wolvertooth · 4 months
rant for why sabrevine is literally the only healthy endgame for logan⤵️⤵️⤵️
if he got with anyone else, it doesnt matter how much love they show him, how much they take care of him, theyll never get him. without going thru the same experiences, theyre forever just tolerating him. he doesnt need someone who says 'logan, your hearts better than this' when it gets bad, he needs someone who empathizes. someone whos expectations n views arent based on the whole hero facade he puts on. someone who knows him cuz they can actually properly comprehend who he really is. not just the bad bits, i mean who he is underneath everything.
ffs his whole character is that he constantly feels this wall between him and everyone else, especially other mutants. no matter how much he tries, how much good he does, he still feels separate. an outsider. getting with someone whos on the otherside of the wall isnt gonna help, its gonna just put even more pressure on him. a constant reminder of what he isnt. every single time he does, theres this overhanging worry hes gonna hurt them just for being what he is. and that hurts him.
he needs someone worse than he is, in the same way that he is, so he can finally drop the weight of needing to fit the mold. to be able to show all the repressed parts of himself and actually feel seen while doing so.
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mugentakeda · 7 months
the weirdest thing about it just being the four of them is how insistent lu ten is about him and azula getting a vote in everything. hes trying really hard to stop feeling weird about it.
at first, zuko was more than okay with just going with whatever mom and lu ten have in mind. theyre the grown ups, after all, and they make a good team. they haven’t been captured, or even chased, so that has to mean something. it never really hit him how well they got along until now that theyre alone. he can’t help but start wondering about how long they knew each other before he was born.
and things between him and azula have been… awkward. he doesnt really know what to do with how well shes been taking this. something her and lu ten both do is that when they think nobody is looking, they get these really tense and faraway looks on their faces.
zuko is pretty sure it has something to do with dad and uncle.
it might be bad of him, but hes not all that upset about being away from dad. hes terrified of what will happen if they get caught, yeah.
but they wouldnt have any kind of fun in this crazy new life if dad was here, would they?
last night, lu ten grilled a bunch of big red fish over a fire, with some steamed bamboo. mom acted out a story for them as entertainment. its something she hasnt done in… well, forever. but she would stop and ask both him and azula what happened next, they both would yell out the possible answers, and mom would pick either or and change the story depending on which she chose to make the ending unpredictable.
its the ease he feels on ember island when just the four of them go, just in a different place. so maybe it’s not as weird as zuko thinks it is.
mom and lu ten decided that leaving was the only way to be happy and have opinions, so they left. the palace rules stopped that, and nobody went along with palace rules more than dad. so he didnt get to come with. mom and ursa aren’t very upset about that, so neither will he.
at the cost of his dad, yeah, and thats traitor talk, but hes alive, isnt he? agni hasnt struck him or everyone else down for being glad dad isn’t here, has she? he’s okay with that and they’re okay with that.
zuko decides as he stares up at the blue sky peaking between the tree tops, that he wont feel bad about wanting to be happy and giving his opinion anymore. and he’s not weird for that if mom and lu ten aren’t weird.
azula is way weirder than everyone that’s weird on the whole earth combined, though. so it might be harder for her to not feel bad about wanting to be happy or giving her opinion. or being happy about things that arent weird, because only the weirdest things make azula happy.
lu ten is better at talking to her than anyone else, but…
he scoots next to her on the rotted log she’s resting on, watching mom comically struggle to help lu ten prepare breakfast.
“do you miss mai and ty lee?” he asks her, forcing himself to sound casual. she hasnt tried to set his butt on fire since they left, but who knows what might change that.
“miss them?” she repeats, but not like shes mocking him for the question- more like she’s asking herself again.
“like, do you wish they were here too?”
his sister makes a face. “why would they be here? this is a family affair.”
“just go with it. for the sake of the question.”
azula rolls her eyes, but hums thoughtfully. trails off.
he tries something else. “do you think mom’s storytelling last night wouldve been better if ty lee was there doing interpretive dance?”
to his surprise, she snorts. “probably,” she replies. “and mai would probably enjoy the macabre of it all. the more drama and bloodshed, the better. you wouldn’t know mother likes all the dark ones just by looking at her.”
azula turns to him, suddenly. there’s something mischievous in her eyes that zuko immediately distrusts. “why are you asking? do you miss mai?”
his face immediately flushes. “no! i was just asking, cus, well…”
“oh, don’t feel the need to explain yourself to me, zuzu. its just the four of us in the middle of nowhere, after all-“
“i was just asking, cus you haven’t seemed… well… sad. about leaving. dad and the palace and stuff. you didn’t even say much when we had to burn our old clothes and wear this green stuff instead.”
azula pauses. she doesn’t quite scowl at him, but she furrows her eyebrows and twists her lips in this weird, thoughtful way. she turns back away from him and sighs.
“cousin lu ten didn’t carry me out of the palace like a little baby. he had to convince me why i should choose to come with. so this is me, standing on the decision i made. why should i be sad about something i chose?”
“i was asleep the whole time, but i think i would’ve said yes to mom if i was awake, too. i just wanted to know why you said yes. cus you… had more going on than i did, back home. this is… way different, for you.”
zuko really wants to believe that she didn’t just agree because she knew that dad wouldn’t punish her if they got caught. and he won’t know if shes lying to him about it either.
“i don’t think i would’ve said yes if mother was the one that came to get me instead of lu ten. even if, deep down, i wanted to come with. and then i would’ve been mad about it forever, and hated her and you and lu ten for leaving me. because mother just took you while you were mostly asleep, and now shes just lucky that you ended up being okay with it anyway.”
zuko startles at how easily she’s talking about this. maybe it’s the distance?
“but lu ten and i… are in the same boat. we’re the same, like how maybe you and mother are the same. and he told me how he felt. and i guess i figured i’d feel the same. so i decided to do the same as him, too. and i have yet to falter, just like how lu ten hasn’t faltered.“
his sister turns to him, very seriously. “father wouldn’t have done interpretive dance to mother’s stories. one day i’ll do interpretive dance to mother’s stories, and so will you and lu ten. so only people that are willing to do interpretive dance to mother’s stories are missed by me. does that make sense?”
he thinks he gets it. in this crazy situation, not feeling bad about wanting to be happy and having opinions probably would mean the same as being willing to do interpretive dance.
“i think my interpretive dance would be better than yours,” he blurts, instead of answering.
azula blinks, then narrows her eyes. “you wish.”
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starbiology · 5 months
Hi. First, let me say that I really like you blog!! Your art is lovely.
I wanted ask what do you think will be the Darkest Faerie's role in the incoming plot? I remember her from the Altador Plot but I did that waaay back and can't remember seeing her much outside of that statue and the cool avatar. How does she tie in with what's happening now?
I ask because I see you mention her a lot, but I feel like I am missing many parts of this, both from you theories and Neo lore (that I can find on my own btw im not asking you to retell me). I haven't been in Neo these past few months but I might go back to weekly or daily visiting the site when the plot starts.
Thank you! 🖤🦇
thank you :D!!
One of the main reasons we know shes coming back for this plot was actually this past halloween event in which her and other villains are talked about being in a void.
A lot of the speculation is that the characters seem to be hiding in/lost/trapped in this void. The advent calendar was the first time we got to see what the void is and Kass' sword was in it too. The dialogue isnt on the site but its on SunnyNeo
Also this is still so funny to me 'Welcome to the Cosmic Horrors of the VOID. Enjoy, and happy holidays!'
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Other important events that are gearing up for the plot was the 2023 festival of neggs, the faerie festival and its comic
And back on topic to The Darkest Faerie!
Looking at her story, for awhile I thought the only option that wouldnt be turning her to stone (TNT if you can hear me dont turn her to stone again) would be to kill her. It wouldnt even be a bad choice to kill her, shes a major villain across multiple plots. Id actually still argue it would be a fair end to her story.
But theres two points that make killing her off hard
The last time she was seen, she realized the ring she made to create wraiths was actually draining her life and she cant remove it. Pitting your good characters against a weakened villain is just narratively a very bad idea. It makes the hero seem weaker than they are and nearly no matter what the villain did, it comes across as cruel
The Altador council, despite having all the right to be angry at her or happy about her defeat, are So Damn Upset. The day of her betrayal is literally a day of somber remembrance
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the entirety of this advent calendar clip just,,altador bro,,,you okay?
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and of course the plot book
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The council is stuck in a story of 'Used to be 12 heroes, now its only 11' its written on almost all inscriptions about them. It would be nice to see the council come back together again by TDF teaming up with them, even if it starts as part of a scheme of her's (which I wouldnt be surprised it does) until she finally overcomes her obsession with power.
It would make for a happy end to the council's story, otherwise theyre just going to be stuck in this state of mourning their friend
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melodyfsoul1 · 10 months
Sth I find interesting after watching the Loki Series Finale, and seeing everyone's reactions to it, is that you can immediately tell what someone's priorities were for the ending (ships aside)
Because depending on what your priorities for the Story or Loki as a Character were, people are either really hyped / optimistic for the future ... or just really freaking depressed right now.
Like on the positive side we have Loki:
- finally finding his "Glorious Purpose", his place in... well "outside" the world/ universe, becoming an even greater being, while his story comes full circle
- reaching his full potential, unlocking new powers, new magic, and being the God of Stories
- becoming one of the most powerful beings in the MCU, and hey maybe he's even able to travel freely through time now and not trapped at the space outside of time
- creating Yggdrasil and protecting it, and by that, saving his friends and the Multiverse, being a true hero
But then on the other side we have the more pessimistic view of Loki:
- finding his "Glorious" Purpose, taking over the burden of a throne he realized he never wanted, but doing it because it was the only option he saw to save his friends and the multiverse ( though I wouldnt even call it a choice, he just resigned himself to accept it because the other options where helping the current HWR, killing Sylvie, risking a universal war or death by spaghettification....)
- making the ultimate sacrifice by chosing to "give everyone else a chance at life" over his own needs, his own future, his desire to be with his friends...
- now having the huge responsible of keeping the multiverse alive & intact for all eternity
And do we even know if he can travel freely through time? (I hope so), but how much power does it take him? What if protecting Yggdrasil means he cant leave the space outside time? That would mean he is trapped there, for all eternity, alone, having to watch over his friends without actually being able to interact with them. He will be able to see that they are okay (hopefully), but he will never be a part of their lives again.... Loki, the very character who explicitely said he doesnt want to be alone...
So depending on how you view it, the ending was either really epic, with Loki getting several upgrades and creating a new era for the MCU
Somewhere between bittersweet and incredibly dreadfully tragic with Loki making the ultimate sacrifice, losing everything he just worked so hard to keep (after all the struggles of his original timeline too with Thanos) with Loki probably never being part of any of their stories again, damned to eternal loneliness.
(I'm personally more the 2nd type... I do get the others point of view, it was epic and Loki unlocking his true potential as the God of Stories is insane, GOS Loki is one of my faves in the comics. And my GOD the imagery of Yggdrasil was freaking gorgeous.
But... my main priority was "Loki, for ONCE, getting a chance at life, to be himself, live, with his new found friends/ family at his side..." so you can guess how freaking sad I am over the ending... hell I dont even care about the ships, I just didnt want him to be alone... I just wanted him to have a friend...
Its like, no matter what or where, whether its the OG Timeline Loki, or L1130 or even in the comics... Loki is meant to be a sacrifice for the "greater good" or to suffer trying change or even help, like he did in the comics as Kid Loki and Agent of Asgard.
That being said, I still cling to the hope that Loki can either freely travel through time now or somehow find a way to get in contact with his friends again... of them finding a way to get to him... please, Marvel, I need a Loki who is allowed to be happy, he certainly deserves it.
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ffsg0jo · 3 months
I remember getting to the last chapter and being extremely cringed up by the behavior of everybody, especially of jean and reiner, because they were two of my favorite characters and I felt like they went through so much growth just to be used as comic relief, as if the original creator wanted to ease up the tragedy of the whole finale with those skits, which I... do get could have happened still but ugh... I think that there should have been a better way.
also ahead after this spoilers of the ending of aot!
I stg the whole skit with reiner I was like 'is this the same traumatized man who's constantly trying to quit it?' because like I get that maybe it's to show that it's an 'happy' ending but it doesn't erase simply everything they have gone through. especially I feel like this way of portraying him just deleted any chance of healing.
also for ever annoyed about jean ending with mikasa, not just because of him but also because it ruined the relationship that they had been having which I felt like was very much based on a lot of respect. like I don't think that the mikasa that we saw through the story would have married jean and kept on being stuck on even, like it made 0 sense for me for them to end up together. like I don't get why they couldn't keep the two of them as single.
AND PLS THE HISTORIA ENDING WITH A MAN? when it's implied the whole pregnancy and being used against her own will? I... was like... ma'am... pls blink two times if you are in danger.
I low key remember getting to the final chapter and being all happy because my faves survived but after a bit I was like 'is... is that all we got?'. there were, indeed, so many fan theories which had a WHOLE lot more potential ugh.
(also I agree, levi was the sole one whose ending I enjoyed because it felt fitting; it was a good way to portray the effects of everything he had gone through with having still an happy tone to it, which I think should have been a treatment all the other characters deserved)
alright sorry for the ted talk, I'll see myself out!
have a lovely day!
yes !! i feel like he wanted to create a lighthearted ending but he ended up sacrificing the character development of certain characters and it was just sad to see. they regressed entirely imo. i reread the the last couple of chapters/arc and ik there's a timeskip but they'd been through war and lost so many of their friends and family. wdym they came out unscathed. i agree with what you said it couldve been done in a better way where you can see the progression and healing more.
reiner will forever hurt my heart though like when i saw him sniffing the letter i wanted to bawl. he completely changed, he was a literal shell of a person and i wanted to see his healing more. he was suicidal and had ptsd and it takes time to recover and heal from that, and even then some people never do!
YESSS THANK YOUUU !!! mikasa and jean were very much good friends and had a lot of trust and mutual respect for each other. the only way i can see them getting married is if it's a marriage of convenience for tax benefits or something. i truly don't think mikasa wouldve done that to jean knowing he was a place holder for eren.
i actually wouldnt have minded pieck and jean if i'm being honest. i feel like they would've vibed together and would've gotten along if it wasnt for the whole titan shenanigans.
I WAS SO DISAPPOINTED WHEN HISTORIA ACTUALLY HAD A CHILD WITH A MANN BECAUSE AS YOU SAID EVERYTHING POINTED TO HER BEING FORCED TO CONCIEVE A CHILD. LIKE WITH EREN VISITING HER, THAT WHOLE DISCUSSION, I TRULY THOUGHT HISTORIA GOT PREGNANT AS A PLOT POINT. her being pregnant was just so inconsequential, a useless detail at the end. and all those panels with her and eren ended up being somewhat useless. i read fan theories with better direction, i remember the whole eren is the father thing and wholeheartedly believed that was going to happen, even though i did NOT want it to.
yesss, levi was the only thing done well about the ending and i firmly stand by that. it's exactly as you said i was so happy they all survived and then i thought about it more and thought ...... that was a bit shit.
he is releasing chapter 140 though soo hopefully that clears some things up??? or helps fixes things?? idekkk
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defiantdreemurrs · 2 years
(this is a repost from a twitter thread i posted a month ago)
alright strap in everyone this is gonna be a long one yes im writing this to be petty no thats not the only reason i also want to be very perfectly clear about this and why i keep saying it
for starters lets define what "bad ending" even means in this situation. i would argue (vriska) herself doesnt actually have a particularly bad ending. yeah she dies but she gets her own little happy ending in one of the most touching flashes in the entire comic.
in contrast, post-retcon vriska *is alive*, first and foremost, therefore shes not being forcibly drawn into irrelevance by her literal death. she *gets shit done*, going out of her way to scout around the B2 session, doing research, and putting together the plan. she doesnt HAVE to reunite with terezi because theyre already there together, and she gets to spend three whole largely uneventful years together where they get to be GENUINELY THE ONLY REAL HEALTHY MOIRALLEGIANCE IN THE ENTIRE COMIC.
she shapes up everyones lives on the meteor, she keeps rose from drinking, everyone literally admits that tho she can be a bitch, she at least is a helpful bitch who kept things from falling apart. nobody ever even points this out either! she spent three fucking years on that meteor being a functioning helpful member of the group and nobody ever bothers to acknowledge that when criticizing her. vriska haters refuse to admit there was a stretch of time where she just chilled and was a decent person.
because nobody wants to admit she maybe was actually a good person who just wasnt very nice. because that ties into the other major themes of homestuck: good people arent always nice, and nice people arent always good. vriska is example number 1 of the former. and her story doesnt end with her "opening a box to let OTHER PEOPLE save the day". regardless of what you think of the post-canon stuff, her story clearly continues.
and even if you only consider what happens in canon? it still doesnt end that way. because someone had to go get the weapon. someone had to go out there and stop him. she was literally prepared to do it entirely alone. because nobody else was going to. nobody else wanted to. they were happy to let her do the hard part. all by herself.
let me stress the importance of her going out there: if she had not gone out there, the entire rest of the groups attempts at fighting off condy and the two jacks would have been for nothing. all of it would have ended in failure if nobody had taken the weapon out there. like i cant stress this enough. the entire rest of the finale was literally them distracting the three beings that could have possibly made her job even harder. yes it also kept condy from getting her hands on the new universe but otherwise the two jacks were irrelevant. vriska going to fight lord english was the reason they were able to enter the door. they would not have been able to without her.
im not even exaggerating. she literally spells this out. (vriska) even spells this out! page 6053 when she does her monologue about being a hero. if nobody went out to stop him, he would keep coming. he would keep destroying worlds, even universes. they wouldnt be free from him on earth C. he would find a way to come after them. but thanks to her, and meenah, and even TAVROS, plus all the ghosts? hes done for.
i dont say things like "(vriska) is objectively the bad end for vriska" lightly. i dont use the term objectively lightly. i dont typically refer to things as objectively because im not an arbiter of that. but this? this is all *right there in the text*. its loud and clear. (vriska) is objectively the bad ending to vriskas arc because she shows what happens when you give up and accept irrelevance. you stop caring, and you die. or double die.
if you still cant understand why i say this after all of this im happy to answer questions but like: if you genuinely cant see it after all of that plus me expanding further and answering questions and clarifying things? then you didnt understand homestuck. sorry. hussie is pretty good at being subtle. vriskas arc and especially what happens with (vriska) isnt them being subtle. thats hussie spelling out exactly what they want to say. vriska serket is just a bitchier simon the digger. always pushing forwards, never giving up.
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spearxwind · 1 year
Hey you've probably been asked this before so I hope this isn't a bother, but is your comic Extinction officially cancelled? I really enjoyed it, it was probably my favorite webcomic I've ever read and I loved the dialogue and characters.
Hiya! And it's ok I can answer it again
I wouldnt say officially cancelled, but it is definitely on indefinite hiatus for now at least
It makes me really happy that you enjoyed the comic and that it was your favorite!! Gosh It simply became unsustainable for me to maintain, juggling my irl studies, and the comic itself, as well as my free time and social life. Comic pages took a long time to finish, and my studies demanded more and more time from me most of which I spent drawing or writing for class, so for my free time I wanted to do other things in the end
Currently my focus is on other stories, though I still love Extinction to bits. I would definitely love to return to it someday and finish it or reboot it if necessary if my life stabilizes enough, but at the moment I can't dedicate so much time to it as I used to be able to
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cassioppenny · 8 months
hi miles we dont know each other but i ended up finding pokemon mv through neocities and wanted to thank you for making/sharing it. it encouraged me to start drawing and thinking about my own concepts for a pkmn fanstory/rewrite where before i just kind of assumed i wasnt up to it or it wouldnt be good enough. i really like your comic its good
OH MY GOD THANK YOU sorry i haven't updated it in like a million years but oh my god this means so much to me🥺🥺🥺 pokemon is all about making your own story to me and pokemon mv is something i really want to keep making eventually.
pokemon mv inspiring others to create their own pokemon stories means everything to me and im happy that i inspired more art to be created. thank you so much anon
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sasukesun · 2 years
I always stay far away from m/f shippers (from any fandom) because they always sound so entitled. I saw one saying that the mc and his best friend (who clearly has romantic feelings for him) have more proof of their love because it sells but at the end of the day the MC will end up with the girl and they will win.
If the target audience is straight young boys, the MC having romantic chemistry with his best friend cant be a marketing strategy. Also, it's horrible how they celebrate the existence of heteronormativity/homophobia to validate their ships.
I am really tired of anime/manga fandoms, sometimes I just want to quit but I remember that real life is as horrible so I try to create a safe space for myself by avoiding those kind of people and their ships.
Unrelated to ships but I watched a video about the creator of Pokemon and how the industry mentally abused him by not letting him express his ideas for the franchise he himself created. They would always censor him and his creativity. Did you know he hated the main character? He wanted him to grow and realized that chasing pokemon was bad? That pokemon should be free? But editors wouldnt let him do it. It made me think of Kishimoto and wtf they did to his story and SNS. Messing with an artist's work is like messing with his heart. A piece of art is an artist's baby.
you explained it so well. for real, how the main character, who is usually a self insert to guys, having chemistry with his male best friend is a marketing strategy? just see how many men are uncomfortable and in denial with naruto and sasuke’s bond. they are the target audience and yet they think naruto having a panic attack at the thought of losing sasuke is too much. i’m not saying everybody will be against it or deny it, my male friends themselves say naruto and sasuke are gay and we joke about it but they don’t actually make fun of them being gay as if it’s comic or something, just like we do here on tumblr a “haha how can they be so gay” way, because it’s obvious and yet people crazily deny it.
those m/f shippers can pick on the homoeroticism and even admit the characters have chemistry, which honestly it’s a good reason to ship a pairing and yet they still choose pairings with no chemistry just because “they have more chances of being canon” or whatever. like yeah i’d would love to see my pairings being canon (if they end up happy obviously, like imagine getting “canon” but they end up like ss/nh, no thank you) but damn i’m not shipping according to that, chemistry and love and mutual feelings will always be above, you’re falling in love with their love. and yes, they celebrate homophobia because they acknowledge the gay pairing has chemistry and work well together and love each other and yet they are okay with them not ending up together simply because they are gay, they root against it because they know gay pairings don’t stand a chance in heteronormativity and their mediocre cishet couple is cishet so it’s okay even if they have nothing, he was a boy she was a girl i can’t make it more obvious 🙄 ss/nh shippers screaming at the top of their lungs “SS/NH IS CANON WE WIN” so fucking what? when the girls are still unwanted, when the pairings still have no chemistry… but yeah go celebrate the existence of them for the sake of a sequel with ugly kids i guess
what you said in the last paragraph… it makes sense kishimoto wrote a lot of things out of spite, yes he is a sold out, but he still couldn’t let the series go how he wanted sometimes, he had editors that didn’t want him to publish certain things… such as reverse harem no jutsu, this is just an example that we know of, imagine the ones that we don’t. and kishimoto himself said a lot of his ideas were unshonen, but he was publishing for a shonen magazine so it’s obvious a lot of what he had in mind didn’t happen
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earth2068 · 2 years
how time-consuming would you say it is to create a webcomic, and how much does it/would it interfere with a full-time job
well i wouldnt exactly know since i dont have a full-time job but let me say this
making a webcomic is a BEAST of an undertaking.
it is rewarding, dont get me wrong, it is so rewarding, and hearing that people like it makes my damn day, but do not let anyone understate how much work it is. several hours every day, page after page, script, thumbnail, panel layout, sketch, lineart, shading, colors, all for anywhere between 5 and 10 panels, figure out a few funny things to say about it for when it goes up, do your own promotional work, pretend not to be affected by meaningless nitpicking, and after over a year of posting these pages, you know what stresses me out the most?
the end is not in sight. this one comic may last well over 10 years. as a 20 year old, that interval of time is basically impossible to put into perspective. in my mind, this comic might as well be infinite.
but i love it.
i love creating my comic. it is my favorite thing to do. it is so, so much work, and it can stress me the fuck out, but i care so much about this story, and i love creating it.
ive been doing this for over a year, and all that tells me is that i can work on this comic forever, and i will finish it. and when i finish it, i have every intention of making another one and spending even more time on that!
my buffer took a big hit over the summer, when i was doing an internship at a theater that basically took over my entire life for 3 months and i didnt have time to draw, so with that in mind, i can say working on a webcomic with a full-time job is not something to take lightly. i know there are webcomic artists out there juggling multiple jobs, sometimes multiple comics, so its certainly possible, but you need to understand the humongous task youre facing, and you need to love not just your story but the act of making it, because that comic is going to become a part of your life, and if you arent passionate about it - again, not just the comic itself, but the act of making it - you wont be happy. and thats not sustainable, not for the time it takes to make a comic.
it is a very big decision. and it can be the best choice youll ever make. but you need to understand the choice youre making first, and i cant tell you for sure what you should do, because im not you. you know your life better than anyone, so you have to figure out if its right for you.
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
hii ive liked ur art for a while now and i love how u portray the yuukei quartet literally autism central... also im living for ur future designs especially momo (shes so cute im shaking and crying) and shintaro i like how u made them look more similar. my older brother likes amphibia and like a year ago i think he sent me one of ur harutaka posts like "THIS IS THE KAGEPRO RIGHT?" and it was a weird moment but funny. ANYWAY. I understand the unending urge to think and talk abt kagepro so very much so uhmm i'd like to hear ur opinions on konoha as a character but if u also want to maybe talk about what harutaka means to u and ur favorite aspects of their relationship!!!
1. im so glad someone noticed i tried to make momo and shintaro look similar!!! i thought i failed so this made me really happy LOL
2. tell ur brother i am so sorry also ask him if he liked the amphibia ending. there is a correct answer to this. but if all my twitter followers ask then noooo there is no correct answer it is subjective 😃😒
3. MAN.. KONOHA AS A CHARACTER HUH. truthfully, being the haruka fan i am i BARELY make konoha content or even talk abt it. yes it. konoha it its pronouns realness. ok here is my hot take. i dont see konoha as like.... A Guy. to me its more like a kid or something idk!!! a pinocchio sort of case. suddenly i am alive what do i do sort of case. i think its funny to see this thing that is not human and if it was human it would not be an adult controlling some grown guy's body
anyways um i do love konoha. i am very sad to see it go too, and i think haruka (sorry i know this is abt konoha but i cant help myself) would feel very outcasted since she feels konoha was everyone's friend, not him, and fears they might resent him bc they wish she was konoha. ofc everyone misses konoha but they understand haruka is the rightful owner of the body, and in my hc awakening eyes stays within haruka to keep her illness harmless. and he knows it is within him watching out for her and is thankful 💗 ending of steven universe moment with the 2 stevens u_u ok those are the same and haruka and konoha arent the same however one cannot survive without the other and *explodes*
4. bro this reply is already so long. u cannot just ask me that. ill try to be as brief as possible. i got obsessed with kagepro therefore harutaka at age 13 and i am TWENTY TWO YEARS OLD. i grew up with these bitches. while i had and have other interests, kagepro NEVER and i mean NEVER stopped being my main interest. this shit has plagued my mind for years. so what does it mean to me. EVERYTHING!!!!!!! IT MEANS EVERYTHING.
they mean so much to me i cant even Explain. i am so happy kagepro doesnt ever get content canon or even fanon and when it does its never harutaka bc the amount of Control it has over me is something scary. remember the lost day hour comic. my GOD that shit almost KILLS ME!!!!!! and i wouldnt be able to tell u my fave aspects??? i genuinely Dont know why i chose this thing specifically to obsess over, much less why them specifically. but idk i love these 2 so much and i could talk abt them for hours which i have done and will do again.
i love that the disabled characters are the love story of the whole thing and i love the m/f ships where the guy loves the girl so much they just moan and throw up abt it . even tho harutaka is like the gayest hets ever (any pronouns haruka and takane real) ummm ummmm. they are literally in love. Mis wiwis
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kenthenugget · 1 year
Adobe Broke Photoshop in 2023
A bit of a disclaimer: this will contain quite a bit of swearing and a lot of anger so be warned
For the past 3 and half years, I've been using photoshop for pretty much all of my digital drawings. Ever since I discovered you could draw in it back in my high school digital media class back in the 11th grade in 2019, I've pretty much used it for everything from school work to my comic to personal works. Despite its hefty price, its been reliable tool for me, and I've never had any sort of issues with it, up until recently.
Upon joining the tapas community, I was shocked at how much photoshop was disliked by the wider art community. Hell the mod in a server I'm in hates it with a burning passion (and may hate others who use it but idk). Mostly I've noticed that the complaints boil down to photoshop being buggy, unstable and overall unreliable. But in my experience that couldn't be further from the case. And if this were me from 2022 typing this, I would have to agree. But now I can see where they're coming from. In the course of 6 months, photoshop has gone from being a reliable good program to a complete mess. And any good will I had towards it is gone, and I'm surprised I'm still using it. The following is a recollection of my experience with the program beginning at the tail end of 2022 to now. Its going to be hard for me to frame this story in terms of escalation because it starts off really bad but gets slightly better by the end, but not by much.
Its inevitable that any computer program will crash at some point, and Photoshop is no exception. Up until this year, crashes were never really an issue. Sure they were annoying then they happened but they happened so infrequently that it was never a major problem. But that would quickly change. Beginning a few days before 2023, and ending around March and April, Photoshop would crash at the frequency of...every week, usually once per week at best and up to 3 or fucking 5 at worst. And it would all be the exact same. I would be drawing and out of nowhere, the program would freeze. I couldnt minimize it, close, save or do anything. The only way I'd be able to close it was by using task manager to force quit it. This was, as you could expect, annoying and extremely rage inducing but it wasnt just crashing that caused this.
Now thankfully, photoshop has an auto recovery feature so if the program crashes or if your pc looses power, you can recovery what you were working on and everything would be fine! But if photoshop crashed this way, auto recovery wouldnt work properly. It would recovery the file yes, but anything I was working up to the moment of crashing would be fucking gone. I cant tell you how many hours of work I lost because of this. Entire page layouts, sketches, selections, layers, etc gone within in an instant. I would try to levy the damage by changing the auto recovery timer from 10 to 5 minutes but only just.
I tried tolerating this at first but it kept happening more and more and eventually I had enough. My solution was to downgrade to the previous photoshop version as I surmised that the newer version had broken photoshop. This happened in February and up until the end of my spring break in March, I felt a sense of peace that I hadn't felt in a while. Sure, it would still crash but not the level as it did before. But that changed on the 16th and 17th. Photoshop crashed 5 times within those two days, three of them happening on the SAME... FUCKING... DAY!!! I wont lie, I felt defeated in a way I hadnt felt in a long time and out of desperation, I ended up updating to the latest version, praying that that would be the fix.
However this part of the story has a happy ending...sort of. I ended up making a thread about this on the adobe forums and ending up updating the driver for my graphics card and after that, photoshop stopped crashing. And unlike the last time, it didnt increase to that frequency ever again. In fact, I found a way of spotting when a crash would happen and found ways of avoiding it. The freezing would happen on certain files I was working on. And if I closed that file, I could avoid the entire thing freezing and loosing all my work. But regardless, the first 3 months of the year have (as stupid as this sounds) permanently scared me and Im still subconiously scared photoshop will crash constantly again.
The Annoying Ass Bugs:
Though the program had stabilized, my issues with photoshop would persist in the form of bugs which are really really fucking annoying to deal with. The first of those came in the form of it getting stuck on left click. If I had the program open for longer than 24 hours (or if I used the keyboard commands for undo, copy + cut + paste, or other tools that werent the brush and eraser tool), photoshop would get stuck on whatever tool I was using left click for. If it was the zoom tool, it would zoom in and out without me holding my finger down on the left mouse key. Same with the rotation tool and so on. The only way I could stop this was by closing the program and reopening it. Now, this is far better than the program crashing on me every day, but its very inconvenient. And I dont think I need to explain why. Other updates would come but Adobe didnt seem to fix it until an update that came out in early June. However, in doing this, they introduced another bug....
If I rotate the canvas or zoom in on a file Im working on, switch tabs and come back to that file, the camera position is reset. Rotations are reset, Im now zoomed out instead of zoom in, the camera is focused on a different part of the canvas. And unlike the last one, I cant stop it by closing the program. I dont understand how Adobe keeps on doing this. This fix a bug by introducing a new one. How is that even possible? And to make matters worse, they rolled out another update with "stablitiy issues" and according a comment left on a thread I made about this on the adobe forums, they still haven't fixed it. God only knows when they will and when they do, I wouldn't be surprised if Adobe found a way to break photoshop again.
So there you have it! With 6 months Photoshop has gone from a reliable work horse to a program I don't trust using. About half an hour before typing this blog out, Photoshop crashed while I was trying to fill in something, and I have to ask myself, "Why am I still doing this?" Why am I still using a program I hate using? Why am I subjecting myself to this? Why cant I just use the program every artist gushes over like its the second coming of Jesus Christ, Clip Studio Paint? And I dont have an answer. Apart from me wanting to finish my comic without worrying about adjusting to different art programs, I don't know why I'm still using photoshop. Maybe its because I've used it for so long that I have an attachment to it. Like I cant move on and just be done with it. Maybe despite all I said, I dont want photoshop to be this bad. I want it to be a good program. I want say with pride that its reliable program. I want it to be a functional stable thing I can use to draw my characters. I hate what Adobe's done with it.
I don't really know how to end this post. But all I can say is Adobe, you fucked up big time....
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vore-scientist · 2 years
I still haven’t finished reading everything you wrote on the mystical forest, but I love the concept and will surely read everything you create on it.
As for my question, I just arrived at the part where Sophia’s brother learned she is most likely going to be the next ruler over the forest and I got thinking. If she gets to be the next ruler I would believe she would end up giving some freedoms to Yonah when it happens on the distant future, one of which being able to take vacations from his evil wizard job so he could leave the forest once in a while.
And that got me to another little devious thought of Yonah going in one of such vacations on the far away future and encountering some of the thief’s he previously ate on his journey, which would lead to them thinking he wanted another taste, before he explained he wouldn’t eat anyone when he wasn’t on his “evil wizard” role, also, they would be way older and wiser as to not spread word of the giant and how he would let them scape to others. Yonah might even find some who would agree to giving another taste or even to be a little snack in exchange of a healing potion or something.
Anyways, this is just me getting too exited over this story and creating some fics on my head, but would love to see this in your wetting if you ever feel like it! I just love the way you write.
Also, it really is comical that Sophia has a higher body count than Yonah on writing, when we know it’s actually the opposite. It just is really funny in my head.
AHHHHH IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY YOU ARE LOVING MY STORIES!!! Warms my heart. makes it all worth it. By the way: you are free to write fanfiction. You would not be the first one to do so. toss in your own OCs even, my world is a sandbox for anyone to play in. dig holes, build castles, make mud. Or just keep tossing out the ideas to me. i never tire of hearing them, though as a grad student i have little time to write >.<
So! about King Sophia: I actually wrote a post-main storyline short so unless i failed to properly tag that, you'll read it eventually. Also i need to find the post but i KNOW i posted Yonah's contract with king ben. idk why i cant find it. here's the google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LBv5yCWyIanLrWLrUgWQUfa2kXLzdM8P/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106643572354206944350&rtpof=true&sd=true
As the contract states: Yonah's "employment" ends with either his death or king ben's. You can guess which condition is met XD in that INSTANT yonah's tether to the tower is gone, he is no longer contractually obligated to be the evil giant/wizard.
He becomes sophia's second in command and chief royal wizard.
I also did a funny comic with King Sophia once: LINK
i hecking LOVE your idea however yonah is an ASS and he WILL eat thieves again even if he's not an "evil giant" anymore he loved being evil and being evil suits him so he keeps some of those tendencies. Though he wouldnt eat every thief he meets again, and writing a story where he meets a previous thief and doesnt eat them again would be very fun too! I copy and pasted your idea into my MW idea/prompts google document.
[also just so you know, according to AO3, and keep in mind I have not posted all of MW to AO3 bc i just... missed some... i gotta fix that... but according to AO3 there are 215,577 words and 34 stories (with many of the thief stories being counted as one story with many chapters...) so yeah not surprised you havent read ALL OF IT]
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anissapierce · 2 years
An ongoing and exhaustive examination of gay velma
the creators for trick or treat have not released a statement Abt Velma being a lesbian.
What we do have is a live action adaption that in it's starting stages a rated r comedy had Velma as lesbian but then when higher ups decided the film was no longer rated r the film got retooled for a new audience and references to Velma being a lesbian were scrapped or retooled.
We also have mystery Inc where creators say that they wrote her to be a lesbian and her relationship with shaggy was intended to reflect her struggles with sexuality and the ending with Marcie was intended to reflect how once she realized who she was she could be in a happy fulfilling relationship. But WB had an axe to grind for the show in the first place and didn't allow them to be as explicit about that journey as they wanted to be in season two so it was left as subtext
Trick or Treat Scooby Doo made no indication as being in any of those continuities and in fact is more clearly based on the original cartoon from both plot and design wise. The thing about this Velma is that she's a new Velma but I guess if you want to argue 'canon' you could pull from the original series. She could b bi or she could be lesbian but breaking out pitchforks and arguing over it is silly when there's no indication of either in the text or in creator comments Abt the film.
Also people not getting that Velma the TV show? Entirely different production only difference is the higher ups which like frankly ? Considering the implication at the panel that the reason why they didn't have Scooby Doo is bc WB didn't want their tentpole character involved in something this rated r (rmbr the batman can't eat pussy from like 2020) ... I do think that they'd push back possibly on this Velma being bi queer lesbian gay ... The show hasn't come out yet and white lgbt ppl are calling trick or treat More progressive. (I loved trick or treat but let's not get into how the racial politics of it are retrograde, not racist but ... Edging a line)
Velma isn't Replacing Trick or Treat in Scooby Doo canon bc Scooby Doo as a property is big enough to have different iterations out at the same time with different characterizations, Pup named Scooby Doo came out same year as Zombie Island. There's too many examples to name.
If you want a lesbian Velma take it up w WB bc if they wanted they could enforce it as a part of her character and they could've informed Mindy kaling Abt trick or treat (but I'd bet my bank savings that they didn't and bc they released it knowing that comic con was coming soon to increase buzz ... It could've been handled better)
I can see the callous calculations from execs in various depts that like it was fine for Velma to have a crush on Coco bc the movie wasn't focused on her but it wouldnt be fine to have her be gay/bi/lesbian in a show focusing on her. I can write a whole essay Abt how fucked that mentality is but I won't bc I've gone on long enough
Edit : one of the people credited as writing it and in story by reposted this article calling her a lesbian
But again I genuinely don't think that like the delineations we're especially drawn in the sand and they probably kept it vague on purpose bc God forbid we have those scary sexuality words in a kids cartoon
The other person credited for story who was Also the director was quoted in this article that calls her queer
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miradanii · 2 months
Been taking a break from Beast Wars to read MTMTE. As someone who reads more manga than American comics on my phone, this was sorta difficult to get into or keep up with but I can't say that I'm not having a blast (thank u reddit for your kind guidance until i accidentally ignored one portion but I'll get to that).
I have new favs thanks to this!! Loving Nautica so far. She's so cute! The pacing of the sassy dialogue is peak comedy. It's a fun series!
Many Thoughts and spoilers below.
It is so tremendously helpful that I already had a good amount of knowledge of the multiple transformers shows and interest in Megop that would diverge me into learning about other characters I'd love aside from the more popular characters that touch the mainstream media (actually I found out Rachet had a partner and I think that's one of the couples that pushed me towards attempting to touch the comics again).
Cyberverse especially. Not required to watch but it was helpful pointing out more characters that i wouldnt have known beforehand. Beast Wars was great cause I already knew who Ratrap was. Not that you needed to, but it was kinda nice to have that knowledge under my belt when introduced to him midway. Like I didn't need to learn to like the character, I already liked him and seeing him not in his original element was cool.
My god. Rant time (not harsh but i had some...difficulties....).
These comics are hard to get into (personally). It's just insane how far back the history goes, and what they reference and what you potentially needed to read for context (luckily they do state the issues where you can read what they're talking about but I'd rather not stop midway).
Also the amount of gorgeous detail and characters to keep track of. Comics like this are NOT meant to be read on a phone. That's a no shit but given I can't easily buy copies/can't ask for the library to get them I don't have a choice.
I realized this when I found out I bought Dark Cybertron back when this series was still in print. And...my god...okay so Dark Cybertron Vol 1 was what i mistakingly chose to try and get into comics back in high school. Finally had money. Windblade looked cool and it seemed that Dark Cybertron was her intro. So I picked it up. Horribly confused. Didn't know why the art styles changed and couldn't for the life of me recognize a chunk of the characters. Only to realize years later finally reading MTMTE did I understand I was I the middle of a god. Damn. Story. Not only in the middle of a story. But two stories. And needed to read the one shot of the Death of Optimus Prime. This was so much lost info I shelved that book for years until I finally got to it.
I was incredibly happy I had that book because it was a wonderful reading experience. To read the comic on printed pages and comprehend every panel whether it had a large amount of dialogue or not. Really I'm understanding why they actually had different art styles for different groups and got to say, I really appreciate it. Not only was it helpful to pinpoint where to go back on if I needed to, but a better grasp of different sections of the story. I remember seeing complaints about it but after reading the dang thing I understand what they were going for.
The bliss of reading Dark Cybertron ends when I didn't pick up that the issues alternated....after finishing volume 1...I didn't have the second book (I wish I did if I knew there were only two books...)
I went back to MTMTE. Confused who the fuck Nautica and Chromia were...kept reading....what happened to the giant Titan battle??? MEGATRON LEGS WHERE?? WHAT DID HE DO TO SAVE THE PLANET? until the end NOT REALIZING I COULD HAVE JUST FOUND VOLUME 2 OF DARK CYBERTRON ONLINE OR Realized to even alternate between RID and MTMTE.
Of course I did go back and skim through the chapters realizing what I had missed and the sweet bonding between Megs and Bumblebee. But...boy howdy did that slightly ruin the story for me all because I didn't realize the comics alternated due to the fact I was reading a volume that put the story together in one book....
Anyways. I'm enjoying the comics now. It can be a little dense at times, however the character interactions and dynamics really make it for me. Chromedome and Rewind wow yeah that one I was trying to the through so hard after Rewind died I found out he somehow lived and wanted to get to it, not expecting the reason why...which...wow.
Minimus and Megatron, that's been a lot of fun!
It is wild what these comics have these characters do and the absurd amount of depth every single one of them already have. It's not something I'm used to. Again, I don't usually read American comics. It's kind of like that one mcdonalds drivethrough meme but as an entire comic series. That's probably a lot of comics series but that's...that's the feeling right now...
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non-reader · 4 months
May Wrap Up
Sorry this is a bit late. The month of May has been a bit much. Read 2 books, stopped two book, graduated from college, did a sleep study, and have been trying to be an adult. Being an adult is wierd. I wouldnt say its hard, its just weird and long and sometimes stupid. Anyway, as said before, I did read 2 books this month. Really it was a book and a magazine, but to nonetheless.
I read an issue of MAD Magazine. It is a collection of comics and humorous segments that are honestly geared towards adults rather than kids. It can be seen as very immature and childish, but after reading it I saw there was a mix or mature and immature humor. I've honestly thought about subscribing to their magazine. Its mindless entertainment that I don't have to think so much about. And yet, I'm nervous that there might be a joke or some hidden agenda that goes against my values, and I don't want to subscribe to it.
Infidel by Pornsak Pichetshote is a graphic novel about a Muslim woman who suffers from hallucinations and nightmares. This book discusses topics about racism, terrorism, Islamophobia, and trust. I honestly was happy to find this book because I have been thinking about the lack of Muslim representation when it comes to mental health and the paranormal. The cover is cool, the art is awesome. The only thing I wish they did was go deeper into the paranormal. I wanted the main character to be more involved, I wanted more exact answers, I wanted the story to be longer. There could have been so much more in the story line but it came to a more realistic ending.
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