iridescentipede · 6 months
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how do we feel about these two
(they both use they/them!!!)
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hxpemingi · 4 years
missing puzzle piece <3 s.c.b
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a/n: this is my first ever lil au that ive written so please bare with me as i’m typing this as i go hehe (✿◠‿◠) sorry for any grammatical errors!!
Summary: you and changbin have been friends for years, you’ve always had a soft spot for this kid.  You have always had those lingering thoughts in the back of your mind that maybe one day this friendship could turn into something more..
word count: 2.6k 
genre/rating: oneshot!, friends to lovers!, female reader, college age, fluff, just pure fluff, angst if you squint.
As the summer winds down and the sense of the cool breeze fills the air, i know soon enough that the fall semester is coming closer.  i dont mind school all that much, its even better that i get to spend the day with one of my closest friends changbin.  we’ve been friends for gosh knows how long and we act like brother and sister at this point. But nonetheless, theres always that feeling of “what if” in the back of my mind.... what if we did end up dating? I always feel like a puzzle with a missing piece.... I want to find someone to complete the puzzle.  As i shove those thoughts to the back of my mind i hear my phone buzzing on my bed.
-Binnie 6:30pm-
what u doing tonight? are you free??
-Y/N 6:33pm-
i have a hot date with a bowl of ice cream and the couch tonight, but i guess i can rain check. whatchu got planned?
-Binnie 6:37pm-
Wanna go to the beach with me and the boys? we plan on chilling and watching the sunset with a fire and a few drinks.  whaddya say you in?
-Y/N 6:40pm-
count me in...pick me up in 30
-Binnie 6:45pm-
shweeeeet see u then
As soon as i see that text, i put my phone down and change out of some comfy clothes and change into shorts and a cropped tee.  I should probably bring a hoodie but i know Changbin has a few in his car.  I swear that man has a whole closet in his car.  I put on a pair of slip on shoes so that way i can take them off when I’m at the beach.  As I’m putting on shoes i see Changbin’s car pull into my driveway.  After grabbing my house keys and purse I head down the driveway to get into the car where Felix and Han are in the backseat giving me the front seat.
“Glad you gave up your hot date with ice cream to hangout with us tonight” Changbin says as he heads down the road to get to the beach.
“You know i was gonna finish Avatar tonight and cry over my love for zuko but NOOOOOOO i’m gonna become a babysitter for 9 kids as they throw each other in the ocean” i say with the slightest bit of sarcasm
“Oh c’mon Y/N, the ending of avatar can wait. theres supposed to be a comet tonight!!!!” Felix chirps from the backseat
“Yeah Y/N the sky is supposed to be clear and we’ll be able to see it pass by, you wont be able to see it for another 100 years!” Han chimes in.
“They’re right Y/N, it’s a perfect night to watch it.  When will you ever be able to say you’ve seen a comet pass by in your lifetime?” Changbin adds to the conversation.
“I’m pretty sure I saw a comet that time where we were all star gazing on Minho’s roof last summer” i say to them as changbin pulls into the beach parking lot.
“Y/N i hate to break it to you, but that was an airplane.” Han says while Felix giggles.
I turn back at the giggling fools and give them a glare.
“I SHALL STAND BY THE FACT THAT IT WAS A COMET YOU TWO” i say back to the boys as Changbin puts the car into park.
We meet up with the rest of the boys who are currently setting up a makeshift fire pit and setting out some foldable chairs, thats when i realize theres 9 chairs but 10 people.  Guess I will have to sit in the sand.  I don’t worry about it too much when i see Chan currently chasing Seungmin with a dead jellyfish on a stick trying to poke him.  We haven’t been here a total of 5 minutes and there’s already chaos.
After an hour or two of the boys running around in the sand, throwing each other in the water, and a quite competitive game of tag, the sun starts to turn the sky the most beautiful shades of orange and red.  Chan runs to his car to grab a speaker and Hyunjin starts a fire.  Pretty soon the boys gather around the fire when Jeongin says 
“Guys theres only 9 chairs and 10 of us...”
“I’ll just sit on the sand.” I say as I get ready to sit in the sand.
“Y/N, just sit on my lap” Changbin says quietly as you didn’t hear him walk up behind you
“Nono Binnie it’s fine I-”
“No excuses, now come on” he says as he drags me with my hand in his.
While I’m sure no one saw that encounter, I’m pretty sure they see the huge blush that has crept across my face.  Sure I’ve sat on changbins lap before, we do it when theres movie night at Woojins place.  It’s nothing new between us but my feelings for Changbin push through my mind and soon enough, I’m sitting on his lap trying to make myself comfy on his thighs.  Changbin casually snakes his hands across my waist and i suddenly freeze up.  Well thats new, he normally never does that. I try to relax my body and for some reason, it feels natural.  I suddenly feel safe in his arms. 
“Does anyone know when this whole comet thing will come??” Minho says as the music plays in the background.
“According to my phone, it says that we’ll be able to see it pass through around 10 or so.” Felix says as he looks it up on his phone.
“Well since we have time to kill, how about a friendly game of truth or dare?” Hyunjin adds to the conversation.
the group and I nod our heads in agreement as the game of truth or dare starts.
“Seungmin, Truth or dare?” Hyunjin starts off.
“Dare” Seungmin says non chalantly.
“I dare you to run into the ocean with your shoes on” hyunjin says while everyone giggles
“Really? I just bought these shoes ughhhhh” Seungmin sighs as he gets up from his chair and runs towards the water
“I hate this i hate this i hate this” he says as everyone by the fire laughs hysterically 
Once he returns back to the shore where the fire pit is, he takes off his shoes and sits down with a huff.
“alright lets see, Y/N truth or dare?” He says as his eyes direct towards me and changbin.  
I’m not one to play these games so i decided to play it safe
“Truth” i say
“BOOORRRRRINGGGGGGG” Han says from the other side of the fire
“Hmm, when was the last time you kissed a boy?” he says and the group falls silent
Shit, when was the last time i kissed someone? well besides my cat Lucifer i don’t think i’ve ever kissed anyone? Do I lie and say last week? or do I tell the truth and say no one?
“uhhh never” I say in a quiet voice as everyone eyes are glued to me still.  I can feel Changbins gaze on me as he tenses up a little bit, squeezing his arms a little tighter around me
“You really haven’t kissed anyone? Not even that kid you were seeing last semester?” Changbin whispers into my ear
“No we went on two dates and he was a total square and was really boring, he never initiated anything anyways” I say back
“Alrighty Y/N, you can ask a truth or dare or have someone else pick” Seungmin says as he waits for my response
“uhm, Changbin can pick who goes next” I say as I look down at the sand, my feet becoming more interesting
“Can I dare myself?” Changbin says as the group shares a puzzled look with eachother. It’s quiet for a moment before Chan says
“I mean it’s not a rule that you can’t do it but I guess go ahead buddy”
“Alright, I dare myself that I go on a walk with Y/N for a bit. You guys can keep playing” he says and I perk my head up and turn around facing him, giving him a puzzled look.
“Why would you wanna dare yourself to do something so casual?” I say as I get up off of his lap. My waist feeling empty as I grew used to having Changbins arms wrapped around me
“It was beginning to get boring anyways, plus my leg fell asleep from you sitting on it” he chuckles
As we two walk away from the guys who are giggling and laughing, their voices become faint as all I hear are the waves crashing along the shore. It’s peaceful, it’s quiet, and it’s just Changbin and I.
It’s silent for a few minutes before Changbin exhales and stops for a moment to look at the water and the stars up in the sky.
“How come you never told me you haven’t kissed anyone? Cmon Y/N we’ve been friends for years. We tell eachother everything” Changbin says and I look over at the water avoiding his eye contact
“I just didn’t think it was that big of a deal. How lame is it that I haven’t even had my first kiss and my younger sister has for gods sake? I sound like a loser saying it. It’s easy for you to say, I bet you boast to the boys on how many girls fling themselves at you.” I say with a hint of jealousy at the end.
“I don’t think it’s lame y/n, you’re just saving yourself for someone special. And no I do not brag to the boys about “all the girls I get” when in reality I have a different girl in mind.” He says as he goes and steps in front of me. Faces inches away from each other.
I take a few steps back to get some space between us. He’s acting different. It seems like this girl is really sweet from the sounds of it. I try not to act jealous when I start to ask about her
“Who’s this special girl in mind huh? How come you never brought this up to me? Do I approve of her?” I start to spit fire questions at Changbin before he starts talking again.
“I’ve never brought it up to you because I don’t want to ruin anything that I already have with her. I’ve been so nervous to fully confess my feelings because there’s that thought in the back of my mind that maybe she doesn’t like me back.” Changbin rambles when you cut him off
“Why don’t you man up and do it already? I mean the worst thing she could say is no right? Who knows, maybe she does like you back.” I say and Changbin blurts out
“I like you a lot y/n, like a lot a lot”
Holy shit
Seo Changbin, my best friend of 11 years
Just confessed
That he likes me????
“I- I- really? You’re kidding right? Changbin don’t play with my feelings-“ I say before he cuts me off
“Y/n I’m serious, I’ve liked you for a long time and I didn’t know how you would feel, but I know it was stupid of me to confess you know? I probably ruined everything and now our friendship is ruined and nothing will ever be the same again and I-“ before he rambles himself into oblivion i cut him off.
“The feelings mutual binnie, I’ve liked you for god knows how long” i say as he looks up at me.
“I’ve liked you since that day when I jumped off the jungle gym in 3rd grade and you helped me to the nurses office. I’ve always had those feelings for you but I always pushed them back in my head because who knows how you would feel right? So whenever you went and saw other girls it made me the slightest bit jealous. Always wondering if that could be us someday. So then I went on dates with guys but nothing lasted for more than one date. They weren’t you Changbin. It was always you” I say so fast i almost run out of breath
We look at eachother for a few moments before Changbin wraps one of his arms around my waist, taking his other and tucking a few strands of loose hair behind my ear. We look at each other for a few moments as my hands snake up around his neck, definitely a feeling I could get used too. His eyes go from my eyes, down to my lips, then back up to my eyes.
“Since you never had your first kiss, may I?” Changbin says as he’s looking at me like I’m the finest piece of art in the world. Taking in everyone of my features.
“I’d thought you’d never ask” I say with a grin.
He closes the distance between us and both of our eyes close. His lips are warm and soft. Although I’ve never kissed anyone before I start to follow his lead and mirror what he’s doing. It’s a slow and adoring kiss. Not anything fast or sensual. We take our time to see how our lips mold into one another. We break away for a few moments and Changbin puts his forehead on mine.
“You know for not kissing anyone, it seems like you knew what you were doing” he says with a childish grin
“Eh from all the rom coms I’ve watched I feel like I had a good grasp of what I was doing” I say back before he kisses me again. 
I kiss him as if he’s going to disappear from me, pretty soon he has both of his hands around my waist, squeezing my sides earning a quiet yelp from me.  We break away the kiss again and i see him look up in the sky.
“Y/n there it is!!! It’s the comet” he says as he turns me around, hugging me from behind. His chin rests gently on my shoulder as we look at the comet pass by.  
“I don’t think I’ve seen anything more jaw dropping than this before” I say as i look closely at the comet passing by.
“Oh trust me princess, this comet is pretty. but nothing will compare to you” he says as he pecks my neck with kisses.
“We should probably go back before the guys round up a search party for us.” i say while leaving his touch and grab his hand, heading back to the crazy bunch of boys.
Once we make our way back to the gang they look at us with questioning looks, we’re both smiling like idiots and our hands are intertwined.
“What took you guys so long??? You missed the comet, you should’ve seen it!” Jeongin says
“Do i even wanna know what happened?” Chan says, raising a brow at us.
“Don’t worry guys, we stopped and saw the comet too. Nothing crazy happened.” Changbin says with a sheepish grin and I start giggling 
“Did you two confess to one another yet? I’ve been waiting for this.” Hyunjin says as the boys nod their heads in agreement.
“Yeah Bin, did you finally grow a set and confess? I was getting sick of the late night texts saying “ooooo im in L word my guy” “bro she looks so good today”- UGH” Han continues to ramble while Felix elbows him in the gut. 
Changbin and I look at each other and start laughing, he leans down and pecks me on the lips. Earning a few “awws” and an “ew” from Jeongin.
“Does that answer everyones questions?”  Changbin says as we sit back down by the fire. 
We sit back down and start chatting at the fire, talking about the comet and small talk in between. For the first time in my life, I feel content with everything. Content with these 8 crazy boys I can call my friends. And Changbin, everything feels so right finally. It feels like all the puzzle pieces have been put together
Changbin was my missing puzzle piece. 
And now the puzzle is complete.
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