pandoramusicbox · 3 years
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so human kin. very diverse, very wide spread, and here are a few examples. humans come in all shapes and sizes, especially in scalipia, julilner and aulkyili.  so humans are known to be quite adaptable, but still somehow rather homogeneous, which is what separates them from Animakin, that and how magic interacts with them.  even so human kin can be quite diffrent looking. they can have a vast range in skin colors, though often towards a darker brown tone, though a more red-ish or yellowish done is not unusual depending on region and what chemical they have as pigment, some humankin even have grayish tone to their skin, especially around the blue forest.  humans can have horns, strange skin, fangs, strange ears, mouths or eyes and still be considered as human as the next. they can not have excess limbs or tails and still be human.  this is what excludes things like the long eared, vicker, a lot of trolls and jiants from being considered human.  theres a reason the subcategory of phodo-human or human-like is a category of anima kin the main sub-categories of human kin are  Rim- categorized by their small size, they are not to common in scalipia or aulkyili and are more common in julilner. usally between 3-5 ft (91.44-152.4 cm) in hight. Humans- the standerd look, im just going assume one knows what a human vaugely can look like. Elv- so the most common attribute that they are said to have are strange ears, often pointed. this is not actually why they are in their own category. they are in their own category because of sexual-dimorphism. the elv are thought to have possibly been the result of human and fairy mixing, but if thats the case it occurred so long ago no one can confirm. what this essentially boils down to is that substancial parts of their population are hemephrodites like the fay. or have other things going on. the percentage can range with extremes like the Hively at the most where near 100% of their population are hemehprodites to the Eln  with the least where ~5% are true hemephrodites and everything else is messy. they are currently a bit of a wip.  Eyed- theses guys are way more simple, so they either are born with more or less eyes than humans., these eyes dont exclusively appere on the face but that is where it is most common.the majority of eyed  a number of eyes between 3-6. less is rare and more is uncommon. monoculars (one eye aka cyclobs) are rare and often said to have magic to see into the future. this is both true and untrue. eyed can an have been born with two eyes, though they are often not in the standard alignment, but there have been a few cases where a human has married  an eyed unknowingly only to find out when they had kids with a strange number of eyes. they can also be born without eyes at all, but  thats a one in million chance., polynocular is the wide category for any eye with more than 7 eyes. the record for the individual with the most eyes is 23. Orge- larger size than normal humans. 6.5-10 ft (198.12-304.8 cm) witches- so witches is the name given to those of human kin born with magic. for both humankin and animakin inate magic is a recessive trait. generally carried on the X chromosome for humans. (its actually more common in people with two x chromosomes because of that.)  unlike anima- kin where most of the time you could guess what kind of magic you would have by your species, its just russian rullet of supper powers for human kin (and also a lot of phodo-humans). this is also evident for mages that are not born with power, as they develop a power unique to them.  thats an overview of humans, and this mostly focused on the central hemisphere. though the rules and groups are rather simular in the other two hemispheres. 
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“Bullets stuck in my revolver
Playing Russian Rullet with their heart
Or mine
My life of revolving doors always revolving
..Around me
Perhaps my revolution is this
Regaining my power by playing
It’s been a long time since anything but anger has
Revolved around me
All I remember is this is where I left off
Finger on the trigger
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