gayrui · 5 months
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witlesswitnesstm · 3 months
Hello Tumblr, my girlfriend recently got the game Hades for her birthday, and now we’re both absolutely obsessed with it.
Me and my friends have developed a headcanon that every person who plays Hades has a slightly different Zagreus depending on their playing style and interests.
For example, we were wondering what Zagreus’s keepsake would be, and one of our friends suggested “one with the ability to not take damage from magma”, and I laughed because that’s specifically their weakness. (It’s not even funny how much damage they take from magma.) So I suggested that every Zagreus would have a different keepsake depending on the weaknesses of the player.
In lieu of that theory, here’s a bunch of inside jokes/headcanons from my girlfriend’s and my friend’s runs of Hades
• Everyone in the game is called “British ______”
• Except when Zagreus picks up the rail gun. He develops a southern accent and becomes “American Zagreus”
• The rail’s special attack has been deemed as “dropping nukes”
• Backstabs have been deemed backshots, and we often say things like “I love Zagreus backshots”
• Whenever Aphrodite gives Zag a boon, he has a chance to say “I’m all worked up” afterwards which we take to mean that he’s absolutely bricked for the rest of the run
• Lernie is an mpreg hydra, and all of his heads are his children that he has to keep rebirthing after we fight him
• All of the dracons (the mini hydra heads in the rest of asphodel) are mpreg squared babies
• Theseus would unironically love brainrot humor
• Asphodel is “Assphodel” or “Buttphodel”, or “Bootyphodel”
• Charon can actually speak in full sentences, he just never does around Zagreus
• Tisiphone has selective mutism
• Zag has ADHD
• All of the chariots and mini chariots in Elysium were actually cats when they were alive
• Hermes knows the real reason Zagreus wants to reach the surface
• Redblood is an ingame slur
• The food health item has been dubbed “Five Guys Gyros and Fries”
• This one was more of a shitpost I made up, but Zagreus eats all the non food items like coins and darkness, and then shoves the actual food (poms and gyros) up his ass
• when Alecto spawns the whip shots (the spinning blades), we often make a remark like “NO, DON’T SEND US TO THE BEYBLADE DIMENSION”
• the skull Crushers in Asphodel are called the “foot fetish feet”
• There was this one interaction with Ares where he said we had dealt “an incalculable amount of death” and I was a bit confused because you can literally just check the scrying pool and the number is spelled out. This lead to the headcanon that Ares cannot count past 100
• Daedalus hammers are called the hammers of Zillyhoo
• When the rats in the temple of Styx drop money, Zagreus asks something like “Why do these creatures have coin on them?” And it’s because they have to pay for rat college
• This is something we thought about after getting the fishing mechanic. Either the head chef secretly has mad stacks, and Hades is paying him better than the rest of the staff, or the fish in this world just really love eating valuable items, that the chef then gives to us
• If Zagreus sleeps in the same bed as someone, he’ll probably just accidentally set them on fire with his feet
• Zagreus secretly owns an emo band where he sings about his dad oppressing him
• Zag is so traumatized by those soul catchers in Elysium, that he would probably be terrified of any butterfly he sees on the surface
• The true final boss of Hades is swimming lessons
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ziggyzagreus · 4 years
do you have a favorite piece of music from the game? what about a favorite level? (tartarus, asphodel, etc.)
OOH this is such a good one!!!
Music is really important to me, as well as one of my favorite parts of the game, so I don’t have a particular favorite, there are so many things I like about each piece. I will list the ones that actually made me stop and listen the first time I heard them, though!!
I also listen to these when I write and study 😳 I have an entire Hades-themed playlist on Spotify that includes the actual OST as well as songs I listen to that make me think of the characters...
The opening title, “No Escape.” The first time I heard it was when I opened the game and I almost crapped myself, it was so cool. Every time I open the game, I always have to wait till 00:08 for that first base line because that shit hits differenttttt at 2 am on weekends which is when I play this game. 10/10 good shit.
“Lament of Orpheus,” the first song we hear Orpheus actually sing... It’s so beautiful, and I’ve always personally loved the actual myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, so hearing that in such a haunting tune tugged at my heartstrings in a particular way. I’ve heard some people find Orpheus’ voice annoying???? But I really love it. It sounds like mist. It’s terrifying in such a heartbreaking way and very fitting for his character.
“From Olympus,” or better known as “that song that plays when you find Patroclus and he’s muttering about his lost husband.” I love the cadence of this piece because it’s very fitting of Patroclus’ vibes - it’s downtrodden, paced and methodical, there’s a tune to living in it, but it lacks any jarring beats that the other tracks have. I feel like it really encapsulates Patroclus’ dead inside vibes and I love that for him tbh. Very mellow, very chill, very soothing in my opinion.
“Good Riddance,” both Eurydice’s solo version as well as the duet with Orpheus. Again, the first time I heard it, I was absolutely stunned that they had like - good songs with lyrics in this game, so I just stood outside her door for 2 minutes to hear the whole thing. Every time I meet Eurydice I stay to listen to her song before going inside. If you guys can’t tell from my Icarus OC Fic, Eurydice is one of my favorite characters because of how motherly and calming she is. I feel so safe in her presence, and that’s not an exaggeration - even IRL I get a sense of peace when hearing her sing. This song is also in my Crying playlist on Spotify, as it hit me in a personal emotional spot as well as a Good OST spot.
“Final Expense” holy shit, Charon’s theme HITS DIFFERENT. It has like - a dual effect on me. On one hand, I get the same feeling from it as I do Eurydice’s song - I feel very safe and content listening to that tune, and I feel very safe in Charon’s shop. This piece is in one of my “so you’re crying about school and need to calm down and feel safe” playlists, it’s just got that wholesome effect on me. But it also makes me want to go fuck around in a Spencer’s store with my friends, or go to an arcade, and I love that too.
“Final Expense (Payback Mix)” AKA Charon Drip. That shit hits so hard. I love it so fucking much and I fucking love fighting Charon in Erebus anywaysssssss
“Hymn to Zagreus,” if you guys can’t tell, I love Orpheus’ voice so much... and I love the legend of Zagreus anyways!! This song is just so fucking cool and brings so much new edge to the story and Zagreus’ origin (as well as his connection to Dionysus like holy heck aahHHHhhhHHhhHh) i love it sooo much
“Last Words” I LOVE THANATOS SO MUCH. The first time I heard his voice I had to put down the game to process how much I loved him, and so I associate his theme very much with that experience. I love the harpsichord in it, and how the theme itself is very different compared to the other tracks - it has a lot more modern instrumentation, as well as just a generally different and more dangerous, energizing vibe to it and I love that so so so so so much.
“The King and the Bull” I don’t have much to say on this except Theseus and Asterius is my favorite boss fight so I just love this track haha
“On the Coast” I just.... I cried the first time I reached the surface and once again, I associate this tune with that experience. And the sunrise and the snow, just... wow. Just wow, you know? Also I can’t tell if that’s an oboe or an English Horn but I think it’s an english horn - either way I love double-reeded instruments. (Or if it’s a soprano sax then good on them, I have so much respect for sop sax players)
“In the Blood” is just.... so good. And Orpheus and Eurydice duetting hits me in the feelings so hard. I also love this song because it brings so much explanation to the game as a whole, like - Zagreus is the fucking life of the Underworld and that has SO many deep connotations that I have pages on pages of headcanons/thoughts written out about... it’s so cool... wow. Just wow, you know? Also that lyric “Run all you like from the place you belong...” is such a haunting line, it just - wow. Wow. WOW.
I realize I just went on a full rant about most of those pieces to the point that I just started typing “wow” to make up for not having words, but music is very very important to me so I think about it way too much... Anywaysssss.
As for your second question, I do have a favorite level!! Elysium!!
Tartarus is really fun for me because it’s not very hard, and I can just smash through all of the chambers... Asphodel is SO irritating because of the magma, and there’s this one chamber that is literally ONLY witches and it has island terrain and the witches always float out over the magma, so you can’t get to them unless you go out there and it’s just SO FRUSTRATING. I love the aesthetic of Asphodel but hate playing it.
And I hate the Temple of Styx just because of stupid poison and stupid rats. It’s just - not my bag. 
Elysium though!!! It’s bright, it’s pretty, it’s super challenging with the levels of foes you face there, and I love seeing Pat and I love fighting Theseus and Asterius!!! I love Elysium so much... ALSO I love seeing my Good Shade!!! Every time!!!! My love....
Thank you so much for the ask, this was super fun!!!!
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In Twilight’s Glow
Summary: Twilight is the point in a day right before the sun sets, when the world is awash in a glow of reds, purples, and blues. But it can also represent the end of something, the glow of twilight brings the end of more than just daylight. The twilight of Zagreus’s stay in the Underworld has come, he just needs to get past one last obstacle.
Spoiler warning for the final boss/endgame of Hades! (it may be unnecessary to put this but just in case)
Blood pounded in Zagreus’s ears as he caught his breath. This was it. The end was so close, he could taste it. He knew the end was near the second he stepped out of the arena in Elysium, the very air changed as he moved forward. Through the Temple of Styx he went, weaving through the tunnels that wove a deadly maze filled with rats, satyrs, and gods knew what else. Frankly, he was surprised that he made it this far. Zagreus knew he had been preparing to leave for a long time, but he knew nothing about what the Underworld or the surface held. He was always a quick thinker, and he was thankful for that skill. He didn’t want to think of what would’ve happened if he wasn’t. He double checked what little he brought with him before scanning the area one last time. This was really it, he could hardly believe it. No matter how much he told himself that, he was still in awe. Zagreus was finally going to leave, leave behind all the people who never cared for him and find the ones who would. Nodding to Charon as he passed by, Zagreus offered the Satyr Sack to Cerberus as an offering. He breathed a sigh of relief to himself as Cerberus accepted the sack.
“Cerberus, wait!” He called after the three-headed hound before it left. “Come here boy, I want to say goodbye to you before I go. For good.”
The hound didn’t know what his master’s son spoke about, but he appreciated the company regardless. Sitting down next to Zagreus, Cerberus tore into the bag with relish, eagerly devouring whatever foul contents it held. Zagreus sat next to the hound, stroking his vivid red fur lovingly as he looked on at Cerberus fondly.
“I’ll miss you boy, I really will. Out of everyone here, you were the only one who was really there for me. Thank you, so much.” His voice cracked at the end as tears threatened to well up in his eyes.
Cerberus whined at Zagreus as he finished his treat, sensing the sadness of his young master. He nuzzled the godling with his three snouts, hoping that he could comfort the young man. Zagreus chuckled sadly as he continued to stroke the hellhound, he wanted to enjoy this last moment for as long as he possibly could. Finally getting up, he embraced the three heads of Cerberus, one after the other, and gently kissed each of their brightly colored noses before making his way past them.
“Goodbye Cerberus, goodbye Charon, goodbye Underworld. If I ever have to come back, I hope it’s on better terms.”
With a single, bracing breath, he pushed the door open and walked out into the cold.
It was the cold that shocked Zagreus the most, the wind biting at his skin, his nose, his very self. There was some white substance all around him, falling from the sky and onto him in soft flakes. The rushing of water, the gently falling flakes, the red-purple glow of what he assumed to be the sun setting in the distance, it was all so surreal to him. He was slightly disappointed that he didn’t get to see the sun, but he knew that once he left he could see the sun as many times as he wanted. It didn’t take away from the majesty of scenery either, the white around him turning purple and blue with the fading light.
“Wow...” He walked slowly through the scene, trying to take in as much as he could at once. It was a little overwhelming, but in the best possible way. Zagreus wasn’t even sure that could exist until he was experiencing it for himself. He was so entranced by what he saw around him that it took a while for him to notice the large silhouette that stood at the end of the white clad field he found himself in. When he finally did notice the silhouette, the familiar red cape, he only groaned to himself. Of course he would be here. 
“The air of the surface... it blows senselessly in whichever direction it pleases, I’ve never been accustomed to it. I’ve no doubt that you prefer this to the stillness of the air below.” The silhouette spoke, facing the water. 
“Why yes, I do. It’s quite different from what I’m used to, but I enjoy it nonetheless. But I’m not here to listen to you drone on about the air here, Father. I’m here to leave, not even you could stop me. I’m frankly not surprised that you’ve unearthed your Helm of Darkness for this, it suits you well enough but will change nothing. You’ve tried to muster your forces again and again to kill me, only to fail. You’ll fall like them too.” Zagreus snarked in response, disgruntled about having to get past yet another obstacle when he was so close to freedom. 
Hades scoffed, finally tuning around to regard his son. “Hmph. Such arrogance from you, I expect nothing less of a god and one as unruly as you. It should not have come to this, taking up arms against each other. For all you’ve done around the House, I’ve done a reasonably good job of keeping my temper. Unlike you.”
“You’ve done nothing but berate me time and time again, you’ve lied to me, you’ve summoned literal legions of the undead to try and kill me, but sure I’ll admit you’ve done a good job of bottling up your more severe emotions. I suppose you’ll use this as a way to properly lash out against me after all this time, won’t you?” Zagreus sneered bitterly. He had enough of Hades, enough of the House, enough of being treated like nothing.
“We’re gods, boy. Killing one another is our lot. Although, I always thought I was above it. I told you that you can not leave this place. It seems I will have to enforce my own rules. I’m sending you home, now.”
Summoning his spear, Hades leveled his spear against his son. Zagreus pulled out his own sword in response, mentally preparing himself for what would most likely be the most harrowing battle he’s fought so far. He knew of the violent relationship between the gods and the Titans, the gods took the bodies of their parents and cut them up into tiny pieces before scattering them to the vast expanses of Tartarus. They were immortal, yes, and still were in what little remained of them. But some fates were worse than death. His grip on his sword tightened. He will not meet a fate like that.
He lunged at Hades, feeling the powers of his Olympian family course through his veins. Hades was powerful, but slow. Zagreus used his natural agility to his advantage, darting into attack his father before quickly dodging from any retaliating hits. He continued to do this, deftly dodging any attack his father threw his way and using the powers he was granted when he needed a boost. He internally scoffed at his father, he would think that the almighty God of the Dead would be stronger than this. But he supposed spending all that time doing parchmentwork dulled his fighting capabilities.  
“Grrrr... I expect nothing less from a student of Achilles, but even your swiftness could outpace your mentor. How is it possible that you’ve become this strong?” Hades growled, clutching his side as he braced himself against his spear for support.
“I don’t need to answer to you, how I got this strong doesn’t matter here. What matters is the strength I have, enough to fell you.” Zagreus replied curtly, raising his sword again. “Now, you’re the one who will be going home, not me.”
“Heh, to be brought this low by my own ungrateful child, I expected such treatment from my brothers. But from you? I will not stand for this.” With a shout, Hades stood up straight again, proudly brandishing his spear.
“Oh great,” Zagreus grumbled. “Of course it wouldn’t be this easy.”
Zagreus wasn’t entirely sure whether he should be impressed or annoyed at the fact that his father got even stronger now, attacking with beam attacks that he only narrowly dodged by ducking behind large pillars. But he refused to back down, refused to give up. He watched his father carefully, memorizing attack patterns and adapting to new ones. It wasn’t the quickest way to fight, but it was a steady and reliable one, and slowly yet surely he wore down on Hades. With one last slash, Zagreus felled the God of the Dead.
“Gah, blast!” Hades cried out, collapsing on the ground. “I... how... Go. Go, then. Go!! Get out of here, get out!” He snarled, looking away from his son.
“I told you that I would, Father. And I’m going to. Goodbye, forever.” Zagreus spoke softly, finally putting his sword away.
“Pah, forever. There is no forever for the things we do, boy. We are forever, you will come back eventually. Forgetting and forgiving each other’s offenses only to commit them again is as much a part of us as felling our own kin. You can not escape this.”
“Perhaps not, but make my words it will be a very, very long time before I ever even consider coming back. Until then, take care of Cerberus for me would you? He was the only one between us you really cared about.” He turned to leave, stopping only at the call of his name.  
“...Wait. Wait before you go, if you find her, if you somehow find her... tell her Cerberus is doing very well.” Hades gasped out, his strength fading.
“I owe you nothing here Father, but I guess I will do this one act of kindness for you. To make up for the kindness you didn’t give me.”
“Don’t you have questions for me, boy? Questions about your mother?”
“I’ll have plenty of time to ask her when, and not if, I find her.”
“I... urgh.... blood and darkness.... I can only hope that you find what you seek.... ngh... There... is..... no.... escape....” Hades collapsed and did not rise again. 
Zagreus watched solemnly as the waters of the River Styx rose up to accept his father’s body, and continued to watch as it slowly sunk away into nothingness.
“Goodbye, Father.”
He only looked up when he felt a ray of warmth hit his face. Raising his head and a hand to shield his eyes from the light, he gasped in wonder as he saw the sun rise. Beaming to himself, he continued to stare with a heart full of hope as it rose higher and higher in the sky.
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