I’ve written some self indulgent royalty stuff before (sike all of it is self indulgent) but this one really takes the cake I’ll tell you that.
(Also maybe slightly suggestive? It’s not meant to be but it could come off that way)
The room was still dark when the king slipped back inside, he made sure to shut the door behind him as quietly as possible. A soft smile flowed its way onto his face as he padded over to the huge canopied bed against the right wall, his eyes still adjusting to the darkness. 
The Mad Ducktor lay stretched out on the bed, flat on his back with one hand on his stomach and the other resting up on the pillow near his head. In the dim room the king could still see the faint rise and fall of his chest, hear the gentle inhale and exhale of his breathing. As always he slept quietly and still, years of training giving him the ability to fall asleep quickly and wake up even faster.
So it was with much caution that Fenton reached across the bed, gently drumming his fingers against the side of his rib cage. A small message that let Mads know it was him. 
Mads didn’t do well with being woken up, his instincts kicked in before he could fully realize what was happening and so far they’d only been able to narrowly avoid injuries. It was after Fenton was grabbed by the arm and flipped to the ground before being pinned down and nearly choked while simply trying to tap Mads on the shoulder to wake him up, they decided to figure out a way to let Mads know it was him before he had time to overreact. A little method to it that so far had enabled Fenton to stop being afraid of waking him up.
 The Mad Ducktor shifted, sighing and stretching his arms out to either side, before settling back down in almost the same exact position. Fenton could see his talons flexing beneath the blanket, he could feel the shudder that ran through him as he stretched. 
Like always, he was gorgeous, and clearly so effortlessly so. Something about him made Fenton go weak, whether he was dressed up in shiny gold and flowing silk for an event, or here, half asleep with his hair messy and the print of the wrinkles in the pillow indented into the feathers of his cheek. Fenton felt a little shining zing of admiration zip through him every time he set eyes on him, and this situation was no different. He knew Mads would never drop it if Fenton admitted this to him, so he voiced his adoration much less often than he felt it- though with how often that was, it left him telling Mads how beautiful he was at least three times a week- always hiding his blushes and stuttering heartbeat. 
“Hey Maaaaads,” Fenton murmured as he leaned closer, climbing up onto the bed. 
Mads just shifted a little, letting out another sigh. 
Fenton moved to sling a leg over him, sitting on his hips and sliding his hands down Mads’ arms before gently pinning them to the sheets on either side of the Mad Ducktor’s head. His skin was warm, and Fenton wasted no time in interlacing their fingers. “It’s been a few hours, do you want to get up?”
Mads’ forehead wrinkled in an expression Fenton couldn’t figure out- he guessed confusion or perhaps annoyance- but he didn’t open his eyes.
“Mads,” the duck repeated, his voice even softer. 
“You getting up yet? There’s that garden party lunch you wanted to go to in about an hour.” 
The king chuckled, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “Someone’s tired. Did you sleep okay?” 
Fenton snuck a kiss on his cheek before pulling back. “I’m not sure what any of that means.” 
Mads chuckled and moved beneath him, Fenton was momentarily lifted as his partner arched his back to stretch it. Eyes still closed, the Mad Ducktor settled back down, swallowing. 
“Hey,” his voice now a whisper, Fenton leaned down to tap his beak against Mads’. “Are you okay?” 
“Mm-hmm.” Mads’ eyes were still closed, his voice rough from disuse. “Jus’ sleepy.” He followed Fenton’s beak as the king pulled away, and managed to give him a small kiss before Fenton was out of his range. With his hands pinned, he couldn’t sit up very far. 
Fenton laughed and leaned down to give him a proper kiss, and though Mads was clearly half asleep, he eagerly reciprocated it. Fenton could feel his hands straining beneath his, wanting to touch him properly, but the king didn’t let him.
Things evolved quickly, and Fenton considered pulling back just to tease him, but Mads wouldn’t let him. His kisses became more desperate, chasing his beak and managing to drag the king back down with just his actions. He let out soft gasps and whines here and there that made Fenton’s heart skip. 
When they finally drew apart they were gasping for air, Fenton nuzzled the end of his beak into Mads’ cheek as he caught his breath. He could feel Mads’ own panting against his face, and the way the movement ruffled his feathers made Fenton shiver. 
Mads turned his head to kiss Fenton again, and seconds later they were right back at it- Fenton pressing Mads down into the mattress and lifting himself up onto his knees, desperate to reach every part of him. Mads returned with the same amount of vigor, fighting Fenton again for control of his hands. 
A creak as the door to their room was pushed open, a beam of light thrown into the room. 
“Your Majesty, one of the staff was wondering if you wanted the desserts set up by the- oh.” 
Fenton and Mads pulled away in a snap, looking up to see Lord Gearloose standing in the doorway, now looking quite embarrassed. “I-I’m sorry, I-”
Sitting back down on Mads’ hips but not otherwise moving, the king glowered at his advisor. “What have we said about knocking?” 
Mads snorted, shifting a little again, and squinting in the bright light spilling from the now-open door. Fenton found it more difficult to focus when the Mad Ducktor was pushing up against him like that. 
“T-to do so. Apologies, sire, I’ll… come back later.” 
He quickly turned on his heel and shut the bedroom door loudly behind him, and Fenton grumbled under his breath as he returned his attention to his partner. “Like that isn’t the third time this month he’s done that. I swear I’m going to need someone to follow him around just to make sure he knocks every time he enters a room.” 
Mads burst out laughing, green eyes twinkling in the darkness. “I’m sure he’d just love that.” 
“It’d be worth it if it meant we’d get interrupted less.” Fenton leaned down to kiss his jaw, purring softly against it. “Good thing he came in before anything got more… intense.” 
Mads leaned his beak against the side of the king’s face with a sigh. “I’m too tired for that.” 
“Hmmm alright.” Fenton pulled back, meeting his gaze. “Can I just touch you, then?” 
The Mad Ducktor smirked up at him, eyes already drifting shut once more. “Aren’t you already?” 
The king rolled his eyes, and, knowing that that was a yes, pulled Mads’ hands together up above his head so he could hold them down with just one hand, letting his other slide down to hold the side of Mads’ face. He then kissed the assassin again, his thumb gently rubbing at the feathers on Mads’ cheek.
“No fair,” Mads grumbled once they’d pulled away. Fenton chuckled, letting his fingers trail down further to undo the buttons of Mads’ nightshirt, slowly exposing more of his chest as he continued kissing his cheek and jaw. 
Fenton’s hand dragged through the feathers of his chest, moving to the base of his ribcage before pushing back up against the grain. He then slid his hand beneath him, lifting Mads up further against him while keeping his hands pinned down above his head. The assassin hummed happily as Fenton let his beak follow his hand, moving down his neck to kiss at his collarbone. “How’s this?” 
“This is good,” Mads sighed, tipping his head back and straining his hands against Fenton’s. The king just gripped them harder, and Mads’ sigh turned to a grumble of annoyance. 
The duck chuckled teasingly, still kissing his chest as his free hand slipped from beneath Mads to continue ruffling his thicker chest feathers. The Mad Ducktor’s chest spell was still in place, and something about it being flatter always seemed to make the feathers feel thicker and fluffier. Fenton momentarily let his head rest on it, listening to his partner’s heartbeat against his ear. “You’re gorgeous.” 
Mads’ chest moved as he chuckled, Fenton lifted his head on the assassin’s inhale, following it up. “I know.” 
Fingers still massaging at his feathers, the king moved to kiss his beak. “I know,” he murmured. “But I can’t help but keep marveling at you.” 
“I’m glad,” Mads gave him a sleepy grin that infectiously caused Fenton to smile too. “Now- is it your turn?”
Before Fenton could react Mads had slipped his hands from the king’s hold and flipped them over, pressing the duck against the sheets and coming to sit on top of him. He then pinned Fenton’s hands up above his head for good measure. 
“Hey!” Fenton yelped, lifting his head from the pillow. “You’ll mess up my hair!” 
The assassin’s free hand ran though Fenton’s hair before grabbing it and using his handful of it to press the king’s head back down on the bed. Fenton scowled at him while internally wincing at the discomfort. 
“You deserve it.” Mads’ smile was tauntingly sweet. 
“I know,” he’d also known that Mads could’ve done this at any time, he’d let Fenton pin him down just for fun. “Now let go you’re pulling too hard-” 
Mads’ hand quickly retreated from Fenton’s hair, but he made sure to ruffle it before resting it on the duck’s chest. Now with his hair completely disheveled, Fenton glared at him once more, and Mads stuck his tongue out. 
“Does this mean you’re awake enough to come to the party?” Fenton asked hopefully. He knew it’d be boring without him, and hadn’t been looking forward to going alone. 
The assassin yawned like a cat, shiny white teeth gleaming in the darkness. “I suppose.” Sitting back he let go of Fenton’s hands and stretched, his half-unbuttoned shirt sliding almost teasingly partway down his shoulders as he dropped his arms back down to his sides.
The king moved his hands down to hold his hips, but within an instant he found them pinned above his head once more. “Don’t. Move them.” 
“What, you’re making me hold them there?” Fenton didn’t move as Mads sat back again. 
“Mm-hm. It’s what you get.” He kissed the king’s forehead as he sat up once more, rubbing his eye with one hand and undoing the rest of his shirt with the other. “Where is this thing, again?” 
“The back lawn. Beakley made tarts.” 
Mads’ eyes narrowed. “You can’t just convince me to come to everything just because there’ll be sweets. You said it’s in an hour?” 
Fenton laughed. “Yes, just under. I thought I’d give you enough time to wake up and get ready.” 
“Thank you.” Mads slipped off of him and Fenton moved to get up as well, only to be swiftly pinned back down again. “Nuh-uh, you get to stay like this until I’m done getting ready.” 
“What?” Fenton lifted his head, watching as Mads stood and walked around to the curtains, throwing them open and revealing a look out onto the balcony and a bright blue sky. “But you take forever!” 
“Exactly.” Mads winked at him, and Fenton sighed and glowered up at the ceiling of their canopied bed. He knew Mads wasn’t really making him, but he played along. Besides, it did feel nice to just lay here for a moment. 
“I have to get up and fix my hair though!” 
“Not until I’m done!” Mads called behind him, disappearing into their bathroom. But not before slipping his shirt off, letting it drop to the floor.
Fenton rolled his eyes, smiling faintly at the game. “Don’t take too long!” 
“Oh I will!” 
The king was embarrassed to admit it, but that got a laugh.
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