#THEy all looked like they were from diff colorings BUT IT WAS LEGIT THE SAME ONE ;;;;
da3dm · 1 year
You mentioned other heroes in your asks to Brick, can you tell use anything about them?! (If they even are actual characters)
Also!! Is Irza alone as the only villain or are there more villains??
You've returned to my askbox asking amazing things that make my brain spaz out
THERE ARE OTHERSSSS! Villains I mean...but let's start with the heroes!!!!!
I don't have a whole lot of them named, but there's some top tier heroes that have actual hero names. Most of the time the new ones do have them bc they named themselves, but not many people know the name.
This gets long so it's under a cut ;-;
Okay! There's a very rude healer guy who doesn't like that there's a villain running around that has healing magic...aka Voidshire...and he's basically that rich boy no-one likes bc he won't heal you if you don't give him a lot of money and he definitely won't heal you if you're related to a dragon in any way. Irzayn hates this guy for good reason. Oh and he's just a human. (I will admit he doesn't have a name yet but I have everything else about him—you could send me names to help too, both civilian and hero names...)
Now another one is Songstress. She's a merfolk (in this day and age most merfolk can also go on land in humanish forms, their skin is just a diff color and they have weird ears) hero that uses her powerful voice bc she has siren ancestry. If she tells you to do something you'll be forced to obey if you don't have a lot of mental fortitude. She uses amplifiers to send her voice across battlefields and only knows basic hand to hand combat so you win if you get close and can't hear her voice/have resistance. Her personality is...kinda like the woman that will adopt a child if they see it abandoned but flaunts her appearance and money anyway. There is no solid description but she's more loved. She doesn't have a civilian name, wanna assist with that too?
Then there's this guy that appears later that actually went to the same school as Irza and is the one who taught our mc villain how to fight! They were classmates in the same club, just separated by a few grades. He doesn't have a hero name yet bc I haven't gotten that far, but his name is Jaxi and he's very upbeat, intense, and friendly. He's also half demon.
There's more but I don't have all of them listed. It's hard to just keep making people when they're very far from appearing in the storyline...think of it that there's hundreds of heroes in just one city, but these guys are all over the world. It's a superhero like system.
First things first I'd like to clarify that Irza never actually wanted to be a villain, the city just names him Voidshire on their own and called him one.
Now! I'll start with MazukuPriest! This person is completely unknown. No known gender from their unusual clothes and voice distorter, and no possible clues to their origin/race. This one uses wind magic as blades and is the first legit villain that Irza meets as a kid. They also faught and Irza barely one only bc the win condition was to get a single hit in...Irza BIT this guy eheheheheh, he just went FERAL
Then there's Scrambler! She is a vampire who LOVES technology. She is the boss of the underground but is a very frail looking woman. Despite that, she's the one that knows everything in the city, makes weapons, specialized clothing for villains (and some corrupt heroes), and keeps track of potential problems. She acts lazy but she could kill you with a snap of her fingers. Do not provoke.
This means I have to tell you about evil Ezephr...if you don't like really horrible backstories (torture/death/cruelty) then don't read past this point....
This guy's villain name is DarkPrince. His race is angel, but he's worse than the demons in your nightmares. He grew up in a facility being raised from birth into the perfect weapon. They were going to train and condition him into the best and strongest 'hero' of their world, but...they forced this child to kill others in an arena or face punishment. His wings used to be the purest white and oh-so soft...but as they become covered in blood they slowly began to change in color and form. Eventually he got his power earlier than normal. Angels receive their greatest desires as a power when they're in their teens, but he got it at 12, which was extremely early. He killed every single scientist and test subject inside that facility. Then when he was 14, he killed every single person in a city as big as NY in only a few days. At the end of that slaughter of the city, the feathers on his wings had become metal blades, his halo had twisted and been corrupted, and he began to laugh when killing. They had created something the world had never seen before and never should have seen. He's an adult in the storyline now tho and much more important than any of the other characters...he's irredeemable and if you bore him you die. He stalks Irza bc of a special event. He kills bc he wants to and wins against armies on his own...this is the worst and strongest villain in the world that marks Irza as the strongest of all only once he's finally defeated.
I couldn't tell you something super short about him, he's just too fun to talk about. He's just so evil.....
It makes it easier for me and sounds reeeeaaaad fun
Any other questions, sloth?
Any at all?
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felixeslee · 6 years
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jeonglix ! ヘ(= ̄∇ ̄)ノ
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