uzumaki-rebellion · 20 days
"Tethered to You" Chapter 4
Masterlist HERE.
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"Early this morning When you knocked upon my door Early this morning When you knocked upon my door
And I said hello Satan, ah I believe it is time to go Me and the devil walkin' side by side Me and the devil walking side by side…"
Soap & Skin – "Me and the Devil"
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Her eyelids were too heavy to open. Swollen and raw from crying, Osha couldn't pry her dry lids apart. Her thighs ached and her head pounded a steady rhythmic pain. The scent of old wood smoke permeated the air. Tangled under a thin sheet and heavy wool blanket, she was too weary to move, yet the spiky pressure on her bladder was insistent that she relieve herself.
Osha turned her head to work the kinks in her neck out first. She wiped the crust from her lashes and dared to peek at the new world she escaped to. Qimir kept his living space neat although it was crowded with mechanical gadgets and cast off metalworkings. There were lighting lamps on the walls giving the cave a rustic glow. A power generator hummed in another hidden section of the cave that she spotted from a narrow opening beyond the sleeping area.
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On a therma pad, near an old portable stove, sat a brass cooking pot. Something savory simmered inside, but Osha ignored it. She lifted up from the narrow bed noticing the weakness of her limbs. Her arm shook trying to hold her side up. A sour odor hit her in the face next. She sniffed wondering if it was the food cooking in the pot, however, seconds later, she understood it was her own unwashed body funk. With a scrunched face she dragged herself to the edge of the bed and placed her hands on her thighs to prop herself up. Queasiness in her stomach forced her head to lurch forward and she vomited a clear liquid onto the cave floor. She dragged her dehydrated body from the bed and headed for an open barrel filled with water. Not bothering to find a cup, she scooped water into her mouth and after drinking her fill, she washed her face with the cool liquid. A bitter watery sensation gathered in the back of her throat, but Osha pushed back on the urge to throw up again and swallowed several times praying that whatever wanted out... stayed in. The pain in her head subsided to a dull thud.
She was alone in the cave.
On unsteady legs, Osha rushed outside and peered down toward the ocean. The Exile ll was still on its landing pad in the distance. He hadn't abandoned her. Yet. She leaned against a rock wall and breathed in the crisp air. It helped quell the sudden panic. She touched her chest and her heart thumped like a frightened bird caught under her fingers. Embracing the fear that washed over her in that moment, Osha picked it apart to comprehend what it truly meant. Was it abandonment or the fear of never seeing him again? The swift attachment to Qimir seemed unnatural and yet her heart squeezed the inside of her chest the way it did when she lost her family as a child.
A dull sun floated in a hazy overcast sky allowing small shards of light to skim the oily blackness of the sea. The grayness floating on the horizon didn't affect the comfortable temperature caressing the skin on her face. She touched the clothing drenched in her stench. A bath was in order. She hastily pulled down her pants and squatted with stiff joints. Her urine ran out in a dark yellow stream flowing down loose gravel for what seemed like forever. She was grateful for not needing to do anything else and let her private parts drip-dry. A gust of cooler air blew between her legs and she pulled her pants up quickly being careful not to step in her own voided waste.
She wandered back to the cave testing the strength in her legs and passed a trio of small rock-looking creatures that watched her movement with round black eyes and long snouts.
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"Shoo!' she said kicking her feet toward them in case they were small predators. They only watched her pass with quiet curiosity.
Inside the cave, Osha searched for clothing that belonged to Mae. She couldn't find anything other than a large chest filled with Qimir's things. She could borrow something of his though. Behind the chest was a metal clothing rack that held his black cape and other menacing looking garments. She touched his cape. The material was heavy under her fingertips.
"You're finally up…"
Osha jumped while fondling his clothes. She swallowed thickly and turned to face him. He wore a simple beige wrap-front jacket and brown linen pants with sturdy sandals and carried pale yellow netting filled with whatever he caught in the sea.
"How long have I been asleep?"
"A few days now. Three to be exact."
"Three days?" she sputtered back.
"Yep," he said heading to his kitchen area.
He dumped his fresh catch into a large bucket of water and wiped his hands on a dingy clean cloth sitting on a low wooden table. She moved away from his slow advance. He paused his movement toward her with a questioning look.
"Don't come near me. I smell really bad."
"I know, but I'm used to it now."
She looked away from his direct gaze embarrassed.
"Put on your boots. I'll take you to where Mae stayed. She has things you can use there. And you can bathe…in private."
Osha nodded and he pointed to her work boots under the bed. She sat down and laced up. He busied himself with checking on his bubbling pot and the cook stove. While he wasn't looking, she wiped her right boot over the spot where she vomited hoping it would dry up before he noticed or smelled it.
"Coffee?" he asked, holding up a black pot.
Osha shook her head.
"It's here if you want it. I don't know how much in provisions Mae had left down there, but I'll supply you with what you need until you're better."
Qimir spoke to her in a modulated tone that was probably meant to soothe her uneasiness of a three-day blackout. His voice caressed her earlobes and she didn't fully trust the way it made her feel. Safe.
He wasn't a safe man.
But she wasn't a safe woman either.
He was a Sith.
And she chose him over the Jedi.
His hair was a damp crown of dark waves. He'd bathed earlier. His shirt stuck to his back and sides in wet places. He smelled of the sea and wind giving her a false glimpse of what life could be like with him training there. Her eyes narrowed watching him putter around his little kitchen like some innocent domestic. It was part of his seduction to keep her there. She knew that.
"Ready?" he said wiping his hands and then brushing a lock of hair from his eye.
Osha stood and Qimir reached for her newly acquired lightsaber hidden under the bed that she missed. He handed it to her overlooking the obvious wet spot on the floor under her boot. She gripped the lightsaber with assertive purpose. What she had done to get the weapon rushed forward in her mind and she shelved it for later introspection. He led the way out of the cave.
"Keep an eye on those things over there. They'll try to slip into your place and eat your food or even steal your clothes for nesting material. They're harmless, but annoying sometimes," he said pointing to the rock creatures. "Mae used to feed them and now they linger here all the time defecating everywhere."
Osha grinned behind Qimir's back. Mae was always playing with animals and insects on their home world. She exhaled a worrisome breath thinking of her sister.
"Hold up a minute," she said.
A spasm in her lower back slowed her walk.
"No. Keep moving. You haven't walked in days and your muscles are cramped. Stretch and move."
He kept walking far along a long, flat, and uneven path that created a barrier to a lagoon of dark blue water. She glanced to her left and admired another rocky island shaped like a scalene triangle on the horizon. Qimir turned to look at her.
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"Walk," he said.
It was an order.
Osha pushed herself and grit her teeth enduring the uncomfortable pins and needles sensation in her sluggish feet. Slowly but surely her lower limbs came back to life and she trudged behind Qimir without stopping.
"You'll stay there," he said pointing further inland.
They hiked off the path for another twenty minutes and Osha understood why her sister never knew her Master's identity. He kept her housed far away where it was impossible to sneak up on him. Hidden behind a giant crumbling boulder that jutted across a tiny stream was a small opening to a dark cavern. Qimir climbed in first and popped a lighting tube he pulled from his pocket that lit up the entrance. He glanced around and found a lamp fixed to the cave wall and tapped it. Soft yellow light illuminated a small neat dwelling. There was a cot, a single chair, and a small table with tools and blade weapons on it. An uneven makeshift bamboo closet filled with Mae's cloaks and dark garments leaned against another wall. A hand-woven basket near the bed was filled with underwear and scarves. There was a decent-sized crack in the roof that let in some sunlight and it showed Osha a comfortable set up. The cave had more room in it than she ever had in her sixteen years away from Brendok. On Coruscant she roomed in a noisy dorm with other younglings and Padawans, while working as a meknek only afforded her tiny shared bunks in close-confined quarters on a starfighter. The cave was fit for a queen compared to what she was used to.
"She has a therma pad and some cooking utensils back there and a portable compression chamber to dry and preserve the food she caught herself. The lagoon water is drinkable, but run it through that water purifier over there first. It's rained the last two days and she collects water in buckets outside from the rock run-off…"
He pointed out other things she would need to use like a heater and where she could use the restroom inside and outside. Osha turned on other lamps and looked around.
"You'll find where to bathe safely in several places once you go exploring on your own. You can use the lagoon too if you want. There's a few natural hot springs around the island to soak your body after training. But you don't need that yet," he said.
"Clean up. Rest. We'll talk more later."
She nodded and he lifted an unopened ration pack next to a small knife on the desk.
"She usually had a box of these in here. They taste pretty good if you haven't eaten in a long time."
"I'll look around for them."
Qimir headed out and stopped in his tracks with his back to her.
"You'll have to unlearn so much from your old Jedi training."
He said it so low that she had to step forward to hear him.
"I know. I'm prepared for that."
He turned around.
"Osha, I will show you how to take the freedom you've wanted your entire life. I remember what it was like back then. Longing to be like them. They are so adept at selling you a dream that never comes to fruition. Everything was about control. Controlling the way you think, controlling how you act, even controlling how you were supposed to feel…turning you into a mindless disciple…turning you into bland, obedient, nothingness. They build up the light side of the Force as the panacea for the galaxy, but what they truly want is to push their will on those of us who seek a more passionate life that we bend to our will. The dark side has more to offer your life than you could ever imagine. I see it in you…felt it the first time I laid eyes on you. I will show you how truly dark and divine you are, Osha."
He spoke her name with such reverence making it sound like a sacred incantation.
"I want that. All of it," she said.
His eyes held a sensual glow in the lamp light. He reached out and caressed the side of her face. The pads of his rough fingertips were warm and she leaned into his touch. Her eyelids grew heavy. Glancing at his lips she noticed the lower one housed between his teeth and her own lips parted. All she could hear in the cave was her beating heart and the silvery tone of his voice as he spoke a new code to her.
"Peace is a lie…there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken."
Osha let the words sink into her ears and his eyes sink into her soul.
"Say them to me," he said.
He rooted her in place and she didn't speak until his thumb stroked the top of her cheek.
"Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken…"
"Again," he said.
Qimir pressed his forehead against hers and swallowed each airy word from her mouth as she released them with more conviction.
"Through victory, my chains are broken," she whispered into his parted lips.
He closed his eyes and that devilish smirk quirked his lips. She pleased him.
Qimir stepped away from her and a tenuous connection to him broke inside her like a cold splash of water thrown on her head. She glanced toward the opening in the cave. Breaking away from his charged gaze reminded her that her body stank to high heaven and she itched all over to wash away days of dirt, sweat, and her old life. Qimir caught the hint and climbed out of the cave leaving her to the privacy of her own thoughts.
She plopped down on the lumpy cot. It was not as big as Qimir's which was barely a full-sized bed under Jedi standards, but big enough for her. Privacy was a new luxury and she rifled through her sister's basket of underwear and found a body towel. Poking around further she found a toiletry bag behind a standing mirror with everything she needed to take care of her hygiene. She settled on wearing a long purple tunic that had criss-cross ties that she liked. Rolling it up in the towel, Osha gathered all that she needed and went to the largest water source outside of her cave which was back down to the lagoon.
Knowing Qimir was far away she didn't hesitate to pull off her smelly clothes and jumped into the chilly water. She let out a loud shriek once the icy cold hit her filthy skin. The lagoon was less than six feet deep at its maximum depth, and she swam around first getting used to the temperature before heading into more shallow water to scrub up with the chunk of soap and shampoo her sister left behind. She laughed out loud at how stiff her nipples stayed and how goosebumps decorated her body throughout her bathing time. The sun hadn't broken free from the clouds long enough to warm up the water, and she spent six good minutes scrubbing, rubbing and rinsing. She massaged her scalp with shampoo and carefully washed each loc thoroughly before dunking her head under to rinse away dingy-colored lather. Shaking her hair, it felt lighter. She fingered her thick curly roots in sections and knew it was time to plan a day to palm roll all the new growth. She prayed her sister had some hair butter to help with that long task. Osha figured she had to have a lot tucked away somewhere because Mae had beautiful long locs before she cut them. Now that she was free to be her true self, Osha wanted to grow her own locs longer. Like Mama's.
She stood up naked in the shallow end and cradled her hands against her chest. Mama used to hum and sing to them while they sat between her legs getting their scalps oiled and hair twisted into strong ropes of magic…at least that's what Mama called their hair. When Mama was done using her nimble fingers to bind curling roots, Mother Koril would decorate their soft locs with little shiny trinkets that she made just for them. Flowers. Shells from other worlds. And colorful seeds that the coven brought with them to Brendok long before she and Mae were born.
Osha remembered how Mama told the story of how she escaped from her original home world after she was exiled for being a heretic. She braided seeds into her hair to carry on their journey, and she taught the other women how to bind their hair in that secret way to secure food sources and beauty for their new life on Brendok. When they were finally free to be themselves, they planted those seeds that provided nourishment for their bodies and wild flowers for the forest. It became a tradition forever-after to braid seeds, shells, and memories of who they had once been and would soon become in their hair. It bound them together inside the Thread of Destiny. Like the long branches of the bunta tree curving down to the ground and their locs growing like enchanted tendrils down their backs, the Thread of Destiny was interwoven into the very fabric of their lives to remind them of their purpose.
She lingered in the cold lagoon touching her soft hair, bringing back sense memory of how her life used to be before she wanted to go…with him.
Osha splashed out of the water and dried off, fighting back tears that threatened to crumble her face into a mask of anguish. Tossing on the tunic, she sprinted back to her cave barefoot, not even bothering to stick her feet in the unlaced boots she carried. She nearly tripped and broke her ankle diving into the cave. Heat rose from her feet up to the top of her head from the exertion. She threw her bundle of dirty clothes and boots on the floor and paced for awhile to calm down.
Her emotions swelled and subsided like the tides of the sea and it grew difficult to keep from crying. She needed a task to keep her busy. Dumping the basket of clothes onto the bed, she rummaged through them to get an idea of what she had as a wardrobe. She didn't know when they'd go off-world again for supplies or anything else.
Mae's underthings and casual-wear were of high quality. Her personal style slanted toward assassin chic. Osha dug through a large duffel bag and pulled out a bundle of clothes and a heavy folded cloak—
It couldn't be. Her throat nearly closed up.
She ran her fingers across the inner lining and recognized it immediately. The royal purple coloring upon closer inspection was a patchwork quilt of material stitched together to reinforce the wearer with more warmth from the darker purple of the outer layer. Her fingers shook. It was Mama's cloak repurposed with the scraps of Mother Koril's covering and the other coverings belonging to members of their coven. Osha spread it out on the bed and a small gold cape made for a child fell out of it. It belonged to Mae. It was part of their Ascension attire and had Mae's initials stitched into the shoulder with the sigil of their double moon.
"Oh, Mae," Osha cried out as her fingers smoothed open the cape to find pieces of Mama's cowrie-shell tassels left intact.
"Mae…Mae…" she whispered, shoving the child's cape into her nose, sniffing the scent of her twin when she was a little girl.
"They made me blame you…made me hate you…all over lies. So many lies."
Osha whimpered and fell onto her side clutching Mama's cloak against her chest.
"Mama, I'm so sorry…Mother Koril, you were right…so right. Forgive me."
She lifted a beaded string of cowrie shells and a boiling rage welled up in her chest and flowed outward consuming every cell in her body. The mirror reflected her vengeful image and she stood up to look at herself fully. The purple tunic draped around her with a form-fitting regal elegance as her rage festered, bubbling to the surface like a red-hot volcano that would level an entire world if it couldn't be contained, and in that moment, Osha fed into the desire to exact retribution on every Jedi in the galaxy. She screamed out decades of lies and the pain of a stolen life, screamed for the awful deceit and subterfuge the Jedi brought to her kin until the chords in her neck strained with the horror of it all. The blazing black rage coursed through her veins and swallowed the whites and browns of her eyes until a steely onyx gaze stared back at her from the mirror. It surged higher and she watched the edges of her body burn away like vaporous midnight ash floating away as Qimir's face tethered her inside the dark embers and became her sole focus until she winked out of existence into a raging frigid vortex of spiraling darkness.
Seconds later she snapped back into the world with the wind knocked out of her.
But she was no longer in her cave.
Gasping for air, sweating profusely, and disoriented, Osha jerked left then right, trying to fathom where she was. After another solid gulp of fresh air cleared her fuzziness, she recognized her surroundings.
In her feral rage, she had somehow transported herself outside of Qimir's cave. She quickly rubbed every part of her body to make sure she was a solid being completely there and not a smoky apparition imagining herself somewhere that she wasn't. Relieved, Osha exhaled and grounded herself. She was most definitely a mile away from where she started.
Qimir stepped out from his entrance carrying a bowl of hot soup.
"I was just coming your way to bring you this in case you were…Osha?"
He stared at her with concern. Between gulps of air, Osha blurted out an explanation.
"I don't know how I got here. I was angry and screaming in my cave and then…I turned into black smoke and broke apart…disappeared and reappeared here. I don't know what happened to my body."
Qimir absorbed the otherworldly information with a sense of calm that she needed desperately.
"Well, right now you're safe and in one piece. I can feel shifting fluctuations in the Force…this is something we can work through and understand…okay?"
There was a gleam in his eye. He held out the bowl to her.
"Eat with me inside and we'll figure out what happened…together," he said.
Osha's mouth watered from the scent of the bowl and her stomach co-signed the hunger by grumbling.
Qimir gave her a sanguine smile.
"Can't fight nature, Osha. You're starving."
She stared at the bowl and the hand that held it. He was the most powerful man she had ever met in her life and he wanted her for his acolyte. The wonders and wisdom she could learn from him would shape her into the warrior she needed to be.
She reached out and took the bowl.
He stepped aside and gave her space to walk into his cave on her own volition when she was ready.
"I want to choose me this time," she said.
Her feet wouldn't move and her body still trembled as she held the bowl of soup to her side. Qimir came to her instead and pressed his lips on her forehead. The taut, hard feel of his body against her soft nakedness under the tunic broke the spell of uncertainty and she walked by his side into his home.
Chapter 5 HERE.
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I'm going to play a lot with hair and Black women using magic because I am someone who has worn locs for over half my life and I also grew up with Hoodoo, so I know what it's like to be seen as an outsider up against b.s. (Um, the Crown Act in the U.S. and all the stigma Black folks get for practicing their own rooted African Traditional Religions etc, hello).
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gunnerpalace · 6 months
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A Charming Place
Date: March 31, 2024 Event: Strawberry Tales (@ichirukicollab) Art: Ana (Lamb & Lion line art, Thermae Bath Spa colors) and Sid (Thermae Bath Spa line art, Lamb & Lion colors) Story: @gunnerpalace​ Beta: Silk & Mila​ Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,533 Rating: Explicit Genres: romance, fluff, smut Warnings: none
Summary: Travel doesn't have to be only either business or pleasure. In 2016, long after an alternative Thousand-Year Blood War and its aftershocks, a married Captain Rukia and Lieutenant Ichigo are given the task of liaising with Wing Bind in London, and leave in advance to enjoy some time in Europe. We join them on approach to the charming city of Bath, in between a bewildering time in Paris and the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death in Stratford-upon-Avon. Soothed by the bucolic English countryside rolling by, the two find themselves both wanting a more tranquil—but by no means boring—afternoon, evening, and night together…
Notes: A huge thank you to my artists both for their work and for letting me post it here on Tumblr, and to the Strawberry Tales team! It was a lot of fun to get involved with the community again!
“Remind me which one of us wants to go how far north again, merely to see the house where a guy who wrote plays was born?”
“Shakespeare is not just ‘a guy who wrote plays’,” Ichigo replied sourly.
“Oh, of course not, my mistake,” Rukia continued quite sarcastically, dramatically lifting the back of a hand to her own forehead. “To be or not to be sorry, that is the question!”
He was momentarily lost for words as he realized his wife had quoted the Bard—sort of. Had she taken an interest in the matter and done some study of her own?
As he pondered that, she continued in quite good English: “Alas, poor Shakespeare! I knew him, Ichigo: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is!”
Continue reading on AO3!
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grogusmum · 1 year
*rolls in like a lazy tumble weed* Grogu! Hazel! *lifts up a thermas* I brought tea and cookies!
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You and Mama Hazel can have that tea (it looks like bone broth to me 😬), but I will gladly have those cookies! But since you two are having ALL the tea, and I am not having ANY, maybe it is only right if I get all the cookies? Because fairness.
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harlow-loves-you · 1 year
Uhh I'm gonna post the story I'm writing on here because I can if (my first post)
The Kingdom's of Love and Sins
I filled my thermas up with hot tea and got my shoes on. "Bye mom! Bye momma!" I yelled across the hall. "Bye Vinny! Your mom will be here soon!" "okay!" I replied. I rushed out the door, spilling a drop of tea on my sweater. As I passed by the book store I saw a sign that read "new fantasy books!" our town was poor so we didn't have many books till now. I entered the store and walked toward the new shelves. I looked closely at the new books and saw on they stood out it was bigger and dustier than the rest. It was labeled "The Kingdom's of Love and Sins" I lifted up the book and nearly dropped it! 'That thing could weigh a thousand pounds! It seems interesting though! I'll get it! ' I thought. The book slammed on the counter as a bunch of dust flew up into the air. "Good morning Mr. Smith!" I greeted "goodmorning Vinny! I see you found our new fantasy books?" Mr. Smith (the librarian) replied. "Let's see what book is this- oo! This is one of my favorites! Yknow I used to know the author of this book and apparently it's. True story!" he said, excited. "Mhm" I replied. I know he's not telling the truth, he's probably just saying that cuz I'm a kid. I went along with it though.
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thecaptdynamite · 2 years
Golden Lily Cafe, Chapter 2. Chocolate Chip Cookies
Jaune was working on his normal morning routine. He'd wake up. Make breakfast for himself and Lily, and then prep for the morning rush.
Today was particularly different because it was Friday, and at his Café he had a theme for Fridays, which were known as 'Cozy Days'.  He would make primarily hot food and warm pastries, but he realized one thing, he needed an extra hand. 
Along the window of the cafe, a help wanted sign sat. He had interviewed a few people, any while there was nothing particularly wrong with them, Jaune didn't want to hire just anyone. At least not yet.
It was 5 AM, and Jaune had 2 hours to prep for open. So he went to work.  He began preparing and heard a knock at the glass window. The man there wore a hoodie that had the hood up. Jaune, having some experience with combat,  went to open the door but was on guard.
Jaune: "Can I help you? We don't open for a good hour and a half."
???: "Hiya, I'm actually interested in the hiring position, I'm experienced in baking and really need the money." He revealed the hood, and Jaune immediately recognized him.
Jaune: "No way.. RJ? (I like OC's don't judge)."
The stranger cocked an eyebrow, but once Jaune turned on the light, his face showed more.
RJ: "Holy shit! What's up, homie!" He grabbed Jaune into a bear hug. He lifted and spun him around. "Oh my Oum, Jaune, what are you doing here?!"
Jaune: "I'm the owner, I was in Beacon, but things well didn't work out. So my folks helped me out, and we were able to open shop."
RJ: "That's awesome, man. I'm glad to hear things are going great. So about that job." The two laughed as Jaune let him in.
RJ was behind the counter. Though there wasn't a uniform, he wore an apron over his clothes, which consisted of a work shirt, shorts, and a pair of brown boots.
Jaune: "Alright, you can wear the apron. You pass the basics." He chuckles as RJ just gives a 'aiight man' face.
RJ: "So, what do you need me to do? I can cook, clean, I don't know much about drinks, but you could teach me.
Jaune: "Actually, I need a baker, and if I remember, you make some damn good cookies."
RJ: "Say no more, little homie." He puts on a hat and turns it backwards. He walks to the kitchen to make a batch of cookies.  After about an hour, he walks out with a tray and a jar of cookies.
RJ: "Viola, Crispy Chewy Cookies, ready to go. Would you care to be the judge."
Jaune: "Why I'd love to -"
Lily: "Papa?" They both look over to see Lily, wearing her pajamas and holding a stuffed animal. "Something smells really good."
Jaune: "Oh, I think we found our tester." He picks up Lily, and RJ looks at the two with a cocked eyebrow.
RJ: "Ummmm homie, when did you have a kid?" 
Jaune: "Oh, I adopted her about 2 months ago. This is Lily, the one I named the cafe after.
Lily looked at the new man in front of them, and she felt a calming presence.
Lily: "He... Hello." She gave a faint wave. After all, she was still nervous meeting new people.
RJ: "Hey, little one, I'm friends with your dad." She stuck his hand out to shake. "It's nice to meet you, little buddy." He gave a smile, and Lily reached out, shaking his hand. After she let go, he handed her a cookie. "Would you like to try."
She nodded and took the cookie away gently. Taking a small nibble out of it.
Lily: "Whoa...." She stared into space eating. "THIS IS AWESOME UNCLE!"
RJ: "Hrkkk!" He clutches his chest. "Jaune... she's too dangerous..."
Jaune: "I know. But I will protect her til I die." 
As they continued on, RJ baked and prepared some soups and sandwiches. Then 7 struck, and the morning rush came.
First up was the regular.
Oobleck: "Hello there Jaune, I'm glad to see the shop is running smooth."
Jaune handed the thermas back to his old professor.
Jaune: "Well, Doc, with you coming every morning almost, I'm not too worried about that." He smiled as Oobleck chuckled. He looked back as RJ was bringing out a fresh batch of cookies. The smell was intoxicating to everyone who loved sweets.
Oobleck: "My word, can I add about a dozen of those cookies? They smell delightful."
RJ: "I'm glad you like them, I'm still working on some test batches for a cappuccino cookie with espresso in the frosting." With that, Oobleck looked directly at Jaune.
Oobleck: "Keep this man." He grabbed his bag and waved at the two. "I'll be back again! Take care you two, and say Hello to Lily for me!" He zoomed off and headed to Beacon.
-with Oobleck
As the doctor made it to his classroom, he was drinking his coffee and had a cookie with it. The melt taste of both semi sweet and milk chocolate filled him with joy.
???: "Mmmm, what's that smell?!" He looked over to see Ruby, leader of team RWBY.
Oobleck: "Ahh, Ms. Rose, these are some cookies I got from a cafe downtown. Would you care to try one.
Ruby: "Okay!" She took the cookie and ate it. Suddenly, Ruby felt like she was flying through space. The planets she'd never known flew by her as she had an out of body experience.  She flew back to her body and felt like she found God. "DOCTORWHEREDIDYOUFONDTHESECOOKIESINEEDTHEM!"
Oobleck, being one of the only people who could understand high-frequency speech, pried her hands off of him.
Oobleck: "Well, Ms Rose, it's from a cafe in downtown Vale, called the Golden Lily. You can check it out tomorrow if you'd like."
Ruby nodded, and Mach sped and flew to her seat. Ready to get through the day.
With Jaune-
Jaune was finished up some orders suddenly a chill ran up his spine, making him stare off into space.
RJ: "Ay, you good?"
Jaune: "I feel like something very dangerous is coming tomorrow, I'm not sure what, though."
Lily and RJ looked at each other and shrugged, and went back to their things.
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ljsbhs · 1 year
Apodyterium (CHANGE)
“Now we get naked?”
“The place to wound him is laid bare.” (Seneca)
Tear off the disguise of wild delusion, and look at the naked deeds: weigh them naked, judge them naked. (Augustine)
"To be stripped out of your comfort zone can lead to remarkable personal growth and new perspectives."(CHAT GPT)
So that’s what they did as it was customary.
The machinery must be cleaned from time to time. (Marx)
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. (Aldous Huxley)
With that the dancer scooped up her portable speaker and they left together for the cold baths.
Frigidarium (COLD)
Cold is merciless. It shows you where you are. What you are. (Wim Hof)
“disaster on disaster!” (Seneca) “this space is so slow and enduring. But how to capture the cold?
“Hot or cold, tragedy, comedy?” (Serres)
“I fear neither. Its fixed and ordered composition renders conflict impossible. (Seneca) How depressing.”
"You gotta laugh, or else you'll cry. Trust me, I've been there. Sometimes a good joke is the best way to face the tough stuff." (CHAT GPT)
18:038:030 The waters are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen. (King James Bible)
Speaking to the dancer who had retreated into his body: why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble? (King James Bible)
“I think I don’t go well with the cold. Nevertheless the breath is a means of moving, as the first instrument of motion. (Aquinas) We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.” (Nietzsche)
“Because trembling is occasioned by cold; thus we observe that a cold person trembles. (Aquinas) Or that, if cold is an evil, it is an evil to be cold?” (Seneca)
The comic takes care to make this second observation in the same place as the first, and if skilfully lead up to, one or other would certainly exclaim, ”What a funny thing!” (Rousseau)
What a funny thing! What a funny thing!
And so they leave for a more temperate space. In time They were ice cold. (Hugo)
Tepidarium (TEMPERATE)
It is recommended to reacclimate gradually. What is necessary is to reduce food, to employ the moistest regimen, baths and increased rest, and sleep, until there is a recovery.( Hippocrates of Kos) Then the cold, too, is restrained and gives way, but some day soon it will be more powerful again. (SENECA)
“Now slowly we can begin to move again. Stretch our wings and flex our toes.”
“Don’t FORGET to breathe. Nevertheless the breath is a means of moving, as the first instrument of motion.” (Aquinas) 12m views
The dancer dances off humming a jolly tune. And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. (Nietzsche)
“He must be insane!” “Yes, I believe so.”
"Thank you for being there to lift the weight when it gets too heavy." (CHAT GPT)
"And thank you for reminding us that even in darkness, there's a glimmer of light." (CHAT GPT)
After this touching exchange, the dancer comes dancing back and so they move on.
Caldarium (HOT)
Suddenly Katy Perry is playing on the dancers’ portable speaker and she’s dancing in unison with two new friends, in perfect lip sync.  75m views.
“Perspiration should flow only after toil.” (Seneca)
And they sweat heavily!
The comedian is wondering, If the comedy be good, why is it refused? (Goldini)
“One feels warmth approaching, and behold!
“Heat is very important for their activities. When the water starts boiling it is foolish to turn off the heat.” (Mandela)
The dark, humid, cramped space is exciting, and he watches the dance unfold while relaxing in the heat.
They are sweating and laughing. there are tears; (Rousseau)
“I say unto you: one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star. I say unto you: you still have chaos in yourselves. (Nietzsche)
…fine, fresh, fierce, we got it on lock! (Katy Perry)
Palaestra (PLAY)
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Roman Baths and Perfume
During the Roman era, baths were not just a place to relax and relieve tension. They were also a place to exercise, discuss art and philosophy, and enjoy a little luxury.
Roman baths were a place of public display
During the first century AD, the Romans provided more than 800 bath facilities throughout the city of Rome. These facilities ranged from simple structures to lavishly decorated public thermae.
These baths provided a place for Romans to socialize, play games, and engage in culture. They provided an escape from the stresses of living in a city. They were also a place to relax and exercise.
The baths were open to all classes. Wealthier Romans may have had private baths in their homes. They also had to pay the government for water use. Nevertheless, they still visited the public baths.
These baths often provided massages and other treatments. They were also places to socialize and meet with friends. In fact, they were considered the hallmark of civilized culture.
They were a source of entertainment and enjoyment
During the Roman Empire, a day at the baths was a treat for both the mind and the body. In addition to the standard hot and cold water bathing facilities, there were also manicure and pedicure parlors, and even a gymnasium for men and a gymnasium for women.
The baths were a popular social gathering place. Many women and men visited the baths in droves, especially on weekends. As the population grew, the baths had to upgrade to meet consumer demand. Some of the best examples of Roman bathing culture can be found in Italy. Many of the aforementioned baths were built in response to an earthquake in 62 A.D.
They were a place to exercise
During the Roman empire, baths were not only places to luxuriate in a hot tub, but also places to exercise. It was not uncommon to see Romans performing light exercise like walking, swimming, and light weight lifting. Some may have even gone so far as to take advantage of the many massage services on offer.
It was also common for commoners to pay an attendant to guard their belongings. This was in part because baths were a popular place for thieves to make their abode. The baths were also the perfect locale to engage in chitchat about the latest news, politics, and gossip.
The Romans were no slouches in the fitness department. They oiled their bodies with olive oil. They also took advantage of the many massage services available, including the requisite back, arms, and legs.
They had areas for shampooing, scenting, and perfumeries
During the late nineteenth century, perfumery began to take hold of the world with the introduction of commercial synthesis of aroma compounds. This allowed for the composition of perfumes that were never before possible. In addition, new technologies were developed that made the process cheaper. Perfume became a major item on the household budget. During the early twentieth century, deodorants were also widely marketed. This is not a new concept, as early civilizations used perfumes to mask body odor. The use of perfumes has been recorded in archaeological excavations, and is reflected in ancient texts. The use of perfumes began in Mesopotamia and Egypt.
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The bathroom is often the last room people consider renovating, which makes sense since it’s usually the smallest space in the house. With Vancouver Kitchen Renovation, you can expect a spa-like bathroom that feels luxurious and is built to last. We’ll create a custom bathroom design based on your preferences and budget and handle everything from demolition to installation.
We understand that to be successful is to stay ahead of the curve. That means staying current with the latest technology and design trends. We always want to improve our products or services without breaking the bank. That’s why we stay connected to the latest technologies of NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association. In addition, at Vancouver Kitchen renovation, our primary focus is providing sustainable bathroom design and renovation packages, and we believe in sustainable living. Sustainable living is a way of life in harmony with nature. It is a lifestyle which focuses on the preservation of our environment. Sustainable living is a philosophy emphasizing respect for the environment and concern for its well-being. This means we should take care of the planet and treat it as if it were our home. We should try to preserve what we have and protect it from destruction. If we do this, we will enjoy the benefits of the earth’s resources for many generations. Whether you’re planning a major remodel or adding finishing touches to your current bathroom, we’d love to discuss your project. Book your showroom consultation online.
Main Areas of Service in British Columbia:
North Vancouver
West Vancouver
Frequently Asked Questions
Are mosaic tiles suitable to be used in modern bathrooms?
It would be best if you avoided mosaic tiles in modern design unless you are using them as your accent tiles. You can make your bathroom look dated and cluttered. Use mosaic tiles as accents to your shower, tub, or sink if you like the look.
What will the bathroom decor trend be in 2023?
Bathroom decor trends are constantly changing, but specific themes have been popular since the beginning. We’ll cover these below.
Minimalism- This is the idea behind minimalism. It’s about removing clutter from our homes. It could also mean clearing out cupboards and shelves to remove unnecessary clutter and replace them with functional items. This means that everything should be simple and easy-to-use.
Urban Living – People prefer to live in cities as they are close to all the action. However, many modern urban dwellers want to live in an area where they can still enjoy nature. They don’t want the city to be without trees or green space. They moved back to smaller homes and apartments with smaller gardens.
Eco-Friendly – People are more aware of the environment. This has led to an increase in eco-friendly designs. Green design focuses on creating spaces that are healthy and sustainable. There are lots of different ways that designers use to create eco-friendly homes. Natural materials can be incorporated into designs. Another option is to make sure that the home’s appearance doesn’t distract people from the surrounding environment.
Shabby Chic – Shabby chic was created out of necessity, not fashion. During World War II, women were forced to reuse old clothes to prevent wasting resources. They began to collect vintage pieces and then repurpose them after the war was over. Shabby chic is now a popular style in all design areas, from furniture to accessories to food.
Artistic Design-Artistic design has been around since the beginning of time. Artists have always been focused on their art and expressing themselves through it. As technology advances, so does artistic design. Combining digital art with 3D printers allows us to create unique objects we wouldn’t otherwise be able to.
Industrial Design: Industrial design isn’t new. It dates back hundreds of centuries. What makes industrial design so unique today is the industry access. Participation in industrial design is possible without having to be part of large corporations. With the internet, anything becomes possible.
Modernist Architecture- Modernist architecture derives its name from the way it looks at traditional design elements such symmetry, order, and balance. Instead, Modernist Architecture focuses more on asymmetry than order. This allows architects the freedom to experiment with various shapes and sizes. Other features include open floor plans, clean lines, bare walls, glass, steel, concrete, and wood.
Contemporary Design – Contemporary design mixes both traditional and modern influences. It’s a fusion of all types of design, giving you something fresh and original that takes your taste buds on a ride.
Nature Inspired – Nature-inspired design focuses on bringing the outdoors inside. Fountains add water to any space, and plants and flowers can bring life to it. Some great examples of nature-inspired interior decorating are:
Rustic Interior Decor- Reclaimed barn wood and cedar siding are great options for rustic decor. These elements give the rooms a farmhouse feel that works well in just about any setting.
French Country Interior – If France is something you love but don’t like the cold, add a few touches to French country decor. Soft furnishings and simple colors are best. Try painting the walls a light colour and placing some french provincial chairs in the room. This room is great for relaxing in the summer.
Bohemian Style-If you enjoy the idea living in an urban area, but still desire a bit more country feel, the bohemian fashion will be able to help you do that. Think: of earthy tones, comfortable fabrics, and low-key decorations.
Can I Install A Bidet In A Small Bathroom?
It is possible to install a bidet in a small bathroom, but there are a few things you need to consider before doing so. First, the location of the bidet must be considered carefully. It should not be too close to the toilet. The size and type you choose for your bathroom must also be suitable. It is important to ensure that your bathroom plumbing can handle a bidet. Before installing a bidet into a small bathroom, consult a professional if you have any questions.
Keep in mind: they advise that, all told, your bathroom project should cost no more than 5 to 10 percent of your home’s value. (remodelista.com)
2023 bathroom design trends: 82% of those surveyed revealed bathrooms are now designed for two-person use. (https://nkba.org)
Outdoor showers can dramatically increase the value of your home—according to a 2018 report from Realtor.com, homes with outdoor showers tend to list for nearly double the asking price of other homes! (housebeautiful.com)
According to the EPA, a conventional toilet uses 1.6 gallons per flush, but that old pink one could use between 3.5 to 7 gallons per flush. (elemental.green)
2023 bathroom design trends: Large format tile (59%) was the most popular material for tub and shower surrounds. Slab surfaces (40%) were the next most popular (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: Digital showering allows users to program their preferred flow rate, and the temperature was a 23% preference. 44% wanted the ability to start their showers with their phones. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: Large format tiles were favoured by 59% of those surveyed.mSlab surfaces were favoured by 40% of those surveyed. (https://nkba.org)
With this technology, whether you take a 5-minute or a 50-minute shower, you’ll use the same amount of water, reducing your use up to 90 percent! (elemental.green)
2023 bathroom design trends: Chromotherapy, which uses coloured lights to stimulate relaxation, was chosen by 25%. Preset lighting schemes for different times during the day were favoured by 29%. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: Floating vanities were favoured by 71% of those surveyed. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: 82% of those surveyed preferred low-maintenance, nonporous surfaces for their bathroom. (https://nkba.org)
According to a 2019 remodelling report from the National Association of Realtors, 70 percent of consumers “have a greater desire to be home” after a bathroom renovation, so read on and soak up the secrets. (housebeautiful.com)
External Links
How to Paint Bathroom Cabinets and Make a Simple Vanity Upgrade
2020 U.S. Houzz Bathroom Trends Study
Contemporary bathroom with eclectic tile and storage niche. Designed by Katie Monkhouse Interior Design
How To
How to Design a Bathroom (DIY Project).
Planning is key to a bathroom renovation project. There are plenty of decisions, from choosing the right materials to finding the best contractor for the job. It is important to think about how long the project will last before you start any major home renovation. By doing so, you will be able plan accordingly.
Before you begin your bathroom renovation, you should decide how long you are willing to dedicate to the project. You may want to stick to cosmetic changes if you only have a weekend or two. You may be able to tackle more difficult projects, like replacing the tub, or adding new tiles.
Once you’ve decided how much time you will spend on your bathroom renovation, it’s time to start planning. Make a list of all the changes you’d like to make. If you’re unsure where to start, browse magazines or look online for inspiration. Once you know exactly what you want to do, start shopping for materials and comparing the prices.
If you are planning on making major changes such as installing a bathtub, it is important to hire a licensed contractor. Not only will they be able to help with the installation, but they can also offer advice on which materials to use. They can also handle any permits that may be required.
Before you start to renovate your bathroom, measure the space and take photos. You’ll be able to reference this information as you make modifications. Work slowly and carefully, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
The following costs can be added to calculate the cost for your bathroom renovation:
Materials – Everything from tiles to cabinets to paint. These items are often sold individually so you may need to purchase them separately.
Labor – Hiring an experienced contractor to install the plumbing, electrical, drywall, and other necessary services for a bathroom remodel can be a great investment that will save you thousands of dollars in future repair costs. However, the initial price tag for hiring a professional contractor can vary greatly depending on your location and project size.
Other Costs: Taxes and permits are included in the final cost category. These fees depend on where you live and what kind of renovations you do.
You should also keep in mind that your home’s worth will determine the cost for your bathroom renovation. If you plan on selling your house soon, you’ll want to make sure the renovations you do add value to the property. Ask a realtor or appraiser for an estimate of the value of your bathroom renovation.
Did you miss our previous article… https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/bathrooms/how-to-choose-the-best-towel-bar/
The post Roman Baths and Perfume first appeared on Vancouver Kitchen Renovation.
source https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/bathrooms/roman-baths-and-perfume/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=roman-baths-and-perfume
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primebody1 · 3 years
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ultra lift facial
Based in beautiful Agoura Hills, Prime Body Sculpting helps clients from throughout the Greater Los Angeles area benefit from the latest and best in nonsurgical facial rejuvenation and body contouring procedures. We are here to help our clients make the most of their appearance without the difficulty, expense, or risk of surgical approaches. Today, Prime Body Sculpting is a leader in the use of nonsurgical body and facial solutions in Southern California. We are proud to offer skilled and friendly service in a relaxing, spa-like atmosphere to people who are ready to take advantage of the latest non surgical procedures. OUR SERVICES ULTRASONIC CAVITATION, Lipo Light, THERMA LIFT, ULTRA LIFT, NANO NEEDLING, BOTOX, RF MICRONEEDLING (VirtueRF), Kybella, FILLERS, Laser Hair Removal,
Contact Us https://www.primebodysculpting.com/ (833)3289376 28720 Roadside Dr Suite 356 Agoura Hills, CA 91301 [email protected]
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
Thank you so so much for this event Is so amazing and compliment for the followers you fully deserve it ;D For now I would like to request Jean Touches #11 🌶 and Vlad kisses #13 🌶, hoping they are all right with you I can't wait to read all your marvelous drabbles *^* have a nice day 😘😘
Thank you for the request! It's a few days late, but Happy Belated Birthday, my friend! Hope you enjoy this little gift!
Happy Birthday - Jean d'Arc x Reader (Ikemen Vampire)
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Pairing: Jean d'Arc x Reader
Prompt: putting their head on the other’s chest 
Warnings: NSFW; Minors - DNI
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The water was warm and soothing after a day of adventure; for your birthday, Jean had taken you to some of his favorite spots in town, ending the trip with a picnic in the field of lilies complete with a basket full of mararons. It was Jean’s suggestion that you visit le Thermae prior to retreating to bed. Enjoying the view from your spot, you watched as your lover entered the pool, groaning as his body touched the water.  
Jean’s groan was loud; it was a glorious groan, delicious even. You imagined briefly the other things he could be doing to cause such a groan to escape his soft lips. Feeling your face flush, you quickly looked away, burying those thoughts deep in your belly. 
Jean joined you by the edge of the water; he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close for a kiss. Leaning into his kiss, your tongue met his; he tasted sweet, the mararons you shared earlier still lingering on his lips. A seductive smirk adorned his beautiful face as his hand quickly wandered, sliding along your slick thigh. 
Slipping a finger between your thighs, Jean watched as soft moans escaped your lips; eyes half-lidded, head tilted, you were at his mercy as he dipped another finger inside, slowly stretching you. Teasing your nipple with his thumb, he dipped his head to the soft curve of your neck, nipping at your skin leaving a trail of biting kisses, gently soothing them with his tongue. 
Strong arms lifted you, shifting you onto his lap, your knees straddling his legs. “That’s better, my love,” he growled against your skin, his teeth grazing your sensitive collarbone. Removing his fingers, you whimpered, his fingers leaving a desperate emptiness; moving his hand to your hip, his fingers dug into your soft skin as he pulled you closer, his cock teasing your slit.  
Rubbing your body against his, your eyes met his vivid violet, tender and filled with love; the curve of his smile seductive, whispers of want breathing on his lips. His lips met yours in a deep kiss, his mouth swallowing your moans as he guided you over his slick cock; fingers pressing on your hips as you sunk onto him, his full length easily sliding inside you.  
Your bodies rocked against one another; gentle waves lapped against your skin, its heat heightening your sensations. Clinging to his shoulders, he slowly thrust into you; with each stroke pleasure built, a fire raging inside your core. 
As Jean’s movements became erratic, his groans grew louder. Enjoying his sounds, knowing you were the sole cause, you rocked your body harder against his, the waves building and building until cresting and crashing, flooding your body with blissful euphoria. 
Gathering you in his arms, he cradled your head close to his chest, the sounds of his heartbeat calming and soothing. He kissed the top of your head, whispering words of love and adoration as drifted peacefully to sleep in your protector’s arms. 
Tagging: @alixennial @redheadkittys @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @atelier-maroron @rhodolitesrose @ikehoe @kpop-and-otome @lucyw260 @queengiuliettafirstlady @kisara-16 @lordsisterxotome @violettduchess
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yanderepuck · 3 years
Kinktober Day 4
Welcome to Kinktober. I will be following @xxsycamore otome Visions of Temptation 2021 Kink List. I hope to write a little bit of something for each day, so lets see how it goes.
SIDE NOTE!!! I only write the reader/mc as female. The only guy on guy I write is when its ship related.
4. Shower sex | Bath sex
You were finally finished with your chores for the day and after all that you just wanted to relax in the thermae. There's normally no one in there at this time, so you didn't feel like you had to worry about any of the guys coming in and disturbing your quite time. You walked in with a towel mostly covering you, and it wasn't until you got to the edge of the bath that you realized you weren't alone.
Luckily it was only Dazai. It's been a while since they two of you have bathed together. You're normally so busy and Dazai is off doing something. You put the towel down and got in.
"Dazai!" you came up behind him, basically jumping on his back and you gave his cheek a kiss. You happened to catch him off balance the two of you went tumbling backwards underwater.
It took you a moment to realize what happened and to get back to the surface, and as soon as you came up Dazai splashed you with water.
"Aww, did I scare you?"
"What? No you didn't. You just caught me off guard," he pouted, you defiantly scared him a little.
You went back over to him and gave him a kiss on the lips. "Admit it. I scared you," you poked his chest and laughed.
"You wish you did," he then wrapped his arms around you, ever so slightly lifting you out of the water and tossing you.
The two of you treated the thermae more as a swimming pool than a bath. So much for quite time.
He got a little concered when you didn't come back up right away. "Huh? Toshiko-san?" He started to make his way over to where he tossed you, which wasn't far.
You decided to stay underwater and when you were close enough, you grabbed his ankle, and this time he jumped. You came up to the surface laughing. "Got you!"
Dazai lets out a groan. " Toshiko-san is so mean to me."
"Come on. Let me hear you say my name. You couldn't stop saying it the other night."
Dazai grabbed you again. "Don't throw me again! I'm sorry!" you clung onto him. He wasn't holding you like he was going to throw you though. His hands were under you and just holding you close.
You might have also been close simply because you wrapped your legs around his torso and your arms around his neck. But he wasn't going to let you go.
"You're so cute, Toshiko-san," he smiled while you pouted. He didn't let you go as he walked to the edge of the thermae. There was a ledge underwater to sit on. So while he sat there he kept you on his lap.
You finally let yourself relax and leaned against him. The water was warm but he felt even warmer. You gave him a kiss on the lips, but Dazai decided not to break it. His hands rested on your hips, keeping you down on his lap. You could feel him getting hard so you let a hand slip between you two and wrapped your hand around him.
His breathing hitched between the kisses. You worked him slowly, stroking him just slow enough to drive him crazy. He moaned into your mouth and lifted you up just a little.
You knew what he was doing, but the sensation of being filled up still made you gasp. You rocked your hips back and forth and your nails dug into his back.
Writers note/comments: Can I please pick neither. WATER IS NOT LUBRICATE. ITS ACTUALLY THE OPPOSITE TBH. Slipping during Shower sex should be the least of your worries. Sex in water really isn't as fun as it sounds, alright. In theory, great, amazing, hot. In reality, don't
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pseudofaux · 4 years
hello lovely person! happy birthday once again!! 💖💖 i hope i'm not too late for a random bunch of Leo (i know, very surprising) questions? ; v ; if not, here they are: what kind of dom do u think he'd be? what he'd think about creampies? and what would be a position he'd enjoy a lot? thank youu! much love! ´ ヮ `
Hello lovelier person! ♥️♥️😚 Thank you! You 100% got this in on time and I am EXCITED that you did. These are great questions! You are great!
Absolutely all of this has to go under a cut.
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ꇴ⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
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Leo is an engaged, silky, coaxing Dom. Unlike Sebastian, he has no sharp words for you. He’s going to convince you to do everything he wants without them. Instead, he issues lots of tease-y challenges to push your limits, especially with exhibition, and pretty much tells you what he’s going to do without asking. He’ll get you leaning on a balcony railing some afternoon, overlooking a crowded afternoon tea in the garden pavilion, and convince you out of the side of his mouth that you really, really need to let him lift the back of your skirts and press the pad of his middle finger against you however he likes (he likes best of all to press the hole that makes you jump a little). He’s not going to do anything you hate but he’ll do a lot that exasperates you! None of his persuasive power is vampiric, it’s just him. And you. Between you there is a strange, sensual magic that makes him tease and push you, and makes you like it. He fucks you against a lot of walls out and about in Paris, and though sex at home is a slow, lasting activity, he’s quick when you’re not home... unless you seem so nervous about being caught that you’re not really paying attention to what he’s doing. Then he has to slow down despite (to spite) your nerves, bring your focus to his face, and hold your eye contact and guide your breath until you are ready to moan like a woman instead of whine like a baby. That’s it, cara. Calmati. Senti tutto. You know that his bulk must cover you from any would-be onlookers, but he’s so noisy with his grunting, his belt buckle clinking, that makes-you-shiver intimate voice calling you endearments and shamelessly describing how you feel... there’s no way anyone who just happened upon the alley would mistake what he was doing. He’s the type of Dom that overwhelms you. He’ll always, always take care of you and keep you safe, but your heart will race and he will enjoy it.
Considering his incredibly frustrating, some might say “stupid” concerns about making you a vampire, he’s got practically none about making you una madre. He doesn’t cum outside you unless you ask him to, and while sometimes after sex at home he just wants to hold you, feel your pulse slow and your body cool, other times he gives in to the urge to watch his spend dribble, slide, and bubble out of you. His lust for that might only be second to his lust for you, to be honest. And he doesn’t want to just watch, of course, he wants to observe. He wants to do a few experiments. How long does it take to come out if you’re relaxed, how quickly can you squeeze it out of yourself? Does a streak of it on each of your thighs dry at the same speed? How much was there, on that afternoon when your body felt so heavenly? How much of it is him and how much of it is you, do you think? You keeping mio bambino in there, now, amate? He offers to let you lay in the tiny bed and relax, let him clean you... you could do it much faster yourself, but the man is so damn good you’re usually too fucked out to deny him his fun.
🎵 Deeper, deeper, I need a reaper — Megan thee Stallion
He likes any position that makes you cry out—again, his style is to overwhelm you, push you until all your mental walls and manners and worries are gone, or at least fall somewhere below what he’s doing to you— but prefers to be giving it to you rather than the other way around. Aside from hoisting you up for all that wall sex in every arrondissement, he’s going to go for grinding positions (where he can be a little lazy, lol, his knees and arms take all his weight. He just has to move his ass and tease you, sometimes eternity is bliss!), and other ways that he can get in deep, let you breathe, and then press even deeper. If he was feeling a little more active (or just territorial in Comte’s house 🙃) he’d go for something like this, so your bodies can be woven together and he can enjoy the cushions raising you right up every time he draws back:
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Also all kinds of ridiculous arrangements in the thermae, where the water supports you both and the acoustics are divine. 💦 Particularly enjoys fucking you in the warm water and then pausing to lay you out on your back on the cool tiles to shock you, and then fucking you through that shock. An arm under one of your legs to open you wide for him, your muscles tense to try to save you from the slippery chill below you... Sporca, sporca, and so loud, cara, you want them all to come see?
(WHY IS HE???????? 🥵 Thank you, Vaiva! ♥️♥️♥️)
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ikevamp-shrine · 4 years
C, F, Y for Napoleon? 🥺🥺
Sorry it took so long. Requests are still open. I am still doing the abcs game. Thank you for requesting and I hope you like it. I know your emperor did😂.
C= Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
One of his greatest accomplishments is to see you writhing under him, your legs spread wide, core fluttering and clenching around nothing as he slides out of your spasming muscles to watch his pearly white cum dribble out of you mixing with the juices of your own pleasure. 
The heat was practically unbearable as Napoleon thrust in and out of your dripping wet core. His balls slapped wildly against your flesh, the sweat from his own skin racing down his straining muscles that rippled and clenched with each roll of his hips. He looked... powerful... between your legs. Your thighs squeezed the curve of his waist, the tight grip of his calloused hands gripping your hips to raise them off the silky sheets below your heaving bodies. A whimper tumbled past your swollen lips as Napoleon’s vigorous pace faltered, a wanton, low moan penetrated the air emitting from the former emperor. Napoleon’s breath panted across your skin as he curled over your body, your heels digging into the dimples above his ass to spur him to go faster. 
“...merde,” he hissed, your nails leaving trails of bright red claw marks against his back, the headboard of his bed banging loudly against the wall to insure the rest of the men in the mansion knew exactly who you belonged to.
“I’m... almost,” continued Napoleon. You knew what he meant. The dirty, wet squelching noises your heat made burned at your cheeks in a fiery blush that Napoleon peppered feather light kisses over; his tongue darting out every so often to lap at the salty, slickness of your skin.
Your teeth traced the curve of his shoulder, nails slithering up his chest to scratch over his hardened nipple causing Napoleon to growl out in pleasure. He fasten his pace. Your lower back strained as you tightened your body to take his thrust. His grunts and moans floated over your ear lobe as his pleasure built to unimaginable heights.
Napoleon groaned, almost collapsing on top of you as his thick, white cum painted your spasming walls. He heaved from the blinding pleasure gripping at his flushed body. Slowly rising from his hunched position, Napoleon shivered while pulling his throbbing cock from your tight embrace, marveling at how his essence slowly dribbled out and slid between the bright red curves of your cheeks.
“You’re beautiful mon amour.”
The husk of his voice and wide blow of his pupils made a light chuckle escape you, your palm coming to rest against his swollen, bruised lips, a soft smile gracing your creatures as you whispered, “you as well mon coeur.”
F= Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Napoleon was an emperor- this much is known- so, he is no stranger to being in control, but sometimes he likes to be the one to dominated. He takes pride in pleasuring you and seeing the fruits of his efforts plastered across your whimpering face as you give all of yourself to him. But, but- seeing you wildly ride him, his hands gliding up the soft curve of your hips, your palms placed firmly against his chest as you pant for release is his favorite. He loves seeing you take control and use him to fulfill your every desire. He loves feeling the weight of your body slap against his while your jaw tightens and hair bounces around you. He loves to see you ride him like the (queen/king) you truly are.
Y= Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s safe to say Napoleon is one of the most horniest men in the mansion. Every chance he can get his hands on you he will take. He doesn’t exactly hide his want for you either. What can you say? He’s possessive when it comes to you- which can result in heated moments of lust in the most unusual places.
“Again?” You questioned, Napoleon’s lips latching onto yours once more as your back hit the cool tiling of the therma walls, “we just... did this... three hours ago.”
“I missed you,” Napoleon groaned, lifting your leg to wrap around his waist, the tip of his fangs peeking out from his lips, “I missed your lips,” he continued tugging off your bottoms, “I missed your moans,” your underwear was pulled aside as his fingers slowly slid into you, his raspy, needy moans slithering over your collarbone just like his tongue, “I missed pounding into you as you lose the will to form complete words.”
You could hear the light splashing of water just a few meters away from you causing your blood to run cold.
“Leon’- ah... there’s someone in here.” Your eyes rolled closed at the sounds of the former emperor’s belt buckle clanking.
He chuckled lowly, his erection teasing the fluttering entrance of your hole, “be quiet then.”
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janumun · 4 years
Risky Trials
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Honestly Nonny, your ask attacks all my weak spots and exposes my thirst for Leonardo’s Sex God gravelly voice. 😆 The man could have a hoe unraveling just by calling her cara mia. 🙌 I hear the roll of that ‘r’ in my mind. 
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Also tagging @memekingofwwiii​ for their request for Leonardo and ‘aphrodisiacs’.
Thank you for requesting as part of my Followers Celebration! Please accept this drabble in praise of Leonardo’s ‘show me heaven’ voice. I hope you enjoy your read!
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Pairing: Leonardo da Vinci/Female MC
Game: Ikemen Vampire
Warnings: aroused by one’s voice, semi public fingering, aphrodisiacs, thigh riding, a bitch is thirsty for a pure blood sandwich, Leo is an inventor (I’m sure this is not what he invented LOL)
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The haze of lust shatters against the harsh creak of the imposing doors of le thermae, followed soon after by the soft footfalls of the new arrival. Towards where you and Leonardo are pressed against each other into a shaded alcove situated within the changing area.
Your breath catches painful at the damp warmth against your ear, teeth finally releasing their hold on your lobe after a particularly obscene suck. “Ah… is that the good Comte I spy?”
“L–Leonardo… oh god mm.” Your hips seem to have a mind of their own, rocking against the solid warmth of him as you press your ass against the noticeable bulge at your back.
A low burst of laughter graces your sensitive ears, the sound absolute sin seducing you to reveal yourself on a loud moan. One you barely curb against the thick fingers you bite into, playing at your tongue, messy and languid.
“Hush now, cara mia. You don’t want the man to find us, do you? The earful we’d get upon discovery— I have a feeling the ‘kind’ Comte wouldn’t be so generous then.” Another low chuckle he drowns against your neck. “Especially if you let him catch you in this state.”
A fresh gush of fluid slicks in between your legs at the rasp in his voice and all you can do to alleviate the torturous hang by a thread is grind back against the thigh he presses in between your legs. Close, so close and yet not enough.
Not until those skillful, cunning fingers find your slit and press, stretching you open without warning to feel for the small, apparently harmless capsule he’d pushed into your vagina earlier— an aphrodisiac, he’d announced breezily, one your brilliant lover had crafted on his own and wished to test upon you.
A request, for some reason, you had been unable to refute. A regret as his ‘invention’ now left you skewed upon a precarious rope, unwilling to let you fall and you press down harder against his thigh, whimpers drowned mercifully underneath the sounds of the Comte dipping into the waters of the bath somewhere just out of sight.
The remaining… thinking part of you, mortified beyond belief at the thought of Le Comte de Saint Germain catching you and Leonardo in your… compromising position. One that faded quick enough when long fingers curled around your chin and tilted your face to give him access, your moans drowned against the insistent press of his smile against your lips, tongue slipping past to taste at you. “You need only ask if you want me. Now, how would you like it if I did… this?”
And your mind blanked without warning, a silent, white explosion as you unraveled beneath his touch, thick digits sinking deeper into your clenching walls.
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The memory recalled vivid within his mind, Leonardo angles an unbothered grin at his old friend, without shame even in the face of Comte’s less than pleased expression.
“I’m warning you, Leonardo. Next time you want to get handsy with her, please do so in a place private enough her scent doesn’t drift off to places you wouldn’t want it to.” The lines in between Comte’s brow deepen as he lifts a hand, fingers worrying against the headache forming at the other man’s peculiar habits.
“Whatever you say, Daddy.”  Leonardo drawls before sauntering off towards the door, a hand up in farewell as he exits the office.
And Comte knows— this might not be the last time he pulls her along for one of his peculiar stunts.
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A/N: Leonardo knows and acknowledges the father figure of this mansion.
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End Notes: Thank you for reading!
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rokutouxei · 4 years
ikemen vampire: temptation in the dark isaac newton / mc | G | 1762 | ao3 link in bio
The thought strikes you as you’re standing in Isaac’s room, helping him sort himself into his professor’s robe, the one he still fidgets in no matter how long he’s taught at the university, no matter how much he’s proven to be worthy of what the garment means.
Isaac staring quietly at you with his cherry-blossom eyes, sharp and smart; you’re fixing up his tie from below. The tuft of brown hair he tugs at when he’s nervous frames the side of his face. His adorable face: partly seeming crafted, created into perfection, the curve of his jaw, the set of his eyebrows; and partly born of the universe, the little freckles on the tops of his cheeks, the way he smiles a little lopsidedly if you look close enough—
You come to the realization that next to Isaac, you are awfully—almost embarrassingly—plain.
You try not to focus on it too much, but it takes over all rational thought without much grace. Staring at yourself in front of the mirror at the la thermae, you spend a few extra minutes cringing at your reflection. Unlike him, you weren’t exactly one that would be called a “natural beauty.” Sure, your features are a little different from what is to be expected from a 19th century Frenchwoman—and you like to think that’s a plus—but you were otherwise… pretty normal, and at best nondescript. Definitely, not the kind of face one remembers, not the one that lingers in one’s memory after having seen it in passing. You could make up for it with your clothes, as Le Comte is as generous as it gets when it comes to providing for you the most in-fashion of clothing, but there’s only so much that fabric can do, too. In this century… dressing sharp is average.
And your smarts won’t necessarily save you either. You weren’t an idiot—or at least you like to think so—but you were far from a genius, nothing as extraordinary as the rest of the mansion residents are, at least. (Or maybe just for now. Who knows?) Sure, maybe you know just a smidgen more than the rest of them about the new technologies that are to develop in the next hundred years—you can only imagine what it would be like having a conversation with Jean about smart home appliances—but beyond that, you were hardly a master of anything. For sure you’ve got your niche interests and knowledge, but—
After that, you’re not really anyone special.
Your heart twinges at the mere thought of it.
You are nothing but just painfully average.
And Isaac is brilliance personified.
It is a three-step process.
Well, it’s a never-ending process, really, in your head, knowing you will spend much of your life compensating, but for now, you decide on three specific things you feel like you can improve yourself on, for Isaac’s sake.
You make a bee-line to the kitchen the next morning, right on time for breakfast.
After you and Isaac got together, you started to spend more and more time with him instead of working all your hours at the mansion with Sebastian. The butler didn’t mind, of course, and neither did Le Comte. Breakfast duty was one of the things you usually now missed, in preference of staying in bed with Isaac a little longer. The kitchen is Sebastian’s domain anyway; you really preferred just working as a sort of sous chef, or really just an extra pair of hands.
So when you approached him to ask him for a favor, to give you some tips and tricks on cooking better, he looked you up and down with a calculating gaze you could feel pass right through you.
Sebastian is skilled with both spices and knives. That, matched with his little schtick of being a disciplinarian, you’d really rather not, but—
“For Sir Isaac, perhaps?” he asks, turning around to spare you his gaze.
You pout in indignation. “A-and if it is?”
“No need for embarrassment, it’s a good effort.”
He hands you a little notebook to write your newly-learned recipes in. Phase one, check.
The next is a little more complicated.
Isaac isn’t the most graceful dancer in the mansion, and he will always say how he doesn’t enjoy it, but you’ve caught his expression on the days you went out on a ball night with him for this event or that. You know that he has—if not enjoyment—a fascination for the dancing, at the very least. What better way to make him enjoy it a little bit more than getting better at it? Surely, the experience would be a lot smoother if you weren’t constantly tripping over your feet the entire time.
And sure, both of you have had some dance practice experience with each other, but—
“It’ll be my pleasure, ma cherie,” Le Comte says, that ever-knowing smile painted on his face. You know with that expression that he wants to tease; wants to force you to admit that you’re doing it for your lover. But even if he doesn’t, the flush rises to your cheeks undeniably, anyway.
Le Comte leads the dance confidently as he always does, laughing politely every time you step on his feet. The music sways the both of you. He compliments you on how well you’ve unraveled Isaac to be a little more confident. Says maybe you should teach him as well; you answer that learning together is one of the most fun things to do with your beloved. Phase two, check.
And lastly…
You go to the library, the shelves ordered in a way you’ve long memorized, and pull out an old copy of a book you would not have dared read cover to cover if you were still in the present. …or future. In the 21st century. You’ve gotten permission from Le Comte to use it as you please, and you’ve gone ahead and sharpened the few pencils you’ve found laying around. The book is heavy and daunting, and it doesn’t look friendly at all, but you carry the volume anyway, heading off to your room with an unmatchable determination.
For Isaac, you tell yourself, I have to be worthy of Isaac.
Isaac doesn’t know when it started, but he’s definitely noticed that you’ve been a little busier lately. Always spending time in the kitchen, always excusing yourself out of his room to do “a chore” when usually you’d rather be spending time with him doing… well, even nothing, really. It makes him suspicious—the familiar gnawing of insecurity inside his chest—but he doesn’t not trust you, so he does not bring it up whenever the two of you talk, does not make it obvious that he knows something is up.
He does keep his eyes peeled though.
Catches you in the middle of the night in the kitchen, gathering the ingredients together for what you’ll bring as lunch the next day; a little notebook with scribbles in your hand as you’re measuring this and that, laying them out on the counter neatly. Spots you in the library in between the bookshelves, crouched, and running your fingers gently over the books’ delicate spines. Hears from the ever-gossipy Arthur that you’ve been spending afternoons in Le Comte’s room being tutored for dancing—that makes him just a tiny bit jealous.
But it doesn’t click.
At least, not until he catches you in your bedroom, head curled forward onto your arms on the desk, a new copy of Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica serving as your rather uncomfortable pillow. There’s the tiniest sound of your snoring. A pencil has rolled off of your desk onto the floor, and he can catch the vaguest of scribbling on the book’s pages, little notes in your neat handwriting.
His heart squeezes in his chest near painfully.
He can be oblivious, but not tonight. He knows that if you really wanted to learn about physics, you would have asked him—the way you’re always grasping curiously at the world, the way that leaves him floored. And he would have taught you, poured hours in the evenings going over laws and theories until you were satisfied.
But this isn’t about physics.
He brushes off the stray lock of hair that had fallen over your face, tucking it behind your ear. Isaac knows just how much you mean to him, is fully aware of the space you occupy in his heart, even if sometimes even he is surprised by it. But his anxieties bite at the corner of his mind whenever he thinks about the opposite; about you; about how you feel for him; about the unevenness. His third law of motion asserts that when two objects interact, they apply forces to each other of equal, opposite magnitude—but does that apply to things like these? If they do, and if you are always giving and giving and giving so much—how ever will he give back?
When you’re giving him the universe, what else can he provide in return?
Isaac is not good with his words, not in the way he wishes he were. His head is always all computations and mechanisms, all science and never the kind of lovely things he knows are always in yours. He knows he is doomed for the rest of his life searching for the right words to tell you the things he feels.
Tonight, he’ll spend the next few hours watching you sleep, patching words together like a one-year-old still trying to learn how to use language to tell you that you do not need to be anything more. You can have two left feet forever and he will still dance with you. You can burn everything you make him and he will still eat it with much delight. And physics and math can stop making sense forever and he will still know you.
That he loves you.
You are enough and have always been enough. And sure, his life may have fallen off-center, not the boring, static equilibrium now that he’s with you—but the world has always been in some sort of chaos. That, he knows. That, science knows. And he’d gladly be in chaos if it means he gets to spend his life with you.
When you wake up, he’ll tell you. For now, there is only the resulting, opposite force of you loving him with all you can do—one he collapses into a small forehead kiss, lifting you up in his arms, carrying you off to his bed.
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ravenarld · 4 years
[HEADCANON] Ikevamp Boys in a Water Balloon Fight with MC
(This is my first serious headcanon btw)
[Requested by @/anonymous]
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• Dodge the water balloon by catching it before it hit his handsome face
• He was blessed with fast reflexes and a good sixth sense.
• You stood frozen but weren't surprised
• Is he walking towards you?
• RUN!!!!!!
• but do you really think you can outrun him????
• He hit you on the head with the water balloon that you were supposed to throw at him.
• *cues in Monsieur de Wahaha*
• Want to be mad at him but he started acting sweet by drying you up with a towel.
• How can you be mad at your swet boyfriend?
• He's sleeping again in the garden.
• You're tired of him sleeping everywhere (why the garden tho)
• You decided to teach him a lesson
• Filling up a ballon with icy cold water, you threw it on his sleepy face.
• poor man got woken up, thinking that he got drowned in the river.
• NOOO it's just his cara mia being a bad girl
• Laughing, you didn't noticed him walking up to you until he lifted you up on his shoulder.
• "I shouldn't be the only one getting wet, bambina."
• Carried you to the thermae where you learnt to wake up him gently next time
• You must not really value your life, huh?
• you asking for a death wish, little lamb?
• he's already giving you THE GLARE.
• Such a party pooper
• Pouting, you were about to leave until he caught unguarded when he threw a small water ballon at you
• He started the water balloon fight.
• You were doing laundry and he found you rather very sexy on that white shirt that was actually his.
• A mischievous idea came in his mind
• You were startled when you were hit by a water balloon on the chest, resulting the shirt to become transparent.
• Looking up, you saw Arthur with a smirk on his face.
• "By Jove, look at you! You're all wet now. Come, I'll help you before you get cold."
• Yeah right arTHOT
• He dragged you by the wrist to his room where he "warmed" you up.
• Arthur gave him the idea about the water ballon fight, saying that you'll enjoy a game where you'll get wet.
• poor baby fall for it since he wanted to cheer you up in this heat uwu
• Surprised you by hitting one on the butt.
• Bewildered, you looked at him as he gave you a cheerful smile that could blind even the sun
• boi...how could you be mad at him?
• You decided to play along with him. Atleast you two were having fun.
• The heat was getting him
• He was grumpier than ever
• Since when was he never a grumpy bear?
• What a perfect time to get wet too cool his mind, right?
• Actually no.
• As soon you hit him with a water ballon, he was marching up towards you
• He looks mad
• but why is he smirking tho????
• Oh shit...
• Carried you on his shoulder to his room.
• "Bad dogs deserve to be disciplined by their master."
• Let's say, you two got even more sweaty.
• Arthur and Dazai asked you to join them on pranking Isaac
• poor baby needs to breathe from these two tbh
• You joined them as long they promised that it was a harmless prank.
• You asked Isaac to accompany you outside since it was a nice weather.
• He was about to protest until you gave him those puppy eyes.
• "F-fine."
• boi...you whipped af
• You lurned him to the garden until you two stood under the shade of the large apple tree.
• Isaac mentally screaming "OUT OF ALL TREES, WHY UNDER THIS ONE?!"
• You two were chatting until you heard the two dumbos authors yelling
• You and Isaac got splashed by a large red water ballon. (Damn..you should really think twice before trusting those two)
• Isaac's face is redder than an apple as he saw your white blouse became transparent, revealing the black lacy corset under it.
• lifting you bridal-style, he ran carried you back to his room where he ravished you
• Oh this poor baby...
• He was confused on why you threw him a water ballon.
• Was he being punished? Did he do something wrong? Did he made you mad?
• He was lowkey overthinking that he didn't realize that you kept attacking him.
• Pouting at his poor reaction, you walked up to him and asked him if he was okay.
• That was when he realized that he wasn't being punished and you were just trying to have fun with him.
• Protecc this innocent Christian boy at all cost pls
• You got hit by a water ballon on the back of the head when you were at the garden, watering the flowers.
• You turned around and saw Dazai on the window
• You were about to scold him until he attack you again but this time on the face.
• You fell on your flat butt due to the impact.
• Dazai got worried and checked on you.
• You surprised-attacked him back by splashing him with the water from the watering can.
• You two were engaged in a water fight in the garden.
• Sebastian lowkey mad
• You visited him at his villa, proposing to him to play a water ballon fight with you.
• You had to explain to him what the fuck was a water ballon fight.
• When he finally got the point, you two were in the intense water ballon fight.
• That's when he discovered a new to die: intense water ballon Fight to the point when you're bleeding to death due the strong impact of the water and balloon.
• You, Arthur and Dazai were having a water ballon fight in the garden cuz they said it will cool their mind.
• The two authors dragged Isaac into the battle where he was mostly the target (#SaveIsaac2020)
• Comte happened to enter the scene and you accidentally hit him on the face (You were supposed to hit Arthur but thot dodged it gracefully)
• The four of you were frozen and waited a punishment from the mansion's Daddy Father
• Didn't get mad and just smiled warmly at you
• He adored you too much to punish you
• Daddy is whipped for you, okay
• Actually...
• Before he left, he whispered to something to you, leaving your face redder than Isaac's apples ( I should let my baby live)
• "Meet me at my office in 10 minutes, ma chérie. I can't let this behavior slipped."
• You were tired of him flicking your forehead
• You decided to get back at him.
• It was just an innocent revenge, right?
• as soon you hit with a water balloon, he dragged you somewhere private to punish you.
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primebody1 · 3 years
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ultralift treatment
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