berryunho · 10 months
rewatching my concert videos so if yall were wondering this is what my blood curdling scream sounds like look no further
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moonshynecybin · 10 months
i’m sorry the doctor who au is making me kick my feet making me giggle…
marc is like 20 listless after his persistent diplopia never made it to motogp… vale shows up when he’s working that shitty job you work when you’re 20 and saves him from an alien threat and! proves himself a. interesting b. useful (canonically smart and adaptable) and c. stone cold addicted to dangerous situations. ideal doctor who companion.
so vale whisks him away to travel through time and see the starsssss… it becomes very emotionally intense SO quickly. vale’s upbeat charismatic exterior shielding his DEEP trauma. hey just like real life uuhhhhhhh anyways. marc plucky intense goofy WAY reckless in a way that mildly freaks vale out. he tries to send marc away like at the end of s1 and marc STARES INTO THE HEART OF THE TARDIS and becomes briefly divine just to get back to him. insane times.
so. they follow the doctor/rose timeline pretty much the same until the end of season two where marc is like. i am going to stay with you the rest of my life and vale who is so lonely and immortal and knows marc is human and going to die before him… like literally these gifs you can spend the rest of your life with me… but i cant spend the rest of mine with you….
but he loves him so much so they never take that extra step of acknowledging the relationship even though they are forreal basically married. marc like no we aren’t together we just hold hands when we walk everywhere and live together and flirt literally constantly. they are fucking they do not talk about it. and the end of s2 happens and marc gets TRAPPED in a different universe and vale burns up a SUN just to see marc one last time and say goodbye… marc sobbing on that beach like am i ever going to see you again… I LOVE YOU. and vale is about to say it back but the connection cuts outttttttt what if i explode.
and then marc of course. devotes his life to getting back to vale and blows a hole in another dimension to get back to him. as you do.
(side note. when vale regenerates he just goes from bald to sideburns instantly. marc brings it up vale’s like time lords do this. it’s weird you don’t.) (he’s lying he just didn’t want to change his face bc marc likes it)
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