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qqchurch · 3 months ago
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windywriter · 2 months ago
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Isn't playing pretend fun?
A commission of my tkrv OC Murasaki 12+ years in the future.
This was done by @ganymedian! They were great to work with!!
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jellymetric · 6 months ago
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more nicks + narumitsu kissy :3
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kirbism · 3 months ago
I can't do the blahaj and thigh socks thing anymore but y'know im on track to be an excellent Gay Woman in Her 30's
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fostersffff · 7 months ago
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Again, on the subject of the ages of characters in Trails through Daybreak:
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theood · 9 months ago
Video I'm watching just made such a low blow comment of comparison. I hate to sound snobby but like, it's really rich coming from a YouTuber that "and Gen Z and Millennials aren't exempt from criticism because none of them want to work!" Like, I know that you know you chose the WORST possible choice. You know as well as I do it's not ugh these new kids aging into the workforce are SO entitled and #lazy
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flesh-is-the-fever · 2 years ago
I'm up to the "I dunno maybe children working 13 hour shifts is bad, guys" part of Capital and it feels important to inform people that haven't read it yet that capitalists in the 19th century were not by any means wringing their hands and twirling their mustaches about employing children to squeeze out profits, they were hiring "experts" to write newspaper articles for them, explaining how "well, the socialists have these big demands about an 8-hour work day, and taking Saturdays off, but it's actually just so complicated, it's too complicated for most people to understand, we just NEED to hire children for night shifts because the stamina of their strong, youthful bodies is the only way we can survive as a business! It's science, you see. Economics doesn't work like that, just ask our economics professors at Oxford. You CAN'T turn a profit only working people 8 hours! Trust the experts, they know. It's just so complicated..."
That exact infuriating cadence that you read in New York Times articles, in the Atlantic Monthly, in the WaPo and all the other bourgeois rags where "everything is so complicated, and it's actually a lot more complicated than you think.." that has been around since the beginning. It is nothing new. So the next time you see some op-ed from Matt Yglesias or any of those other guys huffing their own farts about how "complicated" everything is, and how "unrealistic" a 30-hour work week is, remember that Marx was dealing with that exact class of "intellectuals" "explaining" how working 13 hours at age 10 was "vital" to the "moral fibre" of those poor kids.
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lunasilvis · 10 months ago
Why wait?
I got my dirty flirty 30s up first in a month bud
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m00ntunaart · 1 month ago
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3rd Star Wars daemon AU post!
Here by popular demand: The Jedi Council and their daemons!
Depa Billaba - Hooked Billed Kite (Taryz)
Mace Windu - Bald Eagle (Maisha)
Yoda - Ostrich (Kieachkta)
Shaak Ti - Hyacinth Macaw (Thevren)
(Commander Colt - Anatolian Shepherd (Pistol))
Plo Koon - Osprey (Averyl)
Ki-Adi Mundi - Great Blue Heron (Czirda)
Kit Fisto - Blue Footed Booby (Krios)
Now onto my random AU lore and thoughts:
JEDI LORE TIME: So, as I’ve said in my last daemon AU post, the Jedi generally have bird daemons. This is by nurture, not nature. The way the Jedi teach young force-users to interact with the Force usually ends up directing their daemons to settle into a bird species of some kind. Which conveniently is around the time a Jedi Initiate is either chosen to be a Jedi Knight or be sent to the Jedi Corps. While it is not a rule that a Jedi Knight has to have a bird daemon, there are stigmas in the Jedi culture that lead to Jedi Knights and Masters not wanting to pick Padawans with not-bird daemons. This was one of the reasons the Council was hesitant to take in Anakin originally. He was already past the age of being nurtured to have his daemon settle as a bird, as he was raised outside the Temple.
(If you’re wondering why Obi-Wan doesn’t have a bird daemon, look at my last post. But to summarize his daemon settled while on Melida/Daan. So not ideal circumstances) (Also Qui-Gon Jinn cares not for cultural taboos, so he did not care much that Obi-Wan’s daemon ended up not being a bird lol)
The exceptions to this bird-daemon rule is generally Jedi in the Corps and Jedi Shadows (I will be making a Quinlan Vos post at some point that goes into that more).
DEPA BILLABA and her daemon, Taryz, who is a Hooked Billed Kite.
Okay for the life of me I cannot remember the reason I picked Depa’s daemon 😅, but it was probably just: ‘I like how Hooked Billed Kites look’. So a good reason obv.
I inserted some silly interactions between Obi-Wan and Depa, and Kee-Ayt and Taryz. I headcanon that since they are the two youngest council members, they will go out of their way to act like children in front of the older council members. Just to make the others role their eyes and say ‘kids 🙄’. Despite the fact that both of them are like in their mid 30s-40s. But besides them acting like two siblings alone in the back seat of a car, they are close with each other. Taryz is the daemon most comfortable being casually around Kee-Ayt, out of the other daemons in the Council. (I imagine that since most Jedi daemons are birds, sometimes other Jedi don’t know how to interact with Kee-Ayt)
MACE WINDU and his daemon, Maisha, who is a Bald Eagle. 
In the Temple there runs a rumor amongst the Padawans about which came first: Mace being bald? Or Mace’s daemon settling as a Bald Eagle? A real ‘chicken or the egg’ question lol.
But more seriously, I really did just end up picking a Bald Eagle daemon because I wanted to make bald jokes hahaha. That and Bald Eagles just naturally look pissed all the time, which matches well with Mace’s ‘resting bitch face’.
YODA and his daemon, Kieachkta, who is an Ostrich.
My whole concept for Yoda was just: ‘if Yoda is a small species, then he should get a big ass daemon to balance it out’. And yes, Yoda rides around on Kieachkta because of course he does. And when he can’t hit your ankles with his stick, he’ll get Kieachkta to peck the back of your head (which hurts ow).
(If you’re wondering, all of Yoda’s species have bigger daemons. Like Yaddle has an Emu daemon).
SHAAK TI and her daemon, Thevren, who is a Hyacinth Macaw.
My only thoughts for Shaak’s daemon was I wanted it to be big and colorful. 1. Because she’s just this tall figure with long montrals. She just needed a big bird species to go with her impressive figure. 2. She just has always had a fun color scheme, so I thought a colorful bird of some kind would be fun. SO A HYACINTH MACAW. They’re huge and a beautiful blue color (that matches her montral stripes). I also just wanted her to have a fun, friendly looking daemon. Since she’s on Kamino most of The Clone Wars, and interacting with Tubies and Cadets. I think her having a big, loving, approachable looking daemon was just right. (Which is why in this AU, she was chosen to be the one working with the younger clones). Hence why I have so many doodles of her daemon with young clones’ daemons. 
Plus I added an extra doodle of Commander Colts’ daemon, Pistol, who is a breed of Livestock Guardian Dog. Since Colt is also on Kamino, he often is ‘herding’, ‘protecting’ and ‘training’ the young clones. So a herding/guardian  dog daemon felt right for him. (Pistol is the bad cop to Thevren’s good cop lol)
PLO KOON and his daemon, Averyl, who is an Osprey.
Tbh I didn’t have any idea what bird I wanted Plo to have. So I ended up googling ‘bird species that are good parents’ lol. And Osprey were on that list! Idk how true that is, but IN STARWARS IT IS NOW TRUE.
 Plo is just The Jedi Dad Of All Time (*cough cough* Ahsoka *cough cough* Wolffe *cough cough* Wolf Pack), so he got a Parent Of All Time bird lol. 
And yes Averyl spends all her free time trying to preen EVERY member of The Wolf Pack. Is that physically possible? I don’t know, but don’t even try to tell Averyl she can’t do it. All her furry dog children WILL feel her affection.
KIT FISTO and his daemon, Krios, who is a Blue Footed Booby.
All I can say is I knew I wanted Kit to have a sea bird, because he’s The Swimming Jedi^TM. And I love Blue Footed Boobies. 
Also Kit is a silly guy who deserves a silly bird, with silly blue feet and a silly name.
KI-ADI MUNDI and his daemon, Czirda, who is a Great Blue Heron.
Ki-Adi is a long, lanky looking dude so he gets a long, lanky bird. 
I have spoken.
(Also I see a lot of Blue Herons around where I live, so they’re a favorite of mine).
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greenwitchfromthewoods · 6 months ago
baby steps. l Joel Miller
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Summary: you were his very quiet companion on patrols
Warnings:  angst, a little bit of swearing, mentioning pregnancy, mentioning loss of a child, mentioning abortion, mentioning suicidal thoughts, generally - a lot of unpleasant things, Reader is 30s or sth, I guess
A/N: I've had this idea in my head for a long time. There are some not so nice things (read the Warnings!) but I hope the whole story won't be so awful. your feedback is very important to me and I thank you for all the reblogs, comments and likes. 🖤 sorry for all the mistakes
and i would like to thank you for the few kind words i have received recently. it scared me but was very nice. thank you!
The first time he met you was at Tipsy Bison when Tommy told him you would be his new partner on patrols. Footsteps were barely audible, and then a chair on the other side of the table moved and you sat down. 
Your eyes stopped on Joel's face for a moment, you nodded in greeting. The name quietly fell from your lips, and then you focused on the map that Tommy had spread out on the table.
Joel wasn't sure if you understood what his brother was saying to you. You were silent, sometimes nodding your head, nothing more.
"Is she even good for this?" Joel finally muttered as you said goodbye and left.
"What do you mean?" Tommy folded the map and put it in his jacket pocket.
Joel raised his eyebrows "She seems a little... I don't know. Distant?"
A quiet laugh escaped Tommy's lips "Really? And who's talking?" he took a few sips of coffee "Joel, you wouldn't patrol together if I wasn't sure she was good. She may not be the life of the party, but she's great at what she does."
Joel had the impression that he had seen you a few times in Jackson, but you were one of those people who kept their distance from others. So he looked like that to others too?
It was only the first patrol with you that made him change his mind about you, but he wasn't sure yet if this change was for the better. 
You were definitely not one of those people who needed to talk. Small talk wasn't for you, but you listened very carefully. 
The area around Jackson was no stranger to you, just like handling a gun. So Joel got used to you, and over time he even managed to get some information out of you.
You had been in Jackson for almost five years, you lived alone in a small apartment. You were alone. "That's the best way." No family or close friends, except for Maria. You were patrolling and searching for supplies. He was also sure he saw you in the library, but he never asked about it.
After a few months, Joel could clearly tell that you were the right person for the job. He even managed to make you laugh a few times or talk a little longer. You never asked him about the past, and when he asked you about it, you answered "We're at an age where everyone has some background, right? But not everything is suitable for talking about it."
"Your girlfriend seems nice." Ellie stated one day, and seeing his confused face added "I talked to her today. She said that this crap didn't let her finish high school, so now she's catching up on school readings. If I were her, I wouldn't bother. School sucks."
The warm coffee warmed his tired body, but after a moment he spoke up "You talked to her? When? And... She's not my girlfriend."
Ellie shrugged "We talk a lot. And you don't? You spend a lot of time together, I thought that..."
"You were wrong." Joel mumbled "Did she say anything else?"
The girl looked at him carefully. "You really don't know her very well, do you?"
He wasn't sure if he knew you at all. Did he have the right to demand that from you? You did your job thoroughly, he could rely on you, and despite everything you were still standing somewhere in the shadows, hiding from everyone.
"Is everything okay with you?"
Your voice tore him out of his reverie for a moment. You were walking through a quiet area, the fading grass crunching under your feet, and the cold wind slowly became more and more severe.
"Yeah, everything's okay." he replied, glancing at you over his shoulder "I was lost in thought."
"I saw. Good thoughts?"
Joel cleared his throat and stopped, and a moment later you stood in front of him, looking at him uncertainly. 
You really liked him. Miller might seem like a grump, but his personality didn't bother you at all. Women in Jackson also said he was handsome. You had a lot of time to watch him outside the city, you had to admit they were right too. But that wasn't what mattered, was it? You felt safe with him and you trusted him, that was important.
"Doesn't Ellie tire you out?" he asked finally.
"What?" you burst out laughing "Come on. I like her. She asks a lot of questions, but she's a cool girl. I remember when I was her age..."
You stopped as if the thought slowed down your thinking the moment it appeared in your head. Joel saw your eyes wandering around the area with an unseeing gaze.
"Were you her age when this started?" he asked, but you shook your head slightly "Older?"
"Not much." Your voice was quiet but calm "I was a senior in high school. It seems so stupid now... I had a crush on this one guy, fuck, I don't know why I thought of him now."
"It was important back then." Joel mumbled, absorbing your every word. "And your family?"
"They died. A long time ago." The answer was quick, but emotionless. "Why do you ask?"
Joel shrugged. "I don't know. Just like that. Maybe I'd like to get to know you better."
You nodded, analyzing his words for a moment. "You're weird sometimes, Miller." You finally stated. "Conversations like this don't lead anywhere. They only reopen old wounds."
You adjusted your rifle strap and moved forward.
Fall had come for good, and you were slowly starting to withdraw even more. He could see it. Patrols were almost completely silent, he rarely saw you among people or at evening community meetings. 
Even Ellie convinced him that something was going on, because when he asked her she said that she hadn't talked to you in a while.
"It's that time of year." Maria said when he asked her about you too, he was helping her fix the heating in her house. "You should get used to it, Joel. But... I didn't know you were so interested in her."
"It's not like that." he mumbled, but he felt a strange warmth creep up the back of his neck. "She's my partner on patrol. I want to know that she's okay."
"I get it." Maria nodded and sat down on the couch. "Have you talked to her?"
"I've tried, but you know perfectly well that it's not easy. You're her friend." the woman smiled gently. "Is there something she's not telling me?"
"A lot of things, Joel. Just like you, she's not very open to confiding. And this time of year..." she looked out the window where the wind was playing with the fallen leaves. "You should talk to her yourself, if you care about her. But you can also forget about it, be like everyone else, pass her on the street and just let her be. It shouldn't be that hard for you, right?"
And that was something he couldn't get out of his head.
When he saw that guy instead of you the next morning, a strange shiver ran down his spine. "She's sick." Mark said, pushing leather gloves onto his hands. "I'll replace her."
Joel nodded and they set off on patrol. However, his thoughts kept returning to you, he analyzed your last meeting, the last words you exchanged. You were even more subdued. He had the impression that he was forcing the next words out of you, and you just wanted to leave, to disappear.
"She's weird, but pretty." Mark replied when they took a break for hot coffee and a sandwich. "A few guys hit on her, but nothing came of it. Actually, I was hoping that you and her, you know..." he winked at Joel. "But maybe she's that type of person."
"What type?" Joel asked, chewing a bite of his sandwich.
"In times like these, people need each other. They want to at least pretend that things are normal." Mark explained, reaching for the thermos of coffee "And others simply adapt to it. They don't want to have anyone close to them, because it's risky, you know. I guess she's like that. A lone wolf."
But Joel wasn't entirely sure, because he knew you from a slightly different side, or at least that's what he thought. When he showed up at your door that evening, only silence greeted him. And it was the same for the next few days.
"Yeah, she's still in Jackson." Maria was sure of her words "I visited her yesterday, but I don't think..."
That was enough for him. That strange fear was creeping into Joel's heart again. He didn't know why. He was afraid, and all his thoughts kept running to you. It was as if a strange force was pulling him towards you.
"Hey! It's me. Open up." he knocked on your door, but it didn't help "I know you're there. I want to talk. You can't keep hiding."
No answer.
"I can easily break down this door." he declared "I'll make a mess and you'll just be embarrassed. I can do this, you know that. So... On three?" he cleared his throat as if he was preparing to actually do it "One!" Nothing. "Two!" he thought he heard quiet footsteps on the other side. He was about to open his mouth when the door opened slightly and he saw your face.
"You'll hurt your shoulder. It'll be my fault and you'll be excluded from patrols for a long time." you said "That's pointless. Go away."
"I'm not going until you talk to me." Joel replied, his dark eyes full of stubbornness that you knew so well "You can't keep hiding."
"Maybe I'm sick?"
"You don't seem to be."
And then with one strong push he opened the door and before you could stop him he went inside. His gaze swept the apartment, he heard your protests but didn't care. 
Like a storm he passed through the small living room, peeked into the kitchen and when he entered the bedroom he found what he was looking for.
"Fuck! Get out of here!" you hissed, rushing after him, but then you noticed the bottle of whiskey he had taken from your nightstand.
"And these are bedtime snacks?" he growled, throwing a box full of medicines to the floor. "You robbed a fucking pharmacy?"
"None of your business!" you replied, he saw the fury in your eyes. "You're the last person who should be judging me."
"Or maybe I can, because I'm the only one who's ever shown up at your fucking door? What did you want to do, huh?" he put the bottle down with a bang and walked up to you, but you didn't take a single step back. "We were supposed to find you only when the stairwell started to stink? Did you think about Maria? About Ellie? That girl really likes you. Did you think about..."
About me.
Your gaze, although full of tears, was unwavering. You stood there, arms folded across your chest, your throat constricted so tightly that you couldn't swallow.
"Joel..." his name sounded like a prayer in your mouth. "I don't know what you were thinking, but this doesn't concern you. You shouldn't even be here. I tried to keep you out of this."
"Why?" his voice was a little calmer "Why are you like this? I can't figure it out. At first I thought we just didn't know each other well, but after so many months. I heard how freely you talked to Maria, Tommy said that you used to babysit their kid. I don't understand it!"
You closed your eyes as if his words brought you pain, as if they evoked all the emotions in you that you wanted to hide. Tears ran down your cheeks, and a quiet sob escaped your throat.
"I don't know how to deal with this, Joel..." you whispered after a moment, looking at him with eyes full of pain "It all hurts me so much. Every day. Patrols with you were an escape for me, you didn't ask stupid questions, I could feel safe there. But it's all always for a moment."
Joel approached you, his warm hand caressed your arm "You can tell me everything, you know that." you nodded "Come on, sit down."
He closed the bedroom door behind you as if he was leaving something unpleasant and bad there, and then sat down next to you on the couch. When you calmed down a bit, you looked at him like never before, almost with tenderness.
"When I came to Jackson, five years ago, I wasn't alone." you started slowly.
"Were you with someone? With some group?" Joel frowned, trying to remember that detail that must have escaped his attention.
You shook your head. "No, Joel. I wasn't alone, because I was pregnant."
Something twisted his guts. He didn't expect this.
"It was the middle of the seventh month, I guess. It's hard to get regular doctor's visits these days." The little joke was probably meant to lighten the mood, but even you didn't smile. "I've had a long journey. I was alone. Almost." you took a deep breath, and Joel felt his hands go cold and trembling in an instant. "It's funny, you know. Long time ago, women my age already had two kids. And I was completely unplanned pregnant and I hated every single day. I didn't want this baby, but it was there. It was growing. It was alive. I could feel it."
"What about the father?" Joel asked quietly.
A strange grimace crossed your face at the mere memory. "He wasn't father material, if that's what you mean. Some random guy. You know, as women we have another bargaining chip. Something that really tempts some men. Something we can use to survive."
He knew perfectly well what you meant. He had seen many women like that, but he didn't judge them. Everyone did what they had to to survive.
"He was nice, if that's any consolation. We stuck together for a while, and then we went our separate ways. After a while, I found out I was pregnant. But I didn't have anyone or anything at hand to help me solve this... problem." you rubbed your forehead with your hand as if you wanted to get rid of bad memories "Some guy told me about someone who could get rid of it manually, but I was afraid of infection. Then it was too late. Days and weeks passed, and I hated myself and this baby. The nausea was killing me. I was no longer good at smuggling. I also had no idea what I would do with a crying newborn... I got to Jackson, I thought maybe someone here would help me. Maria was so wonderful." a faint smile appeared on your lips, but you weren't even looking at Joel anymore. Your gaze was fixed on your clasped hands "I started bleeding a few days after I arrived. Then everything happened so quickly... The doctor at the clinic couldn't do anything. I had to give birth, but... There was so much blood... And silence. There was no baby crying."
Joel felt as if a heavy stone was resting in his stomach. He couldn't tear his eyes away from your face, but he couldn't say any words that could comfort you. And what the hell would they sound like. But you didn't wait for that, the words slowly flowed from your lips. 
"The doctor said that my body was too weak, that long fatigue, improper diet, that he was too weak... I had a son. He was so small when Maria put him in my arms... And he was so perfect. I was so afraid that his crying would bring trouble to us, that he decided to be quiet."
"I'm sure it wasn't your fault..." Joel finally choked out "Things like that..."
"Happens. I know that." You interrupted him calmly "But it was my fault, Joel. When I saw him... I would have given my life so he could cry, so I could know he was healthy and strong. How could I have ever thought otherwise? What kind of person am I?"
Your voice broke. You looked exhausted and tired of life. Joel understood your guilt perfectly, he knew what you felt. Sarah appeared in his head in an instant.
"I had a daughter." His voice broke the long silence between you. "I lost her right at the beginning."
"I'm sorry." Your voice was quiet, but full of something that gave him some relief.
"After everything I wanted..." he cleared his throat "I wanted to do the same thing you wanted. I even tried, but... I know how you feel, it's so devastating, and it will never get easier."
"I still have him in my mind, you know. He'd be five now. He'd ask a thousand questions, and I'd have to make sure he doesn't get into trouble. Sometimes I think about what it would be like, but then I hate myself even more... I didn't want him. I wanted to get rid of him. Maybe it's because of this..."
"Don't say that." Joel grabbed your hands and squeezed them tightly. "You might have thought so. You were alone, and this world had gone mad. You got into Jackson, you could be safe here, but... These things happen."
You watched him carefully. Never before had you and Joel spoken so intimately, but you didn't feel embarrassed by it. On the contrary, it was the first time someone had really meant it when they said "I understand you."
"I'm sure she was beautiful." you said quietly.
"She was. And very smart. Much smarter than me." Joel added. "She probably would have gone to college or something."
For a moment, silence reigned again. You had the impression that you were both lost in your thoughts about the losses that affected you. You weren't beating each other, you just allowed yourselves to feel it all again.
"Did you really want to kill yourself?" his question brought you back to reality for a moment.
You nodded. "Look at me, Joel. I have nothing, no one. I don't know if I could ever get close to someone again. And all these thoughts only make me feel worse. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to feel anything anymore."
He understood it perfectly. After Sarah died, he felt that this world wasn't for him. Every day was torture, and the longer it lasted, the more he closed himself in his shell. Years passed, and Joel barricaded himself so much that no one and nothing could get him out. 
And then Ellie appeared.
"You know..." he began uncertainly trying to find the right words. "I know what I'm going to say will seem pointless to you, but sometimes it's worth gritting your teeth and trying to live on. Not jumping into the deep end right away, but slowly, day by day. I know that your son..."
The name you gave him when you saw his face for the first time came out of your mouth. Joel repeated it gently.
"Your son would have a really fantastic mother." he said "I'm sorry you had to go through this. I really am."
Tears flowed down your cheeks and Joel struggled to put his arm around you so that you could snuggle up to him. You clung to him, and for the first time he felt the warmth of your body, your scent, your tender touch when you hugged him.
You sat like that for a long time. For the first time you talked about everything and nothing, he heard your quiet laughter a few times and noticed how much he liked it. It was all like honey to his heart. The feeling of loneliness he had disappeared when you were next to him.
He saw you the next day on patrol. It was the first sunny morning in a long time.
"Hi." Your quiet voice was the best thing he'd heard in a long time.
"Baby steps, right?" He nudged your shoulder lightly.
You smiled and followed him.
Thank you for your time.
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ybklix · 9 months ago
daddy issues
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★ bang chan
✦summary: After the agony for his sexual frustation of living under the same place as you, Bang Chan finally decides to do something to satiate all his deep and dirty fantasies with you, his best friend’s precious daughter.
♡ pairing: richdilf!chan x spoiled!bratty rich fem reader
headcanons: dilf!chan, urdad’sbestfiend!chan ♡ he wore that dilf outfit and leave us fereal like that (me) + one shoot: smut
(i tried my best, not sure if this is how headcanons works heh)
♡ based on my wild thoughts in this post lol
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♡ current warnings: MDNI, smut, daddy kink, dirty talk, teasing, fingering, masturbation, spanking, slapping, oral sex, choking, implied legal age gap (reader in her early 20’s and Chan in his mid 30’s), use of nicknames (some of them degrating), after care, and just chan being rough without mercy🙂‍↕️
note: reader goes by ‘park’ last name but it is only mentioned once for the narrative.
♡ word count: 11.3k
•MASTERLIST• taglist forms for upcoming works or wip♡
—a/n: there you go, happy late father’s day!
playlist: daddy issues by the neighbourhood + be my daddy by lana del rey
yourdad’sbestfriend!chan who since he met you has not stopped fantasizing about the spoiled daughter of his friend and business partner.
dilf!chan who had to go through a horrible divorce and is trying to be the best father for his beloved toddler daughter, going through emotional stress and turning into sexually frustration since he meets you because he hasn't had sex in a long time, and you keep dangerously flirting and teasing him.
yourdad’sbestfriend!chan who wants to put you in your place for being spoiled and at the same time pampered you himself, him thinking that you’ve had everything in your life, except a big dick like his.
yourdad’sbestfriend!chan who finally decides to take you on a fancy date after your fiery flirtations behind your father's back, but proposes to meet his penthouse after a casual event at your parents's house and eventually wait to feel your nice tight pussy wrapped around his cock.
dilf!chan and yourdad’sbestfriend!chan who knows that his friend is a tough guy, demands too much from you and he didn’t give you the sweet treatment and love that a father should give his daughter, so Chan loves to hold you tight in his arms while you act tender and submissive since you could never do it and forced yourself to have a strong personality.
daddy!chan who loves to fuck you hard, ramming rough your tight hole just because you love it too, and ask him to do it hard; but also enjoys sweet fucking you while giving you soft kisses all over your face while praising you gently for moving on his big cock at your soft and tender pace.
daddy issues
He was older than you and was also your father's friend and business partner… yet you could not refuse his request to accompany him to his apartment where, according to him, you could have a nice chat and a better time… your little games of seduction and flirting were not new; you were both captivated by each other when you saw each other for the first time.
You knew Bang Chan, at least only by name, as your father often mentioned him, however you never got to see his face as he was a partner in a company in another country and your father always saw him there, you knew he was significantly younger than your father and that he trusted him a lot… almost considering him as the son he never had. You were an only child so you could say that you were in a way, somewhat spoiled since your father was stupidly rich and you were the only legitimate heir to everything he has and built throughout his life, but still having such a position carries great consequences as the harsh discipline and demands that he always put on you… almost making you mold two personalities; in spite of everything you were kind, a bit cold, but kind, humble and very aware of your surroundings, qualities that Chan noticed and captivated him instantly as well. You were mature but at the same time immature and mischievous, you had a special look for him that only he was able to decipher, you drove him crazy.
You only knew little details about Chan when you didn't know him in person, scattered comments in the air that you listened to vaguely with interest from your father, that Chan is his partner from another country, that he got married a couple of years ago —whose wedding you couldn't attend because of your commitment at the university—, that he had a daughter, that he got divorced and was the one who accompanied your father on the little relaxing vacations he gave himself from time to time; honestly you couldn’t have played it down more, you always thought he was a mature man in a suit looking old. Until you saw him for the first time at a business dinner that you were forced to attend so you would be more related to what your father was doing and working for; you saw him, Chan, near that white door frame, wearing an elegant suit and with a glass in his hand that looked so small when he held it. Your father introduced him, the famous Bang Chan he always talked about and the one and only you usually didn't take the slightest interest in him.
You remember how handsome he looked and the big smile formed on your face as you heard your father say that he would be staying a little over a month to settle matters of their respective companies just in the city and, to your surprise, he would be staying in the small house —not so small, as it could almost be considered as a quite decent and elegant apartment for which many people would pay a great deal of money— near the swimming pool. The timing couldn't have been more perfect for you, you would be home for the academic break and you had Bang nearby, you had him in your sights from the first instant you saw him, his young and manly appearance, serious but relaxed countenance, his exquisite slightly pale skin and his beautiful full lips that you wanted to taste, in addition with an adorable accent, you suddenly found yourself fantasizing strongly about your father's best friend. All that night you couldn't take your eyes off him and… for Bang Chan, the feeling was quite mutual, he really didn't expect a pleasant surprise and a beauty like you from his best friend's daughter.
Your little fleeting games of seduction began without further ado, you noticed for miles the hungry gaze with which his eyes penetrated you; you wore short little skirts when he was supposed to be counseling you in finance, you accidentally caressed his body, you looked at him with sparkling eyes while seductively addressing him as Mr. Bang and you just loved being a little flirtatious around him…. when your father didn't see you, as he would never allow that kind of provocative and revealing attire on you; but you excused yourself with brave, of being a hot summer, and went out swimming in your bikini hoping Chan was watching you. It wasn't news to you, you wanted him so badly, and you were so used to getting everything you wanted.
And for him, of course he was watching you, he did it from the first instant he met you, he knew that you were not a normal kind of girl… Bang Chan always considered himself an observant person who appreciated and noticed every detail, since you met, he noticed the slight gleam in your eyes that grew more and more, your pupils dilating, your weak and fragile body excited to have him near, the feeling was mutual, since a long time ago he had not felt attraction for another woman again after his disastrous divorce and, what he considers, as failure in love, his only true love is his daughter, who is his priority, and his mother.
At first he decided to concentrate, you were a girl younger than him, as far as he knew, still studying at the university, you were not even studying a postgraduate degree; so it seemed absurd to him, you were young, immature and above all, the precious daughter of his best friend and business partner. But the days progressed, tortuous days in the Park's gigantic house, where you kept strutting in front of him like a little whore —or so he thought—, Chan only tensed his jaw, swallowed nervously with his throat dry, thirsty, trying to ignore the dirty thoughts of wanting to take you and put you in your place so you start behaving like the polite and fine lady you should be, carrying with pride such an important last name, but no, you decided to provoke him to the extreme, his blood heating up and fighting with his greatest instinct to not lift the little piece of cloth that would cover your ass, which you called a skirt, and hit your buttocks hard until you cry and lose little consciousness and that the only thing you remember is that you should feel ashamed.
Chan couldn't take it anymore, so after the first week he rented a luxurious penthouse where he would stay for a few nights to clear his mind… and get away from you, because once near you… his body reacted on its own and he was terrified that his instincts would take everything from him. He was stressed, he could not do that to his best friend, he trusted Chan fully and madly, he even confessed to him in such an intimate and vulnerable moment that he would leave in his hands two of his most precious things in life: his legacy and company and his beloved daughter, to advise you and teach you everything you need to know so that you, together with Bang, can take control and continue the legacy. Chan thought ironically if it must have been true when he told him that he would leave you in his hands, since he was dying for you to be in his arms right now.
Days passed and ignoring your immature games, Chan managed to get serious and advise you on company matters; you thought it was boring and expressed to Chan firmly how uninterested you were, to which he annoyingly puffed out his nostrils, thinking, but what a fucking spoiled brat... yet you were curious, competitive and a fast learner, so little by little Chan saw in you your maturity and determination, got to know your serious side and true personality… as if that wasn't enough, he was now more hopelessly interested in you.
After that he was more drowned in a sea of emotions that overwhelmed him more and more, sometimes you were a cute and pretty educated girl willing to learn, sometimes you acted provocatively seducing him and making his poor big cock cry of desperation, he wanted to fuck you hard without stopping, but also kiss you sweetly and take you on a date, he wanted to hear you talk freely about yourself, but he also wanted to leave you breathless while penetrating your delicate pussy. It wasn't until later when in a serious moment you confessed to him that your choice of college career was not something you enjoyed at all, you were doing very well when it came to your grades… but you felt it was only to please your father; Chan was surprised, he knew your dad was tough but he always seemed like a good family guy, but apparently he was not, he was always absent and filled his presence with material things all your life, Chan felt bad and… he remembered his beloved daughter away from him, it seemed wrong but, he thought he didn't want to give her those treats or be absent at any time in her life, but sadly he was thousands of miles away from her, just because of work. You sweetly told him that he still had a chance, since she was only two years old, it's not something like the little girl would remember anyway, that her father had to leave for a little over a month. And in a way you felt bad for yourself and for him... you felt so bad for wanting a man with children and because he had to get divorced because suddenly their relationship didn't work out, even with a child, which left you thinking too much....
Later in the madness of living under the same area, Chan witnessed something he shouldn't have, how your father yelled at you senselessly for partying around like a ‘slut’ when you should take care of your image for the sake of the whole family and that you could have appeared in the media, as well as claiming how you were bothering Bang Chan; since you had gone out to a club like any normal girl your age, frustrated at not getting the man you wanted, you decided to get drunk and text him while you were in that state, to which Chan ran to your rescue without hesitation. He took you home as you insisted and whined over and over about it, and sneaked you to his place, so your father wouldn't see you drunk; and you slept heavily in Chan's bed without realizing it, Chan died of tenderness and took care of you all night; however his help was in vain, the gate keepers and all your father's staff informed him of the situation, that Chan had to pick you up and that they saw you enter his room… making your father angry, not with Chan, but taking out all the anger on you, slapping you.
Chan was as devastated as you were, and ran after you, for the first time, giving you a hug as you cried into his chest. You hated crying, you hated being vulnerable in front of people and allowing them to show emotion in front of them… but with Chan, you were able to release yourself so well into his arms as he stroked your hair, you had forgotten when your last hug was and how warm human companionship can be.
After all that madness in such a short time, countless nights of both of you touching yourselves fantasizing about each other, Chan wanted to put an end to his agony, his heart ached for you and his cock cried so often for not being inside you. He was about to forget everything, to tell your father that he appreciated the stay and lodging at his house, but that he would like to leave for the penthouse he rented, where from there he would leave directly for work and only see you occasionally when you visit your father's company for your quick lessons; but he lost his mind when your father confessed to him that he would like you to date a son of another of his partners, a polite boy four years older than you… that was the straw that broke the camel's back, Chan hadn't realized how privileged he was and didn't take a chance, you were completely single, you didn't see any boy —as far as he knew-—, you barely left your house, so he finally asked you out on a date, a nice romantic date that he tried hard to plan since he knew very little about the city. You had a wonderful time and he couldn't believe it, for the first time in a long time, he was beginning to like and… slightly starting to fall in love with another girl.
Finally, the hot games of seduction and teasing were mutual, escalating into more and more dangerous territory until, Chan could no longer contain himself, he was fed up with so much play and erections in his pants that he had to take them off himself; so one simple Saturday where your father wanted to be a simple man and do things like most average men do to get along, like a barbecue, somehow or other Chan managed to get out of that situation as something suddenly came up for your father… leaving you and Chan alone. But you both knew you were not quite alone, there were eyes everywhere, so he suggested that you stop by to visit his temporary apartment.
You had accepted, your nerves increased with strength, you had not passed with Chan from light friction and dangerous closeness… but to be finally alone, your heart was pounding, you did not believe you had come so far. That Saturday you were exclusively bored, sneaking out a bit to see what your father and Chan were up to, who looked so handsome wearing a slightly baggy pale blue shirt, which showed through a bit underneath so he wore a white sleeveless shirt, blue jeans and simple sneakers… he looked so relaxed and cute. You fantasized about him in all his forms, in a suit acting like a rich and powerful man, the tender Chan hugging you while you cry and comforting you, the Chan best friend of your father who talks animatedly with him, and him casual, just him. You were so eager for him, you even told your best friends that this summer you had to fuck your father's friend, no was not an option, you had to have him.
He drove without another word to his place… you both didn't know what to say but you could feel the tension in the air, it was obvious he wanted to do a couple of not so tender and gentle things with you. You smoothed your skirt nervously as you rode shotgun in the car, luckily you always dolled up to see Chan and ever since that hug he always reminds you how pretty you look, out loud when you’re alone, and in whispers in your ear when people are around.
You entered the place even more nervous with Chan behind you… normally you are not the nervous type of girl, but something about being so close to Chan and what you always longed for made you even tremble.
“It looks nice” you managed to say as you walked into the place, clearing your throat a little.
Chan brazenly watched your silhouette up and down licking his lips, even your voice was driving him crazy, you turned to see him and found his worked and muscular body relaxed, giving you a little smile.
“But why would you rent an apartment if you're supposed to already have a place to stay...” you spoke again, getting closer to him and unable to avoid showing your little cynical and sarcastic side, “is it something rich men do or… is it to have more privacy with the girls you fuck?” your smile got bigger, waiting for a response from him.
But he didn't think it was funny, if only having sex with other women was so simple he would have done it so fast to forget about you, but he couldn't, it was just you, you and you. But Chan decided to relax a little and and match your energy.
“Oh yeah, hundreds of girls I bring here” he added amused, “Honey do you want something to drink…?”
You bit your lower lip, while your cheeks turned red as you heard him sweet talk you, you adored him madly and appreciated his attempt to be nice to you but you couldn't deny that you were incredibly horny, you were even slightly wet already, so you gently rolled your eyes then let out and small sigh, moving closer to Chan, you couldn't contain your body anymore, it was vibrating from all the possible scenarios that you couldn't wait another second for them to happen.
“Why don't you just kiss me already… isn't that what you've always wanted?” you said slowly returning to your seductive tone and took a step closer, almost brushing his lips as you look him suggestively in the eyes.
Chan stood still, incredulous of your boldness and that you wanted to start doing it at once… his breathing started to get irregular, his heart pounding as excited as it had never been before, he was crazy about you, although sometimes, with that cute and tender face you have, he expects you to act like that, tender and innocent, but you are absolutely the opposite, speaking boldly and not afraid to say what you are thinking about. And of course you were like that, at least in sex, not every day you had a man like Chan willing to fuck you, although you knew perfectly well that you could have them all in the palm of your hand, but no one was him, your sweet Channie who without realizing he knows too many private things about you that you fought so hard to keep them and hide, that you always carried with that weight; but you were like that, a bit daring to get what you wanted... but when it comes to feelings and expressing what you feel, that's when you really become the sweet, innocent young woman he slightly desires. But he doesn't mind anyway, knowing every facet of you is a challenge he loves to take.
“Please… Chan” you asked again almost in a whisper, you don't mind showing a little needy side of you to him, even though you were proud, you really wanted him badly.
Chan reacted coming out of his trance and quickly observing the details of your face, he grabbed your waist and finally caught your lips, feeling the same softness of the clouds and rising to a trance so heavenly by your touch, he was dying to kiss you from the first moment he saw you. Chan was slowly moving his expert lips over yours, you were so stunned that you didn't even know where to place your hands so you only left them lightly resting on Chan's chest, feeling the stiffness of his muscular and very well worked body, you couldn't believe it, you were getting too carried away with just simple kisses and your pussy started to throb hard so ready to take Chan's cock if he wanted to do it right now. Chan made you slowly open your mouth, at his torturous, slow and hot pace, with his left hand he held your face and finally the kiss became a little dirtier as he used his slick tongue mercilessly. The act made your pussy throb harder and covered more your panties with your sweet wetness. You took little gasps of air every now and then but Chan never let go of your mouth, you felt so good just kissing him that you slowly lost your sanity and the strength to stand; he gently began to stroke your back with his other hand, so you also wanted to be part of the soft touching while kissing passionately, so you directed your hand towards his cock, surprised to find his dick extremely prominent and erect in his pants, you almost moaned at the thought of how big his cock was erect, you were dying to see his cock completely uncovered. Chan moaned subtly as he felt your daring touch… but something inside him that night wanted to take absolute control of the situation, to give you orders and wanted to see you being a good girl for him, but you started touching him, provoking him more and teasing him just a little, but enough to squeeze your wrist hard with his hand that was previously on your back, pulling it away from his cock and, pulling a little on your hair to get you off his face, away from his lips. Leaving you confused and disoriented as you were extremely lost in his caresses.
“Don't touch until I tell you what to do, babygirl” he warned with a stern and defiant look at you, expecting a sweet nod of your head as you stare into his eyes so needy and submissive.
But it was just the opposite, you were so excited that all you could think about was making him feel good and how cute it would sound as he whimpered your name. You bit your lip, and tried to wiggle out of his grip on your wrist, going back to stroking his erection, ignoring him.
“Shit, but you're so hard and it's so big” you moaned, but quickly the tighter grip on your wrist and in your hair took over, stretching it, it confused you a little and you looked him straight in the eye.
“Why do you always have to do what you want and act like a fucking slut?” he blurted out suddenly with his eyes dark, the vein in his neck slightly exalted and his body full of lust.
You smiled broadly, something about him seeing him angry made you ten times more horny, you loved teasing him so much.
“Then treat me like one” you commented with a cocky grin, almost in an excited sigh, you were so agitated, your body throbbing, your breathing ragged and your heart seeming to want to burst out of your chest, forcefully feeling each beat rumble in your ears, you needed to fuck him desperately.
Chan smiled sideways in disbelief at your request… he was so willing to make you feel good and have a nice unforgettable night, of course he was going to penetrate you till you were breathless, but he would be gentle, ordering you around gently… but you were complicating things too much, suddenly you confessed to him how dirty you wanted the act to be.
“Is that what you want?” he added in a low voice, looking at you expectantly and intimidating you a little for the first time.
You nodded nervously as you felt the pressure of his grips even tighter, causing you a little pain.
“Alright” he replied, still looking intimidating and dominant, he brought his face closer to you, almost brushing your lips and tempting you to kiss him, “Dirty sluts don't deserve sweet kisses on the lips then” he mumbled in your face, pulling even harder on your hair, “They get fucked hard.”
You winced a little but he quickly released you, you couldn't hide your smile hearing him say that, you were so turned on and he hadn't even started touching you, you lowered your gaze to his pants, the protruding bulge in his blue jeans took your breath away, he was also so ecstatic without even starting.
“Take your clothes off now” he ordered you, still with an annoyed tone, but he was too turned on by you provoking him and acting like a spoiled cynic little bitch.
Chan pressed his lips together, licking them and putting his hands on his hips, with bated breath waiting to see the whole show. You looked at him and then lowered your gaze to your clothes, with light trembling hands that you were trying so hard to relax, you removed your top, your bra, your skirt and paused a little at your panties, bent down as you slid from the thin elastic and stared at him, his eyes captured on you, his gaze traveling quickly to every part of your body so as not to miss any detail, you gasped at the sensation of the fabric leaving your pussy and finally you were completely naked for him, smiling smugly at him. Chan couldn't resist, he had to touch you so he quickly drew your body to his, squeezing your ass, making you give a little squeak of surprise, finally, the sensation of his skin clinging to yours, touching you, your cheeks burned again, for so long you had fantasized about being touched and groped by him and now Chan found himself massaging your ass as you feel the friction of all his clothes, and his erection, joined to your naked body.
Chan watched you, your sweet pink lips begging to be treated gently, but you by yourself had decided to be treated like a whore so he would give you exactly the treatment, completely unaware of you and trying to erase the tender thoughts he has of you.
“Even fucking whores should be taught manners once in a while” he mumbled looking down at you from above and tightening his grip on your ass to which you moaned.
Chan carried you with ease, walking a few secluded yards to his living room in his large, soft white couch with its large mirror on the wall above it; he sat down and wrestled you onto his long, strong thighs face down, your lower abdomen feeling the pressure of the rough denim of his jeans, and your breasts brushing against the softness of the couch, leaving your ass in the air at his sight and will. You drew in a shaky breath, stirring uncomfortably from your position, predicting exactly what his next move might be about. Chan dropped his heavy arm on your shoulder blades impeding and bounding your movement a bit, having you just facing your very bounded front view; you felt him gently caress your ass and gently spread it apart to part your folds making you groan. Chan bit his lip at the sight of your wet and slightly swollen little pussy, you were so needy and having you just at his disposal made his cock throb enclosed in his tight pants, it was like his cock had a life of its own when it came to you, only with you he would get hard in seconds at the slightest interaction and that frustrated him madly… so he would finally get even for all the times you misbehaved and left him so needy, for all the times you behaved like a real slut to get his attention.
He inhaled air between his teeth gently shaking his head, thinking he had to, he wanted to see you cry and beg.
“I'm going to give you a little punishment babygirl, for all the times you went around provoking me when I never asked you to, behaving like a fucking slut, you won't count them, I'll spank you until you understand” he said plaintiff.
You sighed half-heartedly and excited, somehow you were so turned on by this foreplay of him acting domineering, of wanting to correct you and, without being able to think anymore, you felt the first strong and loud spank on your ass, your body contracting from the shock and impact, you gasped loudly, it had hurt so much and it was only the first one, but you couldn't help feeling that it was turning you on more, you thought that you would look a little crazy if you cum when he was hitting you, but you couldn't help it, your sensations were at the limit. Chan didn't even let your blood pressure molecules work for your well-being and stability, when he was already spanking you again, this time letting out a little cry and biting your lip hard.
“You have been a very bad girl…” he mentioned almost breathless panting with excitement as he saw your weak body react to the pain, “Very very bad for daddy, when all I wanted was for you to behave well” he spanked you again.
And you didn't know what surprised you more, the hit or that he had suddenly called himself daddy, making your heart pound harder…. daddy, oh my god you thought, he had finally said it, you thought it sounded so hot coming out of his rough voice full of pleasure and that ultimately that dirty fetish suited Chan so well, of which he felt a sexual arousal hearing you say daddy when you meekly and in a high pitched tone referred to your father like that, when clearly it was with a double intention, a random afternoon as you sucked hard on a popsicle while looking him coyly in the eyes. And Chan couldn't deny it felt so good to self-brand himself in that term in the sex act, it came so naturally to him, it made him feel empowered and in control, such a tender and dirty term only when both of you use it.
“Daddy” you moaned in pain and excitement as you felt your fourth spank.
“That's right babygirl, daddy is here to correct you every time you are misbehaving” Chan growled, stretching your hair and spanking you sudden times.
The shuddering sound of his big hand colliding with your destroyed skin made him hornier, Chan spanked you and watched your sweet reaction two seconds and continued to his activity, exciting him uncontrollably, with your body helpless and unwilling to move by his grip and your moans were more than enough, Chan wanted to release his cock once and for all, his balls ached and he could feel his precum drops coming intensely from his choked and pressed tip. You on the other hand were starting to whimper, you kicked hard and with awkward movements you struggled your right hand towards your ass to stop him from beating you, you had forgotten how many he had given you, but you were on the verge, your ass was a fiery red.
“Daddy, please” you whined with your voice trembling and in supplication.
“Please what?” he spoke sharply, releasing his grip on your hair and bringing it to your hand to stop you from impeding his action.
You were practically crying a little and tried to turn to look at him once he stopped leaning against your back, but you couldn't. You were about to answer, as you were feeling your buttocks burning intensely, but you were sore and limp, however before you could say anything you felt two long fingers in your hole, suddenly fucking you and causing your body to react.
“Do you want me to stop, you little slut?” spoke Chan, playing with his fingers at your entrance, dilating it for him, you gasped in response, “You are so fucking wet and all I have done is spank you, do you actually like being treated like a real slut?” Chan bit his bottom lip again as he felt your walls clench his fingers, thinking if this is how tight you are with his fingers he was dying to feel that tightness around his cock.
You were so focused on the shocks of vibration his long digits transmitted to you as you tried to forget the pain in your ass, but you shrunk your body a little with fear as you felt his left hand let go of your arm and started to caress your ass again, you didn't want to be spanked again, you understood it was hot at first but now it just hurt. You were already a mess, you are soaking wet, with your eyes watering and physically weak. Chan got a half smile on his face as he noticed your reaction.
“So have you learned to behave yourself or do you want me to remind you again how painful it can be not to obey daddy? Because I can break that lovely ass of yours again” he commented, almost sighing excitedly the last sentence as he leered at your round red ass with his hand marked on your skin, gently squeezing the damaged area, making you whimper again.
“Yes daddy” you responded quickly and desperately as you resented the violent rhythmic changes of his fingers on your sensitive pussy, “I-I'll be a good girl for you, ahh, fuck daddy” you moaned exquisitely feeling the skill of his fingers exploring your insides as he plunged into the sea of your wetness, grotesquely hearing the sound of your fluids colliding with the movements of his fingers.
You were not thinking clearly, you were so close to your first strong orgasm from the sensation of his fingers alone.
“Watch your pretty mouth, princess” he commanded as he heard you curse.
“S-sorry, daddy” you replied just to please him so he wouldn't spank you again; it felt so satisfying for you to call him that as he had you exploding with pleasure.
Chan removed his right hand from your entrance and with it he began to delicately caress your wet folds as he grabbed your hair again.
“Come here” he ordered you.
You moaned softly as you stopped feeling his touch and struggled to sit up, you slowly raised your body, sitting painfully on one of Chan's thighs, but as soon as you sat down, he gently lifted you off your hips, leaving you sitting on the couch and he quickly stood up. You winced at the sensation of the material of the couch rubbing against your sensitive, bruised bottom, rising uncomfortably pressing your palms into the cushioned couch as you watched Chan's domineering complexion in front of you from the bottom up, the two of you exchanged eye contact, Chan looking up at you haughtily, gently licking his lips as his long fingers went to the button of his pants to unbutton them; your attention was completely diverted, concentrating on the action, you subtly bit your lip, you brought your legs together a bit feeling all the wetness of your pussy and for a moment you forgot your discomfort, your heart raced again just seeing that Chan was starting to undress, you were so excited as if he was unwrapping a gift you were eagerly waiting for, Chan never took off his smug expression and enjoyed seeing the eager reaction of your fragile body; once with his pants unbuttoned, he quickly stripped off all his clothes, he always felt more comfortable naked, plus he could freely do everything with you, he raised his arms, taking off both shirts, pale blue collared and the white sleeveless one he wears underneath, finally revealing his marked abdomen and pecs, you sighed, thinking how well preserved he was for an older man with a daughter and thought about how much you wanted to ride his cock while holding on to his worked body... oh, his cock, you thought in a second, still with your mind a little fuzzy and your vision blurred between desire and your slightly watery eyes. Chan finally took off his jeans, also desperate to be on top of you, you appreciated his big bulge for a few seconds before he finally takes off his underwear, his erect and rigid cock coming out gracefully, so overstimulated and with its notorious tip of a bright pink with details of a brilliant white from his precum. You opened your eyes in amazement analyzing every detail of his member's anatomy… you had never seen such a thing, you always fantasized that it would be big but reality surpassed fiction a little, it was a little bigger than what you projected in your head… it was perfect and looked so appetizing, you didn't miss any detail of his cock, from the base and its pink and slightly tanned testicles, to its entire firm length with protruding veins scattered all over it, it looked so nice and neat, and you started to feel so perky and excited leaving aside the pain in your ass, you were so excited that the slight discomfort was even turning you on more. It was so impressive and big that you wondered how he was able to hide it all this time. Chan saw your tender gaze sparkle at the sight of his big cock.
“You like what you see, honey?” he laughed softly, bringing you out of your shock and making you look him in the face, yes you adored his cock and you hadn't even tasted it, but you loved the person who possessed it more, you wanted to see every expression of your adored Chan when he is already fucking you. You nodded.
He caught your gaze, so lewd and submissive for him as your body trembled slightly and your chest looked heaving breathing hard. Chan was enjoying every damn second of having you. You wanted to get close to him, to start jerking him off because of your seductive nature, but you held back all your urges with almost even physical strength. Chan got down on his knees, fully willing to appreciate the precious pussy that now belonged to him and he would surely destroy later, making his cock move freely at the rough movement making him moan which you loved to hear, you came back to your senses hearing it; Chan spread your legs and appreciated your poor needy cunt, with your entrance slightly dripping.
“But look what a mess you're made of… just for daddy, aren't you precious?” he groaned running his fingertips along your labia.
“Y-yes daddy.”
You gasped, trying to relax your body on the back of the couch and settling your body so that your ass wouldn't hurt so much, Chan was lost in detail all over the structure of your vagina and began to stroke your sensitive clitoral spot, contracting your body a little; for him suddenly his slow process burned inside his body, but he was a true believer of leaving the best to last and in this case it would be finally feeling your tight core hugging his cock. Chan continued to stroke the entire length of your folds without leaving your clitoris alone; you were so frustrated, and excited, the sensation of your orifice getting more and more lubricated was driving you crazy… if you didn't feel filled by his cock in the next five minutes you would start to cry with despair.
“But what a nice, needy pussy, ready to be cared for, do you want daddy to take care of it for you?” he said dirtily spanking your exposed vulva, getting you all worked up.
“Yes, daddy, p-please…” you were about to beg him to fuck you at once, beg him because it wasn't that hard to just stick his cock in you.
But once again your words were interrupted as you once again felt Chan's fingers in you fucking you with agility, making you once again lose your sanity.
Chan brought his hand to his member as his poor sex was also crying out to be attended, but he would never admit it, at least not in this sizzling scenario you both were creating… and he began to masturbate panting while his other hand attended to you. You saw him lustfully biting your lip thinking that you could be the one who could please him, take his cock and make him feel good, he didn't have to do it by himself. He came dangerously close to the center of your labia, feeling his hot breath and his big nose brushing lightly against your genitals, you saw him, confused and expectant that if he came near your pussy it was because he was going to start sucking it but… he just stood there for a few seconds with a naughty little smile on his face.
He stopped masturbating to bring his hand up and play with your labia without missing the delicious rhythm of his fingers on you.
“You want me to eat your pussy, huh, little slut? Do you want to feel my tongue making you scream?” he spoke between sighs in front of your sensitive area.
Your cheeks flushed and you couldn't agree more, you nodded excitedly with your eyes sparkling, but only got a small mocking laugh from Chan in response.
“Well too bad, princess, bad girls don't deserve to have their pussy eaten by daddy.”
You whimpered as you stopped feeling his hot breath near you and from Chan's sudden movements inside you filling your organ.
“Let me help you daddy, I want to touch you too” you mumbled senselessly, closing your eyes tightly so ecstatic to feel something inside your vagina.
“You want to help me huh, yeah? With what, baby?” your whole body collapsed and trembled, you were so close and he knew it.
“L-let me help you with your cock daddy, I want to make you f-feel good too” you babbled, arching your back as you felt you were nothing short of orgasm. “Fuck, I-I'm-gonna cum daddy” you cried out sharply and before you felt the jolt of your orgasm you felt one of Chan's hand on your cheek, slapping you then squeezing your cheeks hard with his hand so you could stare at him.
The slap surprised you but excited you too much once you caught his dark gaze behind his small eyelids.
“I told you not to curse” he spat annoyed without missing the rhythm of his fingers in your pussy, you lowered your gaze to his strong arm whose skin glistened from the lighting of the place and his veins were exalted in his hand working on your hole and folds, you felt him pull again on his strong grip “Look at me” he commanded “You're about to cum, huh, dirty slut?” he gasped seeing your taut complexion struggling for release, and, almost bursting to fill Chan with you, he stopped completely, “Oh honey I would have made you cum but don't forget tonight you are still a dirty whore at my beck and call, you will cum until I tell you to.”
You whimpered, letting out a heavy sigh as you watched him in annoyance and disbelief as he stood up, bringing his big cock closer to your face.
“Come on, didn't you say you were going to try to be a good girl and help me” he groaned inhaling air between his teeth and dropping his heavy right hand on top of your head.
You saw him, lewdly and quickly arranged your body, getting on your knees on the couch and leaning your torso and arching your back to get exactly level with his cock, you licked your lips hungrily and held his long and slightly curved cock, you gasped as you felt its rough but smooth texture in your hands… for a second you thought about getting revenge and leaving him so needy without letting him cum… but your mentality changed as you finally felt him, so erect and rigid and ready for you.
“Can I put it in my mouth daddy?” you asked innocently looking into his eyes as you felt his sex throb after hearing you speak.
“Fuck, yes, babygirl, take it all, show me you can take all of daddy's cock, show me what your dirty little mouth can do” he replied in a gasping whisper stroking your hair.
You smiled and your eyes moved to his manhood, you kissed his tip, covering your lips in his precum and continued to give him soft kisses all along his length as your hands moved down as well, until you reached his base, where your left hand gently caressed and squeezed his balls and you quickly ran your tongue along his erection until you returned again to his tip. You felt every bulge of his veins in your mouth thinking that his cock would become your new favorite plaything. Chan gasped, completely giving in to the sensation of his sex finally being touched and tightened his grip on your hair.
“It's so big daddy” you moaned looking into his eyes as your hands masturbated him, preparing to take him into your mouth.
“It has to go all the way in your pretty mouth slut” he replied watching you from below.
You watched all the way down to his cock from your angle, his strong neck, his protruding pecs and marked abdomen until you reached his clean shaved pubic area detonating small veins until you reached his huge erect manhood, you wanted him to fuck you so hard until it made you forget your name and the only one you can scream and remember is his… but for now, you were going to suck him off so good he would miss the feeling of your warm cavity on his cock.
You moved your tongue circularly on his glans, tasting every part of his salty pre cum combined with your saliva as you tentatively played with his foreskin a little, making Chan whimper, which made your body vibrate with excitement and finally you opened your mouth wide to insert it. Chan let out a little gasp at finally feeling his cock inside something, a cavity as soft and warm and like yours, as he felt his cock finally being surrounded by the wetness of your mouth and the sensation of your naughty tongue that wouldn't stop moving. Chan sighed heavily, closing his eyes and throwing back his head.
“Fuck, babygirl, that's it, keep g-going, don't stop” he gasped encouraging you to move more.
His cock was so big that only half of it fit with effort, the rest of its length you held with your hand, still you took advantage of the stiffness but flexibility of his member, making him explore the inside of your mouth, making Chan tremble as his sighs of excitement came more and more forcefully from his inside, pushing against his abdomen. You felt a tickle in your nose as it watered and became slippery, your whole expression changed, your cheeks rose up to your eyes, bothering you and making them begin to water, however you did not stop and began to move, bobbing your head up and down his length, trying to adapt to his size, and do it at your pace, however pleasure took over Chan and between gasps he began to pull your head penetrating your mouth gently; you moaned breathlessly and with his virility in your cavity, whimpering and releasing tinies mmm's, the liquids of both began to slide out of your mouth; Chan bit his lip at the submissive and helpless image of you with his big member in your mouth as you struggled to keep up and catch your breath, then he looked up, meeting his reflection in the big mirror on the wall, seeing himself with such a pleased expression from you pretty mouth giving it all to satisfy him, Chan thought he couldn't wait to see what a mess you became as he fucked you hard, seeing you both in that damn, big, strategic mirror.
Chan continued to thrust your head, you were so turned on again that your trembling, fumbling hand found its way to your pussy to begin stimulating your clitoris as your mouth grotesquely and sexually filled with your father's best friend's big cock. Chan flicked his tongue, smiled at the sight of you in a mess, your makeup smudged, your eyes watering and your hand struggling to touch yourself… however the last thing did not please him at all, he wanted to keep teasing you and have absolute control of your body, your emotions, your panting, your pleasure, everything must be because he was giving it to you, it all belonged to him. He pulled roughly on your hair, pulling his dick violently out of your mouth splashing your fluids all over your face, his abdomen and onto the couch; Chan without thinking again treated you like a whore, and slapped you again.
“You can't touch yourself, concentrate on my cock, cum like a slut by just sucking my cock if you want, but you are not allowed to touch yourself, today only daddy can touch you” he demanded, leaving your fragile cheek slightly burning with pain.
You looked at him in surprise, and without answering him or being able to take a breath, he reached up again to grab your hair, taking the base of his erection with his hand and directing it back to your mouth where its red tip brushed your wet lips.
“Open up, make me feel good, let daddy cum in that little mouth” he demanded again in a husky voice.
You looked at him, vulnerably with each limb weak and trembling, you opened your mouth and he without warning pushed until you felt his glans touch the bottom of your cavity.
“Daddy is going to fuck your throat, princess, hold on.”
Your body vibrated and your womanhood reacted violently to his warning, you made eye contact with him again, almost begging for mercy as your eyes watered, which only made Chan swell more, he bit his lip and the vein in his neck started to become more and more noticeable, it felt more than good, he was about to cum with an intensity like he had never done before and just from fucking your mouth. Chan rammed you gently and then found a way to slide his cock down your throat as he dug his hands into your hair; you whimpered, out of breath and contracting your body hard, out of air and begging for some, regurgitating as he touched the uvula of your mouth, upsetting your gag reflex, as you held onto his thighs, digging your nails in; Chan cried out in pleasure, reaching so deep until you felt the rough texture of the skin of his balls on your lips, rubbing them into you as he moved subtly, only to pull away quickly as he saw your body convulse for help. You caught your breath and coughed from the earlier sensation of a large intruder in your throat, you brought your hands to your neck… you still smiled at him, it was so fucking hot, you were immobile unable to do anything about his strong grip, fuck, now you loved deepthroating him.
He noticed your cynical reaction, you looked incredibly horny to him, he didn't think you were that kind of girl, all in all a wonderful girl willing to explore every game and open to anything.
“Make me cum” Chan added in a whine, now he almost pleading, releasing his tight grip on your hair and now stroking it. Your smile widened and now you continued at your pace, tasting and enjoying his entire length and testicles, your mouth up and down his cock as you massaged his balls; then running your tongue all over it as if it were your favorite candy.
“Mmm, you taste so good daddy, I love your cock, it's so big, mm” you babbled between his cock, looking into his eyes.
“Yeah?” he said raising his eyebrows and looking at you haughtily, weakening his body so much at every naughty flick of your tongue and strong suction, echoing grotesquely in the room the moans of both of you and the dripping sound of his cock colliding with your mouth and lips, Chan was so close, “Keep going babygirl, fuck, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, all over your fucking mouth, you're doing it so well, what the fuck” Chan babbled feebly.
And Chan ejaculated, inhaling hard air between his teeth and gasping loudly as he closed his eyes as he felt his cum shoot out of his glossy tip, landing on your ready, open tongue. You watched Chan cum, his abdomen contracting as he gasped loudly and you felt like a faithful happy puppy wagging your tail endlessly. You kept stimulating his glans, flicking in small circles as you subtly lubed it and withdrew the semen from your mouth, falling in sticky drips to the couch.
“Fuck” said Chan in exasperation for the last time before pulling his cock away from you.
Chan was hard again, not caring that he had just finished cumming, he was still very well loaded, now ready to fuck you, he leaned towards you, looking at you intimidatingly to which you shrank back coming up against the back of the couch, unsure what his spontaneous move might be now. Chan approached your face and with his thumb he roughly slid the liquids around your mouth, on your chin and under your nose, aggressively doing it even on your lips, then forcing his finger into your warm mouth, you didn't take your eyes off him, once again breathing heavily, you caught his finger and sucked it hard in such an erotic act while appreciating every detail of his handsome face.
“Good girl” he whispered, “Now spread your pretty legs and let me see your pussy to prepare it before I fuck you.”
Once again you came back to all your senses, your body trembled with exaggeration and excitement knowing that he was finally going to fuck you. You leaned back fully and spread your legs again showing him your exposed vulva, still throbbing and a mess from being soaked and moaning softly from your bruised ass. You looked at Chan's full complexion and once again your eyes were lost on his stiff throbbing cock, fearful that perhaps it was going to hurt a little…. Chan didn't hesitate and passed his hard cock rubbing it in your soaked folds while holding it with his hand, you moaned shuddering at the sensation, he was teasing you to the limit, Chan also gasped subtly at the pressure of his cock in your wet warm genital, rubbing it proudly in you, you swallowed, still with your mouth wet and sensitive from his cock in it just a moment ago and plucked up the courage to say to him:
“Fuck me please, daddy, I-I need you, please” you begged as you felt his firmness rubbing hard against your labia.
Chan watched you smugly with a smile as he saw you so needy, your pussy exposed, your makeup ruined and your glossy mouth dirty and your body with little drops of his cum.
“You want my cock so badly, huh?” he mumbled now teasing your entrance, rubbing his tip and rubbing it gently, almost thrusting it in which made you groan as you retained the loud sound biting your lip and enjoying it.
“Mmhuum…” you moaned nodding softly.
You thought Chan was about to fuck you in that position, you were so ready, your orifice dilated desperate for him, but you were surprised when he abruptly grabs your wrist, pulling you up and forcing you to stand, moving your body with ease, putting you on your back to him, you felt so hot from his sudden movement and quickly felt Chan move closer to your body, sticking his erection on your back, he held you by your breasts and whispered hotly in your ear,
“I'm going to fuck my way into you, babygirl.”
You saw the scene in the mirror facing you, half your body exposed and Chan behind you looking at you with desire. Once again your serotonin rose, this time without false hope as you finally felt Chan's cock slide all the way to your entrance, stretching your entire hole making you scream and you felt your whole canal slowly fill to the bottom, with the sensation of Chan's body crashing against yours, he also groaned as he was inside you, with your tight walls choking his swollen cock; you whimpered and arched your back a little, now enjoying it and shifting your hips gently to adapt to his size. Chan saw the sight of his cock buried in your tiny hole, stretching for him and gasped at your subtle movements.
“And you're fucking yourself already huh? Don't move babygirl, I'm gonna be the one fucking you tonight, remember.”
Chan grabbed your hips, pulling your body away and then tackling him, exquisitely sliding his cock into your walls, you both gasped. He meant to be gentle at first, but eventually found his pace as he began to pound you hard, inserting his entire firm length into your tightness, “Fuck” Chan mumbled, looking at your red and slightly bruised ass, as his pelvis and balls pounded you hard. You were so wet that amidst his moans and sound of his skin slapping also came the sound of your wet pussy meeting his cock.
“Fuck, baby, you're so tight, what a fucking tight cunt, so good, baby” Chan whimpered, you were deliciously tight for him which made him feel divine, finally everything he had sighed about so many nights in frustration, wanting to falsely set limits with you, was just now, fucking you hard.
“Fu-, it's huge daddy it hurts but it feels so good” you mumbled as you were rammed hard with your voice cracking between each stroke he gave you.
Chan grabbed your arms now, holding you still and doing what he wanted with your body, deliberately pounding you with his big cock, enjoying every inch of you until he reached your cervix hitting it hard. He stretched your body, pulling it together with his, making the thrusts deeper, almost vigorously moving your guts, feeling the bulge of his cock protrude into your belly; Chan wrapped his right arm around your chest and neck, headlocking you softly, while his left hand went down to your clitoris, caressing, you trembled and moaned at the same time, you were losing strength as you were extremely filled with pleasure and literally filled, physically by Chan's cock, you saw his glowing big arm wrap around you, smelling his sweet scent as he gently brushed your chin, he put his head close to your ear and whispered dominant:
“Look how I fuck you, huh, is that how you like it little slut?”
You gasped breathlessly, and looked up to see your humiliatingly weak body and your expression of pleasure in the mirror, ecstatic at your insides being destroyed. Chan was also beginning to tremble, he was so empowered but at the same time weak, he had cum intensely before and your walls were sucking his cock heavenly; so in one swift movement, he sat down on the couch, without getting out of you, giving you a better sensation of his balls rubbing against your pussy and his smooth, marked skin of his abs touching your back; you whimpered at the sudden motion, as your buttocks were still sensitive, Chan continued to hold you by the neck, ramming you hard bringing him closer and closer to his glorious second orgasm. Once again he stroked your sensitive spot on your pussy and positioned his face next to yours, so you heard every hot and needy whimper of your secret lover, every sigh and exasperated moan, being music to your ears.
“Look at you, taking my cock so well into that soaked tight pussy, don't you love when daddy fucks you hard, sweetie?”
You gasped raggedly, “Yes, daddy, I love it”, but your body quivered harder, finally so close to your orgasm.
“Fitting my cock in your tight hole like a fucking slut, god, you feel so good” Chan whimpered at the sensation of his swollen cock shrinking, struggling to enter you fully, destroying you so heavenly, while Chan held back the urge to kiss you dirtyly.
He accelerated his movements, both of on your clitoris and his thrusts, lifting his hips harder, pounding you hard.
“Oh, daddy, I'm going to cum, can I cum?” you whimpered shuddering almost on the edge, you had held back so many orgasms you were about to burst.
“Go ahead princess, cum on my cock, isn't that what you always wanted?”
Chan groaned, smelling strongly the scent of your hair and moved his arm, now only to his hand, placed on your neck and beginning to choke you. You felt his strong grip, shortness of breath and your heart pounding intensely as your pussy kept being rammed, you brought your hands to his at your neck, feeling every exalted vein of his bony upper limb with your sight blurring completely, you whimpered loudly for the last time and unloaded into him, relaxing the tension in your muscles and releasing all your sweet cum.
“Fuck” grunted Chan as he became aware of your warm cum wrapping around his dick, and his grip on you gradually became less tight, “I'm gonna fucking cum inside of you, babygirl, oh, fuck, fuck” he whined and he continued ramming you until he cummed hard inside of you.
You drop your completely tired and yielding body on Chan's chest, both of you with heaving breaths. Chan lift you up a little from his length to witness the obscene scene of your tired cunt and wide open hole with his cock inside, so needy and twitching while spilling out your sweet cum coating his cock, sliding down reaching his balls. He smiled incredulously and proudly, after he promised himself that he wouldn't touch his friend's beloved daughter…
“Fuck, babygirl, that was great” commented Chan breathlessly with a sweeter tone as he gently fondled your breasts, “Come here and kiss me” he asked sweetly.
You were shaken, your vision blurred and throbbing from such an intense orgasm, yet you gave your all to turn your body and join your lips with Chan's, you loved being fucked by him, but all the time you missed the feel of his soft lips. Chan kissed you sweetly, playing with your nipples, an act of which if he kept doing there was no doubt you could become aroused again.
“Maybe next time I'll fuck you gentler, okay? Forgive me if I was too rough, princess, was I?” he whispered tenderly, softening his gaze to a cuter one in seconds.
You softly denied looking at him tenderly, “No, daddy, I loved it… but I would also love it if you fuck me gently next time” you smiled shyly at him.
Chan found your tired face adorable, your cheeks red, still so flustered trying to calm you down, he smiled back and released your tits to let his hands rest on your thighs, caressing them and placed a soft sounding kiss on your shoulder and said:
“Do you want to stay on my cock for a while or…?”
“Oh, I'm sorry” you interrupted him opening your eyes in surprise not realizing that maybe he wanted to be done, which he laughed softly at your reaction, narrowing his eyes and stretching his nose a little.
However that wasn't his intention, Chan didn't care, he also refused to get out of you, to feel you from him, he just wanted to know if you would stay longer to get into his totally tender mode and not get hard inside you.
“You want me to clean you up? Geez you've made a mess, beautiful.”
You denied again embarrassed.
“No, no, can I go to the bathroom?”
“You'll clean yourself up like a big girl” he continued playfully.
To which you provocatively and innocently replied, “Yes, may I daddy?”
Chan let out a giggle and nodded, stroking your back, “Would you like some dinner, princess? It's late, will you stay here?”
You nodded blushing, “Yes that's fine and… I guess I can say I went to stay with a friend.”
Chan smiled, “Won't it be very suspicious that we left together and absent at the same time?”
“Like if my dad would care” you replied, a little annoyed.
“I think he will mind if he finds out that it's me corrupting his sweet daughter…” snapped Chan.
You moved closer to his face and with a big mischievous smile you whispered, "Then let's always keep it a secret" you kissed him quickly.
That caused a reaction in Chan, again you and your subtle seduction games but you stood up, sliding his cock one last time and it falling gracefully again close to its owner, causing him to let out a soft moan as he still saw how soaked both sexes were joined together.
“Where is the bathroom…?” you asked, uncomfortable, looking for your clothes to cover yourself as you didn't want to walk around naked like one without shame.
He watched you tenderly as he noticed you, “Down this hallway to the bottom right” he answered you, reaching down to get his blue shirt, “Here, babygirl, put it on.”
You smiled shyly at him and put on his shirt of which was of little helpless as your body was see-through in it, he looked at you more tenderly as he saw how huge it looked on you and you walked shyly to the bathroom.
Chan got up, cleaned up and tidied the mess a bit, ordered dinner and tried to find something comfortable for you… but none of his clothes weren't going to fit you. You came out of the bathroom and looked for Chan until you found him near the TV in his living room trying to put something on, looking like a real dad looking for what to watch on TV, you approached him with a smile and hugged him to which he immediately reciprocated.
“I tried to find something for you, but I don't think my clothes fit you, but don't worry beautiful, I put your underwear in the washer so you'll be comfortable.”
You lifted your face and looked at him sweetly, “I guess I have to stay like this, with nothing in my pussy for a while” you commented, playfully.
“It doesn't have to be so alone, your pussy if that's what you want” Chan whispered, sliding his hand suddenly and with his fingertips caressing your exposed folds.
You moaned, your eyes began to darken and your pupils to dilate. Chan let out a giggle and withdrew his hand, he was just teasing you a little.
“I ordered us sushi, okay? Wanna watch a movie?” he said still with a slightly teasing expression, to place a soft kiss on your forehead.
But Chan knew damn well you'd never end up paying attention to the stupid movie anyway, he still wanted you so bad.
₊˚⊹♡ bonus imagine:
Video you take of your new secret lover, in your hidden encounters in his apartment; him looking so relaxed and handsome in his black sleeveless shirt as the two of you make out passionately, waiting for the situation to escalate to something more fiery, exciting you so slowly and exquisitely as you feel his lips, but suddenly an important call interrupts you, Chan has to take it, telling you that all his attention will be on you in an instant, so fast as soon as he finishes an important issue and he turns on the bed to grab his phone so he stays positioned with his abdomen pressed against the bed. You frustrated and a little annoyed you get up from the bed and grab your phone which is on the other side of the room, but you came across a Chan so tender and focused on what he was doing so you couldn't help but take a video of him, to which he promptly notices and reacts in a sweet way.
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(i had to made it a gif cause the video glitched the post)
The kind of selfies he sends you when you're not together because he had to go back to his city, followed by a: I miss you so much
I've been thinking about you so much, I can't wait to see you on friday, my princess❤️
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𐙚TAGLIST: @rylea08 @hann1bee @iovecb97
1K notes · View notes
woollypoison · 3 months ago
Comeback of a lifetime
Fromis_9 Lee Nagyung x male reader THIS IS A REUPLOAD! Maybe you've seen this work before, maybe you haven't. It used to be uploaded on a blog called K-DGN, run by two people. That blog got destroyed, and now I run this blog by myself, posting only 100% original kdol fanfic content. word count: 5,803
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At some point you had to face reality. Your entire life revolved around playing League of Legends, watching kpop fancams, and disappointing your parents. You were already 22 years old, way older than any academy player active nowadays. Making your professional debut would be a miracle. You weren’t bad at the game, far from it, actually. You consistently hit challenger rank getting to the top 500 in all of South Korea. The only thing that eluded you was that top 100 rank, the milestone needed to get picked up by a professional team. It was never easy to make these kinds of decisions, but you vowed today was the last day you’d spend at this PC bang. Thousands of hours you spent in this place, but today would be the final one. Goodbye, comfy gaming chairs. Goodbye, on demand snack ordering. Goodbye, staying up to long past midnight grinding ELO. Goodbye, all the other regulars who you’d grown distantly attached to.
These regulars included the 16-year-old duo stack you’d been seeing come in every day for the last three years. You believed that one of them would make it pro while the other was just a stepping stone. It also included that 30-something-year-old, still grinding Starcraft 2. A grim sight of a potential future. Finally, it also included the cute girl that was around your age, who would appear and disappear again sporadically for long stretches of time. She’d always be tucked away in some corner of the establishment, wearing a variation of dark colored covering clothes, baseball caps and a black mouth mask. All you could tell about her appearance was her alluring eyes, and that she had a body that no hoodie could hide.
They were all present today, as if cosmically aware of your departure and giving you one grand goodbye. You were so deprived of normal human interaction that the delusion was almost enough to make you wipe away a tear. You normally weren’t one to focus on anything other than your game, but today you thought to yourself that since it was your last day anyways, you might as well take a risk. Today, you took place on the computer next to the cute girl you’d always admired from afar.
You couldn’t blame her for dressing the way she did, hiding herself. You go to a PC bang to focus on gaming, not to get hit on. If she dressed up, you were sure she’d have no time to focus on her matches. This was the first time you sat somewhere where you could see her screen. 
You could never confirm before today, but you had a sneaking suspicion she was also into LoL. You heard her rage about “my son of a bitch jungler”, or her “ dumbass inting support” on rare occasions. She seemed to be able to keep her calm most of the time though. Now, you could finally take a peek at her monitor and confirm it to be true.
A thought entered itself in your head that today you could finally use those skills you’d been honing all these years to impress her, and maybe you could get a fresh start on some social contact and a way out of this miserable life. Your little peak revealed her rank as well. She was currently down in the trenches of Silver 2. Not very impressive, but a good sign that you had a shot at impressing her. Hopefully.
Step 1: Log in to your LoL account. Step 2: Play a game and hope she looks over at your monitor and sees how good you are. Step 3: Have her fawn over how good you are. Okay, it wasn’t a great plan, but that's all you had the courage for today.
Uh-oh. Maybe it was better to think of a plan while you weren’t still OBVIOUSLY staring at her screen. She had noticed, her eyes slowly peeking over towards yours as you made eye contact. You could tell the tip of her nose was scrunched up like an angry cat telling you to back off. This was the first time you had a real chance to take in her eyes, and you felt like you could drown in them. They were big, round and somewhere in between cute and sexy. Enough to instantly fluster you. They felt familiar as well. Like you could swear you had seen these eyes a thousand times before. You shook it off and took the hint, finally looking away and leaving her be. You settled in to your little spot for the night and started queueing. Your games went surprisingly well. Better than usual, even. It was almost as if the universe heard you were wanting to quit, and decided to entice you to stay. You were on a roll, win after win after win. The booth next to you, well, you weren’t looking anymore, but the sounds were enough to tell. She was raging, growing more and more frustrated by the minute. Against your better judgment, you decided to sneak a fast peak over at her setup. Big mistake. Seemingly possessed with some supernatural gift, she immediately caught your eyes darting over to her, and glared at you as if to say “you’re next”. You quickly started looking back over at your own screen. She… wasn’t however. It was impossible to ignore her staring daggers at you, peering over while slowly moving closer and peeking at your screen. You weren’t in-game yet, just sitting in queue for 12 minutes already (as you were used to for high-ELO games), but your rank was clearly on display. Did this somehow count as step 2 from your plan? “Hey, nerd.” cut through the silence, and also through your hopes of reaching part 3 of your plan. “Can you help me out here?” She continued, in a surprisingly bashful, cutesy tone. Her chair was fully turned towards yours at this point but her face was turned toward the floor, hiding behind her facemask and under her baseball cap. You expected scorn, a giant explosion in your face, but instead she was acting cute? Did your plan work? “What’s… up?” You replied hesitantly. She responded by turning her chair towards her monitor again and pointing her hand flatly at the chat log of her currently active game.
You stood up and hovered over her shoulder as you studied what was up. The screen was gray and she was waiting to respawn. The girl was playing marksman and had a current KDA of 3/7/1. Suffice it to say it was not the greatest performance, but that wasn’t her point. “Can you believe this fucking guy?!” She berated the enemy marksman, who had spent the entire game flaming and mocking her in chat after every kill he got on her. “You want me to get revenge on him for you?” She was taken aback a little, her eyes squinting at you like you just said something insane. “What? I wanted you to tell me they’re a piece of shit and for you to compliment me so I’d feel better about myself.” Her response made you feel like you did say something stupid, but to your surprise she got up from her chair. “Right, I mean, they are a fucking piece of shit,” you responded, laying it on a little thick, “and they are lucky to even be in a game with a cutie like you.” Your response made her chuckle a couple of high pitched laughs, before taking in a big breath. “That’s more like it!” She clapped her hands, satisfied with your response. “Now sit down and get revenge for me, please?” Her hands clasped together, unifying in front of her belly button and causing her to push her bosom together. You hadn’t noticed before now, but her hoodie had zipped down slightly, allowing you to take a peek at what she was working with. You couldn’t help but glance, but what took you back the most was that when you looked back at her face, her eyes were still fixated on yours. She definitely saw you look, but she either acted like she didn’t see, or that she didn’t care that you looked. Whatever the case was, you sat down in that chair and were ready to lock in.
It took you less than one minute to bait her opponent in, completely outmaneuvering him and getting that shut down. “That was amazing! Serves him right!” The girl erupted, impressed by your display of digital dominance. This was child’s play for you though, since defeating a silver player is a given. She leaned over your left side, her chest slightly pressing into your shoulder, getting you even more worked up than you already were.
“Well, I should get back to my seat.” You relented, considering this a job well done. Getting a chance to show off your skills to a girl you could only assume was the cutest you’d ever seen in your life was a good end to your career here you thought. She disagreed. Strongly. “What? No! You can’t stop now, you have to completely destroy him!” She pleaded, clearly having bigger plans for you. “I really shouldn’t, you know, it’s against the terms of service and- ” you objected. As much as you enjoyed the praise, you really wanted to get some gaming against some good players today. “I’ll make it worth your while every time you kill them?” She rebuffed your rejection, ever so slightly provoking you by further unzipping her hoodie revealing a low cut black tee underneath. “Say less!” was all you replied, before reseating yourself back in her chair. You were locked in like a man possessed, not even noticing how you just missed the 14 minute queue pop on your own computer, destroying any chance of having a good game any time soon.
Your target came back to lane, and like clockwork, it barely took a full minute to send him back to spawn. As promised, the mystery girl delivered. She got real close to you, pressing her soft chest against you once more. Her face, this time even closer than before. So close that you could feel the warmth of her breath disperse through her facemask on your skin. Her lips were mere inches removed from your ear.
“You are so fucking good at this, oppa.. We should play together some time and I’ll let you pick me up and carry me.” Her sultry tone effortlessly seduced you, cementing the idea that you would do anything and everything that she’d ask of you. You couldn’t fight the creeping feeling that at this point it wasn’t just her eyes that felt familiar. You could have sworn you’d heard this voice before.
Another minute passes by, and you reward your lane opponent with another one way trip to the respawn fountain. You hated to admit it, but you were trying your absolute best at this point. Making calls, guiding your jungler, leading your team to objectives. If every kill meant a response from her, you had every intention of ending this game with 100 kills.
Your reward this time? She pulled your chair back a little, creating space for her to squeeze in between before planting herself in your lap. Her soft ass pressed up against your waking erection, which you hoped she either didn’t notice or at least pretended to not notice. Her hips bucked and swirled, grinding against your groin no more and no less than two times before settling in and removing any doubt of her not feeling your cock snuggled in between her thighs. Once again, no recognition or scorn was earned for it. “Can you still play like this?” her cutesy voice inquired with her pitch rising, making it impossible to complain even if you wanted to. You gave her a slight nod, finally releasing your breath and looking past the beauty fitting into your shape and refocusing on the game. You had kills to farm. She leaned forward, pressing her ass even more into you, and took control of the keyboard before typing up a storm. With a newfound confidence in your skills, she was now taunting her nemesis. You focused up, and once more scored a kill on your target. It seemed like her taunting worked, and tilted the enemy into trying to prove themselves. She did a little jump in your lap cheering you on. She twisted her upper body towards you, placing both of her hands on your shoulders before retreating one back to remove her face mask and ball cap combo in order to finally reveal herself to you. She left you no time to connect the dots, leaning down towards the left side of your face and planting a kiss on your cheek. “Keep this up, and I’ll make sure you never forget this.” As much as this excited you, the revelation of you connecting the dots on why her eyes and voice felt familiar was too grand to not remark on. The girl sitting in your lap right was none other than Lee Nagyung, the visual from one of your favorite girl groups, Fromis_9! “Holy shit you’re Nagyung!” You couldn’t help but exclaim, maybe even against your better judgment. “And you’re going right back to your own seat if you don’t quiet down!” She scowled back, her teeth exposed through her lips as she brought her finger before her mouth, shushing you. She looked around desperately to see if your little stunt had caused any complications, but it was a slow day at the PC bang. Luckily for you, nobody had seemed to hear you.
“Understood! I’m sorry, I’m just a big fan.” You continued, pleading your case. A cute smirk adorned her face, before she closed her eyes and gave you a small understanding nod. In the chaos, you had completely lost focus of the game, and only regained it once you noticed your screen going gray and the chat being filled with “Great, our Jinx is back to inting” messages. Nagyung didn’t even need to tell you to focus up as you took immediate control of the game again, guiding your team on what to do until you respawned. Laning phase had ended by this point, but it was still a Silver lobby. This meant that the laning phase usually just shifted to everyone laning in the mid lane. When your screen turned into color, you rushed mid lane where you last spotted your target, and took him down again without even a hint of trouble. This time his entire team was also there, and you knew you could take them all down. But you backed off. You pinged your team back, your reasoning being the longer this game went on, the more chances you’d have to kill your opponent.
Nagyung kept her promise, and her rewards were ever growing. She pressed B on your keyboard causing you to recall, giving you a slight moment of respite. She palmed her hands over yours, gently lifting them off of the keyboard and mouse, and brought them closer to her body. She guided your hands downwards in between the split of her hoodie and her pants, and finally underneath her t-shirt. Your hands grazed against the warm feeling of her bare skin before being allowed to land on the soft fabric of the sports bra covering her breasts. Nagyung’s grip tightened on yours, forcing you to squeeze onto her soft chest, your thick cock growing ever harder as it pushed into her thighs. She turned her head towards yours ever so slightly, puffing up a moan into your ears.
You could feel your hands melt away into her bosom, but crossing this threshold had unlocked something within you. Her hands start to move yours as if to say your time is up, but you didn’t want to stop before you had had your fun. Your fingertips circled around, making her nipples just that slightest bit harder allowing you to place both between your index and thumb, and pinched them eliciting another much more genuine moan from the girl playing with you. Her hips buckled into you, almost as if she had started grinding on you before you agreed to take your hands away and refocused on earning those rewards.
Sure enough, like a gift on a silver platter, your target showed up once more. Another free kill for you, but this time not without you also taking their tier one mid lane turret. You felt like you’d have to start considering when and where you killed him, or this game might end sooner than you’d like. This time, Nagyung shifted her balance in your lap. She turned her back towards your right side, her entire frame pointing to your left and towards the wall her PC booth was up against. She hooked her left arm around your neck with her entire body being supported by your frame as she hung her legs off of the left side of the chair’s armrest. Her body was now slightly further away from yours. You almost felt like this was becoming a punishment. That was until she started using her hand. Her right hand crossed her body and found its way onto your bulge peeking through your pants. This left no doubt whatsoever that she had felt you pressing into her multiple times, but her soft, dainty little hand caressing the silhouette of your dick left you without complaint. She was applying tender pressure downwards onto your member, her hand shifting around the contours of what she could discern off your cock, gliding up and down as if to tease you. “Get more kills” was the message. She finished teasing you, then made a small request. “Don’t let me fall.” sounded the command, placing both your hands around her thin waist. A little surprise but you did as you were told, focusing your strength now on holding her upright. She took over the controls once more, placing herself in safety before going right back to flaming her adversary. As soon as she was done, she hooked her arm back around you and relinquished control back over to you. “Now kick his ass for me, oppa!” She instructed you, your confidence boosted and your desire to fulfill her request causing you to smirk. She looked back at your face, a little impressed with how serious you were taking this. You were following along with the chat logs, and despite being a Silver 2 in the game, when it came to flaming others she was at least Diamond. Your hands were back on the keyboard, and to your surprise her hand was back on your groin. It was a little harder to perform like this, but she monitored your performance, and judged it still good enough to allow her to have her fun. She started making a little competition out of it, speeding up and slowing down depending on how focused you had to be in the game. You almost began to believe she wanted you to fail, and the smiles she gave you after hearing your moans were enough to solidify that thought.
No problem, you knew you could win against these players with one hand tied behind your back. Sure enough, enemy number one showed up, and met another quick end. You barely escaped death this time however, partially because of Nagyung’s incessant teasing. Your performance earned yourself another reward, one she was more than eager to give to you. Her hands retreated back to herself, and you needed no hint to help her hold her body upright. Nagyung’s hands floated around the base of her hoodie, goading you with how slow she moved. Her fingers twirled around the zipper, softly clasping the metal tab before splitting the two sides apart. Her hands started to lift her shirt from the bottom towards her neck. From behind, nothing had changed. Her hoodie covered everything everyone else in the PC bang could see, but to you, you were now presented with an unimpeded sight of her tits, only covered by a sports bra. She wasn’t done. She did the same with her bra, resting all the fabric right under her neckline exposing her breast to you before pushing them together for your viewing pleasure. They weren’t the biggest tits, but they looked so inviting to bury your face into. As if able to read your mind, Nagyung raised her eyebrow, cocking her head downwards before making you an offer. “You know you can kiss them if you want, oppa. But only if you don’t die.” You were almost surprised. You expected yourself to be more hesitant, but with the way her voice and demeanor lured you in, no resistance was possible. Your face drew closer to her chest, and you posited your lips around one of her nipples. You suckled on it for a couple of seconds, before clasping her pink flesh between your teeth, ever so slight applying pressure. Her moans were like honey to you. Addicting. You couldn’t get enough. As good as your situation had quickly become, you knew you had more kills to farm, so you opened your eyes and looked back towards your screen. Close enough, as you just barely managed to prevent a death. She purred into your ear, proud of you being able to pull back and survive danger once more. You used this opportunity to bait her rival into your team, securing another free and easy kill. This was almost too easy for someone like you, but you weren’t about to back down now. Not a great call. Your team managed to get Baron off of that. This meant the game could be ended at any moment. The reward however? Absolutely worth it. As soon as you secured Baron, Nagyung took over the keyboard again and typed up a storm, really getting under her foe's skin. “Go back to base, I want you to look at me for this next part, oppa.” She whispered into your ear. Her flawless face pulled back while she stared into your eyes, her eyebrows merging in the center of her forehead, pleading with you for what she had in store for you. You licked your lips, instinctively feeling what was about to come before she leaned into you, your lips merging as she kissed you. You felt her tongue prod temporarily into your mouth before you felt her retreating, leaving you breathless as you took in the sight of her biting her bottom lip.
She placed both her hands on the chair's armrests, moving her entire body away from you before climbing under the desk. She rolled your chair a little closer to her, pulling your legs forward off of the chair. Her hands towards the hem of your pants, undoing your button and pulling down your zipper. Her hands moved forward once more, now making their way to the space in between your underwear and your skin before she pulled them down slightly, exposing your cock. You could feel her fingertips graze against the tip of your cock as she slowly tightened her grip around your girth, pulling it out of your underwear. “Look at the fucking size of you…” she cooed. Your cock was hidden beneath the cover of the desk, but Nagyung wasted no time. With her hand already firmly around the base of your dick, she took one final look into your eyes, as wide as you’d ever seen them, like prey caught in a trap, unsure of whether or not they’d survive. You had never been harder in your life. You had no attention left for the game. The only thing in the world that mattered to you right now was burning the image of Nagyung sizing up your cock into your memory. With her bare chest pressed against your knees, she planted the softest kiss against the underside of your cock’s tip. Her tongue extended from in between her lips, tilting her head sideways as she traced the entire length of your shaft. The length of you caused her to have to use her hands to push her body upwards to reach maximum height before reaching your base again. “Oh fuck,” you can’t help but let escape from your soul as she maintained proper eye contact with you. Her wet tongue dragged a trail of spit all along of your cock, the only thing connecting you being that same strand of spit once she pulled back. Her eyes steeled with her resolve, as if to tell herself that she can do this.
Your hips buck as your tip gets engulfed by her warm and inviting mouth, your breaths becoming ragged and irregular as she pulls you in deeper, testing her own limits against your dick. She hesitates for a second, not breaking eye contact once. She had taken a little over half of your dick in her mouth before her eyes began pleading with you, begging as if her actions weren't far enough, but you had been passive enough today. “All the way, babygirl.” You growled back, taking command for the first time today. As if under a magic spell, her eyes rolled back and she pushed past her limit. You could feel the barrier of her throat break as the rest of your length slid effortlessly down her throat. She held it there for a few seconds before releasing you back into the cold room temperature with a loud pop. You cupped her face in your hands, cherishing her like the beautiful, erotic flower she was. It didn’t last long before she took your hands off of her face, wiped the back of her hand on her chin removing any saliva, and gave you a satisfied smile. “Back to the game. I’ll only continue while you play.” Her terms were clear, but before your hands were back on the keyboard and mouse, she added one final clause.
“And if you win the game, I’ll let you cum in my mouth.” She teasingly added, sending you over the edge, your cock throbbing in her hands as a little precum dripped out to her promise. “Looks like this guy agrees.” She chuckled, before locking your tip inside of her mouth.
She stayed like that for a while to see if you would accept her terms, but once she could hear the sounds of the keys of your keyboard clacking, she knew your answer. She began swirling her tongue around your head, sucking all the precum out of you and drooling it back onto you. This went on for a couple of minutes, with her switching her technique to pressing whatever length of you she had in her mouth against the inside of her cheek and popping it fully out of her mouth, running the edge of her lips over your entire length before taking you back in.
Her hands grabbed your thighs firmly as gasps and moans escaped your mouth, each one causing Nagyung to increase her intensity. Every time you killed her archnemesis, you reported it right away. She took your word for it at this point, and rewarded you all the same.
Her hand grazed your thigh with her fingernails with the slightest of touches before resting itself around your balls. She then began to slowly massage your sack while she continued to fuck her own throat with your cock, going deeper and deeper by the minute. The occasional glance down at her made it hard for you to even want to look at the game, her doe-like eyes so intent on making you feel amazing. Her shirt fabric was still rumpled up against her neck, giving you a slight view of her meticulous tits. Her mascara began to run thanks to the tears forming each time she pushed further. There was a rhythm to her head bobbing up and down your shaft, and it was intoxicating enough to drown in. The feeling of this naughty goddess servicing you while your attention is forced to perform in the game you’d been grinding for years meant that your focus was impossible to maintain. It was overwhelming, enough to make you feel like you’d pass out. Each glide caused an entirely new wave of ecstasy to encompass your being. It was a miracle you managed to still function in the game, consistently scoring kills to keep her rewards coming. The sounds of her gags, stifled coughs and wet slurps as she did her best to ruin your focus were too good to miss as you kept your headset off for the last part of the game. Despite this extra handicap, you still managed to destroy her antagonist once more. From this point on, you felt like you had earned it. She released from her mouth, took a deep breath, and dived right back in. In an instant, the entire length of your dick disappeared into the back of her mouth. You could hear her gag as she struggled to maintain this and in an effort to help, you moved your hips backwards to give her some space. Her hands dug into the back of your hips however, pushing you forward. This was what she wanted, and you had no right pulling out of her mouth. “Nnnghh, fuck!” Her eyes were all she had to talk to you with, but they smirked. She could do this, and you were more than happy to oblige. You even pushed forward a little, a surprised stifled yelp escaping from beneath the desk below you.
Nagyung was fucking herself senseless on your cock, and there was nothing slow about it. A soft, wet slopping sound caught your attention, as you peeked to catch a glimpse of how she had started fingering herself, her mouth still impaled on your cock.
“Nagyung, I’m about to..” you began to moan out, before she released you from her warm insides, reprimanding you. “No, not until you win! And call me babygirl…” Her eyes now failing to meet yours. “Since I don’t want anyone to find out my identity.” She almost whispered, but you understood. “I know, I’m about to win!” You clarified, her eyes widening in surprise as she peeked out from under the desk to confirm. Sure enough, you were sieging the base, and your, or rather, her win was imminent. “Oh fuck, okay, wait just a second!” She replied in a rushed panic, pulling her upper body above the desk enough so that she could lay into her opponent one final time. It was no lie that you wanted to say you were about to win, but you also were about to cum as well. Her sudden pause did put a little halt to that. “I believe you owe me cumming down your throat, babygirl.” You remarked as you directed her back to her task. Like a content little kitty, she purred and climbed back under the desk. Your full focus was now on her and she knew it. She used the opportunity to prime you some more. She pointed both her index fingers at her mouth. “Right here, oppa. This is where you have to cum, okay?” Her mouth was now fully open now as she melodies out a soft “aaaa” with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. The sight was enough to bring you right back to the edge of almost cumming. For the final stretch, she employed one last tactic. She placed both her hands palm upwards on your thighs, inviting you to put your hands on hers. She smiled as you did so, taking both your hands and placing them on the back of her head. “Now fuck my face, okay?” The lewd request made with the cutest tone imaginable was all it took. You forced her head down on your cock, pushing her all the way to the base before pulling her back and pushing her down again. You were fucking her face relentlessly, her mouth accepting you as her eyes looked at you as if she were obsessed with what you were doing. It took no more than a minute of this before you felt it finally happening. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum, babygirl!” You groaned, signaling the end. You pushed her head all the way down, holding her there for the final relief. The first shot erupted out of you, blasting into the back of her throat. String after string filled up her mouth, each dose accompanied by a grunt from her asking you if this was the last. The viscous sensation of your cum mixing with her saliva was enveloping you. As much as you wanted to sink into your chair, close your eyes and focus on the feeling, you could not tear your eyes away from the idol struggling to keep all of your load combined with your cock in her mouth. She was unsuccessful however, as droplets began to eek out of the corners of her mouth.
You finally let her off of your dick, but instead of gasping for air or getting mad at you, you were treated to another show. She opened her mouth much the same way she did before you fucked it mercilessly, showing you all of your seed she had accumulated in her mouth. You couldn’t help but bite your lip at the sight. Nagyung closed her mouth and swallowed it all in one go. Another open mouth, another “aaaa”, and her promise was fulfilled. She took the liberty to lick whatever she couldn’t keep clean off of you, before giving you a smile for a job well done. “That was fucking amazing.” You sheepishly commented, to which she gave a cute little chuckle, the corner of her mouth turning upwards. “Hehe, I know.” She winked back at you. She climbed out from under the desk, tucking your now half flaccid dick back into your pants, before taking her rightful place back in your lap. Truth be told, you expected her to have sent you back to where you came from by now. Instead, she took your hand one last time for today and guided it in between her thighs, underneath her pants. You could feel how warm and wet she was from playing with herself, your half-mast flying back to full force in response. “I’ll bring a blanket next time so you can fuck me while I’m on your lap. Sounds good, oppa?” She playfully suggested, her aegyo overloading your senses. “I’ll see you tomorrow for some more help! I want to tell Chaeyoung I got into gold before her!” It was never easy making these kinds of decisions, but today wasn’t going to be your last day at this PC bang after all.
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angels-sins0 · 1 year ago
Ghost x f!reader
Cw: smut, emotionally unavailable Simon, rough sex, age gap relationship (Simon is depicted in his late 30’s and the reader is around 21), older man!Ghost, young & naive!reader, unprotected sex, creampie
Ghost was a complex man.
You had never actually seen his face before, except for his lips and nose when he would lift up his mask to kiss you a couple times.
You had explicit instructions to only call him Ghost, never even bothering to tell you what his actual name was.
Ghost was a complete mystery to you, and it didn’t help that you were a young and curious girl.
You assumed he was in late 30’s, your best guess being that he was 37.
He had you on your back. Fucking into you so deep, his balls were slapping against you. Your legs were spread wide to accommodate him between them.
He didn’t talk much, only letting out the occasional groan when he hit that spot deep inside you.
“Ghost- feels so good…” You moaned and he didn’t acknowledge it, just kept pounding into your greedy pussy.
Ghost had his eyes closed, his face a few inches away from your own. You pulled him in for a kiss that left you breathless.
He let his head drop down to rest beside your neck when he pulled away, and your first instinct was to wrap your hands around him.
For a moment you let yourself believe that you were two lovers sharing an intimate moment with each other and you relished in the feeling it brought you.
Until that feeling subsided when he spoke in a cold tone. “You close?” He asked, no real emotion behind his voice.
“Yes.” You gasped when one of his hands wrapped around your leg, ultimately forcing you to loop both of them around him.
You were growing needier the closer you got to your release. “I wanna— fuck! Wanna see you.” You whimpered and moved one of your hands to grab at his mask in an attempt to pull it up.
He quickly stopped you, lifting his head up and roughly slapping your hand away, pinning both of your hands up in the process.
“Don’t ever fucking try that again. Understand?” Ghost scolded you, causing tears to finally fall from your eyes. All you could do was nod and look away, completely missing the way his eyes scanned your face for a few seconds.
Ghost grabbed your face and forced you to look at him. “Use your words.” He demanded.
“I understand.” You winced at his roughness. It’s like he had an inability to feel anything except for anger. You would sometimes feel so stupid for allowing him to be like this, allowing him to take that anger out on you.
He muttered out a quick “Good.” Before resuming his movements, tears still falling from your eyes even when he pressed his forehead against yours.
You came a couple of minutes after and Ghost followed shortly after you, emptying his load inside you and thrusting into you a few more times to make sure he doesn’t waste a drop.
Ghost lays still, his cock softening up inside your cunt.
“It’s Simon.” He says suddenly, his voice barely above a whisper. “What?” His words prompting you to stop crying.
He finally lifts his head up off of yours and slides out from inside you, getting out of his bed and going into the bathroom, completely disregarding what he just said.
You stayed in the bed for a few minutes, until he poked his head out to see if you were still there, letting out what you assumed was an annoyed sigh when he found you still in his room.
Ghost locked eyes with you for what felt like an eternity before you finally got the hint that he probably didn’t want you around by the time he got out.
You quickly got up and started getting dressed, taking a look at yourself in the mirror, and wiping away the tears from your eyes.
You felt so disgusting, for continuing to see him even when he had proved on multiple occasions that he wasn’t a good man, for letting him use you however he pleased.
He startled you when the bathroom door swung open. Ghost coming out in nothing but a towel wrapped loosely around his waist.
You looked at each other, internally grimacing at the deafening silence that had grown between you.
“I was just leaving, I’m sorry.” You weakly spoke, and he gave no response as he shuffled around his room to grab clean clothes.
He was still wearing his mask, almost like he was expecting to find you when he came out.
“Thank you for… for tonight.” You didn’t know why you said that but you just wanted to say anything in an attempt to get him to acknowledge you as a human being with feelings.
Ghost looked at you as he was sliding into his pants. He didn’t expect you to walk up to him and give him a hug.
You didn’t have the slightest clue as to why you were doing any of this and you couldn’t help the tears that escaped you.
He pulled you away, having not hugged you back. Your hands holding both of his arms. He looked down at you.
“It’s getting late.” Ghost spoke plainly. “Yeah…” You absolutely hated the silence that followed your words.
“Simon?” You said his real name for the very first time, your eyes lighting up slightly when he hummed.
“I’m sorry for doing that earlier. I don’t know what got into me.” You apologized. Simon stayed silent for a few moments, looking closely into your eyes.
“Okay.” He shrugged you off, barely acknowledging your words as he walked away. You took that as your sign to leave his house.
You finally walked out the door and you silently prayed the ground would swallow you up. You looked back once at the closed door before walking away with a heavy feeling in your heart.
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theognatster · 3 months ago
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good boy, s.r
Spencer Reid x older! reader
warnings: no actual sex, just teasing, age gap, dom! reader, sub! Spencer
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You remember when Spencer first joined the BAU, the ripe age of 21. You were 26, and you noticed the young agent, look at you like you were a goddess. When he first started, he followed you around like a puppy almost, believing that you held all of the answers. Because, in his mind, he thought, someone like that..who God must’ve made perfect, must have all the answers. You didn’t.
Now, he was 25, you were 30. He still looked at you like a goddess. Just, more so when you weren’t looking. Over the years, you grew to find him attractive, he was always attractive. Just more so now, that his hair grew to frame his face, and he became slightly more confident in himself.
All the slight confidence went down the drain..especially when you were in control.
He whimpered, as he begged for your lips to come back. “wait for me honey..” you whispered, trailing your soft hands down his bare torso. His hands started to shakily unbutton your lavender top. You smack his hands, and he whined like a puppy getting in trouble. “bad boy..what did I say?” you whispered, holding his wrists in both of your hands. They were no longer soft, and gentle, instead now they were rough, and demanding.
“to..to wait for you..” he muttered, embarrassed. A pink tint of shame covered his pale face. “hm..good boy..” you said to him, leaving soft kisses around his jawline. he let out a shaky breath and tried to catch his glasses before they slipped off his nose, because he wanted to see you so bad. you remove the contact of your lips, and grabbed his glasses from the hook of his nose, and put them on, leaving them slanted, almost like a stern schoolteacher would wear them.
“my, my..you’re really blind, aren’t you Reid..?” you noticed, taking in the difference in your usual eyesight and his glasses. “y..yes..” he muttered quietly. “Can you see me..?” you asked. “N..no..” he sighed. “Oh..but you want to..don’t you..?” You teased softly, going for his brown, leather belt. “y..yes please..” he whispered, needing to see you badly.
“be a good boy..and let your imagination take over..” you whispered, unbuckling his belt, unbuttoning his brown pants, and spotting the waistband of his boxers.
“..good boy..” he muttered, breathing shakily.
“good boy..” you smirked, pulling down his pants..
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a/n: oops! kinda teased u guys!! 🫶
a/n: dividers by: the lovely @strangergraphics
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inthemaelstrom · 29 days ago
Sample letter to send your fucking Senators. I just emailed this to Schumer and Gillebrand.
Last night, about a hundred protesters managed to prevent four of Elon Musk's minions from entering OMB and mucking around in our personal information and State Department secrets. They are kids from ages 19-24. One of them--the 19 year old, a former intern not even in college yet--calls himself Big Balls on LinkedIn. Nothing they are doing is legal. Their so-called security clearances are illegitimate, like Musk as the head of his so-called agency.
By your inaction, you are handing the keys to the government to six clowns and their South African oligarch ringmaster. Heather Cox Richardson, citing Wired, called this the largest data breach in history. As a start, can you just send members of Congress to observe, to see with their own eyes what they are contributing to? This requires more than just lawsuits. People in the streets are throwing their bodies between these marauding kids and our data and secrets. Will it take a literal uprising of voters to get you to act? What are you doing?
Here's a suggestion for action from the 20K people at Indivisible who met last night on Zoom (30K more signed up):
-Deny a Quorum: If Republicans don’t have 51 votes in the chamber, Democrats can walk out and shut down Senate business entirely.
-Block Unanimous Consent: Object to every procedural shortcut, forcing Republicans to take the longest possible route for every step of the confirmation process.
-Max Out Debate Time: Use all 30 hours of debate on Vought to expose Project 2025, Musk’s Treasury takeover, and the funding freeze.
-Delay and Disrupt: Force roll-call votes, quorum calls, and procedural delays to slow everything down.
-Blanket Opposition: Democrats cannot continue to vote for Trump’s other nominees, helping to install more MAGA loyalists into powerful positions in the federal government while this power grab continues.
-No Business as Usual: This is a constitutional crisis. Democrats must abandon the old rules and fight with everything they have.
Do something. We're demanding it.
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stove-top96 · 3 months ago
Water Colour Eyes
Chapter 01
Y Batfam x Gn Reader
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Featuring: platonic Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne (no Jason in this chapter)
2.3k words
Im very new to tumblr and was recently inspired by @acid-ixx to try writing my own story, please go easy on me but any and all advice will be greatly appreciated. (Im still trying to figure out how this app works but I know the basics). The only knowledge I have of working in a restaurant is bistro huddy.
Rubbing your temples you could just feel the headache forming. It was going to be one of those shifts, the kind that drags on and on. Standing behind the hostess stand shuffling through the reservation book scanning for anything out of the ordinary. Flipping through the pages only pausing once you spot his name “Bruce Wayne”. That name became a fixture in the book, always booking at 6:30 and specifically requesting you as his server. Within the past 2 months he’s definitely become your regular, and although he is technically your only regular, he just has a certain quality that sets him apart from your co-workers regulars. Sure he’s a pleasure to have as a customer, always punctual, kind, and very generous with the tips. There’s just something you can’t quite place your finger on, he tends to get a little personal. He started calling you by your first name, and always asked you about your life. But you’ve always chalked it up to him being a ditzy guy who’s never been told no. Even if he carries himself with a certain air, alluding that he knows much more than he lets on. it seems like no one else questions it, so why should you? Regardless, his tips were good enough to let him call you by your name and ask you about your personal life.
La Vie Royale was always busy on Fridays. Swarming with creeps who always stared too long, and buzzing with heiresses who always had something to complain about. For being Gothams richest they almost never tipped well, and when they did it was some lonely wealthy old weirdo on a date with their sugar baby. Co-workers weren’t much help either, specifically the superiors always criticizing and critiquing never bothering to hide the contempt in their voices when speaking. The Kitchen was like another world, one you weren’t welcome in. The other servers stayed in their lane, and always kept to each other. That’s what it’s like for every newbie who somehow snatches Gothams richest billionaire for a regular. The only saving grace was the hostesses who, like you, were at the bottom of the La Vie Royale food chain.
Glancing at the clock reading 5:47, plenty of time to mentally prepare for dealing with Albertine while you serve the playboy billionaire. Albertine was possibly the worst manager for the night, she’d always get so on edge when she’d find out he was dining here for the evening. Glancing over and you can see her talking to one of the other servers, eyes locked on you. God, you could just feel that headache getting worse, and after a long day of classes you pray he’d be a no show for once. Wishful thinking though, the best you can hope for is getting through this shift without a lecture. Rather than contemplating how dreadful this shift will be at the hostess stand, you might as well look busy and get a head start on your side work.
Once the minute hand hit 30 like clock work, Bruce Wayne walked in. Smiling at the familiar face of the regular, this time he wasn’t alone. Three young men walked in right after. Raising an eyebrow, they were clearly in the same party. Why didn’t his assistant say he’d have guests when they booked him the reservation? Looking more closely at the boys it’s clear they also have that odd quality in common with Mr Wayne. One looked barely out of high school, and had been scrolling on his phone with a smirk on his face. The youngest, likely in middle school, had an aura that demanded a respect unfit for his age. The oldest, probably in his mid twenties, seemed to have a natural charm to him. You had always known Wayne had his fair share of children, he talked about them often although you could never put a name to a face.
“Wow Mr Wayne, you finally brought some guests with you today” you tease as you greet the group and check them in for their reservation. you hear a chuckle and glance up to see Bruce’s smile, it’s warm and reaches his eyes. “Well I figured it was about time I took my kids out with me”. Giving a polite nod and smiling as he introduces his kids. “I see, your table will ready in a few minutes, we didn’t expect you to bring any guests tonight” Mr Wayne huffs eyeing the oldest “I apologize it was a last minute change in plans, Dick was visiting and insisted on going out” The oldest Dick chimes in “you’ll still be able to fit us in right?” His voice is calm, like he knows the answer and just wants you to hear you talk. “ I’m sure we can, I’ll just have to go clear the table” eyes glued to the reservation book, moving some other reservations around to accommodate the new change. Something a restaurant as refined as La Vie Royale would never do, although Albertine and every other superior insisted that Mr Wayne be accommodated in any way possible. He brought good press, and according to a rumour amongst the staff he even considered buying it a while back. Giving the group a polite nod as you rush off, to clear the other tables. Missing the brief dejected look on the oldest boy's face.
Albertine noticing the Wayne family standing alone makes a beeline towards them. “Have you been helped yet?” She asks in a voice the family could only describe as sickly sweet. “Yes our server is just clearing the table” Tim’s voice monotone, not even bothering to glance up from his phone. Albertine pauses, eyes widening for a split second then back to the false smile “I see” she says as if contemplating something before walking away, sending a sharp glare in your direction as she does. The interaction not going unnoticed by the Wayne’s. “you will be at fault if they get reprimanded” Damian pipes up glaring at Tim. Staring down at the younger Wayne, “she’ll find something to get mad at tonight no matter what” he argues back, knoe he doesn’t have the best excuse. A small feeling of guilt starts to bubble in his chest. Tim realized his slip up too late. It's likely you’ll get yelled at for keeping such “prestigious guests waiting” once they’ve finished with their meal. Glancing at Dick’s and Bruce’s faces, it’s clear they’re planning ways to ease the consequences you’ll likely face later tonight. Tim glances back down to Damian only to find his glare still present.
“Thank you for your patience” your voice pulls them out of their trance, calming down the rising tension. It reminds them of why they came tonight, to see you. Oblivious to their true intentions you smile, grabbing the menus “follow me”. As you lead them to their table Bruce and Tim make note of how many others are sitting in your section for the night, some of them they recognize from galas others are unimportant. however your section is completely full. Finally reaching their table, it isn’t Bruce’s normal table much to his disdain; he doesn't have the vantage point to subtly watch over you. Although one thing he can see from his seat is that horrid woman glaring at you, waiting for the chance to take you away from them only just to scold you. After dropping off the menus and giving a rundown of the night's specials, you leave telling them you’ll be back in a few minutes for their orders. As you walk away Bruce notices your manager snapping with her hands and glaring at you with that permanent scowl on her face. She motions for you to follow her to the back.
After witnessing that interaction the boys are only left to imagine what she’s yelling at you about. Most of the family members are able to hide their contempt after seeing your manager's rude behaviour, the witch’s actions will likely dictate the mood for the rest of the night. Dick is the only one visibly upset, Blüdhaven has been so chaotic recently getting to see you tonight had been the only thing that kept him from falling apart. Now because that wicked witch of the waste is on some power trip, whatever lecture she’s giving you right now will weigh on you the whole night, leaving you to be even more reserved than you already are. How is he supposed to be a good brother to you if you don't let him in?,The rest of the family comes to a similar conclusion. It's clear that this job environment is an unhealthy one, they would rather you work somewhere else, or better yet not at all. The only reason they’ve allowed you to work here for so long is because it’s the most practical way to grow closer to you. Once they’re further along with the plan, you won’t ever have to step foot in this place again.
“Sorry about the wait” your voice soft, eyes not meeting theirs, face carrying a faint frustration. their prediction clearly came to fruition, much to the family’s displeasure. “What can I get y’all to drink” you smile, attempting to remain composed as you take their orders. A quality of yours the family admired, although they often wished you’d take your mask off and allow yourself to be vulnerable around them. But for now they’re your guests, not your family. Writing down their order smiling the same forced smile “perfect I’ll be right back with those” once again walking away. “Why can’t that women understand they’re not meant to handle that much pressure, it’s absurd how she expects them to perform optimally now” Damian voices his opinion, his expression unreadable to most but it’s evident to the family he’s unbelievably angry at just how much you let that women affect you. “Why can’t you just fire her, it would make our baby bird's life much easier” Dick who is also in aggrence, his protectiveness evident in his voice. Dick’s question goes unanswered. Truthfully even if some of the family tries to dénie it, the reason they kept all these horrible coworkers around you was selfish. They wanted to push you to your limits, before they swooped in to save you.
3 minutes is the standard time for a table to wait for drinks. However with the Waynes your managers instilled into the whole staff that they never wait for a table, 1 minute 50 seconds is their standard for drinks and 25 minutes for food. With Albertine breathing down your neck, having 4 other tables to attend too, and a pounding headache. there’s not much keeping you from breaking down. The only thing you want right now is your bed, but that won’t happen for at least another 4 hours depending on when you're cut. At least Roa clocks in at 7:00, which is in roughly 10 minutes. Finishing off the drinks with Bruce’s red wine, you push down your stress and prepare to head over. “Here you go” you place everyone’s respective drinks in front of them. “Is everyone ready to order” hand instivily reaching for your notebook, but remembering what Albertine told you in the back “if you want to look somewhat professional at least memorize their orders, no notepad” you stop yourself, and pray they don’t order anything too complicated. “I’ll have the 8oz steak, medium rare” Burce’s order wouldn’t be a problem, he always got the same thing. “Can I get the Coq au vin” the oldest boy orders, who you’re pretty sure is dick. Tim goes next “I’ll get the boeuf bourguignon”, he has a satisfied smirk, probably because he has the best pronunciation so far. “may I have the ratatouille” The youngest orders, clearly annoyed by his brother’s antics. “Perfect I’ll go ring those in”, mumbling their orders to yourself as you ring them in, thankful they didn’t ask for any accommodations or changes you should be able to remember them just fine.
“They won’t make a mistake will they?” Dick asks, stressed at the fact they didn’t grab their notebook. “They shouldn’t, although if you ordered what you originally wanted they definitely would have” Bruce’s answer’s straight to the point. Although there’s a subtle praise in his wording, appreciating how they eased your workload. “It’s despicable just how much they're overworking them here” Damian's scowl seems to be permanent as he watches you attend to other tables, he knows it’s your job but they’re the Waynes they should be the only table you attend to tonight. That good for nothing manager who cares far too much about their opinion can’t even get that one thing right. “You got that right, and with how the night’s going I bet they’ll only check on us two times, three if we’re lucky” Tim’s voice piss’s Damian off even more, even if it is in agreement. “You don’t actually mean that” Dick pipes in,his voice radiating a sense of distress. “Of course I do, look at them. barely keeping it together” Tim points out. It’s true the tension in your shoulders is evident and your mask is already slipping, the worst part there’s almost nothing they can do besides tip you. Although even that doesn’t feel like enough. The server’s here tip out not only to the hostesses and busboys but also to the back, additionally you all have to pool your tips and split them evenly amongst the staff. This fact does nothing but motivate the Waynes to get you out of here as soon as possible.
23 minutes tick by, as the Wayne family watches you talk to other customers, complete your side work, and narrowly avoid another scolding from that damn manager. It bothers them that Tim was right, accepting that tonight is just an evening of observing you rather than growing slightly closer. It's moments like these that makes Bruce wish his name wasn’t as influential as it is. Thankfully you approach them once again with their meals. Although, the stress on your face is more prominent than earlier, the smile is even more forced, with the way you carry yourself you’re clearly being pushed to the limits. “Here you all go” even your voice sounds so much more tired, compared to when you were greeting them. At least you got their order right, not that any of them would say anything if you didn’t. “Anything else I can grab you?” You ask, so considerate they really should be the ones taking care of you, but all in due time. “I believe we’ll be alright” Bruce replies, not wanting you to strain yourself even more.
Only approaching them once as they ate, only to ask them if everything was to their liking. They knew it was protocol to ask each table that question, but they still wished you’d approach them, and initiate a conversation about anything but the food. As they ate in silence it’s clear tonight they didn’t make as much progress as they’d like. Maybe Bruce should have kept these outings to himself for a little longer. Or perhaps they should go on a day Jacques is the manager, he tends to be somewhat more lenient. Whatever the case may be this evening has been bittersweet for the entire family, and they’ll plan accordingly for next week to make up for the lost progress. Because that’s what family does for each other, they go above and beyond.
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