malka-lisitsa · 2 years
💭 + her parents
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Katherine had a complicated relationship with her parents. Growing up in the late 1400's there wasn't much she could do about it either. (At least not as a woman)
Katerina Katherine's father was a horrible man, he was a drunkard and abusive both physically and mentally towards her and her mother and sister. He rarely addressed any of them by name, his wife was most often just called "Woman" and his daughters were just "Girl" because they were not really people to him. (Even if he didn't realize that was essentially what that was.)
He was incredibly judgemental all across the board and highly misogynistic. It all got worse when he was drunk. He'd find any reason to yell at them, throw things, push them around. As much as she wanted to, Katerina's Katherine's mother couldn't protect the girls. It would only get worse when she tried to sooth him, and eventually Katherine just asked her mother to stop. Heartbreakingly enough she was 9 when that took place. Katherine was fighting for her survival from a very young age, that did not show up over night in 1492. Katherine has been in a state of fight or flight since she was a very small child.
Things only got worse when Katherine met a young man of the traveler subclass. Her father lost his shit and forbayed her from seeing him. Screamed at her about how she was to have nothing to do with anyone of the traveler sort and to stay far away from the devil's craft. Unfortunately he could not stop him from seeking out his daughter, and he was just the sort of charming to sweep her off her feet. Just as Katherine's father had been to her mother. (we accept the love with think we deserve- so good going daddy dearest)
That wolf in sheeps clothing manipulated her just like her father and ultimately was how she ended up unwed with child- and her father sending her into exile after disgracing the family.
On the other hand, Katerina's Katherine's relationship with her mother was much different. Her mother was her hero, her favourite person in the whole world. She loved her mother with all of her heart and her mother loved her much the same. It's actually her mother who taught her how to love so deeply and fully. She raised her on fairy tales of romances that transcend time, and endless love.
Her mother taught her to sing, her mother taught her to cook, her mother taught her how to sew and mend her clothing, and in some ways her mother taught her how to endure red flags for the sake of 'love'.
Katherine's mother was the most important person in the world to her. Being sent into exile was heart breaking for both of them, but her mother sent her away with a ring that she'd always intended to pass onto her first born daughter. A family heirloom, a ring with a tiny sapphire gem stone. It is the one thing Katherine has consistently kept all 500 years in her running, the one thing shes never lost.
Finding her mother slaughtered by Klaus was possibly the most traumatic experience of her life, and one of the biggest guilts shes carried on her shoulders for centuries. She still has nightmares about it. Sometimes, she cries in her sleep, and if you listen closely you can make out her whimpers to occasionally be 'мамо моля те! Мамо, съжалявам!' Elijah has heard this several times, and Stefan has as well, but Stefan doesn't speak Bulgarian so there's no way he would know.
If you ask Katherine "If you could bring back one person from the dead for 24 hours to see and talk to who would it be?" Her answer would always be "мама."
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emetkoto · 2 years
Hey, please tell me your favourite Emetkoto headcanon? - @littlelordalphinaud
honest to god have to go with the wedding thing it drives me insane to think about its SO good and hurts SO much...im working on a long ass rambling post about it so i wont talk your ear off too much here but basically tldr (shadowbringers and endwalker spoilers)
near the end of shb before the vauthry fight when everything was looking good irt k'oto containing the light and suck emet-selch came to him one night he wasnt called and woke him up to take him down to the shade of amaurot in the tempest and the two got married in a traditional amaurotine ceremony <3 then after the ceremony and the obligatory ""first night"" he waited for k'oto to fall asleep and used his magic to seal away his memories of the night, took his ring, and sent him back to his inn room so it was as if nothing ever happened at all :,) if he had been able to contain the light from vauthry and prove mankinds worth emet-selch would have broken the spell and allowed him to have them back so they could just stay together but things didn't work out and the next chance he got was after the dying gasp which uh...ummmm... well. k'oto was pretty fucked up since he yknow, didnt plan to kill him at all and was not in control when that axe was swung so letting those memories loose right then seemed like a terrible idea so he just. didnt! he thought k'oto would be better off without the burden so he went on and on missing him and wishing that he had something, anything to remember him by, or any truly good times to look back on to numb the pain but he didnt!! so emet-selchs whole 'youll be better off without them' thing kinda backfired, oops! after elpis he was even more of a mess since um. wow. that all was kind of his fault for not really doing anything even though doing something would literally make him stop existing huh! when he got down to the aetherial sea and met hydealyn he was pretty distressed...angry at her for putting him and emet-selch through All That Shit and just generally grieving all over again but wait, she could see something wasnt right with his aether....a magic she recognized cast on his memories! so as a last act of good will to show that she truly loved him and was so very truly honestly sorry...she broke the spell for him :,) it was a genuinely good memory of him, not at all plagued by doubt or uncertainty or emet-selch saying some weird shit about how inferior sundered beings are it was just them. happy and in love for once and now he had it!!! he could think of it whenever he was sad and missing him and it gave him strength to carry on after that second devastating blow in elpis!!! and all of ultima thule!!! and pseaking of ultima thule when he's reunited with him there again emet-selch has no idea hydealyn has cleansed his memories and he Still Doesnt Plan To because he worried the memories would drag him down instead of empower him (like how his memories of paradise kept him trapped in the past unable to move on) so when k'oto tells him that he DOES remember he is. very surprised but also so so so sosososo glad that at the very end everything is finally out in the open. nobody is missing any memories, nobody has to lie or obscure the truth or hold back information to further their agendas theyre just. two lovers saying goodbye at the end of all creation hhhhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,,he gives him back his ring, puts it back on him all romantically the same way he did at their wedding and k'oto never takes it off ever again
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this got a lot more rambly than expected but it still will get worse when i finish that other post. you have been warned
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almondmilks-posts · 3 years
Sapnap-sanctuary by joji
sapnap- sanctuary
This is one of my fav Joji songs I'm absolutely obsessed.
++ Context- reader lives in toxxic household and Nik your friend ( for now) helps you I guess
Motel halls, neon walls
Nik- heyyy heyy calm down its ok y/n I've got you.
You- there was so much yelling and they Nik the door has no hinges I couldn't get away they kept following me around the house Nik I tried to get away i- I had to run I can't I don't want to go back Nik I'm scared.
Nik- I know y/n, and you don't have to you have the room for over a week and I'll give you some money to book More in just glad your safe.
You- I am for now.
I am your escape
*Text convo*
You- hey Nik you busy 👀
Nik- no, Gorgi is on call that's it you ok?
You- gucci, they're at it again 😔😔
Nik- O... My place now have you eaten? I'll Uber
You- can you pick me up mum's hidden my keys again and no not yet
ik- ofc mamas I gotchu well stop on the way for food your blanket is already in the car
You- I don't understand what's wrong with me? Why can't I just have some space is that too much to ask?
Nik- no, it's perfectly normal to ask for some space.
You- I just- I just get so over whelmed, and I don't like people touching me Nik and that's all I ask.
Nik- I know I know
You- I just fuck it's stupid I'm stupid.
Nik- no no no no your not stupid. Your amazing and super helpful fuck y/n it hurts to watch you hurt because I care about you so much I love you. Your not stupid George is stupid ok your just going through some hard times your not stupid your just in pain. And I'm here to support you through it.
If you've been waiting for falling in love
You- Nik
Nik- y/n again! It's the 4th time this week and it's only Wednesday
You- I know but i- I'm so confused I don't know what to do anymore
Nik- hhhhhh come in come in.
You- thanks I love you.
Nik- huh?
You- i- uhhhh I kinda well um like no love I love you Nik I have done for the past year or so and I know I've probably Just ruined....
Nik- I love you to. I have waited so long to hear you say them words to me
You're the sanctuary...
Nik- I what happened y)n why didn't you call me
You- I was scared Nik. They took my phone and my laptop I had no way to contact anyone and now Im here
Nik- now your here. In hospital with two broken ribs and a broken nose
You- i- it's not broken is it? It doesn't hurt ow
Nik- don't poke it dumbass it looks red and angry.
You- so do you. I'm ok Nik. There gone. Gone forever. We can be happy, Nik. Together like we wanted.
Nik- happy. Together.
You- yea... I just umm I'm sorry I didn't contact you I tried to I really did but it didn't work obviously
Nik- I would have killed them y/n because they hurt you, you know that I swore to protect you and I didn't and you got hurt fuck I'm so stupid.
You- hey hey hey no, your not stupid Nik, you did everything you could have to protected me. I love you so much, your not stupid Nik you where there when I was hurting fuck I'm physically hurting I mean look at me, broken ribs, black eye, apparently broken nose and your still here with me. That takes some balls Nik.
Nik- marry me.
You- what so sudden?
Nik- marry me y)n let's run away fuck everything and let's just go.
You- can we? Wait let me- recover first than we can. Ok? I love you so much.
Gotham Someone cutting onions?? No ok ...
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
sherlock holmes reactions part six (aka me losing my mind over the final problem)
Hi, I am once again reminding you all that I've formed a parasocial relationship with the crackhead detective 👍 This made me overly emotional for the fact that he didnt even die
But like
hhhmmmmmmmm those were certainly an interesting 14 pages
Yeah, I already made a post about how the final problem relates to yuumori's final problem and how incredibly sexy it is but yes now I'd just like to relay to you how absolutely heart brocken i am over this lol I will eventually get to reading the post hiatus stories i just. I haven't emotionally recovered from this yet
Yelling below the cut somehow this reaction feels longer than the story itself. but it's about half cracking jokes and half sobbing so be prepared
I mean, starting off strong with "well yknow since i got married my and sherlock's Very Intimate Relations had to be modified and all but we hadnt seen each other in a while so it was kind of jarring to see him crawling in my second story bedroom window clutching Wounds and closing the shutters absolutely fucking wasted losing his mind over some dude named moriarty"
We've been over this but. Oh my god why are they gay
I just like????? Imagine how fucking bizzare that would be to just see your old homie crawl into your window bleeding on your floor and asking to exit the other way in case he's followed like "hey bro can we Talk i hope you're not busy" WHAT IS HE SUPPOSED TO DO, SAY HE IS? Imagine watson just like "no dude I'm fucking busy go get killed"
But legitimately. That's certainly something. And like, I see a lot of books starting like this lmao but. Holmes's stuff usually starts off kind of easily with watson going "yeah so lately ive been Experiencing Sherlock Holmes" and spend 20 minutes on exposition with them having a Conversation but no. mans just fucking escaped a hitman and went directly to his boyfriend's house having apparently Never Before In His Goddamn Life mentioned his actual nemesis to this guy. How the FUCK has watson never heard of him before.
Im also loving how he calls moriarty a "mathematical celebrity" awhi;grih;oaewhhta;ioh;iaewh;ii;oewh;eh;rg mans just. ok lol hes a Math Celebrity that had to quit his math teacher job because EVERYONE JUST KNEW HE WAS A CRIME LORD LIKE THEY TOOK ONE LOOK AT HIM AND WENT MANS DEFINITELY HAS BODIES IN HIS BASEMENT I DONT WANT HIM TEACHING HERE
But yeah, it was interesting to see what the big deal about og moriarty was... especially since the deal simply did not deliver. There was not really a big deal. It's like reading the first chapter of a book and immediately skipping to the climax. Everything is so hyped up and clearly having been building for years and you just get like NO CONTEXT. I swear Moriarty wasn't goddamn mentioned any time before this. He's just suddenly the big guy and watson has just never fucking heard shit about this guy.
What's so funny about this whole situation is that I just. Cannot objectively know anything about Moriarty at all because sherlock just... does not go into what this dude's alleged crimes even were, other than. The fact that he like. Does them. He's just really involved in crimes. How? Why? For how long? In what way? For what purpose? NO FUCKING CLUE HE JUST. HE JUST DOES. And there's nothing to really suggest that Moriarty was honestly a really evil guy. They're all like trust me he was just. he was just really bad but show absolutely No examples of being such. The most evil thing we saw Moriarty do personally was call sherlock stupid for letting him get into the apartment. And even then he immediately followed it up with complimenting him lol
yeah, my impression of Moriarty was like. I expected him to be worse, honestly. I expected him to be like a cartoon villain because he was kind of made out to be one and then he's just honestly a really polite and refined guy?? Mans strolls the fuck into 221B like hi shawty and it is Not like yuumori obviously man's holding a gun but like. What the fuck they are just. They have never met before but They Clearly Have and it's. its so weird
Like honestly I don't dislike og moriarty. He's really what william tried to be (and fucking failed, but beside the point) but like. Dude's so powerful and for what. He just walks into the apartment with No Pretense like why sherlock holmes is that a revolver or are you just happy to see me oh my goodness you are a dolt why would you hold the gun that way. disgusting. disgraceful. dreadful. Oh my god. I love him I'm sorry
abngnahhghifeah;iewh and Why does sherlock describe him like that hes like "MANS A REALLY REFINED LIZARD /pos" HIEHIFEHW:HGIHOEWFEEW FOR WHAT. FOR W H A T
baaaaaaaaghhhhhh but likeeeee they went STRAIGHT to "you know what I'm here for" "you know how I'm going to respond" "well then" "yeah" "mhm" "damn well it really do be like that sometimes" "ur really smart by the way" "im fucking aware let's kill each other as we both Thought in our Minds" "yes lets" AHDHDHDHDFS WTF THIS IS INSANE
But damn uh. mutual destruction my beloved this is very different from sherliam but im not. im not. opposed to it tucks hair behind ear
I just. Holy shit they really went "if you destroy me I will ensure that we both go down hand in unlovable hand" "I wouldn't mind that"
Annnnd I just noticed that the actual lines for this part kind of. that kind of happened in chapter 31 when sherlock was like i would Gladly die to take down the lord of crime and william was like. hahahah yeahNO NO NO NO
And then watson is like wowww that was cool you wanna spend the night and sherlock is like "UNFORTUNATELY BESTIE I AM BEING FUCKING TRACKED DOWN ID LIKE YOU TO NOT DIE WITH ME"
This bit gave me a Moment Moment because oh my god. Then watson is like "no shut up i'm coming with you i don't care" and i just had to Take A Minute because THEY SWITCHED PLACES AAH SHERLOCK IS TRYING TO KEEP WATSON SAFE NOW AND WATSON IS NOW MORE RECKLESS BC OF HIM AND. AHHHH
Completely random but. How sherlock still refers to 221B as "our rooms" to watson even though watson hasn't lived their in years........ shawty i am emotional.........
But. Ok as funny as this is. They have this fucking Conversation on the train to switzerland where sherlock is like "I have not lived in vain" and watson is like "YOURE NOT DYING" and hes like "i have not lived in vain. like i said. this will not be a bad way to die" UHHHHHH DAMN SHAWTY
hhhhhh and it just Gets. it. it. it Gets. These fuckers get to switzerland and they stay in a hotel and then leave for reichenbach but watson gets this goddamn letter telling him that hes needed at the hotel to basically save this lady's life. And he doesn't. Like. he doesn't even want to go he's like FUCK IT SHE CAN DIE IM NOT LEAVING YOU but sherlock convinces him to go fULLY KNOWING THE LETTER WAS FUCKING FAKED BY MORIARTY JUST AS A PLOY TO GET HIM ALONE
God I just. Wow sherlock really did that huh. He really went and did that. And I went over it in the post about this compared to yuumori but it just RUINED me how watson just. Never saw what happened and there's just so little information about it that all they have is these assumptions and pieces that just suggest that these guys met up, walked up to the goddamn waterfall having a nice civil conversation about how talented and smart they both were at this and how they revealed their methods to each other and complimented them because of course they did
And they just sat up there talking to each other so long and Moriarty legit waited politely or even possibly was the one that suggested he write a letter to watson in which sherlock just went "damn lol moriarty's pretty nice actually anyway uhhhh sorry watson ily ✌" and just like. left it up there in his damn cigarette box
But just like. damn the insinuation that moriarty just sat there and watched while he wrote that entire goddamn letter, sealed it up, and then got up and went alright buddy let's go but it makes no goddamn sense if they wanted to actually kill each other and assure they themselves would survive I could name like 23 different ways they could have managed it so easily and they Didn't. they were really set on mutual destruction huh. There's no way they were even trying to do anything but Die Together at that point and that's Something huh
It absolutely baffles me how they could say that these guys had plummetted like, holding each other tho. Like. ok lol but How Do You Even Know
It was certainly a ride. But the fact that Watson had to actively try to think like Sherlock to figure out what happened in the scene was just. The cherry on top. Especially after they'd consciously started to switch roles in this i just. Damn.
In conclusion uhhhhhhhh gay people real I suppose
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postmodern-blues · 4 years
first listen to rhys and ianto’s excellent barbecue: a saga
I’m just gonna put all my thoughts in order while I listen to this audio and do my homework. I’ll tag it for spoilers, but I’ll also put everything below the cut in case you haven’t listened to it yet <3 um also i do a lot of swearing be warned...
last warning, yall, lots of spoilers and quotes ahead:
Rhys’s friends call him RHYSIE and I Am So Soft For This.
“I’m making my Special Sauce” god if Jack were here....
I love how Torchwood writers can’t even find a way to write RHYS in a straight way. He’s so cute and AHSDHGHFDAS I LOVE THIS SO FAR
the meat jokes.... already.... let’s hope serentiy Ianto does not resurface
IANTO! my god I have missed my boy. HE IS BACK
Oh my god... oh my fuck.... he’s so CUTE i might need to take a breather.... dude....
Gwen looking out for Ianto, inviting him to Rhys’s stuff. DID SOMEONE SAY FOUND FAMILY HMMMM
“Jack’s sorry he couldn’t come” hhhhhhhh one sausage comes off the barbecue and he’d be like “this is quite homoerotic” HAIJFODHS
Rhys come on,,,, baby,,,,, do not be homophobic about this
I get the feeling I might be going too crazy about this,,, WE’RE ONLY FIVE MINUTES IN
Ianto brought Chardonnay....
“Except Banana boat, he’s a bit thick” AGFDKHDGS R H Y S
oh shit alien things are happening
“yes, RHYS, I know how to discuss my TOP SECRET work at a social event” he’s fucking ICONIC
“you have an inability to call each other by your proper names” my sister is just like this tho... she calls all her friends by anime character names.. little bit better than ‘sticky jeff’ but not much
Ianto being oblivious to Rhys’s gender role shit is just,,,, I STAN HIM
If Ianto and Rhys do not take a ride in the pink car by the end of this audio I’m suing
jkjk but that would be so great wouldn’t it
godDAMNIT i love this audio
"we.... don’t” yet again, it is the 21st century, and torchwood is sooo not ready
“It’s the BOYS’ barbecue” rhys and his friends seem like they have a very cute queerplatonic relationship. wonder if they wear socks when they’re doing “barbecues”
who the fuck is steven.... whAT IS GOING ON
“I don’t know him THAT well, but there’s no way he would call me love” u sure abt that rhysie
“if u run headfirst into an invisible wall, at least let me FILM it on my phone” these two i stfg
this ‘time bubble’ concept has SO MANY FIC POSSIBILITIES why is big finish spoiling us-
jack and gwen going for pizza instead of being at work AHHDOFDGSHK 
oh my GOD THE CALLBACK TO DISSECTED!!!!! this is like when gareth called back to The Last Beacon in Dinner and a Show AHHHH
I am reminded about martha and gwen,,, i am happy,,, the PARALLELS
these two arguing dude the TENSION.. the SUBTEXT
“god help you if you ever hear about pink wine” SFIHOJADHGF 
i swear half my commentary here is me quoting something funny and then keyboard smashing
Ianto is fucking ANNIHILATING Rhys here and by extension gender roles. Goddamnit THIS is the conversation we needed. I love him so much can you tell
“you LOVE each other” I’ve only had this audio for about half an hour but if anything fucking happens to it, i’ll kill everyone in the room and then myself
i don’t think you understand how goddamn adorable rhys is about his friends
“thank fuck none of them are here right now” mate my man badger calls you RHYSIE i don’t think it would affect them
I am so thankful Jack isn’t here because oh my g o d this would be an hour long block of innuendos. this whole audio is just exposing the very prominent homoerotic tendencies of straight men
sometimes, and by that i mean all the time, i wonder if my family hears me listening to big finish and wonders if i’m actually just watching porn. and honestly I think it would be a whole lot less embarrassing if i just told them i was watching porn instead of “yeah it’s this scifi thing these characters are trying to make a hole in an invisible time force field thing. are they gay? no, well, i mean, yes, but not like that! welllll, a little bit like that, but it’s NOT PORN”
“what the hell was that rhys? You Absolute Idiot.” AHHH THESE TWO
“let’s stuff it full of sausages” 
“back pocket” THIS IS SENDING ME BACK TO MY SHERLOCK FANDOM DAYS (fucking remember john getting sherlock’s phone out of his coat that he was wearing? that’s what this is)
Rhys pretending to be Steven (Stephen?) is,,,,, oh my god,,, this is too fucking intense
god i feel so bad for rhys,,, seriously
this took a serious turn I was not prepared for
also gwen wanting rhys to talk to ianto is,,, ughhhh i ship gwen/rhys sooo hard
rhys- baby- oh my godohmygodohmygod
“I DO love them” hhhhhh
the special sauce thing is sending me im sorry
“can we rescue the beer?” RHYS
‘Ianto you beautiful man, you did it!” THEY!!! THEY!!!!!!
i wanna make it clear that i don’t ship rhys and ianto but i think they are so cute as friends
guys im in tears right now
the way rhys goes from not wanting ianto here to not wanting him to leave,,, um its a simple arc but i’d also do anything for it
“OH HE’S ADORABLE WHATS HE CALLED?” me when i first saw Ianto Jones onscreen
“he’s a colleague of the missus,,,,,, and a friend” why don’t you just shoot me in the head hm
rhysie,,, baby,,, holy shit you need to go to therapy,,, just like,,, have a chat with janet the weevil and see how you feel after
funny how rhys fucking williams is handling loss so much better than ANY of torchwood. like jack got PREGNANT after losing owen+tosh. Ianto started having sex with his immortal boss after losing his girlfriend. healthy coping mechanisms? who is she?
they let rhys say fuck a lot in this audio and that is Very Sexy of Them
“bunny has run away with my tie” h e s s o f u c k i n g p r e c i o u s
“lads lads lads” AHHHHHHHHH
this audio. is. so good. so cute. so sad. BIG FINISH YOU DID IT AGAIN YOU SEXY BASTARDS YOU!!!!
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chicago-reeed · 4 years
Detroit Evolution
These are some notes that I took while I watched DE for the first time. It’s a lot. Like, six pages, a lot. I decided I should probably spare everyone’s dashboards and put it under a cut.
Warning: overuse of the fuck word because I am a dramatic little shit who gets overwhelmed easily
- Alright here we go. I don’t know if I’m mentally prepared to go through this hhhhh
- fuck he smellin the flowers good
- “hey tin can :P” “good morning gavin :P”
- “I don’t need to breathe” BAZINGA
- *slaps my face repeatedly* keep it together bitch
- “I like the way you look<3” aaaaaaaaannd here I go again
- oh god oh god witty banter WITTY BANTER I CANT FUNCTION
- detective motha fuckin chris I don’t need to see any more I got what I came for
- Honestly all they need to do to calm down the protestors is get nines out there so he can say “please stop you’re being very mean >:/“ and they would probably just go home ngl
- “I’ve never been intimidated by people who hate androids” OH MY GOD NINES WITH THE BAZINGA’S TODAY WHAT A LEGEND
- can I just say the white jacket is such a power move I can’t believe nines invented fashion
- Gavin bein soft and reaching back for Nines in the crowd🥺homygod
- Gavin “no one calls him plastic but ME” Reed
- The only time I will support police brutality™️
- Gavin is so OP we stan
- Nines “you raise a fist, then I get PISSED😡” RK900
- “y’all have a nice day” Protect Detective Chris Miller at all costs
- Nines sees Gavin’s scars as charming PUT ME TO DEATH
- Okay I need to pause and breathe again the cinematography got me chokin
- Uh ooohhh someone is jeeaaalouus😛
- Nines really said “no worry fam I’ll airdrop the case files to u”
- Ada: *exists*
- me: I hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me
- And nines back at it again with the sass I AM LIVING
- Chris and Gavin’s reactions to Nines imitating Ada is the best thing I’ve seen all year
- oh ;-; shit Michael really finna make me cri
- God damn the intro credits are so beautiful
- Real coffee hours with the sharktreuse mug🦈
- Tina knows Gavin was absolutely feral before Nines appeared at the DPD
- Half An Asshole squad please stand up we ride at dawn
- Gavin with the knockoff timbs WE STAN😎
- maybe “thank god, I hate you, you love me, move your feet, oop” will be our always
- I’m living for the whole “criminal minds” vibe goin on here
- Bruh Gavin got the hook-ups fr fr
- The level of reed900 is staggering
- I’ve had to pause and breathe so many times it’s pathetic I’m not even 15 mins in
- 850% godt damn Nines got that IOS 50 update
- maybe “our calendar” will be our always
- Chris “wingman of the year” Miller
- Who’s that Pokémon??? It’s JEALOUS GAV
- The way Nines said “I don’t feel anything for her.” I see you bud
- insecure Gavin needing reassurance™️
- Im fucking dying I fucking died bro BRO WE ALL KNOW WHO YOURE TALKING ABOUT, NINES, WE ALL KNOW
- Asexual Nines FTW👊😤👏👏👏❤️He gives zero fucks of ANY kind
- BREAKING NEWS: affection-starved Gavin™️ is literally begging for love
- “But there’s much more to admire about you than to detest, I think.”<333
- JJ not being suspicious at all nope no way Jose
- Lazzo has said two words and I love him already
- I don’t think I’ve seen this episode of COPS before🤔🤔🤔
- We all know Nines secretly wants to wear those fun glasses
- “Officer I swear I’ve never seen that arm in my life, it’s my friend’s he just asked me to hold it for him, Android arm what android arm heh”
- “Like robot arms, not gun arms.” You’re doing great sweetie🥰
- Chris “the interrogator” Miller😎
- soft n sleepy gav™️ is soft n sleepy
- You can wear my😋😘sweeaatshiiiirt😝😁🤗 (I’m sorry I had to)
- inconspicuous loving glances™️
- #GiveAndroidsFuckinHealthcare2K20
- Gavin has not slept in 80 years
- He really said “I’m fine” BITCH
- Bed time for brats™️ no later than 8:30pm
- hell yeah sleepover time
- “stop lookin at my insides n shit” I want that on a t shirt
- Nines is so soft I might die
- But he’s somehow equally suave as fuck how is this fair
- Oh my god dream!gavin is like Nines’ conscious this is so presh
- dream!gavin you sly dog
- Nines being insecure™️
- Listen to dream!gavin, Nines, he has big brain
- The fact that Nines subconsciously KNOWS that irl!Gav “just wants someone that doesn’t hate him” but he’s STILL like alas, I can never be what gavin needs :’(
- nu babie don’t be sad🥺
- oh my god they’re both train wrecks protect them at all cost
- c r i p e s❤️the reed900 hurt/comfort we all needed
- Concerned boyfriends™️
- Maybe “I’m fine” will be our always
- GAV🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💔💔💔💔💔💔
- Insecure boyfriends™️
- Nines “I’m not going to get any closer to Gavin because I can’t help him but also I want to cuddle with him because he had a nightmare” RK900
- did someone say  c a t
- dumb babie gav jus spoon the dumb android so you both feel better
- Me: *rubs evil hands together* aha here comes the angst
- cue tragic backstory
- oh
- tragic backstory indeed
- Gavin is so desperate for anyone to care about him I’m crying tears
- Alexa this is so god damn sad play despacito
- Oh shit it’s about to get domestic I don’t think I’m mentally prepared
- YOU CAN WEAR MY😝💪SWEEAATSHIIIIIIRT🤪🔥🔥🔥 (I’m never letting the sleeveless sweatshirt thing go)
- Uh oh NO FUCK I’ve read enough fan fiction to know that this is where Gavin’s fucking trust issues kick in and he decides pushing nines away is safer than getting closer to him SHIT
- I feel angst in this Chili’s tonight
- “I need you to leave” aaaaaaahhhhhhhh here come a whole different kind of tears
- frick dude that ouches
- Insert sad babie noises
- Oml the tension☠️poor Chris and Ada are like😑😑
- Chris could solve this case all by himself change my mind
- Gavin and Nines = (ò///-///ó)
- Chris = :D~oblivious~
- reed900 who??? I don’t know her. I only know ❤️valerina❤️
- I can’t believe Gavin and Nines invented angst
- I went and got blue gatorade just so I could pretend I was drinking thirium like Nines
- #DetectiveChen2K20
- real sad gavin hours
- Ruh roh Gavin bouta die from the ‘rona virus because rat man smokes hella
- my entire aesthetic in a single shot jfc
- Aaaaahhhh Nines trying to be a supportive bf just makes me ;-; [takes damage]
- HES ACCEPTED GAVIN AS MORE THAN A PARTNER🥺that, my friends, is what we call character development
- We stan the otp aggressively talking about their feelings
- “I’m not going anywhere.” FUCK™️
- Aaaaand they’re back at square one. It’s cool it’s fine it’s all good we can work with this.
- Gavin: I don’t need you ò-ó
- Gavin: *immediately after Nines leaves* fuck ó-ò
- “It’s fine”™️
- I love Ada so much hhhhhh she said 🤨
- “Basic Instinct” TINA WITH THE HEAT OMG
- *nervous laugh* haha Ada sis maybe chill a little bit ha ha
- oh no I have a not good feeling
- 😖x1000000
- Oh my god this is so fucking sad Alexa play The Sound of Silence
- Nines got fucked up and Gavin is CONCERNED
- aayyyyy bro Nines full on nakey
- Tina and Gavin sad bro huggin👊😔
- Uh oh Nines is fckn PISSED
- he MAD mad
- Tina speakin straight facts I love her
- f u c k  right in the heart
- I don’t want to attempt writing any notes at this moment because my thoughts are completely incoherent I am a MESS
- “I need you to come back, Nines.” DONT PLAY W ME LIKE THAT
- Did Gavin really almost bring Nines back through the power of love I am SHAKING
- Dream!Gavin speaking truth as ALWAYS
- These damn flashbacks making me feel some type of way
- that actually low key jump scared me
- God damn these sets are so fucking pro, I’m so happy
- Tina really say “Chris ;) ;) lets go get some ;) coffee ;) ;) ;) ;)”
- You Undead Asshole™️
- Gavin: ( ⚆ _ ⚆ ) fuck he actually heard me talk about my feelings n shit
- Nines: You literally told me you fucking needed me like five minutes ago
- Gavin: huh weird that doesn’t sound like me I actually hate you
- ooOOHHH  S H I T
- woah shit sorry I blacked out for a second what happened
- holy shit I actually gave myself a bloody fucking nose because I smacked my face too hard in excitement
- ❤️💘🧡💞💕💘💓💚💛💘💞💓💛💛💞💘❤️💚💘💜💕💖❤️❤️💕💓💗💘💖💚💝❤️
- “What dipshit programmed you to do that?” 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️FUCK
- My aunt came in and told me she heard me shouting then asked why I was crying
- shit I need to like..,,,,physically recover from that
- whew okay break time is over let’s fucking go
- Nines in the cheeky turtleneck I SEE U
- Gavin: I’m ready to take this hoe DOWN
- Initiate protocol: SAVE ADA FROM HERSELF
- I could listen to Tina talk to dispatch for hours🥰❤️❤️❤️
- Gavin being hella concerned boyfriend™️
- omfg that crowbar really went *CLANG* when it hit Ada’s steel fkn abs what a legend💪😎
- Hell yeah epic Nines gif moment
- no Ada don’t choke Gavin it only makes him stronger
- CHRIS THE MOTHER FUCKIN GOAT😎👏👏👏he really said “fuck ur monologue I’m here to get shit done”
- That character development godt damn
- I might be reaching but Gavin is now wearing a white/off-white shirt/gray that kINDA RESEMBLES DREAM!GAVIN’S SHIRT. Coincidence? I THINK NOT. THATS SYMBOLISM IF I EVER DID SEE IT.
- “buyer’s remorse, huh?”
- “I can’t be everything you need.”
- That awkward moment when you realize the person you were hiding your feelings from has also been hiding their feelings from you.
- “a year of that fuckin’...Ken Doll face smirkin’ at me every day” BE CUTER GAVIN, I DARE YOU.
- naked hand = love
- So my review of this film could be summed up by saying that I basically cried for an hour and fifteen minutes.
- Holy damn
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nolanhollogay · 4 years
but you had to go, i know + the oc of your choice!
hhhhhh Pain
im gonna do bunny bcuz i never talk about her on her
cw: death mention
Bunny sat next to Nolan in front of their mother's grave. The wind was whipping around them and it was starting to drizzle but she could barely feel it.
It was the anniversary of her passing and there was an ache in Bunny's chest that she didn't know what to do with.
"Should we say something?" Nolan asked. His voice was soft and his eyes were sad, like they'd been for months now.
"Do you want to?" Bunny asked, threading their fingers together and squeezing. He squeezed back, just as hard. Then he shook his head.
"Okay, I'll say something then," she said. He nodded, before he rested his head on her shoulder.
"Hey, Mom. Me and Nolan just came to say hi and check in. Uh, what have you missed?" she started, pausing to think. "Nolan joined the lacrosse team. I made some new friends and I finally finished that book about oranges-"
Nolan interjected, "I don't know why it took her so long. It's, like, 80 pages."
Bunny scoffed but didn't argue. "Papa finally learned how to cook something other than pasta. Thank God." Nolan snorted.
"Uh, we miss you. So much. But you had to go. I know. We know. And we're trying to move on, but it's hard, you know? There's like a Mom shaped hole in the house."
"Don't make her sad, Bun," Nolan mumbled, squeezing her hand again.
"Right. Sorry. Um, just, we love and miss you. We love you so, so much."
Nolan nodded again, head still smushed against Bunny's shoulder.
They sat in silence for a minute until the rain picked up. They were both acting like they couldn't hear the other sniffling.
"We should head home, huh?" Bunny said.
They got up and left, holding hands the entire way to Bunny's car.
Tumblr media
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botheredbuck · 4 years
hi! it's your secret santa 🎅 i just have some questions so i can get some ideas for your gift: do you have any quotes or lyrics that you associate with ballum? any favourite scenes? favourite colours? thanks! 🎄
(I’m so so sorry this took so long to answer im terrible at answering asks lmao)
Ahhh im so excited about this!! 
Okay so in general for music, there’s a lot of songs by the artist Sleeping at Last that strike me as very ballum. A particular one though is Three, and the line-
My greatest failures on display with an asterisk- worthy of love anyway
(i just really love that line and that song hhhhh it’s very good) but in general a lot of the stuff by sleeping at last is very good for ballum imo (i can also suggest turning page and touch) 
I have a lot of favourite scenes but honestly i really love the mutual i love you scene cus it’s beautiful, and pretty much anything with them and lexi. i also really love the scene of ben in the middle of the square after the kidnapping like crying and calling out for callum (ive talked so much about how beautiful and sybolic i think this scene is so i wont repeat myself but hhhhhh)
alsoo!!! so much of seige week!! the scenes of after ben got shot and callum holding him and crying!!! i adore that. (oh and also the soulmates shit they did for anniversary week bc that’s my favourite week of ee ever sorry i’ll stop now)
favourite colours are definitely yellow/gold and blue, although if you’re thinking edit wise i adore a colour/black and white contrast (i have such a think for colours in edit and i think thats so beautiful)
im super excited about this and again im sorry this took a while to respond to but thank you!! feel free to leave any more questions you have hehe <3
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01010010-posts · 5 years
— fake heart but real me, the same as you.
requests: im gonna put this worm in your ear: au where reader works pretty much as a wall-e type and rk900 is eve
Imagine an android reader interfacing with the robo boys im just so obsessed with this intimate android gesture and im sorta sad not a lot of fics have it aND ALSO HHHHHH I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH ITS SO SOFT AND PURE,,,, IT IS THE EMBODIMENT OF SUNSHINE BSBSBHWWJNSNS AAAAAA
Can I ask for a headcanon of the Rks and their S/O if they were a sex worker android?? Or even the Rks can be the sex workers. Anything as long as the reader is an android pls.
ohhhhhhh pick the android reader one. I'm never able to find any on here. I mostly like them cuz if you're human, you'll eventually die. Which is depressing...
me, in the year 2019, still using fictional characters as coping mechanism since i cant love myself: it be like that huh also 60’s one turned out bad im sorry :o
• he actually bumps into you during his eden club case • yep you’re one of the tracis he connects with to find the blue-haired one • there’s nothing peculiar about you • and honestly, the first time he meets you he still isn’t a deviant • but that doesn’t mean he won’t remember you • in fact, his instinct, when investigating a scene after the revolution, and casually glancing your way, is to send you a smile • of course you don’t remember who this other android may be • the club policy was to wipe memories in two hours after all • oh but you’re a curious robot with an empty schedule so you don’t mind waiting the whole half hour it takes for cops to get your testimony • would you look at that he’s coincidentally done as soon as you’re about to leave!! • “hey– I won’t rob you of more minutes” a quip “but I just wanted to say that I’m happy you got free, and, well, to thank you for your help, both then and now. and maybe to apologize for interfacing without asking–” • “umh, excuse me but do i know you?” • and he’s a little taken aback because wow he totally forgot about it • “oh– right, gosh, I’m terribly sorry. we already– I mean, we previously met but maybe this isn’t the best phrasing. I’m– well, we– mh I was–” • is he stumbling through his words? • you shouldn’t, really, but you can’t help but laugh • and he stops, delightfully surprised that he made you chuckle at least a bit • and maybe he blushes blue • “I guess we could still try to get know each other now....” 
• one could say that RK900 is cold, superficial and maybe a little scornful • and one could say that the receptionist model of the DPD is nothing but old, obsolete and surely banal • but then again one would be pretty wrong in both cases • for the receptionist is capable of performing several exaflops operations per second, managing appointments and schedules, even speaking multiple languages • for RK900 is, yes, all of the above, but one thing is yet to be added: he’s terribly in love with the old receptionist model of the DPD. • and he’s very bad at hiding it. • he says ‘good morning’ and ‘good evening’, and eventually ‘good night’, every time he passes through the station’s doors • he, not one day of his career, has been late to work • he makes sure gavin is not rude to you • he sometimes silently helps with humans that might be prone to causing you problems while on the job • he leaves tiny juice-box sized thirium packets on your desk • he got the wrong thirium for your model the first time • and you, tenderly weirded out by the sudden appareance of such thing, had to give it to connor • this dork hasn’t been able to forgive himself ever since • though you don’t know it’s him, he’s the most advanced prototype don’t think he’d leave any traces behind • but being the latest friend shaped iphone has its perks and its cons, for example to not be endowed with social modules as good as yours and not having any idea on how to start a relationship • if it were for him you two would never go past the whole stage of casual conversations and his pining • which, as two androids, could last forever. every human in the present police station could grow old and die and you both would still be there, chatting, smiling, making awkward remarks to each other about the weather. not that any of you really mind that. or maybe he just says those things because you’re not a waterproof model? • but it’s okay because there’s this moment where it’s late at night and almost everyone is gone to their houses and it’s mostly you and him and yes, he doesn’t technically need sleep but you worry about him anyway • and you go up to him and you touch his hand to gain his attention and he, as if sparked by electricity, immediately turns his head towards you • “sorry. i didn’t know RK900 could be so easily scared” you hint a laugh, slightly covering your mouth with the tips of your digits, but don’t let go of the contact with his knuckle • he looks away for a second, fighting his biocomponent to not give away his blue blush “no, it’s my fault, I was too focused on the reports–” as he says this he fixes his eyes to yours and stops “wha– why are crying? is something the matter?” how cruel is it for you to have this feature he does not possess. at this point all of his energy is channelled into not taking your face between his palms and comfort you, whatever it is he can help, as he always does • “is that what you think of me? why you never told me anything?” and suddenly he lowers his gaze to the dark table, seeing your fingers interlacing in a soft white glow, exchanging informations through circuits 
• “can you stop simulating sighing?” • “I’m not simulating it, I am sighing” • “well. can you stop anyway?” • “uhhh, of course not?” • and now it’s RK900’s turn to heave his chest in exasperation whispering a silent “why the fuck are you build like this” • “I CAN hear you, you know” • “I sure hope you do, otherwise I’d have to send a request for repair on a RK800 model” • “shut the fuck up– connor! move! I can’t see them otherwise!” • “60, I have to work, and you should too. stop with the staring” 51 rolls his eyes, not even bothering to launch an annoyed look at his twin, swivelling in his chair as to let the other enjoy his favourite activity: watching the android server from the chinese restaurant across the street that brings lunches to human police officers • “why don’t you just ask them out and spare us with your eternal pining?” • “excuse me? have you perhaps gone mad, nines?” and he deliberately uses that because he knows RK900 doesn’t like it • but, actually, it’s not a bad idea, it shouldn’t be too difficult, just going near them, chatting a bit and using his charm like he always does • but, actually, now that he decided to execute his thoughts, mhh, how to say it, his body is acting against him, making his leg bounce the weird way it always does, making the little wheels in his head going in an opposite motion • “he–” some cough to clear his throat of an nonexistent clot “hey! it’s sunny today, isn’t it?” • GOSH that was such a stupid icebreaker where’s all of his confidence gone!! • but you smile, nevertheless, and your eyes slowly close in that friendly manner he’d grown to love, along with your lips that go up up and up, almost in an inhuman way, flashing a polite face • the same that makes him weak at his knees, makes his thirium pump regulator go crazy from all the blue blood it has to send in the upper part of his freckled cheeks and nose • “yes. we’re having nice weather.” you murmur, gathering back the bags you used to carry all the takeaway in • “I’m– I want to order something.” he has your attention “for tomorrow’s break, I mean” • “oh? you’re buying a plate for a human co-worker? that’s sweet. what would they like?” • “yes– I mean, no– for me, it’s for me.” • “mh? but you’re an android. i’m sorry but we don’t sell thirium based dishes.” • “oh that’s fine. I’m designed to eat like humans do.” he wouldn’t be doing so bad, if it wasn’t for his red LED giving his panic away • “are you? quite peculiar.” you giggle, absolutely delighted by the artificial pearlescent sweat adorning his temples and his fingertips “i’ll get you something then.” • this is probably the toughest order he’s ever asked, and probably the first and last • 51 and RK900 are SO going to mock him the next day they’re gonna laugh at his enamoured ass faking eating just to please his crush he never even picked up a fork in his life what’s he gonna DO
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kleinsen being good and soft
Ava: teehee (Evan doesn’t know Jared likes him yet)
Evan: *packing bc he’s sleeping over at Jared’s house??*
Jared: *puking up flowers and blood cause hanahaki*
Evan: *knocks on the Jared’s door* Jaredddddddd
Jared: f-fuck um- oNE S-SECOND- *pukes more and one whole flower and then stops cause thats all of them for today lol xD*
Evan: *puts his headphones on bc he’s waiting??*
Jared: *cleans up the bathroom and wipes his eyes cause he was crying cause it hurt and puts the flower in a bowl where he kept all of them cause it's a water lily cause I like them and opens the door for evan* hi, sorry I took so long, come in
Evan: *puts his headphones around his neck* it’s fine dude *walks in* I haven’t been here in forever oh my god-
Jared: *rubs the back of his neck* heh- yeah
Evan: *looks at thy Jared very concerned* you okay dude? I’m surprised you haven’t made a joke by now
Jared: im surprised you haven't kissed a tree! I'm fine, lol
Evan: *giggly boye* you sure?- Wait, why are your eyes so red? Are you smoking weed?!
Jared: um- yes?
Evan: uh- where should I put my bags? I don’t know if any of the house rules changes- since last time you didn’t let me touch anything-
Jared: we can bring them to my room cause thats where we're sleeping I guess
Evan: okay? *runs upstairs and falls in the process* OW
Jared: oh shoot- are you okay? *runs over to evan*
Evan: yeah- I just tripped that’s all! *smiley boye* *walks into thy Jared’s room*
Jared: *follows the evan* uh so you can sleep on my bed and I can sleep on the floor or whatever
Evan: dude it’s your house- I’ll sleep on the floor-
Jared: well like you’re the guest or something I don’t know
Evan: hhhhhh *flops on his bed* what do you wanna do
Jared: I dont know- wanna watch a movie?
Evan: sure! *sits up and sits against the pillows*
Jared: *sits next to evan* ummm... let's watch..... uh.... *puts on Hercules cause yes* this.
Evan: dork *giggly boye*
Jared: *red boye* shush-
Evan: wow Jared Kleinmen is blushing, from Evan Hansen- who ever thought
Jared: ugh- *hides face* i hate you tree man
Evan: love you too bathbomb
Jared: *feels a lump in his throat because I researched and like if you get affection from the person you love the symptoms get worse* um- i need to use the bathroom be right back *walks to the bathroom*
Evan: okay!
Jared: *locks the door and starts hanahaki-ing for like 5 minutes*
Evan: *walks to the bathroom door and knocks on it* you okay dude?
Jared: yep! I'm g-good just give me a s-second- *hanahki-s a full water lily cause thats what his flower is apparently* *also thats how he knows it's over for now*
Evan: okay! I’ll be in your room- I’ll pause the movie for you!
Jared: o-okay! *coughs up some more blood and cleans up*
Like- 5 minutes later: skskksksk
Jared: *walks in to his room and puts the lily in the water bowl*
Evan: you have...water Lily’s in your...bathroom?
Jared: a lot has changed, evan. *sigh* a lot
Evan: *sighs and hugs the Jared*
Jared: *blushes and hugs the tree* soooooo... why are you hugging me?
Evan: you seemed sad- and you don’t get enough love
Jared: *metaphorically melts into the hug and lays his head on Evans shoulder*
Ali: (I'm sorry im so used to being a bottom)
Ava: (Dont worry dude bc same)
Evan: *ruffles the Jared’s hair* you okay?
Jared: ......huh? What? Wait yeah I'm good haha *stops hugging the evan and is v red* so uh- wanna keep watching the movie?
Evan: sure! *sits on his bed and closes the blinds so it can be dark* it’s like a real movie theater!
Jared: yeah! *in his mind cause I feel like it 😋 (how in the fucking fuck can someone be so god damn cute-)
Ava: dang Jared
Evan: *unpauses the movie and leans against the pillows* *puts an oversized hoodie on uwu*
Jared: *(what in the frick frack cracker jack)
Evan: *rests his head on Jared’s shoulder teehee*
Jared: *blushblushblush*
Evan: is it bad I’ve never seen this movie-
Jared: I mean i dont know I guess?? *worried he'll have another hanahaki attack with all this love ;-;*
Evan: Jared...are you okay? Ever since I got here you’ve looked like you’re going to throw up- should I leave?
Jared: nonononono!!! It's fine!! I'm fine!!
Evan: *hugs the Jared from the side* no you arentttttt
Jared: e-evan i- *starts coughing up blood*
Ali: (he wasn't gonna confess he was just flustered :/)
Evan: holy shoot! Oh my god!- *runs to get towels*
Jared: *keeps coughing up blood and now- some flower petals*
Evan: *comes back with towels and sits down in front of Jared then looks at him* here du- are those...flowers?
Jared: n-no. Y-y-yes? *starts sobbing cause it hurts a lot ouchies* i-im s-so-sorry *coughs up more petals and blood*
Evan: hey hey hey- it’s okay Jare- I know what this is- cough it all up *rubs his back*
Jared: *starts coughing up wayyy more and even some full lilys bc like I said affection makes it worse*
Evan: oh shoot sorry! I forgot- *steps away from the Jared*
Jared: *coughs up a bit more and one like- huge heccin lily thats glowy pink (normally theyre white) :0*
Evan: oh my god..-
Jared: i-im sorry I'll- I'll clean this up- *starts cleaning up quickly and gently puts the pink one in the center of the bowl*
Evan: y-you like m-m-me..-
Jared: what?! No thats- thats insane haha-
Evan: y-yeah....insane
Jared: *picks up the bowl, sits down, and puts it on his lap* *oh and pushes them around gently with his finger*
Evan: Jared....can I um...tell you something?
Jared: hm?
Evan: I um....please don’t hate me- but...Ive liked you for awhile now. You’ve been really nice to me lately and I never knew why, but now I do. It’s fine if you have hanahaki because of Connor- it’s fine if you don’t like me- I’m just hoping this doesn’t trigger it-
Some of the smaller flowers: *die*
Jared: wait- wait hold up- wait- wait really? *starts crying* no no... no youre just playing with me- this is all a dream- stop- no-
Evan: Jared, I’m not messing with you...you aren’t dreaming- I like you
Jared: ohmygosh- oh- ohmygosh- *puts the bowl back down on the table and is still muttering ohmygosh to himself* *blushy boye*
Evan: *laughs a little* calm down Jare
Jared: *sits back down and looks at the ground* you know... I had.. that was 29 flowers.. one more and.. I wouldve died......
Evan: am I allowed to like...- touch you now?
Jared: yeah-
Evan: *hugs the jared*
Jared: *leans on the evan*
Evan: *pulls away from the Jared and looks at him then....kisses him teehee*
Jared: *flustered for a moment but then kisses him back*
Evan: Jared, I- I love you
Jared: I love you too you dweeb *kisses him agian but more make-outy?????*
Ava: Ali what-
Evan: *big blush man*
Jared: *pulls apart and gives him a look like is this okay cause catie told me once that you should do that*
Ali: (shush I dont know what words are)
Evan: *laughs* Jared you are such a dork, I love it
Jared: w-wELL-?!
Evan: *giggly boye*
Jared: *smiles* just kiss me already you acorn *kisses the evan agAiN*
Evan: *kisses thy Jared*
Jared: *runs his fingers through thy Evans hair*
Ava: Ali- where is this going
Evan: *big blush man*
Jared: *makes out with evan wow I did it im proud of myself :)*
Evan: *his hair is all messed up* so that happened-
Jared: *red boye* yeah-
Evan: you’re a good kisser Kleinmen
Jared: *giggle sk* no u
Evan: uno reverse card *giggle sk*
Jared: ugh fineeeeee- *fixes his glasses cause they were tilted cause ;)*
Evan: well I never got to watch the movie- I guess I’m too hot to handle
Jared: pretty much
Evan: o-oh I was j-joking- *hides under the blanket*
Jared: *giggles* youre such a dweeb
Evan: *still under the blanket* shushhhh
Jared: *goes under the blanket and cuddles the evan*
Evan: *pink boye* *wraps his arms around the Jared*
Jared: *falls asleep*
-a couple hours later-
Evan: *poking thy Jared* Jareeeeee wake uppppp
Jared: *wakes up* momm its nott- oh hey evan-! *blush boy*
Evan: I never knew I looked like your mom *laughs*
Jared: nO thats disgusting eww- she just- normally wakes me up on Saturdays thinking its school. She's werid.
Evan: how- it’s Saturday?? I can’t even remember anymore
Jared: *shrugs* I have a good memory I guess
Evan: I’m just gonna say, I never thought in a million years, the Jared Kleinmen would like cuddles
Jared: *giggles* oh evan you dont even know
Evan: what else are you hiding from me
Jared: *becomes way to red to even speak* noTHINg-
Evan: tell meeeeeee pweaseeeee
Jared: *hides under his blanket* nO-
Evan: Jared I swear to god if you’re kinky like my brother-
Jared: no ew gross what huh
Evan: tell me Jare Bearrrrr
Jared: no-
Evan: hmmmmmm okay fineeeee *stares at the Jared* you’re really pretty...-
Jared: youre really hot
Evan: oh I- I- um..- *v v v v v v red*
Jared: *giggly boye*
Evan: that was very unnecessary Kleinmen *crosses his arms while being v v v red*
Jared: it's true
Evan: *puts his hand on his cheek and kisses him teehee*
Jared: *pulls him closer and kisses him back*
Evan: this is very gay
Jared: *finger guns* yeperino!
Evan: *giggly boye* you are so weird, but I love you
Jared: can we get back to kissing? (Please? Yo. Every action has an-)
Ava: equal opposite reaction-
Evan: o-oh y-yeah- *kisses the Jared*
Jared: *kisses the evan but ~~ly*
Evan: *is basically in Jared’s lap at this point-*
Jared: *has his arms wrapped around Evans hips ;))*
Evan: *has his arms wrapped around Jared’s neck;))*
Jared: *kisses evan but more ;))-y*
Evan: *big blush man*
Jared: *keeps kissing Thy evan shook :0*
Evan: okay Jared calm down *giggly boye*
Jared: *shrugs* youre just a really good kisser, acorn *stares at Thy evan smiling :)*
Evan: shush bathbomb
Jared: *in an amazingly good British accent because I feel like Jared would have a amazingly good British accent* oh evan my good sir, youre such a peach *kisses Evans hand* now if you'll excuse me for a moment, i shall go get food *goes to get food*
Evan: Jared wha- dork!
Jared: *yells from the kitchen* treeboy!
Evan: Adorable!
Jared: goddamn you! *comes back to his room and he has um.. spaghetti* f o o d
Evan: my mom knew this was going to happen- she knew you liked meeeeeeee *looks at the Jared*
Jared: well your mom is smart *we eating*
Evan: oh and I uh- I bought you something the other day- *gives him a bathbomb*
Jared: you know me so well *wipes a fake tear from his eye* ironically, i got something for you! *goes under his bed and grabs a succulent and gives it to evan* you can name it if you want-
Evan: *:0* I love it!! *hugs the Jared*
Jared: yay! *hugs the evan*
Evan: *snuggles in the Jared XD owo*
Jared: *plays with evans hair 0w0*
Evan: jare...will you be my boyfrienddddd
Jared: *straight face* no of course not... *smiles really wide and kisses the evan* dUDE OF COURSE!!! *v v smiley boye*
Evan: *breaks into a giggly fit and falls out of the Jared’s grip* yayyyyy
Jared: *teehee* hey evannnn guess whattttttttttttttttttt
Evan: whatttttttt
Jared: I love you *giggly boye oWO
Evan: I love you toooo!
Jared: so what are you gonna name the little guy? *sits on the ground with evan cause he fell or something and puts thy succulent in his lap*
Evan: hm...jelly bean!
Ali: im gonna make jared be able to do any accent really well and you can't stop me
Jared: *commits cowboy accent* howdy there jelly bean what are you doin' round these here parts
Evan: Jared what the hell!? *laughing*
Jared: *starts laughing too and is still committing cowboy accent* what? this is how I talk! Ya got a problem with that mister? *laughing so much sksjsksmskk*
Evan: n-no! This is just- *continues laughing*
Jared: *dies laughing and back to normal jared voice* jelly bean is beautiful
Evan: oh welcome back Jared, you got possessed by a cowboy
Jared: Oh my gosh I did?! *finger guns the air and looks around frantically* wOODY I KNOW YOU'RE HERE! I'LL SHOOT!! *trying not to laugh*
Evan: *cant breathe from laughing* oh my god-
Jared: *falls onto Evans lap* ohmygosh *dying laughing* i can't
Evan: *dying laughing* since when could you do all those accents?!
Jared: *shrugs* since forever I guess? I can do a lot more
Evan: oh lord please no
Jared: *giggles* okay okay- what do you wanna do now?
Evan: I don’t knowwwwwww
Jared: *puts jelly bean on the counter* wannaaaaaaa watch a horror movie??
Evan: okay! *sits under the blanket on the Jared’s bed* (it still looks like a movie theater in his room-*
Jared: *sits next to evan and puts on the man man bye*
The first death: wassup
Evan: *clings onto Jared’s arm*
Ali: oh my gosh it's literally the opposite of us
Jared: evan it has barely been 10 minutes in-
-Half way through the movie-
Evan: *screams*
Jared: *wraps his arms around evan* evy do you wanna turn it off? *genuinely concerned*
Evan: n-no it’s fine
Jared: oookayyy... *still worried*
-a bit more than halfway in-
Evan: *falls asleep*
Jared: *gently moves evan so he's laying down, turns off the tv, cuddles him and falls asleep too*
-next Day-
Evan: *wakes up* Jare bearrrr
Jared: *talks in his sleep cause I need to do this* *sleep giggles? Shut up okay* awee my little evy wevy
Evan: *big blush man but laughs and pokes the Jared*
Jared: *awakens and sees thy evan* oh h-hi evan- *big big big blush man*
Evan: how long have you dreamed of me Jare? *smiley boye*
Jared: w-well um- y-you see y-you i- um- *flustered gay distress increces*
Evan: what happened in that little “evy wevy” dream of yours
Jared: nOThIng-
Evan: awe c’mom tell your little Evy Wevy
Jared: *blushes deeper :0* nO-
Evan: okay okay- you can go back to sleep if you want baby
Jared: *is redder than a tomato* baby???? *dying* did you just call me baby??? *dying even more like wtf*
Evan: *shaking his head* mhm
Jared: *hides his face* evan why do you do this to me
Evan: awe because I cannnnn
Jared: oh my gosh *dying blushing woah*
Evan: *kisses thy Jared*
Jared: *kisses thy evan back*
Evan: *kisses his forehead* go back to sleep baby
Jared: fineeeeeeee *lays down with his head on Evans lap and falls asleep*
Evan: *gently moves Jared and lays down*
Jared: *clings onto evan*
Evan: *asleep*
Heidi: Evan sweetie it’s time to come ho- AWWWWWW
Jared: *stays asleep and clings onto evan tighter*
Evan: *whisper yells* mom what the hell! Go away!-
Heidi: I am posting this on Facebook! *walks away*
Jared: *nuzzles evan*
Evan: *goes to get up but Jared won’t let him* Jare, I have to leave
Jared: *still a singular sleep*
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faunusrights · 6 years
we had a week of peace and now we’re gonna get annihilated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have no clue how long this liveblog may end up but hell and high water i’m combining them both
she tore the jade pendant from her neck and flung it into the darkness.
let’s give a warm welcome, to sadness,
i’m very excited for all-new cinder content hhhhhhh if u havent gathered by now I Love This Bitch and I Love Her Many Problems so im thankful for this gift 😞
Cinder was a ruin, her pride carved and served like slabs of meat.
i can FEEL diesel n kc rly patting themselves on the back for every bit of wet meat they can toss at me!!!!!!!!!! U HEAR THAT I CAN FEEL U!!!!!!!!!!! but also i still love this shit w/ all my heart!!!!!!!!!! IM NEVER GONNA STOP SAYIN IT
She had never looked at Glynda’s files.
im so sorry cinder baby but that whole thing? is still HILARIOUS oh my GOD i cannot believe you fucked up that badly. u shoved yr entire head into a beartrap. u absolutely crapped yr pants on that one. yr gonna be thinking abt that on yr deathbed,
/looks at the chapter title again
hhhhhhhh im. so pumped. its gonna be hard to talk abt most of this w/o doing a million fingerguns a minute but i’m gonna try my best
Cinder approached the mirror and touched its silvered face with black-tipped claws,
I SAID IM GONNA TRY MY BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She was iron barbs beneath the nail bed, glowing coals underfoot, the singular capacity to do harm. She was a beast, armed with fang and claw and a deep, dark void where her compassion should have laid, and she was dressed for dinner.
HHHHHH god YES THIS IS THE CINDER IM THIRSTY FOR............ i literally cannot say anything that isnt a massive 👈😎👈 but AAAAAAA
like im reading thru this and i cant cherry-pick lines this whole bit? is SO GOOD...  kc n diesel are Yet Again obliterating me w/ their mastery of the narrative style of offal hunt and i just love all of this i rly wish i could explain how offal hunt is EXACTLY MY BRAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F U C K
The final touch on her mastercraft disaster: the four sawed-off horn stumps which grew among her silver-streaked hair.
HOOOO B O I i am. Losin it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER HORNS.......... CINDR...............
Wretchedly, she wondered: did Glynda even respect her now?
any other villain: my plan didnt work and im mad >:( cinder fall: my plan didnt work and now im mad but also mostly sad :(
CINDER’S TRYING HER BEST GOD.......... i literally hate how the remaster has made her So Soft, Actually... I BELIEVE IN U CINDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YR BEST
Every part of her was hot and hollow. She was sick with loathing.
i LOVE HER.... CINDER I HOPE U KNO THAT YR LOVED... god tho i dont like how SAD I AM RN... cinder’s so small and the world is so big and wants 2 Shit On Her blease
honestly like. im rly- LOOK I SAID THIS BEFORE BUT. this is why im rly lovin the new cinder content because in the first version we only got glimpses of her internal machinations and now we’re in full-blown Always Sad territory and everything is suffering :)
She blinked. Her double did not.
‘well’, thought murphy. ‘that’s terrifying.’
she’d only survived thanks to a keen instinct for danger, cultivated during her tenuous teenage years.
i NEED. I NEED. CINDER BACKSTORY. all these lil nuggets dont constitute a meal! I WANT A BIG MAC AND FRIES. WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS BABY DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also again. the body horror of offal hunt? peak content. Im Lovin It
its getting harder to divine what is and what is not a 👈😎👈 because we got bits sprinkled around and theres only rly a spoiler potential if u glue em all together so im still being extra careful and the answer is blared in everyones faces so this whole kondor scene will go uncommented unless some Bullshit Happens which it will, so,
When she had become so invested in Glynda’s approval? When had a desire to be recognized as something inhuman, something ferocious, something black and terrible and capable of keeping up with Glynda Fucking Goodwitch turned into this?
oh! oh! i have the answer! i do! i know the answer! it’s you a lesbian,
The spectres of her youth haunted this city, owl-eyed children and fox-eared teens. They’d been a second sort of family, the only kind she’d had within these walls, and she’d wondered what had become of them in the past decades, but…
It was too sentimental, and she wasn’t meant to be a creature of sentiment.
oh boy okay wow
okay so actually this bit made me cry??? fuck OFF im losing it!!!!!!!! LET HER BE SENTIMENTAL!!!! LET HER HAVE PPL TO CARE ABT!!!!!!!!!! IM LITERALLY CRYING IM GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!
She would go barefoot from this point on, her heels clutched at her side. When she left the hotel room to steal into the night, she promised herself not to look back.
im sorry im just. so sad rn. i havent cried over a fic in YEARS and we still have another chapter ago i hate this SO MUCH..............
here comes chapter 11 
if i cry even once more im going to stab!!!!!! im not sure what BUT ILL STAB!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even without his wings, the Manticore would easily have been twice the size of any of the other Grimm, far outstripping them in sheer bulk.
HATI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HATI HATI HATI
holy shit we actually get to see him this time!!!!!!!!!!! WE GET TO SEE THIS LEGENDARY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS CHONCC,
also hes a manticore now which is, Radical, may i just say, and just a little bit sexy,
The effortless grace in each move betrayed power most Grimm would not live to achieve. Once he stood, he had to dip his head low to meet her eye to eye. His canines were the length of her forearm.
if u werent here for the remaster? we never even SAW hati but now hes here, hes Big, and rly thats all that matters,
Like a child who’d been allowed to lie and lie until at last they’d strangled themself in the web they’d spun, Cinder couldn’t speak. Could only wait on his verdict.
every single one of cinder’s inherent themes is killing me and this business w/ family? stop. im dying. this is rude
The scant space between them popped and cracked like an sparking flame, warm and effervescent, and this time, Cinder lingered, hugging Hati close.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaah im loving this content i rly dont have words for it dhjfgsdfgjh i just, rly like the words, and the order theyre in, and i honestly keep forgetting to liveblog it cause i just wanna READ EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tempting as it was—as it always had been, ever since she’d left the relative safety of the wastes and learned what happened to scraggly-limbed teens with horns and fangs and gleaming eyes—
with every chapter i desperately have 2 kno more abt baby cinder i HAVE to know i am so. UNBEARABLY CURIOUS... baby cinder what happened... what happened 2 u....
A lantern’s glow warmed her, bleeding into the darkness leeching at them both. It was a gentle gold across her skin, and like an answering signal from a distant outpost, Cinder saw a flush of light through the dark fur lining Hati’s throat, as though flames licked at his insides.
i forgot. that cinder glows like that when she feels Loved or full of pride and you know what i dont like these chapters. they were made to hurt me and i Dont Like That (im mclovin it)
From the safety of Hati’s neck, she found it easier—after all this time, he was still her bastion.
For a regular person, the machine would be able to draw out short bursts of power, the likes of which no Semblance could ever channel. The taxation would eventually destroy the soul so deeply, so thoroughly, as to leave it empty for good.
For a Witch? For—
the fact. she cut herself off before she could think ‘for glynda’. has me on the FLOOR. this bit is just So Much i dont like it
Glynda Goodwitch would not abandon this hunt. Cinder knew it, had read it from her palms like an open book—Glynda Goodwitch did not know how to stop. If it had been anyone else on Remnant, they might never return, might never pull themselves back into action after today—but Glynda did not have a shred of self-preservation.
me, knocking against cinder’s head: u kno for someone w/ so many schemes in yr brain yr pretty dumb and gay, huh,
firstly let’s talk abt cinder’s “””””””””””””””””””self-preservation””””””””””””””””””” instin-- whats that? not found? yes
[Glynda’s] eyes were empty, hungry, insatiable.
i feel like ive read this line before! lets jump back a chapter--
In [Cinder’s] eyes, there was a subtle, endless hunger.
With a fluid leap, they were in the air, the ground quickly shrinking beneath them. Pressing her face against his neck to shield herself from the wind, she closed her eyes and prepared herself for what was to come, trusting Hati to deliver her safely.
that said i ADORE my boy hati is literally the best part of offal hunt kc and diesel do not interact,
He was frozen in horrific anticipation, like watching an imminent tragedy and being absolutely helpless to stop it. Like all the tension was mixed with grief and hopeless, futile fear.
when will offal hunt be nice to me. when will any of these characters get to be happy. hello. im full of sadness.
The sound was like a saw working back and forth, but resonating inside her head, rattling every tooth in her jaw, deafening to her ears.
im literally gritting my teeth at this i can hear it in my own head and its Very Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
okay god i can barely handle to quote anything more this bit is hurting ME so lets swiftly move on before I Die
Cinder closed her weary eyes, sinking into sleep like a shallow grave.
They only knew death, only ever sought death; fangs and claws slicked with blood, magic rending meat and marrow apart, and everywhere that choking, scalding heat, spilled blood like magma, like the core of a planet.
hmm... that seems like a 👈😎👈 ~reference~
They were all alert, ears pricked, hackles raised like Hati’s. They all fixed on the same spot, somewhere beyond the darkness of the cave opening, and though she could barely think, she knew:
She was out of time. The Witch was here.
oh no.
okay so THATS CHAPTERS 10 AND 11! i only cried ONCE and u kno what thats. a Victory. these two chapters were VERY GOOD i rly loved em and i can tell new readers r gonna have a blast w/ this shit!!!!!!!!!! meanwhile i, a veteran reader, am full of peril,
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souper-salad · 2 years
uh oh oops i forgot i had sent those asks to you, the anime and zelda one!
oh my god yes!! i loved those too! the humour in saiki is priceless. i do gotta say, with haikyuu now nearing the end, im kind of sad we're not getting a full season of it instead of, what was it again, like 2 films?
thats cool!! have you ever played any other zelda game?
you are very welcome and thank you for answering. i hope you had a good weekend!
saiki k is the best, it made me laugh so hard when i first watched it
ah yeah, the end of haikyuu. makes me wanna cry. i don't want it to end, but i'm also glad theyre finishing the show!! though not sure how to feel about the 2 movies thing they're doing
the manga is super good, so at least if they manage to fuck up the last of the story we still have the manga to fall on
ah zelda games! when i was six i started playing twilight princess (never finished it, i mean i was only six and twilight princess is a challenging game!) and i would play up to the part where you become a wolf and raid the village, and then i would get bored and start the game over again. i liked playing as a "big puppy" and being a farmer. but i didn't really progress until i was a lot older
when i was 10 i tried out breath of the wild (my brother got it for chirstmas and i thought it looked fun) and i left the shrine of resurrection and went down the hill. i talked to the old man, and after that the voice told me to activate the tower. i started down the hill again and ran into a bokoblin. i got scared and turned off the wii u (yes the wii u, shut up) and didnt touch breath of the wild for a year.
eventually when i was eleven, my little sister (who was 7) was like "i wanna play breath of the wild" and she finished the great plateau after a few days. i realized i couldn't let my younger sister best me, so i took it up again and got over my fears of bokoblins. me and my younger sister took turns on the wii u and progressed through the game at around the same pace and helped each other through it. we finally beat it when i was twelve and she was eight.
i really enjoyed breath of the wild and started it all over again (because it had taken me so long to be it) and i enjoyed it like it was the first time again, due to my general forgetfulness.
a little over three years ago i picked up twilight princess again. (i had recently read the manga that was out and thought it looked fun) i beat breath of the wild, this one is probably easy i remembered thinking. it was not. i ate my words. this game took me something like 80 hours one way through. and i had to look up tutorials. it was really fun and had a lot of story and i really enjoyed it, but it was kinda a big switch from breath of the wild. a lot of dungeons and the fact that it was really linear kinda messed with me at first.
two birthdays ago i got skyward sword, and with both an open world and linear zelda game under my belt i felt pretty good, and i beat it in 40 hours or so. i really enjoyed that one and boy the story was just so,,,, hhhhhh i loved it
honestly i think its my favorite zelda game. and fyi, i played it on the wii with the wii remote motion controls. it was hard to get the hang of but i eventually got it. the story is very well done and zelda and link's dynamic is 1000000000/10 i love it
last year i played age of calamity and while it was really good, i didn't like what they did with it. overall meh for what i wanted but a good game for what it is. i main as link because that's how every other zelda game goes and i like it that way.
ive started wind waker, link's awakening and a link to the past, but have yet to finish any of them. i think i'll be starting wind waker over again because it's been a bit!!
i want more games under my belt, but right now i'm replaying skyward sword because like i said it's my favorite zelda game.
sorry this was so long but i had a lot to say!!
thanks for the ask and i hope your weekend was amazing!!
0 notes
give me the lily/gumi basics. how did they meet? how did they fall in love? who made the first move? how do they show affection for each other? add whatever other information you want i want all the deets
so BASICALLY they both met through miku. gumi never really had a lot of friends but miku had always been there for her since childhood and played a huge role in helping her come out of her shell and meet new people. lily, on the other hand, was a victim of bullying bc of homophobia and as a result became very mistrusting of people in general. miku eventually managed to befriend them both and decided it would be a good idea to introduce them to each other to help them both improve w social interaction
at first it was.....kind of awkward, bc lily had kind of a reputation throughout the school as being “intimidating” and kind of a fight-picker (the truth is she only fought w people bc they tried to hit her first but people used this to spread rumors claiming that she was a Scary Dyke). meanwhile from lilys perspective shes like “oh god oh god What Do I Say” and without thinking the first thing that she said was “hey nerd” and gumi was like “you....think im a nerd???” and lily immediately had to backpedal like “OH SHIT NONONONO I DONT MEAN IT LIKE THAT I MEANT IT IN A CUTE ENDEARING WAY FUCK”
needless to say they didnt know how to feel about each other for a couple days until one time lily saw gumi being bullied by a group of students and her Superhero Instinct kicked in and she basically told the assholes to fuck off or else they would have to face her Lesbian Wrath and that kind of got both of them to look at each other in a whole new perspective?? after that it became much easier for them to open up to each other since they had similar problems
as for how they started developing feelings for one another, it started off as a little attraction on lilys part (one of her first thoughts upon seeing gumi in passing before she got to know her was “oh hey shes kinda cute”) and a lot of identity questioning on gumis end. gumi was raised in a homophobic environment and was always told that she should never feel attraction towards other girls but she admired how open lily was about her sexuality and eventually this admiration lead to romantic feelings. for lily it was easy to fall in love with gumi since she found her overall personality to just be really endearing and charming but she felt guilty about it bc she didnt want to ruin their friendship or seem predatory.
as time went on and they became closer and closer friends, they sorta became Those Two People in the friend group who everybody suspected were dating but since they never mentioned anything about it nobody wanted to pry or assume anything. meanwhile bc both of them were Useless Lesbians they had absolutely no clue that a lot of the shit they did together was like. Not Straight (they cuddled a lot, were usually always seen holding hands, they “playfully” flirted with each other, etc). they just thought “wow she must really like being friends with me!!” Love Those Lesbians.
but eventually The Day came. gumi was having a Bad Mental Health Day bc of internalized homophobia and she felt incredibly guilty for having a crush on her best friend. she was sleeping over at lilys house and had an anxiety attack and while she had already told lily that she was gay, she had not told her about her feelings for her yet. during the attack she started ranting about how horrible she felt about everything and accidentally let it slip that she was in love with lily. this ofc resulted in her getting more panicky and stressed and she tried hastily to go back/apologize but lily was like “oh my god nononono youre fine!! its okay!!” and thats when she admitted that she had a crush on gumi too!!! at first gumi was worried that she was just saying that to make her feel better but then lily gently hugged her and decided to Be Brave and was like “can i kiss you?” AND THEN THEY DID!!!! AND IT WAS FUCKING ADORABLE AND IT ENDED UP LASTING MUCH LONGER THAN EITHER OF THEM ANTICIPATED but by the time they broke away they both just started crying tears of joy and relief and could not stop hugging each other. It Was Gay
aaaaand finally as for how they show affection to each other, its different for both of em!! lily is a bit more flirty and teasing but shes also All About telling her wonderful gf just HOW wonderful she is and basically the embodiment of that will smith meme. you know the one. pretty much she likes making gumi all flustered (which isnt that hard to do bc she blushes almost every time lily compliments her but she continues to do it anyway bc she thinks its adorable). physically she likes running her fingers through her hair and putting her arm around her and pulling her close when theyre sleeping
as for gumi, shes more physically affectionate and likes lots of cuddles and hugs and kisses (though she gets all shy again whenever lily instigates Affectionate Lesbian Mode instead of her asdlfhks). sometimes she tries to flirt with lily but like. she ends up getting embarrassed halfway through her sentence which is Adorable. her ways of telling lily she loves her are usually more poetic tho!! she puts a lot of thought into the things she says to make lily smile
aaaaaa sorry this is so long i just. love these lesbians so much theyre my comfort ship and i would die for them hhhhhh. thank you for giving me a chance to infodump about my Overly Complicated Vocaloid AU. i wuv you
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decembermoonskz · 3 years
HELOO IZZYYY !! recently, ive been laying off genshin bc thoma keeps on distracting me from my studies Y^Y the past week has been busy since projects kept on coming continuously. one submitted, two new due again huhu but i finished majority of them already hehe like, 3 of them were centered in drawing and wow, didnt expect that ill find art fun :3 im not good but maybe ill practice, i had a really fun time doodling for my projects jadfkjafjk AND is it true that albedos banner will be returning? bc if it is Y^Y i already got a confirmed 50 50 win because of keqing fsbahfhadfv hbu? what were you up to these days? other than that, ive been getting into tbz and nct :>> spent majority of my free time just watching funny vids about them in youtube
AND OMGGG YOU DRAW SO WELLLL. your male characters are all so handsome, can i marry kiryu? IM A SUCKER FOR BAD BOYS Y^Y their backstories are sooo interesting. any chance that youll make a story with them as leads??? id definitely read that! YOURE DRAWINGSSS ARE SO BEAUTIFULLL i kenat get over :">> anyways, kohaku having those god-like visuals, im curious as to how his brother, teika, looks like 👀
for the game,,, #s - 1 - 3 (explain why :>) - 8 - 10 🤔 - 14 - 18 - 19 - 23 IM SORRY FOR THE MANY NUMBERS HUHU these are the topics i genuinely want to know about you, and talk with you about hehe. take your time answering though! i requested a lot after all Y^Y
hope you have a great day~
- 🤡
hey you! nice to hear from ya!
I wish you the best of luck with your studies as always bub! Also art is a lot fun, I’ve been enjoying myself this sem!! ✨✨✨ YES ALBEDO IS COMING BACK!! Albedo and Eula’s banners will be running at the same time as the first part of 2.3 and then Itto after that. I’m gonna skip eula in order to get albedo and then save for itto and his weapon 🙈🙈🙈 I’m super excited! ✨✨ I’ve been good! Just been doing school, writing my fic for the collab and gaming. Nothing out of the ordinary honestly. :3 that’s fun tho getting into a group then watching videos of them is always nice. ^^
Hhhhhh oh my gosh thank you so much about my art 🥺🥺🥺 Kiryu is just so pretty huh? 😔😭 uwucry I love him!! Also I mentioned in a previous ask once that I have been writing a story for them! However I’m not even sure I wanna share it or not, and also I work on it off and on a lot so it’s a big WIP haha to hear that you’d read it tho is a huge compliment thank you 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 also Kohaku was made after teika (I may have mentioned that) and so yeah Kohaku def looks like teika perhaps I’ll show teika in the next rambling post I make 👀👀👀👀 (my bestie literally loves teika haha)
I’m gonna throw your answers under the cut cause this got reaaaallllyyyy long lmao
1. What did you dream about last night?
Honestly it was pretty random, just my mom and I ordering pizza but like IT WAS A TON OF PIZZA I WAS SO CONFUSED LMAO 😂 like we didn’t need that much pfff
3. Do you feel more connected to the moon or the sun?
The moon!! She is such a beautiful entity and as my queen I respect her so much. I’m aware of the saying “you are the sun, your world revolves around you.” I do agree you need to remember you are important but I still end up resonating with the moon much more haha 😂 I feel like, I’m a night owl and I much prefer night over daytime. I feel safe in the night, and the moon always watched over me. She is a safe space to me even if that’s strange to say or may not make sense to anyone else. I feel safe in confiding in her.
8. Do you believe in guardian angels?
I do actually! I’ve always grown up believing in them as my mom does too, she went shared her experiences with me about how she felt she had been in the presence of a guardian angel before. I believe we do have angels watching over us. As for how they watch over us I don’t know.
10. What is something (or someone) you’re in love with?
Well something would be drawing, and gaming. I love drawing so much, to be able to create people, things, spaces my imagination can think up, it feels amazing! Gaming for me is just a safe place for me, I’m so grateful that video games exist. People make these amazing worlds and we get to play them, it’s honestly such a wonderful thing to me. I met most of my close friends because of video games and I’m so blessed. 🥰🥰
14. Talk about one of your most cherished childhood memories.
Hmmm 🤔 I’m not sure which to pick, but a fun thing that happened to me was going to a live shoot of one of my favorite childhood shows and then taking pictures with the actors afterwards, it was really fun to see the making of a show and the process and all :D it was what I did for my birthday and it was a really fun time!
18. Do you believe dreams have meanings or are they completely random?
answered here!!
although I suppose I’ll add to my previous answer and say that random dreams can happen they happen to me a lot where I’m questions the meanings.
19. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I do! While it’s very cliché, I believe in gut feelings, and sometimes you just know; you just know that’s the person/people for you.
23. What’s your zodiac sign? Do you think you fit the general characteristics of that sign?
Local sagittarian here hehe I suppose I fit the characteristics I guess. I haven’t looked up my characteristics I’m a while. I do feel like being a Leo ascendant fits me too.
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earthghoul-mp4 · 4 years
Idk what am doing(Also Trigger warning !!Abuse, Self-harm mentions, Drug use and Self starvation!!)
Alright so context: These characters are the Alternate versions of two other characters which is why there reffered to as “Alter Siri, Alter Subaru, Alter Kou, Alter Rina, Alter Melon’ and ‘Alter Akai” Subaru, Kou and Melon are all vampires in theyre universe and all of the (except Alter Siri) are part of the Crimson rose’s mafia (I didnt come up with most of this stuff, This happened a while back when I had discord) Alter M(Melon) has been shown to have a crush on Alter R(Rina), Alter S and K(Subaru and Kou) are dating. No one really knows about Alter Siri. Alter A(Akai), Is a dick-head brother. He and Alter M are twins with her being the younger of the two. Alter A has always been abusive, physically and mentally. So Alter M’s trust issues and low esteem, stem from him. Alter M and Alter S, intentionally chose, not to bite Alter R or Alter K. (Even though both have been very adamant about them doing so-) Alter R is in fact a Demon- (Not really sure what kind though-) UHM- Oh yeah, Alter M and Alter A’s parents were murdered when they were very young and Alter A was thought to be dead as well. (WHICH HE WASNT) Alter R’s mother was killed by Alter R’s hand and Alter R’s sister also died. Alter S and Alter K have been trying to set up Alter M and Alter R because its painfully obvious they like each other. THE MAIN THINGS TO REMEMBER: Alter A is a dick, Alter M is SUPPOSED to feed off Alter R but refuses to do so, Alter S and Alter K are the chaotic duo of the four, and Alter Siri stays out of their bullshit at all costs. Alter M and Alter K both have ADHD
Alter R lay awake on her bed staring up the ceiling. The storm outside was making it pretty hard to sleep, so there wasn’t any point in trying. There was a quiet knock on her door and Alter R looks up to see Alter M  standing half-asleep in the doorway. “Cant sleep either, huh?” Alter M shook her head and walked over to Alter R. “Storms are always so pretty but they make too much noise..” Alter M  whines as she flops onto Alter R’s bed. “Sounds like you-” Alter R realized how that sounded, but apparently Alter M didn’t. “Nuh uh, I dont make nearly as much noise as Kou-chan, and Baru-chan” Alter R laughed a bit “I’ve always found that family dynamic you three have very interesting.” Alter M sits up “Whats that s’posed to mean?” Alter R smiled “It just means that you three never cease to confuse me, Especially you” Alter M folds her arms across her chest “What’s that supposed to mean?!” Alter R sighs “I just mean, Ive never understood you, Or any of you for that matter. I’m not good with people, and probably never will be” The storm outside seeed to die down some to the point where it was just rain and Alter M smiles. “What’s got you all smiley?” Alter M’s hands ball up into fists and shake a little “Hehe! The rain! Do you hear it?” The gentle pitter-patter of the rain on the roof had Alter M’s brain go nuts, and Alter R found it adorable “Yeah, I do. It is a nice sound, huh?” Alter M smiled widely and nodded happily. Alter R laughed “You find the strangest things amazing, Alter M” Alter M drew her face into an angry pout “Nuh-uh I dont.” Alter R looked at her skeptically “How many people do you know can go from crying to almost perfectly fine when given a frog plush?” Alter M didnt respond “Thats not fair! Buttons is the best comfort plushie!” Alter R laughed. Alter flopped backwards onto Alter R bed and turned over to face the wall. “Aw c’mon-” Alter shook her head “Nu!” Alter R took a minute to decide what to do. “Hmm...Hehe...” Alter R decided to pick up Alter M. It wasnt hard with how small Alter M is. “Put me dooown, meanie” Alter R sat Alter M in her lap “Better?” Alter M was not prepared for that “HHHHHH-” Alter R was kinda oblivious to Alter M’s crush on her since she felt like she didnt deserve to be loved so she hid her feelings for Alter M, and hoped they’d just go away. Alter M hid her face in the collar of her sweater “Thats not fair...” Alter R laughed a little “How?” Alter M turned away “Cuz!” “Pfft- “cuz” how?” Alter M flapped her arms quickly “Cuz because!” Alter R realized how tired Alter M looked “Hey...When’s the last time you slept?” Alter M didnt respond “Alter M...” Alter M shrugged “I dunno...two..three days ago?” Alter R sighed “Its not my fault! Trying to sleep is hard” Alter R knew how that was. There were countless nights where she couldn’t sleep at all even if she tried. “When’s the ast time you had any water?” Alter M drew a black once again “Alter M!” Alter  pulled her collar further over her face “I’m sorry!” Alter R sighs “Stay here, alright?” Alter M nodded. Alter R got up and walked down to the kitchen. “I shouldn’t be so hard on her, Its not her fault...But she’ll keep doing if someone doesn’t tell her other wise” Alter R sweared under her breath and folded her arms on the counter “Ri-chan...?” Alter R forgot Subarus and Kou’s room was down the hall from the kitchen “Hey Subaru..” Alter S walked over to her “You okay?” Alter R nodded “Yeah I’m fine, its super early though. You should get back to sleep.” Alter S just looked at her. “Yo hear yourself right? I should sleep? Whens the last time you had a full 8 hours of sleep, huh?” There wasnt an answer “Thats what I thought. Now what been keeping you up at night? Somethings bound to be wrong if you’re the one distraught” Alter R walked over to the fridge to get some waters “No ones distraught, alright?” Alter S knew better than that. “Then why is it that every night this week, without fail, You’ve been up in the middle of the night....For what?” Alter clenched her fist around one of the waters “For the last time...Its nothing!” Alter S let it go this time. “Just take of yourself, alright?” Alter R nodded and headed back upstairs. Alter S sighed and got a cup of ramen “She’s the one who worries me...She stretches herself thin for everyone else and just acts like she’s fine. I just wish she didnt keep everything bottled up. Both of them! Her and Mel-chan” 
Alter M had fallen asleep on the end of Alter R’s bed “I didn’t tell her she had to stay awake..” Alter R picked up her phone to check the time “Damn...Its already three- thirty..” Alter R threw one her extra blankets over Alter M. Alter just curled up underneath of it, “pfft- That’s not how you use a blanket” Alter M picked up her head “Hm...?” Alter M sat up sleepily and looked at her. “Nothing, Nothing. I didnt say anything” Alter M hugged Alter R “Oh- ok...?” Alter R was never really one for physical affection, shes only ever really let Alter M hug her, any physical contact really. “Hey...You can let go now..” Alter M only hugged her tighter and Alter R realized she had fallen asleep. “Ah...Jeez...” Alter R was too tired at this point to care, so  she just laid own with Alter M still hugging her. Around seven or so Kou came around to check on Alter R since she’s usually up by then. “Awww!” Alter R had held onto Alter M the whole night. Its not uncommon for Alter M to e hugging something especially when she’s asleep. Its more uncommon to see Alter R hugging anyone for long periods of time. “I dont think either of them have actually, slept, in a while” Kou walked off leaving Alter R and Alter M to sleep. Kou went to go get Subaru who had ultimately fallen alseep on the couch “Oiiii! Subaru.” Subaru rolled over off the couch “AGH- Shit!” Kou kicked him “SHHH- Ri-chan and Mel-chan are still sleeping” Subaru punched him “B!tch” Kou gasped dramatically “Ooo Ouch what a burn” Subaru just looked at him. Alter R stared down at them from the top of the stairs. They both knew they fucked up, Alter M appeared behind her looking half dead. “Im going back to bed...” Alter M turned on her heel and walked down to her room.  “Wait yall two was in the same room???” Alter R walked down the stairs “Uhm...Yeah?” Alter S nodded “Mhm...” Alter R just gave him a confused look and went to get a coffee “And your still sure you dont have feelings for her?” Not many things can catch Rina off guard...This however, Caught her very off-guard “Yes I’m sure!” Alter S and Alter K gave her a look like “Uh huh” “Yeah well your face just about as red as your eyes” Rina threw a spoon at him “You shut your mouth!” They both started laughing and Rina just sipped her coffee “I’m gonna kill you both in your sleep...” Alter M stomped out of room “If y’all don’t shut the fuck up, I will burn all of your clothes” Everyone just looked at her “Let this be a godammned warning” Rina just kinda looked at her “Uhm- Okay then...” “Kinda saw that oe coming she’s always pissed off about something- Its just easier to piss hernoff if shes tired” Alter M threw her shoe at him “Ya damn right” Rina laughed and so did Kou “Thats not funny that hurt!” Melon went to grab a redbull but Rina stopped her. “Eh?” Rina looked her dead in the eyes and just told her “No” Melon just kinda looked at her “Fine” and went to go sit down. Rina grabbed her wrist “Subaru, Kou...Out. Now” Subaru and Kou knew something was boutta happen but when Rina said something ya best listen. Both of them left the room. “What?” Rina leaned back against the counter “....” Melon was throughly confused “What did I do??” Rina looked up from her mug “Whens the last time you ate anything?” Melon looked away “That requires an answer...” Melon refused to meet Rina’s eyes “Alter M...” Melon simply walked outside and into the woods Rina followed her but from a distance. “Maybe she just need some air...?” Melon sat down in the middle of a clearing and just stayed there
                        (End of part one cuz Im Lazy \(030)/)
What should happen next???
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Can you do some HCs where the gangs S/O has two different eye colors. Like that ship post that you did
I’m really sorry for taking so long!!!
PONYBOY:-stares into them all the time????like holy moly he loves them -WRITES SO MANY POEMS ABOUT THEIR EYES -thinks their eyes are like gems and compares them to gemstones all the time-loves watching their pupils dilate (he’s a weird boi) -could swore he saw them sparkle one time -draws portraits of s/o and uses their eye colors at the color scheme -“those eyes belong in an art museum”
SODAPOP:-y'know that post about the people finding rocks on the beach that matches their eyes on a date? yup, that’s soda -one bucket for the right eye rocks and one bucket for the left eye rocks -he keeps all of them???? but lets s/o keep their favorites -wishes his eyes were heterochromatic because of how beautiful they are -thinks they should be a model -TRIES TO HARD TO CONVINCE THEM TO BE A MODEL
DARRY:-loves how their eyes look in photos -will d e s t r o y anyone who bullies s/o -can tell how s/o is really feeling just by their eyes -“the stars sure are beautiful”“they ain’t nothin’ compared to those eyes” -if they wore sunglasses to hide their eyes he’d buy them stickers to decorate the sunglasses -slow dancing in the living room w a lot of eye contact
STEVE:-describes their eyes as “tuff” -hates when they hide their eyes and thinks the world should see their beauty -takes them to prom and matches the boutonnieres/corsage and boutonniere with s/o’s eyes -(nsfw) eye contact while love making -sometimes he gets so distracted by them hhhhhh -s/o will be telling them a super important story and he’ll be like “start over i was looking at your eyes” -so incredibly mesmerized by them -“you know i can’t say no to those eyes”
TWO-BIT:-butchers the pronunciation of “heterochromatic”-“my s/o? they’ve got heta…heto…hippa…they’ve got different color eyes.” -he’s so proud!!! -loves when s/o gives him butterfly kisses -would wear matching sunglasses with them -kisses them on their eyes????-it’s cuter than i make it sound i swear
DALLY:- totally did the “do you have a map? because im lost in your eyes” pick up line -thinks it’s adorable when they go cross-eyed -has a favorite eye -describes their eyes as a “genetic lotto win” -actually so infatuated with them but he wants to maintain a tough demeanor so he doesn’t show it -“EYE love you”
JOHNNY: here are the ones i did already: 
-gets excited when he sees cats with heterochromatic eyes because they remind him of them 
-“i saw a cat with eyes that looked just like yours! it was so beautiful…” 
-if people refer to s/o as ‘the one with the weird eyes’ he gets SUPER defensive 
-“you shut it now, y'hear?! my s/o’s got the prettiest eyes in all of tulsa!” here are some additional ones!!-never refers to then as the left and right eye, he calls them by their colors -“which eye hurts? *color* or *color*?”-gets chills when staring into them -adopts a heterochromatic cat!!!!!
-everyone in the gang would never do anything to offend s/o and if any of these came off as offensive they’d be sincerely apologetic and never do it again
(requests are open!)
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