shadowkira · 7 months
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I may have gotten older, but I'm still that tomboy playing with critters and getting myself filthy.
Now I've gotten my wife into it, too. 💜
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jinnie-ret · 5 months
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ep.5: the honeymoons
ratings: fluff, some angst
warnings: none
running time: 1.6k words
summary: we see the first batch of couples go on their honeymoons. is love still in the air?
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chan and rori
location: budapest
"I've always wanted to travel," Rori grinned, feeling peaceful as she gazed across the city, night lights twinkling and night life buzzing.
"You've not been around Europe before? I thought most brits would end up going around Europe because it's so convenient," Chan hummed in thought, his head resting on her shoulder as he hugged her from behind, arms wrapped around Rori's waist.
The two of them had grown close very quickly, already having taken things to the next level. Rori trusted him, and him, her.
"Well, South Korea was a chance I took and I love it. But when I had Oliver, it kind of threw a spanner in the works, so I didn't get the chance to," Rori stroked Chan's hands that involuntarily hugged her tighter as he laughed.
"A good spanner though!" Chan giggled, making the silly comment as he remembered the cute kid that had definitely surprised him on his wedding day, but made him that more excited for their new adventure together.
The day had ended perfectly, after going around and seeing the sights, Hero's Square and Fisherman's Bastion, and now taking in the beautiful city. Of course, there were drunk people in their twenties stumbling down the street together, shouting the words to a song Rori was sure she would have recognised if it had been sung soberly. A piece of her wished maybe she could have had more time in those years, to be recklessx to have fun. She was worried she'd never have that feeling again. But Chan have that to her, he made her feel alive.
"I can't believe how lucky I've gotten, Chan is just so... he gives me butterflies. I can't remember the last time I felt that way," Rori tucked some of her ginger hair behind her ear.
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jeongin and dallas
location: mt. fuji
Jeongin and Dallas had finally made it to Mountain Fuji, sharing stories to each other about things they had achieved in their lives and what they wanted to do in the future. Sweetly they had held each other's hands the whole journey there, that small sense of affection and comfort whilst getting to know each other bringing them closer together already. And even as they exited the car together, they never let go of each other, until Dallas was so excited at the gorgeous colours of the flower festival in the clearing of the mountain.
"Ahhh! It's gorgeous! Wow, I just wish we had this back home! This is stunning I can't cope!" Dallas squealed, leaning over the fence and trying to comprehend all the glorious hues of purple, lavender, lilac and magenta intertwining into something she thought she could only dream of.
"You're really excited aren't you?" Jeongin laughed fondly, his wife, yes, he couldn't believe it, his wife, making him happy, her excitement spreading so easily.
"Duh! This is likely my dream, my life," Dallas grinned in astonishment, dropping his hand to run forwards along other paths to take in the sights even more.
They had a great day, and of course got some cute photos with each other, marking the day an amazing one. It was certainly one of the best days of Dallas' life, and Jeongin enjoyed himself too, content in wandering around and taking in nature. Amongst the other things they had done during their honeymoon, this certainly topped it, so it was a shame the day came to a close with a slightly bitter feeling.
"You're so cute, Dallas," Jeongin chuckled from his spot in bed, stretched with his arm around her, cosily nestled in his arms.
"Me? Nah... I think you were the one who's head was in the clouds, wearing that grin all day. That smile will be the death of me, Yang Jeongin," Dallas exclaimed, hand lightly smacking his stomach to emphasise her point.
"If my head was in the clouds then yours was all over the place, haha, you were like an excited child, you remind of the kids I teach," Jeongin chuckled once more, hand going to stroke her hair out of her face but Dallas had already sat up.
"I'm going to make us some tea," Dallas kept a smile on her face and went into the kitchen, Jeongin being none the wiser about how his words had affected her.
"I don't get why he had to say that last bit... like I get it, I can be quite energetic, like I give a lot of energy into the things I love. But I've been told before that I remind people of a child and it feels sort of... patronising? I don't know... it just felt- it didn't feel nice. He's my husband, I shouldn't feel this way..." Dallas rambled as she explained to the camera away from Jeongin, reflecting on the day they had had.
Hopefully they'd be able to squash this in the future.
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jisung and valentina
location: new york
"We had such a good day yesterday and now he's all closed off, he won't come out of bed. I thought we'd be doing more with our honeymoon, but, I guess not?" Valentina sighed as she spoke to the camera.
Jisung felt overwhelmed to say the least. He was tired from the flight to New York, but tried his best to keep his energy up during their first day going sightseeing. And everything seemed fine to Valentina. Oh, Valentina. Jisung really was trying his best, he suddenly felt this big responsibility. He had never been in a relationship before, and now he was someone's husband. He had a wife. He knew what he was getting into but he still likes having time to himself, and that was why he was relaxing in bed, scrolling through his phone, having down time like he normally would. But Valentina was there, trying to encourage him to go somewhere with her and do something.
"Ji, you wanna go out for dinner at least?" Valentina sighed, leaning against the kitchen counter in their hotel suite.
"I feel bad. I feel like I'm letting her down already. She's so amazing and, I feel worried that I'm not going to be the man she really needs," Jisung stammered, having his own moment to talk on his own.
But, he took a step and agreed in having dinner. They went to a luxurious restaurant, a top rated one that served mouthwatering gourmet burgers.
"Now this, I can get into this," Valentina let out a breath in delight. Not only was the burger looking delicious, but it gave a break from the sudden awkward small talk that her and Jisung had been contending with.
"I'm sorry," Jisung suddenly said, after swallowing down a mouthful of his burger. Miraculously, they had ordered the same thing, having similar tastes in their preferred cuisine and flavours.
"Hmm?" Valentina delicately wiped her mouth before speaking, "what for?" She had an inkling, but she wanted to hear from him first.
"I know you wanted more, I just, I'm quite a homebody? And I'm really trying to get used to this lifestyle, this..."
"Married life?"
"Not even that, just being able to spend time with someone constantly," Jisung glanced away, taking a sip of his cocktail.
"I'll be real with you, I was sort of upset at first, but I didn't know that about you yet. I didn't know you needed that space to yourself so, it's ok. We'll work through it together, ok?" Valentina reassured him once again, pushing away the thoughts she had before, and putting herself in his shoes.
She was a party animal at heart. She just had to bring out that more confident and energetic side to her husband, and she was willing to do that.
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hyunjin and sienna
location: rome
"This all feels like a dream," Sienna marveled at the sights of Rome, swinging her arm with Hyunjin's as they wandered around the city.
"It's not a dream, baby, it's real," Hyunjin earnestly reminded her, pulling her in a different direction as they wandered around some markets, looking for a bite to eat.
"I never thought I'd get to live this," Sienna added on, still in denial.
"Well stop thinking that, ok? Seriously, I'm going to make sure you're happy every day," Hyunjin stopped in his tracks, gazing into her eyes before kissing her on the forehead.
Soon they found somewhere to eat, a quiet restaurant being decided when they couldn't pick from the market.
"Let's get spaghetti and meatballs," Hyunjin smirked, kicking Sienna's foot lightly underneath the table.
"Why so sly about food?" Sienna rose an eyebrow, her accent coming through stronger as she stared at her husband in confusion.
"No reason, just taking inspiration from a certain film..." Hyunjin nodded smugly to himself as he ordered them their food.
And once it arrived, it all clicked.
"Why only one plate... Hyunjin..." Sienna facepalmed, Hyunjin instantly bursting into giggles.
"Have you realised, baby?" Hyunjin cooed as he leant forward.
"We are not lady and the tramping this lunch," Sienna folded her arms, but she too started laughing as she couldn't resist his loving expression.
They exited the restaurant, a blush on Sienna's face after Hyunjin whispered something in her ear.
"He's so romantic. And I'm not used to that. I love it. Just maybe not the sharing food part. I need my own food," Sienna deadpanned into the camera, before huffing out a laugh.
viewers: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @kai-lee08 @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari @skzoologist @crabrangoongirl25 @jyu-037 @keen-li @strawberry31 @5starlee @thatonedemigodfromseoul @amararosesblog @noyurcapri
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cottagecorrosive · 6 months
*Tears of the Kingdom SPOILERS*
Okay, so I've seen some fanart that may line up with my thoughts, but I just have some stuff I wanna say after beating tears of the kingdom. The ending was very sweet and wholesome and it is literally the best ending possible for the circumstances. HOWEVER, I think it would have been more appropriate (may not be the right word) if Zelda stayed a dragon and LINK completely lost his arm.
So like, it was stated many of time that consuming the forbidden fruit gummy would result in an unchangeable and unthinkable transformation. I'm glad Zelda came back in the end, but as far as themeing goes, I feel she should have stayed a dragon. The monumental sacrifice to transform yourself into something you wouldn't even recognize to MAYBE get this decayed weapon to your companion thousands of years into the future so they can defeat the apocalypse (again). Although, the reason Zelda did so was because she had unwavering faith in Link - and vice versa - even though she is completely unaware of his state in the future. The last thing she saw was Link falling with her and his arm and his sword completely busted. But she still had faith because Link is the only thing in Hyrule that she can rely on. No matter what happens, Link will be there. So she makes this sacrifice to become a dragon and help Link kill the Demon King. There are a few moments throughout where there is some longing between Link and Zeldragon, which are quite somber. And by Link slaying the Demon King and ridding Hyrule of evil, her sacrifice was not in vain. In my opinion, her transforming back into human form takes away from the impact of that decision. While her initial decision believed she would not come back, within the themes of the story it makes it feel less (to me at least). And think about the bittersweet ending it would've been if everything was better and Hyrule was safe and Link just looked up to see her at all times. Sad, yes. But without her Hyrule wouldn't exist.
In addition, I believe Link should have permantly lost his arm. As stated at the beginning, the damage was beyond repair so Rauru just gave Link his arm / power for a bit. And in the end he used said power to heal both Zelda and Link's arm. However, I think it would've been way rad if Link, along with the help of the sages, took on the Demon King and they had to use all their collective powers to do so. And to land a final blow (since the Demon King is literally the most powerful being in Hyrule) they used Rauru's hand to weaken him, and tear away from Link's arm (though it's just a smooth stub now), and use the master sword to finish him. (And I feel the final fight was a bit lackluster but that's neither here nor there). Link would then straight up not have his right arm anymore. And it would've been cool if either Purah crafted Link a new arm from sheikah technology or if he simply lived without it bc disability doesn't need to always be "fixed." I was thinking something similar to Finn from Adventure Time honestly.
In conclusion, I believe Zelda should have stayed a dragon and Link should have fully lost his arm because it would fit better with the themes and make for a more interesting story. What I think both Zelda and Link's arm represent are sacrifice and loss for what you believe in. They were both willing to give up a part of themselves (though Link kinda unintentionally) to protect those they care about and safeguard their home. The end would've shown that their actions were not in vain and that it was worth it. I feel getting things back to "normal" takes away from these themes and the impact of these events. This is my headcanon bb. In addition, all the cute zelink stuff could've taken place between botw and totk so you could have both "haha cute couple" and "I lost my arm and my gf is a dragon now. That's rough, buddy" at the same time. :)
P.S. This is just my opinion I promise pinky. I heavily enjoyed this wonderful game (I finished it after all) and think the ending is really wholesome and great for Link, Zelda, and everyone else. Maybe I just wanna see my little guys suffer. Who knows.
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primalsouls · 1 year
Inner Visions
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i'll protect you from
all the things i've seen
tighnari x gn!reader
themes: general (for now)
warnings: mention of death, description of a death (poison mushrooms), ooc Tighnari (heavy possibility), let me know of any warning...
summary: Tighnari saw his life flashed before his eyes, once again, but it wasn't from the newly growing poison mushroom he had almost taken a bite out of.
notes: written after the Archon Quests. but im so forgetful 😭 i also did finished his story quest... but probably forgot about that, too lmao so ill definitely look into all that haha also tried to do a little layout thingy for this fic lmao
⌑ reblogs & feedback are appreciated here! ⌑
✿ some reader info ✿
has a third eye - uses to see future visions when activated, atm the third eye is a ◉ᵕ◉.... third eye is closed one haha...
a "deity"
third eye makes them lose energy
wields a polearm mainly but can use more than one weapon - hand-to-hand combat mostly preferred
more will be added once i remember haha
(divider (c) firefly-graphics)
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A new series of poisonous mushrooms began to invade one of the cave systems in the Avidya Forest. As one of the Forest Rangers in the sea of grand trees, Tighnari took it upon himself to seek these new species out and pray to the Dendro Archon for the empty-headed adventurers to heed his warnings and lectures about these fungi once he got his hands on them and study them before anyone else come across them. 
"Master Tighnari, are you sure you could handle this on your own?" Collei asked, worry laced within her tone as she watched the fennec fox-hybrid ranger prepare himself a travel bag with all the necessary equipment he needed. Tighnari nodded his head towards the question, not sparing the green-haired girl a look as he dug through some cabinets for empty jars.
"Of course I can, Collei. These new specimens are a true hazard for anyone less experienced than me." Tighnari answered, stuffing the empty jars he found in one of his cabinets carefully into a new travel bag. Collei pouted. Brown-green eyes finally spare a single look towards her, a soft sigh leaving his lips as he slowed his movements. "I promise I won't try anything rash." He added, turning his body to face her completely. "And if I do need any help, I'll let Iraj know as he is near the cavern, afterall." Tighnari reassured the young girl before returning back to his preparations. 
Despite the reassurance she received from the forest watcher, Collei's mind was still not at ease. There was a deep feeling inside her chest, urging her to stop the other vision user from going to investigate the mysterious mushrooms. Though, part of her believed Tighnari would be fine. He was the forest watcher after all, having to study the forest and its ecosystem. There was no reason to doubt him. "Alright… Please be careful, Master." Collei said quietly, bowing her head before leaving the hut of the fox-hybrid. 
Tighnari let out a deep sigh. He appreciated Collei's concerns. She wasn't the only one worried about his sudden decision to investigate the growing problem within the Gandha Hill cavern. Aether and Paimon were the first to come across the fungi when they entered the cave for some lousy treasure. They were thankful Tighnari caught sight of them before they ventured further into the cave. 
It was the horrendous smell that caught Tighnari's attention when he first entered the cavern after spotting the traveler and his small flying companion head in. Just from the sight of it above the cliff looking over the ground of the cavern was enough to tell it was a new species of poison mushrooms along with the nauseating aroma.
"Hopefully this scarf could keep the smell away." Tighnari muttered as he picked up the two travel bags he prepared, pulling the scarf over his head, careful with his long ears, and pulling it over his nose. 
"Tighnari! There you are! Collei said you planned to go investigate the weird fungi we found. Do you need help? Aether here can come along!" Paimon exclaimed as she floated over to the forest watcher with the traveler walking up behind her, an apologetic look on his face. Tighnari winced at the loud voice of Paimon, his ears twitching down in displeasure. 
Shaking his head, he waved the duo off. "No, no, it's fine. Like I told Collei, this is a mission for me rather than those inexperienced. We don't know what the mushrooms and their effects do, which is why I have to be the one to check on them. Please, I appreciate your concerns but I would rather you guys stay safe here than follow me through with this investigation of mine." Tighnari stated firmly, giving the pair a small smile. "Just stay here with Collei, I promise I'll come back before the night falls." With those words out, Tighnari didn't wait any second longer and headed down the path leading towards the entrance of the Gandha Hill cavern. 
"Alright, Iraj, if anything happens in Gandharva Ville, please come get me." Tighnari said, looking over his shoulder towards the forest ranger who gave a firm nod. "And if anything happens to me, keep an ear out." 
"Yes, Master Tighnari! I'll do my best." Iraj declared with another firm nod.
Tighnari gave him a quick nod before turning to the entrance of the cavern. "Here goes nothing…" He muttered under his breath. 
The path leading to the ground of the cavern was shorter than he thought it would be. Tighnari peeked over the cliff. There they were. The new set of poison mushrooms huddled together in the small pool of water in front of the cliff. With careful steps, Tighnari made his way down to the ground level of the large cave. He looked around for any other potential threats in the area, his long ears seeking out for any small sound. Determined there was no other danger, Tighnari set a camp a few yards away from the pool of water. The equipment he had brought was set out nicely on top of a blanket beside the notebook and pen he brought to document any behavior from the fungi. 
With a huff, Tighnari sat on the rug he set up. He wanted to take the scarf off but he doubted he would be able to handle the stench of the fungus. Despite the short travel between the cave under Gandha Hill, it still exhausted the fox-hybrid out. It didn't take him long to rest well, either. Tighnari stood up from the ground and walked over to the starting crowd of the fungi after picking up his pen and notebook. "Hm… Aside from the horrible stench, it stands out with a rosy pink cap and a lilac stem. It seems to be covered with moss as well." Tighnari told no one, his eyes shifting between the notebook and the mushroom as he scribbled down his observations. 
"I wonder…" His words trailed off as Tighnari placed his pen and notebook down beside him. A gloved hand reached down and plugged one of the mushrooms out of the ground. Pulling the scarf down to his mouth, Tighnari grimaced at the aroma of the fungi invading his personal space, trying his damndest not to gag. "C'mon, Tighnari, tough it o-out…" He said through gritted teeth. His tail swung to get rid of somewhat of the stench as his hand neared the mushroom towards his slightly parted lips. His eyes were squinted. The top of the fungus looked weirdly spiraled. 
A flash pierced against his vision. Tighnari let out a yelp as he dropped the mushroom and quickly got back on his feet after backing away hurriedly from the small group of fungi. His eyes were widen with alert, his body tensed as he held his bow out to defend himself. He panted, his heart ready to jump out of his throat as it raced against his chest. 
"Wha—what…" Tighnari swallowed dryly as he glanced down at the mushroom he took out. There was no bite on it, so why did he see his life flashed before his eyes. Did the terrible smell finally get to his head!? Was he hallucinating from it? Tighnari was confused but upon closer observation he noticed the mushroom was pierced by a sharp… point of a trident… What?
Tighnari tensed his body once more. Where did the trident came from? There was no one here but himself. His fingers tightened around his bow. His ears were high alert for any sound.
"My, that was a close one, wasn't it?" An unfamiliar voice said above him coolly. Tighnari whipped his head around, his wide brown-green eyes landed on a figure who sat on the edge of the cliff. A frown creased his features. The forest watcher kept his weapon, taking a step back away from the new intruder. 
"Who are you!? In fact, what are you doing here!? This area is off limits at the moment." Tighnari stated, his eyes narrowed towards the figure. 
"What a strange way to say thank you…" The new face said as they raised a hand and snapped their fingers. Tighnari blinked as he glanced at their hand and towards the silver trident, which was no longer stabbing the mushroom he had in his hands moments before. "You should be lucky I was around the area to stop you from eating that deadly fungus." They added, hopping off the cliff and huffed when they landed a few feet away from Tighnari. Confusion swimmed in the forest watcher's eyes towards their words.
"What are you talking about? Were you the one who attacked me with that weapon?" 
"Attacking is a strong word… I like the word helping more."
Tighnari scoffed, not a single trace of his weapon being lower down. 
"Once again, who are you? Why did you atta—"
"Whatever! Why did you do that!?" Tighnari was growing frustrated. The figure tilted their head to one side, their disinterested eyes staring at Tighnari unnerving. 
"You were about to eat a deadly mushroom. I've saved you from meeting your end too soon." They stated with a shrug, a bored look on their face. Tighnari frowned. 
"How do you know they're deadly? What if it would just upset my stomach?" Tighnari retorted, his weapon faltering a bit.
"I've seen it… Your body wouldn't be discovered until further into the nighttime. By the time they find you, you'll be nothing but a wide eyed, purple lifeless body with moss growing out of your mouth." They said, their eyes glancing down at the mushroom which had slowly died out, withering away. Tighnari stared at them with a disturbed expression on his face. 
The forest watcher couldn't believe what he was hearing. There was no way any of that could happen. Letting out a laughable scoff, Tighnari put his weapon down. "Hah! Ye-yeah right… There's no way that would happen. What, did you—did you try it yourself and come back to life?" He mused, not believing a single word that came out of their mouth. The other stared at Tighnari, leaving him feeling uneasy. 
"No, I'm not stupid like you." Their words caught Tighnari off guard, his perplexed frown increasing further. "I figured you won't believe me… I've planned to just save you from your early fate and create a diversion to throw you off but I decided to stay and let you know what happened instead… I regret it now." They added, looking over at his small campsite. "By the way, Tighnari, do you always go around eating strange mushrooms?" Hearing his name rolled out their tongue made Tighnari freeze on the spot once more. 
"How do you know my name? I've never told you…" Tighnari said quietly, raising his bow once more. 
"Ah, how rude of me…" Ignoring his question, the figure crossed their arms over their chest. "I'm (Name)." They said with a small grin, . "And I can see your future." 
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branmer · 2 months
by request i have put together a little key of all my b5 stories and ocs that i talk about on here plus some other info about worldbuilding stuff (@impossibletimemachinestarlight tagging you in this since you requested it! i hope this will prove helpful and not just confuse things even more)
first, the fics!!! most of these feature the same characters, but that doesn't mean they take place within the same verse
bmwf or the blood of stars - wip, currently published on ao3. a longfic intended to tell the story of the warrior caste and explore minbari politics from before the em war up until after the civil war. pretty grand in scope and i am currently stuck in the earliest pre-war section, which takes place during branmer's adolescent years. i really want to finish this fic but i've lost steam recently
bla/branmer lives au/and not to yield - wip, not on ao3 yet but sometimes i post snippets here. it's basically an alternate universe where branmer lives and takes part in the shadow war and drastically alters events relating to the minbari as a result. heavy on the warrior and worker caste. if you see me talking about neroon and branmer having a big falling out/break up, i'm probably talking about this fic lol.
b/n fic or i joy in my disgrace - wip, available on ao3. a lighter, shippy fic taking place a decade or so before the em-war during a warrior caste tournament that was really just an excuse to write branmer/neroon. may end up serving as the backstory for their meeting in bla, but totally disconnected from blood of stars (though it shares many of the same characters). i've stalled a bit on this one even though chapter 2 is almost done because i've been quite depressed and struggling to write through it
mlm fic - a silly little au where both marcus and neroon survive and neroon recruits him to help investigate a religious caste grifter who is recruiting humans to a pyramid scheme/cult. eventual neroon/marcus. i've only really written the very start of this one tbh
m/n fic/damnsel fic - intended as a gift for a friend <3 i haven't posted much about this one because i'm trying to keep it on the down low lol. but it's an action adventure romance marcus/neroon fic. i'm about half-way through writing this one and hoping to have it done by the end of 2024
neroon is the bridge - a very silly au where delenn accepts leadership of the grey council and punishes neroon by forcing him to undergo the transformation instead of her. currently working on the grey 17 is missing episode in this au haha
cursed nye fic - a truly terrible joke fic featuring, yes, mpreg. currently unavailable online because im editing it to repost
the warrior caste clans as they appear in my fic (names taken from canon but the rest is mostly me making stuff up/taking from fanon):
star rider - neroon's clan. the oldest and most powerful clan, they control the warrior caste capital, tinarel, plus a good third of the warrior caste fleet.
moon shields - the wealthiest of the clans. they have close ties with the star riders and the two often work together. the moon shield fleet is largely responsible for the immediate defense of minbar and the home system and often gets referred to as the shield of minbar
night walker - the most numerous of the clans, they actually consist of hundreds of sub-clans who allied together to defend themselves against other more powerful clans (like the star riders). infamously quarrelsome, they are the most democratically structured of the clans and fiercely independent. they have the second smallest fleet, but make up the majority of the castes ground forces and night walker regiments are spread out among the other clan fleets. as a result they bore the brunt of the most intense fighting of the em-war and had the heaviest losses. they are very bitter about this
fire wing - the first clan to use aircraft in war, the fire wings still boast the best fighter pilots in the warrior caste. they have medium sized fleet, but there are fire wing squadrons spread throughout the other clan fleets, similar to the night walkers.
wind swords - the smallest and most militant clan. they also have the smallest fleet. despite the relative size of their clan they are surprisingly influential and wealthy, and benefit from controlling resource rich territory that allows them a degree of independence from the rest of the caste. they have a long history of rivalry with the star riders and resent their power over the caste
dark knives - an ancient clan who defected to the shadows during the first great war. nothing has been heard of them in a thousand years but they remain a presence in warrior caste horror stories and folk tales. they feature in bla where they return to cause trouble and do evil things >:)
re warrior caste leadership and such. some people go for there being a shai alyt for each clan or make it a rank similar to captain. for my own fic i have the shai alyt being the commander in chief of the warrior caste (it just made sense to me that the warrior caste would need a chief general who they all answer to in times of war who can act with the grey council's authority), while each of the clans have their own leadership who handle the administration of the clan and its internal running. basically the clan heirarchy/administration is seperate from the military administration and you can be very powerful in the caste as a whole while still being subject to your clan leader/elders. see branmer's dad, kedrunn, who is a very high ranking war leader and serves as an advisor to two shai alyts, but is often in a very precarious position within his own clan because he keeps pissing off his clan leaders :') the balance between the shai alyt and the clan leaders is a Big Deal in warrior caste politics and it's one of the things that makes being shai alyt a really really difficult role. the warrior caste also choose their shai alyt (something the grey council hates and is always trying to influence) through something called the convocation of clans
religious orders/fanes
sanaya - branmer's birth fane/order, a contemplative order based in tuzenor and famous mostly for their religious music. very conservative and proud. were never happy about his mother marrying a warrior
fikeranla/the star seers - the order branmer leaves sanaya to join in bmwf and ultimately the order he serves in most of my fic. a spacefaring order with connections to the warrior caste (particularly the star riders) that has a history of liasing between the warrior and religious caste on contentious issues. dedicated to the study of the stars
my ocs
kedrunn - branmer's father, warrior caste and a star rider like neroon. serves as a sech in most of these fics, but has held extremely high rank in the warrior caste. also very musical! appears in pretty much all my fics except neroon is the bridge and mlm fic (so far), but most prominent in bmwf, bla and b/n fic
eiyamer - branmer's mother, religious caste. a professional musician and honoured shaal. again appears in most of my fics except neroon is the bridge and mlm fic, but generally has a smaller role than kedrunn. most prominent in bmwf, bla and b/n fic
nerzhan - neroon's mother, star rider. rarely appears mostly just gets mentioned. usually dead long before the em war
rashal - neroon's dad, fire wing who married into the star riders. also usually just mentioned but doesn't appear. features most prominently in bla where he is actually alive for once (but might as well be dead if you ask neroon)
kazjek - neroon's ward, star rider. only features in one fic (the m/n one) so far! around 13 at the time of the story and a massive fucking brat. i love her a lot and will likely insert her into other fics if i get the chance (very tempted to put her in bla haha)
morreal - a childhood friend of branmer's, warrior caste and a wind sword. related by marriage to shakiri (who he hates, like really really fucking hates). often serves as the character who highlights the contradictions of warrior caste honour. the wind sword neroon basically. features in all my fic except neroon is the bridge and the cursed nye fic
aiashon - neroon's cousin on his father's side, fire wings clan. aiashon has a prominent role in bmwf (in the very end section post civil war she's actually the protagonist), bla and mlm fic. will likely feature in some small way in b/n fic, m/n fic and neroon-is-the-bridge. aiashon is the character often left holding the bag when everything goes to shit. the opposite of neroon in many ways, she's overly cautious when she should act and learns to be more decisive and bold in the latter half of bmwf
zakat - neroon's childhood best friend, originally warrior caste he converted to the worker caste and became a prominent starship engineer. features most prominently in bmwf and bla but gets some kind of a mention in other fics
rekshival - branmer's mentor and a high priestess of the star seers. features heavily in bmwf, mostly only gets small mentions in other fics which is a shame because she's one of my faves tbh
hyavel - morreal's girlfriend. worker caste, guild of engineers. features most prominently in bmwf and bla but gets an important cameo in m/n fic and will probably feature in mlm fic and b/n fic. hasn't yet appeared in any of my published fics
sashain - a priestess of the star seers and a childhood friend of branmer's. headstrong and aggressive and prone to angry outbursts. she becomes high priestess in branmer's stead when he joins the warrior caste. plays an important role in bmwf, bla and b/n fic. might feature her in mlm fic because i like her a lot
dushenn - aiashon's wife, warrior caste and from the nightwalker clan. not a super prominent character but appears in bmwf, bla and probably mlm fic. im hoping to expand her role a bit in bla and get her doing more stuff
verann - (fuck i cannot believe i forgot verann until now) warrior caste and a fire wing like aiashon. has a cute little triune thing going on with kedrunn and eiyamer. was at one point a candidate to be shai alyt. very high ranking in the warrior caste. features mostly in bmwf, bla and b/n fic. a bit like neroon if neroon were less of a total cunt.
shakat - warrior caste, night walker. massive cunt to begin with tbh, but experiences considerable growth in bmwf and bla, which are the only two fics he really features much in (might make a cameo in mlm fic maybe?). has a big, embarrasing crush on morreal. morreal can't stand him.
beshaal - warrior caste, moon shield. second in command to the shai alyts who preceeds branmer. features in small roles in bmwf and b/n fic, but is dead by the time most of my fics take place
levak - warrior caste, star rider. the shai alyt when branmer is a teenager. only features in bmwf because he is dead long before the em-war takes place
sekhat - one of branmer's mentors, warrior caste and moon shield. served levak when he was shai alyt. dead by the time most of my fics take place and only really appears in bmwf and possibly in b/n fic
rokesh - one of levak's advisors and a rival to verann, married to sekhat. also a moon shield. potential candidate to be shai alyt after levak. was meant to be a more prominent character but i ended up finding other characters more interesting, poor dude. features in bmwf but also gets a mention in b/n fic
kershan - a former star rider who married into the night walkers, lost most of his family on the black star. becomes friends with neroon in bla. features a little in bmwf but has a more prominent role in bla. doesn't really appear in any other fic tbh and i don't think i've mentioned him by name much at all on here either
there are more (SO MANY) but i think that's all the most important ones. branmer also has a warrior caste aunt and a couple of warrior caste cousins who will appear in b/n but they're not important characters. an overabundance of warrior caste ocs and not nEARLY enough workers rip (tbf there are more worker caste ocs but im not at a point where i have though enough about them to warrent a place on this list)
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prowerprojects · 9 months
Mind if I drop two? Both for Tails.
🫂 (Any friendship barring Sonic)
🧸(Can be before meeting Sonic, or after but both still figuring out their boundaries pre-Adventure)
Of course I don't mind! Thank you! Ask game
Oh, I have a few.
First thing that comes to mind, I don't think Tails and Cream are especially close friends at the moment, they have more of a "friend of a friend" type of relationship, however, I could definitely see them reconnecting and becoming really close when they're older. It's hard to find someone else who can relate to their childhood experiences in a similar way and it would do both of them a lot of good when trying to reflect on them.
After Sonic, I think Amy is Tails's closest friend (even if it's not necessary mutual. Amy is a very social person). He also tends to get a bit protective over her, even if he obviously knows that she can take care of herself (this one is probably mutual though). And it's not just physical safety, they both get really mad when the other gets overlooked. I really like how in some games (like Adventure and Battle) they live pretty close to each other, so I imagine they help each other with domestic issues. They probably go shopping together. Imagine the core four fighting Eggman and Amy and Tails keep talking about upcoming sales djcjxxjmd. I also like to imagine that when they were little Amy had taught a lot if basic necessary stuff that she had learned from her parents to Tails, you know, how to sew on a button, how to cook simple meals, how to use a broom, etc. (On another note, Tails is probably the biggest Sonamy shipper out there, but a lot of it maybe comes from being worried that she would stop hanging out with him if she ever got over Sonic. This is not rational and he tries not to think about it, but it still gnaws at him a bit)
I also like to imagine Tails being friends with Big. Tails just comes down to his place to hang out most of the time, Big doesn't really mind. Big doesn't know anything about Tails being an engineer or whatever, he just sees a kid living by himself so he tries to be a cool older cousin-type and does his best to keep an eye on Tails.
I've been making up a lot of headcanons about Tails's family lately, but here's one: when he met Sonic andnstarted traveling with him, he actually run away from home. He used to live with his uncle and his family back then, and it wasn't really great for him (I actually headcanon that those foxes from the Origins cutscene are his cousins). So he didn't think twice about leaving them. (They just assumed he died during Eggman's invasion). Sonic had no idea that Tails had living relatives until years later.
I actually might have posted about this before, so here's another one:
For Sonic and Tails's early days. There was a lot of awkwardness at first, I think. Neither of them had a close friend before, and they had to figure out how to frienship on the go. Sonic is a very free person, who always did whatever he wanted to do, and Taills was so starstruck that he was willing to drop everything if Sonic had asked him to. Not great! Luckily Sonic isn't some kind of jerk who would have taken advantage of that. (Luckily they worked it out somehow and by Adventure Tails was already the one dragging Sonic around and nagging at him for not staying on track, haha.)
But those things, combined with Tails's smarts and whatnot led to Sonic kind of overlooking the fact that Tails was really young at the time. (I do think he tends to "coddle" him more nowadays, comparatively) And maybe there was a bit of denial, too. Sonic wanted them to just be two friends hanging out, he didn't want to be responsible for a child's safety. But of course he knew subconsciously that he'd have to take on a bit of responsibility over Tails, since even disregarding the age, Tails still wasn't as strong or fast as him and he was his fan which gave Sonic some authority (bleh!) over him.
It was a very complicated matter for Sonic to figure out, but a necessary one, without it he wouldn't be out there giving speeches about the superpower of teamwork nowadays.
Whoops this one kind of shifted to Sonic's pov a bit. I do think their early days were more of a period of growth for Sonic, though Tails did become more comfortable around Sonic and wasn't scared that Sonic would just abandon him somewhere like his mom anymore (She had a good reason for leaving him with her brother and she was gonna come back for him but. She died)
Back in the early days Tails used to love hearing stories about Sonic's previous adventures and constantly begged him to tell more. At some point Sonic just started making things up because he run out of stories and Tails wouldn't believe him, haha. He didn't know about that until he was reading a book and realized that he already knew that story. But Sonic putting on his storytelling voice always reminds Tails of when he was little.
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midnightcreator12 · 5 months
I need to say this, cuz smth embarassing happened to me and now I can't stop imagining Chula in that scenario and literally any turtle.
Because yesterday, I was talking to one of my friends and on one word, I started stuttering SO much. Istg it was SO bad😭
I went "Haha, crazy that you said that cud-cu- don't- I-dont...do-don't.. huh???? Cuz you- don't.. what the fuck were we talking about??"
And now I can't stop this moment in my head and I need to get it out somehow. However, knowing my mind (hopefully) it won't stop anyways but yea, i've been imagining Chula as the poor girly-pop who needs to listen to Leo stutter as if he don't know how to fucking talk. Or she'll laugh, who knows?
She gon go "Oh don't worry bout my kid. He's okay. Or...mildly on drugs... morphine...maybe. Wouldn't know how THAT happened tho. Or he knows how to un-learn the whole shabbing alphabet. Could be it."
Don't mind me. Just a lil' guy that wants to feed myself and others some serotonin with these little shenigans.
Be sure to drink a lot and treat yourself to your favourite snack. And don't forget those blankets for some nice rest this night.
-Best regards, everyone needs therapy, but I do too, so that makes up for it.-
So, your ask got me think of what Leo could be rambling about to cause him to stumble over his words. Which made me think about when I stutter like I don't know English and how it happens most often when I'm overly excited about shows and movies and my brain moves quicker than my mouth.
And THAT made me think about the fact Chula basically lives in the Rise Lair now so, of course, the boys will be showing her all the Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim movies. And THAT made me wonder what Chula's relationship with sci-fi would be like.
Because she's LIVED THOSE THINGS, more or less. The 'fiction' in sci-fi is basically all the stuff she had as everyday items and events. But, since the tmnt shows are kind of silly, the silly shows within the shows are pretty ridiculous so Chula is basically watching a horrible interpretation of a rough idea that was a fully developed thing in her dimension.
In short, Chula Verd doesn't like sci-fi because seeing all the completely incorrect interpretations of how space travel and exploration and space wars work is just painful but she knows the boys like it so she just smiles and tells them that it was a great movie.
And then I wrote a dabble about Leo stuttering while they watch a movie! Enjoy!
“Oh, oh, oh! This part is awesome! This is when Jupiter Jim crash lands on the alien turtle planet and he’s gotta fight his way to the super secret base-”
Chula nodded along as Leo explained the scene playing out of the kid's holoprojector.
Since she was staying long term, they had all taken turns catching her up on ‘every modern culture medium she needed to know about’. And at the very top of that list were their favorite holo-drama franchises.
One of which was a series about this space explorer slash adventurer called Jupiter Jim. An absurdly massive franchise that, in Chula’s opinion, was following the worst interplanetary explorer she’d ever seen. It was a wonder he hadn’t started a galaxy-wide diplomatic incident and all the conflicts were usually contained to the planet he visited per film.
But the boys liked Jupiter Jim and she had nothing but time to kill, so she tried to pay attention when they dragged her to the beanbag chairs for a movie night, either as a group or one at a time. And in both circumstances, she would smile and nod and sit through the horrible inaccurate depiction of how space travel works and what the protocols were for making first contact and getting far more enjoyment from listening to Leo break down every scene and how it was made instead of actually watching the film.
Leo gestured to the screen, hands flapping almost too quickly to track as he chattered away, “Oh, the production details of this are really cool! Did you know this was made a decade ago and the effects still hold up better than a lot of the CGI they use now? Yeah, yeah, it’s ‘cause they were tryin’ new stuff, lots of stuff, the director was really trying to push JJ onto the big dogs franchise map with this! They had a whole studio that- that they made the sets in and- and- and the costumes were reva- rev- re- re-, bah, bah, bah- Revolutionary! They handmade every single cell- sale- sail- Fuck!”
Chula blinked when Leo cut himself off, crossing his arms and blowing an angry little raspberry. She waited a few moments for him to keep going, mild disappointment rising when he just made unhappy little grumbles under his breath. 
She glanced back at the holo-drama, fighting the urge to wrinkle her nose at it. She would never, ever tell the boys but…she had found out after the first Jupiter Jim film that she didn’t enjoy ‘science fiction’. Mostly because of the fact that most of the hypothetical ‘fiction’ was very close to things that were pretty standard on most of the planets she’d been to in two realities. But the movies got so many things so ridiculously wrong it was almost painful for her to watch. The only part she enjoyed about the sci-fi movies was how into them the boys would get, flapping their hands and ranting about their favorite part. 
So Leo not talking anymore was quickly sapping her enjoyment of the one-on-one, impromptu movie night. She leaned over to Leo, lightly bumping their shoulders and asking, “What did they handmake?”
“Huh?” Leo blinked, face smoothing out from the pinched, grumpy expression as he looked up at Chula. 
She tipped her head towards the film, where ‘Jim’ was not doing his job as a ‘simple space explorer’ very well, considering he started shooting the moment an alien poked their head into view, “You were saying that this was the holordrama that made the franchise take off, right? And that they handmade somethin’ that helped it do that?”
“Right, right, uhhh, the alien suits,” Leo, much more calmly this time, pointed to where a turtle alien was running across the screen. “The, um, costume department made every scale on the turtle suits by hand. It helped make them look super realistic.”
Chula nodded, waiting for Leo to keep ranting about the film.
Except he seemed to deflate, tucking his knees up and propping his head on them to stare at the screen.
It made Chula a bit sad, seeing all the excitement just poof away. She loved it when Leo got excited about stuff, waved his hands around, and talked a mile a minute. It was weird when he got too quiet, reminded her of the first few weeks of them traveling together when he was scared and lost and didn’t fully trust her yet.
She carefully poked at his side and jerked her chin towards the holo, “What was the secret behind the little sidekick’s tail? I imagine doing all those stunts was hard to pull off without looking fake.”
Leo’s head perked up a bit, eyes flicking up to see the small, red and white furred alien that followed JJ around, “Red Fox? Oh yeah, she’s a yokai! Me and my bro’s met her once, she helped us save Raphie and JJ from getting melted in acid.”
A part of Chula knew that that statement should have set off more alarm bells for her.
But something she’d learned with these crazy kids was that their lives were nuts and it was better to roll with the punches and weird, wildly out of context statments as they came.
So, instead of freaking out, demanding details, running to Raph to ask if he’d gotten any acid on his person during that event, she nodded and turned back to the holoprojector, “What led up to that little misadventure?”
And, like magic, Leo was rambling away again, sitting up to recount the epic tale of when he and his brothers had gone head to head to claim the coveted place as Jupiter Jim’s fake sidekick.
Chula listened, only interrupting to ask questions if Leo stumbled over his words again in his excitement and basking in the warm atmosphere of the room.
She didn’t like sci-fi, but she loved listening to the boys talk about it so she could put up with a couple hundred terrible movies.
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morathicain · 5 months
Very impressed both with the number of WIPs you have and the mysterious way you title them. How do you remember what is what haha.
If no one asked already, what happens in "It could be worse"? Or and just to know, "Hyckey licious" :p
Hey, hi! Thank you, I've collected them for quite a while, some are YEARS old! And well, regarding remembering them ... good question! Sometimes I can't remember them at all XD Like, I've written so much and some titles I remember and some I totally don't. Which means I maybe need to find a new system to keep wips and finished work separated lol
Well, so those two! "It could be worse" is a multichapter fic for 3wbf and I have the first two chapters uploaded already. I had it all planned out so well and then I got stuck and probably have to change my plans to continue (after over a year *cough*). It's an AU in which Shin is actually following his father's path more and works for the company instead of pursuing an artist career. Secretly he is working and conspiring against his dad tho. During a charity event he gets kidnapped by Miw and Neo who actually don't work together but for different groups but had the same plan at the same time. On the way, the three of them learn more about each other, bond and plans get ruined for different reasons. Oh, and of course they will fall in love :D So, some adventure-kidnapping-shenanigans with slightly ooc-characters, which I usually love to write for them. Just need to get back to it again!
The excerpt is from the new chapter that's not been uploaded and still might change:
What he did know though, was, that this might be his chance to get Neo on his side, before it was too late. And he’d have to do it fast, otherwise Miw would do the same. And Shin still had no idea what her goal was. What her reasons were and her resources. But the fact, that she also seemed to be shocked by Neo’s announcement, had to mean something, didn’t it? Or the fact, that she’d been checking her phone a few times already since they’d taken off, even though she’d tried to be subtle. Maybe he should ask now or lead to the topic carefully or quietly or ... the boat rocked, thrown by an especially powerful wave and suddenly there were two hands gripping his thighs, reflexively, bringing Shin’s brain to a full stop. He looked down. Just in time to see Miw’s hand being pulled back as if she’d burned herself. As if this was more than she’d wanted to admit. But Neo? Neo’s hand stayed and his grip tightened. And Shin? Shin realised why his father had never trusted him enough to make big decisions. Not when he said shit like ... “I betrayed my father.”
And "Hickey-licious" is an Utsukushii Kare ff I thought of after watching the movie! It will be mostly smut with Hira finding all the spots to leave hickeys on on Kiyoi :P There's a lot of notes but nothing written yet, although I have it all planned out in my mind. Nothing too long, just Hira taking and marking and Kiyoi giving and enjoying it all!
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Thank you again for asking! <3
More wip titles you can ask about
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libertyreads · 10 months
Book Review #115 of 2023--
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The Brothers Hawthorne by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. Rating: 4 stars.
Read from September 8th to 10th.
One of my most anticipated new releases for the year has finally come out and been read. I'm seriously considering getting rid of my Barnes and Noble membership because this bad boy didn't make it to my house for over a week after release. Though there was a holiday in there so maybe we don't make any rash decisions. This is the fourth book in The Inheritance Games series and it follows two of the Hawthorne Brothers as they attempt to help out non-Hawthorne family members.
It was so refreshing to dive into this book. If you're a fan of the series you already know that there are a ton of riddles, games, puzzles throughout and I loved getting back into this world and attempting to solve the same puzzles as our main characters. I also love how this took two really different characters and gave them both an opportunity to be examined by the reader. I don't think anything in this series so far has given me a chance to dive so deep into who these characters are, how they think, what they feel, and their history. Jameson and Grayson have this thing where they work really well together but they also highlight each others differences. So, I loved the depth of character exploration in this one as well as the ability to see through their eyes. I also really loved the setting for Jameson's adventure in this one. It's starts in this sort of secret society in London and eventually finds its way to a beautiful castle. Grayson's adventure is set in Phoenix, but there are still plenty of riddles to solve there too. I don't know. There's just something about the Hawthornes and something about this world of unbelievable wealth and power and how each brother wields it. I can read book after book about these characters.
I felt like this one was sort of explaining things to the reader a little too much. At one point Jameson is in the secret society and is going to play 21 and a new character says 'Bonne Chance' to him as she walks away which the narration then goes on to explain to the reader means 'Good luck' in English. Having taken French for several years felt like I was being talked down to. Now, not everyone has taken several years of French, but I felt like context clues also gave this away? There are definitely times in this series when I need the author to explain to me how these brilliant characters have solved these riddles. But there are also times when I've been given enough context or can figure it out myself and don't need to feel like it's being dumbed down for me as a reader. I hope that makes sense. It definitely felt like I was solving some clues and then having them explained to me anyway. While we do get the world of The Inheritance Games expanded, I felt like the cast of characters got smaller. We do meet new characters but I missed seeing Alisa and her weird entanglements with the Hawthorne family. We also didn't get Libby in this one at all. Which is a little sad since we share a name and so many other things. Let me live vicariously through the character who is basically me except she also gets a rich cowboy. Haha.
It's the world of the Inheritance Games and I'm always down for it. I'm so excited that these adventures don't end here.
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childotkw · 1 year
Wait. Wait. Stop everything. You have a Pirates of the Caribbean wip?? A Female!Jack Sparrow AU??? WHAT?!
I- I... I.
You really are a gift that keeps on giving aren't you? *wipes away a tear*
I have so many thoughts and EMOTIONS about this story. I've always found Jack to be a fascinating character and exploring the similarities and differences a female Jack would have throughout things was too intriguing for me to ignore.
I also found out that there's apparently books about baby Jack's adventures so now I'm trying to figure out how much of those events I wanna pull into the story haha
----------------(Here's another section taken from discord)
In regards to Tia Dalma and Jack, I was thinking about how cool it would be if Jack’s hair was a recurring theme in their relationship.
For instance, when Jack first met Tia Dalma her hair was free flowing; thick and wavy and tangled. But at a certain point, before she defeated Salazar and became the captain of the Wicked Wench, Jack went to her and asked for Tia Dalma to do her hair - which is how she got her iconic dreadlocks.
But sometime after that, perhaps just before Jack got roped into working for Beckett, she went back and got her dreadlocks undone. And it took ages, of course, but Tia Dalma was slow and patient and used warmed water and oils, and combed through each lock piece by piece, and then tidied it up for her. Because Jack was special to Tia Dalma, and she enjoyed having the girl stay with her for the time it took to work through her hair.
And so, whenever Jack's world turned on its head, whenever some big upheaval happened in her life, Jack would return to either get her dreadlocks redone or undone. It was a repeating cycle, sometimes with years in between visits, and became a ritual to them - something they don't necessarily talk about but so deeply ingrained in them and their affection for each other.
Jack would just appear on Tia Dalma's doorstep without warning, that splintered look in her eyes, and Tia Dalma would usher her in and do or undo her hair depending on its current state.
Jack would sit at Tia Dalma's feet, silent and stiff, as the older woman began the process - humming that same haunting melody as her locket played in the background.
It would take hours but under those steady, small hands, the tension unwound from her spine until she slumped into Tia Dalma's legs and her whirling mind just went quiet.
I just really love the implications that could exist in their relationship with each other 😭
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jeongyunhoed · 2 months
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As seen on my FF.net Also seen on my Ao3
Following the events of fifth year, a new adventure awaits for Norah Lee. Boys, exams, school events, common room parties, and old foes outside of Hogwarts. Even battling pensieve guardians was easier than this.
Main Pair: OC/? Genre: Adventure/Angst/Fluff (it's a little of everything, tbh)
KEEP IN MIND: Characters are aged up (even if the story's got them in sixth year) to make it more appropriate. Time period is leaning towards the modern day so in case you might find anachronisms in the dialogue or references, this is why. This may also be quite a lengthy fic too.
BE WARNED: Social anxiety, mentions of blood and injury, grief, drinking, kissing but nothing more than that, death (this is Hogwarts Legacy, after all)
P.P.S: I forgot Norah and Ominis kind of matched outfits. That will be something to talk about over time, hehe. But partying ahead! There are several Gryffindor party audios on Youtube that you can listen to (Youtube user Christine has the most immersive ones, with actual speaking audio).
The song by the way is Hard to Beat by Hard-Fi. I know, very 2000s. haha.
Chapter 11
Their linked arms didn't stay linked for long as they made their way to Gryffindor tower, just past the faculty tower. It seemed like most of the sixth years had partnered up for the party following Professor Ronen's assignment. Making new friends, possibly a date to the Yule Ball that was still a few months away. Norah and Ominis looked around for a sign of Sebastian, who was already waiting for them near the Fat Lady portrait.
Clad in jeans and a black tee under a green bomber jacket, Sebastian also fixed his hair similar to Ominis, with one lock falling just a little over his forehead. The three of them seemed to have coordinating outfits. Then again, it seemed like many students dressed in shades of their house colors. Unlike Ominis, Sebastian seemed to be aware that he was seen as one of, if not the most handsome Slytherins in the school.
"Looking good, looking good," Sebastian gave them a thumbs up as they approached him. "Natty told me the password in advance. I saw Amit and Samantha already enter with them."
"You look handsome yourself," Norah smiled. "I would've thought Cressida was going to meet you here."
The freckled brunette rolled his eyes at her teasing, while Ominis chuckled. "Very funny, you-" He stopped himself. You beautiful creature, you amazing human, maybe love of my life, he thought. Sebastian cleared his throat. "Well then, shall we revel in the festivities?" He grinned.
The trio approached the painting, with Sebastian already saying the password. Loud music greeted them as they crawled inside the portrait hole. Everyone around them was already enjoying themselves, as if a live band was performing all throughout the common room. There were barrels of butterbeer flowing in cups being passed around to everyone while sweets and pastries from Honeydukes were on the table, along with other savory fare taken from the kitchens.
Norah looked around, spotting Nellie crawling on top of the fireplace mantel, much to the cheers of some of the partygoers. To her surprise, several other Gryffindors were holding drinking games in one corner, as someone smuggled in some firewhisky. "It sounds like everyone's having so much fun!" Ominis tried to tell her.
"Yeah! We should have fun too!" She looked at her two friends, who were beginning to nod along to the music that was playing.
I've seen you darling, seen you hanging round town You in a short skirt, shining eyes of deep brown You had a dirty look, you caught me on your hook Turn up the thermostat, I want to see you sweat Oh yeah, girl you got, somethin' I like
Norah spotted Garreth, who was already introducing his new brew, fizzing whizz-beers, which seemed to be a success. At least it seemed like a success from seeing how many people have been drinking it. "Let's go get some of Garreth's new brew!" She told them.
"Is that even safe?" Sebastian grinned, waving at Garreth, who was also waving them to come over. "He hasn't created a mess yet, hasn't he?"
"Are we drinking?" Ominis suddenly asked.
"Yeah, come on, Ominis, it's only for tonight," Norah tried to convince him. "Everyone seems to like it"
With some reluctance, Ominis let himself be led by Norah and Sebastian over to Garreth, who immediately conjured some cups to fill with his new drink. "Just got here?" He asked.
"Yeah, a few minutes ago, actually!" Norah said near his ear, while he passed the drinks to them. "You seem to have succeeded in your new brew, huh?"
Garreth looked proud. "Yeah! Drink as much as you like, there's going to be plenty more in the months to come~" He declared.
The three of them took sips of the drink, with Norah raising a brow at the taste. She turned to Garreth. "This just tastes like butterbeer mixed with firewhisky and some really strong ale," She said.
The freckly redhead laughed. "Because it is!"
Norah, Sebastian, and Ominis gaped, looking around at how tipsy some had already gotten, perhaps after downing several already since the party started. Realizing how good the drink tasted, they took another long drink. Garreth was more than happy to refill their cups, cheering in between, when a Gryffindor seventh year stood up on one of the tables and loudly sang the song.
I walked right over, said, 'Hi how ya doin?' You smiled at me and girl, you tore right through me I said, come on let's dnce, we've got to take our chance You whispered in my ear, you wanna get out of here
The crowds of students were singing along to the song, which Norah enjoyed watching as the party went on. "We should find Natty, Poppy, and Amit, shouldn't we?" She turned to them again, after another drink.
Can you feel it? Rockin' the city Ah yeah, straight out of nowhere-ness Like a fist, can't resist you, oh no, I tell you somethin'
"This drink isn't so bad after all, I have to give you credit, Weasley," Ominis took another drink before Garreth refilled his cup. "All the explosions and messes in Sharp's class ended up for something good."
Garreth looked proud, but there was a glint in his eye that made Norah think he was being mischievous. After all, they were still inside Hogwarts. "I hope you've got some pepper-up potion on hand, Garreth, some of these people might wake up with a hangover tomorrow"
"I've got that sorted out, it's brewing upstairs. Just have fun, you three, enjoy the first of four house parties this year, Merlin knows we need it," Garreth assured her, seeing Ominis ask for yet another refill, claiming that despite what it was made of, he didn't feel a thing. Sebastian was also leaning toward the same way.
You know I love ya, just wanna touch ya Stand up, knock me right off my feet Hard to beat, hard to beat, hard to beat
The music seemed to hit a crescendo, making everyone cheer and sing along, dancing in their spots. Soon enough, the resident Gryffindor prefects along with some seventh years, moved the chairs and couches to the side. They were clearing the way for people to dance in the middle. Norah downed her drink before asking Garreth for another.
While she was in a good mood earlier, it had only occurred to Norah that maybe she needed a bit of a break. Everyone else was certainly letting off some steam by drinking, eating, and dancing tonight. Even Grace Pinch Smedley, who seemed to be the most composed among their fellow Slytherins, was already dancing with some Ravenclaws and Gryffindors. Looking almost unrecognizable with the way she styled her hair and her party outfit, Grace was definitely letting go of her inhibitions to have fun.
Nellie, who was earlier drinking while standing on the mantel, had begun dancing on top, to louder cheers from the crowd gathered around her. Among those was Leander, whose cheeks were already red because of Garreth's drink. Feeling like it was safe, Norah got another refill.
Let's spend the night, spend the night together Heart beating so fast, as you take my shirt off This girl I saw round town, well now she's going down Stuck on a losing streak, I think you've turned it round Oh yeah, girl you've got, something I like
"Care to dance, anyone?" Norah asked, even glancing at Garreth. "I love this song"
Ominis hesitated, willing himself to slow down on the drinks. "Not really sure dancing is my style," Sebastian replied with some reluctance.
"Dance? I think I've got two left feet," Ominis replied.
Read all about it, have you heard the latest? Boy in a band dates a Hollywood actress But baby you and me, we came up from the street No time to hesitate, we've got to push our weight
"Suit yourselves, I will," Norah grinned, gesturing Garreth to come with her. The redhead almost immediately left his spot by the barrel to join her. Even if Garreth's dancing could be described as similar to that of an old person, he was fun, even mouthing the words along with Norah, the two of them laughing at how silly they're being.
Can you feel it? Rocking the city Ah yeah, straight out of nowhere-ness Like a fist, can't resist you, oh no, I tell you somethin'
The music, the drinks, the atmosphere, Norah felt like she could get lost in all of it. It was so supremely happy and energetic. Or it might have been the drinks that was making her feel and think that way. She was having so much fun dancing with Garreth, the two of them singing along as if to each other.
"I knew that would put a smile on your face," Garreth whispered near her ear, the two of them went back into dancing as silly as they could get. "Take it easy on the drinks, wouldn't want the Hogwarts heroine to get piss drunk, after all"
Norah laughed. "Don't worry, Garreth, enjoying myself tonight is all I'm thinking about."
"Good, you've earned it" Garreth assured her. "I'm glad you're having fun so far. It's your first Hogwarts house party."
"Yeah, it's so much fun! I mean, I expected this from Gryffindors," Norah teased. "I told Leander the same thing the other day."
Garreth looked proud. "It'll only be even more fun from now on. Hufflepuff's hosting the next one. Here's a tip, make sure to come in hungry. They've got the best food."
"I figured," Norah nodded.
You know I love ya, I just wanna touch ya Stand up, knock me right off my feet Hard to beat, hard to beat, hard to beat
"Hey!" Natty and Henry soon appeared to Sebastian and Ominis. Both of them were also holding their drinks. "It's so much fun, isn't it?"
"Yeah," Sebastian nodded. "You can't tell but I'm absolutely enjoying myself. After those NEWT lessons and homework, I think we deserve this."
"Hear hear," Henry raised his cup, making Sebastian clink with his in a toast. "I heard about the bet as to who Norah's summoner is, by the way. Did she say anything?"
That seemed to make Ominis stand up straight, letting out a hiccup. "Did you join in the bet?" He asked.
Henry chuckled. "No, not really. But some of my friends certainly did. Their cornish pasties are on you, Gaunt," He glanced at the blonde, who looked surprised. Sebastian seemed to be just as surprised at the mention of the bet. "Those who bet on Sebastian over here have had to fetch some from Hogsmeade now that they know they've lost."
"Norah hasn't said anything about who summoned her name yet, but I think she already knows who it is," Natty said, clinking her cup with Henry's as they took a drink. "Based on the letters she got from him, the one who summoned her must be absolutely mad for her."
"Got it down bad, has he?" Sebastian muttered, looking down at his drink, trying his hardest not to feel or look annoyed by what Natty and Henry were saying. "Well, maybe Garreth's the one who summoned her, since she's dancing with him right now."
"Weasley, eh?" Ominis muttered, following another hiccup.
Goodness No, I've never known a night like this, can't believe it You're so hard to beat, hard to beat
The song that was playing slowed down for a moment, and Norah and Garreth stopped. "So Garreth, who summoned you? Or...who did you summon?" She asked curiously. Even if she knew Ominis was the one who summoned her name, she wondered about the redhead standing in front of her.
"Well-" Garreth sputtered, a little flustered at the question. "If it's alright, I'd rather not say."
"Alright, I won't press for more details, but it does seem like you planned to summon someone but couldn't, hmm?" Norah raised a brow. Before Garreth had the chance to speak, the music went up again, the dancing even more upbeat. "Then don't think about that for now, let's just dance!"
"I couldn't agree more!"
Drive me crazy, my beautiful baby Let's spend the whole day right here together
He wasn't sure if it was the drink he made everyone, including himself, take as they enjoyed the festivities, but Garreth was feeling bold. His mother would always call alcoholic drinks like that liquid courage, a legal version of Felix Felicis. Garreth took another step closer, the two of them dancing in sync while mouthing the words to the song.
"Norah," He said near her ear. "How'd you like to come to Hogsmeade with me sometime? We can go to Madam Puddikin's if you want."
She leaned back a little. "Are you asking me out, Weasley?" She teased.
"Maybe, I just want to make sure," He replied, a small smirk forming on his lips. "But we can also go as friends, though. Maybe check out the brew I've been making in Honeydukes."
"Oh?...You like me, Garreth?" Norah stared at him. "Why?"
"Because you're cool, and I don't mean this because you're the Hogwarts heroine and all," Garreth quickly explained, his cheeks hot. "I mean-I-I just, I just think you're great."
Norah glanced at her friends, who were standing at the side, watching them with pleased expressions, including Ominis. Henry also looked at the two of them with an approving look. "You think I'm great?"
"Yeah, who wouldn't be?" Garreth said, the confidence in his voice getting replaced with a slight nervousness. "So, Hogsmeade sometime?"
She chuckled, finding the sudden shyness endearing. Her heart was suddenly pounding, not expecting that Garreth would think of asking her out. She suddenly wasn't sure how she felt about Garreth. He had a talent for inadvertently getting into trouble, but always had good intentions. There were times in Potions that she wondered how his mind worked, with all his ideas for concoctions that for half the time, ended up making a mess.
Still, Garreth was one of the most-liked students in their year, perhaps the one that balanced out Leander's uptight nature and Nellie's rather thrill-seeking personality. Their dynamic just reminded Norah of hers with Sebastian and Ominis, and she found it amusing.
"Not sure you can handle me, though," Norah teased. "Perhaps we can hang out at Hogsmeade. Butterbeers at Three Broomsticks, maybe a visit to Zonko's?"
There was something in what Norah said that made the redhead curious. "I know about those rumors of what you've done in fifth-year. Honestly, I regret not asking to tag along if it was that eventful."
She laughed. "Spiders, acromantulas, poachers, loyalists, trolls, dugbogs, and everything that's out to kill people in between. You've got to channel Gryffindor's courage in all of those."
"I would've if you brought me along," Garreth pointed out with a grin. "That would've provided the perfect opportunity for me to test out my brews."
You know I love ya, I just wanna touch ya Stand up, knock me right off my feet Hard to beat, hard to beat, hard to beat Oh yeah, girl you've got, something I like Oh yeah, girl you've got, something I like
"Is Norah still dancing with Garreth?" Ominis suddenly asked.
"Yeah, she seems to be having a good time," Sebastian replied, helping himself to another refill. He was starting to feel the drink's effects, but if he wanted to let loose for a little bit, another round wouldn't hurt, right? At least that's what he thought, while partly drying to drown out the growing feeling of jealousy from seeing Norah continue to enjoy Garreth's company.
Looking around, it seemed like Andrew and Poppy were still deep in conversation, their faces getting closer the more they talked. Sebastian immediately averted his gaze, knowing that Andrew and Poppy were bound to be an item soon.
"Did you summon anyone?" Ominis nudged him, transfiguring the drink into water for him to drink. "Or did your name get summoned?"
The question made Sebastian frown. "Yeah, Cressida Blume summoned my name, and she said it was accidental."
"You're lucky then. I heard Blume is good with non-verbal spells."
"Yeah, we nearly got caught up in Horklump Hollow earlier," Sebastian muttered, making the blonde whip his head toward his friend. "Norah was following a lead on Harlow in Upper Hogsfield."
"You were in Upper Hogsfield too?" Ominis sounded annoyed.
Sebastian hummed. "Yeah, I was to meet Cressida there since there was a shop she was going to. Poppy was there too, and we caught Norah trying to approach the poacher-filled cave. We followed her and went inside to spy on them."
"Oh," Ominis muttered.
Given his friend's tipsy state, Sebastian had an idea. "You wouldn't tell them who you summoned, or who summoned you. Who is it?"
Ominis slowly tilted his head toward the two people dancing nearby. "I can't tell you just yet, but I will say it was quite difficult to write a good poem, or think of a good riddle-" He stopped, realizing what he said.
But Sebastian immediately figured it out. "You're the one who summoned Norah? But when could you have done that?"
"When you were still asleep, or still in the Great Hall, I took the chance after hours," Ominis replied. "When no one was around in the grounds."
Sebastian glanced at her, laughing as she kept dancing with Garreth. "Accidentally too?"
Ominis shook his head. "No, I summoned her name, even before Prewett or Weasley could."
He wanted to laugh but somehow he couldn't. If Sebastian wasn't already jealous of Garreth for dancing so easily with Norah, he couldn't help but also feel jealous of Ominis for doing what he did. It seemed silly to even be jealous of Ominis. He was his most trusted friend. Yet, he wondered: Did Ominis like Norah too?
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ogamagirl · 2 months
OOOOH I FORGOT I ASKED THESE thank you Phen...!!!!
🍌 what’s your list of dreamies right now?
-oooooh man we could be here all day |D I shall TRY to keep it brief but here's a short list 🥺
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🍍 tell me about a plush you thought you’d never own but found! 
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This girl right here, my giant Gizamimi Pichu!!! 🥹 (I think she was advertised as "life-size" but she is bigger than a normal life-sized Pichu, I have a couple of those xD) I saw a pic of her online and figured I'd never be able to find her for a decent price since it had been so many years since she was released but lo and behold, last year she popped up on eBay for reasonably cheap! She's second-hand and you can tell she was loved but VERY well taken care of, I'm so pleased I was able to welcome her home TuT
🍒 tell me about a cool adventure you’ve taken your plushie on!
-oh man, so I take plushies with me EVERY time I go somewhere, but often they stay in my hotel room TuT;;; I really want to take them more places WITH me, but I'm nervous about them getting dirty or damaged + am slowly trying to work through my own self-consciousness. I think people should be able to take their stuffed animals out with them in public and it makes me happy whenever I see somebody with one out and about! I am a very introverted person and don't like drawing attention to myself in public, and unfortunately some people will stare at an adult with a stuffed animal still ==;;; so I've been slowly trying to innoculate myself against that (I walk to work and I've carried plushies to work before, for example!) I also have a couple plush backpacks on the way, I think those will be easier to carry out TuT so I guess this is a long winded way of saying...one day I hope to have a better story, haha! Taking pics of plushies out and about is also rlly cute and I kinda wanna do more of that one of these days too 🥺
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shieldmaidensmeadery · 2 months
Hi! I saw the post with your dolls and I wanted to say I am totally in love!! I wondered if maybe you would be willing to share more pictures? The button irises and embroidered lashes are so so charming, the impression is so cute and I love their expressions so so much
In all honesty the button and embroidery combo really inspires me to try something similar! I have always done full embroidery or embroidery and pencil for faces on my cloth dolls but I am just so taken. They really leave a mark! Their faces are just so striking!!
And the clothes you made!! They are so impressive! Clothes are the hardest part to me, most dolls I have made are chilling in an underwear party haha
This is such a sweet ask, thank you so much!! I am totally willing to share more pictures, I'll put a few here and probably make another post soon! (Putting the rambles under the cut again for the sake of length)
I'm so happy to be getting good feedback on the dolls I make, it's not something I usually show to other people and it makes the whole thing feel more "real", if that makes any sense. A few people have commented on the way I do eyes/faces specifically, and that's SO cool to me I can't even begin to tell you- I've done a lot of experimenting in that department, and even now I'm not entirely settled on how to do it. With my white fox girl, I actually went and made 3d lashes for her out of felt (highly recommend, it stands out beautifully and holds up well over time) but didn't do any blushing with pastels/color, but on my Aunt's dolls I did a lot of color, like watercolor pencil for the freckles (not very happy about getting wet, but not a horrible way to do it)... I might never make up my mind, lol! Right now I'm working on a dragon themed doll whose going to be a BIG experiment.
And totally agreed, clothing is the hardest part- I don't use patterns for my dolls (because I think it's more fun just to mess it up a thousand times lol) and let me tell you that does NOT make it easier. My big secret is that I just cover everything in trims and ribbons to hide the poor stitching- EVERYTHING looks nicer if you put a ruffle on it!
If you look at my one doll in the purple skirt, she has a super big shirt on and that's because the black wolf girl was supposed to have that shirt, but the torso was slightly too thin! I spent hours on that shirt and tried my best to make a real collar and I still messed it up. Thank God it looks good on her, though!! I always get so excited for the clothes stage but this is always how it goes- whoever I think I'm making clothing for is never the one who recieves it.
There's also one more doll I never showed off! She was the second(?) doll I ever made- she's supposed to be a little ghost, to haunt the other ones!
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Her bonnet always slips over her eyes, lol. I used a technique on her I haven't used since, where I used black and grey/brown pastels to shade the white fabric- I may have to try it again sometime, she was really better for it <3
OK I should quit rambling, but thank you so much for your ask!!! This brightened my entire year- I wish you luck in your own adventures, @arezou !!
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cyaniiiide · 1 year
Pokemon Violet Thoughts
Pokemon Scarlet/Violet spoilers below!!
I did not expect to like this game as much as I did omg. I saw a lot of criticism, and while valid, the game is still very very very fun. (Tbf it'd be pretty hard to mess up a Pokemon game though!!)
Honestly, this might be one of my favorite storylines out of any Pokemon game? I've played through most of the Pokemon games (except Coliseum, Snap, Legends Arceus) + only got through half of SwSh and SuMo, but I know what happens in the Gen 7 and 8 storylines. BW/BW2's storyline was more consistent in terms of quality (SV has higher highs and lower lows imo), and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is amazing too, but it follows predictable patterns and its main strength lies in its characterization rather than its actual plot. I haven't played Legends Arceus yet so that's still up in the air (though I hear it's good!)
I really enjoyed the reveal that the Professor Turo we knew was actually an AI, and exploring the Great Crater with our friends from school was so endearing and fun. The Great Crater itself looked incredible -- the design and the music really contributed to its otherworldly ambiance. Even reading the Violet Book made me really excited -- but then again, I've always been a sucker for stories of adventure. I would kill to have a Made in Abyss style anime of Heath's expedition into the Crater...
The characters in this game feel really alive, too -- Pokemon games have definitely stepped up their game in that regard. I liked Nemona the most (and how self-aware, yet incorrigible she is lol), and most of the teachers. ❤️
Miriam is such a sweetheart, and Hassel's sobbing whenever he was proud of us was so cute haha. Salvatore didn't speak to me as much, but I enjoyed his mini-storyline of befriending a Pokemon that didn't really speak, and him being completely understanding (as a languages teacher) that sometimes you don't need to speak the same language, or even a language to communicate with others around you. His entire character is such a vibe, too?? He's so happy and upbeat, and his advice about trying to learn the languages of places you go to and complimenting other people (especially their culture, food, etc.) is so real. Miriam being motivated by our dedication in the Treasure Hunt to pursue her own certification was sweet, I've definitely felt that way before as well (being motivated by the efforts of others, that is. ;o;)
Raifort I didn't connect to as much, but I appreciate her zealousness towards history. Her overall personality was pretty fun. xD I really really did enjoy the story about the ruinous treasure Pokemon, though -- one of my favorite (if not favorite) legendary Pokemon stories now. I've always loved fairytale-esque stories, and the designs of these Pokemon (especially Chien Pao and Chi Yu) are amazing. Their battle music is one of the best things I've ever listened to, so there's that too. xD
NPC designs have also stepped up (Grusha and Rika are so hot LOL), but player customization has taken a step back which was very disappointing to find out. And much as I loved Pokemon ScarVio overall, I do understand where a lot of the grievances people had came from.
I don't consider myself a genwunner (far from it lol) but many of the new Pokemon designs just felt... lacking? Like beta designs. Flamigo, Tandemaus, Palafin, Pawmot. Some of these are probably just personal preference so I won't harp on this too much, but eh.
Arven's storyline also didn't speak to me as much but that also just kind comes down to personal preference.
Something I also didn't like as much was the Team Star storyline -- it felt kind of contrived, and like it was really trying to make us feel bad for the area leaders. I also didn't care for Penny that much, although her interactions in the Great Crater area made up for it.
I would've rather we had a proper villainous team this generation instead of getting Team Star, but I guess then it would've been weird if the school let us run around the country lol.
Because run around the country we did... from top to bottom, for those f**king ominous stakes. They couldn't have made them show up on the map either (unless there's a function I missed. Which if that is the case let me live in ignorance aaaaaaaah I'll legit start foaming at the mouth if it turns out I just needed to turn something on). The idea of the stakes sealing these ruinous Pokemon's powers is alright, it's just annoying to have to scramble down cliffs and valleys to find 32 of these things.
As much as I do like the Great Crater part of the storyline, I wish it was more ingrained with everything else. The gym challenges, Team Star, the herba mystica... I mean, it was technically ingrained in the sense that you need to help your rivals out with their issues so they can accompany you into the crater, but there should've been more story significance tying everything together.
I also would've appreciated some sidequests in the Pokemon world. Coming from Genshin, I'm kind of spoiled in that regard (the world is soooo chock-full of events and quests and areas to explore). While Paldea doesn't really need that many quests and hidden areas (it's gotten to the point where exploration is kind of exhausting in Genshin lol), more would've been nice.
Environmental storytelling almost always hits, and it could've been a nice way to talk about the issues invasive species pose (basically our reason for shutting down the time machine) and in turn, connect things to the main storyline as well. For example, Barraskewda's Violet Pokedex entry mentions that it completes with Palafin for food -- what if Barraskewda wasn't native to Paldea, and just hitched a ride from Galar? We could have had a sidequest to curb the Barraskewda population to help the native Palafin population recover. That's just one example, too. What about the giant Iron Treads in the desert, or the rolling boulders dropped by Bombirdier? That things had to have caused some collateral damage, and it would have been cool to get quests to help the Pokemon or people in the area recover.
Paldea's open world was very beautiful and fun to explore, but it was also really... empty. I hope that in a future iteration of games, these kinds of sidequests can be added. The addition of them would really help make the world feel more alive.
And while I do really like ScarVio's story, its execution could have been a lot better than it was. But despite all the game's flaws, it was still incredibly fun ,and surprisingly touching. :') I am very extremely excited for the eventual DLC that will hopefully give us a glimpse of that hexagonal Pokemon, and more story content of the main four. 🥺🥺🥺
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dulcesiabits · 1 year
hi hi!!! i realize that you asked this like. a week ago LOL sorry for the late ask OTL ....... im just excited to share my Very Niche hyperfixations www
but in terms of ifs!! i definitely recommend mind blind! the humor is absolutely fantastic and has one of my favorite characters in any piece of media (nick)!! in a world filled with psychics ranked on a scale of 1-10 in terms of power/potential, you're a zero!! the characters have me in an absolute chokehold hahah. hhhhh nick wiseman
if you search for recommendations on literally any forum you'll see the name fallen hero pop up! you play as a telepathic sidekick turned villain in a revamped version of los angeles, wherein people gain powers via modifications! it is widely regarded for many many reasons! the writing is amazing and the characters are everything!!! herald my beloved ❤️
there is the speaker on itch.io!! you are the twin sibling of your sister, The Seer (name customizable) and only you can properly convey her visions and prophecies!! your sister gets a vision of a future murder victim, and you're doing everything in your power to stop it! there are found family aspects to it and it makes me very happy :) im madly in love with sebby and li hahaha
im obsessed with the bastard of camelot!! the writing is so so fantastic but i have to say theres a huge BUT!! it deals with very very sensitive themes in a prominent way thats like . the entire premise of the story ! these themes are, imo, handled very well! please view the trigger warnings and play at your own descretion 🙏 buuuut you play as mordred, and there is a prophecy that you will bring ruin to camelot ..... will you try to avert it, or will you accept it? 😳
im still playing through fields of asphodel, but i really am enjoying it!! its a retelling of sorts of persephone and hades youre persephone! you get sent down to the underworld and stuff and make friends!! im not selling this very well www but i really recommend it!!
there's the passenger, where you play as an eldritch horror in the body of a human! you plummeted to earth in an attempt to run from something trying to kill you .... admittedly i have not finished it yet (i have an absolutely insane backlog OTL) but i've been enjoying it a lot!! its very sweet ❤️
i liked the adventures of sherlock holmes a whole lot!! i think you can guess the premise LOL but you're sherlock holmes!! you go on wacky adventures!!!! watson is so cute i love them!!!!!!
i am aware that mage reborn and the fog knows your name have been mentioned but i second those recs!! theyre very very good games!!
i am so so so sorry i blew up your inbox 🙏 and i will do it again!
also also also im not done yet sorry! please write more for SHOH i am literally on my hands and knees (no pressure of course writing is hard haha)!! its just. ITS SO GOOD. the found family dynamics are just everything to meeeeee 😭😭 i cant express to you the absolute chokehold it has on me its just. fantastic Ughhhuufhhggdhurhfgrhuugghhhgghhyuyggh ive replayed it god knows how many times! i am so desperate for content i've combed the tumblr blog and the ao3 tag in all of its entirety ....
im in love with halek and red... and also lavinet but alas i am not a dude. so i just pine from afar :( and i also really really like mimir! i can tell chase is your fave www but who the other charas you like :?
(ps. i liked your jing yuan fic!! it was very good 10/10 kudosed and bookmarked and marked for later and the mc is so slay! sorry for the long ask hehe)
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE RECOMMENDATIONS!!!!! I’ll be sure to check each of them out once I have the time :’D My friend also recommended the speaker to me and I’ve seen Fallen Hero so many times I feel like I have to check it out at this point!!!
shepherds of haven is SO FUN AND I AM SHAKING YOUR HAND RN!!!! I’ve been so obsessed with it for the past few months it’s taken over my brain function x_x I’VE ALSO COMBED THROUGH LENA’S TUMBLR just to get any extra information on the case bc I love them so dearly TT TT Like I’m in love with her writing style and characterization, and everyone in that game is my best friend. And/or my lover <3
Halek and Red are excellent taste!!! I also really like Red (and bullying Halek lolol) but for other favorites, I’d have to say Shery, Red, Trouble and Briony ^7^ Caine is adorable and I also like Croelle and Mimir!!!
(Thank you for enjoying my JY fic so much!! :’D I just think he’s a little silly <3 microwaving him in my mind rn!!!)
Anyways, feel free to blow up my inbox LMAO I enjoy getting asks and hearing other people’s thoughts :thumbs up: !!!!
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handdrawnfantasma · 10 months
i got tagged by @monstrousmoonshine (ty!!) to self-rec 5 of my fave fics wot i have wrote so... here we go :')
1. "what if final fantasy x but with the magnus archives characters" aka the result of miri asking 'i had a mental image of jon doing the Sending and where's my jonmartin ffx au' aka clutching a map of dreams, the fic that has taken up the better part of the past 2 yrs and 8 months of my life. if you like tma and you also like fantasy epics like lord of the rings this is the fic for you. (i mean this very literally because the final word count pretty much equals that of LOTR lmao)!! Martin is swept away by a mysterious kaiju death monster into a stagnant future where things have gone Horribly Wrong and crosses paths with Jon who is a summoner tasked to go on a pilgrimage to somehow calm the aforementioned kaiju death monster. JRPG adventures, the world's saddest hiking trip, slowburn romance, found family and MANY revelations about why the world is the way it is ensue, also featuring the author wrestling with the concepts of sacrifice and responsibility and blame and where those all intersect with The Greater Good(tm) and how people's intent to do good or to atone for real or imagined wrongs can be manipulated by others and twisted to other purposes. there are only 6 updates to go until the fic is over so now is a good time to jump in and binge it. if u wanna [ eyes emoji ] honestly this is the first time i've even attempted to write something this long let alone FINISHED it and if i do say so myself i did a good job making sure that the plot made sense and that all the foreshadowing and callbacks/call forwards paid off. i also managed to fit SO MANY tma character cameos in there and some nice parallels to tma canon events as well as expanding on the FFX lore itself so like. im Very Proud of this one haha
2. the variant of soft hanahaki as envisioned by isa and myself and a few of our other friends back on plurk has lived in my brain rent-free for years and so of course i was going to inflict it on jon and martin. milk vetch is a short fic that takes place in the middle of TMA season 3, in a world where unspoken love (whether that be romantic, platonic, or otherwise) causes you to cough up (mostly harmless) flowers until you get over yourself and tell whoever it is that you love them. i had a LOT of fun with jon's POV in this one, his exhaustion and self-deprecation, and i also had a LOT of fun with the concept of the Beholding dropping a dictionary of flower symbolism into his head whenever he so much as looks at a hanahaki flower. it was also interesting to explore like... the psychology/reasoning behind NOT telling someone you love them even when the evidence is Right There, just going full magic realism with it all.
3. not to have never been is a fic taking place in the 13th doctor era sunless skies au that i've been building with kite for about a year and a half! 13 is a sky-captain, the fam are her officers, and this fic is about them getting caught in a weft of unravelling time and struggling to get Out without dying or losing themselves. i'm rly proud of this one because i managed to mix the episodic nature of a bottle episode of dr who (think 42 or Tsuranga) with the Sunless Skies ambience, and switching between 5 different 3rd-person limited POVs really let me play with allowing the voice of the character to permeate the narration which is a LOT of fun. i'm also proud of a couple of the cool things i managed to do with the structure here (having an Ice section followed by a Fire section and then a Dark section followed by a Light section) and some of the hints i laid down for the backstory of a few of the characters...
i actually only have 1 more of my fics to rec for this LMAO and it is still unfinished BUT in the spirit of the meme i'm gonna rec it anyway bc WIPs are still worth reading:
4. spydoc the locked tomb au, aka the result of me watching the power of the doctor last year and immediately losing my mind over the fact that dhawan!master basically reinvented lyctorhood. spydoc are a necro-cav pair from the Fifth House and this tragedy is going exactly where you think it is going (also featuring me straining the torvic affair thru a 13-shaped sieve and then re-straining it thru a tlt-shaped sieve, state-sanctioned codependency, and canon-typical memes, ruth!doctor and yaz are also going to feature when i get back to writing this thing). if you, too, are haunted by all the ways dhawan!master ends up emulating + recreating all of the worst excesses of gallifrey's founders despite the fact that he despises them so much and love trainwrecks as much as i do then u should read this and yell at me to finish it
tagging @birdybirdnerd bc i kno u write a lot BUT if anyone else wants to pick this meme up then pls do, we should all be more insufferable about our own work LMAO
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