frvnkcastles · 5 months
hiii, can you pls make one where reader have anorexia and frank helps her to eat? i love the way you write
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Summary: You struggle with eating, and Frank wants to help.
Warnings: Unspecified eating disorder, feminine nicknames, brief mentions of Frank’s loss, language
Word count: 1.2k
Author’s note: Thank you for your kind words anon! I struggle with binge eating myself so I wanted to kind of pour my own experiences into this as well and that’s why I never specify what eating disorder the reader struggles with, just that she does struggle with one. Hopefully that also makes this relatable to a wider audience. I like to think that Frank is a good cook, just doesn’t really cook until you come along and suddenly he has someone to do it for. And he’d help you with your disordered eating step by step. <3
You stared at yourself in the mirror, scrutinizing every detail of your outfit, doubting the way you looked — but one glance at your disarrayed closet confirmed that you had been through all the potential looks already, and you needed to just accept this one as what it was. Exhaling deeply, you smoothed your shirt down and hesitated before finally just grabbing your keys and phone from the dresser and heading for the front door.
When Frank had asked you out on a date, you had been over the moon. You had been not-so-subtly into him for a long time, but you had never made a move in the fear that he didn’t feel the same way, so when he had done it for you, your heart had sung. It was the first time in a long time for both of you, and neither of you really knew how to act. Somehow, though, all your enthusiasm had been sucked out of you when he had suggested dinner at his place. In hindsight, it would have been so easy to propose something else, but in the moment you had frozen and simply agreed to his idea.
And just like that, it turned from an exciting first date with the man you were head over heels for, into a meal you dreaded. You weren’t able to see the date for what it was — you fixated on the eating aspect of the upcoming evening, and it was consuming your brain. You weren’t even nervous about being alone with Frank anymore, you were just worried about eating.
Still, you showed up on time, your heart momentarily soaring again when Frank met you at the door with a subtle smile and rolled-up sleeves. He looked beyond handsome, and before you could begin to doubt your own outfit and how your body looked in it, he had washed away your anxieties.
”You look stunnin’. Come in, sweetheart”, he praised while guiding you into his small but cozy apartment, and fiddling with your fingers, you thanked him and flashed a shy smile at him that pleased him all too much. He wasn’t going to admit to it so early on, but he was nervous too, more than was visible from his confident appearance — he really liked you, and to have this chance was irreplaceable to him.
Frank ushered you to sit at the dining table where he had already gathered his pots and pans, displaying an entire feast for the two of you, and your heart sank. It was so much food, and all of it looked so well-made and it only teared you apart on the inside even more. He had put so much effort into this date, and you weren’t sure you could get through one bite.
Frank was completely oblivious to the inner turmoil storming inside of you, his usually quiet self doing all the work to make small talk while piling food onto his plate. He offered some for you, and you weakly agreed, feeling sick to your stomach as the heaps of food built over your plate, certain that it was going to force an ugly side out of you that you weren’t ready for Frank to see.
Eventually, you realized that chatting with him was actually a great way to distract yourself from the food in front of you. You could blame not eating on getting lost in the conversation, make a joke about it, anything to get out unscathed. And for a moment there, you really did enjoy yourself — you enjoyed Frank’s company, the way he treated you with such kindness and gentleness, always respectful and interested in hearing more about you.
But unsurprisingly, he did realize that the food wasn’t disappearing from your plate.
”The food not to your likin’, sweetheart? I did ask you for your preferences”, he approached the subject with care, as he always did with you, and you felt awkward heat crawl to your cheeks because of being called out.
”It all looks great, Frankie. I guess I just lost my appetite”, you chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of your neck before pushing the plate a little further away from yourself.
Tilting his head to meet your eye, Frank licked his lips. ”Sure that’s all? You’ve seemed a little… I dunno, on edge all night. Here I was thinkin’ it’s just my handsome face but maybe there’s somethin’ else on your mind”, he made a half-hearted joke, but the frown on his face was truly concerned for your well-being, and it only twisted the knife in your heart.
”It’s not really a first-date topic”, you spoke quietly, suddenly feeling utterly ashamed, but Frank was quick to reassure you, his hand shooting from under the table to cover yours in a protective hold.
”Hey, I’ve already opened up about losin’ my family which ain’t exactly wholesome conversation material, either. Not gon’ pressure you into anythin’, but just sayin’. You can talk to me, sweetheart”, his voice was full of understanding, and god, if it didn’t melt your racing heart.
You swallowed. You supposed you did owe him an explanation, and he was right, he had opened up to you about his biggest losses and faults. If you two were to have any kind of relationship, it needed to be equal. And so, you took in a deep breath.
”I—I struggle with eating. Have for years. I don’t have a very healthy relationship with food and I’m afraid if I eat this admittedly delicious-looking meal, I’m going to spiral so hard out of control that it’ll wreck me entirely”, you admitted, all in one slurred speech, your eyes cast downwards as you waited for Frank to withdraw his hand and look at you in an entirely different light.
But he didn’t. His hand stayed firmly where it was, supporting you as he processed what you had told him.
”Shit, sweetheart. I can’t say it’s a topic I know a lot about, but I do know that I wouldn’t let you spiral like that. I wanna help, so whatever I can do, you just tell me, aight?” he promised, and silently, you nodded. You both sat in silence for a while, and he strongly felt like what he had said wasn’t enough. So, he continued. ”Doesn’t make you any less amazin’ in my eyes. You’re still a strong, gorgeous lady I’m kinda fallin’ real hard for. And I’d like to learn more so I can support you however you need me to.”
You finally met his eye, looking up with genuine amazement and wonder in your gaze. How could someone be so understanding, so kind, so… perfect? And how did you get so lucky to be here with him?
”I’d like to try the food”, you started carefully, and the joy that bloomed on Frank’s made you giddy on the inside. ”But will you be the voice of reason when I start to regret it? I—I really don’t want to make it your responsibility—”, you stuttered, but Frank swiftly intervened.
”Sweetheart, I promise I’ll be here for you. I won’t let your thoughts win this round”, he assured you, and softly, you broke into a smile.
”Thanks, Frankie. For supporting me and for cooking. This has been a really nice date”, you squeezed his hand with sincerity, and returning the smile, Frank reached with his other hand to brush a stray hair away from your face.
”Any time, gorgeous.”
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hitmewithsomebooks · 7 months
@jegulus-microfic Feb 14 - lips
Cowboy James 🤠
Inspired my @regulusmydarlin here's the one where Reggie finally cracks 🤗
Previous part first part
"Has anyone ev'r told ya you're gorgeous?" James pondered, running a finger along the side of Regulus's face.
"You have. On multiple occasions, if I recall correctly." Regulus replied, eyes still on his book.
"Y'do indeed." James replied with a grin. "An' I'm gonna keep doin' it." He added, flicking a silky black curl. Regulus sent him a little side-glare, and James chuckled.
"Honestly, though, darlin', how could I not tell you over n' over? Ev'ry time ah see you, ah’m flabbergasted at how darn pretty y'are."
Regulus scoffed.
"Real smooth, Potter." He droned. James smirked.
"What, d'ya want me t' go inta detail? Would that convince ya?"'
"If it would make you happy, go right ahead, nosy." Regulus encouraged, still fondly holding onto that nickname.
"Mmm, alrigh'. T’ start, y’r hair is gorgeous," James began, twirling a curl around his finger. " 's so shiny and bouncy, an' y'look divine when y'laugh or turn 'round, it alw'ys bounces n' lands perfectly. Your hands, god, th’r the prettiest hands ah’ve ever seen, ah honestly don' un’erstand. Th'r thin and delicate and y'r skin overall is jus' such a pretty, markable compl'xion..." James trailed off, observing Regulus. The man still hadn’t reacted, staring downward, though James could tell he was no longer actively reading; he was listening intently.
"And don' even get me started on y'r lips, darlin'. Th'r sinfully stunnin', so pink and jus' the perfect plumpn'ss, ev'ry time I look at you I jus' wanna kiss ya. I wanna bite 'em and make 'em all swollen and shiny... s'pose tha's a bit off topic..." James trailed off with a smirk. He caught a little tick at the corner of Regulus's mouth.
"Then th'rs your waist, y'r whole damn body, with y'r long limbs n' pretty legs and that fuckin' arse... ah mean, Christ almighty, if ah wasn' a sinner before ah met you..." the cowboy didn't even finish the sentence, but Regulus got the implication. It was getting harder for James to focus. Pointing out all these rather delectable things about Regulus, sitting right next to him, made it hard to not simply shut up and devour the man.
"But ah think my fav'rite’s gotta be y'r eyes." He spoke, and he noticed Regulus's posture straighten slightly. The younger man hadn't expected this.
"Ev'ry time ah look into y'r eyes ah feel like 'm drownin'. Ah've nev'r seen nothin' like 'em, really. Th'r like a storm an' a silver bullet at the same time, all steely and sparkly and just fuckin' stunnin’. Ah could look into y'r eyes fr'vr, sugar." James's voice had dropped, but it was soft. Like he was getting lost just talking about Regulus's eyes. 
Apparently, that was the key.
James’s face split into a delighted grin as he watched a blotchy red spread across Regulus's cheeks and exposed neck. Unable to help himself, he leaned in, pressing his lips to the red spots.
"So tha' was all it took, huh? Ah feel like ah jus' foun’ the 8th world wonder." James drawled cheerily, and Regulus rolled his eyes, but was still furiously blushing. James leaned forward again, sucking more red marks onto his neck.
"Maybe, if ah mark y'up, tha' pretty blush will last fr'ver." James murmured, dragging his tongue over Regulus's Adam's apple to the other side. Regulus shivered slightly, and he felt James's grin against him.
"Watcha think 'bout that?"
"I think Sirius would kill you." Regulus hummed, but he tilted his head back to give the cowboy easier access.
"Ah think 's worth it if ev'ryone else would know y'r mine." Regulus turned his head slightly, and James paused.
"Am I yours?" He questioned, not looking directly at James.
"D'ya wanna be?" James asked in response, and Regulus bit his lip.
"Then tha's that." James stated, but his grin stretched from ear to ear. He pulled Regulus in for a proper kiss this time, licking into his mouth hungrily. Regulus let out a huff of air, throwing his book on a nearby chair and pulling James down towards him.
"Now," James broke away to pant, hovering over Regulus. "What do ah hafta do to make y' blush all over like that?" He murmured, voice growing husky. Regulus groaned, pulling him down again, and James spent the rest of the night finding out.
"Hey, pretty." James drawled as he walked into the room, where Regulus and Pandora were sprawled on the couch. As he said it, he made direct eye contact, his gaze intense. And just like that, Regulus was a red as a tomato. Pandora gasped.
"Holy shit!" She exclaimed, before clapping a hand over her mouth.
"Sorry!" She squeaked, and James laughed, a rumbling chuckle from his chest.
"Don' worry, doll, 's nothin' ah have'n heard before." James said, and Pandora blushed.
"Right, of course. Sorry, just... I've never seen Regulus flustered. Ever. I didn't even know he could blush!" She declared, and James laughed again.
"Took me a secon' t’ figure it out, too." He admitted, plopping down on the couch next to Regulus, who was pointedly ignoring the charming man next to him.
"Aww, Reggie's all hot and bothered!!" Pandora cooed, and the man sent her a glare. She burst into a fit of giggles, which was soon joined by James's hearty chuckle.
"I hate you both."
"Howdy, Sirius." James greeted as he walked into the bar, followed by Regulus.
"Well hey there, partner." Sirius replied, grinning as he wiped out a glass. "And Reggie! What are you two doing together?" Sirius wondered, and James shot a look back at Regulus.
"Well, ah was jus' comin' here t' see ya, when ah ran into lil Reggie here in the parkin' lot." James drawled, and Regulus heavily resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
"Oh, how funny!" Sirius commented, setting the glass down and leaning his arms on the bar. "Hope he wasn't too rude to you." He added, sending a warning look at his brother, who did roll his eyes this time.
"Aw, naw, he's been a righ’ angel." James replied, smirking at the smaller man. Sirius scoffed, sweeping a glance at Regulus.
"I don’t know who you met, but I don't think it's my brother." He grumbled, and James laughed.
"Don' worry, he's been plen'y polite. Very gentlemanly." James assured Sirius, and Regulus had to hold back a laugh. He didn't think anyone would find him or James very gentlemanly if they knew what the two had been getting up to over the past few days.
Sirius shrugged, taking the towel off his shoulder and grabbing another glass.
"Well, I have to tend to some folks, but let me know if you're feeling thirsty." He said with a wink, before moving to the other end of the bar.  James scooted over closer to Regulus, so they were shoulder-to-shoulder.
"Real subtle." Regulus murmured, letting his gaze travel around the bustling bar, not the gorgeous hunk next to him. He couldn't be too obvious with Sirius only a few feet away, whether he was busy or not.
"Right?" James agreed, and Regulus sighed. "Y'know, y'look even prettier under these dumb lights. Ev'ryone else looks all weird n’ wash’d out, but y'look like a damn vision. An' y'r eyes just reflect all the colors, it's stunnin’." James commented, and Regulus could feel his cheeks heat. He could also, suddenly, feel his brother’s eyes on him. He turned his head, locking eyes with similar grey ones, which were soon moving closer.
"Are you blushing?" Sirius asked, astounded.
"No." Regulus snapped, trying to step away from James as casually as possible. "Must be the lighting."
It didn't work.
"Mm, no, you're definitely blushing! And you two were standing awfully close... James, are you fucking my baby brother?" Sirius questioned, in true, blatant, Sirius Black fashion. The cowboy answered without hesitation.
"W're datin', actually." Sirius's jaw dropped open.
"So this is where you've been going?" He screeched to Regulus, gesturing wildly at James.
"Yes..." Regulus replied, sheepish.
"And you didn't tell me?" Sirius's voice was only rising in pitch and volume.
"Listen," James cut in, placing a hand on Regulus's lower back. Sirius tracked the movement, and Regulus couldn't quite read his face. "Ah know he's y'r baby brother, an' y'r protective, but—"
"Whoa, whoa. Yeah, I wish he was still a baby. But I have no misconceptions about Regulus's lack of virginity and all. I know he dates and fucks. Hell, he told me the first day he met you how badly he wanted to fuck you." Sirius rambled, and Regulus shot him a death stare as James looked down at him smugly.
"I'm offended because Regulus didn't tell me. How could you not spill that you were hitting this?!" Sirius exclaimed, gesturing to the cowboy next to Regulus, who grinned.
"Because you told me not to!" Regulus cried out, throwing his hands up in the air. He wasn't a generally expressive person, but when it came to Sirius, he gestured a lot.
"Yes, as a rebound. But since you agreed to date him, clearly you're in a better state than I thought. I'm proud of you, baby bro." Sirius grinned, holding out a fist to Regulus. The younger man frowned, looking at it as though it were a puzzle. James chuckled, before demonstrating.
" ‘s a fist bump. Y’ bump his w’th y’rs, like this." He explained, before bumping his fist against Sirius's. Regulus raised a haughty eyebrow at the both of them, before rolling his eyes and bumping Sirius's fist. James held out a fist next, grinning eagerly. Regulus gave him an exasperated look, but when they bumped fists and James brought his out in an explosion, he couldn't help a small smile.
God, was he turning into a sap??
Minutes later, when James snaked a hand around his waist and whispered pretty and stunning into his ear, he confirmed that yes, he absolutely was.
1656 words :)
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poisonedspider · 2 months
@gamblinwildcat ; You haven’t been able t’ keep your hands off the buttons of my jacket all night. Not even the soft touches of claws against your inner thigh seem t’ keep you occupied for too long. The dress you’re wearin’ is elegant, yet tailored perfectly t’ that stunnin’ body I know ya have underneath. No matter how I position you in my lap, you know exactly how to wiggle yourself against me that gets my stupid purrin’ started. We find a pool table, somewhere forgotten, hidden from sight where you can perch y’self like a Queen, but there ain’t no way nobody’s hearin’ ya..
Your legs spread the second I move towards you. Inviting me snug between those thighs that fit so comfortably in my paws. Your hands gesture towards me, as if you think I’d be comin’ in for a kiss. But we’re so far past that, ain’t we Sweetheart? — Cause I know ya ain’t wearin’ panties. I told you this mornin’ not to.
Ya asked me earlier why I skipped dessert. An’ I replied; ‘don’t wanna ruin my appetite for later.’
What were words. Words. Words were not wording. Angel was so fucking horny from this that he couldn't even begin to think straight in order to respond, the moan that unintentionally fell from his lips demonstrating more than enough that God, yes, he liked this idea. And that -
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"Okay, okay, mah' turn ah' guess is how this works. Ah'...ah' ain't goin' inta' no details right now because ah' have....no blood in mah' brain but. Ah've always thought it would be kinda hot tah' just, sit in yeh' lap while yeh' either at a meetin' o' like, in some sort of position a' power at th' casinos. Just showin' meh' off, pretty little thing on yeh' lap. But yeh' paw is beneath mah' dress, just fingerin' meh' and rubbin' and teasin', and ah' ain't allowed tah' make no sound in case someone catches on. And then ah'm so wet and wanton f' yeh', th' moment we are alone, we can't keep our hands off each other and yeh' fuckin' meh' and - " Okay, yeah, he was getting ahead of himself, fluff of his chest incredibly flushed.
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gurorori · 1 year
You are literally the first person I associate with this kind of fashion can you rate alternative outfit of this street fighter lady
Better in game:
But also here the concept art
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oohh.. deifnitely lolita.. :]
ann seein the bodice (undershirt?) detail it seemm 2 hve qi lolita influences.. whicn incorproate chinese traditional wear elements into lolita.. realy cool.. an' seeinn the nail guards on her hands etc it's very clearly supposed 2 b in dat image.. i assume shes a chinese cgarcater?
the skirt is onthe shorter side & the meshy lace give an ero vibe too.. idk if intentuonal or nawt but she does seem 2. b intendedn 2 evoke sm kinda feelin'. the red & blacj. very sensual. & the gold. very stunnin' design.. cldn copy link 2 watch video but i looked hwr up on yt anyway ann wowie.. 10/10 llike both in general & thru lolita llense like this is fully approved
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bhma1 · 5 months
✍🏿The Impact of 3D Letters in Graphic Design✍🏿
3D letters are a powerful tool in graphic design that can add depth, realism, and creativity to various projects. Whether you are designing a logo, a poster, a website, or any other visual material, incorporating 3D letters can make your designs stand out and grab the attention of your audience.
In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the impact of 3D letters in graphic design and provide you with tips on how to effectively use them in your projects.
If you want to use 3D letter in graphic design, then you may check here https://bhma.co.uk./.
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💥The Benefits of Using 3D Letters in Graphic Design💥
There are several advantages to incorporating 3D letters in your graphic design projects. Some of the key benefits include:
Enhanced visual appeal: 3D letters add depth and dimension to your designs, making them more visually interesting and engaging.
Improved realism: 3D letters can make your designs look more realistic and lifelike, creating a sense of depth that is not possible with 2D letters.
Increased attention-grabbing potential: 3D letters stand out and grab the attention of viewers, helping your designs to make a lasting impression.
Enhanced branding: Using 3D letters in your designs can help to reinforce your brand identity and make your designs more memorable.
💥How to Create 3D Letters in Graphic Design💥
There are several ways to create 3D letters in graphic design, depending on the tools and software you have available. Here are some common methods:
🌟Using 3D software🌟
One of the most popular ways to create 3D letters is to use specialized 3D software such as Blender, Cinema 4D, or Maya. These tools allow you to create detailed 3D models of letters and customize them to fit your design.
🌟Using Photoshop🌟
If you don't have access to 3D software, you can still create 3D letters in Photoshop using techniques like layer styles, gradients, and shadows. While not as advanced as 3D software, Photoshop can still produce impressive 3D effects for your letters.
🌟Using online generators🌟
There are also online tools and generators that can help you create 3D letters quickly and easily. These tools usually allow you to customize the style, size, and color of your letters and then download them for use in your designs.
💥Tips for Using 3D Letters Effectively in Graphic Design💥
To make the most of 3D letters in your graphic design projects, consider the following tips:
Choose the right font: Not all fonts work well in 3D, so select a font that is bold and easy to read when converted to 3D.
Consider the lighting: Adding realistic lighting effects to your 3D letters can enhance their appearance and make them more visually appealing.
Avoid overdoing it: While 3D letters can make your designs more interesting, using them excessively can clutter your design and make it hard to read.
Experiment with different styles: Don't be afraid to experiment with different 3D styles and effects to find the look that best fits your design.
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💥Examples of 3D Letters in Graphic Design💥
To inspire your own projects, here are some examples of how 3D letters have been used effectively in graphic design:
🌟Logo Design🌟
Many companies use 3D letters in their logos to create a sense of depth and sophistication. For example, the logo for Pixar features 3D letters that give the logo a dynamic and playful look.
🌟Poster Design🌟
3D letters can also be used in poster design to attract attention and communicate a message effectively. Movie posters often incorporate 3D letters to create a sense of drama and excitement.
🌟Web Design🌟
On websites, 3D letters can be used to create interactive and engaging typography that draws users in. Websites for creative agencies or gaming companies often make use of 3D letters to showcase their creativity.
3D letters are a versatile and impactful element in graphic design that can elevate your projects and help you create designs that are visually stunning and memorable.
If you want to use 3D letter on websites, then you may browse this site.
By understanding the benefits of using 3D letters, knowing how to create them, and following best practices for their use, you can leverage the power of 3D letters to take your designs to the next level.
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thefleetsfinest · 1 year
This was a terrible idea, why had she let herself be talked into this again? "You get out there! Go on some dates!" and "Okay, one date didn't didn't work out and you had to call the fire department, try again." She made a friend than, and sure they had been a young reptilian patient in the end, and maybe she should have argued to Stephen that he was her friend, and her two associates that now spent most of their days in the clinic were her friends as well.
Miracles really, and not small ones. Leonard's been amazing, a great help in a lot of things and he along with Luna had made the clinic more lively. Not that it wasn't with some their frequent patients (Spider-man and Hawkeye were a chatty bunch).
Yet she would try again when even Jane had encouraged Stephen's sentiments. It's a different date, and she really already hates the internet and online dating. Why couldn't she meet some sweet Southern doctor with passion in his light eyes and a sense of humor like Leonard's and they hit it off the old fashioned way?
Why's it gotta be dating profiles these days?
Technically today's date is not a doctor, and it's a brunch which she has no clue if that's odd for a date or not. It was a nice day, so being out or eating on a patio might be nice for a date setting, daytime romantic.
Linda had opened up the clinic with Leonard, and after two appointments seen to; she's ducking away to get dressed. When she returns to the lobby, it definitely feels weird not to be in her nursing uniform or scrubs.
A light-colored sundress put on in place and she's let her hair down than pulled a few strands back for a half up but mostly down. ❝ How do I look? ⸻ Not too much for a brunch, right? Should I have brought a sun hat? Sitting on a patio could be nice, but hats aren't date appropriate, yeah? ❞
She's maybe stalling a little because she really doesn't know what to do with getting out, and was maybe trying to more so that Stephen would stop worrying over her. For a guy, who really screwed up with her, he's became a good friend.
❝ I owe you, can't thank you enough for handling more things here and well, letting me dip out this afternoon. ❞
It was just a normal work day for Leonard, nothing special or out of the ordinary. ( Outside of Linda's date. Which he definitely isn't grumpy about, why would he be grumpy? It's none of his business who she dates, even if he did think apps were just about the DUMBEST way to find someone to settle down with.) There had been the SMALLEST of selfish thoughts of finding some reason he couldn't cover the clinic while she went out, but in the end.. he couldn't bring himself to disappoint her.
So there he was, finding himself FIDDLING with the files, finding every which way to PROLONG the entire task of putting them back in their respective secure spots. ( Mostly adding his little notes from the important, slowly written so it was at least MOSTLY readable. ) when she had finally come back FRESHLY CHANGED, and looking like something out of a MAGAGINE.
For the BRIEFEST of moments, Leonard stood just STOOD THERE staring at her, taking in every last detail. Everything from the way her dark hair waved and curled, to the flow of her sundress, the color of her cheeks all the way down her just how GOOD her legs looked.
What was he suppose to be answering again?
"You look down right STUNNIN'" It was the first thing he managed to blurt out of his mouth, and it was the HONEST truth. "I don't know nothin' about fashion so you are barkin' up the wrong tree about the hat... though I think you look perfect just the way yer are."
Was he still talking?
"Don't sweat it, It's not like I wasn't gonna be here anyways and besides.. at least one of us should try to have a social life." and you deserve to be happy.. "and let's face it I'm a lost cause a this point." a bit of a laugh followed as he clicked at his pen a few times. FIDGETING.
"This feller truly is Lucky to be taking you out on a nice afternoon like today, be a shame for ya to not be out on some nice patio somewhere." He has got to stop and he knows it. So he manages a deep breath, the pen put away. She had places to be.. a SOMEONE ELSE waiting for her.
god he needed a drink.
"Go on get going, yer gonna be late if you keep letting me prattle on."
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dizzyiscrocodile · 1 year
Hi every1! Late night posting here, but I’m just here because I never post so I’m deciding to share some studies.
Let me be clear, this study was on @runningwithscizzorz ‘s art and is supposed to reflect their style so I might absorb some of their artistic prowess. I don’t claim this as # wow look at my amazing original art, that’s not how studies work. Also, some of their art and tutorials, witch can be found on their page if you scroll down, are low opacity or just in the background of these studies. I also wanted to go over the process in witch I actually do studies. Usually, there’s multiple artists strung together from Pinterest and tumblr I’m trying to eat the style of, but today, it’s just Runnin’s art because I’m fascinated with their expressions.
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I wanted to learn faces and expressions and squishy little guys from them, so I started with some silly little guys . I actually didn’t add details and turn them into limo characters until afterwards, I just was looking at them all proud and went “hm these are good! I wonder if they’ll clean up nicely” and so I added a little more to them and zoo wee mama no they didn’t. BUT I WORK ON THAT! Later! Sorta.
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Big goal was to see what I learned so I did this little thing where i (before having started the study) doodled my favorite little guy (red son), and then again trying to confirm to the head shapes I’ve learned from the quick study, and then again trying with some of my prior knowledge to make a comfortable middle ground with myself with knowledge I could actually use to frequently draw. Yum. That’s how this turned out.
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I’m gonna come back to this because I got distracted and completely forgor what I was supposed to be doing (squishing n playing around with faces) but what I DID do was learn how to do the head thingy and actually clean it up well. I consider that a win! I think this method of drawing face shapes will go into my little artistic bank account . I did a few more of these I can’t show because I asked my friends to do the faces for me. Sorryyyyyyyyyhhh
Last but not least I just drew over a scull after taking heavy notes on how sizzorz drew over a scull and unsurprisingly it came out stunnin
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I fooled around with a few other thingamabobs here and messed with more just drawing over side profiles, but that might come in a part two. Nobody asked for this post, and nobody’s going to ask for the update reblogs, but here they are gosh darn it. I will get the … the thing. I will actually grasp the concepts I went into this study to grasp. Maybe not YET, but I’ll get there.
Sizzorz if you’re reading this you have inspired me, maybe not my artstyle directly up until recently, but more just artistically— to create and have fun with what I want to do with my art. Thanks for that.
I did some anatomy stuff, but it sucks and I want to come back to it and actually learn from their composition with more than just Lisley references … that’s a story for another day. I’m passing out.
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silens-oro · 2 years
Hi! Spoils of War is so fleshed out and well written. Absolutely incredible. Stunnin'.
First: I love love love the relationship the reader has with her brothers. I'm generally a Green stan, but the way you wrote the way they interact with the reader makes them more than just the annoying nephews, you know what I mean? I'd definitely like to see more of how she interacts with Daemon. I'm under the impression that she is his actual child? With Rhaenyra?
Second: DAEMON. I see what you're doing. Don't. *Jamie Lee Curtis pointing meme*
Third: Aemond's "you would not choose me" RIPPED MY HEART OUT. PUT IT IN A BLENDER. HIT PUREE. Because he has always been looked over and disregarded. His mother tried not to, and he loves her fiercely because she was the only one to ever stick up for him, but THE READER TOO. NOT REALLY BUT HE THINKS THAT. THAT'S SOME EMOTIONAL DAMAGE RIGHT THERE.
Fourth: Reader's "would you choose me?" in regards to Alicent and Helaena... GET. HIS. ASS. Idk what Alicent ended up deciding, but I think the reader had the right idea with what she could've possibly tried to do. His silence is EVERYTHING in that moment. I also think he's stunned because he's never had anyone he HAD to choose over his mother and sister. They've always been the constant. Maybe...a very small maybe...the reader is not realizing this.
Fifth: I am going to cry for the next 7 years if they do not get back together.
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I’m crying???? Genuinely crying tears rn this was so nice???
I’ll just go down the line.
First: Yes!!!!!! Jace and Luke needed more personality that was shown in the first season. Since the reader is the eldest she has a very tight knit bond with both Jace and Luke. They definitely look up to her and value her guidance. She’s also helped them navigate Daemon’s chaotic ass. We will get to see more of the reader’s relationship with Daemon in the next chapter, and others down the line.
Second: Daemon is a schemer but he also loves the reader. 2 birds 1 stone, if you will. I also think he sees himself in Aemond and is like LOL NOPE NOT FOR MY DAUGHTER. And yes, the reader is the child of Daemon and Rhaenyra. I will not get into the details of the timeline because I make my own false realities lmao.
Third: 🫠
Fourth: the reader definitely does not know of everything he’s endured, but she’s also not going to sacrifice her relationship with her own family.
Fifth: Strap in, bud.
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Unveiling the Secrets of Stunning Kitchen Remodels in Las Vegas
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Welcome to the city of lights, entertainment, and now, exquisite kitchen remodels. In this guide, we’ll unveil the secrets of creating stunning kitchen spaces in Las Vegas with the expert touch of GI Construction. If you’re ready to transform your kitchen into a culinary masterpiece, read on to discover the key elements that make a kitchen remodel truly remarkable.
The Heart of the Home: Your kitchen is more than just a place to prepare meals; it’s the heart of your home. GI Construction understands the significance of this space and specializes in crafting kitchen remodels that blend functionality with aesthetic appeal. Whether you’re a cooking enthusiast or a family-oriented homeowner, our designs cater to your unique needs.
Kitchen Remodeling Trends in Las Vegas: Stay ahead of the curve by exploring the latest kitchen remodeling trends in the vibrant city of Las Vegas. GI Construction keeps a pulse on the ever-evolving design landscape, incorporating modern concepts, smart technology, and luxurious finishes. From sleek and minimalistic to bold and eclectic, we bring your vision to life with style and precision.
The Art of Functional Design: A stunning kitchen goes beyond aesthetics; it must also be highly functional. GI Construction excels in the art of functional design, optimizing your kitchen layout to maximize space and efficiency. From innovative storage solutions to ergonomic work zones, we create kitchens that not only look incredible but also enhance your daily life.
Customization for Every Taste: At GI Construction, we believe in the power of customization. Your kitchen should reflect your personality and lifestyle. Our team works closely with you to understand your preferences, whether you lean towards a classic, contemporary, or transitional style. Every detail is tailored to create a kitchen that is uniquely yours.
Quality Craftsmanship: Craftsmanship is the backbone of any stunning kitchen remodel. GI Construction takes pride in delivering top-notch quality, from precision cabinetry to flawless countertop installations. Our skilled artisans bring years of experience to every project, ensuring that your kitchen stands out in both beauty and durability.
Incorporating Smart Technology: Embrace the future of kitchen design with smart technology integration. GI Construction stays at the forefront of advancements, offering solutions that make your kitchen not only visually appealing but also technologically advanced. From smart appliances to automated lighting, experience the convenience of a modern kitchen at your fingertips.
Maximizing Natural Light: Las Vegas is known for its abundant sunshine, and GI Construction leverages this natural beauty in our designs. We strategically incorporate windows, skylights, and glass doors to maximize natural light, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere. The result is a kitchen that feels open, airy, and connected to the outdoor landscape.
Energy-Efficient Solutions: In a city that never sleeps, energy efficiency is key. GI Construction integrates energy-efficient appliances, lighting, and insulation to ensure that your kitchen not only looks stunning but also operates sustainably. Experience the benefits of a green kitchen that reduces your environmental footprint and lowers utility costs.
Seamless Project Management: GI Construction understands that a smooth and efficient remodeling process is essential. Our project management team oversees every aspect of your kitchen remodel, from the initial consultation to the final walkthrough. We prioritize open communication, transparent timelines, and a hassle-free experience for our clients.
Transparency in Pricing: GI Construction is committed to transparency in pricing. We understand the importance of a clear budget and provide detailed cost estimates upfront. Our goal is to ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the investment required for your stunning kitchen remodel, allowing you to make informed decisions without any surprises along the way.
Local Expertise in Las Vegas: Choosing a contractor with local expertise is crucial for a successful kitchen remodel in Las Vegas. GI Construction understands the unique characteristics of the local architecture, climate, and lifestyle. We leverage our knowledge to create kitchens that seamlessly integrate with the vibrant energy of the city, ensuring a harmonious blend of form and function.
Unique Design Solutions for Small Spaces: Even in limited spaces, GI Construction excels at creating stunning kitchen designs. Our team specializes in maximizing every square inch, employing clever storage solutions, and incorporating multi-functional elements. Small kitchens can be just as impressive as larger ones, and we take pride in transforming compact spaces into culinary havens.
Timeless Elegance: While staying current with trends is important, GI Construction also values timeless elegance in kitchen design. We aim to create spaces that withstand the test of time, ensuring that your kitchen remains stylish and functional for years to come. Our focus on enduring design principles guarantees a kitchen that remains a timeless centerpiece in your home.
The GI Construction Difference: What sets GI Construction apart is our unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. Our dedication to quality, innovation, and customer service has earned us a stellar reputation in Las Vegas. When you choose GI Construction for your kitchen remodel, you’re not just getting a renovation; you’re getting a transformative experience backed by a team of passionate professionals.
Schedule Your Consultation Today: Ready to embark on the journey to a stunning kitchen remodel in Las Vegas? Schedule your consultation with GI Construction today. Our team is eager to discuss your ideas, explore design possibilities, and outline the steps to turn your dream kitchen into a reality. Experience the unmatched quality and craftsmanship that GI Construction brings to every project in the heart of Las Vegas.
As you embark on the journey of unveiling the secrets of stunning kitchen remodels in Las Vegas, trust GI Construction to be your partner in creating a space that exceeds your expectations. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a kitchen that not only captures the essence of Las Vegas style but also enhances your daily living experience. Your dream kitchen is within reach with GI Construction.
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lukehapper28 · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Web Designer in Kansas City
In today's digital world, having a professional website is crucial. Your website is often the first impression potential customers will have of your business. Therefore, it needs to be both attractive and functional. For businesses in Kansas City, finding the right web designer is essential to ensure your online presence is top-notch. This article will guide you through the importance of website design and how to find the best web designer in Kansas City.
Why Professional Website Design Matters
A professionally designed website offers numerous benefits. It enhances user experience, improves SEO, and boosts your brand's credibility. Let's explore these benefits in more detail.
Enhanced User Experience
User experience (UX) is critical for keeping visitors on your site. A well-designed website ensures easy navigation and a seamless experience. This leads to longer visits and higher conversion rates.
Improved SEO Performance
Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for visibility on search engines. A professional website design Kansas City service will ensure your site is optimized for search engines. This includes proper use of keywords, meta tags, and a mobile-friendly design.
Boosted Brand Credibility
First impressions matter. An attractive, professional website builds trust with your audience. It shows that you are serious about your business and value quality.
Choosing the Right Web Designer in Kansas City
Finding the right web designer can be a daunting task. Here are some tips to help you choose the best web designer in Kansas City.
Review Their Portfolio
A designer's portfolio is a window into their capabilities. Look for a diverse range of projects. This indicates that they can handle different types of websites and design styles.
Check Client Testimonials
Client testimonials provide insight into the designer's reliability and quality of work. Positive reviews are a good sign of satisfied clients and successful projects.
Assess Their Technical Expertise
Ensure the designer is proficient in the latest web technologies. This includes HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and responsive design. They should also be familiar with content management systems (CMS) like WordPress.
Evaluate Their Communication Skills
Effective communication is crucial for a successful project. Choose a designer who is responsive and understands your needs. Good communication ensures that your vision is accurately translated into the final design.
The Website Design Process
Understanding the website design process can help you make informed decisions. Here’s an overview of the typical steps involved:
Discovery: Understanding the client's needs and defining the project scope.
Design: Creating a visual layout that aligns with the client's brand and goals.
Development: Building the website using coding languages and technologies.
Testing: Ensuring the site works smoothly on all devices and browsers.
Launch: Making the website live for the public to access.
Maintenance: Regular updates and troubleshooting to keep the site running smoothly.
Why Choose a Kansas City Web Designer
Kansas City boasts a vibrant tech community. This makes it an excellent place to find top-tier web designers. These designers are known for their creativity and technical expertise. They can create custom solutions tailored to your business needs.
Local Knowledge and Expertise
A web designer in Kansas City will have a good understanding of the local market. They can create designs that resonate with your target audience.
Personalized Service
Working with a local designer often means more personalized service. You can have face-to-face meetings to discuss your project in detail. This leads to better communication and a more tailored final product.
Investing in professional website design is crucial for any business aiming to succeed online. In Kansas City, you can find skilled designers who can help you create a stunning, functional website. Whether you need a new site or want to improve your existing one, website design Kansas City services are the way to go.
By following the tips mentioned above, you can choose the best web designer for your business. Remember, a well-designed website is not just an online presence; it’s a powerful tool for growth and success.
In summary, prioritize user experience, SEO, and brand credibility. Choose a designer with a strong portfolio, positive testimonials, and up-to-date technical expertise. With the right web designer in Kansas City, your business can thrive in the digital world.
Your journey to a better online presence starts with choosing the right web designer in Kansas City. Make sure to follow these guidelines to find the best fit for your business needs.
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dentistinvancouverbc · 4 months
Veneer Care Tips from The Art of Smile Dental Clinic - Vancouver
Keep your veneers sparkling with expert advice from The Art of Smile Dental Clinic in Vancouver. Learn the best practices for maintaining your veneers, including whether to use toothpaste on them. Visit our blog for all the details and ensure your smile stays beautiful! Trust Vancouver's dental experts to guide your veneer care.
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anwarsayal · 5 months
window installation
Get top-tier concrete services, wooden staircase fabrication, and house remodel expertise. Trust Orebend Builders for quality craftsmanship.
Expert Concrete Services & Wooden Staircase Installation USA
Enhancing Homes with Expert Concrete Services & Wooden Staircase Installation in the USA
When it comes to enhancing the beauty and functionality of your home in the USA, expert concrete services and wooden staircase installations play a crucial role. Whether you're looking to upgrade your outdoor spaces with durable concrete features or add elegance and charm with a custom wooden staircase, Orebend Builders is your go-to partner for top-notch craftsmanship and exceptional service.
Expert Concrete Services: Transforming Outdoor Spaces
Transforming your outdoor spaces into stunning and functional areas requires expertise and precision, and that's where Orebend Builders shines. Our expert concrete services cover a wide range of solutions tailored to meet your specific needs:
Driveways and Pathways
Your driveway and pathways are the first elements visitors notice when approaching your home. Our team specializes in designing and installing durable concrete driveways and pathways that not only enhance curb appeal but also withstand the elements for years to come.
Patios and Outdoor Living Areas
Make the most of your outdoor living space with a beautifully designed patio. Whether you prefer a sleek modern look or a rustic charm, our expert concrete craftsmen can bring your vision to life, creating a perfect setting for relaxation and entertainment.
Retaining Walls and Hardscape Features
Enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your landscape with custom retaining walls and hardscape features. Our skilled team utilizes high-quality materials and proven techniques to create durable and visually appealing structures that elevate your outdoor environment.
Decorative Concrete Finishes
Add a touch of style and elegance to your property with decorative concrete finishes. From stamped concrete to exposed aggregate, our wide range of finishes allows you to customize your surfaces, creating unique textures and patterns that enhance the overall appeal of your home.
Wooden Staircase Installation: Elevating Interior Design
A well-crafted wooden staircase not only serves as a functional element in your home but also adds character and sophistication to your interior spaces. Orebend Builders specializes in wooden staircase installation, offering:
Custom Design and Fabrication
Our team works closely with you to design and fabricate a wooden staircase that complements your home's style and architecture. Whether you prefer classic elegance or modern flair, we have the expertise to bring your staircase vision to life.
High-Quality Materials
We source only the finest quality wood materials for our staircase installations, ensuring durability, beauty, and long-lasting performance. From hardwoods to exotic woods, we offer a wide range of options to suit your taste and budget.
Precision Installation
Our skilled craftsmen handle every aspect of the installation process with precision and attention to detail. From structural integrity to finishing touches, we ensure that your wooden staircase not only looks stunning but also meets the highest standards of safety and functionality.
Why Choose Orebend Builders?
Expertise: With years of experience in the industry, we have the knowledge and skills to tackle projects of any size and complexity.
Quality Craftsmanship: We take pride in delivering superior craftsmanship and attention to detail in every project we undertake.
Customer Satisfaction: Your satisfaction is our priority, and we strive to exceed your expectations with exceptional service and results.
Licensed and Insured: Orebend Builders is fully licensed and insured, giving you peace of mind knowing that your project is in good hands.
Get Started Today
Ready to enhance your home with expert concrete services and a stunning wooden staircase? Contact Orebend Builders today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can transform your vision into reality.
This article highlights the benefits of expert concrete services and wooden staircase installation while incorporating SEO-friendly elements to enhance visibility and engagement on https://orebendbldrs.com/.
Custom fabrication services
Visit Website:-https://orebendbldrs.com/
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projewelers · 9 months
Wedding Rings In Athens, TN
Pro-Jewelers in Athens, TN, curates an exquisite wedding ring collection that symbolizes everlasting love. Our diverse range includes traditional bands, modern designs, and customizable options to suit every taste. With superior craftsmanship and attention to detail, find the perfect symbol of your union at Pro Jewelers. Celebrate your commitment with timeless elegance and beauty.
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projectdiningsblog · 1 year
Catering Couture: Dubai's Affair with Culinary Excellence!
In the heart of Dubai's luxurious embrace, where extravagance meets innovation and cultural diversity thrives, the art of catering has taken on the form of couture, weaving a tapestry of culinary excellence that tantalizes the senses and ignites the imagination. At Projectdining, we are the torchbearers of Dubai's affair with culinary mastery, where every dish is a masterpiece and every event is a showcase of elegance.
A Gastronomic Journey through Dubai
Dubai's culinary landscape is a reflection of its global identity, and our journey at Projectdining is an exploration of this melting pot of flavors. From the rich heritage of Emirati cuisine that pays homage to tradition to the international influences that mirror Dubai's cosmopolitan character; our catering menus are a symphony of tastes that captivate the palate.
Crafting Experiences with Flair
Catering transcends food—it's about crafting moments that resonate and linger. At Projectdining, each event becomes an opportunity to create experiences that transcend the ordinary. Our team of culinary artists, event planners, and designers collaborate seamlessly to create an immersive experience that marries flavors, aesthetics, and ambiance to leave an indelible mark.
Bridging the Gap Between Tradition and Innovation
Dubai's allure lies in its ability to seamlessly blend tradition and innovation, and our catering philosophy captures this essence. Our menus are a tribute to Emirati heritage while embracing contemporary culinary techniques that add a modern twist. The result is a harmonious blend of flavors that resonate with both tradition and evolution, delighting the senses with every bite.
The Art of Presentation
In Dubai's world of elegance and sophistication, the presentation of food becomes an art—a visual delight that enhances the overall experience. Our food stylists and presentation experts meticulously craft each dish, ensuring that it's not only a treat for the taste buds but also a feast for the eyes. From elegantly arranged appetizers to grand dessert displays, our catering service elevates presentation to an art form.
Tailored Elegance for Every Occasion
Every event is a unique canvas for creativity, and our Catering Dubai services are tailored to embody the essence of each occasion. Collaborating closely with our clients, we delve into their vision and preferences, resulting in menus and experiences that seamlessly align with the event's theme and purpose. Whether it's an intimate gathering or a grand celebration, our attention to detail ensures elegance in every detail.
Sustainability: A Guiding Principle
Dubai's commitment to sustainability finds its reflection in our culinary practices. We prioritize locally sourced, organic ingredients, reducing our ecological footprint while supporting the local community. Our dedication to sustainable practices ensures that every dish not only offers exceptional taste but also aligns with responsible dining and a greener future.
Culinary Mastery in Every Bite
Behind every exquisite dish is a team of skilled chefs who infuse their passion and expertise into their creations. At Projectdining, our chefs are true artisans, meticulously selecting ingredients and employing innovative techniques to craft dishes that are a testament to their craft. From intricate appetizers to delectable desserts, each bite is a manifestation of culinary excellence.
Elevate Your Experience
Dubai's reputation for luxury is embodied in our catering services, which aim to transcend expectations. From the first consultation to the final morsel, our commitment to perfection shines through. Our meticulous attention to detail, creative finesse, and dedication to exceeding expectations ensure that every event becomes a masterpiece of taste and elegance.
Unveil the Couture
Projectdining invites you to unveil the catering couture that Dubai's culinary scene has to offer. From sumptuous flavors to stunning presentations, our catering services redefine luxury, creating events that are not just celebrations but timeless memories etched in elegance.
Elevate Your Occasion
For those who seek to elevate their events to the realm of elegance and taste, Projectdining is your partner. With a dedication to delivering catering services that embody Dubai's culinary prowess, we ensure that your event becomes an affair with culinary excellence that lingers in the hearts and palates of your guests.
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alisyamark · 1 year
Construction Companies in the Cayman Islands: Construction's Impact On Development
Explore how construction companies in the Cayman Islands contribute to their communities by generating employment opportunities, imparting novel expertise, advancing infrastructure, and endorsing social initiatives. Such endeavors foster sustainable community development and benefit all stakeholders in the long run.
Please check it out: https://www.cca.ky/ for detailed information.
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gardensaccessories · 1 year
Namaste Monk Statue
Create a calm and serene atmosphere in your peaceful living/ Outdoor space with our new cast resin Buddha / MONK Statue series! This stunning portrayal of Buddha in differnt shapes, with its ancient look and intricate detail, promises to bring instant tranquility to any environment.
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