opshizt · 9 months
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skerlata · 4 months
another random post from Eltingville, I did it at my school 😔👊
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anyway, I had fun doing it Isidsksjdj
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bmn82 · 2 years
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Almosthad a bingo for critical role live
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pr0blematicgf · 3 days
would it be embarrassing to say i almosthad a full on breakdown when i realized i got termed…
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itsaboutnothing · 1 year
Telll me why I saww my brother showed up and almosthad a panic attack I have mothing to do I need something to do
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co27 · 6 years
i need someone new to crush on
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
stops the bomb and almosthad to shoot his own son to do iit Thor temproarily.... Hera Zues
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toshiirou · 7 years
yo moya 14 tsuna @everybody
14. “What does it matter what I think? No, because no-one ever listens to what I think. Because I’m just an idiot, right?”
I tried making this a lot more lighthearted than where it was going hahaha. The accent is totally based off mine btw, but made more. Ty Vali for this!
“What does it matterwhat I think?” Tsuna was raising his voice for once in anger, and the sharpedges cut of his words through the air around him. The room went silent.
“Tsuna-” Rebornstarted. Of course. Because it was always Reborn. The one whoplacated him and reassured him that it was fine, to keep going and just believein what he said without ever even spending a moment to listen to whatTsuna said before he dismissed it out of hand. Well, not this time.
“No. Because no-oneever listens to what I think. Because I’m just an- an idiot, right?”
“Tsunayoshi,” TheNinth cut in, all soft smiles and gentle words. “You must understand-”
“What I understand,”Tsuna cut in again, because he was not letting them get away with this.Not now, not ever. “Is that you don’t respect my autonomy as a boss, hell- youdon’t even respect my autonomy as a person.”
Tsuna looked aroundthe room, and immediately could tell he wasn’t going to get any support inthis. Hibari flat out didn’t care, Gokudera was raised in the Mafia and foundit normal. Yamamoto was frowning a little but didn’t speak up. He was bad withanything he couldn’t relate towards. Ryohei didn’t really understand, Chromewas fretting in the corner, but far too shy to say anything. Lambo was youngstill - hell they all were young, far too young for this shit in thefirst place - and he couldn’t really grasp the issue either. Mukuro wasn’tthere, but then again, Mukuro wasn’t really a guardian, and didn’t have any sayin what went on. 
“Enough.” Iemitsuthis time, because of course they’d all gang up on him. They’d all been gangingup on him since the start of the whole mafia thing, and they’d probablycontinue well into their retirement and deaths, just to remain petty, old,controlling men with no ability to see past their own oily noses. “You’re oldenough now, and you know Vongola needs an heir. You will get married, doyou understand?”
Tsuna let the doorslamming on his way out be his answer.
He took refuge in abar downtown, because whenever anything went wrong for a character, they had togo drink solemnly by themselves only to be saved by the advice of a wisestranger. Tsuna was still seventeen and barely past legal drinking age - thoughthe age restriction hadn’t really stopped him or the people around him fromgetting him drunk before - and so if a wise stranger had come to sit next tohim with advice that would fix the entire mess then Tsuna would have missed it.He was far too busy trying to keep his head from swaying.
He woke up in a pileof rubbish. Appropriate.
“Hey,” a voice fromabove came. “Are y’ gonna get up anytime soon?”
“No,” came the voiceagain, dry and a little amused. “Th’ name’s Agatha.”
Agatha, as it turnedout, was a seventy-three year old widower who was granted housing on Vongolaproperty after her husband and livelihood was shot down during a turf war. Sheswept the streets every now and again, and picked up rubbish where she foundit, but mostly lurked around doorways and dragged people in for tea. All this,Tsuna had learned over tea at her place, a cosy little thing with enoughcharacter for them both.
“Well, wha’s theproblem?” Agatha asked, out of the blue.
She rolled her eyes,which somehow became a lot more sarcastic on her wizened face. “You obviouslyhave summat botherin’ you. Well, tell us abou’ it?”
So Tsuna told her.And told her. And somehow telling her about the marriage thing became tellingher about the entire mafia thing and his complete and utter lack of desire tobe in it in the first place. Even some of the whole ‘bullied’ thing came upwith a side of ‘my parents are a little useless’ and ‘none of my friendsunderstand me at all’. All in all, it was a very cathartic evening.
“Ah, wha’ you needto do is some healthy ol’ rebellion! Not a kid I knew yer age that hadn’t said,‘well fuck tha’ once in awhile.” She took a long hearty gulp of her third cupof tea in a way that made it appear she was drinking subpar ale in a run-downpub instead. “Live a little, I say! Go away overnight, skip school. Elope withyer lover instead. But ya gotta do summat or yer’ll be stuck as their goody-twoshoes for life ya hear.”
Tsuna thought itover, for once considering going against Reborn’s explicit orders. It wasn’t athought he’d entertained in a while, but…
“Okay,” he said,putting down his tea cup. “Let’s go.”
Agatha almost spatout her drink. “Yer what?”
Two days after Tsunawas, for lack of a better way to put it, lost, the Ninth was reachingthe end of his tether. He couldn’t afford to lose his only heir, not right thenand not ever, and losing him right after an argument was- painful, really. Sohe was doing some work he usually would delegate for lack of anything else toput his mind to. The stress was bad for his heart.
He was shiftingthrough letters before coming to a single, innocuous bit of post that almosthad him dropping the entire pile. It was from Tsuna.
Opening the letterwith familiar writing and noting the blank piece of paper that soon burst intoflame - Tsuna’s flames - the Ninth turned to the only other objectwithin the letter. A small, glossy photograph slipped out, evidently from somesort of disposable camera, depicting Tsuna and some old lady sipping juice outof coconut shells on a tropical beach. The back read:
‘Found myself alovely woman. We’re on our honeymoon, see you in three weeks!’
A face thatseemingly was winking at him had been drawn crudely underneath.
“So,” asked Tsuna,lounging in the sun and thousands of miles away from Vongola territory. “Howwould you like to be one of my advisers?”
Send me a prompt!
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cybrtrawn-remade · 8 years
i almosthad a panic attack because killing me softly came on in art class today
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