Look, I'm only going to say this once: BEING GAY DOESN'T EXCUSE YOUR MISOGYNY. If you, as a man, treat women badly, no fucking sodomy in the world can save that. And it still makes me sad, that so few in the fandom seems to understand that. What also makes me sad, is that almost everyone seems to believe that Even is a character that shouldn't face criticism, based on the fact that he's mentally ill? This kind of attitude isn't "understanding someone", but rather a smack of invalidation. A mentally ill person, can't always receive the same type of demands as someone that isn't - but that doesn't mean that we aren't capable of being decent human beings. Conclusion? I despise Even. Thank you.
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dfes-translations · 8 years ago
Totsugeki Backstage Trick or Chocolate Special: Chapter 1 - Happy Valentine☆
Chizuru: Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha, Ha!!! Ehehe, were you surprised~? Everyone’s angel, Chizu-kun, has arrived as a devil ☆ Chizuru: When you talk about Valentines Day, it’s surprise or chocolate ♪ So with that... Chizuru: Today’s “Onward! Backstage” will have a special feel to it, and we will bring you excitingly sweet contents!
Chizuru: We will pay various people a surprise visit and get some sweet chocolate from them~ ☆ Chizuru: First, we have this place! Hmm, I smell something sweet...? Ready, Trick or Chocolate!
Itsuki: Whoa, Chizu?! I was almost about to flip the nabe pot by accident. You’re wearing a cute outfit... Hallow... No, Valentines? Chizuru: As expected of Icchan! You’re right ♪ Fufufu, if you don’t give me some chocolate, I’ll play a trick on you~! Itsuki: In that case, here, have some chocolate. I was just making some, so you came at a good time. Chizuru: Yay! So this was where the sweet smell was coming from ♪ I’ll also do my best to help ☆ Chizuru: I’ll take these ingredients and... Plop, plop ☆ Itsuki: Ahh, Chizu, you can’t put those in yet! Chizuru: Whoaa! Icchan! The chocolate turned out all mushy~! Itsuki: It’s alright, let’s leave it to cool and let it harden. I intended to add the ingredients you just added in later but, it will work out somehow. If we just leave some of it here like that...
Chizuru: Amazing! Meow, meow! The kitty-cat chocolate is complete~ ♪ Itsuki: Fufu, I’m glad. I thought the silicon molds resembled Maron so I bought them. I’m glad you like them too, Chizu. Itsuki: Come to think of it, I feel like there was a time before when we both made chocolate like that together... Chizuru: During that time, you were just like a magician too, casting all that magic to make it delicious. ♪ Itsuki: That’s right. Oh, right, Here, Mr. Devil, have some of this chocolate. Chizuru: Ehehe. thank you~! In the end, Icchan was a magician that made both the cat and I happy ♪ Chizuru: Now, let’s proceed to the next location! Up next...~ Chizuru: When you talk about Valentines, romantic lines are also necessary! Oh, even if you know who it is, please keep it a secret ♪ Chizuru: Well then, let’s go!
T/N: Okay, the actual title is “Bikkuri or Chocolate”, which is why I translated some of that as surprise or chocolate, since that’s the actual meaning. But I figured to make it fit better into context (because he’ll play a trick on you if you don’t give him chocolate, just like halloween’s trick or treat) I left the main title as Trick or Chocolate. So for the next chapter’s title, I used surprise or chocolate, but the main title is Trick or chocolate. It’s no mistake ^^ Another important thing is this wonderful thing we now know as “Chizu language/speak”. He basically talks a lot in ‘effects’ rather than the actual words. So here’s the thing. I’d like opinions. Would you guys prefer if I continued to do what I do and try my best to ‘localize’ what he says so that it’d make more sense in English, or should I just leave everything as they are, untranslated for future translations? Please let me know through the tumblr message or ask! Thank you very much~
Back to Navigation | Chapter 2 > 
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bleep0bleep · 8 years ago
hello ms. 0bleep i was hoping for some advice if you have a spare second? how do you motivate yourself to write? i recently made some writing commitments which i'm now a bit D: about because i feel like writers block is gong to kick me in the face. do you have any tips or tricks that you could share? thank you!
hi there anon! it’s a little different for everyone but i hope these ideas will help you!
first, make a goal or commitment-- it sounds like you already did, yay! now it might sound scary at first, like oh, i’m gonna write this huuuuge 50k thing but if you break it down into small pieces, like “today i’m gonna try and write 500 words”, it’s much more manageable
squeeze in short writing times! i typically go for about twenty minutes at a time. i set a timer (i don’t have an actual one, but if you type into google ___ minute timer, google automatically makes one for you), and then just write write write for twenty minutes, and then stop. and do something fun, like scroll tumblr for a few minutes, or eat a snack, or something else. then set another twenty minutes. i try to do this at least once a day, and have made pretty good progress on some big projects that sounded really scary at first.
have more than one project at a time-- this doesn’t work for everyone, but i really really really like it, because very often i will get stuck, and i don’t know how to proceed with a scene, or it’s hard and i don’t know where to go from here. so that way if i get stuck on one project, then i can go work on another one. 
write out of order -- again, if you are stuck, don’t just close the thing and stop. don’t know how to finish this scene? ok, open up a new thing and write the ending. don’t know the ending? write the middle. wanna write that big kiss scene? do it. if you’re writing and you’ve got energy, keep going, keep going. you can always put it back in order later.
write a random scene for funsies-- are you stuck? think of something fun your characters might do, it doesn’t matter if it’s part of the story or not, you can do it just to explore what they might do in that situation. i actually did this because i was really stuck in one of my novels, and i was like... i’m gonna write the first thing that comes to my head, which was i stuck my character in a coffeeshop. eventually a reworked version of that scene made it into the novel and it actually became a good plot point.
use placeholders for things to research later- this is super helpful because if you could be in the middle of a flow and you stop to ponder about what x character name is, then get sucked into backstory and what that name means, and then get distracted by the internet... this looks kind of like “Hello there,” [side character A] says, “[witty comment about tractors]”. i don’t know anything about tractors but i want this character to make a joke about it, so sticking this here right now is a easy way to keep writing and getting down the bones of the story without getting sidetracked.
write with friends! get into the spirit by asking a friend to sprint with you, or just tell someone you’re writing, so they can cheer you on. the #amwriting tag on twitter is pretty cool for this, lots of people cheering others on there! also the #nanowrimo tag, even though it’s not nano time right now, a lot of people really get into it. you can make friends to sprint with through the forums and it’s really fun!
treat yourself-- you are AWESOME and writing is a huge, daunting endeavor. take breaks! take lots of breaks. for every twenty minutes of work take a five minute break. (or twenty five and five, there’s an actual science to this called the pomodoro timer. this is a really great site that will time and it even makes cool ticky noises, and it’ll count down your work time/ break time.)
i hope these were helpful, anon! all the best ❤❤❤❤❤
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New Post has been published on https://dogtraining.dknol.com/english/house-training-dog-how-to-train-my-puppy-to-not-bite/?utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230+Freda+K+Pless&utm_campaign=SNAP%2Bfrom%2BBest+Dog+Training
house training dog | how to train my puppy to not bite
Shop Related Products For Retailers May 21, 2018 2:19 am Dog Doors: Yay or Nay? You cannot crate a puppy for this length of time, so you must have a back up plan. And that is to confine them to an exercise pen or a single small room with a papered area for them to potty. The reality is your puppy won’t have sufficient bladder and bowel controls before he’s 16 weeks of age. But that doesn’t indicate that you can’t start potty training her as soon as he put paws inside your home.
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training a puppy
how to potty train a dog
fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Help My Dog Is… Know Your Pet + – Seattle, Washington, USA Supervise your dog. When you’re just starting to house train her, limit her access to other parts of the house, whether that means closing off doors to bedrooms or crate-training so she has her own space. Keep your puppy training sessions short and fun. Finance 0 of 8192 characters used Q: What if my friend or family member does not receive the email? Microchipping Homes Dog food by age Doghouse Discounts SHOP NOW > August 28, 2017 9:08 am Think about everything your puppy may encounter in life and write a check-list. Then cross off each item as your puppy encounters and accepts it. SDT also believes in giving back!! We are partnered with local rescues and other wonderful charities to give back where we can. Our most prominent relationships are with Carmel Mountain Ranch Veterinary Hospital, Rancho Santa Fe Vet Hospital and our very own non-profit Shelter to Soldier™. We are continuously giving back to our community, our military and pets in need. Call or email us today to speak with a puppy obedience Expert! Allow quite time in the crate. Because a puppy extracts more nutrients from high quality food and less cheap fillers flow straight through, their stools are firmer and this helps them in learning bowel control. Phone: 877-843-7364 Special Diet Return to Content NO_CONTENT_IN_FEATURE Listen to what Pat has to say… Keeshond What if your dog doesn’t look at you when you say his name? Then make a different noise or movement to get his attention. A high-pitched whistle or kissy sound typically gets a pup’s ears to perk. Living Healthy Mental stimulation and a good workout at a sports, specialty, or Canine Good Citizen class Teacher Resources 181 COMMENTS Therapy Dog Training Class Politics Find a trainer Ignoring potty training, on the other hand, is one of the major reasons that people return, sell or even put their dogs down. As you can see, it’s important to understand how to get it right. It’s not a walk in the park – actually, it’ll be a lot of walks in the park. And the idea is that accidents will happen. That’s just part of the game and you must be ready to deal with them, as well. Although research into how dogs learn and into cross-species communication has changed the approach to dog training in recent decades, understanding the role of early trainers and scientists contributes to an appreciation of how particular methods and techniques developed.[4] Rehoming a Pet Expect a few noisy nights when the pup first comes home. Successful House Training Requires Supervision The Denver Post Tricks: Distance Drop, Frisk, Sit Pretty Nederlands Husbandry: Handling and Object Conditioning Troubleshooting the “sit”command Decide on the “house rules.” Before he comes home, decide what he can and can’t do. Is he allowed on the bed or the furniture? Are parts of the house off limits? Will he have his own chair at your dining table? If the rules are settled on early, you can avoid confusion for both of you. At 2-3 months old, puppies are infants and won’t have reliable control of their bladder for several months. (Tiny breeds are notoriously difficult to housebreak and take even longer.) Toilet training your puppy should be quite a simple process, as long as you take the time and trouble to get into a good routine. Despite our best endeavors, dogs don’t understand our words—they guess. Learn how to overcome your dog’s attempt to guess what you want in order to get treats by recognizing and leveraging aggregate or cumulative reinforcement, recency, the order of events, or his own preferred behaviors. x Get your dog on scheduled feedings: Set a watch alarm or timer to remind you of potty breaks. Preventing Accidents It’s important that your puppy isn’t forced to eliminate in their crate as it can ruin their natural instinct to keep it clean, the very thing we take advantage of to help the house training process. Bone-A-Fide Posted by: Clara101 | July 15, 2018 10:46 AM    Report this comment Visit ARF Contact Privacy Cookie Policy Terms of Use Blue-green algae can be toxic to dogs. Call your vet immediately if you suspect poisoning. Don’t let your dog… Virginia – Areas Served WED 9AM-9PM Hans-Friedrich Mueller Vet Services > Will My Dog Remember Me After A Month? A Year? Top Female Dog Names (518) 677-3928 ext 215 training a puppy | how to train puppy to walk on leash training a puppy | teaching puppy to walk on leash training a puppy | teach puppy to walk on leash Legal | Sitemap
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